Flux for temporary review environments #831
Vi are planning to use flux for our dev/stage/prod where it seems a perfect fit. Would flux still be a good fit, for this type of workflow, or should I look at more |
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There are two types of ephemeral environments that we wish to address in Flux v2:
To deploy applications from feature branches onto ephemeral namespaces, we could introduce a new toolkit component (e.g. preview-controller) that reacts to events such as PR/branch create/push/delete. The preview-controller could manage ephemeral namespaces and app deployments by generating GitRepository, Kustomization, and HelmRelease objects on the fly. When the PR is merged and the branch deleted, the controller will react by removing the generated objects and thus triggering garbage collection of the whole preview environment. The preview-controller could leverage the kustomize-controller var substitutions feature and helm-controller values override to inject values for vars like: PR_ID and GIT_BRANCH. These variables could be used to prefix/suffix the ephemeral namespace, ingress sub-domain/url, certs, configmap data, etc. |
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Just wanted to share that we are also in need of a more dynamic environment. What we want:
We now have to see if we can keep the current GitOps approach or if we have to find something new. |
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I've done feature branch releases like this before: This script acts as a simple branch controller that produces GitRepositories, Kustomizations, and a target Namespace. You can put this into a CronJob or sleep-loop within a Deployment like so. You'll need to have an image that has parse_branches() {
tr '/' ' ' | awk '{print $3}'
sanitize_branches() {
# "--branch_TEST-@@@.^-name--" --> "branch-test-name"
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
| tr -c '[:alnum:]' - \
| tr -s - \
| sed -e 's/^-*//' -e 's/-*$//' -e 's/--*/-/'
git fetch origin
git branch -a --list 'origin/*feature*' | parse_branches | sort -u > ./branches
kubectl get gitrepository -oname | grep feature | cut -d/ -f2 | sort -u > ./in_cluster
comm -2 <(cat ./branches | sanitize_branches) ./in_cluster > ./to_delete
for raw_br in $(cat ./branches); do
kube_br="$(echo "${raw_br}" | sanitize_branches)"
kubectl apply -f- << EOF
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: GitRepository
name: ${kube_br}
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m0s
branch: ${raw_br}
url: ssh://[email protected]/myorg/myrepo
secretRef: flux-system
apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
name: ${kube_br}
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m0s
path: ./
prune: true
kind: GitRepository
name: ${kube_br}
targetNamespace: ${kube_br}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: ${kube_br}
for kube_br in $(cat ./to_delete); do
kubectl delete --wait=false gitrepository "${kube_br}"
kubectl delete --wait=false kustomization "${kube_br}"
kubectl delete --wait=false namespace "${kube_br}"
done |
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I would also like to add that this would be an extremely valuable feature to have and while @stealthybox's solution could provide an interim solution, I am looking forward to a |
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definitely keen on this feature - I might try to PoC this out using @stealthybox 's suggestion. |
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Hope to see this on the roadmap soon. |
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Here, I will focus on ephemeral environment == "I got an application, I want to deploy multiple preview of my app on a single cluster." Ephemeral environment is a challenge by itself. The first step is to know if it is a valid approach on your app. On some case, I think we can assume this can be a good and an easy thing to manage (front application for instance). On some other case, I do not really see a value to ephemeral environment vs a testcontainer based test on CI ( app like data streaming service for instance). For application in between, an ephemeral environment may be complex to generate ( duplicate data storage ? use a single data storage but then how to ensure no conflict between data definition ? What if I need a configuration change because of my PR ? So yes, not impossible, but can be really tricky) and may have more or less value to build it. All in all, having a process to do that is something I will vote for. Earlier comment suggest an approach to create a "preview-controller" driven by PR webhook. I'm not so found of this approach. If the trigger is webhook it also means the controller will have to create an update policy because it will be triggered before the image is built (or the failure to build one :D ). Doing that raises the question as why do we need this controller? if we need to call something (with a secret) to create something in a cluster, why not simplify the process and call directly (with a secret) a job on the repository to create the needed file. Ok it will be provider dependent, but the controller would also need support on each provider for simplicity. The other solution I have in mind is to extends the image automation process to duplicate environment. From image tag, we can extract multiple data (for instance PR number) and from that, duplicate some kubernetes objects. |
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Hi, I have created a very basic pr-ephemeral-env-controller controller. This currently works with Github and creates (updates/ deletes) new Flux HelmReleases for each PRs, I have based it on the Argo CD ApplicationSet Pull Request Generator. The Flux HelmRelease refers a Helm Chart through a Flux Source Repo. The values passed to the chart by the controller are the PR Number and PR Head SHA. You can design your Helm Chart to create a new environment in separate Namespace for each PR, or totally isolated (including isolated cloud services) environments for each PR. In the sample linked on the Controller Repository, for each PR to the sample application repository (The sample app is a simple todo API which needs a backend postgres database), a new isolated environment is created for each PR, with several isolated resources (The Helm Chart uses Crossplane Azure Jet Provider and Crossplane Helm Provider resources), including a new resource group, a new AKS cluster to which the application deployment and service (corresponding to the PR SHA commit of the application) are applied , and a new Azure Postgres backend database to which the application points to read and persist data. The Helm chart repository which the Flux HelmRelease points to is ephemeral-env-infra Thought I will share it here. Thanks. |
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Any update on adding new resources like "preview namespaces (Kustomize+Helm)" "preview clusters (ClusterAPI)" to devops toolkit to support ephemeral envs? |
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The Template Controller might be a viable solution for some of you. It allows to create arbitrary templated objects (e.g. HelmRelease or Kustomizatin) from "matrix inputs", which in turn can be arbitrary objects as well. The controller also provides a See the Introducing the Template Controller and building GitOps Preview Environments blog post for an introduction and examples. The example are based on Kluctl, but can easily be changed to work with Kustomization/HelmRelease. |
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Just thought I'd ask, though no pressure to answer - is there a desire to get this functionality or workflow formalised before flux v2 hits GA/1.0.0 status across the board? Would be good to know if there's a timeline/priority for it, or if it's just a loosely aspirational goal to have as and when the time is right. |
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our developers have simply written the commit automation to place the manifests into the directories/branches for dev deploys. Basically a really convoluted way to run We just push temp deploys into a shared namespace because apps don't typically need custom ServiceAccounts and it would be commit automation into an admin repo to get ephemeral SA's+Namespaces, which is a no-go for us. |
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not sure if this helps but here is an example how we achieved it in combination with gitlab ci. this might not be a replacement for a more "controller" like approach but that's what we/devs needed atm -> https://6uellerbpanda.gitlab.io/posts/Feature-branch-deployments-flux-gitlab-ci/ |
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Hey everyone! Are there any plans for a future controller? Just want to know if I need to build my own workflow based on the examples above :) . I'll also have a look at the Template controller. |
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Starting with Flux Operator v0.14, the operator has the ability to create, update and delete application instances on-demand based on the ResourceSet definitions and GitHub Pull Requests / GitLab Merge Requests state. For more details on how to use the ephemeral environments feature, see the following guides: |
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Starting with Flux Operator v0.14, the operator has the ability to create, update and delete application instances on-demand based on the ResourceSet definitions and GitHub Pull Requests / GitLab Merge Requests state.
For more details on how to use the ephemeral environments feature, see the following guides: