All files necessary for modifying the core can be found in dw-link/core-mods
- cd into MiniCore/avr (in branch master)
- Run in this directory
- Generate release
- Branch to gh-pages in MiniCore
- Copy to MiniCore (branch gh-pages) if not done already
- Run this script, if not done at an earlier release!
- Copy modified from core-mods/ MiniCore-mods to MiniCore
- Run this script
- commit and push
- After a new release has been made by MCUdude, copy the current package.json and the MiniCore-debug release tar balls from the gh-pagebranch to somewhere safe.
- Sync fork with upstream repo (removing the changes made by myself)
- Run (in branch master in hardware folder)
- Generate release (with smal "v" for version!)
- Branch to gh-pages
- Copy the additional parts from old package.json into the current one (releases and tools)
- Copy the Minicore-debug releases tar balls back to the gh-page
- Copy modified to gh-page branch
- Run script
- git add all the manually added files
- git commit and push