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av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink ubuntu container running in IoT Edge device


This av-service av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink for alpine is a container running nginx RTMP server which convert an incoming RTMP stream into RTSP stream. This av-service is used in IoT Edge device with Azure Video Analyzer to convert an incoming RTMP stream into a RTSP stream to feed Azure Video Analyzer AI components. When you will deploy this component with, it will deploy a complete AVA infrastructure with IoT Edge Hub, Azure Container Registry, Azure Media Services (so far mandatory to deploy Azure Video Analyzer), Azure Storage, Azure Virtual Machine acting as IoT Edge device and running docker. When you will start, stop this component with, it will start, stop the rtmpsource container in the IoT Edge device. When you will test this component with, it will test automatically the following scenarios:

  • RTMP to RTSP adaptor
  • AVA Motion Detection

At least, when the rtmpsource will be fed with a Live RTMP stream, you could consume the following streams with VLC:
RTSP URL: rtsp://<IoTEdgeVMName>.<REGION>
SSH command: ssh <VMAdmin>@<IoTEdgeVMName>.<REGION>

Using av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine

It's recommended to use and manage the av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine service with the command line tool.

Installing the pre-requisites on the host machine

As is a Linux bash file, you could run this tool from a machine or virtual machine running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  1. Ensure git is installed running the following command
    sudo apt-get install git
  1. Clone the av-services repository on your machine
    mkdir $HOME/git
    cd $HOME/git
    git clone
    cd av-services/envs/container/docker/av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink/alpine 
  1. Run -a install to install the pre-requisite ffmpeg, Azure Client, ...
    ./ -a install

Deploying/Undeploying av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine service

Once the pre-requisites are installed, you can deploy the Live Analytics infrastructure (IoT Edge Hub, Azure Container Registry, Azure Media Services, Azure Storage, Azure Virtual Machine acting as IoT Edge device and running docker) and build the av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine container.

  1. Run the following command to build and run the container
    ./ -a deploy

When you run for the first time, it creates a file called .avtoolconfig to store the av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink in AVA configuration. By default, the file contains these parameters:


Below further information about the input parameters in the file .avtoolconfig: It's important before running ./ -a deploy to define the following input parameters:

  • AV_PREFIXNAME: The name prefix used for all the Azure resources. As the Azure Container Registry name and the virtual machine name depends on this prefix, if a deployment as already used the same prefix, your deployment will fail because of a name conflict in Azure (by default rtmprtspava)
  • AV_PASSWORD: The password for the Virtual Machine running IoT Edge.

Below the list of input parameters:

Variables Description
AV_RESOURCE_GROUP The name of the resource group where AVA infrastructure will be deployed (av-rtmp-rtsp-ava-rg by default)
AV_RESOURCE_REGION The Azure region where AVA infrastructure will be deployed (eastus2 by default)
AV_SERVICE The name of the service (by default av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink)
AV_FLAVOR The flavor of this service (by default alpine)
AV_IMAGE_NAME The suffix of the image name (by default ${AV_SERVICE}-${AV_FLAVOR})
AV_IMAGE_FOLDER The image folder, the image name will be ${AV_IMAGE_FOLDER}/${AV_IMAGE_NAME}
AV_CONTAINER_NAME The name of the container (by default av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink-alpine-container)
AV_EDGE_DEVICE The name of the Edge device (by default rtmp-rtsp-ava-device)
AV_PREFIXNAME The name prefix used for all the Azure resources (by default rtmprtspava)
AV_VMNAME The name of the virtual machien running IoT Edge (by default "$AV_PREFIXNAME"vm)
AV_HOSTNAME The host name of the container. Default value: "$AV_VMNAME"."$AV_RESOURCE_REGION"
AV_CONTAINERNAME The name of the container in Azure Storage Account where the video and audio chunks will be stored (by default avchunks)
AV_LOGIN The login for the Virtual Machine running IoT Edge. Default value: avvmadmin
AV_PASSWORD The password for the Virtual Machine running IoT Edge. Default value:
AV_HOSTNAME The host name of the container. Default value: localhost
AV_PORT_RTMP The RTMP port. Default value: 1935
AV_PORT_RTSP The RTSP port. Default value: 8554
AV_TEMPDIR The directory on the host machine used to store MKV and MP4 files for the tests

When the service is running and fed with a RTMP stream, the following urls could be used for the tests:

RTMP URL: rtmp://<IoTEdgeVMName>.<REGION>
RTSP URL: rtsp://<IoTEdgeVMName>.<REGION>
SSH command: ssh <VMAdmin>@<IoTEdgeVMName>.<REGION>

Below the output parameters:

Variables Description
AV_RESOURCE_GROUP The name of the resource group where AVA infrastructure will be deployed (av-rtmp-rtsp-ava-rg by default)
AV_STORAGENAME The name of the sotrage account created
AV_SASTOKEN The Shared Access Signature for the storage account
AV_IOTHUB The IoT Hub name
AV_IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING The IoT Hub connection string
AV_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING The IoT Device connection string
AV_CONTAINER_REGISTRY The Azure Container Registry name
AV_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_DNS_NAME The Azure Container Registry login server name
AV_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME The Azure Container Registry user name
AV_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD The Azure Container Registry password
AV_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The Azure Subscription ID

Starting/Stopping av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine service

Once the rtmpsource service is built and deployed you can start and stop the container .

  1. Run the following command to start the container in IoT Edge Device
    ./ -a start
  1. If the container is still running, you can run the following command to stop the container in IoT Edge Device
    ./ -a stop
  1. If the container is still running, you can run the following command to get the status of the container in IoT Edge Device
    ./ -a status

Testing av-rtmp-rtsp-light-sink alpine service in IoT Edge Device

Once the image is built you can test if the container is fully functionning.

  1. Run the following command to test the container
    ./ -a test

For this container, the test feature will check if the output MP4 files have been created in the temporary folder from output RTSP url.

By default for the tests, it will test automatically the following scenarios:

  • RTMP to RTSP adaptor
  • AVA Motion Detection

For this test, we use an incoming Live RTMP stream created from a MKV file using the following ffmpeg command:

    ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error  -re -stream_loop -1 -i "${AV_TEMPDIR}"/camera-300s.mkv -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb   -f flv rtmp://${AV_HOSTNAME}:${AV_PORT_RTMP}/live/stream

If on the host machine a Webcam is installed, you can use this webcam to generate the incoming RTMP stream using the following ffmpeg command:

    ffmpeg.exe -v verbose -f dshow -i video="Integrated Webcam":audio="Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)"  -video_size 1280x720 -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -r 30 -g 60 -keyint_min 60 -b:v 2000000 -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast  -profile main -level 3.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -bufsize 1800k -maxrate 400k    -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/stream