Run and Evaluate AWS Cloudwatch Canaries parallel with AWS Step Functions.
State machine's execution will fail if any of the canaries fail but it will wait for all to run before failing.
import { StepFunctionOrchestrator } from 'synthetics-canaries-e2e-tests-runner'
new StepFunctionOrchestrator(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StepFunctionOrchestratorProps)
- Type:
- Type:
public readonly stateMachine: StateMachine;
Construction properties for a E2ETestsStep
import { E2ETestsStepProps } from 'synthetics-canaries-e2e-tests-runner'
const e2ETestsStepProps: E2ETestsStepProps = { ... }
public readonly canaries: Canary[];
- Type:
Array of AWS Cloudwatch canary to execute in this step.
public readonly inputsFromDeployedStack: CfnOutput[];
- Type:
The potential list of CloudFormation outputs exposed by the App under test deployed in the previous step of the code pipeline workflow and that are needed by canaries to run properly.
Those will be pushed to AWS SSM Parameter store to be accessed by the canary at runtime using the name set as output ExportName.
public readonly scope: Construct;
- Type:
Scope in wich to instantiate the state machine (usually your pipeline stack).
Construction properties for a StepFunctionOrchestrator
import { StepFunctionOrchestratorProps } from 'synthetics-canaries-e2e-tests-runner'
const stepFunctionOrchestratorProps: StepFunctionOrchestratorProps = { ... }
public readonly canaries: Canary[];
- Type:
Array of AWS Cloudwatch canary to execute.
- Implements:
Run AWS Cloudwatch Canaries end to end tests in parallel in the pipeline.
import { E2ETestsStep } from 'synthetics-canaries-e2e-tests-runner'
new E2ETestsStep(id: string, props: E2ETestsStepProps)
- Type:
public produceAction(stage: IStage, options: ProduceActionOptions)
public readonly inputsFromDeployedStack: any[];
- Type:
public readonly stateMachine: StateMachine;