Unit tests can be run like this:
python setup.py test
and functional tests like this:
We're using a feature branch workfow whenever feasible. So when a feature is complete:
- run tests!
- update the version number in
- update CHANGES.txt
- make a final commit
- merge into master and run tests again
- create a git tag for the release, using format 'vmajor.minor.release' (eg, v0.2.0)
git push origin master
git push --tags
- someday: update PyPi (see below)
(not on PyPi yet, but when it is...)
Make sure to have updated the version string in setup.py
If you have not done so create a ~/.pypirc file:
python setup.py register
Proceed to build and upload:
python setup.py clean python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*