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Implement # runic: (off|on) toggle comments
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This patch implements `# runic: on` and `# runic: off` toggle comments
that can be included in the source to toggle formatting on/off.

The two comments i) must be placed on their own lines, ii) must be on
the same level in the expression tree, and iii) must come in pairs. An
exception to condition iii) is made for top level toggle comments so
that formatting for a whole file can be disabled by a `# runic: off`
comment at the top without having to add one also at the end of the

For compatibility with JuliaFormatter, `#! format: (on|off)` is also
supported but it is not possible to pair e.g. a `# runic: off` comment
with a `#! format: on` comment.

Closes #12, closes #42.
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fredrikekre committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 2c455a0 commit 3d6e1ba
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 1 deletion.
116 changes: 115 additions & 1 deletion src/Runic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ mutable struct Context
# Global state
indent_level::Int # track (hard) indentation level
call_depth::Int # track call-depth level for debug printing
# Current state
# node::Union{Node, Nothing}
prev_sibling::Union{Node, Nothing}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,9 +166,11 @@ function Context(
call_depth = 0
prev_sibling = next_sibling = nothing
lineage_kinds = JuliaSyntax.Kind[]
format_on = true
return Context(
src_str, src_tree, src_io, fmt_io, fmt_tree, quiet, verbose, assert, debug, check,
diff, filemode, call_depth, indent_level, prev_sibling, next_sibling, lineage_kinds,
diff, filemode, indent_level, call_depth, format_on, prev_sibling, next_sibling,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +201,96 @@ function replace_bytes!(ctx::Context, bytes::Union{String, AbstractVector{UInt8}
return replace_bytes!(ctx.fmt_io, bytes, Int(sz))

# Validate the toggle comments
function validate_toggle(ctx, kids, i)
toplevel = length(ctx.lineage_kinds) == 1 && ctx.lineage_kinds[1] === K"toplevel"
valid = true
prev = get(kids, i - 1, nothing)
if prev === nothing
valid &= toplevel && i == 1
valid &= kind(prev) === K"NewlineWs" || (toplevel && i == 1 && kind(prev) === K"Whitespace")
next = get(kids, i + 1, nothing)
if next === nothing
valid &= toplevel && i == lastindex(kids)
valid &= kind(next) === K"NewlineWs"
return valid

function check_format_toggle(ctx::Context, node::Node, kid::Node, i::Int)::Union{Int, Nothing}
@assert ctx.format_on
@assert !is_leaf(node)
kids = verified_kids(node)
@assert kid === kids[i]
# Check if the kid is a comment
kind(kid) === K"Comment" || return nothing
# Check the comment content
reg = r"^#(!)? (runic|format): (on|off)$"
str = String(read_bytes(ctx, kid))
offmatch = match(reg, str)
offmatch === nothing && return nothing
toggle = offmatch.captures[3]::AbstractString
if toggle == "on"
@debug "Ignoring `$(offmatch.match)` toggle since formatting is already on."
return nothing
if !validate_toggle(ctx, kids, i)
@debug "Ignoring `$(offmatch.match)` toggle since it is not on a separate line."
return nothing
# Find a matching closing toggle
pos = position(ctx.fmt_io)
accept_node!(ctx, kid)
for j in (i + 1):length(kids)
lkid = kids[j]
if kind(lkid) !== K"Comment"
accept_node!(ctx, lkid)
str = String(read_bytes(ctx, lkid))
onmatch = match(reg, str)
if onmatch === nothing
accept_node!(ctx, lkid)
# Check that the comments match in style
if offmatch.captures[1] != onmatch.captures[1] ||
offmatch.captures[2] != onmatch.captures[2]
@debug "Ignoring `$(onmatch.match)` toggle since it doesn't match the " *
"style of the `$(offmatch.match)` toggle."
accept_node!(ctx, lkid)
toggle = onmatch.captures[3]::AbstractString
if toggle == "off"
@debug "Ignoring `$(onmatch.match)` toggle since formatting is already off."
accept_node!(ctx, lkid)
@assert toggle == "on"
if !validate_toggle(ctx, kids, j)
@debug "Ignoring `$(onmatch.match)` toggle since it is not on a separate line."
accept_node!(ctx, lkid)
seek(ctx.fmt_io, pos)
return j
# Reset the stream
seek(ctx.fmt_io, pos)
# No closing toggle found. This is allowed as a top level statement so that complete
# files can be ignored by just a comment at the top.
if length(ctx.lineage_kinds) == 1 && ctx.lineage_kinds[1] === K"toplevel"
return typemax(Int)
@debug "Ignoring `$(offmatch.match)` toggle since no matching `on` toggle " *
"was found at the same tree level."
return nothing

function format_node_with_kids!(ctx::Context, node::Node)
# If the node doesn't have kids there is nothing to do here
if is_leaf(node)
Expand All @@ -219,6 +312,10 @@ function format_node_with_kids!(ctx::Context, node::Node)
kids′ = kids
any_kid_changed = false

# This method should never be called if formatting is off for this node
@assert ctx.format_on
format_on_idx = typemin(Int)

# Loop over all the kids
for (i, kid) in pairs(kids)
# Set the siblings: previous from kids′, next from kids
Expand All @@ -227,6 +324,18 @@ function format_node_with_kids!(ctx::Context, node::Node)
kid′ = kid
this_kid_changed = false
itr = 0
# Check if this kid toggles formatting off
if ctx.format_on && i > format_on_idx
format_on_idx′ = check_format_toggle(ctx, node, kid, i)
if format_on_idx′ !== nothing
ctx.format_on = false
format_on_idx = format_on_idx′
elseif !ctx.format_on && i > format_on_idx - 2
# The formatter is turned on 2 steps before so that we can format
# the indent of the `#! format: on` comment.
ctx.format_on = true
# Loop until this node reaches a steady state and is accepted
while true
# Keep track of the stream position and reset it below if the node is changed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +395,11 @@ Format a node. Return values:
- `node::JuliaSyntax.GreenNode`: The node should be replaced with the new node
function format_node!(ctx::Context, node::Node)::Union{Node, Nothing, NullNode}
# If formatting is off just return
if !ctx.format_on
accept_node!(ctx, node)
return nothing
node_kind = kind(node)

# Not that two separate `if`s are used here because a node like `else` can be both
Expand Down

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