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Znode Diagnostics

catchingknives edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 7 revisions

Verify your Znode is working correctly

The main command to check your Znode's status is zcoin-cli znode status An operational Znode will look something like this:

  "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(<yourTIXD>, <yourTXIndex>), scriptSig=)",
  "service": "<yourIP>:8168",
  "payee": "<yourPaymentAddress>",
  "status": "Znode successfully started"

During startup, it will look like this for a while:

  "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 4394866294), coinbase )",
  "service": "[::]:0",
  "status": "Node just started, not yet activated"

zcoin-cli getinfo is another option. It provides different details

  "version": 130609,
  "protocolversion": 90025,
  "walletversion": 130000,
  "balance": 0.00000000,
  "blocks": 109915,
  "timeoffset": 0,
  "connections": 15,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 41902.70700605871,
  "testnet": false,
  "keypoololdest": 1513286311,
  "keypoolsize": 100,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "mininput": 0.00001000,
  "relayfee": 0.00100000,
  "errors": ""

Some parameters of interest:

version should ideally be the latest. We increase protocolversion with some major upgrades. You might see a discrepancy between the number here and the one in your wallet's "My Znodes" tab. This is because protocolversion is only broadcast when you issue a start command from your wallet. If you want the number to change in your wallet, you have to issue a restart ("Start alias"). With most updates this will be unnecessary. Please keep an eye on our social channels though as we're not ruling out that this will be needed for future updates.

balance should be zero! Znodes do not hold any coins! These should be in your local wallet.

blocks is the current block count. If this is different from the count on our block explorer, you might have a syncing problem.

connections is the number of connections to other peers. If this is very small or even zero, you might have a networking or firewall problem.

testnet should be false for live Znodes unless you specifically want to run a testnet Znode. This is toggled with testnet=1 in zcoin.conf

To get more insights into the syncing process, use zcoin-cli znsync status A synced Znode's output of this command looks something like this:

  "AssetID": 999,
  "Attempt": 0,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true,
  "IsZnodeListSynced": true,
  "IsWinnersListSynced": true,
  "IsSynced": true,
  "IsFailed": false

AssetName is the status. ZNODE_SYNC_FINISHED occurs when all boolean values below are true except for IsFailed (makes sense, right?). As long as IsWinnersListSynced is false, the status/AssetName will be ZNODE_SYNC_MNW. MNW stands for "masternode winners" and indicates that the list of Znode winners isn't yet synced. This sync occurs after the blockchain sync so you just have to wait for it to finish.

If your Znode is

  • successfully started (as per zcoin-cli znode status)
  • in sync (as per zcoin znsync status)
  • and shows ENABLED status in your wallet you're all good!

If the status in your wallet shows NEW_START_REQUIRED please log in to your Znode first and check its status using the above commands. If it all looks OK, get a second opinion from sites like or If that too shows NEW_START_REQUIRED, you have to start your node from your wallet via "Start alias".

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