View the status of IoT Edge:
sudo systemctl status iotedge
Display logs of an IoT module:
iotedge logs <containername>
When a custom-module is not able to start / not running, it might be helpful to check the logs of the iotEdgeAgent or iotEdgeHub module:
iotedge logs edgeAgent
iotedge logs edgeHub
If the logs are too large, it might be usefull to use the
option:iotedge logs edgeHub --tail 25
edgeHub module was not running; fixed by specifying another version in deployment.json:
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-hub:1.0.6"
instead of
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-hub:1.0"
if IoT Edge cannot pull the container for your module from the container registry, you probably did not enter the container-information in the Container Registry Settings in the Azure Portal under 'set modules'.
This article explains how to debug a custom module. Note that the iotedgehubdev module must be installed. See the prepare dev environment page.