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I don't fully understand how it happened, perhaps some part of you imprinted on to me.
Something overwritten or copied. It is at this point irrelevant.
What matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.

Agent Smith - The Matrix Reloaded


  • KRKW: kernel read/write
  • PUAF: physical use-after-free
  • VMC: vm_map_copy structure
  • VME: vm_map_entry structure
  • VMO: vm_object structure

Table of Contents


This write-up presents an exploit for a vulnerability in the XNU kernel:

  • Assigned CVE-2023-32434.
  • Fixed in iOS 16.5.1 and macOS 13.4.1.
  • Reachable from the WebContent sandbox and might have been actively exploited.
  • Note that this CVE fixed multiple integer overflows, so it is unclear whether or not the integer overflow used in my exploit was also used in-the-wild. Moreover, if it was, it might not have been exploited in the same way.

The exploit has been successfully tested on:

  • iOS 16.3, 16.3.1, 16.4 and 16.5 (iPhone 14 Pro Max)
  • macOS 13.1 and 13.4 (MacBook Air M2 2022)

All code snippets shown below are from xnu-8792.81.2.

Part A: From Vulnerability to PUAF

This part of the exploit is made up of 5 steps, which are labeled in the function smith_run(), located in smith.h. Each step will be described in detail, but first, here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after each step. Note that the green boxes represent VMEs, the yellow boxes represent VMOs, and the red text highlights the difference compared to the previous step.

Also, please note:

  • Before reading the description for each step, check the corresponding code in the function smith_run(), as it won't be repeated here.
  • After reading the description for each step, come back to this image to make sure it matches your understanding of the kernel state.



This step happens before we trigger the vulnerability in step 2 and is partially responsible for the setup. Please note that the rest of the setup, which focuses strictly on reliability, is discussed at length in Appendix A. Here, we simply allocate 5 adjacent VMEs, referred to as vme0 to vme4 in the image above, with the following attributes:

  • The size of vme0 and vme2 is 1 page.
  • The size of vme1 is X pages, where X is the desired number of PUAF pages and must be at least 2.
  • The size of vme3 is equal to the size of vme1 and vme2, i.e. (X+1) pages.
  • The size of vme4 is equal to the size of vme0 and vme3, i.e. (X+2) pages.
  • The first 3 VMEs are allocated in decreasing address order to avoid vm_object_coalesce() in vm_map_enter().
  • The last 2 VMEs are initialized to own a VMO with a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, by using the flag VM_FLAGS_PURGABLE.

Optionally, we could also fault in the VA range of vme3 and vme4, in order to pre-populate vmo0 and vmo1, respectively. This isn't necessary, but it would slightly reduce the duration of the critical section by avoiding the need to zero-fill (2X+3) pages during step 3 and step 5.


At a high-level, this step is made up of 2 substeps. In substep 2A, we trigger the vulnerability in vm_map_copyin_internal(), which will clip the end of vme2 to 0, and also allocate another VME (i.e. vme2a) that starts at 0. However, at this point, vm_map_copyin_internal() would enter an infinite loop that keeps allocating VMEs until it reaches a zone exhaustion panic. Therefore, before calling vm_copy(), we spawn 4 threads that call vm_protect() at address 0 in a busy-loop. These threads won't do anything until the vulnerability is triggered in the main thread. In substep 2B, after vme2a has been inserted into our VM map, one of those 4 threads will clip the end of vme2a to 1P (i.e. PAGE_SIZE), change its protection to VM_PROT_WRITE, and also allocate yet another VME (i.e. vme2b) that starts at 1P. Meanwhile, back in the main thread, vm_map_copyin_internal() will take back the map lock and lookup vme2a at address 0. But because its new protection is missing VM_PROT_READ, it will exit with KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE.

Here is the detailed description of the code path in vm_map_copyin_internal(), which is called by vm_copy() from the main thread:

    vm_map_t         src_map,  // src_map == current_map()
    vm_map_address_t src_addr, // src_addr == C
    vm_map_size_t    len,      // len == (0ULL-C-1)
    int              flags,    // flags == 0
    vm_map_copy_t    *copy_result)
    vm_map_entry_t   tmp_entry;
    vm_map_entry_t   new_entry = VM_MAP_ENTRY_NULL;
    vm_map_offset_t  src_start;
    vm_map_offset_t  src_end;
    vm_map_offset_t  src_base;
    vm_map_t         base_map = src_map;
    boolean_t        map_share = FALSE;
    submap_map_t     *parent_maps = NULL;
    vm_map_copy_t    copy;
    vm_map_address_t copy_addr;
    vm_map_size_t    copy_size;
    boolean_t        src_destroy;
    boolean_t        use_maxprot;
    boolean_t        preserve_purgeable;
    boolean_t        entry_was_shared;
    vm_map_entry_t   saved_src_entry;

    if (flags & ~VM_MAP_COPYIN_ALL_FLAGS) { // branch not taken

    src_destroy = (flags & VM_MAP_COPYIN_SRC_DESTROY) ? TRUE : FALSE; // src_destroy := FALSE
    use_maxprot = (flags & VM_MAP_COPYIN_USE_MAXPROT) ? TRUE : FALSE; // use_maxprot := FALSE
    preserve_purgeable = (flags & VM_MAP_COPYIN_PRESERVE_PURGEABLE) ? TRUE : FALSE; // preserve_purgeable := FALSE

    if (len == 0) { // branch not taken

    src_end = src_addr + len; // src_end := (0ULL-1)
    if (src_end < src_addr) { // branch not taken, because no overflow occured at this point

     * (0)
     * @note:
     * This trigger the integer overflow that can be considered the "root cause" vulnerability.
    src_start = vm_map_trunc_page(src_addr, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(src_map)); // src_start := C
    src_end = vm_map_round_page(src_end, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(src_map)); // src_end := 0

    if ((len <= msg_ool_size_small) &&
        (!use_maxprot) &&
        (!preserve_purgeable) &&
        (!(flags & VM_MAP_COPYIN_ENTRY_LIST)) &&
        ((src_start >= vm_map_min(src_map)) &&
         (src_start < vm_map_max(src_map)) &&
         (src_end >= vm_map_min(src_map)) &&
         (src_end < vm_map_max(src_map)))) { // branch not taken, because (len > msg_ool_size_small)

    copy = vm_map_copy_allocate();
    copy->type = VM_MAP_COPY_ENTRY_LIST;
    copy->cpy_hdr.entries_pageable = TRUE;
    copy->cpy_hdr.page_shift = (uint16_t)(VM_MAP_PAGE_SHIFT(src_map));
    copy->offset = src_addr;
    copy->size = len;

     * (1)
     * @note:
     * Here, new_entry is initialized with a temporary VME, so it's not NULL.
    new_entry = vm_map_copy_entry_create(copy);


    vm_map_lock(src_map); // take the map lock

    if (!vm_map_lookup_entry(src_map, src_addr, &tmp_entry)) { // branch not taken, tmp_entry := vme2

    if (!tmp_entry->is_sub_map) { // branch taken
        vm_map_clip_start(src_map, tmp_entry, src_start); // no clipping because (src_start == tmp_entry->vme_start)

    if (src_start < tmp_entry->vme_start) { // branch not taken, because (src_start == tmp_entry->vme_start)

    copy_addr = src_start; // copy_addr := C

    while (TRUE) {
        vm_map_entry_t     src_entry = tmp_entry; // src_entry := vme2 (1st iteration); src_entry := vme2a (2nd iteration)
        vm_map_size_t      src_size;
        vm_object_t        src_object;
        vm_object_offset_t src_offset;
        vm_object_t        new_copy_object;
        boolean_t          src_needs_copy;
        boolean_t          new_entry_needs_copy;
        boolean_t          was_wired;
        boolean_t          saved_used_for_jit;
        vm_map_version_t   version;
        kern_return_t      result;

        while (tmp_entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken

        if ((VME_OBJECT(tmp_entry) != VM_OBJECT_NULL) &&
            (VME_OBJECT(tmp_entry)->phys_contiguous)) { // branch not taken

         * (2)
         * @note:
         * For the 1st iteration, new_entry is not NULL because it was initialized at (1).
         * (6)
         * @note:
         * For the 2nd iteration, new_entry is NULL because it was updated at (5).
        if (new_entry == VM_MAP_ENTRY_NULL) { // branch not taken for the 1st iteration, but taken for the 2nd iteration
            version.main_timestamp = src_map->timestamp;
            vm_map_unlock(src_map); // release the map lock
            new_entry = vm_map_copy_entry_create(copy);
            vm_map_lock(src_map); // take back the map lock

             * (7)
             * @note:
             * This timestamp comparison fails because one or more of the 4 spinner threads will have taken the map lock.
             * Also, note that src_start is no longer equal to C, but is now equal to 0 because it was updated at (5).
            if ((version.main_timestamp + 1) != (src_map->timestamp)) { // branch taken
                if (!vm_map_lookup_entry(src_map, src_start, &tmp_entry)) { // branch not taken, tmp_entry := vme2a
                if (!tmp_entry->is_sub_map) { // branch taken
                    vm_map_clip_start(src_map, tmp_entry, src_start); // no clipping because (src_start == tmp_entry->vme_start)

         * (3)
         * @note:
         * For the 1st iteration, vme2->protection == VM_PROT_DEFAULT, so the check succeeds.
         * (8)
         * @note:
         * For the 2nd iteration, vme2a->protection == VM_PROT_WRITE, so the check fails.
         * Finally, vm_map_copyin_internal() returns KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE.
        if ((((src_entry->protection & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) && (!use_maxprot)) ||
            ((src_entry->max_protection & VM_PROT_READ) == 0)) { // branch not taken for the 1st iteration, but taken for the 2nd iteration

         * (4)
         * @note:
         * This clips the end of vme2 to 0, which now has a VA range of [C,0).
         * This also allocates and inserts vme2a, which has a VA range of [0,D).
        vm_map_clip_end(src_map, src_entry, src_end);

        src_size = src_entry->vme_end - src_start; // src_size := (0ULL-C)
        src_object = VME_OBJECT(src_entry); // src_object := NULL
        src_offset = VME_OFFSET(src_entry); // src_offset := 0
        was_wired = (src_entry->wired_count != 0); // was_wired := FALSE

        vm_map_entry_copy(src_map, new_entry, src_entry);

        if (new_entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken
        } else { // branch taken
            new_entry->use_pmap = TRUE;

        if (((src_object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) ||
             ((!was_wired) &&
              (!map_share )&&
              (!tmp_entry->is_shared) &&
              (!((debug4k_no_cow_copyin) && (VM_MAP_PAGE_SHIFT(src_map) < PAGE_SHIFT))))) &&
            (vm_object_copy_quickly(VME_OBJECT(new_entry), src_offset, src_size, &src_needs_copy, &new_entry_needs_copy))) { // branch taken
            new_entry->needs_copy = new_entry_needs_copy;

            if ((src_needs_copy) && (!tmp_entry->needs_copy)) { // branch not taken, because (src_needs_copy == FALSE)

            goto CopySuccessful;


        vm_map_copy_entry_link(copy, vm_map_copy_last_entry(copy), new_entry);

         * (5)
         * @note:
         * Here, src_start is updated to 0 and new_entry is updated to NULL.
        src_base = src_start; // src_base := C
        src_start = new_entry->vme_end; // src_start := 0
        new_entry = VM_MAP_ENTRY_NULL;

        while ((src_start >= src_end) && (src_end != 0)) { // branch not taken, because (src_end == 0)

        if ((VM_MAP_PAGE_SHIFT(src_map) != PAGE_SHIFT) &&
            (src_start >= src_addr + len) &&
            (src_addr + len != 0)) { // branch not taken

        if ((src_start >= src_end) && (src_end != 0)) { // branch not taken, because (src_end == 0)

        tmp_entry = src_entry->vme_next; // tmp_entry := vme2a

        if ((tmp_entry->vme_start != src_start) ||
            (tmp_entry == vm_map_to_entry(src_map))) { // branch not taken... so go back to the top of the while loop


And here is the detailed description of the code path in vm_map_protect(), which is called by vm_protect() from the 4 spinner threads:

    vm_map_t        map,      // map == current_map()
    vm_map_offset_t start,    // start == 0
    vm_map_offset_t end,      // end == 1P
    vm_prot_t       new_prot, // new_prot == VM_PROT_WRITE
    boolean_t       set_max)  // set_max == FALSE
    vm_map_entry_t  current;
    vm_map_offset_t prev;
    vm_map_entry_t  entry;
    vm_prot_t       new_max;
    int             pmap_options = 0;
    kern_return_t   kr;

    if (new_prot & VM_PROT_COPY) { // branch not taken

    vm_map_lock(map); // take the map lock

    if (start >= map->max_offset) { // branch not taken

    while (1) {
         * (0)
         * @note:
         * Before the main thread triggers the vulnerability in vm_map_copyin_internal(),
         * this lookup at address 0 fails and vm_map_protect() returns KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS.
         * However, after the bad clip, the lookup succeeds and entry := vme2a, which has a VA range of [0,D).
        if (!vm_map_lookup_entry(map, start, &entry)) { // branch taken before bad clip, but not taken after
            return KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS;

        if ((entry->superpage_size) && (start & (SUPERPAGE_SIZE - 1))) { // branch not taken


    if (entry->superpage_size) { // branch not taken

    current = entry; // current := vme2a
    prev = current->vme_start; // prev := 0

    while ((current != vm_map_to_entry(map)) && (current->vme_start < end)) { // branch taken (1 iteration)
        if (current->vme_start != prev) { // branch not taken

        new_max = current->max_protection; // new_max := VM_PROT_ALL

        if ((new_prot & new_max) != new_prot) { // branch not taken

        if ((current->used_for_jit) &&
            (pmap_has_prot_policy(map->pmap, current->translated_allow_execute, current->protection))) { // branch not taken

        if (current->used_for_tpro) { // branch not taken

        if ((new_prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) &&
            (new_prot & VM_PROT_ALLEXEC) &&
            (!(current->used_for_jit))) { // branch not taken

        if (map->map_disallow_new_exec == TRUE) { // branch not taken

        prev = current->vme_end; // prev := D
        current = current->vme_next; // current := vme3, which has a VA range of [D,E)... so exit the while loop

    if ((end > prev) &&
        (end == vm_map_round_page(prev, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)))) { // branch not taken, because (end < prev)

    if (end > prev) { // branch not taken, because (end < prev)

    current = entry; // current := vme2a

    if (current != vm_map_to_entry(map)) { // branch taken
        vm_map_clip_start(map, current, start); // no clipping because (start == current->vme_start)

    while ((current != vm_map_to_entry(map)) && (current->vme_start < end)) { // branch taken (1 iteration)
        vm_prot_t old_prot;

         * (1)
         * @note:
         * This clips the end of vme2a to 1P, which now has a VA range of [0,1P).
         * This also allocates and inserts vme2b, which has a VA range of [1P,D).
        vm_map_clip_end(map, current, end);

        if (current->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken

        old_prot = current->protection; // old_prot := VM_PROT_DEFAULT

        if (set_max) { // branch not taken
        } else {
            current->protection = new_prot; // vme2a->protection := VM_PROT_WRITE

        if (current->protection != old_prot) { // branch taken
            vm_prot_t prot;

            prot = current->protection; // prot := VM_PROT_WRITE
            if ((current->is_sub_map) ||
                (VME_OBJECT(current) == NULL) ||
                (VME_OBJECT(current) != compressor_object)) { // branch taken
                prot &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE; // prot := VM_PROT_NONE
            } else {

            if (override_nx(map, VME_ALIAS(current)) && (prot)) { // branch not taken

            if (pmap_has_prot_policy(map->pmap, current->translated_allow_execute, prot)) { // branch not taken

            if ((current->is_sub_map) && (current->use_pmap)) { // branch not taken
            } else {
                 * (2)
                 * @note:
                 * This calls pmap_protect_options() in the VA range [0,1P) with prot == VM_PROT_NONE, which does nothing.
                 * [STEP 4]
                 * @note
                 * When we restore the protection to VM_PROT_DEFAULT in STEP 4, it will call
                 * pmap_protect_options() in the VA range [0,1P) with prot == VM_PROT_READ, which also does nothing.
                pmap_protect_options(map->pmap, current->vme_start, current->vme_end, prot, pmap_options, NULL);

        current = current->vme_next; // current := vme2b, which has a VA range of [1P,D)... so exit the while loop

    current = entry; // current := vme2a

    while ((current != vm_map_to_entry(map)) && (current->vme_start <= end)) { // branch taken (2 iterations)
        vm_map_simplify_entry(map, current); // no simplifying, because of different protections
        current = current->vme_next; // current := vme2b for 1st iteration (VA range is [1P,D) so continue); current := vme3 for the 2nd iteration (VA range is [D,E) so break)

    vm_map_unlock(map); // release the map lock
    return KERN_SUCCESS;


At a high-level, this step makes a copy of (X+1) pages from vme3, which are first populated and zero-filled into vmo0, and then inserts them starting at vme1. Note that since vmo0 has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, no copy-on-write optimization is applied during the vm_map_copyin() part of the vm_copy(). Instead, a new VMO (i.e. vmo2) is allocated to hold the (X+1) copied pages in vm_object_copy_slowly(). When vm_map_copyin() returns, the VMC contains a single VME which owns the only reference to vmo2 at that point. Then, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copy_overwrite(), which in turn calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested(), which finally calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned(). This is where vmo2 is moved out of the temporary VMC and becomes shared between vme1 and vme2, as shown in the image above. When vm_copy() returns, vmo2 contains (X+1) resident pages but none of them have been pmapped. So, we then call memset() to enter the physical address of the first X pages of vmo2 into the PTEs in the VA range of [B,C).

Here is the detailed description of the code path in vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned():

static kern_return_t
    vm_map_t        dst_map,   // dst_map == current_map()
    vm_map_entry_t  tmp_entry, // tmp_entry == vme1
    vm_map_copy_t   copy,      // copy == temporary vm_map_copy structure with a single VME that owns vmo2
    vm_map_offset_t start,     // start == B
    __unused pmap_t pmap)
    vm_object_t    object;
    vm_map_entry_t copy_entry;
    vm_map_size_t  copy_size;
    vm_map_size_t  size;
    vm_map_entry_t entry;

     * (0)
     * @note:
     * Although the copy has a single VME initially, it will soon be clipped, which will create and
     * insert a second VME into the copy. Therefore, there will be 2 iterations of this while loop.
    while ((copy_entry = vm_map_copy_first_entry(copy)) != vm_map_copy_to_entry(copy)) {
         * (1)
         * @note:
         * 1st iteration: copy_size := (X+1)P
         * 2nd iteration: copy_size := 1P
        copy_size = (copy_entry->vme_end - copy_entry->vme_start);

         * (2)
         * @note:
         * 1st iteration: entry := vme1, with a VA range of [B,C)
         * 2nd iteration: entry := vme2, with a VA range of [C,0)
        entry = tmp_entry;

        if (entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken

        if (entry == vm_map_to_entry(dst_map)) { // branch not taken

         * (3)
         * @note:
         * 1st iteration: size := XP
         * 2nd iteration: size := (0ULL-C)
        size = (entry->vme_end - entry->vme_start);

        if ((entry->vme_start != start) || ((entry->is_sub_map) && !entry->needs_copy)) { // branch not taken

        assert(entry != vm_map_to_entry(dst_map));

        if (!(entry->protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { // branch not taken

        if (!vm_map_entry_is_overwritable(dst_map, entry)) { // branch not taken

        if (copy_size < size) { // branch taken only for 2nd iteration
            if (entry->map_aligned &&
                !VM_MAP_PAGE_ALIGNED(entry->vme_start + copy_size, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(dst_map))) {  // branch not taken

             * (4b)
             * @note:
             * No clipping because entry->vme_start + copy_size is greater than entry->vme_end (C+1P > 0).
            vm_map_clip_end(dst_map, entry, entry->vme_start + copy_size);
            size = copy_size; // size = 1P

        if (size < copy_size) { // branch taken only for 1st iteration
             * (4a)
             * @note:
             * Here, the single VME with a size of (X+1)P in the copy is split into two VMEs.
             * The first one has a size of XP, and the second one has a size of 1P.
            vm_map_copy_clip_end(copy, copy_entry, copy_entry->vme_start + size);
            copy_size = size; // copy_size = XP

        assert((entry->vme_end - entry->vme_start) == size);
        assert((tmp_entry->vme_end - tmp_entry->vme_start) == size);
        assert((copy_entry->vme_end - copy_entry->vme_start) == size);

        object = VME_OBJECT(entry); // object := NULL for both iterations

        if (((!entry->is_shared) &&
             ((object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) || (object->internal && !object->true_share))) ||
            (entry->needs_copy)) { // branch taken for both iterations
            vm_object_t        old_object = VME_OBJECT(entry); // old_object := NULL for both iterations
            vm_object_offset_t old_offset = VME_OFFSET(entry); // old_offset := 0 for both iterations
            vm_object_offset_t offset;

            if ((old_object == VME_OBJECT(copy_entry)) &&
                (old_offset == VME_OFFSET(copy_entry))) { // branch not taken

            if ((dst_map->pmap != kernel_pmap) &&
                (VME_ALIAS(entry) >= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC) &&
                (VME_ALIAS(entry) <= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_MEDIUM)) { // branch not taken

             * [STEP 5] --> Only read this when you are at STEP 5, otherwise skip this branch.
             * @note:
             * This branch is not taken for both iterations in STEP 3.
             * However, in STEP 5, we also call vm_copy() to repeat the same process,
             * but that time, old_object will be vmo2 during the 2nd iteration.
            if (old_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL) { // branch not taken for STEP 3, but taken for the 2nd iteration of STEP 5
                if (entry->is_sub_map) {
                } else {
                    if (dst_map->mapped_in_other_pmaps) {
                    } else {
                         * [STEP 5]
                         * @note:
                         * During the 2nd iteration of STEP 5, entry == vme2, which has a VA range of [B,0) at that point.
                         * Therefore, we call pmap_remove_options() on the VA range of [B,0),
                         * which does nothing because end is smaller than start.

                     * [STEP 5]
                     * @note:
                     * During the 2nd iteration of STEP 5, we deallocate the last reference to vmo2 here,
                     * which then calls vm_object_reap(). The pages of vmo2, which we are still pmapped in the
                     * VA range [B,C), are released at the end of the free list without calling pmap_disconnect().

            if (entry->iokit_acct) {  // branch not taken
            } else { // branch taken
                entry->use_pmap = TRUE;


             * (5)
             * @note:
             * 1st iteration: VME_OBJECT(vme1) := vmo2, VME_OFFSET(vme1) := 0
             * 2nd iteration: VME_OBJECT(vme2) := vmo2, VME_OFFSET(vme2) := XP
            VME_OBJECT_SET(entry, VME_OBJECT(copy_entry), false, 0);
            object = VME_OBJECT(entry);
            entry->needs_copy = copy_entry->needs_copy;
            entry->wired_count = 0;
            entry->user_wired_count = 0;
            offset = VME_OFFSET(copy_entry);
            VME_OFFSET_SET(entry, offset);

            vm_map_copy_entry_unlink(copy, copy_entry);

             * (6)
             * @note:
             * 1st iteration: start := C, tmp_entry := vme2
             * 2nd iteration: start := 0, tmp_entry := vme2a (but we exit the while loop because no more VMEs in the copy)
            start = tmp_entry->vme_end;
            tmp_entry = tmp_entry->vme_next;

        } else { // branch not taken

    return KERN_SUCCESS;


This step "simplifies" vme1 and vme2 in addition to vme2a and vme2b. Note that the reason why we went through the trouble of calling vm_copy() before calling memset() in step 3 is that vme1 and vme2 must share the same VMO in order for us to be able to simplify those VMEs in this step. Simply calling memset() would have also successfully entered the PTEs in the VA range of [B,C) of vme1, but it wouldn't share its VMO with vme2. The code for vm_map_protect() was already described in step 2, so it won't be repeated here. In short, the protection of vme2a will be restored to VM_PROT_DEFAULT (i.e. remember that it was changed to VM_PROT_WRITE by one of the 4 spinner threads). Finally, in the last while loop, vm_map_simplify_entry() is called successfully twice. The first time with vme2, which is simplified with the preceding vme1. And the second time with vme2b, which is simplified with the preceding vme2a.

Here is the detailed description of the code path in vm_map_simplify_entry() with vme2:

    vm_map_t       map,        // map == current_map()
    vm_map_entry_t this_entry) // this_entry == vme2
    vm_map_entry_t prev_entry;

    prev_entry = this_entry->vme_prev; // prev_entry := vme1

     * @note:
     * All conditions are satisfied to simplify vme1 and vme2.
    if ((this_entry != vm_map_to_entry(map)) &&
        (prev_entry != vm_map_to_entry(map)) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_end == this_entry->vme_start) &&
        (prev_entry->is_sub_map == this_entry->is_sub_map) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_object_value == this_entry->vme_object_value) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_kernel_object == this_entry->vme_kernel_object) &&
        ((VME_OFFSET(prev_entry) + (prev_entry->vme_end - prev_entry->vme_start)) == VME_OFFSET(this_entry)) &&
        (prev_entry->behavior == this_entry->behavior) &&
        (prev_entry->needs_copy == this_entry->needs_copy) &&
        (prev_entry->protection == this_entry->protection) &&
        (prev_entry->max_protection == this_entry->max_protection) &&
        (prev_entry->inheritance == this_entry->inheritance) &&
        (prev_entry->use_pmap == this_entry->use_pmap) &&
        (VME_ALIAS(prev_entry) == VME_ALIAS(this_entry)) &&
        (prev_entry->no_cache == this_entry->no_cache) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_permanent == this_entry->vme_permanent) &&
        (prev_entry->map_aligned == this_entry->map_aligned) &&
        (prev_entry->zero_wired_pages == this_entry->zero_wired_pages) &&
        (prev_entry->used_for_jit == this_entry->used_for_jit) &&
        (prev_entry->pmap_cs_associated == this_entry->pmap_cs_associated) &&
        (prev_entry->iokit_acct == this_entry->iokit_acct) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_resilient_codesign == this_entry->vme_resilient_codesign) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_resilient_media == this_entry->vme_resilient_media) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_no_copy_on_read == this_entry->vme_no_copy_on_read) &&
        (prev_entry->wired_count == this_entry->wired_count) &&
        (prev_entry->user_wired_count == this_entry->user_wired_count) &&
        (prev_entry->vme_atomic == FALSE) &&
        (this_entry->vme_atomic == FALSE) &&
        (prev_entry->in_transition == FALSE) &&
        (this_entry->in_transition == FALSE) &&
        (prev_entry->needs_wakeup == FALSE) &&
        (this_entry->needs_wakeup == FALSE) &&
        (prev_entry->is_shared == this_entry->is_shared) &&
        (prev_entry->superpage_size == FALSE) &&
        (this_entry->superpage_size == FALSE)) { // branch taken
        if (prev_entry->vme_permanent) { // branch not taken

        vm_map_store_entry_unlink(map, prev_entry, true); // vme1 is unlinked

        this_entry->vme_start = prev_entry->vme_start; // vme2->vme_start := B
        VME_OFFSET_SET(this_entry, VME_OFFSET(prev_entry)); // VME_OFFSET(vme2) := 0

        if (map->holelistenabled) { // branch taken
            vm_map_store_update_first_free(map, this_entry, TRUE);

        if (prev_entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken
        } else {
            vm_object_deallocate(VME_OBJECT(prev_entry)); // vmo2->ref_count := 1

        vm_map_entry_dispose(prev_entry); // vme1 is deallocated
        SAVE_HINT_MAP_WRITE(map, this_entry); // map->hint := vme2


This step essentially repeats the same process as in step 3. At a high-level, it makes a copy of (X+2) pages from vme4, which are first populated and zero-filled into vmo1, and then inserts them starting at vme0. Once again, note that since vmo1 has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, no copy-on-write optimization is applied during the vm_map_copyin() part of the vm_copy(). Instead, a new VMO (i.e. vmo3) is allocated to hold the (X+2) copied pages in vm_object_copy_slowly(). When vm_map_copyin() returns, the VMC contains a single VME which owns the only reference to vmo3 at that point. Then, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copy_overwrite(), which in turn calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested(), which finally calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned(). This is where vmo3 is moved out of the temporary VMC and becomes shared between vme0 and vme2, as shown in the image above.

Note that in step 3, when vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() inserted vmo2 into vme1 and vme2, both these VMEs had previously no associated VMOs. However, here in step 5, when the same function inserts vmo3 into vme0 and vme2 (i.e. remember that vme1 was deallocated in step 4), only vme0 had previously no associated VMO. In contrast, vme2 has the only reference to vmo2, which contains the X pages that we have pmapped in the VA range of [B,C). The code snippet for vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() in step 3 has additional comments, annotated with [STEP 5], to explain what happens. In short, pmap_remove_options() is called for the VA range of the VME that is being overwritten, which is [B,0) in the case of vme2. However, this does absolutely nothing because the end address is smaller than the start address. Finally, vm_object_deallocate() is called to release the last reference on vmo2. This triggers vm_object_reap(), which will put all the pages of vmo2 back on the free list without calling pmap_disconnect(). That said, the PTEs in the VA range of [B,C) still point to X of those pages with both read and write permissions.

Here is the detailed description of the code path in pmap_remove_options():

    pmap_t           pmap,    // pmap == current_pmap()
    vm_map_address_t start,   // start == B
    vm_map_address_t end,     // end == 0
    int              options) // options == PMAP_OPTIONS_REMOVE
    vm_map_address_t va;

    if (pmap == PMAP_NULL) { // branch not taken

    __unused const pt_attr_t * const pt_attr = pmap_get_pt_attr(pmap);

    if ((start | end) & pt_attr_leaf_offmask(pt_attr)) {
        panic("pmap_remove_options() pmap %p start 0x%llx end 0x%llx",
            pmap, (uint64_t)start, (uint64_t)end);
    if ((end < start) || (start < pmap->min) || (end > pmap->max)) { // only for DEBUG and DEVELOPMENT builds
        panic("pmap_remove_options(): invalid address range, pmap=%p, start=0x%llx, end=0x%llx",
            pmap, (uint64_t)start, (uint64_t)end);

    if ((end - start) > (pt_attr_page_size(pt_attr) * PAGE_RATIO)) { // branch taken

    va = start; // va := B
    while (va < end) { // branch not taken, because (va > end)

Part B: From PUAF to KRKW

This part of the exploit is shared across all PUAF exploits, so please check the write-up about exploiting PUAFs for more details.

Part C: From KRKW to Cleanup

Unfortunately, the exploit causes undesirable side effects in our VM map, which will trigger a kernel panic when the process performs certain VM operations or when the process exits, if left unaddressed. One obvious side effect that is observable at the end of step 5 is that we are left with an inverted VME. Indeed, vme2 has a VA range of [B,0). For example, if not fixed, this will cause a "NO ENTRY TO DELETE" panic during the destruction of the VM map. However, there are even more side effects that we will need to fix. The astute reader might have noticed the omission of the impact of the exploit on the red-black tree and the hole list. This part of the write-up is meant to explain all those side effects in detail, and how to fix them, which is done in the function smith_helper_cleanup().

Cleaning Up the Doubly-Linked List of VMEs

The state of the doubly-linked list at the end of step 5 should be clear from the image in part A. We fix it by leaking vme2b and simply patching the end address of vme2 to D, such that its VA range becomes [B,D) rather than [B,0). Note that this requires three 64-bit writes: one to change the vme_prev pointer of vme3, one to change the vme_next pointer of vme2, and one to change the vme_end address of vme2. Also, please note that this part of the cleanup procedure is fully deterministic because of the predictable and sorted nature of the doubly-linked list of VMEs.

Here is an illustration of that procedure:


Cleaning Up the Red-Black Tree of VMEs

Before we trigger the vulnerability in step 2, the state of the red-black tree is in good order. However, when we trigger the bad clip in vm_map_copyin_internal() during substep 2A, we allocate and insert vme2a with a VA range of [0,D) into the red-black tree. Because the start address is 0, it will be inserted as the left-most node of the tree. Next, when we trigger another clip in vm_map_protect() during substep 2B, we allocate and insert vme2b with a VA range of [1P,D) into the red-black tree, after having updated the VA range of vme2a to [0,1P). Because the start address is 1P, it will be inserted as the second-left-most node of the tree. Finally, in step 4, vme2a is unlinked from the red-black tree by vm_map_simplify_entry().

I have run this exploit countless times, and I have tried allocating up to 256 VMEs with VM_FLAGS_RANDOM_ADDR in order to randomize the initial state of the red-black tree, but I have never seen an outcome different than the one shown in the image below. As far as I know, because of potential re-balancing, there is no mathematical guarantee that this will always be the case. I'm pretty sure that the only other possibility is that vme2b is a leaf node at the bottom-left (i.e. such that both its left and right children are NULL), because I believe the tree would not respect the conditions of red-black trees otherwise. Anyway, if a different outcome did occur, we could easily detect it with the kernel read primitive and use a different patching method in that case, such that the cleanup procedure would still end up being deterministic. As it stands, we fix the red-black tree once again by leaking vme2b. Note that this only requires two 64-bit writes: one to change the rbe_parent pointer of the first VME in the doubly-linked list (i.e. the VME that had the lowest VA range before the start of the exploit), and one to change the rbe_left pointer of the second VME.

Here is an illustration of that procedure:


Cleaning Up the Hole List

Before we trigger the vulnerability in step 2, the state of the hole list is in good order. Even after we trigger the bad clip in vm_map_copyin_internal() and the one in vm_map_protect(), the hole list stays unchanged because clipping is not supposed to affect it. Unfortunately, vm_map_simplify_entry() does change the hole list even if it shouldn't need to. During the first successful simplification, update_holes_on_entry_deletion() is called on the VME being unlinked, vme1, which has a VA range of [B,C). This creates a new hole with a VA range of [B,C) in the hole list, just as if we had simply deallocated that VA range with vm_deallocate(). However, update_holes_on_entry_creation() is then called on the VME being expanded, vme2, which now has a VA range of [B,0). This won't delete the hole we just created, but in fact, it will create another hole right after the first existing hole, and corrupt the end address of this first hole. During the second successful simplification, yet another hole is temporarily created at the very beginning of the hole list by update_holes_on_entry_deletion(), only to be deleted immediately by update_holes_on_entry_creation(), such that the final state of the hole list is exactly the same as after the first simplification. We fix the hole list by leaking both holes that were needlessly created and by restoring the end address of the first hole. Therefore, after five 64-bit writes, the hole list is back in good shape.

Please note that this cleanup procedure is fully deterministic as long as there are at least 2 holes before address A (i.e. the start address of vme0). Also, it doesn't matter whether or not there are holes after address F (i.e. the end address of vme4). Of course, the VA range of [A,F) is guaranteed not to be part of the hole list because it has been allocated by our 5 VMEs. As explained later in Appendix A, we want to allocate our 5 VMEs towards the end of our VM map (i.e. towards map->max_offset). Thus, those requirements should be trivial to satisfy. If there was only one hole before address A, then "new hole 0" and "new hole 1" in the image below would simply end up right next to each other. In that case, we could still clean up the hole list deterministically with some minor adjustment. Of course, it would be much easier to just manually create another hole preceding address A before starting the exploit.

Here is an illustration of that procedure, including the intermediate state of the hole list after each call to update_holes_on_entry_deletion() and update_holes_on_entry_creation():


Cleaning Up the VM Map Metadata

Finally, we need to patch the relevant metadata in our _vm_map structure. First of all, since we leaked vme2b, we should decrement map->hdr.nentries by one. As far as I know, this is not strictly necessary for panic-safety, but I like to patch it just in case. Second, we also need to update the map->hint just in case it was pointing to the leaked VME. Spoiler alert: it is because the hint was updated to vme2b during the second successful simplification. Lastly, since we also leaked two holes, we should update the map->hole_hint just in case it was pointing to one of them. In practice, the hole hint should already be pointing to the first hole so this shouldn't be necessary. Therefore, cleaning up the metadata requires up to three 64-bit writes.

Cleaning Up Synchronization: To Lock Or Not To Lock?

You might have noticed that this entire cleanup procedure is racy: we are making changes to our VM map using the kernel write primitive without taking the map lock. However, there is a way to take the map lock before we patch things up, with a single 64-bit write. If the parameter take_vm_map_lock is turned on, this is done in the function smith_helper_cleanup_pthread(), which is executed in its own thread. In short, in this spawned thread, we patch a VME such that its right child points to itself. Then, we call vm_protect() to update the protection on a VA range to the right of the VME that we just patched. This will cause vm_map_protect() to take the map lock and spin on the right child of that VME during vm_map_lookup_entry(). Meanwhile, back in the main thread, we can safely fix all side effects as described above. And when we are done, we can restore the original right child value of the VME that is being spinned on. Even if that write is not atomic, it will eventually be observed by the spinning thread, which will finally release the map lock and exit back to user space.

At first, I thought that taking the map lock would only be necessary in a multi-threaded context where other concurrent threads could modify the state of the VM map at the same time. However, I have seen some "Kernel data abort" panics when take_vm_map_lock is turned off, even when I am using a single thread, but only on iOS (i.e. not on macOS) and only occasionally. Since it works reliably when taking the map lock on either platform, I didn't bother to investigate further.

Appendix A: Considerations for Setup

The function smith_helper_init() is responsible for the following part of the setup:

  1. Allocate every hole until the first hole is at least as big as the constant target_hole_size.
  2. Find the last hole that is big enough to allocate our 5 VMEs from in step 1 of smith_run().

Let's go through them one at a time.

As explained in part C, the PUAF exploit will corrupt the state of the red-black tree and the hole list. Unfortunately, as a consequence of this, most VM operations that affect our VM map, such as vm_map_enter() and vm_map_delete(), can trigger any one of many kernel panics:

  • Found an existing entry [...] instead of potential hole at address: [...]
  • Hole hint failed: Hole entry start: [...]
  • Hole hint failed: Hole entry end: [...]
  • Illegal action: h1: [...]

Trust me, I have triggered them all. However, if we make sure that the first hole is bigger than a certain size, then we could at least accommodate some calls to vm_allocate() with the flag VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, up to that size. Note that we would also need to make sure that the first hole's start address is high enough to guarantee that we don't accidentally find vme2b during the insertion of the new VME, otherwise we would trigger the "Found an existing entry" panic or the "VMSEL: INSERT FAILED" panic.

Finally, as will be explained in Appendix B, in step 1 of smith_run(), we want to allocate vme0 to vme4 as much to the bottom-right of the red-black tree as possible. Therefore, smith_helper_init() finds the last hole that is big enough to accommodate those 5 VMEs. Note that the "high end" of the VM map is usually empty, so those 5 VMEs will almost always go into the VA range of [map->max_offset - (3X+5)P, map->max_offset), where (3X+5)P is the total size of vme0 to vme4.

Appendix B: Hacky Proof of Determinism

Here, I attempt to demonstrate that the exploit can be made deterministic in a "controlled context", which I defined to mean that the attacker has complete control of the code running in the target process during the critical section. For example, if the target is WebContent, that means that the attacker is able to suspend all other threads before the vulnerability is triggered, and resume them after the cleanup procedure is finished. Moreover, I will assume that the attacker has carefully crafted the code running during the critical section such that it avoids all VM-related operations, except of course for those that are directly part of the PUAF exploit. In particular, all memory regions that must be accessed during the critical section, including for the part of the exploit that is responsible to achieve KRKW, must be allocated and faulted in up front. Under those strict conditions, the only VM-related operations that should occur during the critical section are the ones in the detailed walkthrough below. Essentially, the proof of determinism hinges on VME lookups to behave in a predictable way, despite the fact that we cannot know the exact layout of the red-black tree from user space, even with the help of mach_vm_region() and similar APIs. Fortunately, only 5 addresses will need to be looked up during the critical section:

  1. vm_map_lookup_entry() for address 0, which must return TRUE with vme2a.
  2. vm_map_lookup_entry() for address A, which must return TRUE with vme0.
  3. vm_map_lookup_entry() for address B, which must return TRUE with vme1.
  4. vm_map_lookup_entry() for address D, which must return TRUE with vme3.
  5. vm_map_lookup_entry() for address E, which must return TRUE with vme4.

The uncertainty comes with the fact that vme2a and vme2b cover the VA range of [0:D). Therefore, they overlap vme0 and vme1, which must be looked up. However, the lookups above will behave as expected as long as one crucial "axiom" holds true: no matter what, vme2a and vme2b should always be on the left side of the red-black tree, and vme0 to vme4 should always be on the right side of the tree. Note that this "axiom" is overly conservative, but it helps to simplify the proof. Because vme2a and vme2b will deterministically have the 2 smallest starting addresses (i.e. 0 and 1P, respectively), they will always be inserted at the bottom-left of the tree. Even if re-balancing occurs, it is impossible for any of those VMEs to end up as the root of the tree or on the right side (as long as there are more than a handful of VMEs in the tree, which is the case by default). So what about vme0 to vme4? Naturally, we simply need to allocate them as much to the bottom-right as we possibly can, such that it is impossible for any of them to be relocated as the root or on the left side if re-balancing occur. Luckily, the "high end" of the virtual address space for user processes is much more sparse than the "low end", so it is quite easy to fulfill this requirement. If the "axiom" holds true, then all lookups for addresses A to E will immediately go right from the root, and completely dodge vme2a and vme2b. Note that the less conservative condition is that vme2a and vme2b are never above vme0 to vme4 in the red-black tree.

However, the skeptic reader still might not be convinced that this "axiom" is sufficient to guarantee the proper behavior of the lookups for addresses A to E. That is because in step 2, vme2 will be clipped such that its VA range becomes [C:0). Moreover, when it comes to vme0 to vme4, we should make no assumptions about their exact layout in the red-black tree because they are adjacent. Nonetheless, a careful analysis of vm_map_lookup_entry() shows that this is not a problem, even if the corrupted vme2 is located above the other 4 VMEs. Fortunately, the total ordering of the VMEs in the right subtree remains unchanged after the corruption, such that all lookups for addresses smaller than C are still guaranteed to go left of vme2, and all lookups for addresses greater than or equal to D are still guaranteed to go right of vme2, just as if it still had its original VA range of [C:D). In fact, the only lookups that are indeed affected are for addresses in the VA range of [C:D), which should normally return TRUE with vme2 but would return FALSE because of the corrupted end address. That said, the PUAF exploit has been crafted to avoid such lookups during the critical section: the only occurence is the very first lookup in step 2, right before the vulnerability is triggered.

Without further ado, here is the detailed walkthrough of the PUAF exploit when it comes to interacting with the VM map. Please note that all line numbers were taken from vm_map.c in xnu-8792.81.2.

  1. In substep 2A, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copyin(), which calls vm_map_copyin_common(), which finally calls vm_map_copyin_internal(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 11733.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address C on line 11740, which is guaranteed to return vme2.
    • vm_map_clip_end() on line 11878. This clip updates vme2 from [C:D) to [C:0), allocates vme2a with [0:D) and inserts it into the VM map. Luckily, vm_map_store_entry_link_rb() is guaranteed to not trigger the VMSEL: INSERT FAILED panic because vme2a->vme_start is 0, which guarantees that rb_node_compare() always returns -1 in the RB_INSERT() macro. Therefore, vme2a will always be inserted as the left-most node of the red-black tree, whether or not re-balancing occurs.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 11848.
  2. In substep 2B, vm_protect() calls vm_map_protect(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 5883.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address 0 on line 5899, which is guaranteed to return vme2a.
    • vm_map_clip_end() on line 6048. This clip updates vme2a from [0:D) to [0:1P), allocates vme2b with [1P:D) and inserts it into the VM map. Luckily, vm_map_store_entry_link_rb() is guaranteed to not trigger the VMSEL: INSERT FAILED panic because vme2b->vme_start is 1P, which is outside the VA range of any existing VME. Therefore, vme2b will always be inserted as the second-left-most node of the red-black tree, whether or not re-balancing occurs.
    • pmap_protect_options() on line 6141, for [0:1P) with VM_PROT_NONE, which does nothing.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 6159.
  3. Back in substep 2A, vm_map_copyin_internal() does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 11852.
    • The timestamp check on line 11853 fails because a spinner thread took the map lock.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address 0 on line 11854, which is guaranteed to return vme2a.
    • The protection check on line 11868 fails because vme2a no longer has VM_PROT_READ.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 11710, as part of RETURN(KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE).

Before continuing, I should note that I made the assumption that one of the 4 spinner threads will always take the map lock before vm_map_copyin_internal() takes it back for a second time. Despite having run this exploit countless times, I have never lost that race. If it did happen, we could try to increase the number of spinner threads. Ultimately, if it was unavoidable for a tiny percentage of the time, I believe it would not be fatal, without being 100% sure. I know that losing the race a few times is not fatal, because we get a zone exhaustion panic if we just trigger the vulnerability on its own, without spinner threads to trigger the exit. For example, if we lose the race once, what happens is that vme2a is clipped to [0:0), and a new VME with a VA range of [0:D) is inserted after it. Effectively, there will be an extra [0:0) VME for each time that we lose the race. In theory, this could still be patchable, although there might be other side effects I cannot think of. Lastly, I should also note that the spinner threads might continue to call vm_protect() in a busy-loop for a short period after the protection of vme2a has been successfully updated to VM_PROT_WRITE, but they deterministically do nothing at that point. And back to the detailed code walkthrough...

  1. In step 3, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copyin(), which calls vm_map_copyin_common(), which finally calls vm_map_copyin_internal(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 11733.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address D on line 11740, which is guaranteed to return vme3.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 11989.
    • vm_object_copy_strategically() on line 12040, which calls vm_object_copy_slowly(), which in turn allocates vmo2 and copies the pages of vmo0 into it.
    • vm_map_lock() on line 12125.
    • We break out of the while loop because the size of vme3 is equal to the copy size.
    • vm_map_simplify_range() on line 12330, which does another lookup for address D. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme3 again. Nothing is simplified.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 12336.
  2. Still in step 3, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copy_overwrite(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock_read() on line 9905.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address B on line 9906, which is guaranteed to return vme1.
    • vm_map_unlock_read() on line 9919.
    • vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested() on line 10017, which does the following:
      • vm_map_lock() on line 9236.
      • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address B on line 9248. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme1 again.
      • vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() on line 9693, which does the following:
        • VME_OBJECT(vme1) is set to vmo2 and VME_OFFSET(vme1) is set to 0.
        • VME_OBJECT(vme2) is set to vmo2 and VME_OFFSET(vme2) is set to XP.
      • vm_map_unlock() on line 9707.
  3. Still in step 3, we fault in X pages with memset(), which triggers vm_fault_internal(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock_read() on line 4177 (vm_fault.c).
    • vm_map_lookup_and_lock_object() on line 4192 (vm_fault.c), which does the following:
      • The map->hint check on line 13548 fails because it had been set to vme4, which was the last VME that we allocated in step 1 during the setup, and none of the actions we have done so far has modified the hint.
      • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address B on line 13555. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme1 again. Please note that this entire bullet point is repeated X times, for each page in the VA range of [B:C), but the lookup always returns vme1.
      • vmo2 is returned locked along with the corresponding offset.
    • vm_page_lookup() on line 4391 (vm_fault.c), for the object and offset returned above. Finally, the page returned is pmapped with vm_fault_enter(), then vm_fault_complete() eventually calls vm_map_unlock_read().
  4. In step 4, vm_protect() calls vm_map_protect(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 5883.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address B on line 5899. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme1 again.
    • pmap_protect_options() on line 6141, for [0:1P) with VM_PROT_READ, which does nothing.
    • vm_map_simplify_entry() on line 6155, which is called successfully twice:
      • On the first time, vme1 is removed from the VM map, which is guaranteed to not trigger the NO ENTRY TO DELETE panic for the same reason that the lookup for address B is guaranteed to return vme1. Also, vme2 is updated from [C:0) to [B:0) and the map->hint is set to vme2. The hole list gets corrupted here as explained in part C.
      • On the second time, vme2a is removed from the VM map, which is guaranteed to not trigger the NO ENTRY TO DELETE panic for the same reason that the lookup for address 0 is guaranteed to return vme2a. Also, vme2b is updated from [1P:D) to [0:D) and the map->hint is set to vme2b. More on this later!
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 6159.

Please note that step 5 is almost identical to step 3 in terms of code path.

  1. In step 5, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copyin(), which calls vm_map_copyin_common(), which finally calls vm_map_copyin_internal(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock() on line 11733.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address E on line 11740, which is guaranteed to return vme4.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 11989.
    • vm_object_copy_strategically() on line 12040, which calls vm_object_copy_slowly(), which in turn allocates vmo3 and copies the pages of vmo1 into it.
    • vm_map_lock() on line 12125.
    • We break out of the while loop because the size of vme4 is equal to the copy size.
    • vm_map_simplify_range() on line 12330, which does another lookup for address E. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme4 again. Nothing is simplified.
    • vm_map_unlock() on line 12336.
  2. Still in step 5, vm_copy() calls vm_map_copy_overwrite(), which does the following:

    • vm_map_lock_read() on line 9905.
    • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address A on line 9906, which is guaranteed to return vme0.
    • vm_map_unlock_read() on line 9919.
    • vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested() on line 10017, which does the following:
      • vm_map_lock() on line 9236.
      • vm_map_lookup_entry() for address A on line 9248. The map hasn't changed since the last lookup so it returns vme0 again.
      • vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() on line 9693, which does the following:
        • VME_OBJECT(vme0) is set to vmo3 and VME_OFFSET(vme0) is set to 0.
        • pmap_remove_options() on line 10591, for the VA range of vme2 because it had a different object assocation (i.e. vmo2). However, the VA range of vme2 is [B:0) so this does nothing because the end address is smaller than the start address.
        • vm_object_deallocate() on line 10597, which releases the last reference of vmo2 and therefore reaps the object.
        • VME_OBJECT(vme2) is set to vmo3 and VME_OFFSET(vme2) is set to 1P.
      • vm_map_unlock() on line 9707.

And voilà! That is the complete code path of the PUAF exploit, and it should be deterministic in a controlled context as defined above. One important observation is that the map->hint is set to vme2b, which has a VA range of [0:D) at that point. Since our 5 VMEs were allocated towards map->max_offset, this means that it essentially covers the entire virtual address space of our process. Therefore, after step 4, any fault for either code or data would most likely be fatal as we would hit vme2b in vm_map_lookup_and_lock_object() instead of the intended VME. That said, if the code running in the critical section has been carefully crafted to avoid faults (except of course for the explicit memset() in step 3), this should not be a problem. However, we could also vm_allocate() a small VME with the flag VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE after step 5, as explained in Appendix A, which would update the map->hint to point to this new VME. But please note that this would not be a silver bullet: if the fault occurs on a relatively low address, there is a chance that vme2b is located above the intended VME in the red-black tree, which would cause the same problem. Of course, this becomes less likely the higher the fault address is. In summary, if possible in the target context, we should avoid all unnecessary VM-related operations during the critical section.

P.S.: It is okay to perform certain VM-related operations as long as we know exactly what we are doing and have made sure that it is safe. For example, after achieving the PUAF primitive, we grab pages from the free list until we reach one of the PUAF pages. In order to do that safely, we can pre-allocate 2 buffers, where the source buffer has been allocated with the flag VM_FLAGS_PURGABLE in order to disable copy-on-write optimizations. Then, we can simply call vm_copy() to copy pages from the source buffer into the destination buffer. Because the source object has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, new pages will be grabbed from the free list during vm_object_copy_slowly(). We simply have to make sure that the addresses of the 2 buffers do not risk hitting vme2b during the lookups, which is easy to do as explained above.