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\\ *** Screen Editor *** 19may97py This file contains the editor for screen files \ Load Screen for the Editor 20may00py \needs arguments : arguments depth 1- > abort" arguments?!" ; From edit.fs From ediwind.fs Module Editor [IFDEF] win32api win32api also [THEN] [IFDEF] X11 X11 also [THEN] MINOS also Dos also Memory also Editor include ediwind.fs \ Fenster \ warning @ warning off 1 $2C +thru include edit.fs $2D $35 +thru \ warning ! export editor v l view ed ; Module; Onlyforth \ Editor Variable 21apr97py ?head @ 1 ?head ! Variable minvert# AVariable "done Variable loading Variable callwind Variable jingle jingle on Variable ?hide ?hide off : alarm 7 con! jingle off ; : blank ( addr count --) bl fill ; forward edi_open forward replace-it \ Move the Editor's cursor around 26jun94py: top ( -- ) 0. scredit at ; : col ( -- n ) cur [ c/l 1- ] Literal and ; : row ( -- n ) cur 6 rshift ; : 'cursor ( -- addr ) scredit 'start cur + ; : 'line ( -- addr ) 'cursor col - ; : #after ( -- n ) c/l col - ; : #remaining ( -- n ) b/blk cur - ; : #end ( -- n ) #remaining col + ; : +tab ( -- ) $10 cur $F and - c ; : -tab ( -- ) cur 7 and negate dup 0= 8 * + c ; : ecr ( -- ) #after c ; : scr@ ( -- addr len ) scredit 'start b/blk ; : >""end ( -- ) scr@ 1- -trailing nip pos ! ; : word@ ( addr count skip -- addr' count' ) swap >r bl -scan 2dup + r> 2 pick - under bl scan nip - >r + r> ; \ buffers 02oct94py : modified ( -- ) 'start drop update ; &42 Constant c/buf \ "Es wird euch nicht gefallen, aber das Ergebnis ist 42" Variable insbuf : 'insert ( -- ins-buf ) insbuf @ ; : 'find ( -- find-buf ) 'insert c/buf + ; : 'find+ ( n1 -- n2 ) 'find c@ + ; : !scr scredit edifile @ !files scredit scr# @ scr ! cur r# ! ; \ Errorchecking 11apr94py : 'lastline ( -- addr len ) scr@ + c/l - c/l ; : 'line@ ( -- addr len ) 'line c/l ; : ?bottom ( -- ) 'lastline -trailing nip abort" You would lose a line" ; : (end? abort" You would lose a char" ; : ?end ( -- ) 'line c/l + 1- c@ bl - (end? ; : ?range ( n -- n ) dup capacity 0 within abort" Out of range!" ; \ Graphics for display 25jun94py : lineinsert ( line# -- ) drop scredit draw ; \ org @ - cheight * >r \ inscalk r@ - cheight - rot r> + -rot \ 2over cheight + scr>scr ; : linedelete ( line# -- ) drop scredit draw ; \ org @ - cheight * >r \ inscalk r@ - cheight - rot r> + cheight + -rot \ 2over cheight - scr>scr ; : lastlineoff ( -- ) 'lastline blank update l/s 1- scredit .line ; \ wi_h org @ + 1- .line ; \ move part of the line by one char 19may97py : char> row scredit .line ; \ curpos c/l col 1+ - cwidth * cheight \ 2over swap cwidth + swap scr>scr ; : <char row scredit .line ; \ curpos swap cwidth + swap \ c/l col 1+ - cwidth * cheight \ curpos scr>scr \ b? dup push off cur >r \ row c/l 1- at space GEMflush r> pos ! ; \ screen display 21apr97py &18 Constant id-len Create id id-len allot id id-len erase : stamp id 1+ count scr@ drop c/l + over - swap move ; : ?stamp updated? scr@ -trailing nip 0<> and IF stamp THEN ; : edilist ( edistate off ) scr @ scredit scr# ! scredit slided ; : retallot scredit start @ 0= IF b/blk scredit start Handle! THEN ; : undo retallot updated? 0= IF scredit retscr @ scr @ = IF scredit start @ scr@ move update edilist scredit retscr on THEN EXIT THEN scr@ scredit start @ swap move prev @ emptybuf edilist scr @ scredit retscr ! ; \ more-alert cancel-alert 12oct97py : more-alert ( -- ) r> r> ^ 4 $3000 $2000 NewTask pass >o rdrop edicatch >r >r s" Add a screen?" 1 s" No " s" Yes " 2 1 alert ; : cancel-alert ( -- ) r> r> ^ 3 $3000 $2000 NewTask pass >o rdrop edicatch >r >r s" All datas are lost!" 1 s" Yes " s" No " 2 2 alert ; \ more? 31aug97pyVariable next-slide : draw-edislide timer@ next-slide @ - -$1000 0 within ?EXIT &50 after next-slide ! scredit dpy self viewport with hspos draw endwith ; : onemore ( -- ) 1 more draw-edislide ; : more? isfile@ 0= ?EXIT more-alert 1 = IF onemore THEN ; : nofile? isfile@ 0= abort" Not for direct access!" ; : delete? scr@ -trailing nip 0= ?EXIT cancel-alert 1 = IF rdrop THEN ; : (clrscr scr @ buffer b/blk blank update edilist ; : clrscr updated? IF delete? THEN (clrscr ; : insscr nofile? ?stamp capacity 1- block b/blk -trailing nip IF onemore THEN scr @ capacity 2- over 1+ convey (clrscr ; : delscr nofile? delete? scr @ 1+ capacity 1- over 1- convey capacity 1- block b/blk blank update edilist ; \ Edi Variables, 11oct93py \ : memtop ( -- addr ) thisModule @ dup cell+ @ + ; \ : membot ( -- addr ) 'find c/buf + c/l 2* + ; Variable chars Variable #chars : 'chars ( -- addr ) chars @ #chars @ + ; Variable (key Variable imode imode on \ Edi line handling 02jul94py : linemodified modified row scredit .line ; : clrline 'line c/l blank linemodified ; : clrright 'cursor #after blank linemodified ; : delline 'line #end c/l delete row linedelete lastlineoff modified ; : backline c/l negate c delline ; : instline ?bottom 'line c/l over #end insert row lineinsert clrline ; \ Edi line handling 05jul95py : -line 'line c/l -trailing ; forward @line forward ?line forward !line" : copyline -line @line c/l c ; : line>buf -line @line delline ; : !line !line" 'line swap c/l min move linemodified ; : buf>line ?line ?bottom instline !line ; \ Edi char handling 07jan07py: delchar 'cursor #after cursize delete <char modified ; : backspace col 0= IF -line >r c/l negate c -line dup pos +! dup r@ + c/l > (end? + r> move linemodified c/l c delline c/l negate c ELSE curleft delchar THEN ; : instX ?end 'cursor swap over #after insert ; : inst1 1 instX ; : instchar inst1 char> bl 'cursor c! 0 c modified ; : (@char #chars @ $100 u>= abort" char buffer full" 'chars c! 1 #chars +! ; : copychar 'cursor c@ (@char 1 c ; : char>buf 'cursor c@ (@char delchar ; : !char -1 #chars +! 'chars c@ 'cursor c! 1 c ; : ?chars #chars @ 0= abort" char buffer empty" ; : buf>char ?chars inst1 char> !char -1 c modified ; \ from Screen to Screen ... 21apr97py: setscreen ( n -- ) ?stamp ?range scr ! edilist ; ' setscreen Alias +-onescr : n scr @ 1+ dup capacity = IF more? THEN +-onescr ; : b scr @ 1- +-onescr ; : w scr @ capacity scredit >shadow setscreen ; : mark! scredit 'r# ! scredit 'scr ! scredit 'edifile ! ; : (mark isfile@ scr @ cur mark! ( scredit shadow @ ?dup IF >o isfile@ scredit scr# @ cur mark! o> THEN ) ; : mark (mark true abort" marked !" ; : a ?stamp scredit 'edifile @ dup IF dup searchfile drop THEN scredit 'r# @ scredit 'scr @ (mark rot dup scredit edifile ! !files ?range scr ! pos ! edilist ; \ splitting a line, replace 21apr97py : split ?bottom scratch c/l 2dup blank 'cursor #remaining insert linemodified col ecr row lineinsert 'cursor c/l rot delete linemodified ; : lfsplit ?bottom scratch c/l 2dup blank 'cursor #remaining insert linemodified c/l c row lineinsert linemodified ; : ins 'insert count dup 0= IF 2drop EXIT THEN under 'cursor #after insert c ; : ?room 'insert c@ 'find c@ - < abort" not enough room" ; : r c/l 'line over -trailing nip - ?room 'find c@ dup negate c 'cursor #after rot delete ins 'insert c@ dup negate c linemodified row swap c row - IF linemodified THEN ; \ exiting the Editor 30oct99py Create comport 0 , 0 , 0 , : array! 1- cells over + DO I ! -cell +LOOP ; : array@ cells bounds ?DO I @ cell +LOOP ; : communicate ( x1 .. xn n cfa -- ) >r comport swap array! (Ftast @ r> (Ftast ! >r $FFBE 0 scredit callwind keyed BEGIN pause comport @ 0< UNTIL r> (Ftast ! ; : ."done ( -- ) scr @ dup 0< IF invert ." Line #" 4 ELSE ." Scr #" 3 THEN over scr ! .r 2 spaces "done @ count type space ; : !filepos comport 3 array@ r# ! scr ! !files comport on pause ."done loading @ 0= ?EXIT scr @ r# @ isfile@ str? IF (#load ELSE (load THEN ; \ leave the editor 30oct99py: scr> scredit 'edifile @ 'edifile0 ! scredit 'scr @ 'scr0 ! scredit 'r# @ 'r#0 ! ; : done ( ff addr -- ) do-done on "done ! loading ! scr> scredit edifile @ scr @ r# @ 3 ['] !filepos communicate ( scredit close ) 2 throw ; : +done ( ff addr -- ) cur r# ! done ; : cdone ( -- tf ) cancel-alert 1 = ?EXIT 'start drop prev @ emptybuf false " canceled" +done ; : sdone ( -- tf ) ?stamp save-buffers false " saved" +done ; : xdone ( -- tf ) ?stamp scredit update$ scratch place false scratch +done ; : ldone ( -- tf ) ?stamp save-buffers true " loading" +done ; : edibye ( -- tf ) ['] sdone catch &100 wait singletask pccuron bye ; \ get User's ID 15jul00py : cancel widget dpy close edit-o @ op! ; : set-id textfield get id-len min id 1+ place cancel ; : clr-id 0 id 1+ c! cancel ; window ptr current-win : ?set-parent ( -- ) [IFDEF] x11 edit-o @ IF edit-o @ scredit with dpy get-win endwith window set-parent THEN [THEN] ; : MODAL: ( addr len -- ) ^ edit-o ! r> screen self window new window with execute >r modal new panel dup >r -rot assign ?set-parent mousemap r> r> swap modal with ?dup IF modal bind active THEN endwith ^ F bind current-win endwith ; \ get id 04jun08py : do_getid ( -- ) S" Enter your ID" MODAL: id 1+ count 0 ST[ ]ST s" ID:" ( ^) infotextfield new 2fill over S[ set-id ]S s" OK" ( ^) button new dup >r 2skip 3 pick S[ clr-id ]S s" No ID" ( ^) button new 2skip 5 pick S[ cancel ]S s" Cancel" ( ^) button new 2fill 7 ( ^) hatbox new 2 r> 0 ; Forward date-id : get-id id c@ ?EXIT FORTHstart 2+ count + count + count 6 /string -trailing date-id 0 >o do_getid o> current-win stop ; \ insert- and overwrite-mode, jump to screen 04jun08py : setimode imode on ( :imode checkon :omode checkoff ) ; : clrimode imode off ( :omode checkon :imode checkoff ) ; forward gotoline : jump-to textfield get drop cancel edicatch isfile@ str? IF scr ! gotoline ELSE setscreen THEN ; : jumpscreen S" Screen-Nr:" MODAL: 0 0 ^ SN[ ]SN textfield new 2fill over S[ jump-to ]S s" OK" ( ^) button new dup >r 2skip 3 pick S[ cancel ]S s" Cancel" ( ^) button new 2fill 5 ( ^) hatbox new 2 r> 0 ; : voc-find ( true string -- f NFA / t string ) voc-link LIST> 8 - >r over r> (find IF swap UNLIST nip nip 0 swap EXIT THEN drop ; \ viewing words 12oct97py: >view ( -- ) 'find count 1- 1 /string scratch place scratch capitalize bl scratch count + c! find 0= IF true swap voc-find swap abort" Huh?" ELSE >name THEN ?dup 0= abort" no view-field" 6 - w@ ?dup 0= abort" hand made" (view scr ! ; : fview 'find count under scr @ block b/blk c/l /string caps push caps on 2swap search IF nip b/blk swap - + 1- ELSE 2drop 0 THEN ; : !view ( -- ) isfile@ str? IF isfile@ scredit edifile @ = IF pos off gotoline ELSE r# off edi_open THEN EXIT THEN scredit edifile @ str? IF fview r# ! edi_open EXIT THEN scr @ scredit scr# ! isfile@ scredit edifile ! fview pos ! edilist ; \ viewing words 04jun08py : find! ( addr count -- ) under 'find 2+ swap move 2+ 'find c! bl 'find 1+ c! bl 'find count + 1- c! ; : >viewit ( -- ) infotextfield get find! cancel edicatch >view !view ; : >markv edit-o @ >o (mark o> >viewit ; : do_view ( -- ) S" View Word" MODAL: t" " 0 ST[ ]ST s" Word:" ( ^) infotextfield new 2fill over S[ >viewit ]S s" OK" ( ^) button new 2skip 3 pick S[ >markv ]S s" Mark" ( ^) button new dup >r 2skip 5 pick S[ cancel ]S s" Cancel" ( ^) button new 2fill 7 ( ^) hatbox new 2 r> 0 ; : scr:view ( -- ) edicatch (mark 'line c/l col word@ find! >view !view ; Variable ?show_replace ?show_replace on \ find und search 01may97pytrue Value >last? : >last true to >last? ; : >1st false to >last? ; Variable fscreen 2Variable <scrs> : find? ( -- n f ) 'find count dup 'cursor #remaining rot over 1+ < IF 2swap 2over 2swap search >r nip - nip r> ELSE 2drop 2drop 0. THEN ; : nofound true abort" not found" ; : s scr @ >r BEGIN find? IF 'find+ c r> scr @ = 0= IF edilist THEN EXIT THEN drop fscreen @ scr @ - ?dup WHILE 0< 2* 1+ scr +! top scr @ scredit scr# ! draw-edislide REPEAT <scrs> >last? IF >1st ELSE >last cell+ THEN @ fscreen ! r> scr @ <> IF edilist THEN nofound ; \ Replacing 09jun08py: >cancel ( widget dpy self frame with ungrab endwith )cancel ; : >rep >cancel edicatch r s replace-it ; : >search >cancel edicatch s replace-it ; : handle-replace screen self menu-frame new menu-frame with noop-act 1 tributton new 1 habox new hfixbox s" Replace?" text-label new 2 habox new 0 S[ >rep ]S S" Yes" button new dup >r 0 S[ >search ]S S" No" button new r> over >r >r 0 S[ >cancel ]S S" Cancel" button new 3 hatbox new hskip vskip 2 r> modal new 0 hskips 0 vskips 2 borderbox ( s" " ) assign show ( xwin @ grab ) focus r> widget with xywh endwith 2/ swap 2/ swap p+ 2dup 1 0 clicked mousexy! endwith ; \ Replacing ... 31aug97py : replace-it ( -- ) ?show_replace @ 0= IF BEGIN r s AGAIN EXIT THEN pos push 'find c@ negate c scredit show-you scredit curpos scredit dpy transback scredit dpy dpy screenpos p+ ^ edit-o ! handle-replace ; \ Editor's find and replace 16aug98py Variable (findbox (findbox off Variable ?replace : ?findfirst (findbox @ 'find c@ and 0= abort" use find first" ; : repfind ( -- ) edicatch ?findfirst ?stamp fscreen @ capacity 1- min fscreen ! s ?replace @ IF replace-it THEN ; : size@ scredit edifile @ IF scredit edifile @ str? ELSE true THEN IF scredit rows @ ELSE scredit edifile @ isfile ! capacity 1- THEN ; \ find! 07dec97py Variable <caps> Variable <some> infotextfield ptr 1st-scr infotextfield ptr last-scr textfield ptr find-field textfield ptr insert-field \ : dir! togglebutton set? @ to >last? ; \ : caps! togglebutton set? @ <caps> ! ; \ : some! togglebutton set? @ <some> ! ; : >find ( -- ) find-field get 'find place insert-field get 'insert place <some> @ 0= ?show_replace ! last-scr get drop 1st-scr get drop <scrs> 2! <scrs> >last? IF cell+ THEN @ fscreen ! cancel <caps> @ caps ! repfind ; : >repl ( -- ) ?replace on >find ; \ find box 04jun08py \ : >select ( o flag -- o ) over >o togglechar set? ! o> ; : screen-field ( -- o ) 2fill 1. ^ SN[ ]SN s" 1st Scr:" ( ^) infotextfield new dup bind 1st-scr 2skip 0 & >last? ['] noop toggle-var new s" > " ( ^) flipbutton new 2skip edit-o @ >o size@ o> 0 ^ SN[ ]SN s" Last Scr:" ( ^) infotextfield new dup bind last-scr 5 ( ^) habox new hfixbox 2fill 3 ( ^) habox new ; \ search and replace 04jun08py : switch-field ( -- o ) S" Case:" ( ^) text-label new 2skip 0 <caps> ['] noop toggle-var new S" Ignore" ( ^) flipbutton new 2fill S" Replace:" ( ^) text-label new 2skip 0 <some> ['] noop toggle-var new S" All" ( ^) flipbutton new 7 ( ^) habox new ; : text-field ( -- o ) 'find count 0 ST[ ]ST textfield new dup bind find-field 'insert count 0 ST[ ]ST textfield new dup bind insert-field 2 ( ^) vabox new vskip ; \ search and replace 15jul00py : button-field ( -- o w ) 0 S[ cancel ]S s" Cancel" ( ^) button new 0 S[ >find ]S s" Find:" ( ^) button new dup >r 2 ( ^) habox new hskip 0 S[ >repl ]S s" Replace with:" ( ^) button new 2 ( ^) vabox new vskip hfixbox r> ; : text-button ( -- o w ) text-field button-field >r 2skip rot 3 ( ^) habox new r> ; : do_find ( -- ) ?replace off S" Search and Replace" MODAL: screen-field switch-field text-button 3 swap find-field self ; : edifind ( -- ) (findbox on do_find ; \ do_file isfile? 20may00py : ?str scredit edifile @ str? dup 0= IF ?stamp THEN ; | : isfile? ( fcb -- fcb f ) \ is addr a fcb ? dup cfa@ [ ' forth.fb cfa@ ] ALiteral = ; Variable path Variable file : !str ( addr len var -- ) dup >r $! 0 r> $@ + c! ; : @str ( var -- addr len ) dup @ IF $@ ELSE drop s" " THEN ; \ : do_file ( info count string count -- exitflag ) \ r> ^ 6 $3000 $2000 NewTask pass >o rdrop edicatch \ scredit curon >r path @str 2swap path+file s" " 2swap \ fsel-input >r path !str r@ IF file !str THEN \ r> 0= IF rdrop THEN scredit curoff ; \ (use 19jun02py: \use ( addr count -- ) here place bl here count + c! here capitalize find IF isfile? IF execute EXIT THEN THEN drop NewMP isfile ! ; : (use ( flag -- ) file @str isfile@ assign isfile@ str? or IF 1 scr ! r# off edi_open EXIT THEN 0 block drop isfile@ capacity 1- 0 max 1 min 0 mark! !scr a ; : fp! 2over path !str path+file file !str ; : wildcard path @str 2swap path+file path !str path $@ ; : >file ( f l -- f' l' ) 2dup + >r '/ -scan + r> over - ; : UseFile s" Use File:" s" " [IFDEF] win32 s" *.f?" [ELSE] s" *.f[sb]" [THEN] wildcard ^ S[ fp! [IFDEF] win32 true [ELSE] ?str [THEN] file @str >file \use (use ]S fsel-dialog ; : save-file save-buffers edilist ; \ UseFile MakeFile KillFile MakeDir 18may03py: MakeFile s" Make File:" s" " s" *.f?" wildcard ^ S[ fp! file @str >file '. scan nip 0= IF file @str isfile@ str? IF " .fs" ELSE " .fb" THEN path+file ELSE file @str THEN 2dup + 3 - 3 s" .fs" compare 0= -rot r/w create-file throw >r IF S"
" r@ write-file throw ELSE $800 NewHandle dup @ $800 blank dup @ $800 r@ write-file swap DisposHandle throw THEN r> close-file throw ]S fsel-dialog ; : KillFile s" Kill File:" s" " S" *.*" wildcard ^ S[ fp! file @str drop fdelete ?diskabort ]S fsel-dialog ; : MakeDir s" Make Dir:" s" " S" ." wildcard ^ S[ fp! file @str drop dcreate ?diskabort ]S fsel-dialog ; \ Window handling 04may97py : wdup scr> edi_open ; : wshadow scredit shadowscr self ?dup IF drop ( raise-window ) EXIT THEN scr @ capacity scredit >shadow scr ! wdup ^ edit-o @ >o scredit bind shadowscr ^ o> scredit bind shadowscr ; \\ : setcheight ( n -- ) dup vstep ! dup $D $10 */ st_height sizes 2+ w! 3 0. 0. wi_form form_dial wi_handle @ wi_size 5 wm_sized 1 show_c ; : 8x8font 8 setcheight :smallfnt checkon :largefnt checkoff ; : 8x16font maxh @ setcheight :largefnt checkon :smallfnt checkoff ; \\ Message events (the menuline) 01may94py Variable ?help ?help on : do_menuhelp :hhemenu alert :edimenu tree! 1 and :menuhelp over IF checkon ELSE checkoff THEN ?help ! 1 show_c ; : do_copyr :copyr tree! show_object 0 objc_tree form_do $7FFF and deselect hide_object 1 show_c ; : mousehelp :hhemouse alert drop 1 show_c ; : f1-10help :hhef1f10 alert drop 1 show_c ; \ Table of keystrokes 21apr97pyCreate keytable \ File char u 8 w, w, char m 8 w, w, char k 8 w, w, 0 8 w, w, char w 8 w, w, 0 8 w, w, \ Exits ctrl [ 0 w, w, ctrl s 4 w, w, ctrl x 4 w, w, ctrl l 4 w, w, ctrl z 4 w, w, ctrl z 4 w, w, \ Screens ctrl n 4 w, w, ctrl b 4 w, w, $FF56 0 w, w, $FF55 0 w, w, ctrl w 4 w, w, ctrl a 4 w, w, ctrl j 4 w, w, ctrl v 4 w, w, char c 8 w, w, char i 8 w, w, char d 8 w, w, ctrl m 4 w, w, \ Lines $FF52 1 w, w, $FF54 1 w, w, $FF54 4 w, w, ctrl ? 4 w, w, ctrl h 1 w, w, ctrl ? 1 w, w, $FF63 1 w, w, ctrl e 4 w, w, ctrl m 1 w, w, ctrl m 1 w, w, ctrl m 4 w, w, ctrl m 4 w, w, ctrl p 4 w, w, \ Table of keystrokes continue 12dec99py\ Chars $FF51 1 w, w, $FF53 1 w, w, $FF53 4 w, w, ctrl h 0 w, w, ctrl ? 0 w, w, $FF63 0 w, w, ctrl m 0 w, w, ctrl j 0 w, w, \ Cursor $FF52 0 w, w, $FF54 0 w, w, $FF51 0 w, w, $FF53 0 w, w, ctrl i 0 w, w, ctrl i 1 w, w, $FF50 0 w, w, $FF57 0 w, w, \ Specials ctrl f 4 w, w, ctrl r 4 w, w, ctrl i 4 w, w, ctrl o 4 w, w, ctrl g 4 w, w, \ $1900 4 w, w, ( ) $1E00 4 w, w,( $6200 0 w, w, $FFFF 4 w, w, $FFFF 4 w, w, ) char l 8 w, w, \ Windows char o 8 w, w, char s 8 w, w, 0 4 w, w, \ $7F00 4 w, w, $2600 4 w, w, here keytable - 4/ Constant #keys \ Key event 13nov05py : visible? ( key -- f ) $FF and ; hmacro : ?key ( -- key ) (key @ dup visible? 0= abort" What?" ; : (putchar ( -- ) ?key dup xc-size >r imode @ IF r@ instX char> THEN 'cursor xc!+ drop linemodified r> c ; : actiontable scredit actiontable @ ; : findkey ( d_key -- addr ) swap $10 << or 0 swap #keys 0 DO dup keytable I 4* + @ = IF nip actiontable Ith swap LEAVE THEN LOOP drop ; \ Table of actions 09oct94pyTable: (scraction \ File UseFile MakeFile KillFile MakeDir save-file edibye \ Exits cdone sdone xdone ldone undo undo \ Screens n b n b w a jumpscreen do_view clrscr insscr delscr mark \ Lines line>buf buf>line copyline clrright backline delline instline clrline split split lfsplit lfsplit noop \ Table of actions continue 08apr95py\ Chars char>buf buf>char copychar backspace delchar instchar ecr ecr \ Cursor curup curdown curleft currite +tab -tab top >""end \ Specials edifind repfind setimode clrimode do_getid \ DoKontrol ( ) do_copyr ( do_menuhelp mousehelp f1-10help ) noop \ Windows Wdup WShadow noop ( 8x8font 8x16font ) (putchar [ \\ Table of Help-Boxes 01may94pyCreate helptable \ File $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, :hfibye c, \ Exits :hexcancl c, :hexsave c, :hexupdat c, :hexload c, :hexundo c, \ Screens :hscnext c, :hscback c, :hscshado c, :hscalter c, :hjump c, :hview c, :hscclear c, :hscins c, :hscdel c, :hscmark c, \ Lines :hlicut c, :hlipaste c, :hlicopy c, :hlirest c, :hliback c, :hlidel c, :hliins c, :hlierase c, :hlisplit c, :hlisplit c, :hlifeed c, :hlifeed c, $FF c, \\ Table of Help-Boxes continue 01may94py\ Chars :hchcut c, :hchpaste c, :hchcopy c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, \ Cursor $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, :hcutabr c, :hcutabl c, :hcuhome c, :hcuend c, \ Specials :hspfind c, :hsprepea c, :hspins c, :hspover c, :hspgetid c, :hsppanel c, ( ) $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, $FF c, \ Windows :hwidup c, :hwishado c, $FF c, :hwismall c, :hwilarge c, \ !nokey edierror edicatch 19may97py Variable nokey? nokey? off : !nokey ; : edierror jingle @ IF alarm THEN scredit showerror ; : edicatch r> updated? not >r scredit curoff catch updated? r> and IF scredit slided THEN 2 case? IF scredit close EXIT THEN IF "error @ dup IF edierror 0 THEN "error ! THEN scredit curon ; \ Key event 14sep97py : putchar actiontable #keys cells + perform ; Variable (shift : ev-key ( key st -- ) (shift ! (key ! edicatch !scr (key @ (shift @ findkey ?dup IF execute ELSE putchar THEN jingle on ; \ Installing the Editor 14aug94py : Makeinsbuf insbuf @ 0= IF c/buf 2* insbuf Handle! THEN ; : ?clearbuffer chars @ ?EXIT $100 chars Handle! #chars off Makeinsbuf 'insert c/buf 2* erase ; \ Installing the Editor 05mar00py : fit? isfile@ &80 > IF handle 0= IF open THEN THEN ; : pushes ; hmacro : settings ( flag -- ) ?clearbuffer ; : setmenu ; hmacro : ?resource ( -- ) ; hmacro ?head ! : finstall ( -- ) fit? ?resource get-id settings ; : date-id ( addr u -- ) 1 id c! $sum push id 1+ $sum ! dattime [IFDEF] win32 $1 >> [THEN] [IFDEF] unix drop timeval @ [THEN] base push decimal >date id 1+ place $add ; \ Entering the Editor 03dec04py: edi_open o@ & scredit @ = o@ & stredit @ = or IF scredit callwind self bind term THEN isfile@ str? IF opentwind ELSE scr @ capacity dup 0= IF 1 more 1+ THEN 1- umin scr ! wi_open THEN ; : v ( -- ) finstall edi_open ; [IFDEF] F' &10 F' V [THEN] : l ( scr -- ) 1 arguments capacity dup 0= IF 1 more 1+ THEN 1- umin scr ! r# off v ; : vc ( -- ) search-buffer ?dup IF >o isfile@ str? IF stredit curoff gotoline stredit curon ELSE r# @ pos ! scr @ setscreen THEN o> ELSE v THEN ; \ Entering the Editor 28dec99py : view ( -- ) name count ?clearbuffer find! >view fit? isfile@ str? 0= IF fview ELSE 0 THEN r# ! vc ; : view-name ( view addr u -- ) ?clearbuffer find! 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