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Fortify Software Security Center and Fortify ScanCentral SAST/DAST Deployment

This is a deployment example for Fortify Software Security Center (SSC) and Fortify ScanCentral SAST/DAST using minikube. Minikube is a tool that allows you to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally. It is useful for developing and testing applications that are designed to run on Kubernetes.

This example is intended to teach you how to do a deployment, but not in a production environment. Emphasis has not been placed on security in this example. Keep in mind that if you are deploying to a production environment, you will need to take additional measures to ensure the security of your system.



Install minikube:


Install helm:


You will use OpenSSL ( to create a self-signed wildcard certificate. You can install OpenSSL using the OS package manager.

fortify.license file

A working fortify.license file for SSC and ScanCentral SAST.

Docker hub fortifydocker credentials

You need Docker Hub credentials to access private docker images. If you have the images in another registry you will need to configure it manually.

License and Infrastructure Manager and ScanCentral DAST and WebInspect licenses

ScanCentral DAST requires a working LIM instance with a license pool for WebInspect scanners. Unfortunately, LIM does not currently support Linux, so you cannot install it as part of this deployment. Follow standard procedures to install and configure LIM on a Windows machine or using Windows containers. LIM must be accessed in API mode. Using the URL for LIM service will not work.

ScanCentral DAST Configuration tool with SecureBase container image

ScanCentral DAST uses a configuration tool to initialize the database. The configuration tool image that is hosted at Docker Hub does not include the SecureBase and does not work to initialize/migrate the database. You must obtain the image, including the SecureBase, from other channels.

Environment preparation

Minikube start

minikube start

Enable minikube ingress

You will use an ingress to make our applications accessible. Minikube offers a simple method to deploy an NGINX ingress to the system.

minikube addons enable ingress

Make note of the IP address for minikube. All ingresses will be reachable there.

minikube ip

In this document the IP is going to be .


You will create a wildcard self-signed certificate for demo purposes and derive a Java Keystore for SSC.

You will use a technique to resolve domain names in local deployments: allows you to use domain names that resolve to any IP address. You can retrieve the ingress' IP with minikube ip. If, for example, the IP is, then and will both resolve to Using domain names the browser can reach the right ingress IP.

The certificate will work for all subdomains.

First create a directory named certificates. From that directory, run:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem -subj "/CN=*"

This command generates two files: certificate.pem and key.pem. Next, create a kubernetes TLS secret to be used by the ingresses:

kubectl create secret tls wildcard-certificate --cert=certificate.pem --key=key.pem

You will also generate a Java Key Store for SSC. First, generate a PKCS12 keystore with openssl:

openssl pkcs12 -export -name ssc -in certificate.pem -inkey key.pem -out keystore.p12 -password pass:changeme

And create the keystore (ssc-service.jks) for SSC:

keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore ssc-service.jks -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias ssc -srcstorepass changeme -deststorepass changeme

You will also need a truststore for SSC since it will be accessing ScanCentral Controller at the ingress:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file certificate.pem -alias "wildcard-cert" -keystore truststore -storepass changeme -noprompt

Install MySQL Helm Chart (SSC Database)

SSC supports MySQL, Oracle and MSSQL databases. You will next install MySQL using the official bitnami helm chart:

Install bitnami repo:

helm repo add bitnami

Return to the directory that contains the values files and use the mysql-values.yaml file provided to install mysql:

helm install mysql bitnami/mysql -f mysql-values.yaml --version 9.3.1

If you check the mysql-values.yaml file, notice that you are creating the SSC database automatically during installation using the recommended settings in SSC. For demo purposes, the credentials specified are:

  • User: root
  • Password: password

Install PostgreSQL Helm Chart (ScanCentral DAST Database)

ScanCentral DAST supports PostgreSQL and MSSQL. You'll now install PostgreSQL using the official bitnami chart:

Install bitnami repo (skip if already installed on previous step):

helm repo add bitnami

Use this command to install PostgreSQL:

helm install postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 11.9.0 \
  --set auth.postgresPassword=password \
  --set auth.database=scdast_db

This installs PostgreSQL and creates a database named scdast_db with postgres/password credentials.

Create a Docker Registry Secret

Most of the Fortify docker images can be found in the private Docker Hub repository fortifydocker. To pull these images, you need to create a secret with your Docker Hub credentials and name it fortifydocker.

kubectl create secret docker-registry fortifydocker --docker-username <USERNAME> --docker-password <PASSWORD>

Create SSC secret

SSC requires that you create a secret manually before you install it. You must prepare several files in advance. Create a directory named ssc-secret and copy the following files into it:

  • ssc.autoconfig

SSC will run in autoconfig mode. The ssc.autoconfig file provides the configuration for that step. Its contents are as follows:

  host.validation: false

  db.username: root
  db.password: password

  jdbc.url: 'jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/ssc_db?sessionVariables=collation_connection=latin1_general_cs&rewriteBatchedStatements=true'


  migration.enabled: true
  migration.username: root
  migration.password: password

In this case, you provide the JDBC connection string to authenticate to the MySQL database. Autoconfiguration also enables automatic database migration.

  • fortify.license
  • ssc-service.jks
  • truststore

Generate the secret

Change from current directory to ssc-secret and run:

kubectl create secret generic ssc \
  --from-file=. \
  --from-literal=ssc-service.jks.password=changeme \
  --from-literal=ssc-service.jks.key.password=changeme \

Go back to the previous directory.

Install Fortify charts

Next, you parameterize the charts using the helm command (you can use the provided values files too).

Add Fortify Helm repository

helm repo add fortify

Install SSC chart

helm install ssc fortify/ssc \
  --set \
  --set imagePullSecrets[0].name=fortifydocker \
  --set \
  --set secretRef.keys.sscLicenseEntry=fortify.license \
  --set secretRef.keys.sscAutoconfigEntry=ssc.autoconfig \
  --set secretRef.keys.httpCertificateKeystoreFileEntry=ssc-service.jks \
  --set secretRef.keys.httpCertificateKeystorePasswordEntry=ssc-service.jks.password \
  --set secretRef.keys.httpCertificateKeyPasswordEntry=ssc-service.jks.key.password \
  --set secretRef.keys.jvmTruststoreFileEntry=truststore \
  --set secretRef.keys.jvmTruststorePasswordEntry=truststore.password \
  --set resources=null

On the first run, SSC initializes the database. This can take several minutes.

We must create an ingress for SSC too:

kubectl create ingress ssc-ingress \
  --rule='*=ssc-service:443,tls=wildcard-certificate' \

The ingress annotation: indicates that the SSC internal endpoint is using HTTPS. By default, NGINX "expects" the backend endpoints to serve HTTP and cannot communicate if the protocol is HTTPS, unless that annotation is added.

Install ScanCentral SAST chart

helm install scancentral-sast fortify/scancentral-sast  \
  --set imagePullSecrets[0].name=fortifydocker \
  --set-file secrets.fortifyLicense=fortify.license \
  --set-file trustedCertificates[0]=certificates/certificate.pem \
  --set controller.thisUrl='' \
  --set controller.sscUrl='' \
  --set controller.persistence.enabled=false \
  --set controller.ingress.enabled=true \
  --set controller.ingress.hosts[0] \
  --set controller.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path=/ \
  --set controller.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType=Prefix \
  --set controller.ingress.tls[0].secretName=wildcard-certificate \
  --set controller.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]

This will output notes to retrieve auto-generated secrets such as the key shared between SSC and the SAST Controller. Use the following command to retrieve the SSC and ScanCentral Controller shared secret:

kubectl get secret scancentral-sast -o jsonpath="{.data.scancentral-ssc-scancentral-ctrl-secret}" | base64 -d

SSC and ScanCentral SAST Configuration

Log into with admin/admin credentials. Change the default admin password when prompted. In this example, use Toughpass1!

At Administration > Configuration > ScanCentral SAST, enable ScanCentral SAST, enter at Scancentral controller URL box and SSC and Scancentral controller shared secret.

Select Administration > Configuration > ScanCentral SAST, and then select Enable ScanCentral SAST. In the ScanCentral Controller URL box, enter In the SSC and ScanCentral controller shared secret box, enter the shared secret. After you save the configuration, run the following to restart the SSC pod:

kubectl delete pod ssc-webapp-0

This deletes the pod and initiates a new one immediately. You should now see the ScanCentral SAST section in SSC.

Install LIM chart

Scancentral DAST needs a LIM server to work. In order to install it:

helm install lim fortify/lim \
  --set imagePullSecrets[0].name=fortifydocker \
  --set ingress.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.hosts[0] \
  --set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path=/ \
  --set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType=Prefix \
  --set ingress.tls[0].secretName=wildcard-certificate \
  --set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]

The helm chart auto-generates the admin password. Check the helm installation Notes for information on how to retrieve it.

LIM configuration

Access LIM at . Install your DAST and DAST Sensor licenses. After that create a License pool for Scancentral DAST sensors. Take note of the pool name and password.

Install ScanCentral DAST chart

In order to install ScanCentral DAST, SSC must be running. Before you start the installation, collect the following information:

  • SSC URL and credentials.
  • Make sure that your LIM server is installed and configured with the licenses above.
  • The docker image repository and tag for the config tool with SecureBase. In this example, it is placed in .
helm install scancentral-dast fortify/scancentral-dast --timeout 40m \
  --set imagePullSecrets[0].name=fortifydocker \
  --set images.upgradeJob.repository=myregistry/fortify/dast-config-sb/23.2.0/ \
  --set images.upgradeJob.tag=latest \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.databaseProvider=PostgreSQL \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.server=postgresql \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.database=scdast_db \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.dboLevelDatabaseAccount.username=postgres \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.dboLevelDatabaseAccount.password=password \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.standardDatabaseAccount.username=postgres \
  --set configuration.databaseSettings.standardDatabaseAccount.password=password \
  --set configuration.serviceToken=thisisaservicetoken \
  --set configuration.sSCSettings.sSCRootUrl= \
  --set configuration.sSCSettings.serviceAccountUserName=admin \
  --set configuration.sSCSettings.serviceAccountPassword=<SSC_ADMIN_PASSWORD> \
  --set configuration.dASTApiSettings.corsOrigins[0]= \
  --set configuration.dASTApiSettings.corsOrigins[1]= \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.limUrl=http://lim/ \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.serviceAccountUserName=<LIM_ADMIN_USER> \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.serviceAccountPassword=<LIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD> \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.defaultLimPoolName=<LIM_POOL_NAME> \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.defaultLimPoolPassword=<LIM_POOL_PASSWORD> \
  --set configuration.lIMSettings.useLimRestApi=true \
  --set ingress.api.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.api.hosts[0] \
  --set ingress.api.hosts[0].paths[0].path=/ \
  --set ingress.api.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType=Prefix \
  --set ingress.api.tls[0].secretName=wildcard-certificate \
  --set ingress.api.tls[0].hosts[0]

Notice the --timeout 40m argument. The ScanCentral DAST Helm chart uses Helm hooks to run the configuration tool to initialize, migrate and apply the configuration to the database. This happens before anything is deployed. Helm has a 10-minute timeout for hooks to complete, but DAST database initialization takes around 30 minutes. That is why you use the --timeout argument.

ScanCentral DAST Configuration at SSC

In SSC, select Administration > Configuration > ScanCentral DAST. In the ScanCentral Controller URL box, enter . This enables the DAST section in SSC.