All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2022-03-30)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2022-03-14)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2021-12-27)
- includes album artists in artist list, display in tracks tables (#31) (bbeb62f)
- secures broadcast with TOTP (#37) (4a31f92)
- uses jwt to secure accesses (#40) (52eca69)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2021-09-25)
2.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-03-20)
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-02-21)
1.0.0 (2020-10-31)
- ui: sticky header for track queue (2218285)
- ui: importing playlist during tutorial will skip latest steps (f38a78b)
- ui: removing items in tracks queue automatically scrolls to current track (7a0d15c)
- stylistic issues (ec42c23)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-21)
- core: allow to open (and track) files & folders (5d9dc58)
- core: creates playlists from m3u/m3u8 files (1866ae1)
- core: detect file renamals (d236b6a)
- core: enforce single instance (7ea2966)
- core: open files on Mac (it does not use argv) (424cb88)
- ui: export playlists as m3u(8) files (85785de)
- ui: given some tracks in queue, and queue scrolled down, playing new tracks immediately does not scrolls the queue up (1ce2494)
- ui: playlist details page is not updated on track changes (d049b6b)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2020-10-05)
- core: autoUpdater is crashing the app (b2ed6e9)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2020-10-04)
- core: settings for enqueue behaviour (5b0ab82)
- ui: add to playlist from Album details/Playlist details/Search results pages (4bc5065)
- ui: auto-scroll track queue to current track (c9936e8)
- ui: configurable simple/double click behaviour (play or enqueue) (0cb6bc0)
- ui: display album years in artist and album details (0d94f39)
- ui: display albums' year (cadcf70)
- ui: feedback when adding to playlist (c32d68a)
- ui: fetch and display artist bio (fc6e524)
- ui: more efficient sortable list component with drag'n drop events (f98684d)
- ui: new logo (0c992a0)
- ui: click on Play button without any track still changes icon (03c21ca)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2020-09-29)
- ui: tutorial, when skipped at first step, resumes on navigation (7751858)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2020-09-27)
- ui: during tutorial, add an step while waiting for the first album (5ac2add)
- ui: prevent removing all tracks from queue during tutorial (3cc9c20)
- ui: skip tutorial (27fa2cb)
- core: lost artist artwork when updating to a newer version (snap packaging only) (2e37dd5)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2020-09-26)
- core: app crash due to missing package-lock.json (3437035)
- core: attempt to search artworks/covers for items with no name (null) (b7a0ab1)
- core: when manually asking for artworks/cover, first provider that throws rate error fails the whole function (17ac654)
- ui: addToPlaylist component is empty unless playlist list page was opened (d013f4c)
- ui: empty UI with "duplicated keys in keyed each" error (872479a)
- ui: tracks without album or artists display "null" in system notifications (1376145)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2020-09-26)
- core: auto-update fails on AppImage (5f94ba1)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2020-09-26)
- core: albums, artists, playlists, tracks and settings models, stored in SQLite3
- core: local provider to find, compare and watch tracks from local folders
- core: use music-metadata to extract music tags from mp3, ogg, flac...
- core: Tracks service to extract albums and artists out of watched tracks
- core: Playlist service to create, update and remove playlist of tracks
- core: AudioDB provider to find album covers and artist artworks
- core: Discogs provider to find album covers and artist artworks
- core: Local provider to find album covers and artist artworks
- core: Media service to automatically retrieve missing covers and artwork, or manually set them
- core: use Knex to handle database migrations
- core: log to file with pino
- ui: list of all albums
- ui: album details page with list of tracks, grouped by disks and ordered by track number
- ui: list of all artists
- ui: album details page with list of albums
- ui: list of all playlists
- ui: playlist details page with sortable list of tracks
- ui: drawer with tracks queue, toggle button with interctive badge, number of tracks and clear button
- ui: ability to enqueue tracks of an album/artist/playlist
- ui: ability to clear queue and immediately play tracks of an album/artist/playlist
- ui: ability to enqueue single track
- ui: ability to clear queue and immediately play single tracks
- ui: music player with basic controls (play/pause, next, previous, elapsed time) and current track details
- ui: music player volume bar and mute toggle
- ui: loop button (no loop, loop on file, loop on queue) and shuffle mode
- ui: ability to add current played track to playlist, or entire queue to playlist
- ui: navigation bar with searchbox
- ui: search results with tracks, albums and artists
- ui: for an album, ability to view covers proposals from data providers, and to apply one
- ui: for an album, ability to apply any local image as cover
- ui: for an artists, ability to view artworks proposals from data providers, and to apply one
- ui: for an artists, ability to apply any local image as artwork
- ui: system notification on track change, when the app has lost focus
- ui: ability, from the operating system, to play, pause, move to previous and move to next track
- ui: settings page with the ability to control UI language, Discogs token, AudioDB key, and list of watched folders
- ui: modal dialogue to access track's music tags
- ui: ability to open containing folder of a given track
- ui: welcome tutorial to help discovering key features
- ui: reactive interface where any changes from the underlying files are immediately reflected: file creations and removals, music tags updates
- ui: fully internationalized interface