Releases: flubber2077/Open-Source-Bassman-Preamp
v0.5.0 beta release
The project is workable as is and ready for wider testing and feedback. Renamed project to better reflect internals; will make a new repository for other amplifiers.
I finally know enough about programming and xcode to select the "build for all macs option" so this is the first one that actually works.
What's Changed
- Implemented switchable first order approximation of cabinet response by @flubber2077 in #31
- Implemented a resonant highpass filter into the cabinet simulation. by @flubber2077 in #32
Full Changelog: v0.4.1-alpha...v0.4.2-alpha
Baseline presentable GUI, ready for real feedback on it. The only things left to do on DSP side is some basic tuning, improve the triode simulation, and put in a optional rudimentary cabinet simulation. Power amp simulation, I suppose.
What's Changed
- Ok the main difference is volume is not compensated for the second ha… by @flubber2077 in #29
Full Changelog: v0.3.5-alpha...v0.4.0-alpha
GUI overhaul, slider changes to a 0-10 for all controls, but dB response in output gain.
Middle control implemented
Tube equations slightly tweaked.
What's Changed
- slight DC offset to produce asymmetric clipping. by @flubber2077 in #25
- Middle control implemented by @flubber2077 in #26
- Gui update by @flubber2077 in #28
Full Changelog: v0.3.4-alpha...v0.3.5-alpha
What's Changed
- Working extra tube by @flubber2077 in #19
- Tonestack by @flubber2077 in #21
- Oversampling enabled. by @flubber2077 in #22
Full Changelog: v0.3.3-alpha...v0.3.4-alpha
What's Changed
- Found a preferable function for the clipping, really quick adjustment by @flubber2077 in #15
- Updated controls by @flubber2077 in #17
Full Changelog: v0.3.1-alpha...v0.3.2-alpha
What's Changed
- Parameter listener update by @flubber2077 in #14
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-alpha...v0.3.1-alpha
-Bright Switch
-Master Volume