import feh.phtpe._
import short._
import Prefixes._
import vectors._ // "feh.phtpe" %% "vectors" needed
PhysType | A physical type | specification (source) |
PhysTyped[Num, Tpe] | A physicaly typed numeric value | specification (source) |
Prefixes | SI prefixes for physicaly typed numerics | specification (source) |
Measures | PhysTypeSystem and Measures | specification (source) |
Conversions | Conversion and Compatibility | specification (source) |
Some Examples | Examples | |
Collections of PhysTyped | specification (source) | |
AbstractVector | Abstract Vector, supporting physical typing | |
Vector | Vectors Implementation | specification (source) |
VectorMeasures | PhysTyped Vector wrappers | specification (source) |
TODO: | typing | vectors |
scala> 3.of[kg] + 4.of[kg]
res0: feh.phtpe.PhysTyped[Int,] = 7|[Kilogram: 1]
scala> 3f.of[kg] + 4f.of[Milli, kg]
res1: feh.phtpe.PhysTyped[Float,] = 3.004|[Kilogram: 1]
scala> 3.of[kg] + 4.of[s]
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: feh.phtpe.PhysTypeEqualEvidence[,feh.phtpe.short.s]
3.of[kg] + 4.of[s]
scala> 3.of[kg] + 4.of[N/m**(s^_2)]
res2: feh.phtpe.PhysTyped[Int,] = 7|[Kilogram: 1]
scala> 6.of[m] / 2.of[m] + 1
res0: feh.phtpe.PhysTyped[Int,feh.phtpe./[feh.phtpe.short.m,feh.phtpe.short.m]] = 4|[Neutral: 0]
scala> val mass: Double|kg = 12
mass: feh.phtpe.|[Double,] = 12.0|[Kilogram: 1]
scala> (3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m]*4 =@= ones[Int, _3].of[m]*8
res5: Boolean = true
scala> (3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m]*4 =@= (1, 2, 3).vector[m]
res8: Boolean = false
scala> (3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m]*4 =@= (1, 2, 3).vector[kg]
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: feh.phtpe.PhysTypeEqualEvidence[feh.phtpe.**[feh.phtpe./[feh.phtpe.short.m,feh.phtpe.short.s],feh.phtpe.short.s],]
(3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m]*4 =@= (1, 2, 3).vector[kg]
scala> (3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m/s]*4 =@= (1, 2, 3).vector[m/s]
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: feh.phtpe.PhysTypeEqualEvidence[feh.phtpe.**[feh.phtpe./[feh.phtpe.short.m,feh.phtpe.short.s],feh.phtpe.short.s],feh.phtpe./[feh.phtpe.short.m,feh.phtpe.short.s]]
(3, 3, 2).vector[m/s] * 4.of[s] - (1, 1, 0).vector[m/s]*4 =@= (1, 2, 3).vector[m/s]