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File metadata and controls

338 lines (221 loc) · 6.27 KB


Advanced Usage

On top of the "Basic" operations there are some features,

giving the test the ability to become dynamic.

"useragent" - Set the User-Agent for the test

This will register a variable named "USERAGENT" you can use later on if you need.

NOTE: The UserAgent can be set only once (with no difference where it's located), more precisely, only the first one will take effect.


- useragent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_6; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5"

"resize" - Set the window's width and height


- name: set-size
  resize: 1366x768

"file" - Set a file for a file-selection input field using a CSS selector

Example 1:

- name: some-task
  file: "#uploader_1"
  value: ""

Example 2:

- name: some-task
  file: "#uploader_2"
  value: "" # For On-Prem installations

Example 3:

- name: some-task
  file: "#uploader_3"
  value: ""

"include" - Include another script/YAML instead of this step

NOTE: As mentioned, "include(d)" tasks are the only ones that don't need a name, because they will be overridden with the tasks of the given file (to include).

Example 1:

- include: "test/sub/disable-alerts.yml"

"vars" - Set a list of named constants

Example 1:

- name: some-task
    foo: bar
    tar: baz
    val: 1

- name: "some-${foo}-task"
  get: "#${baz} h1"
  expect: "to.have.count"
  value: ${val}

Example 2:

- include: "test/sub/facebook.yml"
    username: fooBarBaz
    password: 1qaz2wsx

Example 3:

Variables can also be overridden.

- name: some-task-87
    foo: 12

- name: some-task-88
  get: "#rows li:nth-child(${foo})" # This will be translated into '#rows li:nth-child(12)'
  expect: ""

- name: some-task-89
    foo: 22

- name: some-task-90
  get: "#rows li:nth-child(${foo})" # And this will be correctly translated into '#rows li:nth-child(22)'
  expect: ""

"register" - Register a dynamic variable from an element's value using its CSS selector

This is similar to "vars" except that it's being populated during the run from the DOM.


This following code is taken from "test/sub/paypal.yml". It's getting the value of the element with an id "payment_type_paypal" and it "registers" it to the variable called "paypal_subscription".

I do it to determine later on the type of paypal page - Checkout vs Subscription.

NOTE: The registered variable can also override other registered variables.

- name: paypal-check-type
  get: "#payment_type_paypal"
  register: paypal_subscription

"if" - Run the task under condition

This is a (safe) simple if statement.

It has 4 fields:

  • cond : The condition value
  • op : The operand
  • value : The expected value
  • dynamic : Which part is dynamic [cond|value|both]

For now there are the following operands (you're welcome to contact me, see test/

  • 'in'
  • 'lt' or '<'
  • 'gt' or '>'
  • 'lte' or '<='
  • 'gte' or '>='
  • 'eq' - String comparison
  • '==='
  • 'ne' - String comparison
  • '!=='
  • !! (default, if not given)

Example 1:

As we continue the previous example (register)... We would like to click on the element with an id "payment_type_paypal" if there is value in the dynamic variable "paypal_subscription" (!!paypal_subscription).

- name: paypal-choose-account
  click: "#payment_type_paypal"
    - cond: paypal_subscription
      dynamic: cond

Example 2:

Somewhere later, we would want to click on an element with an id "btnNext" and sleep for 2 seconds if the dynamic (condition) variable fully equals (===) null (or in other words - empty).

- name: paypal-account-login-continue
  click: "#btnNext"
  sleep: 2
    - cond: paypal_subscription
      op: "==="
      value: null
      dynamic: cond

Example 3:

We can include the same script/YAML many times with different variable and have small if's navigating the tasks' flow.

- include: 'test/sub/some-test.tml'
    user_id: 1

- include: 'test/sub/some-test.tml'
    user_id: 2

- include: 'test/sub/some-test.tml'
    user_id: 22

Now inside 'test/sub/some-test.tml' you can have simple conditions like

- name: some-task-15
  click: "#some-button"
    - cond: ${user_id}
      op: ">"
      value: 5

... or ...

- name: some-task-51
  click: "#some-other-button"
    - cond: ${user_id}
      op: "==="
      value: 2

tags - A list of tags of the task

This is used for scheduled runs. I'm adding nowadays an ability to add tags and schedules ("cron" and "rate") for PRO users.

It'll work this way - you'll simply be able to add tags to each task/step.


- name: some-task-87
    - nightly

- name: some-task-88
    - nightly

- name: some-task-89
    - nightly
    - daily

format - The output format for the webhook [JSON / XML / Form / JUnit]

This is a complementary option for the "notify" parameter. It can take one of the 4 values:

  • json (Default)
  • xml
  • junit
  • form
  • email

NOTE: "form" is used when the receipient can accept only application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data. NOTE: "format" should be used per notify, otherwise, it does nothing.

Example 1:

- name: some-task-87
  notify: ""
  format: junit # This will send

Example 2:

- name: some-task-87
  notify: "[email protected]"
  format: "email" # This will send an email with the JUnit result to [email protected]

xpath - A flag for using XPath instead of CSS selectors

This is a complementary option for the "get", "set" and "click" parameters. It can take be true or false.


- name: some-task-87
  click: "//*[@id='btnNext']"
  xpath: true
