Present: Heather Turner (HT), Emily Dodwell (ED), Kevin O'Brien (KO), Tanja Kecojevic (TK), Tania Allard (TA)
Absent: Jenny Bryan (JB), Di Cook (DC), Jasmine Dumas (JD), Jonathan Godfrey (JG), Isabella Gollini (IG), Julie Josse (JJ), Michael Lawrence (ML), Augustina Ragwitz (AR), David Smith (DS)
- Discussion of DataCamp blog post on sexual misconduct: How should Forwards respond?
- Focus on raising awareness within the data science community
- Promoting free learning resources
- (KO) Reach out to British Ecological Society for Africa contacts (Cameroon, Madagascar)
- OSGEO / FOSS4G has footprint in Africa
- Goal is to help Africa R User groups grow by building up network of contacts they can draw on; develop brand recognition for sponsorship of individual events
- (KO) We are maintaining contact with Kampala R Users -- build website
- SatRdays Berlin trying to set up legal entity for financial accounts -- proving to be very difficult event on June 15th.
- (KOB) - On-boarding of Women of Colour into leadership / organizer positions in the R community : inviting them to RUG Slack and R consortium WG Calls.
- (KOB) Will report back in May to see if Forwards can send a representative to the Trans*Code event in the UK during the summer. (TBC as Sat 15th June @ PyLondinium; another event in Brighton during summer.)
- (HT) There were 20 diversity scholarships awarded for useR! 2019. We will retweet from Forwards account if announced on Twitter.
- (HT) Next steps for useR! 2019: thinking about meet and greet for scholarship winners and newbies (and provide help/companionship).
- Upcoming Data Science conference in Belgrade: Hadley is keynote, and it would be nice to see women from R community give talks. TK will share on slack.
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(No items at this time.)
(No items at this time.)
- (ED) AT&T high school workshop on 4/18 went well -- 13 students worked through first 2 lessons prepared by JR and ED for NYC workshop. Data was updated and JR added a script to do so for future workshops.
- (IG, via slack) Hi! Just to let you know that the workshop in Dublin went very well! All the students were very happy at the end. I've followed the usual set of slides/topics, but I skipped test and version control to leave 1.5 hours in the afternoon to let the students work on their own package. Some of them had already some ideas for the package they wanted to develop, and others used a dataset about music to get ideas (the dataset has been provided by Bruna, one of the amazing teaching assistants!).
- DC has another girls workshop coming up.
- Alternative platforms? Look into
- Next slackathon will be in May.
- Agree that if people can define a task on the issues in GitHub, this is something we can share on Twitter/in R-Ladies groups, etc. to get help on a specific task. Help spread the load!