You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Message Object
This document presents the args
and data
formats within the REQ/RSP/IND messages.
Subsystem | Command Name | Description |
net | getAllDevIds | Get identifiers of all devices on freebird Server. |
net | getAllGadIds | Get identifiers of all gadgets on freebird Server. |
net | getDevs | Get device information by device ids. |
net | getGads | Get gadget information by gadget ids. |
net | getNetcores | Get netcore information by netcore names. |
net | getBlacklist | Get blacklist of the banned devices. |
net | permitJoin | Allow or disallow devices to join the network. |
net | maintain | Maintain the network. |
net | reset | Reset the network. |
net | enable | Enable the network. |
net | disable | Disable the network. |
net | ban | Ban a device from the network. |
net | unban | Unban a device. |
net | remove | Remove a device from the network. |
net | ping | Ping a device in the network. |
dev | enable | Enable the device to activate its function and messages transportation. |
dev | disable | Disable the device. |
dev | read | Read an attribute on a device. |
dev | write | Write a value to an attribute on a device. |
dev | identify | Identify a device in the network. |
dev | remove | Remove a device from the network. |
dev | ping | Ping a device in the network. |
dev | getProps | Get device meta-properties. |
dev | setProps | Set device meta-properties. |
gad | enable | Enable the gadget to activate its function and messages transportation. |
gad | disable | Disable the gadget. |
gad | read | Read an attribute on a gadget. |
gad | write | Write a value to an attribute on a gadget. |
gad | exec | Invoke a remote procedure on a gadget. |
gad | writeReportCfg | Set the condition for an attribute reporting from a gadget. |
gad | readReportCfg | Get the report settings of an attribute on a gadget. |
gad | getProps | Get gadget meta-properties. |
gad | setProps | Set gadget meta-properties. |
subsys | Indication Type | Data Description |
net | error | Netcore error occurs. |
net | started | A netcore is started. |
net | stopped | A netcore is stopped. |
net | enabled | A netcore is enabled. |
net | disabled | A netcore is disabled. |
net | permitJoining | A netcore is now allowing or disallowing devices to join the network. |
net | bannedDevIncoming | A banned device is trying to join the network. |
net | bannedGadIncoming | A banned gadget is trying to join the network. |
net | bannedDevReporting | A banned device is trying to report its attributes. |
net | bannedGadReporting | A banned gadget is trying to report its attributes. |
dev | error | Device error occurs. |
dev | devIncoming | A new device is incoming. |
dev | devLeaving | A device is leaving. |
dev | netChanged | Network information of a device has changed. |
dev | statusChanged | Status of a device has changed. The status can be 'online' , 'sleep' , 'offline' , and 'unknown' . |
dev | propsChanged | Meta-property(ies) of a device has changed. |
dev | attrsChanged | Attribue(s) on a device has changed. |
gad | error | Gadget error occurs. |
gad | gadIncoming | A new gadget is incoming. |
gad | gadLeaving | A gadget is leaving. |
gad | panelChanged | Panel information of a gadget has changed. |
gad | propsChanged | Meta-property(ies) of a gadget has changed. |
gad | attrsChanged | Attribue(s) on a gadget has changed. |
gad | attrsReport | A report message of certain attribute(s) on a gadget. |
Subsystem | Command Name | Arguments (args) | Description |
net | getAllGadIds | { [ncName] } | Get identifiers of all gadgets on freebird Server. ncName is a string and is optional. If ncName is given, only identifiers of gadgets managed by that netcore will be returned from freebird. |
net | getDevs | { ids } | Get information of devices by their ids. ids is an array of numbers and each number is a device id, i.e., given { ids: [ 5, 6, 77 ] } . |
net | getGads | { ids } | Get gadget information by gadget id. ids is an array of numbers and each number is a gadget id, i.e., given { ids: [ 23, 14, 132 ] } . |
net | getNetcores | { [ncNames] } | Get netcore information by netcore names. ncNames is an array of strings and each string is a netcore name, i.e., given { ncNames: [ 'ble-core', 'zigbee-core' ] } . Given with an empty object {} to get all netcore infos at once. |
net | getBlacklist | { ncName } | Get blacklist of the banned devices. ncName is the netcore name of which you like to get the blacklist from. ncName should be a string. i.e., given { ncName: 'ble-core' }
net | permitJoin | { [ncName,] duration } | Allow or disallow devices to join the network. ncName is the name of which netcore you like to allow for device joining and ncName should be a string if given. All netcores will allow for device joining if ncName is not given. duration is the time in seconds which should be a number. Set duration to 0 will immediately close the admission. For example, given { ncName: 'zigbee-core', duration: 60 } will allow zigbee devices to join the zigbee network for 60 seconds. |
net | maintain | { [ncName] } | Maintain the network. ncName is the name of which netcore you like to maintain. ncName should be a string if given. All netcores will enter maintaining mode if ncName is not given. When a netcore starts to maintain its own network, all devices managed by it will be refreshed. For example, given { ncName: 'ble-core' } to let the BLE netcore do its maintenance. |
net | reset | { [ncName,] mode } | Reset the network. ncName is the name of which netcore you like to reset. ncName should be a string if given. It will reset all netcores if ncName is not given. Reset a network will remove all devices managed by that netcore. Given mode with 1 for a HARD reset while with 0 for a SOFT reset. Once reset, the banned devices in the netcore blacklist will also be removed. |
net | enable | { [ncName] } | Enable the network. ncName is the name of which netcore you like to enable. It will enable all netcores if ncName is not given. (All netcores are enabled by default.) |
net | disable | { [ncName] } | Disable the network. ncName is the name of which netcore you like to disable.It will disable all netcores if ncName is not given. If netcore is disabled, no messages can be send out and received from remote devices. That is, messages will be ignored and you will not get any message from the netcore on freebird. |
net | ban | { ncName, permAddr } | Ban a device from the network. Once a device has been banned, freebird will always reject its joining request. If a device is already in the network, freebird will first remove it from the network. ncName is the netcore that manages the device you'd like to ban. permAddr is the permanent address of the banned device. For example, given { ncName: 'zigbee-core', permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } to ban a zigbee device with an IEEE address of 0x00124b0001ce4b89. The permanent address depends on protocol, such as IEEE address for zigbee devices, BD address for BLE devices, and MAC address for IP-based devices. |
net | unban | { ncName, permAddr } | Unban a device. ncName is the netcore that manages the banned device. permAddr is the permanent address of the banned device. For example, given { ncName: 'zigbee-core', permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } to unban a zigbee device with an IEEE address of 0x00124b0001ce4b89. |
net | remove | { ncName, permAddr } | Remove a device from the network. ncName is the netcore that manages the device. permAddr is the permanent address of the device to be removed. |
net | ping | { ncName, permAddr } | Ping a device in the network. ncName is the netcore that manages the device. permAddr is the permanent address of the device you like to ping. |
Subsystem | Command Name | Data Key:Type | Data Description | Response data Example |
net | getAllGadIds | ids:Number[] | Array of gadget identifiers | { ids: [ 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } |
net | getDevs | devs:devInfo[] | Array of device information objects | { devs: [ devInfo, ... ] } |
net | getGads | gads:gadInfo[] | Array of gadget information objects | { gads: [ gadInfo , ... ] } |
net | getNetcores | netcores:ncInfo[] | Array of netcore information objects | { netcores: [ ncInfo, ... ] } |
net | getBlacklist | list:String[] | Array of banned device permanent address | { list: [ '0x00124b0001ce4b89', ... ] } |
net | permitJoin | - | Response contains no data | {} |
net | maintain | - | Response contains no data | {} |
net | reset | - | Response contains no data | {} |
net | enable | - | Response contains no data | {} |
net | disable | - | Response contains no data | {} |
net | ban | permAddr:String | Device permanent address | { permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } |
net | unban | permAddr:String | Device permanent address | { permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } |
net | remove | permAddr:String | Device permanent address | { permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } |
net | ping | time:Number | Round-trip time in ms | { time: 12 } |
Enable the device to activate its function and messages transportation.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'enable', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the devices id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'enable', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ enabled: <Boolean> }
is the value to show if the device is enabled.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'enable',
args: {
id: 18
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'enable',
status: 200,
data: {
enabled: true
Disable the device.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'disable', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the devices id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'disable', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ enabled: <Boolean> }
is the value to show if the device is enabled.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'disable',
args: {
id: 18
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'disable',
status: 200,
data: {
enabled: false
Read an attribute on a device.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'read', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String> }
is the devices id. -
is the attribute to read from.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'read', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ value: <Depends> }
- The written value.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'read',
args: {
id: 18,
attrName: 'location'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'read',
status: 205,
data: {
value: 'bedroom'
Write a value to an attribute on a device.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'write', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String>, value: <Depends> }
is the devices id. -
is the attribute to write to. -
is the value to be written.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'write', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ value: <Depends> }
- The written value.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'write',
args: {
id: 18,
attrName: 'location',
value: 'kitchen'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'write',
status: 200,
data: {
value: 'kitchen'
Identify a device in the network.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'identify', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the devices id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'identify', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
- Response contains no data.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'identify',
args: {
id: 18
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'identify',
status: 200,
data: {}
Remove a device from the network.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'remove', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the devices id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'remove', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ permAddr: <String> }
is the deevice permanent address.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'remove',
args: {
id: 18
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'remove',
status: 200,
data: {
permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89'
Ping a device in the network.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'ping', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the devices id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'ping', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ time: <Number> }
is the round-trip time in ms.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'ping',
args: {
id: 18
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'ping',
status: 200,
data: {
time: 12
Get device meta-properties.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'getProps', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>[, propNames: <String[]> }
is the devices id. -
is an array of strings and each string is a meta-property name. All props will be returned ifpropNames
is not given.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'getProps', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ props: <Depends> }
- Response contains no data
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'getProps',
args: {
id: 18,
propNames: [ 'location', 'description' ]
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'getProps',
status: 200,
data: {
props: {
location: 'kitchen',
description: 'humidity sensor in the cabinet'
Set device meta-properties.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'setProps', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, props: <Object> }
is the devices id. -
is an object contains meta-properties to set.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'dev', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'setProps', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
- Response contains no data
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'setProps',
args: {
id: 18,
props: {
location: 'bedroom',
description: 'for my baby'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'dev',
seq: 22,
id: 18,
cmd: 'setProps',
status: 200,
data: {}
Enable the gadget to activate its function and messages transportation.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'enable', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the gadget id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'enable', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ enabled: <Boolean> }
: To show if the gadget is enabled.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'enable',
args: {
id: 161
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'enable',
status: 200,
data: {
enabled: true
Disable the gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'disable', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> }
is the gadget id.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'disable', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ enabled: <Boolean> }
: To show if the gadget is enabled.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'disable',
args: {
id: 161
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'disable',
status: 200,
data: {
enabled: false
Read an attribute on a gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'read', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String> }
is the gadget id. -
is the attribute name.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'read', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ value: <Depends> }
: The value read.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'read',
args: {
id: 161,
attrName: 'sensorValue'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'read',
status: 200,
data: {
value: 26.5
Write a value to an attribute on a gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'write', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String>, value: <Depends> }
is the gadget id. -
is the attribute name. -
is the value to write to.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'write', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ value: <Depends> }
: The value written.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'write',
args: {
id: 161,
attrName: 'onOff',
value: 1
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'write',
status: 200,
data: {
value: 1
Invoke a remote procedure on a gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'exec', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String>[, params: <Array>] }
is the gadget id. -
is the attribute name. -
is an array of parameters given in order to invoke the executable procedure. The signature depends on developers declaration. For example, given{ id: 9, attrName: 'blink', params: [ 10, 500 ] }
to blink a LED on a gadget 10 times with a 500 ms interval.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'exec', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ result: <Depends> }
: The data returned by the procedure. Can be anything.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'exec',
args: {
id: 161,
attrName: 'blink',
params: [ 10, 500 ]
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'exec',
status: 200,
data: {
result: 'triggered'
Get the report settings of an attribute on a gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'readReportCfg', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String> }
is the gadget id. -
is the attribute name.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'readReportCfg', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ cfg: <Object> }
: Report settings object rptCfg [TODO: ref]
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'readReportCfg',
args: {
id: 161,
attrName: 'sensorValue'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'readReportCfg',
status: 205,
data: {
cfg: {
// [TODO]
Set the configuration for an attribute reporting of a gadget.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'writeReportCfg', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, attrName: <String>[, rptCfg: <Object>] }
[TODO: cfg? why use rptCfg?]-
is the gadget id. -
is the attribute name. -
is the report settings. [TODO: ref]
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'writeReportCfg', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ result: <Boolean> }
- To show if the reporting configuration is written.
for success, otherwisefalse
- To show if the reporting configuration is written.
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'writeReportCfg',
args: {
id: 161,
attrName: 'sensorValue',
rptCfg: {
// [TODO]
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'writeReportCfg',
status: 205,
data: {
result: true
Get gadget meta-properties.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'getProps', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number> [, propNames: <String[]> ] }
is the gadget id. -
is an array of strings and each string is a meta-property name. All props will be returned ifpropNames
is not given.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'getProps', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ props: <Object> }
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'getProps',
args: {
id: 161,
propNames: [ 'name', 'description' ]
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'getProps',
status: 205,
data: {
props: {
name: 'mysensor1',
description: 'temperature sensor 1'
Set gadget meta-properties.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'setProps', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ id: <Number>, props: <Object> }
is the gadget id. -
is an object contains meta-properties to set.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'gad', seq: <Number>, id: <Number>, cmd: 'setProps', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
- Response contains no data
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'setProps',
args: {
id: 161,
props: { description: 'temperature sensor 3', installed: true }
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'gad',
seq: 22,
id: 161,
cmd: 'setProps',
status: 200,
data: {}
Get identifiers of all devices managed by the freebird server.
Request Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'REQ', subsys: 'net', seq: <Number>, id: 0, cmd: 'getAllDevIds', args: <Object> }
- args:
{ [ncName: <String>] }
is a string and is optional. IfncName
is given, return identifiers of devices managed by that netcore; otherwise, return all.
Response Message:
- msg:
{ __intf: 'RSP', subsys: 'net', seq: <Number>, id: 0, cmd: 'getAllDevIds', status: <Status Code>, data: <Object> }
- data:
{ ids: <Number[]> }
- Array of device identifiers
// Request:
__intf: 'REQ',
subsys: 'net',
seq: 82,
id: 0,
cmd: 'getAllDevIds',
args: {
ncName: 'mqtt-core'
// Response:
__intf: 'RSP',
subsys: 'net',
seq: 82,
id: 0,
cmd: 'getAllDevIds',
status: 205 ,
data: {
ids: [ 1, 2, 3, 8, 12 ]
The indication message is an object with keys { __intf, subsys, type, id, data }
, where type
shows the indication type, and data
field is an object that contains indication data in it.
subsys | Indication Type | Data Key:Type | Data Description |
net | error | { netcore:String, message: String } |
Netcore error occurs |
net | started | { netcore:String } |
A netcore is started |
net | stopped | { netcore:String } |
A netcore is stopped |
net | enabled | { netcore:String } |
A netcore is enabled |
net | disabled | { netcore:String } |
A netcore is disabled |
net | permitJoining | { netcore:String, timeLeft:Number } |
A netcore is now allowing or disallowing devices to join the network |
net | bannedDevIncoming | { netcore:String, permAddr:String } |
A banned device is trying to join the network |
net | bannedGadIncoming | `{ netcore:String, permAddr:String, auxId:String | Number }` |
net | bannedDevReporting | { netcore:String, permAddr:String } |
A banned device is trying to report its attributes |
net | bannedGadReporting | `{ netcore:String, permAddr:String, auxId:String | Number }` |
dev | error | { netcore:String, message: String } |
Device error occurs |
dev | devIncoming | devInfo | A new device is incoming |
dev | devLeaving | { netcore:String, permAddr:String } |
A device is leaving |
dev | netChanged | netInfo | Network information of a device has changed |
dev | statusChanged | { status:String } |
Status of a device has changed. The status can be 'online', 'sleep', 'offline', and 'unknown' |
dev | propsChanged | devInfo.props | Meta-property(ies) of a device has changed |
dev | attrsChanged | devInfo.attrs | Attribue(s) on a device has changed |
gad | error | { netcore:String, message: String } |
Gadget error occurs |
gad | gadIncoming | gadInfo | A new gadget is incoming |
gad | gadLeaving | `{ netcore:String, permAddr:String, auxId:String | Number }` |
gad | panelChanged | gadInfo.pannel | Panel information of a gadget has changed |
gad | propsChanged | gadInfo.props | Meta-property(ies) of a gadget has changed |
gad | attrsChanged | gadInfo.attrs | Attribue(s) on a gadget has changed |
gad | attrsReport | gadInfo.attrs | A report message of certain attribute(s) on a gadget |
Indication Example: indMsg of 'permitJoining'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'net', type: 'permitJoining', id: 0, data: { netcore: 'zigbee-core', timeLeft: 60 // netcore does not allow for devices to join the network if timeLeft is 0 } }
Indication Example: indMsg of 'devIncoming'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'devIncoming', id: 18, // device id is 18 data: { // data is devInfo object netcore: 'mqtt-core', id: 18, gads: [ 116, 117, 120 ], net: { enabled: true, joinTime: 1458008311, timestamp: 1458008617, role: 'client', // depends on protocol parent: '0', // parent is the netcore status: 'online' address: { permanent: '00:0c:29:ff:ed:7c', dynamic: '' }, traffic: { // accumulated data since device joined in: { hits: 2, bytes: 24 }, out: { hits: 4, bytes: 32 } } }, props: { // props: name, description, and location are writable and can be modified by users name: 'sample_device', description: 'This is a device example', location: 'bedroom' }, attrs: { manufacturer: 'freebird', model: 'lwmqn-7688-duo', serial: 'lwmqn-2016-04-29-03', version: { hw: 'v1.2.0', sw: 'v0.8.4', fw: 'v2.0.0' }, power: { type: 'line', voltage: '5V' } } } }
Indication Example: indMsg of 'devLeaving'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'devLeaving', id: 27, // device id is 27 data: { netcore: 'zigbee-core', permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of device 'netChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'netChanged', id: 18, // device id is 18 data: { // partial changes of netInfo object address: { dynamic: '' }, status: 'online' // status changed, an 'statusChanged' indication will also be fired } }
Indication Example: indMsg of device 'statusChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'statusChanged', id: 18, // device id is 18 data: { status: 'online' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of device 'propsChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'propsChanged', id: 37, // device id is 37 data: { location: 'kitchen' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of device 'attrsChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'dev', type: 'attrsChanged', id: 16, // device id is 16 data: { version: { sw: 'v1.2.3' }, serial: '2016-05-01-001' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of 'gadIncoming'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'gadIncoming', id: 2763, // gadget id is 2763 data: { id: 2763, // gadget id dev: { id: 822, // device id permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' }, panel: { enabled: true, profile: 'home_automation', classId: 'lightCtrl' }, props: { name: 'sampleLight', description: 'This is a simple light controller' }, attrs: { onOff: 1, dimmer: 80 } } }
Indication Example: indMsg of 'gadLeaving'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'gadLeaving', id: 41, // gadget id is 41 data: { netcore: 'mqtt-core', permAddr: '0x123456789abcdef', auxId: 'temperature/0' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of gadget 'panelChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'panelChanged', id: 21, // gadget id is 21 data: { enabled: true } }
Indication Example: indMsg of gadget 'propsChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'propsChanged', id: 52, // gadget id is 52 data: { description: 'A good smart radio in my bedroom' } }
Indication Example: indMsg of gadget 'attrsChanged'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'attrsChanged', id: 83, // gadget id is 83 data: { onOff: 0 } }
Indication Example: indMsg of gadget 'attrsReport'
{ __intf: 'IND', subsys: 'gad', type: 'attrsReport', id: 64, // gadget id is 64 data: { sensorValue: 18 } }
APIs & Events
- createClient()
- createServer()
- Client Class
- Server Class
- send()
- broadcast()
- 'message' event
Messaging Interface
REQ/RSP Message Model
IND Message Model
- Data Objects
- Gadget classId
- Status Code