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File metadata and controls

270 lines (199 loc) · 10.3 KB

How to use, when called on without switches, shows a list of program switches and some hints how to use them. The program does not have an interactive mode. Every function needs data from previous runs, except the bootstrapping.

The typical workflow follows these steps:

  1. Create a graph (aka database) in Neo4j Desktop.
  2. Crawl either
    • a single band and connected bands or
    • a country or a region for band links on M-A,
  3. Crawl the bands from the countries or regions (not needed for a single band crawl),
  4. Opening Neo4j Desktop and inspect the graph and
  5. Print raw analysis in the terminal, export .graphml and statistics files.

The following sections will guide you through the usage of the program.


Crawling is the process of either getting band links from country pages or getting band data from their pages into the database.

Crawl a single band and all connected bands

The single mode is the first choice to generate small networks of bands. Call the program with the switch -s and a short link (e.g. Emperor/30) for the band. The given band and all linked bands from the complete lineup are crawled. The screenshot shows the bands Emperor's Samoth is and was involved in:

Lineup - Emperor

There's no distinction between actual, past or a live bands. Live members can be filtered in with IS_LIVE_MEMBER_IN_BAND.

Note: This mode will not get you any useful information when country statistics are generated.

Crawl a country or a region for band links

The initial requirement to use Meta Metal Mapper is having band links to crawl. There are two ways of creating band lists:

  • Start with the switch -i N1 [N2] ... to crawl all bands in all supplied countries or
  • Call with -r NNN where NNN is the key of the region you want to crawl.

Crawling an entire region is recommended only for small regions with a low amount of bands or to update with new bands.

Band list files are generated by country (from M-A's "by country page") with at least one band entry. The names of the files follow this simple scheme: NN.lnks where NN is the two letter short form.

The contents of an .lnks file looks like this (see data/true_kings.lnks):


Together with a fully fledged link to every band can be generated whenever it is needed. You can easily build files with the short links of your favorite bands.

You can define your own regions in Just make sure that a region code has three letters (or more) so that no country link files will be overwritten in a crawl.

Create a graph in Neo4j Desktop

Before bands can be crawled a database needs to be created.

  1. Open Neo4j Desktop.
  2. Click Add GraphCreate a Local Graph. Anything from 3.5.x to 4.4.5 should work fine.
  3. Give it a name and a password.
  4. Open and change NEO4J_PASSWORD to what you entered in the above step.
  5. Start the database. Remember that you need to start the database every time you want to interact with the database.

Crawl bands

Several options are available to crawl bands from the above generated link files:

  1. -c <path/to/file>: Crawls the bands in the given file.
  2. -c <country>: Use this for the countries you crawled wit -i. Just pass the ISO short (e.g. NO for Norway). The program tries to find the correct link file in the links folder.
  3. -c <region_id>: Crawls bands from the region file found in ./links.

Eight threads are used by default to crawl for bands (See the performance analysis for the amount of crawling threads). Data is applied immediately to the graph database and won't be overwritten.

Error cases

A band might encounter unrecoverable errors while crawling. This might happen if the band does not exist or the network connection breaks down. Unrecoverable bands will be saved in a file in ./links and a name like _bands_with_errors_{time_stamp}. The resulting files contain short band links (as the other .lnks files) and can be used for crawling. If you notice from the log that a band was removed from M-A simply remove the line from the file. In case of defects drop me a message or fix it yourself and issue a pull request.

Inspecting a graph

Open Neo4j Desktop and inspect the graph.

  1. Install Neo4j Browser with the "Add Application" button inside Neo4j Desktop.
  2. Start Neo4j Browser.
  3. Click on the database icon (top left).
  4. Enter MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 250 in the text box starting with the $ symbol and press play.

You might want to use a higher number than 250 if you already have more than 250 entities in the database. Depending on how strong your machine is, ~1000 might be the usable maximum. To change the maximum node number you need to open the Neo4j Browser, click on the cog icon (lower left) anf change the value of Initial Node Display.

See also database entities for in-depth details and the examples section.


After e.g. crawling a region or a country, you can start analyzing the data. Running the program with either of the available switches prints some information on the command line. Far more interesting are the exported CSV and GraphML files. They are named after their general category followed by a timestamp and the file type (depicted by a * in the following sections).

  • -z: Analyses and exports data of the whole database but does not generate any country specific statistics. This mode is useful for small networks and simply if not all bands of a country are available.
  • -y ALL: Considers the entire database and includes country specific information.
  • -y <countries>: In this case <countries> is a list of ISO shorts (N1 N2 N3).
  • -y <region_id>: Passing a <region_id> analyses a list of ISO shorts (see -l). Both latter options also check for:
  • Missing bands; not found in database but in the country links file.
  • Invalid bands; found in database but not in the country links file.

Files with the missing or invalid bands are saved in links_missing or links_valid. The naming pattern is <IsoCountry>_YY-MM-DD_hhmmss.lnks.


List countries and their properties like total number of bands, bands per 100k people, a gender breakdown and the TOP genre.

The file pattern is countries_*.

Country Population Bands Bands per 100k # Total # Male % Male # Female % Female # Unknown % Unknown TOP genre
Norway 5.378.857 1702 31,64 5782 5523 95,52 240 4,15 19 0,33 Black Metal
Denmark 5.771.876 999 17,31 3623 3545 97,85 77 2,13 1 0,03 Death Metal

All genres

List all known genres and the count for each one per country.

The file pattern is genres_all_*.

Genre Total Norway Denmark
Black 1135 862 271
Death 732 381 351
Thrash 441 249 192
Heavy 316 147 169
Doom/Stoner/Sludge 298 178 120

All core genres

Core does not mean what you might think in this context. It's merely the most common genre names as M-A defines them.

The CSV contains the core genres and the count for each one per country.

The file pattern is genres_core_*.

It looks similar to the all genres table.

Releases per year

This CSV groups releases on a per year basis. Most recent year at the top. The releases per year are grouped descending on their rating. Release entries in the database store the average rating of e.g. a full length album or demo. The other metric is the number of reviews. I arbitrarily tried cut-off values to filter releases:

  • RELEASE_REVIEW_COUNT_MIN: The minimum amount of reviews a release needs to be considered for the export (default 3).
  • RELEASE_AVERAGE_MIN: The minimum average score a release needs (default 80).
  • RELEASE_TYPES_REVIEW: By default we consider Albums (F), EPs (E) and Demos (D). Other valid types can be found in RELEASE_TYPES(see

If you don't like the standard settings from, try to change the properties to something that works for you. The file pattern is releases_per_year_*. Note that a JSON file of the release data is also exported.

Bands formed per year

Files named bands_formed_* give an overview of how many bands were formed over the years. The time frame is decided by the oldest and newest bands. Years with no bands within the time span will be added with zero as count. Columns are sorted left to right by total amount of bands formed.

HTML reports

An HTML file with all and per year releases is generated inside the reports folder. The reports can be influences with as described above.

HTML Preview

Usage and output example

Two switches are available to analyze data, print to the command line, and export .graphml networks:

  • -y ALL: Analyze the entire database.
  • -y NN: Analyze only the given country.
  • -y NN1,NN2,RR1: Analyze all given countries and/or regions.

The country analysis for all Norwegian band might look similar to this:

  Population: 5,378,857
  Bands: 1706
  Bands per 100k people: 31.72%
  Gender distribution (5779 artists from 45 countries)
    Male: 5520 (95.52%)
    Female: 240 (4.15%)
    Unknown/other: 19 (0.33%)
  TOP 5 Genres;
    Black: 865 (50.70%)
    Death: 381 (22.33%)
    Thrash: 249 (14.60%)
    Doom/Stoner/Sludge: 178 (10.43%)
    Progressive: 165 (9.67%)

By default all bands (including unconnected ones) are exported. Band members which played only live are considered to be part of a band. These options are available in

  • IS_LIVE_MEMBER_IN_BAND: Used to decide if a live band member is considered to make connections between bands or not.
  • FILTER_UNCONNECTED: Any band which is not connected to any other bands will be filtered.

Using exported .graphml files

The Gephi intro page explains how to use the generated .graphml files.