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1 | doff | 脱下:take off, remove |
2 | dogged | 坚持的,坚决的:continuing, slackening, yielding];固执的,任性的:sticking to |
3 | dogma | 教条,信条:doctrine stated authoritatively |
4 | doldrums | 低迷,中断:inactivity;情绪不佳:low spirits |
5 | dolorous | 忧伤的:misery, grief |
6 | dolt | 笨蛋:stupid |
7 | domicile | 住所,住宅:residence;为…提供住处:provide domicile |
8 | dominant | 处于支配地位的:controlling others;(基因)显性的:genetic dominance |
9 | don | 穿上:put on |
10 | donor | 捐赠人,给体:donates |
11 | doodle | (无目的)地乱涂乱画:aimlessly;漫无目的地打发时光:aimless activity |
12 | dormant | 静止的,不活跃的:inactivity;(动物)冬眠的:suspended |
13 | dour | 闷闷不乐的,死气沉沉的:gloomy;严厉的:harsh |
14 | douse | 熄灭:put out;弄湿:wet |
15 | downplay | 轻描淡写:,不予重视:minimize significance |
16 | downpour | 倾盆大雨:heavy rain |
17 | doyen | 有经验的人,资深人士:knowledge experience;(加入时间较长的)高级会员:senior member |
18 | doze | 小憩:lightly |
19 | draconian | 极其残酷的,十分严厉的:harsh |
20 | drawl | 慢吞吞地说:speak slowly |
21 | dreary | 单调乏味的:nothing cheer;令人不悦的:causing unhappiness |
22 | drench | 使湿透,浸透:wet thoroughly |
23 | drivel | 胡言乱语:meaningless;胡言乱语,说傻话:talk stupidity |
24 | drizzle | (下)细小、轻柔、似雾的雨,毛毛雨:misty rain |
25 | droll | 古怪有趣的,离奇可笑的:amusingly odd |
26 | drone | 低沉单调地说;嗡嗡地叫:talk monotonous;(昆虫振翅般)单调嗡嗡的声音:monotonous sound;混日子:doing nothing |
27 | drudgery | 苦工;单调、卑贱或无趣的工作:tedious work |
28 | dubious | 充满不定性的,值得怀疑的:uncertainty, questionable;(对事实等)持怀疑态度的:not feeling sure;迟疑不决的,不愿行动的:slow to begin because of doubts |
29 | ductile | 可塑的,有延展性的:malleable;易受影响的:easily led |
30 | dulcet | 悦耳的,令人愉悦的:melodious |
31 | dullard | 笨蛋:stupid |
32 | dupe | 复制品,复制:exactly like something else;易受骗的人:easily deceived;欺骗:deceive |
33 | duplicity | 欺骗,口是心非:deceptiveness |
34 | dwindle | 逐渐减少:gradually less |
35 | dyspeptic | 脾气坏的:bad-tempered;消化不良的:dyspepsia |
36 | earnest | 严肃认真的:serious |
37 | earshot | 听力所及的范围:range hear |
38 | earsplitting | 震耳欲聋的:distressingly loud |
39 | eavesdrop | 偷听:listen secretly |
40 | ebullient | 热情奔放的:zestfully |
41 | eccentric | 行为出格的,不循规蹈矩的:deviating conventional |
42 | éclat | 辉煌成就:success |
43 | eclipse | 下降,衰退:lower state;使声望下降,使黯然失色:diminish importance;(在数量、品质上)超越:be greater |
44 | ecstasy | 无法自控的情绪:beyond self-control;狂喜:intense joy |
45 | ecumenical | 全球基督教会的:whole churches;世界范围的,普遍性的:worldwide |
46 | edible | 可食用的:eaten |
47 | edifice | 大厦;大建筑物:massive structure;基础,基本结构:basic form |
48 | efface | 擦掉,抹去;使不明显:make indistinct |
49 | effervesce | 冒泡:bubble;兴奋,热情洋溢:high spirits |
50 | effete | 衰弱的,衰落的:depleted;缺乏信念的,懦弱的:lacking strength of will |
51 | effluvium | 难闻的气味:offensive smell;没有的副产品,废品:by-product waste |
52 | effrontery | 厚颜无耻,放肆大胆:disregard, courtesy |
53 | effulgent | 光辉灿烂的:resplendent |
54 | effusive | 感情泛滥的/溢于言表的;感情表达不节制的/过度的;过分多情的:unrestrained in emotional expression |
55 | egalitarian | 平等主义的:promoting equal rights |
56 | egoistic | 利己的,以自我为中心的:centered in oneself |
57 | elaborate | 详细的,复杂的:complexity;详细阐述:in detail |
58 | elastic | 有弹性的:resuming shape;能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的:recovering from depression |
59 | elate | 使开心,使自豪:fill with joy |
60 | eleemosynary | 慈善的:charity |
61 | elegy | 哀歌(诗),挽歌(诗):expressing sorrow |
62 | elephantine | 巨大的:enormous size;笨拙的:clumsy |
63 | elevate | (在道德、智力、文化水平上)提升:improve;使兴奋:raise spirits |
64 | elicit | 激起,唤起:bring out |
65 | elliptical | 含糊不清的:obscurity;椭圆的:ellipse |
66 | elucidate | 阐明:make lucid |
67 | emaciate | 使消瘦,使衰弱:become thin;削弱:feeble |
68 | emancipate | 解放,解除束缚:free |
69 | embargo | 贸易禁止令:prohibition on commerce |
70 | embark | 上船:go abroad;开始从事:start |
71 | embarrass | 使尴尬:experience distress;阻挠,制造障碍:create difficulty |
72 | embed | 嵌入:enclose |
73 | embezzle | 盗用:appropriate |
74 | embolden | 鼓励,使大胆:instill courage |
75 | emboss | 以浮雕效果妆点,装饰:ornament with raised work |
76 | embrace | 乐于接受:willingly, eagerly;包围:surround |
77 | embroider | (时常伴有夸张和想象内容地)详细说明:give elaborate account |
78 | emigrate | 移民,移居海外:leave |
79 | eminent | 杰出的:above others |
80 | emollient | 起缓和作用的:less intense |
81 | emulate | 效仿并努力超越:excel through imitation |
82 | enact | 制定或颁布(法律):establish |
83 | enamel | 涂亮漆;使具有光滑或亮泽的表面:give a glossy surface;用亮丽的表面装饰:adorn |
84 | encomium | 赞颂之词:praise |
85 | encompass | 组成,包含:include;包围:envelop |
86 | encumber | 阻碍,妨碍:impede;给…增添负担:place burden |
87 | endemic | 地方性的:to a particular region |
88 | endorse | 公开支持,推崇:express approval |
89 | enervate | 使衰弱:weaken;使麻木:deprive of emotional vitality |
90 | enfranchise | 给予…权力(例如选举权):endow rights;解放:set free |
91 | engender | 引起,使发展:cause;产生,出现:come into existence |
92 | engross | 使全神贯注:occupy exclusively |
93 | enigma | 难以理解或解释的事物,谜:hard to understand |
94 | enlighten | 使知道,启发:inform, instruct;(在道德或精神上)进行教育:provide moral understanding |
95 | enmity | 敌意:mutual hatred |
96 | ennoble | 使尊贵:noble |
97 | ennui | 倦怠;缺乏兴趣:listlessness, lack of interest |
98 | ensemble | 合唱,合奏曲:two or move vocalists |
99 | ensconce | 安置:settle securely;隐藏:hiding |
100 | ensue | 紧随其后:afterward |