Releases: firoorg/ccminer
improve stability
less memory leak (remaining one are small and and coming from external package (json)
fix main memory leaks
fix both memory leaks in physical and virtual memory
use buffer for pool messages to prevent packet losses
Instead of reading directly the buffer, messages sent by the pool are written into a buffer, which allows to complete message which could be incomplete because of a bad connection.
There this version should be more stable, however it starts a little slower (as it fills the buffer first)
ccminer_61 for pascal
ccminer_75 for turing
ccminer.exe for both
somewhat faster kernel
1.1.10 version bump
reduced swap usage
1.1.9 version bump
xtranonce2 gets incremented if miner runs out of solution
ccminer_sm61 for pascal
ccminer_sm75 for turing
MTP algo from krnlx (improved)
fix high memory usage
improved kernel for filling scratchpad on gpu
ccminer_sm52 for card prior to pascal
ccminer_sm61 for pascal
ccminer_sm75 for turing
MTP algo from krnlx
- implementt new faster kernel from krnlx
- fix issue running on windows
still to be fixed: xtranonce2
compiled with sm_52, sm_61 and sm_75
more stable hashrate, some performance gain
ccminer.exe standard version for pool miner
ccminer_wallet.exe version for mining wallet
around 25% hashrate increase
speed bump around 25%
parallel memory filling