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[{"amr": "person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 bitch :arg2 son )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5323.1", "sent": "sob"}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 technology :op4 military :op5 space :op6 ( person :arg0-of lead )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.3", "sent": "international ; government ; technology ; military ; space ; leader"}, {"amr": "order :arg1 ( transport :arg1 cocaine :arg0-of ( cover-up :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 agent ) ) ) ) :mod also :mod additional", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.12", "sent": "there also were additional orders for transporting cocaine as a cover for the agents ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( bring :arg0 ( militarism :poss ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg1 ( disaster :mod grave ) :arg2 ( person :mod ( continent :wiki asia :name ( name :op1 asia ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.7", "sent": "my fellow citizens , japan 's militarism has brought the people of asia grave disasters ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 hello :snt2 ( girl :age ( temporal-quantity :quant 12 :unit year :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( age :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 13 :unit year ) :time ( after :op1 now :quant ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit day ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( addict :arg2 ( harm :arg1 self ) ) :domain i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.1", "sent": "hello , i am a 12 year old girl ( 13 in two days ) who is addicted to self harming"}, {"amr": "seem :arg1 ( have-purpose :arg1 road :arg2 ( facilitate :arg0 road :arg1 ( interest :arg1 public :arg2 ( and :op1 ( get :arg0 public :arg2 ( business :arg1-of private ) ) :op2 ( get :arg0 public :source business ) ) ) ) :mod whole ) :arg2 i", "id": "wb.eng_0003.57", "sent": "it seems to me that the whole point of roads is to facilitate the public interest in getting to and from private businesses ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :location ( city :wiki beijing :name ( name :op1 beijing ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0303.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , beijing , september 1 st"}, {"amr": "succumb :polarity - :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( pressure :arg2 ( curb :arg1 ( project :mod nucleus :poss country ) ) :mod international )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.14", "sent": "iran will not succumb to international pressure to curb iran 's nuclear projects ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( change :arg0 it :arg1 ( pattern :mod develop ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( worsen :arg1 pattern ) ) ) :op2 ( cause :arg0 it :arg1 ( congest :arg1 ( around :op1 ( exit :poss it ) ) :arg2 traffic :arg1-of localize ) ) :time already", "id": "wb.eng_0003.5", "sent": "already it is changing development patterns for the worse and causing localized traffic congestion around its exits ."}, {"amr": "impose :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( ban :arg0-of ( prohibit :arg1 ( recruit :arg1 ( person :location-of ( or :op1 ( inside :op1 country ) :op2 ( outside :op1 country ) ) ) :arg2 ( or :op1 mercenary :op2 ( assist :arg1 ( military :mod foreign ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.4", "sent": "the south african government imposed a ban that prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( develop :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) :time ( late :degree most ) ) :arg1 ( challenge :arg1 team :arg2 ( take-on :arg0 team :arg1 ( task :arg1 ( stop :arg1 country :arg2 ( master :arg0 country :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( and :op1 ( manufacture :arg1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) ) :op2 ( deliver :arg1 weapon ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod complex :arg0-of ( face :arg1 ( team :mod ( policy :mod foreign ) :mod incoming :poss ( person :wiki barack_obama :name ( name :op1 barack :op2 obama ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg2 ( president :arg2-of ( elect :arg1 person ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod technical :mod diplomacy )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.24", "sent": "the latest developments in iran 's nuclear technology development show the complex diplomatic and technical challenges facing the incoming foreign policy team of united states president-elect barack obama when it takes on the task of stopping iran from mastering technology that could be used to manufacture and deliver nuclear weapons ."}, {"amr": "have-concession :arg1 ( sense :polarity - :degree much )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.40", "sent": "did n't make much sense , though ."}, {"amr": "believe :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( nation :mod ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :quant some ) ) :arg1 ( have-purpose :arg1 ( project :mod nucleus :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg2 ( make :arg0 country :arg1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.16", "sent": "the united states and some european nations believe that iran 's nuclear projects are for the purpose of making nuclear weapons ."}, {"amr": "affect :arg1 ( website :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 ( organization :quant 1 :mod religion :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( organization :mod religion :poss ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 al-sistani ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod ( url-entity :value www.al-shia.com ) :mod another ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.10", "sent": "another website related to 1 of al-sistani 's religious organizations , www.al-shia.com , was also affected ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( go-back :mode imperative :polarity - :arg1 you :arg2 ( time :mod that :time-of ( appear :arg1 we :arg0-of humiliate :time ( sign :arg0 we :arg1 treaty ) ) ) :time ever :direction back ) :snt2 ( strong :mode imperative :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :snt3 ( and :op1 ( sharp :mode imperative :arg1 sword ) :op2 ( shine :mode imperative :arg0 knife ) ) :snt4 ( bury :mode imperative :arg0 we :arg1 ( enemy :arg1-of approach ) )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5627.4", "sent": "never go back to that time , our humiliating appearance when signing the treaties . china be strong , swords be sharp and knives be shining , let 's bury the approaching enemies !"}, {"amr": "gain :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki lan_wei :name ( name :op1 lan :op2 wei ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sheng :op2 chen ) ) :arg0-of ( compete :arg1 we ) ) :arg1 ( right :arg1 and :arg2 heat ) :time ( compete :mod preliminary :mod ( dive :arg0 man :mod ( platform :mod ( distance-quantity :quant 1 :unit meter ) ) ) ) :time ( morning :mod this ) :time already", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.7", "sent": "in the preliminary men 's 1 - meter platform diving competition this morning , our competitors lan wei and sheng chen have already gained rights to the heats ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( complicate :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of propose ) :arg1 ( effort :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) ) :purpose ( win :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( exempt :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :purpose ( engage :arg1 country :arg2 ( trade :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.5", "sent": "the proposal may complicate the bush administration 's efforts to win an exemption for india to engage in nuclear trade ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( support :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( enterprise :arg0-of ( invest :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :manner ( and :op1 loan :op2 insure :op3 ( exchange :mod foreign ) :op4 finance :op5 invest ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.22", "sent": "wen stated that the government of china will support enterprises which invest in germany with loans , insurance , foreign exchange , finance and investment ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( worry :arg0 person :arg1 ( tension :arg1-of ( increase :arg0 ( between :op1 ( country :wiki state_of_palestine :name ( name :op1 palestine ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of deep ) :op1 ( hope :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( resolve :arg1 ( dispute :arg0 country :arg1 country ) :manner ( negotiate :mod politics ) :purpose ( possible :arg1 ( share :arg0 between :arg1 land :manner peace ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.36", "sent": "wen stated that he is deeply worried about the increasing tension between palestine and israel and that the chinese government hopes the disputes between the 2 countries can be resolved through political negotiation so that the countries can peacefully share land ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 saul :op2 pena ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg3 judge ) :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 corrupt ) ) :arg1 ( admit :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( charge :arg1 ( abuse :arg1 authority ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.10", "sent": "anti-corruption judge saul pena stated montesinos has admitted to the abuse of authority charge ."}, {"amr": "stick :arg1 you :arg2 traffic :time ( amr-unknown :mod last :time-of ( or :polarity - :op1 ( be-destined-for :arg1 you :arg2 ( business :mod ( sort :mod some ) ) ) :op2 ( be-from :arg1 you :arg2 business ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.56", "sent": "when was the last time you were stuck in traffic that you were n't on your way to or from some sort of business ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 proliferate :op2 technology :op3 international :op4 politics", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.3", "sent": "proliferation ; technology ; international ; politics"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( agree :arg1 ( person :arg0-of entertain :mod just :arg1-of cheap ) ) :snt2 ( sense :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( repute :arg1 they :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) :mod feudal ) ) ) :degree somewhat )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5315.1", "sent": "agree , just cheap entertainers . their reputation in feudal china somewhat makes sense ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 cooperation :op2 office ) ) :location ( fort :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 50 :unit year )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.61", "sent": "the us military had a cooperation office for 50 years in a venezuelan fort ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 you :arg1 no :mod just", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.7", "sent": "just say no ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( symptom :mod autism :domain ( walk :prep-on toe ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.6", "sent": "walking on toes can be a symptom of autism ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 quintero ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( want :polarity - :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg1 ( colony :poss ( empire :mod any ) ) ) :op2 ( obligate :arg2 ( ready :arg1 person :arg2 ( possible :mod any ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.51", "sent": "quintero said that venezuelans do n't want to be the colony of any empire and have to be ready for any possibility ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 idea :arg2 ( brainiac :arg0-of ( think :arg1 ( idea :mod ( great :mod such ) :domain ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 route :op2 288 ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.24", "sent": "to the brainiacs who thought route 288 was such a great idea :"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 seigel ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.28", "sent": "seigel stated --"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( leave :arg0 i :arg1 home :time ( date-entity :month 9 ) ) :op2 ( start :arg0 i :arg2 university ) ) :snt2 ( contrast :arg1 ( anxious :domain i :topic ( do :arg0 i :arg1 this ) :degree incredible ) :arg2 ( delay :arg0 i :arg1 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 this ) :arg2 ( until :op1 ( get :arg1 i :arg2 here ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( and :op1 ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 here :time now ) :op2 ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 here :time ( over :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit week ) ) ) ) :snt4 ( and :op1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( overwhelm :arg0 ( it :mod all ) :arg1 i :degree terrible ) ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( intelligent :polarity - :arg1 i ) :op2 ( awkward :mod social ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.2", "sent": "this september i left home , and started at university . i was incredibly anxious about doing this , but rather delayed thinking about it until i got here ! now i 'm here , and have been for over two weeks , i feel terribly overwhelmed by it all and feel unintelligent and socially awkward ."}, {"amr": "claim :arg0 report :arg1 ( man :mod ( religious-group :wiki muslim :name ( name :op1 muslim ) ) :arg1-of ( have-quant :arg2 1000 ) :quant all :arg2-of ( train :arg1 military ) :age ( over :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 18 :unit year ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.8", "sent": "reports claim that all of the 1000 muslim men with military training are over the age of 18 ."}, {"amr": "consider :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( partner :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :mod ( important :degree most ) :mod trade :location ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.20", "sent": "china considers germany the most important trade partner of europe ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( commit :arg0 person :arg1 person :arg2 ( or :op1 ( stop :arg0 person :arg1 expand ) :op2 ( observe :arg0 person :arg1 deadline ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.28", "sent": "iranian officials refused to commit to stopping expansion or to observe the deadline ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( demand :arg0 ( politician :mod ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) ) :arg1 answer ) :op2 ( call :arg0 politician :arg1 ( examine :arg0 commission :arg1 situation ) :arg2 ( commission :quant several ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.31", "sent": "kenyan politicians were demanding answers and have called for several commissions to examine the situation ."}, {"amr": "obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( and :op1 ( focus :arg0 we :arg2 ( education :mod ( defense :mod nation ) ) ) :op2 ( build-up :arg0 we :arg1 ( wall :mod great ) :location ( heart :part-of ( person :quant 1300000000 ) ) ) :op3 ( establish :arg0 we :arg1 ( system :mod ( nation :mod defense ) :arg1-of ( range :arg2 full ) :arg1-of ( capable :arg2 ( and :op1 ( attack :arg0 system ) :op2 ( defend :arg0 system ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.32", "sent": "we must focus on national defense education , build up a great wall in the hearts of 1.3 billion people , and must establish the full range of a national defense system having the ability to both attack and defend ;"}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 technology :op4 politics :op5 economy", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.3", "sent": "international ; government ; technology ; politics ; economy"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( suggest :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( strengthen :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( guard :arg0 country :arg1 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) ) ) ) :op2 ( guard :arg0 country :arg1 island :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) ) :op3 ( protect :arg0 country :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of fish ) :op2 ( sovereignty :poss ( country :poss we ) ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( fight :arg0 we :arg2 ( war :mod ( scale :mod small ) :instrument-of ( defend :arg0 we :arg1 we ) ) :concession ( thing :arg2-of cost ) :condition ( dare :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg2 ( invade :arg0 country :arg1 ( territory :poss we ) :manner ( force :arg2 military ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( lose :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6568.1", "sent": "i suggest that china strengthens the guard on the diaoyu islands , make it daily , protect the fishermen and the sovereignty of our country ; if japan dares to invade our territory with military force , we will fight a small-scale war of self-defense , regardless of the cost . china can not lose !"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( impose :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( round :arg1 ( sanction :arg0 and :arg1 ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) :time ( consider :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 security :op3 council ) ) :arg1 ( issue :arg0 ( program :mod ( energy :mod nucleus ) :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 9 :arg1-of ( likely :mod most ) ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 4 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.7", "sent": "u.s. and european officials may impose a 4 th round of sanctions on tehran when the u.n. security council considers the issue of iran 's nuclear energy program most likely in september 2007 ."}, {"amr": "position :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sheng :op2 chen ) :source ( province :wiki hubei :name ( name :op1 hubei ) ) :arg1-of ( score :arg2 ( point :quant 342.60 ) :mod total ) :arg1-of ( age :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 19 :unit year ) :time ( year :mod this ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) :duration temporary", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.5", "sent": "sheng chen , who is 19 years old this year , from hubei , is temporarily in the sixth position , the a total score of 342.60 points ."}, {"amr": "thank :arg1 you :arg2 ( read :arg0 you )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.18", "sent": "thanks for reading ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( selfish :domain i :mod just ) :mod then )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.13", "sent": "but then , i think i 'm just being selfish ."}, {"amr": "know :arg0 ( you :mod guy ) :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( mean :arg0 i ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.5", "sent": "you guys know what i mean ."}, {"amr": "start :arg0 they :arg1 ( respect :arg0 they :arg1 you :degree more ) :time ( start :arg0 they :arg1 ( realize :arg0 they :arg1 ( bend :polarity - :arg1 you :mod over :direction backwards :beneficiary they ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.12", "sent": "when they start to realise that you 're not going to bend over backwards for them , they 'll start respecting you more ."}, {"amr": "look :arg1 ( need :arg0 we :arg1 ( train :arg0 we :arg2 we :quant more :location outdoor ) :mod still )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.11", "sent": "looks like we still need to train more outdoors . \""}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( approve :arg1 ( law :arg0-of ( permit :arg1 ( action :mod such ) ) ) :mod original :time ( date-entity :year 1998 ) ) :arg2 ( put :polarity - :arg0 ( person :wiki fernando_henrique_cardoso :name ( name :op1 fernando :op2 henrique :op3 cardoso ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 1995 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2003 ) ) ) ) :arg1 policy :arg2 effect :time ever )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.9", "sent": "the law to permit such an action was originally approved in 1998 but 1995 @-@ 2003 president fernando henrique cardoso never put the policy into effect ."}, {"amr": "inaugurate :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg1 ( system :wiki amazon_surveillance_system :name ( name :op1 sivam ) :mod radar :arg1-of ( cost :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 1400000000 :unit dollar ) ) :arg0-of ( allow :arg1 ( monitor :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg1 ( activity :mod air ) :location ( world-region :wiki amazon_basin :name ( name :op1 amazon ) :mod expansive :extent throughout ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.35", "sent": "in 2002 brazil inaugurated the 1.4 billion dollar sivam radar system allowing the government to monitor air activity throughout the expansive amazon region for the first time ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( choose :arg0 ( person :mod other ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( location :location-of ( work :arg0 person ) ) :op2 ( location :location-of ( live :arg0 person ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( relieve :arg0 ( highway :arg1-of ( access :arg1-of limit ) ) :arg1 traffic :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( drive :location ( between :op1 ( county :wiki chesterfield_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 chesterfield :op2 county ) ) :op2 ( county :wiki goochland_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 goochland :op2 county ) ) ) :direction ( and :op1 back :op2 forth ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.16", "sent": "while the limited access highway might provide limited traffic relief for people driving back and forth between chesterfield and goochland counties , other people are making choices about where they live and work ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg1 ( possess :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( centrifuge :quant 3500 :arg1-of operate ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 5 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.33", "sent": "20080500 the international atomic energy agency stated that iran possessed 3500 centrifuges in operations ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( consult :arg0 person :arg1 ( lawyer :arg0-of defend ) :arg2 ( appeal :arg0 person ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.17", "sent": "montesinos stated montesinos would consult with a defense lawyer to appeal ."}, {"amr": "crack-down :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( activity :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :op2 ( possess :arg1 arm :manner ( law :polarity - ) ) :op3 steal :op4 burgle :op5 rob :op6 ( sell :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( thing :arg1-of ( record :mod pirate ) ) :op2 ( thing :arg1-of ( record :mod obscene ) ) ) :op2 ( cigarette :mod ( duty :arg2-of obligate ) ) ) ) :op7 ( traffic :arg1 ( drug :mod dangerous ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 18 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 24 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.8", "sent": "during 020718 @-@ 020724 the hong kong police cracked down on triad activities , including drug trafficking , illegal arms possession , theft , burglary and robbery , the selling of pirated and obscene recordings , dutiable cigarettes and trafficking in dangerous drugs ."}, {"amr": "see :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( anything :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( flood :arg2 traffic ) :degree remote ) ) :time ever", "id": "wb.eng_0003.81", "sent": "i 've never seen anything remotely resembling a \" flood \" of traffic ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( flee :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 10 :year 2000 ) ) :arg2 ( capture :arg1 person :location ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 6 :year 2001 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.15", "sent": "montesinos fled peru in october 2000 but was captured in venezuela on 23 june 2001 ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 9 :day 22", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 09 @-@ 22"}, {"amr": "retain :arg1 ( right :arg2 ( strike :arg0-of preempt ) ) :time ( threaten :arg2 ( security :mod nation ) ) :li 9", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.9", "sent": "9. retain the right of pre-emptive strike when national security is threatened ."}, {"amr": "elect :arg1 leftist :arg2 ( lead :arg0 leftist :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki argentina :name ( name :op1 argentina ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki chile :name ( name :op1 chile ) ) :op4 ( country :wiki uruguay :name ( name :op1 uruguay ) ) :op5 ( country :wiki ecuador :name ( name :op1 ecuador ) ) :op6 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.14", "sent": "leftists have been elected to lead brazil , argentina , chile , uruguay , ecuador and venezuela ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( apply :polarity - :arg1 policy :arg2 ( against :op1 ( aircraft :arg1-of ( board :arg0 child ) ) ) :arg1-of possible )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.21", "sent": "brazilian officials stated that the policy would be inapplicable against aircraft with children on board ."}, {"amr": "arrest :arg1 ( person :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 hambali ) ) :location ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) :time ( and :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 2 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2007 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.10", "sent": "hambali was arrested in thailand in february 2004 and in 2007 ."}, {"amr": "produce :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :arg1 ( amount :quant-of opium :arg0-of ( exceed :arg1 ( demand :arg0 world ) :mod far :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit year :mod ( crop :mod bumper ) :mod successive ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.14", "sent": "the taliban have producing an amount of opium that far exceeds world demand due to 3 successive years of bumper crops ."}, {"amr": "find :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg1 ( result :arg1 ( reduce :arg1 ( amount :quant-of ( land :arg1-of ( devote :arg2 opium :location ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( percentage-entity :value 19 ) :concession ( drop :arg1 ( tonnage :quant-of ( opium :arg1-of produce ) :mod total ) :arg2 ( percentage-entity :value 6 :mod just ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.9", "sent": "the united nations found that the result was a 19 percent reduction in the amount of land devoted to opium in afghanistan even though the total tonnage of opium produced dropped by just 6 percent ."}, {"amr": "follow :arg1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 lula :op2 da :op3 silva ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 ( hold :arg1 ( meet :arg0 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 joint :op2 commission ) :mod country :mod ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) :location ( city :wiki pretoria :name ( name :op1 pretoria ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 5 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.8", "sent": "lula da silva 's visit to south africa follows the second meeting of the south africa-brazil joint commission held in pretoria in 030500 ."}, {"amr": "anger :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( teach :arg2 i ) ) :time then :arg1-of cause", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.8", "sent": "so then my teachers get angry at me ."}, {"amr": "make :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( or :op1 ( email :arg0 he :arg2 you ) :op2 ( text :arg0 he :arg2 you ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.28", "sent": "make him email or text you ."}, {"amr": "shut-down :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 it :time ( date-entity :year 2004 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.62", "sent": "chavez shut it down in 040000 ."}, {"amr": "resolve :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( question :arg1 ( experiment :arg0 country :arg2 plutonium :mod past ) ) :manner ( explain :polarity - :arg1 ( thing :manner-of resolve ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.29", "sent": "iran resolved questions about iran 's past experiments with plutonium with no explanation how ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( assign :arg1 ( person :arg0-of counsel ) :arg2 i :manner university ) :op2 ( see :arg0 i :arg1 person :duration ( about :op1 ( between :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit week ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit week ) ) ) :mod ( session :mod block ) ) :op3 ( work-out :polarity - :arg1 see :mod real :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( open-up :polarity - :arg0 i :arg3 person :time ever ) ) :condition ( opine :arg0 i :manner honest ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.9", "sent": "- i was assigned a counselor through the university ; had seen her for about 5 @-@ 6 weeks ( block sessions ) , if i 'm honest it did n't really work ; because i was never open with her ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.18", "sent": "the western governments include the united states and france ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 survey :arg1 ( and :op1 ( retreat :arg1 ( cultivate :arg1 poppy ) :location ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) :quant much ) ) :op2 ( concentrate :arg1 cultivate :location ( include :arg1 ( province :quant 7 :location-of ( remain :arg1 insurgency :arg3 ( strong :arg1 insurgency ) ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( province :location south ) :arg3 most ) ) :arg2 ( province :quant 34 ) ) :mod overwhelming ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.7", "sent": "the survey showed that poppy cultivation had retreated in much of afghanistan and was overwhelmingly concentrated in 7 of 34 provinces where the insurgency remains strong , most of those in the south ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2007 :month 9 :day 30", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.1", "sent": "2007 @-@ 09 @-@ 30"}, {"amr": "defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) :arg1-of ( strong :degree more :compared-to team :degree relative ) ) :time ( round :arg1 compete :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 4 :op2 3 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.3", "sent": "in the first round of competition , the chinese team defeated the relatively stronger korean team with a score of 4 : 3 ."}, {"amr": "likely :arg1 ( worsen :arg1 it :mod only ) :condition ( keep :arg0 you :arg1 ( it :arg1-of bottle-up :location inside ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.27", "sent": "if you keep it bottled up inside it 's likely to only get worse ."}, {"amr": "obligate :mode interrogative :arg1 someone :arg2 ( take :arg0 someone :arg1 note :location somewhere )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.3", "sent": "someone somewhere is going to have to take the notes ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki jos\u00e9_viegas_filho :name ( name :op1 jose :op2 viegas ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( encounter :arg0 country :arg1 ( difficulty :domain ( secure :arg0 country :arg1 ( support :arg0 country :arg1 plan ) :arg2 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg3 plan ) ) ) :arg2 ( lead :arg0 ( talk :mod bilateral :time recent ) :arg2 ( certainty :domain ( accept :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 decree :manner ( expose :polarity - :arg0 government-organization :arg1 country :arg2 ( sanction :arg1 country :mod commerce ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.17", "sent": "brazilian defense minister jose viegas stated that brazil has encountered difficulties in securing us support for the plan but recent bilateral talks led to certainty that the decree would be accepted by the us government without exposing brazil to commercial sanctions ."}, {"amr": "question :arg1 ( constitution :domain law ) :prep-under ( prohibit :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg1 ( penalize :manner die :arg3-of ( punish :arg2 ( act :arg1-of criminal ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.30", "sent": "the constitutionality of the law has been questioned under brazil 's prohibition of the death penalty as punishment for criminal acts ."}, {"amr": "support :arg0 this :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of price :time current ) :mod then", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.23", "sent": "this then supports the current price ."}, {"amr": "hesitate :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( use :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( military :mod country ) :arg2 ( intercept :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( vessel :mod ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 democratic :op2 people's :op3 republic :op4 of :op5 korea ) ) :arg2-of ( suspect :arg1 ( traffic :arg1 ( or :op1 weapon :op2 drug ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.5", "sent": "australian government is hesitating at using australian military to intercept the democratic people 's republic of korea ( dprk )' s vessels suspected of trafficking weapons or drugs ."}, {"amr": "sentence :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit year ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit month ) :location prison ) :arg3 ( abuse :arg1 authority )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.8", "sent": "montesinos was sentenced to 9 years and 4 months in prison for abuse of authority ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( want :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg1 ( reverse :arg0 country :arg1 ( verdict :topic ( history :mod ( aggression :poss country ) ) ) ) :time now :mod actual ) :arg1 ( wake-up :arg0 want :arg1 ( and :op1 citizen :op2 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :location ( continent :wiki asia :name ( name :op1 asia ) ) ) :mod fellow ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.13", "sent": "now japan actually wants to reverse the verdict on the history of its aggression - fellow citizens , fellow chinese in asia , wake up !"}, {"amr": "do :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( want :arg0 you ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.20", "sent": "do what you want ."}, {"amr": "admit :arg1 ( soldier :arg1-of injure ) :arg2 ( hospital :poss army :location ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.8", "sent": "the injured soldier has been admitted to the army hospital in kathmandu ."}, {"amr": "hard :arg1 life", "id": "bolt12_91455_5318.1", "sent": "life is hard ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( support :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg1 ( peace :location ( world-region :wiki middle_east :name ( name :op1 middle :op2 east ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( remain :arg1 government-organization :arg3 ( oppose :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( retaliate :mod violence ) :arg1-of firm ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.38", "sent": "wen stated that the chinese government supports plans for peace in the middle east and remains firmly opposed to violent retaliation ."}, {"amr": "tell :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( need :arg1 ( go :arg0 ( communicate :mod all ) :path lawyer ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 significant-other :time ex ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.32", "sent": "tell your ex that all communication needs to go through the lawyer ."}, {"amr": "go :arg0 i :arg2 ( bar :mod ( union :consist-of ( person :arg0-of study ) ) ) :mod by-oneself :time ( sober :arg1 i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.4", "sent": "to go into the su bar on my own , sober ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 alberto :op2 garrido ) :arg0-of ( analyze :arg1 military ) :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg1 ( look :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( person :arg1-of ( ally :arg2 person ) ) :purpose ( promote :arg0 person :arg1 ( world :mod ( polar :mod multiple ) :arg0-of ( counteract :arg1 ( dominate :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( encourage :arg1 ( move :mod grass-roots :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) :arg2 ( throw :arg0 move :arg1 ( influence :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :location ( and :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.24", "sent": "venezuelan military analyst alberto garrido said chavez is looking for allies in russia , china , and iran in order to promote a multi-polar world which will counteract us dominance and encourage grassroots movements in latin america to throw off us governmental influence ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( want :arg0 they :arg1 money ) :arg2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 they :arg1 face )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5321.1", "sent": "they want money , not the face"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( escalate :arg1 ( violence :arg1-of ( commit :arg0 ( insurgent :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) ) :location ( across :op1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( threaten :arg1 bomb ) :op2 explode :location ( throughout :op1 country ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.7", "sent": "violence by anti-government insurgents across nepal has escalated and bomb threats and explosions have occurred throughout the country ."}, {"amr": "country :mod only :arg0-of ( have :arg1 ( policy :consist-of ( target :arg1 ( aircraft :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) :time current ) :domain ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.44", "sent": "colombia is the only country that currently has a policy of targeting drug trafficking aircraft ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( stand :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :arg1 passive :arg2 cultivate :time ( year :mod this ) ) :op2 ( pressure :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( person :mod ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) :arg0-of farm ) :arg2 ( plant :arg0 person :arg1 ( poppy :mod opium ) ) :degree less )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.22", "sent": "the taliban this year are taking a passive stance toward cultivation and putting less pressure on afghan farmers to plant opium poppy ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( amount :arg1 ( trade :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 41800000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( total :arg1 trade :arg2 ( volume :arg1-of ( include :arg3 1/3 :arg2 ( volume :quant-of ( trade :arg0 country :arg2 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.16", "sent": "wen stated that trade between china and germany has amounted to 41.8 billion u.s. dollars totaling one-third of china-europe trade volume ."}, {"amr": "suspect :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( mask :arg1 ( effort :purpose ( obtain :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( produce :arg1 ( bomb :mod atom ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( program :mod ( energy :mod nucleus :mod civilian ) :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.6", "sent": "u.s. and european officials suspect that iran 's civilian nuclear energy program masks an effort to obtain technology that could be used in the production of an atomic bomb ."}, {"amr": "shift :arg1 ( mainstream :mod politics :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) :arg2 leftward :time ( since :op1 ( late :op1 ( date-entity :decade 1990 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.12", "sent": "the political mainstream in latin america has shifted leftward since the late 1990 s ."}, {"amr": "locate :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki international_institute_for_strategic_studies :name ( name :op1 international :op2 institute :op3 for :op4 strategic :op5 studies ) ) :location ( city :wiki london :name ( name :op1 london ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.34", "sent": "the international institute for strategic studies is located in london ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( work :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg3 ( organization :wiki public_security_bureau :name ( name :op1 public :op2 security :op3 bureau ) :location ( province :wiki guangdong :name ( name :op1 guangdong ) ) :purpose ( exchange :arg1 intelligence ) ) :time recent :manner close ) :op2 ( carry-out :arg0 police :arg1 ( and :op1 ( raid :part-of series ) :op2 ( operation :part-of series ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.7", "sent": "the hong kong police recently has been working closely with the guangdong public security bureau for exchange of intelligence and has carried out a series of raids and operations ."}, {"amr": "occupy :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 wei :op2 lan ) :source ( province :wiki guangdong :name ( name :op1 guangdong ) ) :arg1-of ( age :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 26 :unit year ) :time ( year :mod this ) ) :arg1-of ( skillful :arg1-of stand-out ) ) :arg1 ( position :mod lead ) :manner ( score :arg1 person :arg2 ( point :quant 355.35 ) :arg3 preliminary :mod total )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.4", "sent": "in the preliminaries , wei lan , who is 26 years old this year , from guangdong , with outstanding skill , occupied the lead position with a total score of 355.35 points ."}, {"amr": "pledge :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg2 ( fight :arg0 you :arg2 ( defend :arg0 you :arg1 ( and :op1 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) ) :op2 ( island :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 island ) ) ) ) :manner ( die :arg1 you ) )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5627.2", "sent": "pledge to fight to the death defending the diaoyu islands and the related islands"}, {"amr": "worry :arg0 ( and :op1 ( deal :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 hugo :op2 chavez ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 weapon ) :op2 ( curb :arg0 person :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 person :arg1 country :mod military ) ) :op3 ( plan :arg0 person :arg1 ( train :arg0 person :arg1 ( repel :arg0 civilian :arg1 ( invade :arg0 ( superpower :mod imperialism ) :arg1-of possible ) ) :arg2 ( civilian :quant ( as-many-as :op1 2000000 ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( criticize :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :mod domestic ) ) :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of ( plan :arg0 ( person :mod leftist :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 military :arg2 officer :time former ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.5", "sent": "venezuelan president hugo chavez 's weapons deals with russia , curbs on military cooperation with the united states , and plans to train as many as 2 million venezuelan civilians to repel a possible invasion by imperialist superpowers have the united states and chavez 's domestic critics worried about what the leftist former military officer is planning ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.2", "sent": "hong kong ( hk ) ; china ( cn )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( call :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( start :arg0 ( unit :arg1-of ( call :arg2 revolution ) ) :arg1 ( prepare :arg0 unit :arg1 public :arg2 ( resist :arg0 public :arg1 ( aggressor :mod superpower ) ) ) ) :time ( early :op1 ( date-entity :year 2005 ) :degree more ) :manner so ) :op2 ( say :arg0 person :arg1 ( step :arg2 resist :arg4 ( train :arg0 unit :arg1 ( back-up :arg0 person :arg1 ( force :arg1-of arm :mod ( duty :mod active ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( volunteer :quant ( between :op1 100000 :op2 2000000 ) ) ) :time ( year :arg1-of come ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.44", "sent": "chavez called earlier in 050000 for so-called revolutionary units to start preparing the public to resist a superpower aggressor and said the first step would be to train from 100000 to 2 million volunteers in the coming years to back up active-duty armed forces ."}, {"amr": "arrest :arg0 police :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :quant 3 :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 branch ) ) :op2 ( person :quant 14 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) :arg2 ( member :mod core ) ) ) ) :manner eventual", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.10", "sent": "the police eventually arrested 3 branch leaders and 14 core triad members ."}, {"amr": "date :mode imperative :arg0 you", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.18", "sent": "date ."}, {"amr": "consist :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of state ) :arg2 ( clip :mod video :mod ( publication :wiki youtube :name ( name :op1 youtube ) ) :poss ( comedian :wiki bill_maher :name ( name :op1 bill :op2 maher ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :arg0-of ( ridicule :arg1 ( fatwa :source ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 al-sistani ) ) :topic ( permit :mode interrogative :arg1 ( position :mod ( intercourse :mod sex ) :mod certain ) :arg2 ( couple :arg1-of marry ) ) ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.22", "sent": "the statement also consisted of a youtube video clip of american comedian bill maher ridiculing a fatwa by al-sistani on whether certain positions of sexual intercourse were permitted for married couples ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 julio :op2 ramon :op3 quintero :op4 viloria ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg2 ( commander :mod reserve )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.49", "sent": "general julio ramon quintero viloria is commander of the reserves ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.8", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "participate :arg0 ( person :wiki nkosazana_dlamini-zuma :name ( name :op1 dlamini-zuma ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 brazil-africa :op2 forum ) ) :location ( city :wiki fortaleza :name ( name :op1 fortaleza ) :location ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 6 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.10", "sent": "dlamini-zuma participated in the brazil-africa forum in fortaleza , brazil , in 030600 ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 6 :day 26 :year 2002", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.25", "sent": "june , 26 th , 2002"}, {"amr": "package :consist-of ( thing :arg0-of ( incentivize :arg2 ( cease :arg1 ( produce :arg1 ( uranium :arg1-of enrich ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( endorse :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.22", "sent": "a us-endorsed package of incentives to cease enriched uranium production"}, {"amr": "attend :arg0 ( person :wiki sergei_ryabkov :name ( name :op1 sergei :op2 ryabkov ) ) :arg1 ( meet :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 13 ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.14", "sent": "sergei ryabkov attended the 081113 meeting ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( website :mod official :poss ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 grand :op2 ayatollah :op3 ali :op4 al-sistani ) :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) ) :poss ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( website :arg1-of deface :arg1-of block )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.5", "sent": "the official website of iraq 's shiite leader the grand ayatollah ali al-sistani was among the websites defaced and blocked ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki mich\u00e8le_alliot-marie :name ( name :op1 alliot-marie ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.9", "sent": "alliot-marie stated that --"}, {"amr": "erase :arg0 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) :arg1 site :manner ( do :arg0 group :arg2 ( site :mod ( religious-group :wiki rafida :name ( name :op1 rafidha ) ) :mod other ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.18", "sent": "group xp erased the site as group xp has done with other rafidha sites ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 29 :month 4 :year 2004", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 04 @-@ 29"}, {"amr": "good :arg1 ( person :mod ( kind :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( play :arg0 person :arg1 trick ) :op2 ( achieve :arg0 person :arg1 ( objective :poss person ) :manner ( money :mod seed :poss person ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.7", "sent": "the second kind are good at playing the trick and making their objectives achieved with their seed money ,"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( recommend :arg1 ( good :degree ( more :degree ( much :degree so ) ) :domain it ) ) :snt2 b", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.15", "sent": "it should be so much better . b"}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 25", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 07 @-@ 25"}, {"amr": "come-on :mode imperative :arg1 folk", "id": "wb.eng_0003.54", "sent": "come on folks !!"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( history :arg1-of condense :topic ( nation :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg0-of ( strive :arg1 ( improve :arg1 nation :arg1-of continue ) ) ) :domain ( facility :wiki monument_to_the_people's_heroes :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 heroes :op3 monument ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.26", "sent": "my fellow citizens , the people 's heroes monument is a condensed history of the chinese nation striving for continuous self-improvement"}, {"amr": "chase :arg0 ( and :op1 smoke :op2 cloud ) :arg1 ( wave :arg1-of fly )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.19", "sent": "smoke and clouds chase the flying waves"}, {"amr": "conduct :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( airstrike :arg0-of ( target :arg1 ( thing :location ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.6", "sent": "on 8 august 2008 russia conducted airstrikes on georgian targets ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( overcome :arg0 you :arg1 it )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.36", "sent": "you can overcome it ."}, {"amr": "person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 anonymous )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.44", "sent": "anonymous -"}, {"amr": "carry-out :arg0 ( person :arg0-of inspect :mod other ) :arg1 ( operation :mod field ) :time ( date-entity :month 12 :day 28 :year 2002 ) :manner separate :location ( and :op1 ( site :wiki - :name ( name :op1 hadre :op2 air :op3 force ) :location-of ( test :arg1 munition ) :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki mosul :name ( name :op1 mosul ) :location ( relative-position :op1 ( city :wiki baghdad :name ( name :op1 baghdad ) ) :quant ( distance-quantity :quant 400 :unit kilometer ) :direction north ) ) ) ) :op2 ( company :quant 2 :arg1-of private :arg0-of trade ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.12", "sent": "on december 28 , 2002 other inspectors carried out field operations separately in the hadre air force munitions test site near mosul which is about 400 kilometers north of baghdad and two private trading companies ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( go :arg1 i :path system :frequency over-and-over ) :op2 ( fail :arg0 i :manner consistent ) ) ) :snt1 ( and :op1 ( fail :arg1 i :arg2 college :time once ) :op2 ( do :arg0 i :arg1 ( course :mod another ) :purpose ( possible :arg1 ( get :arg1 i :arg2 university ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.16", "sent": "i failed college once over , did another course so i could get to uni do n't want to go through the system over and over and consistently fail ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( and :op1 ( talk :arg0 you :arg2 ( or :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( school :poss you ) :arg2 nurse ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 ( practitioner :mod general ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( tell :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of go-on ) :arg2 or ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.24", "sent": "it might be an idea to talk to your school nurse or your gp and tell them what 's going on ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( lovely :domain she :time ( minute :mod one ) :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 i :arg2 mummy ) ) :mod back ) ) ) :op2 ( turn :arg1 she :arg2 ( human :mod ( spiteful :degree most ) :arg0-of live ) :time then :time ( minute :mod next ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.9", "sent": "one minute she 's lovely , and it 's like having my mummy back , then the next , she turns into the most spiteful human alive ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) :domain ( and :op1 ( person :mod ( renowned :location world ) :quant many :arg0-of think ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of write ) :op3 philosopher :op4 artist ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.10", "sent": "wen stated that many world-renowned thinkers , writers , philosophers and artists are german ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( will :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( participate :arg0 country :arg1 ( process :arg1 ( reconstruct :arg1 ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.34", "sent": "wen stated that china is willing to participate in iraq 's reconstruction process ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 quintero ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( hope :arg0 ( force :arg1-of arm ) :arg1 ( train :arg0 force :arg2 ( civilian :quant 50000 ) :time ( half :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) :part-of ( date-entity :year 2005 ) ) :time ( over :op1 ( weekend :quant 20 ) ) ) ) :op2 ( possible :arg1 ( train :arg0 force :arg2 ( civilian :quant 300000 :mod more ) :time ( date-entity :year 2006 ) ) ) ) :medium ( interview :arg1 person )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.50", "sent": "quintero said in an interview that the armed forces hope to train 50000 civilians over 20 weekends in the second half of 050000 and could train 300000 more in 060000 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg1-of ( have-purpose :arg2 ( advance :arg0 visit :arg1 ( and :op1 ( exchange :mod trade ) :op2 ( exchange :mod economy ) :op3 ( exchange :mod technology ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.12", "sent": "wen stated that the purpose of his visit to germany is to advance trade , economic and technological exchanges ."}, {"amr": "approach :arg0 ( pirate :mod ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) :arg0-of ( hijack :arg1 ( freighter :mod ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg0-of ( carry :arg1 ( cargo :consist-of arm :mod large ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( deal :arg0 pirate :arg2 ( release :arg1 ship ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.4", "sent": "somali pirates who hijacked a ukrainian freighter carrying a large cargo of arms are approaching a deal for the ship 's release ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( apply :polarity - :arg0 symptom :time always ) :arg2 ( recommend :arg1 note :condition ( symptom :frequency ( case :quant lot ) :arg1-of ( infer :topic ( instance :mod this ) :arg1-of clear ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( diagnose :arg2 nothing :time ever :condition ( note :polarity - ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.9", "sent": "symptoms do n't always apply but if they happen in a lot of cases ( which it clearly must do in this instance ) it 's worth noting , since otherwise nothing would ever get diagnosed ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 5 :month 10 :year 2001", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.1", "sent": "2001 @-@ 10 @-@ 05"}, {"amr": "participate :arg0 ( person :quant 40 :arg1-of ( employ :arg0 ( company :mod oil :mod state ) ) :accompanier ( soldier :quant 1200 ) ) :arg1 ( exercise :arg1-of resemble ) :time ( date-entity :year 2005 :month 6 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.53", "sent": "40 employees of the state oil company participated in a similar exercise with 1200 soldiers in 050600 ."}, {"amr": "start :arg1 ( compete :wiki - :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 country :name ( name :op1 le :op2 tian :op3 cup ) :mod ( game :wiki go_[game] :name ( name :op1 go ) ) ) :location ( city :wiki busan :name ( name :op1 fushan ) :mod ( large :degree most :compared-to ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) ) ) :time today", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.2", "sent": "the first \" le tian cup \" china and korea go competition started today at fushan , the second largest city of korea ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.2", "sent": "iraq ( iq )"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 carlos :op2 roque :op3 espinoza :op4 leon ) ) :arg1 ( ask :polarity - :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg2 marine ) ) ) ) :time ever )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.16", "sent": "carlos roque espinoza leon said that venezuelans never ask what the us marines are doing ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( deface :arg1 ( website :poss ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 grand :op2 ayatollah :op3 ali :op4 al-sistani ) :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) ) :mod religion :poss ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :mod official ) :arg2 ( attack :arg1 ( site :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 religious-group ) ) :mod cyber :arg2-of ( motivate :arg0 sectarian ) ) ) :op2 ( block :arg1 website :arg2 attack )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.7", "sent": "the official website of iraq 's shiite religious leader the grand ayatollah ali al-sistani was defaced and blocked in a sectarian-motivated cyber attack on shiite-related sites ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( pursue :arg0 country :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( produce :arg0 country :arg1 energy ) :op2 ( conduct :arg0 country :arg1 research ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.21", "sent": "iran stated that iran is pursuing nuclear technology to produce energy and conduct research ."}, {"amr": "drive :arg0 i :path ( past :op1 ( facility :wiki - :name ( name :op1 watkins :op2 landing ) ) ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg4 ( and :op1 ( date-entity :dayperiod morning ) :op2 ( date-entity :dayperiod evening ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.79", "sent": "i drive past watkins landing every morning and evening ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 jeffrey :op2 g. :op3 lewis ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( think-tank :wiki new_america_foundation :name ( name :op1 new :op2 america :op3 foundation ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( realize :arg0 think-tank :arg1 ( goal :mod ( assemble :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( centrifuge :quant 6000 ) ) :poss country ) :concession-of ( know :polarity - :arg1 ( status :poss machine :mod operate ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.15", "sent": "arms control expert jeffrey g. lewis of the new america foundation think tank stated that the foundation was aware of iran 's goal of assembling 6000 centrifuges but the operational status of the machines is unknown ."}, {"amr": "choose :arg1 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :arg4 ( host :arg0 city :arg1 event ) :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 ( decide :arg0 ( conference :wiki - :name ( name :op1 idec ) ) :time ( meet :arg1-of ( hold :location ( country :wiki bolivia :name ( name :op1 bolivia ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 2 ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.16", "sent": "hong kong was chosen to host the event following the decision of the idec meeting held in bolivia in 020200 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( shift :arg1 ( and :op1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :mod ( game :wiki go_[game] :name ( name :op1 go ) ) ) :op2 ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) :mod game ) ) :arg2 ( city :wiki seoul :name ( name :op1 seoul ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 ) ) :op2 ( compete :arg0 team :arg1 team :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) :location ( hotel :wiki - :name ( name :op1 le :op2 tian :op3 hotel ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 2 ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.16", "sent": "the go teams from china and korea will shift to seoul on september 1 st , and will hold the second competition in the le tian hotel on the 2 nd ."}, {"amr": "constitute :arg0 talk :arg1 ( contact :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod ( level :arg1-of ( high :degree most ) ) :mod diplomacy :time ( nearly :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit year ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.26", "sent": "the talks constituted the highest-level diplomatic contact between the us and iran for nearly 30 years ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.12", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "last :arg1 ( hour :time-of rush ) :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit minute )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.34", "sent": "the rush hour is 30 minutes long .. ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( show :arg0 ( videotape :arg1-of leak ) :arg1 ( bribe :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 congressman :arg2 ( switch :arg1 congressman :arg2 ( party :mod ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( trigger :arg0 videotape :arg1 ( event :arg1-of ( culminate :arg2 ( resign :arg0 ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 fujimori ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 11 :year 2000 ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.13", "sent": "a leaked videotape showed montesinos bribing a congressman to switch to the government party and triggered events that culminated in fujimori 's resignation in november 2000 ."}, {"amr": "process :arg1 ( enrich :arg2 uranium ) :mod ( technical :arg1-of high ) :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 fuel :arg3 ( plant :mod ( power :mod nucleus ) ) :arg1-of possible ) :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 ( material :mod fissile ) :arg3 ( weapon :mod atom ) :arg1-of possible )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.6", "sent": "uranium enrichment is a highly technical process that can produce fuel for a nuclear power plant or fissile material for atomic weapons ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( find :arg0 we :arg1 ( work :arg0 ( we :mod all ) :arg2 devil ) :time eventual :prep-in aggregate :condition ( demonize :arg0 we :arg1 business :arg1-of ( long :degree enough ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.70", "sent": "but in the aggregate if we demonize business long enough we will eventually find out we all work for the devil ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( take :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( paracetamol :quant ( around :op1 5 ) ) :op2 ( drug :mod other ) ) ) :op1 ( take :arg0 i :arg1 and :prep-with ( and :op1 lager :op2 vodka ) ) :time ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( find :arg1 ( thing :instrument-of cut ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.6", "sent": "when i cant find anything to cut with i take around 5 paracetmols and other drugs and i take them with larger and vodka ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( deserve :arg0 they :arg1 it ) :snt2 ( ask :arg0 they :arg1 that )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5537.1", "sent": "they deserve it . they asked for that ."}, {"amr": "conduit :domain ( world-region :wiki caucasus :name ( name :op1 caucasus ) ) :mod importance :purpose ( flow :arg1 oil :source ( sea :wiki caspian_sea :name ( name :op1 caspian :op2 sea ) ) :destination ( market :mod world ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.23", "sent": "the caucus region is an important conduit for the flow of oil from the caspian sea to world markets ."}, {"amr": "try :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( aid :arg1-of legal ) :condition ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( afford :arg0 you :arg1 one ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.31", "sent": "if you can n't afford one , try legal aid ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of analyze ) :arg1 ( likely :arg1 ( try :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( indoctrinate :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( public :poss person ) :op2 ( force :arg1-of arm :poss person ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.64", "sent": "analysts say that it is likely chavez is trying to indoctrinate his public and armed forces ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 terrorism :op2 dissent", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.3", "sent": "terrorism ; dissent"}, {"amr": "kill :arg1 ( and :op1 ( guerrilla :quant ( more-than :op1 3700 ) ) :op2 ( person :quant ( multiple :op1 100 ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 security :arg2 personnel ) ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( impose :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) :time ( date-entity :day 26 :month 11 :year 2001 ) :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 ( attack :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( force :mod security :mod government-organization ) :time ( after :op1 ( break :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( talk :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( cease :arg1 fire ) :arg2 government-organization :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit month ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2001 ) ) ) :quant series ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.15", "sent": "more than 3700 guerrillas and hundreds of security personnel have been killed since the nepali government imposed the state of emergency on 26 november 2001 following a series of attacks by the guerrillas on government security forces after the guerrillas broke 4 @-@month-long cease-fire talks with the government on 23 november 2001 ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 hello :snt2 ( contrast :arg1 ( start :arg0 i :arg1 university :time ( date-entity :month 9 ) ) :arg2 ( gel :polarity - :arg1 i :arg2 university :time immediate :manner obvious :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( person :mod most ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.1", "sent": "hello i started university in september , did n't immediately gel with it obviously like most people ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( reactor :purpose research :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki arak,_iran :name ( name :op1 arak ) ) ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod ( water :mod heavy ) ) :arg1 ( plutonium :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) :mod eventual", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.16", "sent": "iran 's heavy-water research reactor near arak could eventually produce plutonium that might be used in a nuclear weapon ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 hiro :op2 ueki ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 spokesman ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg3 ( inspect :arg0 person :arg1 arm ) ) ) :arg1 ( site :quant 7 :location ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 12 :day 28 :year 2002 ) :purpose ( search :arg0 person :arg2 ( weapon :arg0-of ( destroy :degree mass ) :arg1-of prohibit ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.5", "sent": "united nations arms inspectors on december 28 , 2002 visited 7 sites in iraq in order to search for prohibited weapons of mass destruction according to spokesman hiro ueki ."}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg1 ( begin :arg0 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 air :op2 force ) ) :arg1 ( shoot-down :arg0 military :arg1 ( aircraft :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( traffic :arg1 ( drug :mod ( law :polarity - ) ) :location ( airspace :mod country ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.6", "sent": "brazil announced that the air force will begin shooting down aircraft used in trafficking illegal drugs in brazilian airspace ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 19", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 09 @-@ 19"}, {"amr": "have-condition :arg1 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 it :manner gradual ) :arg2 ( comfortable :polarity - :arg0 it :arg1 you :mod particular )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.8", "sent": "do it gradually if it 's not something you 're particularly comfortable with ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( and :op1 ( have :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :mod proper :arg2-of diagnose ) ) :op2 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( symptom :quant some ) :mod even :arg1-of ( mean :polarity - :arg2 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( condition :mod certain ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) :mod then", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.12", "sent": "but then i do n't have a proper diagnosis and even having some symptoms might not mean you have a certain condition ."}, {"amr": "make-out :arg1 university :arg2 ( good :degree ( more :quant much ) :compared-to ( seem :arg1 it ) :domain it )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.7", "sent": "the university made out it was much better than it seems ."}, {"amr": "resemble :arg2 ( and :op1 ( wander :arg0 ( soul :quant 10000000 :arg1-of decease :mod that :arg0-of ( lose :arg1 ( life :poss soul ) ) ) :arg1 ( over :op1 ( ocean :wiki pacific_ocean :name ( name :op1 pacific :op2 ocean ) ) ) ) :op2 ( find :arg0 soul :arg1 ( difficult :domain ( rest :arg1 soul :manner peace ) ) ) ) :mod just", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.11", "sent": "it 's just as if those ten million deceased souls who lost their lives are wandering over the pacific ocean , finding it difficult to rest in peace ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 mark :op2 fitzpatrick ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki international_institute_for_strategic_studies :name ( name :op1 international :op2 institute :op3 for :op4 strategic :op5 studies ) ) :arg2 ( fellow :mod senior ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.30", "sent": "senior fellow at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that --"}, {"amr": "cite :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :purpose ( support :arg0 person :arg1 ( state :mod this ) ) :location ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) :domain ( enterprise :quant 600 :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( enterprise :quant 7000 :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg0-of ( invest :manner international ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.21", "sent": "to support this statement wen cited that 600 of the 7000 chinese enterprises that invest internationally are in germany ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( and :op1 ( progress :arg1 ( enterprise :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( learn :arg0 enterprise :arg1 ( manage :arg1-of modern ) :manner ( cooperate :arg0 enterprise :arg1 ( partner :mod ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.26", "sent": "wen stated that chinese enterprises can make progress and learn modern management by cooperating with german partners ."}, {"amr": "express :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( will :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( negotiate :arg0 pirate :arg2 ( figure :mod finance ) ) ) :manner consistent", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.15", "sent": "the pirates have consistently expressed willingness to negotiate the financial figures ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( addictive :arg0 ( harm :arg1 self ) ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( overcome :arg0 you :arg1 harm ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.34", "sent": "self harming is addictive , but you can overcome it ,"}, {"amr": "attempt :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( modernize :arg0 person :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :op2 ( re-equip :arg0 person :arg1 military ) ) :time ( term :quant 2 :mod ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) :poss person )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.28", "sent": "putin attempted to modernize and re-equip the russian military during his 2 presidential terms ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 premier ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( improve :arg0 ( visit :mod this ) :arg1 ( and :op1 friendship :op2 understand :mod mutual ) ) :op2 ( set :arg0 visit :arg1 ( foundation :mod good :purpose ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) :degree further ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.9", "sent": "premier peng li said that , this visit had improved mutual friendship and understanding and set a good foundation for further cooperation between china and kirghizia ."}, {"amr": "slow :arg1 ( process :arg1 ( control :arg1 arms ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.20", "sent": "slow the arms control process ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.2", "sent": "iran ( ir )"}, {"amr": "condemn :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :op2 ( nation :mod other :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :op3 ( military :wiki nato :name ( name :op1 nato ) ) ) :arg1 violence", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.11", "sent": "the u.s. , other western nations and nato condemned the violence ."}, {"amr": "form :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki proliferation_security_initiative :name ( name :op1 proliferation :op2 security :op3 initiative ) :consist-of ( person :quant 11 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 organization :arg2 member ) ) ) :time recent", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.9", "sent": "american government has recently formed a proliferation security initiative that consists of 11 members ."}, {"amr": "surge :arg1 ( and :op1 speed :op2 accident ) :mod as-well", "id": "wb.eng_0003.8", "sent": "speeding and accidents have surged as well :"}, {"amr": "contribute :arg0 ( institute :mod tertiary :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg2 ( improve :arg1 ( relation :arg0 city :arg2 ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :topic ( and :op1 ( research :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of high ) ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 technology ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 ) :arg1-of ( activity :arg0 institute )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.5", "sent": "in 2004 hong kong tertiary institutes actively contributed to improved relations between hong kong and mainland china in the research and development of high technology ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( increase :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( control :arg0 government-organization :arg2 economy :mod macro ) ) :op2 ( employ :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( method :mod administrate :mod need :mod all ) ) :purpose ( restrict :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( construct :arg1 ( asset :arg1-of fix ) :arg1-of excessive :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( rise :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( price :arg1 ( good :mod capital ) ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( strain :arg1 ( supply :arg1 ( and :op1 coal :op2 electricity :op3 oil :op4 transport ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.40", "sent": "in order to restrict the excessive fixed asset construction that caused a rise in capital good prices and strained the supply of coal , electricity , oil and transportation , the chinese government will increase its macro economic control and employ all necessary administrative methods ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( talk :arg1 ( step :purpose ( recoup :arg1 ( time :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( time :arg1-of ( lose :time ( organize :arg1 ( transfer :mod finance ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( negotiate :arg2 disarm ) :source ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( negotiate :arg2 disarm ) :source ( country :wiki south_korea :name ( name :op1 south :op2 korea ) ) ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of ( negotiate :arg2 disarm ) :source ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) ) :time ( week :mod ( date-entity :day 17 :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.16", "sent": "hill stated talks will occur the week of 17 june 2007 with disarmament negotiators from russia , south korea and japan on steps to recoup some of the time lost while the financial transfer was being organized ."}, {"amr": "feel :arg0 he :arg1 ( person :quant more :arg0-of compete :mod new :source ( country :poss we ) :arg0-of ( participate :arg1 ( compete :mod this ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.12", "sent": "he felt that , there were more new competitors from our country participating in this competition ."}, {"amr": "want :arg0 i :arg1 ( he :location ( there :beneficiary ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 he :arg2 son ) ) ) ) :manner ( need :polarity - :arg0 he :arg1 i :mod too )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.6", "sent": "i want him to be there for his son without needing me too ."}, {"amr": "see :arg0 ( you :mod even ) :arg1 ( rail :destination ( airport :wiki washington_dulles_international_airport :name ( name :op1 dulles ) ) ) :arg2 positive :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( center :mod job :domain airport :arg0-of ( promote :arg1 ( demand :arg1 rail :mod bi-directional ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.72", "sent": "even you see rail to dulles as a positive because dulles is a job center that promotes bi-directional demand on the rail ."}, {"amr": "note :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 dale :op2 totten ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki virginia_department_of_transportation :name ( name :op1 virginia :op2 department :op3 of :op4 transportation ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of engineer :mod ( person :arg0-of reside ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( lane :quant 4 :arg0 government-organization :arg1 road :condition ( have :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( money :mod more ) ) :arg1-of ( cost :arg2 ( about :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 13000000 :unit dollar ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.10", "sent": "dale totten , resident engineer for the virginia department of transportation , noted that vdot would four - lane the road for about $ 13 million if it had more money ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( decline :arg1 ( fly :mod ( law :polarity - ) ) :arg2 ( percentage-entity :value 30 ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( concern :arg0 ( capable :arg1 track :arg1-of improve ) :arg1 ( person :arg0-of traffic ) ) ) :time initial ) :arg2 ( reaccelerate :arg1 fly :time subsequent )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.37", "sent": "illegal flights initially declined 30 percent due to trafficker 's concerns about improved tracking capabilities but subsequently reaccelerated ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( bump :arg5 up :manner resolute ) :snt1 ( agree :arg0 i :arg1 ( analyze :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( start :arg1 thread ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( like :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :wiki hua_mulan :name ( name :op1 hua :op2 mulan ) :domain i :purpose ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( protect :arg0 i :arg1 ( home :poss we ) ) :op2 ( defend :arg0 i :arg1 ( homeland :poss we ) ) ) :op2 ( spread :arg0 i :arg1 ( prestige :poss ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) :poss we ) ) ) :op5 ( pledge :arg0 i :arg2 ( fight :arg0 i :arg2 ( defend :arg1 ( dignity :mod nation :poss we ) ) :degree ( die :arg1 i ) ) ) ) ) :condition ( come :arg1 war :mod really ) )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5628.1", "sent": "i agree with the analysis of the thread starter , resolutely bump up . if war really comes , i would like to be hua mulan , to protect our home and defend our homeland , to spread the prestige of our china , to pledge to fight to the death defending our national dignity ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 terrorism :op3 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op4 money", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.3", "sent": "international ; terrorism ; government ; money"}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( accept :arg1 it ) :degree total", "id": "bolt12_91455_5314.1", "sent": "it 's totally unacceptable"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki ali_asghar_soltanieh :name ( name :op1 ali :op2 asghar :op3 soltanieh ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg3 ( represent :arg1 country :arg2 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( emphasize :arg0 ( thing :arg0-of report ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( exist :arg1 ( or :op1 ( sign :polarity - :arg0-of ( indicate :arg1 ( divert :arg1 ( activity :arg0 country :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) :op2 ( evidence :polarity - :arg0-of indicate ) ) ) :op2 ( audit :arg1 ( material :mod nucleus :poss country :quant all ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( publication :wiki fars_news_agency :name ( name :op1 fars :op2 news :op3 agency ) :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.15", "sent": "iran 's representative to the iaea ali asghar soltanieh stated to tehran 's fars news agency that the report emphasized that there exists no sign or evidence indicating diversion of iran 's nuclear activities and that all of iran 's nuclear materials have been audited ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( proceed :arg0 person :arg1 ( agree :arg1 ( begin :arg1 ( decommission :arg1 ( reactor :wiki yongbyon_nuclear_scientific_research_center :name ( name :op1 yongbyon ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 2 :year 2007 ) ) ) :time ( until :op1 ( transfer :arg1 ( fund :arg1-of ( value :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 25000000 :unit dollar ) ) :location ( account :arg1-of ( link :arg2 country ) ) :arg1-of ( hold :location ( bank :mod ( city :wiki macau :name ( name :op1 macao ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 country ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.12", "sent": "north korean officials refused to proceed with a february 2007 agreement to begin decommissioning the yongbyon reactor until funds worth 25 million dollars in accounts linked to north korea held in a macao bank were transferred to north korea ."}, {"amr": "carry-out :arg0 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) :arg1 ( attack :arg0 group :arg1 ( site :mod ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) :location ( and :op1 ( gulf :wiki persian_gulf :name ( name :op1 persian :op2 gulf ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :mod other ) :arg1-of resemble )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.17", "sent": "group xp had carried out similar attacks on other shiite sites in the persian gulf and iraq ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg0-of ( show :arg1 ( indicate :polarity - :arg1 ( relent :arg0 and ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.16", "sent": "russia and georgia showed no indication of relenting ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( upgrade :arg0 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg1 ( system :mod weapon :arg1-of ( sell :arg0 country :arg2 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( maintain :arg0 country :arg1 ( use :mod operate :mod optimum ) :arg2 system )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.12", "sent": "france will upgrade the weapon systems that france sold to india and maintain them at optimal operational use ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( arrive :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( utility :wiki mosenergo :name ( name :op1 mosenergo ) :location ( region :mod ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) ) :mod electricity ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg4 ( complex :mod laboratory :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :time recent ) :op2 ( threaten :arg0 person :arg1 ( turn-off :arg0 person :arg1 electricity :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( lack :arg1 pay ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.6", "sent": "an official from the moscow region 's mosenergo electric utility arrived recently at the russian laboratory complex and threatened to turn off the electricity for lack of payment ."}, {"amr": "question :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki the_pentagon :name ( name :op1 pentagon ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg2 ( rifle :wiki fn_fal :name ( name :op1 fal ) :mod old ) ) ) :op2 ( share :mode interrogative :arg0 person :arg1 ( or :op1 weapon :op2 ammunition ) :arg2 ( force :mod guerrilla :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) :arg1-of open", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.38", "sent": "the us pentagon has openly questioned what chavez will do with the old fal rifles and whether chavez might share weapons or ammunition with guerrilla forces in latin america ."}, {"amr": "like :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( contribute :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( country :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :arg0-of ( contribute :arg1 ( about :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 6000000 :unit ( dollar :mod country ) ) ) :arg2 ( transform :arg1 ( complex :mod bioweapon :time former ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( rate-entity :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 500000 :unit dollar :mod another ) :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) :purpose ( pay :arg0 and :arg1 monetary-quantity :arg3 ( and :op1 ( bill :mod electric ) :op2 arrear :poss ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.19", "sent": "general nikolai n. urakov would like the united states and western countries that have contributed about 6 million united states dollars to the transformation of the former bioweapons complex to contribute another 500000 united states dollars per year to pay the state scientific center of applied microbiology 's electric bills and arrears ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( channel :wiki abs-cbn_corporation :name ( name :op1 abs-cbn ) :mod news ) :arg1 ( show :arg0 ( record :source ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 immigrations :op2 bureau ) :mod ( country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( likely :arg1 ( stay :arg1 ( person :arg2-of ( suspect :arg1 terrorist :mod ( profile :arg1-of high ) :quant ( at-least :op1 2 ) ) ) :location country ) :degree most ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 7 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.5", "sent": "abs-cbn news channel reported on april 7 , 2004 that the philippine immigrations bureau 's record showed that at least 2 high-profiled terrorist suspects had most likely been staying in the country ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( know :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i ) ) :mod really ) :op2 ( fear :arg0 i :arg1 ( go :arg0 i :arg4 ( practitioner :mod general ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.10", "sent": "i really dont know what to do , and am afraid of going to the gp ."}, {"amr": "name :arg0 list :arg1 ( and :op1 ( company :source ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) ) :op2 ( company :source ( country :wiki finland :name ( name :op1 finland ) ) ) :op3 ( company :source ( country :wiki sweden :name ( name :op1 sweden ) ) ) :op4 ( company :source ( country :wiki united_arab_emirates :name ( name :op1 united :op2 arab :op3 emirates ) ) ) :op5 ( company :source ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1-of ( prevent :arg2 ( carry-out :arg0 and :arg1 deal ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( suspect :arg1 ( useful :arg1 item :arg2 military ) :arg2 ( item :mod sell ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.14", "sent": "the list names companies from australia , finland , sweden , the united arab emirates and iran that were prevented from carrying out deals because the items being sold were suspected of being militarily useful ."}, {"amr": "believe :arg0 i :arg1 ( need :arg0 ( child :mod every ) :arg1 ( person :mod both :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 child :arg2 parent ) ) :concession ( or :op1 ( together :domain person ) :op2 ( together :polarity - :domain person ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.10", "sent": "i do believe every child needs both parents weather they are together or not ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( professional :polarity - :mod health :domain i ) :op2 ( possible :arg1 ( speak :arg0 i :source ( experience :arg0 i :arg1-of ( personal :arg2 i ) ) :mod only ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( suggest :arg0 i :arg1 ( see :arg0 you :arg1 ( professional :mod health :arg1-of qualify ) :topic ( and :op1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 you :arg2 depression ) ) :op2 ( worry :arg0 you :arg1 depression ) ) ) :arg2 you :arg1-of strong ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.10", "sent": "i am not a health professional and i can only speak from personal experience which is why i strongly suggest you see a qualified health professional about your feelings and worries about depression ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( possible :arg1 ( chance :arg0 ( or :op1 ( person :arg0-of advertise ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( sponsor :arg1 show ) ) ) :arg1 ( or :op1 ( lie :arg1 or :arg2 ( shoulder :part-of ( female :arg1-of star ) ) ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 or :arg1 ( chin :part-of female ) ) :op3 ( kiss :arg0 or :arg1 ( cheek :part-of female ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( drink :arg0 or :arg1 ( alcohol :quant some ) ) ) ) :op2 ( adopt :arg0 female :arg1 ( attitude :mod endure ) :degree most )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.9", "sent": "after drinking some alcohol , the advertiser or show sponsor may take the chance to lie on the female star 's shoulder , feel her chin or kiss her cheek , and endurance is the attitude most adopted by the female stars ."}, {"amr": "give :arg0 ( propose :arg0 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :arg1 ( reason :prep-to ( suggest :arg0 official :arg1 ( approach :arg1 ( exempt :arg1-of specific ) :mod alternative ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :quant some ) :arg2 official ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.19", "sent": "israel 's proposal gives officials from some countries reason to suggest an alternative approach to a specific exemption ."}, {"amr": "person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) :arg0-of ( serve :arg2 ( organization :wiki united_nations_office_on_drugs_and_crime :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 office :op3 on :op4 drugs :op5 and :op6 crime ) ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit year ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki italy :name ( name :op1 italy ) ) :arg2 diplomat )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.24", "sent": "costa is an italian diplomat who has served at the u.n. office on drugs and crime for 6 years ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( dirty :arg1 ( circle :mod entertain ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 bird :op2 beast :op3 scum :domain ( man :quant all :location it ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5334.1", "sent": "the entertainment circle is a dirty one , all men in it are birds and beasts and scum"}, {"amr": "submit :arg0 i :arg1 ( situation :domain this :arg1-of ( tolerate :polarity - :arg1-of recommend ) :arg0-of disgrace )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.48", "sent": "i submit that this is a disgraceful situation that should not be tolerated ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( account :arg0 ( agency :wiki reuters :name ( name :op1 reuters ) :mod news ) ) :arg1 ( say :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( step :arg2 forward :arg4 ( plan :arg1 work ) :arg1-of significant ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.11", "sent": "according to an account by reuters news agency the iaea report said the work plan is a significant step forward ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( recommend :arg1 ( start :polarity - :arg2 ( try :arg0 i :arg1 ( eye :arg0 i :arg1 ( anxiety :poss you ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( make :arg0 eye :arg1 ( and :op1 ( tense :arg1 i ) :op2 ( likely :arg1 ( panic :arg1 you :degree more ) :degree more ) ) ) ) :mod well ) :snt2 ( circle :mod demise :location there )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.10", "sent": "well i woudnt try to keep an eye on ur anxiety for a start because that will make u tense and more likely to become more panicky ( circle of demise there )"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( aggressive :polarity - ) :op2 ( target :polarity - :arg1 anyone ) :domain ( activity :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( defend :arg1 ( security :mod nation ) ) ) ) :time ( conference :mod press :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 meet ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.14", "sent": "at the press conference following the meeting putin said that russia 's activities in defending national security are non-aggressive and not targeted against anyone ."}, {"amr": "disguise :arg1 ( suffer :quant more ) :arg2 ( look :arg1 glorious ) :arg2-of ( dispute :arg1-of ( possible :polarity - ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5341.1", "sent": "more suffering is under the disguise of glorious looks , \" tis the undisputable fact ."}, {"amr": "answer :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki askar_akayev :name ( name :op1 akayev ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 premier ) ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( question :arg0 ( person :arg0-of report ) ) ) :mod respective :time ( after :op1 ( ceremony :mod sign ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.5", "sent": "after the signing ceremony , kirghizian president akayev and premier peng li respectively answered questions from reporters ."}, {"amr": "express :arg0 he :arg1 ( hopeful :arg0 he :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( stable :arg1 ( world-region :wiki central_asia :name ( name :op1 central :op2 asia ) ) ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 world-region ) ) :op2 ( improve :arg0 ( standard :mod live :poss person ) :arg1-of continue ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.10", "sent": "he expressed hopes that the central asian region would be stable and developed , and that the standard of living of the people would continuously improve ."}, {"amr": "point :domain that :mod fair", "id": "wb.eng_0003.45", "sent": "that 's a fair point ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 dissent :op4 crime :op5 terrorism :op6 ( person :arg0-of lead )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.3", "sent": "international ; government ; dissent ; crime ; terrorism ; leader"}, {"amr": "and :op1 proliferate :op2 international", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.3", "sent": "proliferation ; international"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki david_albright :name ( name :op1 david :op2 albright ) ) :arg3 ( inspect :arg0 person :arg1 arm ) :time former ) :op2 ( have-org-role :arg0 person :arg1 ( organization :wiki institute_for_science_and_international_security :name ( name :op1 institute :op2 for :op3 science :op4 and :op5 international :op6 security ) :arg1-of ( base :location ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington :op2 d.c. ) ) ) ) :arg2 director )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.20", "sent": "david albright is a former arms inspector and director of the institute for science and international security that is based in washington , d.c. ."}, {"amr": "legal :arg1 ( produce :arg1 ( uranium :mod ( grade :arg1-of low ) ) ) :prep-under ( regulate :arg1 ( control :arg1 arm ) :mod international )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.23", "sent": "low-grade uranium production is legal under international arms-control regulations ."}, {"amr": "compose :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg2 ( country :arg1-of ( advanced :arg2 technology ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.7", "sent": "the nuclear suppliers group is composed of technologically advanced countries ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza :op2 leon ) :arg0-of ( favor :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki national_assembly_[venezuela] :name ( name :op1 national :op2 assembly ) :poss ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2-of serve ) :arg3 ( specialize :arg1 defend )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.17", "sent": "espinoza leon is a pro-chavez defense specialist who serves in venezuela 's national assembly ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 kimball ) ) :arg1 ( design :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( deflect :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 criticize :op2 pressure ) ) :op2 ( claim :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( make :arg1 progress ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.24", "sent": "kimball stated the iranian government 's design is to deflect criticism and pressure and to claim that progress is being made ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( negotiate :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 ( buy :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( plane :purpose ( support :arg1 air ) ) :op2 ( plane :purpose train ) :quant ( around :op1 24 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.31", "sent": "venezuelan officials say the government is negotiating with brazil to buy around 24 air support and training planes ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( have-concession :arg1 ( dangerous :domain ( forget :arg1 war ) :mod certain ) :arg2 ( peaceful :location world ) ) :snt2 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 ( have-concession :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( exercise :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 forbearance :manner ( blind :arg1 want ) :time ever ) ) :arg2 ( want :arg0 we :arg1 ( and :op1 develop :op2 peace ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i ) ) :snt3 ( aggravate :arg0 ( treaty :wiki boxer_protocol :name ( name :op1 boxer :op2 protocol ) :consist-of ( and :op1 ( betray :arg1 nation ) :op2 ( humiliate :arg1 nation ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 poverty :op2 backwardness :poss ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :time modern ) :snt4 ( lead :arg0 ( fall :direction behind ) :arg2 bully )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.30", "sent": "\" although it is peaceful throughout the world , it is certainly dangerous to forget war ! \" my fellow citizens , we want development and peace , but we must never exercise forbearance blindly . the \" boxer protocol \" of national betrayal and humiliation has aggravated china 's poverty and backwardness in modern time - falling behind will lead to being bullied ."}, {"amr": "look :arg0 ( live :arg0 they ) :arg1 glorious", "id": "bolt12_91455_5316.1", "sent": "their life looks glorious"}, {"amr": "involve :arg1 ( request :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( guarantee :arg1 ( or :op1 ( arrest :polarity - :arg0 ( armada :consist-of ( warship :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :arg1-of ( encircle :arg2 pirate :time current ) ) :arg1 pirate ) :op2 ( attack :polarity - :arg0 armada :arg1 pirate ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( detail :quant 1 :mod such )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.11", "sent": "one such detail involves the pirates \" request for a guarantee that they would not be arrested or attacked by the armada of american warships currently encircling them ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( agency :mod news :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( have :arg0 country :arg1 ( centrifuge :quant 6000 :arg1-of work ) ) ) :concession-of ( remove :arg0 agency :arg1 state :arg2 internet :time subsequent )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.11", "sent": "an iranian news agency reported that ahmadinejad stated iran had 6000 working centrifuges but the agency subsequently removed the statement from the internet ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki the_citizen_[south_africa] :name ( name :op1 the :op2 citizen ) ) :arg1 ( announce :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 ministry ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( impose :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 ( ban :arg1 ( activity :mod mercenary ) ) :time ( follow :arg2 ( report :arg1 ( enlist :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( have-quant :arg2 1000 ) :arg2-of ( train :arg1 military ) :mod ( religious-group :wiki muslim :name ( name :op1 muslim ) ) ) :arg2 ( leave :arg0 person :arg1 country :arg2 ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) :purpose ( fight :arg0 person :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :beneficiary ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 5 :month 10 :year 2001 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.6", "sent": "the citizen newspaper stated that the south african foreign ministry announced on 011005 that the south african government imposed the mercenary activity ban following reports that 1000 muslims with military training have enlisted to leave south africa for afghanistan to fight for the taliban against the united states ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( hinder :arg0 ( problem :topic technical ) :arg1 ( program :topic enrich :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.16", "sent": "diplomats and arms control experts stated that the iranian enrichment program is hindered by technical problems ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( wander :arg1 ( direction :quant all ) ) :op2 ( bear :arg1 seal )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.21", "sent": "wandering in all directions , bearing a seal"}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 menjun :op2 ju ) :arg0-of report ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xiaoguang :op2 hu ) :arg0-of report ) ) :location ( city :wiki bishkek :name ( name :op1 bishket ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 4 :day 23 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , bishket , april 23 rd , by reporters menjun ju and xiaoguang hu"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( partner :arg0 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :location ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :mod ( close :degree most ) :mod ( transfer :topic technology ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.27", "sent": "wen stated that germany is china 's closest european partner in technology transfer ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( murder :arg0 ( guerrilla :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( political-party :wiki nepali_congress :name ( name :op1 nepali :op2 congress ) :arg0-of rule ) :arg2 activist ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( party :mod other ) :arg2 activist ) ) :quant many ) ) :op2 ( or :op1 ( burn :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( building :quant several ) ) :op2 ( bomb :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 building ) ) :location ( outside :op1 ( valley :wiki kathmandu_valley :name ( name :op1 kathmandu :op2 valley ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.13", "sent": "outside the kathmandu valley anti-government guerrillas have murdered many activists from the ruling nepali congress party and others and burned or bombed several buildings ."}, {"amr": "get :arg1 ( and :op1 ( keep :arg1 strong ) :op2 ( keep :arg1 ( carry-on :arg1 live ) ) ) :arg2 hard", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.1", "sent": "it 's getting hard to keep strong and keep carrying on with life ."}, {"amr": "close :arg1 party :arg2 ( reach :arg1 ( deal :arg2 ( and :op1 ( pay :arg1 ( multiple :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 1000000 :unit dollar ) ) :arg2 pirate ) :op2 ( free :arg1 ship ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( negotiate :mod difficult :arg1-of ( liken :arg0 ( person :quant several :arg1-of ( involve :arg2 ( haggle :mod ( style :mod bazaar ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.7", "sent": "after difficult negotiations likened by several people involved to bazaar-style haggling the parties are close to reaching a deal in which the pirates would be paid millions of dollars and the ship freed ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( image :source satellite :arg1-of ( publish :arg0 ( organization :wiki institute_for_science_and_international_security :name ( name :op1 institute :op2 for :op3 science :op4 and :op5 international :op6 security ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( progress :arg1 ( construct :arg1 ( facility :mod ( reactor :purpose research :mod ( water :mod heavy ) ) :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki arak,_iran :name ( name :op1 arak ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of significant :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :month 2 :year 2008 ) :op2 ( date-entity :month 10 :year 2008 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.17", "sent": "satellite images published by the institute for science and international security show construction at the heavy-water research reactor facility near the city of arak has progressed significantly between 080200 and 081000 ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 12 :day 28 :year 2002", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 12 @-@ 28"}, {"amr": "take :arg0 i :arg1 ( position :arg0 i :arg2 ( favor :arg1 road ) ) :mod usual", "id": "wb.eng_0003.31", "sent": "i 'd usually take the pro-road position -"}, {"amr": "involve :arg1 ( set :arg1 ( timetable :arg2-of ( resume :arg1 ( talk :arg0 ( nation :quant 6 ) :arg1 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 discuss :mod also", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.17", "sent": "the discussions will also involve setting a timetable for resumption of 6 @-@nation arms control talks ."}, {"amr": "dismiss :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg2 ( official :mod senior ) ) ) :arg1 ( notion :topic ( want :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( invade :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( sense :polarity - :arg1 notion :arg1-of complete :mod utter ) :medium ( interview :arg1 official )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.58", "sent": "a senior us official in an interview dismissed the notion that the united states government wants to invade venezuela as complete and utter nonsense ."}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( verify :arg1 ( and :op1 ( claim :arg1 hack ) :op2 ( assert :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( base :arg1 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) :location ( country :wiki united_arab_emirates :name ( name :op1 united :op2 arab :op3 emirates ) ) ) ) ) :manner independent )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.13", "sent": "neither the hacking claim nor an iranian assertion that group xp was based in the united arab emirates could be verified independently ."}, {"amr": "order :arg0 sentence :arg2 ( pay :arg1 ( fine :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 3000000 :unit dollar ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg3 ( compensate :arg2 state ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.9", "sent": "the sentence also ordered montesinos pay a fine of 3 million dollars as compensation to the state ."}, {"amr": "overlook :arg1 ( thing :mod else :arg1-of ( spend :arg3 ( monetary-quantity :quant 400000000 :unit dollar ) :arg1-of possible ) ) :manner consistent :prep-in ( debate :arg1 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.98", "sent": "what 's consistently overlooked in the debate ovre 288 is what else that $ 400 million could have been spent on ."}, {"amr": "train :arg2 they :location indoor :degree most :location home", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.10", "sent": "at home , they carry out indoor training mostly ."}, {"amr": "ride :arg0 they :arg1 ( head :part-of we ) :mod even", "id": "bolt12_6455_6565.2", "sent": "they are riding even on our head"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( hope :arg0 he :arg1 ( demonstrate :arg0 ( athlete :quant all ) :arg1 ( and :op1 strength :op2 skill :arg1-of ( cultivate :arg0 athlete :frequency ( rate-entity :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) ) ) :degree full :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( recommend :arg1 ( compete :arg0 athlete :arg1 ( athlete :source ( country :mod various ) ) :manner honest :prep-as ( person :arg0-of compete :arg0-of ( represent :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.8", "sent": "he hoped that all the athletes would \" fully demonstrate the strength and skill that they cultivate daily , as the competitors representing japan , they should carry out competition with athletes from various countries honestly \" ."}, {"amr": "do :arg0 i :arg1 amr-unknown :arg2-of ( move :arg0 i :topic ( life :poss i ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.12", "sent": "what do i do to move on with my life ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 daryl :op2 g. :op3 kimball ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( think-tank :wiki arms_control_association :name ( name :op1 arms :op2 control :op3 association ) :location ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington ) ) :mod ( partisan :polarity - ) ) :arg2 ( director :mod executive ) ) ) :arg1 ( address :arg0 agree :arg1 ( problem :topic ( pursue :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( technology :arg1-of enrich ) :op1 ( capable :arg1-of enrich ) ) :arg0-of ( lead :arg2 ( produce :arg1 ( material :mod ( bomb :mod nucleus ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.23", "sent": "executive director of nonpartisan washington think tank the arms control association daryl g. kimball stated the agreement does not address the problem that the iranian government is pursuing an enrichment technology and capability that could lead to the production of nuclear bomb material ."}, {"amr": "conduct :arg0 ( person :wiki mich\u00e8le_alliot-marie :name ( name :op1 michele :op2 alliot-marie ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) ) ) :arg1 ( dialogue :arg0 person :arg1 deal :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) :mod security )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.5", "sent": "french defense minister michele alliot-marie conducted security dialogue with indian leaders about the deal ."}, {"amr": "claim :arg0 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :arg1 ( responsible :arg0 organization :arg1 ( assassinate :arg0 organization :arg1 ( person :quant several :poss ( regime :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( year :mod recent )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.20", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen in recent years claimed responsibility for the assassination of several persons in the iranian regime ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza ) ) :arg1 ( complain :arg0 no-one :arg1 ( country :arg1-of ( militarize :degree most ) :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) :domain ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.19", "sent": "espinoza said no one complains that colombia is the most militarized country in latin america ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki jos\u00e9_viegas_filho :name ( name :op1 viegas ) ) :arg1 ( increase :arg1 ( violate :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( smuggle :arg1 drug ) :arg0-of ( realize :arg1 ( capable :polarity - :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg2 retaliate ) ) :arg1-of appear ) :arg1 ( airspace :mod ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :mod deliberate ) :arg2 significant )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.40", "sent": "viegas stated that there was a significant increase in deliberate violations of brazilian airspace , apparently by drug smugglers realizing that the government was incapable of retaliation ."}, {"amr": "hard :arg1 ( understand :arg1 it ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 amr-unknown ) :degree so", "id": "wb.eng_0003.62", "sent": "why is it so hard to understand ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki ali_asghar_soltanieh :name ( name :op1 soltanieh ) ) :arg1 ( make :arg0 ( and :op1 report :op2 measure ) :arg1 ( intervene :arg0 ( organization :mod international :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) ) ) :mod any :mod other ) :arg1-of ( relevant :polarity - ) :arg1-of ( justify :polarity - ) ) ) :medium ( interview :arg0 ( television :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1-of ( control :arg0 state ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.27", "sent": "soltanieh stated in an interview with state-controlled iranian television that the report and the measures taken make the intervention of any other international organization including the security council irrelevant and unjustified ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( control :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( spiral :direction downhill :mod this ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.16", "sent": "ut i feel as if i have no control over this downhill spiral ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 campos ) ) :arg1 ( want :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg1 ( know :arg0 world :arg1 ( and :op1 ( prepare :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 ( attack :arg0 person :arg1 anyone ) ) :op2 ( protect :arg1 country :purpose-of mission ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.26", "sent": "campos said venezuelans want the world to know that venezuelans are not preparing to attack anyone and that the mission is to protect venezuela ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 08 @-@ 08"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( wish :arg0 ( side :mod ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :arg1 ( make :arg0 side :arg1 ( relation :arg1 negative ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( calculate :arg0 side :arg1 ( reach :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 mr. :op2 chavez ) ) :arg1 power :manner ( confront :arg0 person :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :manner constant ) ) :mod politics ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.59", "sent": "the official said the chavista side wishes to make the relationship negative because they 've made a political calculation that mr. chavez reached power by constantly being in confrontation with the us ."}, {"amr": "or :mode interrogative :op1 ( craze :arg1 i ) :op2 something", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.4", "sent": "am i going crazy or something ?"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( wish :arg0 i :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( wipe-out :arg0 i :arg1 she :source ( live :arg0 i ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( good :degree ( more :degree ( much :degree so ) ) :prep-without she :domain thing )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.12", "sent": "i wish i could wipe her out of my life - things would be so much better without her ."}, {"amr": "assert :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 expand :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 :range ( since :op1 ( announce :arg1 ( approach :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 ( implement :arg0 country :arg1 ( centrifuge :quant 6000 ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 4 :year 2008 ) ) ) ) :arg1-of state", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.7", "sent": "the statement was ahmadinejad 's first asserting an expansion since the 20080400 announcement that iran was approaching the implementation of 6000 centrifuges ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 technology :op4 politics :op5 economy :op6 money :op7 ( person :arg0-of lead )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.3", "sent": "international ; government ; technology ; politics ; economy ; money ; leader"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( trust :arg2 i ) :snt2 ( good :degree more :domain ( get :arg1 ( thing :mod this ) :time ( early :degree most :compared-to ( possible :arg1 get ) ) :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( let :arg1 ( worsen :arg1 thing :mod even ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.28", "sent": "trust me , it 's better to get these things as early as possible rather than let them get even worse ."}, {"amr": "suspect :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( country :arg1-of ( ally :arg2 country ) :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( precede :arg1 ( effort :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :purpose ( produce :arg0 country ) ) :arg2 ( create :arg0 country :arg1 ( infrastructure :mod ( weapon :mod nucleus ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.22", "sent": "the united states and its western allies suspect that iran 's efforts to produce is a precursor to creating a nuclear-weapons infrastructure ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( call :arg0 ( forerun :arg0 ( person :wiki gottfried_wilhelm_leibniz :name ( name :op1 gottfried :op2 leibnitz ) ) :arg1 ( philosophy :mod classic :mod ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( think :mod confucian :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg2 ( influence :arg0 think :arg1 ( movement :arg1 enlighten ) :location country :time ( date-entity :century 18 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.11", "sent": "wen stated that forerunner of german classic philosophy gottfried leibnitz called china 's confucian thought an influence on the enlightenment movement in 18 th century germany ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( city :wiki tskhinvali :name ( name :op1 tskhinvali ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg2 capital", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.33", "sent": "tskhinvali is the capital of georgia ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg0 ( person :mod other ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( kill :arg0 i :arg1 i :condition ( leave :arg0 you :arg1 i ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( get-through :mode interrogative :arg0 it :arg1 you )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.17", "sent": "others say things like , \" i 'm going to kill myself if you leave me \" ... get it ?"}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 i", "id": "wb.eng_0003.73", "sent": "i agree ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki liu_huaqing :name ( name :op1 huaqing :op2 liu ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki central_military_commission_[china] :name ( name :op1 central :op2 military :op3 commission ) ) :arg2 ( chairman :mod vice ) ) ) :arg1 ( place :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( importance :quant ( deal :mod great ) ) :arg2 ( develop :arg0 country :arg1 ( and :op1 ( friendship :prep-with ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :mod country ) :op3 ( military :wiki royal_thai_armed_forces :name ( name :op1 armed :op2 forces ) :mod country ) ) ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 country :arg1 country :arg2 ( and :op1 economy :op2 trade ) :mod especially ) ) ) ) :time ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :wiki chavalit_yongchaiyudh :name ( name :op1 chavalit :op2 yoncayu ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( premier :mod vice ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki ministry_of_interior_[thailand] :name ( name :op1 domestic :op2 affairs ) :poss country ) :arg2 ( minister :arg1-of concurrent ) ) ) :location ( hotel :wiki diaoyutai_state_guesthouse :name ( name :op1 diaoyutai :op2 state :op3 guesthouse ) ) :time today )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.2", "sent": "when meeting with chavalit yoncayu , vice-premier and concurrent minister of domestic affairs of thailand , at the diaoyutai state guesthouse today , huaqing liu , vice-chairman of the central military commission said that china placed a great deal of importance in developing friendship with the government , people and armed forces of thailand , especially the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) :arg1 there :arg0-of ( indicate :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( develop :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( system :mod weapon :arg1-of ( advanced :degree most ) ) ) :arg2 ( find :arg0 country :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( acquaint :arg0 country :arg1 ( thing :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg1-of ( partner :arg0 country ) ) :arg2 ( project :mod this ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.16", "sent": "putin said chirac 's visit there indicated that russia is developing the most advanced systems of weapons but finds it possible to acquaint its french partners with these projects ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( have :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) :arg1 ( position :arg1 ( issue :arg0 ( reconstruct :arg1 ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) ) :arg1-of resemble ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.32", "sent": "wen stated that china and europe have similar positions on the issue of iraq 's reconstruction ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 ( side :mod both :mod each ) :arg1 ( person :quant 7 :arg0-of ( play :arg1 ( game :wiki go_[game] :name ( name :op1 go ) ) ) :arg0-of ( compete :time today ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.4", "sent": "in the competition today , both sides each have 7 go players participating ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :arg1 ( reach :polarity - :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op4 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( agree :arg0 and :arg1 ( act :arg0 and :arg1 ( persuade :arg0 and :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 ( halt :arg0 country :arg1 ( enrich :arg1 uranium :location ( facility :mod country :location ( city :wiki natanz :name ( name :op1 natanz ) ) ) ) ) ) :degree further ) ) :time ( meet :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 13 ) :location ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) ) ) :arg2 media :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 14 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.5", "sent": "on 081114 diplomats stated to the media that american , european , russian and chinese officials at a meeting on 081113 in paris did not reach agreement on further actions to persuade iran to halt uranium enrichment at iran 's facility in natanz ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 ( time :time-of ( say :arg0 we :arg1 no :arg2 ( person :mod other ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i ) ) :snt2 ( cause :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( achieve :arg0 we ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.36", "sent": "my fellow citizens , it is time for us to say \" no \" to others . therefore , we must achieve :"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( establish :arg1 ( and :op1 peace :op2 stability :op3 ( and :op1 ( order :mod politics ) :op2 ( order :mod economy ) :mod ( world :arg0-of just :mod rational ) ) ) :arg1-of ( base :arg2 ( and :op1 ( treaty :wiki united_nations_charter :name ( name :op1 un :op2 charter ) ) :op2 ( norm :poss ( law :mod international ) ) :op3 ( principle :poss law ) ) ) ) ) :medium communique", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.12", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan said in the communique that peace , stability and a just and rational world political and economic order should be established on the basis of the un charter and norms and principles of international law ."}, {"amr": "visit :arg0 ( team :consist-of ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_monitoring,_verification_and_inspection_commission :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 monitoring :op4 verification :op5 and :op6 inspection :op7 commission ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 biology ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( plant :mod ( juice :wiki - :name ( name :op1 yaffa ) :poss ( company :wiki - :name ( name :op1 national :op2 food :op3 industries :op4 co. ) :location ( city-district :wiki - :name ( name :op1 zafaraniyah ) :mod ( area :mod industry ) :location ( city :wiki baghdad :name ( name :op1 baghdad ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.6", "sent": "a team of biological experts from the united nations monitoring , verification and inspection commission visited the yaffa juice plant of the national food industries co. in baghdad 's zafaraniyah industrial area ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( document :quant 5 :topic ( cooperate :arg2 ( and :op1 finance :op2 technical :op3 business ) ) :arg1-of ( total :arg2 ( over :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 260000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.10", "sent": "vietnamese and german officials signed 5 documents on financial , technical and business cooperation totaling over 260 million us dollars ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( centrifuge :quant 5000 ) :arg1 ( material :arg0-of ( suffice :arg1 ( or :op1 ( plant :mod power ) :op2 ( bomb :mod atom ) ) ) :mod nucleus ) ) :condition ( enrich :arg1 material :degree high )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.31", "sent": "5000 centrifuges can produce sufficient nuclear material for a power plant or an atomic bomb if the material is highly enriched ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 politics :op4 proliferate :op5 energy", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; politics ; proliferation ; energy"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 ministry ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( and :op1 ( prosecute :arg1 ( or :op1 ( person :mod any :arg0-of ( find :arg1 ( violate :arg0 person :arg1 ( law :wiki - :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 military :op3 assistance :op4 act ) :poss country ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :mod any :arg1-of ( fail :arg2 ( receive :arg1 ( permit :arg1 ( participate :arg1 ( activity :mod ( military :mod foreign ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( or :op1 violate :op2 fail ) ) :op2 ( sentence :arg1 or :arg2 ( or :op1 fine :op2 imprison :op3 ( and :op1 fine :op2 imprison ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.14", "sent": "the south african foreign ministry stated that any person found in violation of south africa 's foreign military assistance act or any person that fails to receive permission to participate in foreign military activities could be prosecuted and sentenced to a fine , imprisonment or both ."}, {"amr": "think :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( liable :arg1-of ( create :arg0 road :arg3 ( exit :mod all :poss road ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( create :arg0 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 route :op2 288 ) ) :arg1 ( construct :arg1 road :arg1-of ( cost :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 13000000 :unit dollar ) ) :location ( exit :quant 1 :mod this :mod just ) ) :time already ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.20", "sent": "if route 288 has already created a $ 13 million road - construction in just this one exist , think of the liability it has created for all of its exits !"}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 8", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 10 @-@ 08"}, {"amr": "write :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki david_albright :name ( name :op1 david :op2 albright ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki institute_for_science_and_international_security :name ( name :op1 institute :op2 for :op3 science :op4 and :op5 international :op6 security ) :arg1-of ( base :location ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington ) ) ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 jacqueline :op2 shire ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 organization :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 control ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( violate :arg0 ( idea :topic ( close :arg1 file ) ) :arg1 ( principle :arg1-of safeguard :mod fundamental ) ) :op2 ( specify :polarity - :arg0 agree :arg1 ( provide :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( access :arg0 name :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg1-of key :arg1-of ( need :purpose ( verify :arg0 organization :arg1 ( answer :arg0 name :arg1 ( question :arg0 organization ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( facility :arg1-of need ) :op3 ( document :arg1-of need ) ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) ) ) ) :location ( criticize :arg1-of ( publish :time ( week :mod ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 19 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.17", "sent": "arms-control experts david albright and jacqueline shire of the washington-based institute for science and international security wrote in a criticism published the week of 19 august 2007 that the idea of closing files violates fundamental safeguards principles and that the agreement does not specify that iranian officials would provide the iaea access to key people , facilities , and documents that are needed to verify iranian answers to the iaea 's questions ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( easy :arg1 no-one ) :snt1 ( resemble :arg1 live :arg2 show :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( obligate :arg1 you :arg2 ( look :arg0 you :arg1 script :purpose ( know :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :manner-of perform ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5325.1", "sent": "no one is easy . life is like a show , you must have a look at the script to know how to perform"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( idea :domain ( teach :arg2 i ) ) ) :op2 ( okay :arg1 i :mod still :condition ( or :op1 ( check :frequency 5 :arg0 i ) :op2 ( check :frequency 20 :arg0 i ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.27", "sent": "i think the idea is to teach me , i 'm still \" okay \" if i check 5 times or 20 times ."}, {"amr": "injure :arg1 ( soldier :quant 1 :arg2-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :wiki nepalese_army :name ( name :op1 royal :op2 nepal :op3 army ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 29 ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( attempt :arg0 ( team :mod ( dispose :arg1 bomb ) ) :arg1 ( defuse :arg0 team :arg1 ( bomb :arg1-of ( leave :arg2 ( pole :mod electricity :location ( city :wiki - :name ( name :op1 okubahal ) :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki sundhara :name ( name :op1 sundhara ) :location ( district :wiki patan,_nepal :name ( name :op1 lalitpur ) :location ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :manner serious", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.6", "sent": "1 soldier of the royal nepal army was seriously injured on 29 august 2002 when a bomb disposal team attempted to defuse the bomb left at an electricity pole in okubahal near sundhara in lalitpur district in kathmandu ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_department_of_state :name ( name :op1 state :op2 department ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg2 official ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.13", "sent": "a us state department official stated --"}, {"amr": "insist :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( defensive :arg1-of pure :domain move ) :op2 ( bear :arg0 ( need :arg1 ( and :op1 ( update :arg1 ( hardware :mod military :mod obsolete ) ) :op2 ( protect :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2 ( nation :arg0-of ( want :arg1 ( control :arg0 nation :arg1 country ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) :mod overdue ) :arg1 move ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.6", "sent": "chavez insists that the moves are purely defensive and born of an overdue need to update obsolete military hardware and protect venezuela from nations that might want to take control of venezuela ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( and :op1 ( overwhelm :arg0 ( problem :part-of ( live :arg0 i ) ) :degree ( credible :polarity - ) ) :op2 ( make :arg0 i :arg1 ( doubt :arg0 i :arg1 ( esteem :mod self :arg1-of ( low :time always ) :poss i ) :degree ( more :mod ever ) ) ) ) ) ) :time moment ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( capable :polarity - :arg1 i :arg2 ( concentrate :arg0 i :arg1 work ) ) :op2 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( become :arg1 i :arg2 ( quiet :arg1 i :degree very :time ( occasion :mod society ) ) ) :frequency often ) :op3 ( doubt :arg0 i :arg1 i :topic ( and :op1 anything :op2 everything ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.4", "sent": "i feel at the moment like the problems in my life are incredibly overwhelming , and are making me ever more doubtful of my always low self-esteem . i have no ability to concentrate on work , often find myself becoming very quiet in social occasions , and doubt myself over anything and everything ."}, {"amr": "feel :arg0 ( person :mod this :arg0-of report ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( train :arg2 ( team :wiki - :name ( name :op1 japanese :op2 handicapped :op3 sports :op4 team ) ) :manner good ) :op2 ( discipline :arg1 train ) :op3 ( possess :arg1 ( spirit :mod fight ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( ceremony :arg1-of tight :arg1-of orderly :arg1-of warm :arg1-of serious :purpose swear-in ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.11", "sent": "from this tight , orderly , warm and serious swearing in ceremony , this reporter felt that , the japanese handicapped sports team was a team that was well trained , disciplined and possessed fighting spirit ."}, {"amr": "reference :arg0 ( person :wiki john_howard :name ( name :op1 howard ) ) :arg1 ( talk :arg0 person :arg1 issue :arg2 ( and :op1 ( have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki junichiro_koizumi :name ( name :op1 junichiro :op2 koizumi ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) :op2 ( have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki roh_moo-hyun :name ( name :op1 roh :op2 woo-hyun ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki south_korea :name ( name :op1 south :op2 korea ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :time future ) :time ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 region :time ( week :mod ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 7 :day 14 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.8", "sent": "howard referenced future talks with japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi and south korean president roh woo-hyun on the issue when howard visits the region during the week of 14 july 2003 ."}, {"amr": "implement :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg1 ( law :arg0-of ( allow :arg1 ( target :arg0 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 air :op2 force ) ) :arg1 ( aircraft :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) :location ( airspace :mod country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.4", "sent": "brazil to implement law allowing air force to target drug trafficking aircraft in brazilian airspace ."}, {"amr": "person :mod very :domain they :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( profession :quant 9 :arg1-of ( low :degree more ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5532.1", "sent": "they are the very people of lower nine professions"}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 will :op2 jones ) ) :arg1 ( double :arg1 ( traffic :location ( section :quant 1 :part-of ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 huguenot :op2 trail ) ) ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( open :arg1 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) ) ) :mod more-than )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.7", "sent": "traffic has more than doubled in one section of huguenot trail since 288 opened , reports will jones ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( obligate :arg2 ( deal :arg0 i :arg2 ( abuse :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 dad ) ) :arg1 i :mod verbal ) :time ( before :op1 ( come :arg1 i :arg4 university ) ) :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 8 :unit year ) ) ) ) :op2 ( cause :arg0 ( reason :mod only :domain ( way :mod only :direction out :domain it ) ) :arg1 ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 here ) :mod honest )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.25", "sent": "i had to deal with verbal abuse from my dad for a long 8 years before i came to uni and honestly , the only reason why i 'm here is because it was the only way out ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 21", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.1", "sent": "2007 @-@ 08 @-@ 21"}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of ( have :arg1 ( bursary :mod ( percentage-entity :value 95 ) ) ) :arg0-of ( study :mod ( time :mod full ) :location ( school :arg1-of private :arg0-of ( pressure :arg1-of high ) ) :prep-in ( form :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) ) ) :age ( temporal-quantity :quant 18 :unit year ) :location ( point :mod ( break :arg1 i ) ) :domain i", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.6", "sent": "i 'm 18 , a full-time sixth former at a high pressure private school ( on a 95 % bursary ) and i 'm at breaking point ."}, {"amr": "group :arg1-of ( base :location ( city :wiki cape_town :name ( name :op1 cape :op2 town ) ) ) :domain ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 muslims :op2 against :op3 illegitimate :op4 leaders ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.9", "sent": "muslims against illegitimate leaders is a cape town-based group ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( leave :arg0 ( plan :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) ) :arg1 ( answer :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 organization :arg1-of ( complete :polarity - ) :arg0-of mislead ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.33", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency plan could leave the international atomic energy agency with incomplete and misleading answers from iran ."}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( pay :arg0 i :arg3 ( live :arg0 i :location country ) :mod still )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.93", "sent": "and i 'd still pay to live in the country ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( record :mod ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 immigrations :op2 bureau ) :mod ( country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( allow :arg1 ( and :op1 ( enter :arg0 ( person :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 hambali ) ) :arg1 country ) :op2 ( leave :arg0 person :arg1 country ) :time ( date-entity :year 2001 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.8", "sent": "the philippine immigrations bureau record showed hambali was allowed to enter and leave the philippines in 2001 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 federation ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op4 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :op5 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.2", "sent": "iran ( ir ) ; russian federation ( ru ) ; china ( cn ) ; france ( fr ) ; united states ( us )"}, {"amr": "city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.2", "sent": "hong kong ( hk )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( establish :arg1 ( fund :arg1-of guarantee ) ) :op2 ( improve :arg1 ( and :op1 ( environment :mod work ) :op2 ( mechanism :mod work ) ) ) :op3 ( recruit :arg1 ( professional :quant ( multiple :op1 100000 ) :arg0-of ( emigrate :arg2 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( around :op1 world ) ) ) :mod it :arg1-of ( linger :arg2 and ) ) :direction back :destination ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :li 1", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.1", "sent": "1. establish guaranteed funds , improve working environment and mechanisms , recruit back to china the hundreds of thousands of it professionals who have emigrated to and linger in the united states and around the world ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( facility :mod military :domain ( center :wiki titov_main_test_and_space_systems_control_centre :name ( name :op1 titov ) :mod space ) ) :op2 ( run :arg0 ( military :wiki russian_space_forces :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 space :op3 forces ) ) :arg1 center ) :op3 ( operate :arg1 center :manner ( security :arg1-of tight ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.15", "sent": "the titov space center is a military facility and is run by russian space forces and operates under tight security ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( insist :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :op2 ( agree :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( criticize :arg1 person ) :mod military :arg0-of retire :mod ( staunch :degree most ) :mod even :location here ) :arg1 ( essential :domain purchase :purpose ( update :arg1 ( weaponry :mod old :example ( rifle :wiki fn_fal :name ( name :op1 fal ) :arg1-of ( age :arg2 ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit decade ) ) ) :source ( country :wiki belgium :name ( name :op1 belgium ) ) :poss military ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.32", "sent": "chavez has insisted and even his staunchest retired military critics here agree that the purchases are essential to update old weaponry such as the military 's decades-old belgian fal rifles ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 crime :op2 weapon :op3 international :op4 money", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.3", "sent": "crime ; weapons ; international ; money"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( help :arg0 person :arg1 you ) :condition ( tell :arg0 you :arg2 person )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.26", "sent": "if you tell people they can help you ,"}, {"amr": "have :polarity - :arg0 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg1 ( power :mod enforce :mod ( beyond :op1 ( notify :arg0 organization :arg1 company :arg2 ( violate :arg0 company :arg1 ( guideline :poss organization ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.9", "sent": "the nuclear suppliers group has no enforcement power beyond notifying companies of violating the group 's guidelines ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( allow :arg0 we :arg1 ( fall :arg1 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) ) :arg2 ( country :mod other ) ) :manner amr-unknown )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.17", "sent": "how can we allow the diaoyu islands to fall to other countries"}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 science :op3 energy :op4 weapon", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.3", "sent": "international ; science ; energy ; weapons"}, {"amr": "do :polarity - :mode imperative :polite + :arg0 you :arg1 this", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.29", "sent": "please do n't do this ,"}, {"amr": "have :mode interrogative :arg0 she :arg1 ( or :op1 ( history :consist-of ( ill :arg1 she :arg2 mental ) ) :op2 ( diagnose :arg1 she ) ) :mod even", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.21", "sent": "does she even have a history of mental illness or a diagnosis ?"}, {"amr": "restore :arg1 electricity :arg1-of quick :time ( case :quant most :mod ( installation :mod military :arg4-of ( cut-off :arg1 electricity ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.39", "sent": "in most cases of military installations having their electricity cut off the electricity has been quickly restored ."}, {"amr": "know :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 you ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.32", "sent": "i know what you 're feeling ."}, {"amr": "kill :arg1 ( person :quant 3 :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 police :arg3 ( inspect :arg0 person ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 police :arg2 sub-inspector ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 police :arg2 personnel ) ) :time ( move :arg1 ( vehicle :quant 2 :mod police ) :arg2 ( area :wiki tikapur :name ( name :op1 tikapur ) :location ( district :wiki kailali_district :name ( name :op1 kailali ) ) ) :purpose ( search :arg2 guerrilla ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.7", "sent": "3 police personnel including an inspector and a sub-inspector were killed when 2 police vehicles were moving towards tikapur area in kailali district in search of the guerrillas ."}, {"amr": "have-concession :arg2 ( know :arg0 i :arg1 ( take :arg0 ( adjust :arg1 i ) :arg1 ( time :mod some ) :arg2 i ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( introvert :domain i :degree very ) :op2 ( shy :arg0 i ) :op3 ( anxious :domain i :degree especially ) :op4 ( rest :mod all ) :time always ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.2", "sent": "however , i knew it would take me some time to adjust , because i have always been very introverted , and shy and especially anxious and all the rest of it ."}, {"amr": "reality", "id": "bolt12_91455_5330.1", "sent": "the reality"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( feel :arg0 ( person :quant most ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( intelligent :polarity - :arg1 person ) :op2 awkward ) :time ( get :arg1 person :arg2 university :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( alone :polarity - :domain you :location university :mod definite ) ) ) :snt2 ( contrast :arg2 ( recommend :arg0 i :arg1 ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( appointment :arg0 you :arg1 ( service :arg0-of ( counsel :arg1 you ) :location ( university :poss you ) ) ) ) :arg2 you :mod really ) ) :snt3 ( matter :polarity - :arg1 ( tell :arg0 anyone :arg1 ( or :op1 ( depress :arg1 you ) :op2 ( depress :polarity - :arg1 you ) ) :arg2 you ) :mod really ) :snt4 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( problem :quant some ) :arg1-of obvious :time minute ) :op2 ( possible :arg1 ( use :arg0 you :arg1 ( support :arg1 you :mod some ) ) ) ) :snt5 ( important :degree ( equal :polarity - ) :compared-to ( thing :arg1-of ( experience :arg0 you ) ) :domain ( thing :arg2-of label ) ) :snt6 ( helpful :arg0 ( and :op1 meditate :op2 exercise ) :mod really :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( try :arg0 you :arg1 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 and ) ) ) ) :snt7 ( contrast :arg2 ( contrast :arg1 ( obligate :arg2 ( engage :arg1 you :arg2 ( and :op1 help :op2 ( life :mod general ) ) :purpose ( get :arg1 you :arg2 somewhere ) ) ) :arg2 ( beat :polarity - :arg1 you :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( motivate :polarity - :arg1 you :arg2 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 anything :time minute ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :snt8 ( and :op1 ( feel :arg0 ( person :quant lot ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 this ) ) ) :op2 ( pass :arg1 thing :arg1-of hope :time ( begin :arg0 you :arg1 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( good :degree more ) ) ) ) ) :snt9 ( kind :polarity - :arg0 you :arg2 you :arg0-of ( worsen :arg1 ( feel :arg0 you ) :mod only ) ) :snt10 ( and :op1 ( kind :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg2 you ) :op2 ( get :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( help :arg2 you :mod some ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.11", "sent": "most people feel unintelligent and awkward when they first get to uni @- you 're definitely not alone there . but i would really recommend that you get an appointment with your uni counselling services . it does n't really matter whether anyone has told you that you are depressed or not , you are obviously having some problems at the minute and could use some support @- labels are n't as important as your experiences . meditation and exercise are really helpful , so definitely try to do those . but yeah , you will have to engage with help and life in general to get somewhere @- but do n't beat yourself up about feeling unmotivated to do anything at the minute , lots of people feel like this and hopefully it will pass as you begin to feel better . being unkind to yourself will only make you feel worse @- be kind to yourself and get some help ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( create :arg1 ( unit :arg0-of defend :poss person ) :location ( and :op1 neighborhood :op2 ( company :mod state ) :op3 ( university :wiki - :name ( name :op1 free :op2 university ) :arg1-of ( establish :prep-under ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( report :arg0 unit :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) :arg1-of direct )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.46", "sent": "people 's defense units would be created in neighborhoods , state companies , and the free university established under chavez and would report directly to the president ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.2", "sent": "australia ( au )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 crime :op3 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op4 narcotic", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.3", "sent": "international ; crime ; government ; narcotics"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( go :arg0 i :arg4 therapy :purpose ( reason :mod other :mod also ) ) :op2 ( encourage :arg0 they :arg1 i :arg2 ( and :op1 ( pick :arg0 i :arg1 ( number :mod ( less :compared-to 20 :mod obvious ) :frequency-of ( check :arg0 i ) ) ) :op2 ( stick :arg1 i :arg2 number ) :op3 ( cut-down :arg0 i ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.26", "sent": "i go to therapy ( for other reasons also ) and they have encouraged me to pick a number of times to check , obviously that is less than 20 , and to stick to it and cut down that way ."}, {"amr": "have-condition :arg1 outsider :arg2 ( someone :polarity - :part-of ( family :arg1-of ( have-org-role :arg0 you :arg2 member ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.24", "sent": "if it 's not someone in your family , it 's an outsider ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( bring :arg1 ( person :arg1-of wound :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 police :arg2 personnel ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) :op2 ( city :wiki nepalgunj :name ( name :op1 nepalgunj ) ) ) :purpose treat ) :op2 ( mobilize :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 security :arg2 ( personnel :mod additional ) ) ) :location area :purpose ( defend :arg0 person :arg3 guerrilla ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.11", "sent": "the wounded police personnel were brought to kathmandu and nepalgunj for treatment and additional security personnel were mobilized in the area to defend against the guerrillas ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( simmer :arg1 ( and :op1 heaviness :op2 anger :location ( heart :part-of i ) ) :time ( read :arg0 i :arg1 history ) :prep-into ( concern :arg0 nation :arg1 i ) ) :snt2 ( have-concession :arg1 ( and :op1 ( will :arg0 i :arg1 ( serve :arg0 i :arg1 ( country :poss we ) :arg1-of ( volunteer :arg0 i ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( prosper :arg0 motherland ) :op2 ( splendid :domain motherland :mod ( again :mod once ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( regret :polarity - :arg0 i :concession ( even-if :op1 ( die :arg1 i ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( bear :arg1 i :prep-to ( gown :mod cloth ) ) :op2 ( include :arg1 i :arg2 ( person :mod common ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( adequate :domain ( show :arg0 i :arg1 ( heart :mod sincere :mod patriotic :part-of i ) :arg2 heaven ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.12", "sent": "when reading over history , the heaviness and anger in my heart simmer into concern for the nation . although i was born to cloth gown and am one of the common people , for the prosperity of the motherland , for the motherland being splendid once again , i am willing to voluntarily serve our country , and i will have no regrets even if i die ! my sincere patriotic heart is adequate to show to heaven !"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 raymond :op2 zilinskas ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki monterey_institute_of_international_studies :name ( name :op1 monterey :op2 institute :op3 of :op4 international :op5 studies ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 ( warfare :mod biology ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( threaten :arg2 organism :mod main :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( cut :arg1 ( power :beneficiary ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( threaten :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( escape :arg0 organism ) ) :arg1-of cause ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.31", "sent": "a biological warfare expert at the monterey institute of international studies named raymond zilinskas stated that the main threat from cutting power to the state scientific center of applied microbiology would be to the organisms themselves rather than that they might escape ."}, {"amr": "encounter :arg0 ( person :mod super :arg1-of ( envy :degree much ) :arg1-of star ) :arg1 ( or :op1 ( engage :mod social ) :op2 circumstance :arg1-of ( welcome :polarity - :arg0 person :concession-of ( obligate :arg1 person :arg2 ( join-in :arg0 person :arg1 or ) ) ) ) :frequency often", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.2", "sent": "much envied super stars often encounter social engagements or circumstances which they do n't welcome but have to join in ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( consent :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg1 ( centrifuge :arg1-of exist :arg1-of operate :quant ( between :op1 5000 :op2 6000 ) ) :condition ( increase :polarity - :arg0 ( number :quant-of centrifuge ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.30", "sent": "ahmadinejad stated that the west had consented to the existing 5000 @-@ 6000 centrifuges in operation provided that the number did not increase ."}, {"amr": "thank :arg0 i :arg1 you :arg2 nothing", "id": "wb.eng_0003.25", "sent": "thanks for nothing ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 14", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 11 @-@ 14"}, {"amr": "care :arg0 he :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :mod little :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 he :arg2 girl :mod new ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 he :arg2 wife ) ) :op3 ( life :poss he :mod new :location-of ( want :polarity - :arg1 i ) ) ) :mod just", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.12", "sent": "he just cares about his new little girl and wife , his new life , where im not wanted ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( record :source ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 immigrations :op2 bureau ) :mod ( country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( likely :arg1 ( stay :arg1 ( person :quant 2 :arg2-of ( suspect :arg1 ( terrorist :mod ( profile :arg1-of high ) ) ) ) :location country ) :degree most )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.4", "sent": "philippine immigrations bureau 's record showed that two high-profiled terrorist suspects had most likely been staying in the philippines ."}, {"amr": "order :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :quant 5 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg3 train ) :arg0-of ( participate :arg1 ( program :topic exchange ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of study :arg0-of participate ) ) :arg2 ( leave :arg0 and :arg1 country :time ( date-entity :year 2005 :month 4 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.63", "sent": "5 us military trainers and students participating in an exchange program were ordered to leave the country in 050400 ."}, {"amr": "base :arg1 agreement :arg2 ( principle :mod ( collaborate :mod ( benefit :mod mutual ) :instrument-of ( complement :arg1 ( university :mod both :mod each ) :arg2 ( strength :poss other ) :purpose ( work :arg1 ( and :op1 ( project :mod ( research :mod joint ) ) :op2 ( supervise :arg1 ( person :arg0-of study :mod research ) ) :op3 ( teach :arg2 person ) :op4 ( administer :arg1 ( opportunity :mod ( train :mod professional ) ) ) ) :mod together ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.12", "sent": "the agreement is based on the principle of mutually beneficial collaboration in which both universities complement each other 's strengths in working together on joint research projects , supervision and teaching of research students and in administering professional training opportunities ."}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( recommend :arg1 ( solve :arg1 ( dispute :mod international ) :arg2 ( mean :mod peaceful ) ) ) :op3 ( recommend :arg1 ( play :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg1 ( role :mod ( lead :arg0 organization :arg2 ( safeguard :arg1 ( and :op1 peace :op2 security ) :location world ) ) ) ) ) :op3 ( recommend :arg1 ( try :arg1 ( diversify :arg1 ( mode :mod develop ) ) ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.13", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan also agree that international disputes should be solved by peaceful means and the united nations should play a leading role in safeguarding peace and security in the world and efforts should be made to diversify modes of development ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( demonstrate :arg0 ( mastermind :arg0 ( and :op1 ( separatist :mod nation ) :op2 ( extremist :mod region ) ) :arg1 ( attack :arg0 terrorist :location ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( need :arg1 ( effort :purpose ( reduce :arg1 ( and :quant 3 :op1 ( force :mod terrorism ) :op2 ( force :mod separatism ) :op3 ( force :mod extremism ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( correct :arg1 effort ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.10", "sent": "tang stated the fact that the terrorist attack in moscow was masterminded by national separatists and regional extremists demonstrated the necessity and correctness of efforts in reducing the 3 @-@forces of terrorism , separatism and extremism ."}, {"amr": "have :polarity - :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg1 ( access :arg0 organization :arg1 ( and :op1 person :op2 document :op3 site ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.24", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency has no access to people , documents , sites ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( sure :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( or :mode interrogative :op1 ( cause :arg0 ( change :arg1 lifestyle :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( go :arg3 ( person :arg0-of study :arg1-of ( free :arg2 care ) ) :arg4 ( person :arg1-of graduate :arg1-of ( employ :polarity - ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 this ) :op2 ( signal :arg0 this :arg1 ( issue :mod other ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( begin :arg1 ( bug :arg0 this :arg1 i :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( affect :arg0 this :arg1 ( and :op1 ( confident :arg1 i ) :op2 ( happy :domain i ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.4", "sent": "i 'm not sure if it 's the change in lifestyle ( going from care-free student to unemployed graduate ) that is causing this or if it 's a sign of other issues , but it 's beginning to bug me as it 's affecting my confidence and happiness ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( infer :arg1 ( remember :arg0 ( person :quant all :arg0-of ( experience :arg1 ( era :mod that ) ) ) :arg1 era :manner vivid ) :mod still ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( cry :arg0 ( generation :mod ( young :degree more ) :poss we :mod even ) :arg1 ( tear :arg1-of ( stream :direction down :location ( cheek :part-of we ) ) ) :mod also ) :op2 ( boil :arg1 ( blood :poss we ) :manner indignation ) :time ( and :op1 ( turn :arg1 we :direction ( page :mod history :mod this ) ) :op2 ( read :arg0 we :arg1 page ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.12", "sent": "all the people who experienced that era must still remember it vividly ; even our younger generations also will cry with tears streaming down our cheeks , and our blood boils with indignation , whenever we turn to this page of history and read !"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.2", "sent": "france ( fr ) ; india ( in )"}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( work :arg0 i :location home ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( shout :arg0 she :arg2 i ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.7", "sent": "i can n't do work at home , because she shouts at me ."}, {"amr": "point :quant 303.00 :domain ( perform :arg0 she )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.6", "sent": "her performance was 303.00 points ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( perform :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :manner ( good :degree more ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( win :arg0 team ) ) :time today )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.12", "sent": "however , the chinese team performed better today , and therefore achieved victory ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 24 :unit year ) ) :op2 ( have-rel-role :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg1-of ( age :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 2.5 :unit year ) ) ) :arg2 mother )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.1", "sent": "i am 24 and a mother of a 2 and a half year old ."}, {"amr": "or :op1 ( ask :polarity - :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( exempt :arg1 country :purpose ( guideline :mod ( supply :mod nucleus ) ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) :time ever ) :op2 ( request :polarity - :arg0 government-organization :arg2 organization :arg1-of ( specific :arg2 country ) :time ever )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.29", "sent": "the israeli government has never asked the nsg for any exemption to nuclear supply guidelines or made any israeli-specific request of the nsg ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( support :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( bid :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( membership :mod ( permanence :polarity - ) :mod ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) :part-of ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 un ) ) ) :time ( term :mod ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2008 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2009 ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( encourage :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( enterprise :arg1-of ( size :arg2 small ) :mod country ) :op2 ( enterprise :arg1-of ( size :arg2 medium ) :mod country ) ) :arg2 ( do :arg0 and :arg1 business :arg4 country ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.14", "sent": "the german government supports the vietnamese government 's bid for a non-permanent membership of the un security council in the 2008 @-@ 2009 term and encourages small @- and medium-sized german enterprises to do business with vietnam ."}, {"amr": "congest :mode interrogative :arg2 traffic :location ( place :mod old ) :mod additional", "id": "wb.eng_0003.29", "sent": "additional traffic congestion in old places ?"}, {"amr": "release :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :op2 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) :part-of ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 u.n. ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg0 and :arg1 ( resolve :arg0 and :arg1 issue :time ( by :op1 ( date-entity :month 12 :year 2007 ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 27 :month 8 :year 2007 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.5", "sent": "on 27 august 2007 iran and the u.n \" . s international atomic energy agency released a plan for resolving issues by december 2007 ."}, {"amr": "create :arg1 ( group :mod battle :quant few :consist-of ( carrier :mod aircraft :arg1-of ( power :arg0 nucleus ) ) ) :li 2", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.2", "sent": "2. create a few nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.2", "sent": "venezuela ( ve )"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( cause :arg0 responsible :arg1 ( fear :polarity - :arg0 we ) ) :snt2 ( have-concession :arg1 ( relate :arg1 territory :arg2 ( matter :topic dignity ) ) :arg2 ( small :domain territory ) ) :snt3 ( guarantee :arg0 ( interest :poss ( and :op1 country :op2 ( unity :mod nation ) ) ) :arg1 honor :concession ( thing :manner-of ( change :arg1 ( and :op1 wind :op2 cloud ) ) ) ) :snt4 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( let :arg0 we :arg1 ( separate :arg1 ( land :poss we :mod native ) ) :concession ( scar :arg1 land :manner ( wound :arg1 land ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.15", "sent": "since there is responsibility , we are not afraid . the territory is small , but it is related to the matter of dignity ; no matter how the winds and clouds changes , the interests of the country and national unity are the guarantee of honor ; even though scarred with wounds , we can not let our native lands be separated !"}, {"amr": "estimate :arg1 ( demand :arg0 world ) :arg2 ( rate-entity :arg1 ( about :op1 ( mass-quantity :quant 4400 :unit ton ) ) :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.21", "sent": "world demand was estimated at about 4400 tons per year ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ochoa ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) :time ( date-entity :year 1992 ) :time ( launch :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( colonel :mod lieutenant ) :time then ) ) :arg1 ( coup :arg1-of fail ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.34", "sent": "ochoa was defense minister in 920000 when then-lieutenant colonel chavez launched a failed coup ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( get :arg1 i :arg2 ( anxious :degree very :arg1-of ( go :direction away :mod sort :time ( after :op1 ( or :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 15 :unit minute ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit minute ) ) ) ) ) :condition ( check :polarity - :arg0 i ) ) :arg2 ( anxiety :quant ( much :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( wait :arg1 i :arg1-of ( long :degree that ) ) ) ) ) :time often )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.7", "sent": "if i do n't check , i get very very anxious , which does sort of go away after 15 @-@ 30 mins , but often the anxiety is so much that i can n't wait that long ."}, {"amr": "braawwk", "id": "wb.eng_0003.1", "sent": "braawwk !"}, {"amr": "take :arg0 both :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( need :arg0 both ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5343.1", "sent": "both take what they need"}, {"amr": "expect :arg1 ( increase :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 ( regard :mod this ) ) :manner further )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.13", "sent": "the governments of china and germany are expected to further increase cooperation in this regard ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg0 i :arg1 ( take-up :arg1 smoke ) :degree high", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.34", "sent": "i highly recommend taking up smoking"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( prepare :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( begin :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( shut-down :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( reactor :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 plutonium ) ) :arg4-of ( step :arg2 ( disable :arg0 government-organization :arg1 reactor :time ( by :op1 ( date-entity :month 12 :year 2007 ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.4", "sent": "the north korean government may be prepared to begin shutting down a plutonium producing reactor in june 2007 as the first step toward disabling the unit by december 2007 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 federation ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.2", "sent": "georgia ( ge ) ; russian federation ( ru )"}, {"amr": "offer :arg0 ( plan :arg0 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :arg1 ( criterion :quant 12 :purpose ( allow :arg1 ( trade :arg2 ( state :mod ( treaty :polarity - ) ) :mod nucleus ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.12", "sent": "the israeli plan offered 12 criteria for allowing nuclear trade with non-treaty states ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 islamic :op2 republic :op3 of :op4 iran )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.2", "sent": "iran ( islamic republic of ) ( ir )"}, {"amr": "total :arg1 ( trade :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 696000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 ) ) :op2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 296000000 :mod more :purpose ( balance :arg1 trade :arg1-of ( go :arg2 country ) ) :unit dollar ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.17", "sent": "trade between brazil and south africa totaled 696 million united states dollars in 020000 and 296 million united states dollars more in the trade balance going to brazil ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( move :arg1 ( effort :arg1-of stall :purpose ( dismantle :arg1 ( program :topic ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :poss ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ahead :time ( after :op1 ( weekend :mod ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :day 16 :month 6 :year 2007 ) :op2 ( date-entity :day 17 :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) :time-of ( visit :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg3 inspect ) ) :arg2-of ( invite :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( city :wiki pyongyang :name ( name :op1 pyongyang ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 person ) :purpose ( talk :arg1 ( and :op1 ( verify :arg1 shut-down ) :op2 ( monitor :arg1 shut-down ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.7", "sent": "hill stated stalled efforts to dismantle north korea 's nuclear weapons program could move ahead after the weekend of 16 june 2007 and 17 june 2007 when pyongyang officials invited inspectors from the international atomic energy agency to visit for talks on verifying and monitoring a shutdown ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 daryl :op2 kimball ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki arms_control_association :name ( name :op1 arms :op2 control :op3 association ) :location ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington ) ) ) :arg2 ( director :mod executive ) ) ) :arg1 ( affect :arg0 ( document :mod ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :arg1 ( debate :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :arg1-of possible )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.15", "sent": "executive director of the arms control association in washington daryl kimball stated the israeli document could affect the debate over india ."}, {"amr": "pledge :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg2 ( try :arg0 and :arg1 ( crack-down :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 ( thing :mod other :arg1-of ( threaten :arg2 ( and :op1 ( security :mod region ) :op2 ( security :mod globe ) ) ) ) ) ) :manner joint )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.4", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan pledge to make joint efforts to crack down on terrorism and other threats to regional and global security ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( and :op1 bird :op1 beast :domain woman ) :op1 ( bad :arg1 man :degree more :compared-to ( and :op1 bird :op2 beast ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5539.1", "sent": "the women are birds and beasts , and the men are worse than birds and beasts"}, {"amr": "know :arg1 ( orchestrate :arg0 ( and :op1 ( scientist :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 military ) ) :arg0-of ( depend :arg1 ( finance :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :time now :purpose ( destroy :arg0 finance :arg1 ( and :op1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :op2 ( weapon :mod chemical ) :op3 ( weapon :mod biology ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( sense :arg1 crisis ) :purpose ( increase :arg0 sense :arg1 finance ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.22", "sent": "russian scientists and military leaders who now depend on western financing to destroy nuclear , chemical and biological weapons have been known to orchestrate a sense of crisis to increase financing ."}, {"amr": "injure :arg0 ( defuse :arg1 bomb :location ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) ) :arg1 soldier :time ( after :op1 ( expire :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.4", "sent": "soldier injured during bomb defusion in kathmandu after state of emergency expires ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( close :arg0 ( party :mod mainland ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 they ) :time ( after :op1 ( meet :arg0 party :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 yam :op2 tat :op3 wing ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :arg2 ( commissioner :arg0-of ( assist :arg2 crime ) :mod deputy ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( discuss :arg0 party :arg1 ( propose :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 ( combat :arg2 ( activity :arg1 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :arg0-of ( cross :arg1 boundary ) ) ) :mod further ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.23", "sent": "the mainland party closed their visit after meeting with hong kong 's deputy assistant commissioner for crime yam tat wing and held discussions on a proposal to further cooperate in combating cross-boundary drug trafficking activities ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 ministry ) :poss ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( prohibit :arg0 ( law :wiki - :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 military :op3 assistance :op4 act ) :poss country ) :arg1 ( recruit :arg1 ( person :location-of ( or :op1 ( inside :op1 country ) :op2 ( outside :op1 country ) ) ) :arg2 ( or :op1 mercenary :op2 ( assist :arg1 ( military :mod foreign ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.11", "sent": "south africa 's foreign ministry stated that south africa 's foreign military assistance act prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance ."}, {"amr": "add :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 ( hold :arg0 insurgent :arg1 ( opium :arg1-of ( have-quant :arg2 ( amount :arg1-of significant ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.18", "sent": "costa added that insurgents have been holding significant amounts of opium ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( carefree :domain ( life :poss ( citizen :poss we ) :quant all ) :time current :degree too ) :snt2 ( extravagant :degree too :domain ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 official ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6566.2", "sent": "currently our citizens \" lives are all too carefree ! the officials are too extravagant ."}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg1 ( assess :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( serious :degree very :domain ( thing :arg1-of ( threaten :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( increase :arg1 thing ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.15", "sent": "the us agrees with the brazilian assessment that the threat posed by drug traffickers is both very serious and increasing ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( control :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 loan :op2 ( supply :arg1 land ) ) ) :op2 ( advance :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( reform :arg1 ( cause :arg1 ( problem :time current :topic economy ) :mod structure :mod systematic ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.41", "sent": "wen stated that the chinese government will control the loan and land supply and will advance reform in the structural and systematic causes of current economic problems ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki o_estado_de_s._paulo :name ( name :op1 o :op2 estado :op3 de :op4 sao :op5 paolo ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) ) :arg1 ( raise :arg0 ( measure :mod extreme ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( problem :topic ethics :arg0-of ( exceed :arg1 ( benefit :mod potential :mod any ) ) ) :op2 ( problem :topic juridical :arg0-of exceed ) ) ) :medium editorial :time ( week :mod ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 7 :day 18 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 7 :day 24 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.32", "sent": "the daily newspaper o estado de sao paolo stated in an editorial the week of 20040718 @-@ 20040824 -- the extreme measure raises ethical and juridical problems exceeding any potential benefits ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.2", "sent": "afghanistan ( af )"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki jos\u00e9_viegas_filho :name ( name :op1 viegas ) ) :arg1 ( need :arg1 limit )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.22", "sent": "viegas stated that the limitation was necessary ."}, {"amr": "present :arg0 ( person :wiki javier_solana :name ( name :op1 javier :op2 solana ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 eu ) ) :arg2 ( chief :mod ( policy :mod foreign ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( offer :quant 2 ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :time recent", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.21", "sent": "eu foreign policy chief javier solana recently presented iran with 2 offers --"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( fall-out :arg1 ( and :op1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( build :arg0 organization :arg1 ( base :mod military ) :location ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :op2 ( build :arg0 organization :arg1 ( base :mod politics ) :location ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( date-entity :decade 1980 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.19", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen fell out with the government and has built military bases in iraq and political bases in europe since the 1980 s ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( peaceful :domain ( event :wiki bolivarian_revolution :name ( name :op1 bolivarian :op2 revolution ) :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg1-of ( call :arg2 so ) ) ) :arg2 ( arm :arg1 event ) ) :manner ( fame :arg1 person )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.22", "sent": "chavez has famously said that the venezuelan so-called bolivarian revolution is peaceful but not unarmed ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( start :arg0 i :arg2 ( slit :arg0 i :arg1 ( finger :mod each :mod individual ) :arg3 scissors ) :time ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit year ) ) ) :op2 ( stop :polarity - :arg0 i :time ever :time ( from :op1 ( day :mod that ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.2", "sent": "i started when i was seven as i slit each firnger indevidually with sissors , and from that day i never stopped ,"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( autistic :domain ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 brother ) ) ) :arg2 ( notice :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 autistic :mod either ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( broad :arg1 spectrum :degree so ) :op2 ( probable :domain ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( disease :wiki asperger_syndrome :name ( name :op1 asperger's ) :mod mild ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( problem :topic communicate ) ) :op2 ( pick-up :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( slash :op1 ( react :mod society ) :op2 ( language :mod body ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.11", "sent": "my brother 's autistic but i have n't noticed this with him either , but the spectrum is so broad and i myself probably have mild asperger 's because i have problems with communication and do n't pick up on social reactions @/@ body language ."}, {"amr": "hang :arg1 ( flag :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg2 ( stage :poss ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 chairman ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.3", "sent": "a japanese flag hung from the chairman 's stage ."}, {"amr": "increase :arg0 ( insurgent :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( activity :arg0 insurgent :mod violent ) :location ( across :op1 ( kingdom :location ( world-region :wiki himalayas :name ( name :op1 himalaya ) ) ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( expire :arg1 ( state :mod emergency :extent nationwide :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit month ) ) ) :time ( end :arg1 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.12", "sent": "anti-government insurgents have increased their violent activities across the himalayan kingdom since the 9 @-@month-long nationwide state of emergency expired at the end of august 2002 ."}, {"amr": "have-condition :arg1 ( work :arg0 you :arg1-of hard ) :arg2 ( want :arg0 you :arg2 out :mod really )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.26", "sent": "work hard if you really want out ."}, {"amr": "let :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( drink :arg0 horse :arg2 ( ocean :wiki pacific_ocean :name ( name :op1 pacific :op2 ocean ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.24", "sent": "let the horses drink from the pacific ocean"}, {"amr": "material :domain plutonium :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( make :arg1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) ) :arg1-of possible )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.35", "sent": "plutonium is a material that can be used to make nuclear weapons ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 oleh :op2 belokolos ) :location ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg2 diplomat ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.25", "sent": "ukrainian diplomat in kenya oleh belokolos stated --"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( contrast :arg2 ( guy :wiki - :name ( name :op1 zhang :op2 jizhong ) :mod old :arg0-of ( behave :arg1 hooligan :location ( circle :poss guy ) ) :arg0-of ( think :arg1 ( virtuous :domain guy :manner ( talent :polarity - ) ) :mod also ) ) ) :snt2 ( make :arg0 he :arg1 ( series :mod tv ) :time ( have :arg0 guy :arg1 ( nothing :arg1-of do ) ) :purpose ( wreck :arg0 he :arg1 ( person :poss ( country :mod whole ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5342.2", "sent": "not like the old guy zhang jizhong not only behaved like a hooligan in his own circle , but also thinks he is virtuous without any talent . he makes tv series when he has nothing to do to wreck people of the whole country ."}, {"amr": "protect :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.15", "sent": "protect the diaoyu islands"}, {"amr": "repeat :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( begin :arg1 negotiate :time ( before :op1 ( halt :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( activity :arg0 country :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 enrich ) :quant all ) :arg1-of ( verify :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) ) ) :concession-of ( and :op1 ( agree :arg0 ( government-organization :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) :arg0-of administrate ) :arg1 ( thing :mod freeze-for-freeze :arg1-of propose ) :mod recent ) :op2 ( dispatch :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( person :wiki william_j._burns :name ( name :op1 burns ) ) :arg2 ( city :wiki geneva :name ( name :op1 geneva ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.24", "sent": "us officials repeatedly stated that no negotiations can begin before iran verifiably halts all enrichment-related activities but the bush administration recently agreed to the \" freeze for freeze \" proposal and dispatch burns to geneva ."}, {"amr": "articulate :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( goal :mod ( centrifuge :quant 50000 :arg1-of ( operate :location ( plant :arg0-of enrich :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( town :wiki natanz :name ( name :op1 natanz ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.8", "sent": "iran articulated the goal of 50000 centrifuges operating at the enrichment plant near the town of natanz ."}, {"amr": "continue :arg0 university :arg1 ( leverage :arg0 university :arg1 ( relation :arg0 university :arg2 ( and :op1 ( institution :mod international :mod research ) :op2 ( corporation :mod multi-national ) ) :arg1-of extensive ) :purpose ( enhance :arg0 university :arg1 ( develop :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of advanced :arg1-of ( apply :mod immediate :mod practical :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.20", "sent": "the university will continue to leverage its extensive relationships with international research institutions and multi-national corporations to enhance the development of advanced technologies which can find immediate practical application in china ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 affairs :op3 department ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) :arg1-of ( partner :arg0 country :arg0-of ( trade :arg2 country ) :mod ( large :degree most ) :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.16", "sent": "the south african foreign affairs department stated that brazil is south africa 's largest trading partner in latin america ."}, {"amr": "realize :polarity - :mode interrogative :arg0 they :arg1 ( get :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( pile :mod change ) :arg2 bank )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.2", "sent": "do they not realise that you do n't get piles of change from the bank ,"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( finance :arg0 plant :arg1 ( plant :mod ( juice :wiki - :name ( name :op1 yaffa ) ) ) ) :op2 ( have :arg0 plant :arg1 ( own :arg1-of mix ) ) :op3 ( site :domain plant :arg1-of ( declare :time previous :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( be-located-at :arg1 ( equipment :arg1-of ( use :arg2 dual ) :mod some ) :arg2 site ) ) ) :arg1-of ( monitor :time previous :arg1-of cause ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.7", "sent": "the yaffa juice plant is self-financed , has a mixed ownership and is a previously declared and monitored site due to the presence of some dual-use equipment ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( complicate :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of propose ) :arg1 ( effort :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) ) :purpose ( win :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( exempt :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :purpose ( engage :arg1 country :arg2 ( trade :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.22", "sent": "the proposal may complicate the bush administration 's efforts to win an exemption for india to engage in nuclear trade ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( ask :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ochoa ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( buy :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( caliber :mod rifle :arg1-of ( popular :arg2 ( force :arg0-of subvert :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( make :arg0 ( support :arg0 person :arg1 ( move :mod leftist :mod radical ) :mod politics ) :arg1 ( menace :arg0 person :mod continent ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.37", "sent": "ochoa asked why chavez is buying a caliber of rifle which is popular among subversive forces in latin america and stated that the political support chavez gives to radical leftist movements makes chavez a continental menace ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( purpose :arg0 ( visit :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :arg1 ( advance :arg0 visit :arg1 ( and :op1 ( exchange :mod trade ) :op2 ( exchange :mod economy ) :op3 ( exchange :mod technology ) ) ) :mod main )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.5", "sent": "wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to advance trade , economic and technological exchanges ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 kimball ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.16", "sent": "kimball stated --"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( shake :arg1 ( piece :part-of land :arg1-of ( tremble :location ( relative-position :op1 ( embrace :arg0 motherland :arg1 piece ) :quant far ) ) :mod that ) ) :op2 ( moan :arg0 piece ) :op3 ( call :arg0 piece ) :time now ) :snt2 ( say :arg1 ( carry :mode imperative :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( wish :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general :time previous ) ) :arg1-of ( fulfill :polarity - ) ) ) :direction forward :manner ( move :arg1 we :direction forward :manner courageous ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.11", "sent": "now , that piece of land trembling far away from the embrace of the motherland is shaking , moaning , and calling . fellow citizens , let us carry forward the unfulfilled wishes of previous generals , moving forward courageously !"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( expect :arg1 ( double :arg1 ( trade :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 country :op2 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2010 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.17", "sent": "wen stated that both china-german and china-europe trade are expected to double by 2010 ."}, {"amr": "possible :mode interrogative :arg1 ( call :arg0 you :arg1 ( or :op1 ( organization :wiki childline :name ( name :op1 childline ) ) :op2 ( something :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 organization ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.28", "sent": "you could call childline or something similar ?"}, {"amr": "have-concession :arg1 ( have :polarity - :arg0 nation :arg1 ( ambition :consist-of ( expand :arg0 nation :arg1 ( territory :poss nation ) :direction outward ) ) :time before :time ever ) :arg2 ( flourish :arg1 ( nation :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :frequency several :duration ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1000 :unit year ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.21", "sent": "over thousands of years , the chinese nation has flourished several times , but before it has never had ambition to expand its territory outward ."}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 it :frequency ( rate-entity :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.9", "sent": "it think about it everyday ,"}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 amr-unknown :arg1 ( fight :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) :mod little ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6564.1", "sent": "why do n't we fight with little japan ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( fear :polarity - :manner certain :domain tolerance ) :op2 ( obligate :polarity - :arg2 ( cowardice :domain sincerity ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.24", "sent": "tolerance is certainly not fear , and sincerity does not have to be cowardice ."}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( expand :arg1 ( capable :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 ( produce :arg1 uranium ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.4", "sent": "ahmadinejad announces expansion of iranian uranium-producing capability ."}, {"amr": "accuse :arg0 ( person :wiki mikheil_saakashvili :name ( name :op1 mikheil :op2 saakashvili ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 ( invade :arg0 country :arg1-of ( plan :arg0 country :manner good ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.18", "sent": "georgian president mikheil saakashvili accused russia of a well-planned invasion ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.2", "sent": "peru ( pe )"}, {"amr": "win :arg0 ( person :wiki cao_dayuan :name ( name :op1 dayuan :op2 cao ) ) :manner ( advantage :consist-of ( mu :quant 7.5 ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.7", "sent": "dayuan cao achieved victory with an advantage of seven and a half \" mu \" ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( bump :arg1 ( boat :purpose fish ) :arg2 fleet ) :snt2 ( stir-up :arg0 ( ghost :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :mod little :mod evil ) :arg1 ( and :op1 trouble :op2 unrest ) ) :snt3 ( show :arg0 they :arg1 ( appearance :poss they :mod wolfish ) :mod again :prep-with ( and :op1 ( heart :mod ( person :arg0-of steal ) ) :op2 ( form :mod arrogance ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5627.3", "sent": "fleets bumping fishing boats . little evil japanese ghosts stirring up trouble and unrest . with hearts of thieves and arrogant form , they again show their wolfish appearance"}, {"amr": "moment :arg1-of major :domain this :mod ( d'oh :mode expressive )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.14", "sent": "this is a major \" d'oh ! \" moment ."}, {"amr": "explode :arg1 bomb :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 9 :day 4 ) :location ( office :mod metropolis :mod ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.12", "sent": "20020904 a bomb exploded at the kathmandu metropolitan office ."}, {"amr": "consider :arg1 ( suspicious :domain ( deal :arg0 country :arg1 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( rely :arg0 ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_kingdom :name ( name :op1 united :op2 kingdom ) ) :op2 ( country :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :mod other ) ) :arg2 ( supply :arg1 ( weapon :mod heavy ) :arg2 country ) :degree most ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.30", "sent": "the deal with ukraine is considered suspicious given that kenya has mostly relied on the united kingdom and other western countries for its supply of heavy weapons ."}, {"amr": "sit :arg1 ( and :op1 sportsman :op2 ( person :arg0-of coach ) :op3 doctor :op4 nurse :op5 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 delegation :arg2 official ) ) ) :location ( below :op1 stage ) :manner neat", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.4", "sent": "sportsmen , coaches , doctors , nurses and officials of the delegation sat neatly below the stage ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( care :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :prep-to i ) ) ) :snt2 ( want :arg0 i :arg1 ( do :arg1 thing :frequency again-and-again :purpose ( torture :arg0 i :arg1 i ) ) ) :snt3 ( hate :arg0 i :arg1 i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.17", "sent": "i dont care what i do to myself , i want to do it again and again to tourture myslef , i hate me ."}, {"amr": "question :arg1 ( country :mod destination :mod original :arg2-of ( ship :arg1 arm :arg0-of ( board :arg1 ( ship :mod ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.18", "sent": "the original country of destination for the arms shipment aboard the ukrainian ship is being questioned ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 group :time ( negotiate :arg0 ( organization :wiki world_trade_organization :name ( name :op1 world :op2 trade :op3 organization ) :arg0-of ( advocate :arg1 support :arg2 ( agenda :mod ( develop :arg1 ( country :mod under-develop ) ) ) ) :time recent ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.12", "sent": "india , brazil and south africa formed part of a group at recent world trade organization negotiations , which advocated support for the development agenda of under-developed countries ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( depend :polarity - ) :arg1-of expert ) :arg1 ( fall :arg1 ( agree :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( access :arg0 ( person :arg0-of inspect ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( site :mod nucleus :mod more ) :op2 information ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) :time ( late :degree most ) ) :arg3 ( demand :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg1 ( halt :arg0 country :arg1 ( produce :arg1 ( uranium :arg1-of concentrate :arg1-of ( use :arg2 bomb :mod potential :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) ) :manner short )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.18", "sent": "independent experts stated iran 's latest agreement with the iaea which gives inspectors access to more nuclear sites and information falls short of the west 's demand to halt the production of concentrated uranium that could potentially be used for a bomb ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.2", "sent": "south africa ( za )"}, {"amr": "show :arg0 investigate :arg1 ( tug :arg0 ( and :op1 utility :op2 military ) :mod war :arg0-of ( force :arg1 military :arg2 ( spend :arg0 military :arg1 ( power :mod electricity ) :arg3 ( monetary-quantity :arg1-of budget :arg2-of fund ) :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( divert :arg0 military :arg1 money :arg3 ( thing :mod other :arg2-of use ) ) ) ) ) ) :frequency often", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.40", "sent": "often investigations show that the tug of war with the utility forces the military to spend budgeted funds for electrical power instead of diverting money for other uses ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( mean :arg1 ( advent :mod ( date-entity :century 21 ) ) :arg2 ( time :time-of ( contrast :arg1 ( beset :arg0 difficulty :arg1 we :location inside ) :arg2 ( press :arg1 we :source outside ) ) ) :arg3 ( nation :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( face :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :quant many :arg2-of ( challenge :arg1 we ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.16", "sent": "my fellow citizens , for the chinese nation , the advent of the twenty-first century means a time when we are beset with difficulties inside while being pressed from outside , and we will face many challenges ."}, {"amr": "luck :mod good", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.12", "sent": "good luck ."}, {"amr": "conflict :arg1 report :arg2 ( win :mode interrogative :arg0 ( or :op1 ( force :mod ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) :op2 ( force :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( control :arg0 or :arg1 ( city :wiki tskhinvali :name ( name :op1 tskhinvali ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.31", "sent": "throughout 8 august 2008 reports conflicted about whether georgian or russian forces had won control of tskhinvali ."}, {"amr": "attend :arg0 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 gerhard :op2 schroeder ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 chancellor ) ) :arg1 ( summit :mod ( organization :wiki asia\u2013europe_meeting :name ( name :op1 asia-europe :op2 meeting ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 5 ) :location ( city :wiki hanoi :name ( name :op1 hanoi ) ) :time ( and :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 :day 8 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 :day 9 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.7", "sent": "german chancellor gerhard schroeder attended the 5 th asia-europe meeting summit in hanoi on 8 october 2004 and 9 october 2004 ."}, {"amr": "paint :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( lip :arg1-of ( red :arg1-of deep ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.14", "sent": "paint the deep red lips"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( divorce :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 mum ) ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 she :arg1 ( time :mod horrible ) :accompanier ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 stepfather ) ) ) :op2 ( send :arg0 ( free :arg1 she :arg1-of ( find :arg0 she ) :mod new ) :arg1 she :arg2 ( round :arg1 she :arg2 bend ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.2", "sent": "my mum is getting divorced - she had a horrible time with my step-father and her new found freedom has sent her round the bend ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( recommend :arg1 ( and :op1 ( strengthen :arg0 we :arg1 ( force :arg0-of ( engage :arg1 force :arg2 ( attack :arg0 we :arg1-of ( range :arg2 ( long :degree ultra ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) :op2 ( improve :arg0 we :arg1 ( capable :arg2 combat :location ( aerospace :mod all ) :extent ( distance :mod great ) :mod ( depth :mod great ) ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( and :op1 ( increase :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( and :op1 ( invest :arg2 ( industry :mod defend ) ) :op2 ( construct :arg1 industry ) ) ) :op2 ( accelerate :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( and :op1 ( modernize :arg1 ( equipment :mod military ) ) :op2 ( internationalize :arg1 equipment ) ) ) :op3 ( establish :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( division :mod ( tech :arg1-of high ) :mod elite :mod ( quality :arg1-of high ) ) ) :arg1-of ( premise :arg2 ( avoid :arg0 you :arg1 ( influence :arg1 ( develop :arg1 nation :mod economy ) ) ) ) ) :snt1 ( defend :manner ( good :degree most ) :arg0-of attack )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.33", "sent": "the best defense is to attack - we should strengthen forces which can engage in ultra-long-range attack , improve combat capability throughout all of aerospace , of great depth , and over great distances . on the premise of avoiding influence on national economic development , increase investment and construction of the defense industry , accelerate modernization and internationalization of military equipment , and establish a high-quality , high-tech elite division ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.2", "sent": "peru ( pe )"}, {"amr": "advise :arg0 you :arg1 i :arg2 amr-unknown :arg1-of possible", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.14", "sent": "what advice could you give me ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( importance :domain ( create :arg1 channel :purpose ( settle :arg1 ( dispute :arg0 country :arg1 country :mod trade ) ) ) ) :op2 ( recommend :arg1 ( address :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :arg1 ( concern :arg0 ( and :op1 country :op2 country ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.19", "sent": "wen stated that it is important to create channels for settling trade disputes between the 2 countries and that china and germany should address each other 's concerns ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 agency :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( break-through :arg0 plan )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.8", "sent": "agency officials stated that the plan is a breakthrough ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( start :arg0 i :arg1 ( term :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) :arg1-of bad ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( delay :arg1 ( finance :arg1 ( person :arg0-of study ) ) :arg0-of ( add :arg2 ( level :degree-of ( stress :arg1 i ) ) ) ) :op2 ( worry :arg1 i :degree so :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( capable :polarity - :arg2 ( progress :arg1 ( work :arg0 i ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( pile :arg1 all ) :arg1-of conclude ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.8", "sent": "- i had a bad start to the first term ; student finance was delayed , adding to my stress levels , i was so worried i was unable to progress with work , conclusively it all piled up ."}, {"amr": "conflict :location ( province :wiki chechnya :name ( name :op1 chechnya ) ) :time ( recent :degree most )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.25", "sent": "the conflict has taken place most recently in chechnya ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 dissent :op4 ( and :op1 war :op2 conflict ) :op5 weapon :op6 politics", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.3", "sent": "international ; government ; dissent ; war and conflict ; weapons ; politics"}, {"amr": "quote :arg0 ( publication :wiki associated_press :name ( name :op1 associated :op2 press ) :mod country ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( consider :polarity - :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 ( contribute :arg0 government-organization :arg1 military ) :time ( stage :mod this ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki john_howard :name ( name :op1 john :op2 howard ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 6 :day 9 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.6", "sent": "australian prime minister john howard was quoted on 9 july 2003 by the australian associated press as stating that the australian government is not at this stage considering military contributions ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( renew :arg0 dispute :arg1 ( conflict :arg1-of sustain ) :location ( world-region :wiki caucasus :name ( name :op1 caucasus ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.22", "sent": "the dispute could renew a sustained conflict in the caucasus region ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( obligate :arg2 ( have-to-do-with :arg0 decide :arg1 ( and :op1 ( aspect :quant many ) :op2 ( interest :poss ( person :quant many ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( decide :arg0 they :arg3 ( thing :quant many ) ) :mod after-all )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.3", "sent": "after all , there are many things they can n't decide themselves \" cause that will have to do with many aspects and the interests of many people ,"}, {"amr": "cost :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of price :mod this ) :degree ( less :manner considerable ) :compared-to ( between :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 825 :unit dollar ) :op2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 850 :unit dollar ) :arg2-of ( price :arg1 ( weapon :arg1-of same :arg1-of ( order :medium ( mail :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.29", "sent": "this price is considerably less costly than the us mail-order price of $ 825 to $ 850 for the same weapon ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( recommend :arg1 ( play :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg1 ( process :arg1 ( reconstruct :arg1 ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) ) :mod dominate ) ) :op2 ( recommend :arg1 ( participate :arg0 ( country :mod every ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.33", "sent": "wen stated that the united nations should play a dominant role in the process of iraq 's reconstruction and that every country should participate ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( channel :wiki abs-cbn_news_and_current_affairs :name ( name :op1 abs-cbn :op2 news ) ) :arg1 ( identify :arg1 ( person :quant 1 :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 isamudin :op2 raduan :op3 hambali ) :arg2-of ( suspect :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( person :arg2-of ( suspect :quant 2 ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.6", "sent": "abs-cbn news channel stated that one of the two suspects was identified as isamudin raduan hambali ."}, {"amr": "discount :arg0 ( person :arg1-of expert ) :arg1 ( significance :poss ( thing :arg1-of ( claim :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( absent :arg1 ( information :topic ( functionality :poss centrifuge ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.13", "sent": "experts discounted the significance of ahmadinejad 's claim in the absence of information on the centrifuges \" functionality ."}, {"amr": "discuss :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) :mod ( partner :mod trade :mod important ) ) :arg1-of broad ) ) :time ( ahead :op1 ( visit :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.4", "sent": "chinese premier discusses plans for broad cooperation with important trade partner germany ahead of european visit ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 manusha :op2 pillay ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( affair :mod foreign :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 spokeswoman ) ) :arg1 ( land :arg1 ( aircraft :beneficiary ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 lula :op2 da :op3 silva ) ) ) :location ( base :mod ( airport :wiki air_force_base_waterkloof :name ( name :op1 waterkloof :op2 air :op3 force ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( date-entity :time 17:30 :timezone gmt ) :quant short ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.7", "sent": "south african foreign affairs spokeswoman manusha pillay stated that lula da silva 's aircraft landed at waterkloof air force base shortly after 1730 greenwich mean time ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( list :source ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) ) :arg1 ( deny :arg1 ( purchase :arg0 country :arg1 ( material :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 nucleus ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( date-entity :year 1998 ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( suspect :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( use :arg1 purchase :arg2 ( build :arg1 bomb ) ) ) ) ) :frequency ( approximately :op1 75 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.4", "sent": "a list from the nuclear suppliers group shows that iran has been denied purchases of nuclear-related materials approximately 75 times since 1998 because of suspicions the purchases could have been used for building bombs ."}, {"amr": "refute :arg0 ( organization :wiki muslim_judicial_council :name ( name :op1 muslim :op2 judicial :op3 council ) ) :arg1 report", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.10", "sent": "the report was refuted by the muslim judicial council ."}, {"amr": "station :mod ( television :arg1-of local ) :domain ( channel :wiki abs-cbn_corporation :name ( name :op1 abs-cbn ) :mod news ) :location ( city :wiki manila :name ( name :op1 manila ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.18", "sent": "abs-cbn news channel is a local television station in manila ."}, {"amr": "report :polarity - :arg1 ( or :op1 ( damage :mod ( other :mod any ) ) :op2 casualty ) :prep-in incident", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.9", "sent": "there is no report of any other damage or casualty in the incident ."}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( verify :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( claim :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.23", "sent": "there is no way to verify iran 's claims ."}, {"amr": "need :arg1 ( cooperate :mod international ) :time ( after :op1 ( war :time recency :location ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :mod especially )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.10", "sent": "international cooperation is necessary especially after the recent war in iraq ."}, {"amr": "result :arg1 ( compete :arg0 woman :mod preliminary :time today :mod ( polo :mod water ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki hungary :name ( name :op1 hungary ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki canada :name ( name :op1 canada ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 13 :op2 7 ) ) :op2 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 10 :op2 9 ) ) :op3 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 10 :op2 8 ) ) :op4 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki netherlands :name ( name :op1 netherlands ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 7 :op2 6 ) ) :op5 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki kazakhstan :name ( name :op1 kazakhstan ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 10 :op2 5 ) ) :op6 ( defeat :arg0 ( team :mod ( country :wiki italy :name ( name :op1 italy ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :mod ( country :wiki new_zealand :name ( name :op1 new :op2 zealand ) ) ) :quant ( score-entity :op1 12 :op2 2 ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.8", "sent": "the results of today 's preliminary women 's water - polo competition are : the hungarian team defeated the canadian team by 13 : 7 , the french team defeated the brazilian team by 10 : 9 , the australian team defeated the german team by 10 : 8 , the russian team defeated the dutch team by 7 : 6 , the us team defeated the kazakhstani team by 10 : 5 , and the italian team defeated the new zealand team by 12 : 2 ."}, {"amr": "signal :arg0 crash :arg1 ( campaign :arg1 ( warfare :mod cyber :prep-against ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.21", "sent": "the crashes are signs of a cyber-warfare campaign against georgia ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( seek :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( complete :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( draft :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( document :arg1-of relevant ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( summit :mod ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :time ( year :mod next ) ) ) ) :op2 ( attempt :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( open :arg0 government-organization :arg1 secretariat :mod official ) :time ( after :op1 summit ) ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.8", "sent": "tang also stated the chinese government seeks to complete the drafting of relevant documents before next year 's sco summit and to attempt to officially open the secretariat after the summit ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( tie :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 islamic :op2 republic :op3 of :op4 iran ) ) :arg3 ( and :op1 politics :op2 business ) :mod close ) :op2 ( feel :polarity - :arg0 and :arg1 ( pressure :arg1 and :arg2 ( act :arg0 and :prep-against country ) :mod domestic ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.10", "sent": "russia and china have close political and business ties with iran and feel no domestic pressure to act against the islamic republic of iran ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( cause :arg0 it :arg1 ( and :op1 ( anger :prep-in ( life :poss i ) :quant lot ) :op2 ( distress :prep-in life ) ) ) :op2 ( start :arg0 it :arg1 ( affect :arg0 it :arg1 ( concentration :poss i :location university ) ) :mod really )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.5", "sent": "it 's causing alot of anger and distress in my life and is really starting to effect my concentration in uni ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( it :frequency ( often :degree most :time-of ( carry :arg0 it :arg1 ( thing :quant many ) :arg1-of ( contrast :arg2 ( carry :arg0 it :arg1 thing :arg1-of rare ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( check :arg0 it :frequency ( rate-entity :arg1 many :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) :mod still :mod even ) ) ) :snt2 ( disease :mode interrogative :wiki obsessive\u2013compulsive_disorder :name ( name :op1 ocd ) :domain this :degree ( extent :mod any ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.5", "sent": "it happens most often when i 'm carrying many things , but that is rarely and even still daily i 'm checking many times . and is this ocd to any extent ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( focus :arg0 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg1 ( construct :arg1 mechanism ) :time current ) :op2 ( enter :arg0 ( work :arg1 ( prepare :arg2 ( create :arg1 secretariat ) ) ) :arg1 ( stage :arg1-of key ) :prep-under ( effort :mod joint :poss ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of coordinate ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of expert ) :source ( country :quant 6 ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.7", "sent": "tang stated that mechanism construction is the current focus for sco and that preparation work for creating a secretariat had entered a key stage under the joint efforts of coordinators and experts from the 6 countries ."}, {"amr": "know :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( get :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( grade :mod good ) ) :arg1-of sure :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( accept :arg0 you :arg1 place :condition ( possible :arg1 accept ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.22", "sent": "you do n't know for sure that you won't get good grades so accept places if you can ."}, {"amr": "seize :arg1 ( and :op1 ( map :mod ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) :consist-of ( street :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 ( embassy :poss ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( mark :manner out ) ) ) :op2 ( jacket :mod bulletproof ) :op3 ( equipment :instrument-of transmit ) :op4 ( computer :quant ( more-than :op1 200 ) ) :op5 ( about :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 9000000 :unit ( dollar :mod cash :mod country ) ) ) ) :time ( raid :arg0 police )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.14", "sent": "a paris map with streets related to the united states embassy marked out , bulletproof jackets , transmission equipment , more than 200 computers and about 9 million us dollars in cash were seized during the police raids ."}, {"amr": "demonstrate :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong :op3 university :op4 of :op5 science :op6 and :op7 technology ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( achieve :arg0 university :topic ( and :op1 research :op2 develop ) ) :mod ( late :degree most ) ) :time ( event :wiki - :name ( name :op1 china :op2 hi-tech :op3 fair ) :arg1-of ( hold :location ( city :wiki shenzhen :name ( name :op1 shenzhen ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.14", "sent": "the hong kong university of science and technology ( hkust ) demonstrated its latest achievements in research and development at the 6 th annual china hi-tech fair ( chtf ) held in shenzhen in october 2004 ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( letter :source ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) :arg2 chairman ) ) ) :arg1 ( offer :arg1 ( presentation :mod ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :time ( context :poss ( debate :arg0 organization :arg1 ( bid :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 exempt ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 3 :day 17 ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.10", "sent": "according to a letter from the chairman of the nsg on 17 march 2007 the israeli presentation was offered in the context of the nsg 's debate over indian officials \" bid for an exemption ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( counter :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( support :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :location home ) :arg2 ( have :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg1 ( history :duration-of ( and :op1 ( intervene :arg0 country :arg1 ( politics :mod domestic :poss ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) :arg1-of arm :arg1-of open ) :op2 ( intervene :arg0 country :arg1 politics :arg1-of arm :mod covert ) ) :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit century ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 person :arg1 ( right :polarity - :arg1 country :arg2 ( question :arg0 country :arg1 ( prepare :arg0 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2 defend ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.15", "sent": "chavez 's supporters at home counter that the united states has a century-long history of open as well as covert armed intervention in latin america 's domestic politics and say that it has no right to question venezuela 's defense preparations ."}, {"amr": "sound :arg2 ( need :arg0 you :arg1 ( support :arg1 you ) :source ( somewhere :mod else ) :arg1-of ( have-condition :arg2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( give :arg0 she :arg1 support :arg2 you :manner consistent ) ) ) ) :mod really", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.27", "sent": "really sounds like you need support from somewhere else if she can n't give it to you consistently ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( support :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 ( bid :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( seat :arg2 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) :part-of ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 un ) ) ) :mod permanence ) ) ) :op2 ( want :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( strengthen :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg2 country ) ) ) ) :time ( and :op1 ( talk :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 schroeder ) ) :arg1-of separate ) :op2 ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 person :manner separate ) :arg1-of ( hold :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 :day 9 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.8", "sent": "during separate talks and meetings with schroeder held on 9 october 2004 vietnamese leaders stated that the vietnamese government supports the german government 's bid for a permanent seat in the un security council and wants to strengthen vietnamese relations with germany ."}, {"amr": "express :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( hopeful :arg0 person :arg1 ( endorse :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg1 policy :time ( before :op1 ( go :arg1 policy :arg2 effect ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.18", "sent": "brazilian officials have expressed hope that the policy will be endorsed by the us before going into effect ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2002", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 11 @-@ 23"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( symptom :mod ( tumour :mod brain ) :domain headache )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.7", "sent": "having a headache can be a symptom of brain tumours ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( sue :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 victim :arg2 relative ) ) :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( win :arg0 person :arg1 settle :arg4 government-organization :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( provide :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 intelligence :op2 ( support :mod technical ) ) :arg2 operation ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.12", "sent": "relatives of the victims sued the us government and won a settlement due to the government 's provision of intelligence and technical support to the operation ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( addict :arg1 i ) :snt2 ( cut :arg0 i :mod again :time ( heal :arg1 one :time ever ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.8", "sent": "i am addicted , when ever one heals i cut again"}, {"amr": "quote :arg0 ( agency :wiki interfax :name ( name :op1 interfax ) :mod news :location ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( strike :polarity - :arg0 party :arg1 ( deal :arg2 ( sanction :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :time ( meet :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 13 ) ) ) :op2 ( contrast :arg1 ( favor :arg0 ( country :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :arg1 sanction ) :arg2 ( support :polarity - :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 country ) :arg1 sanction ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki sergei_ryabkov :name ( name :op1 sergei :op2 ryabkov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 diplomat ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.13", "sent": "moscow 's interfax news agency quoted russian diplomat sergei ryabkov as stating that the parties struck no deal on sanctions against iran at the 081113 meeting and that the western countries are in favor of the sanctions against iran while china and russia did not support sanctions against iran ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 embassy :arg1 ( suggest :arg0 ( assess :arg1 intelligence ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( prepare :arg0 ( guerrilla :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( campaign :arg1-of ( complement :arg2 ( activity :arg0 guerrilla :mod country ) ) :location city ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.16", "sent": "the embassy stated that intelligence assessments suggest that anti-government guerrillas may be preparing an urban campaign to complement their rural activities ."}, {"amr": "close :arg1 ( investigate :arg1 ( activity :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod nucleus ) ) :time now", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.10", "sent": "investigation into iran 's nuclear activities is now closed ."}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( give :arg0 you :arg1 ( beltway :path ( area :mod ( rural :degree large ) ) ) :arg2 they )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.35", "sent": "and you give them a beltway through a largely rural area ."}, {"amr": "attend :arg0 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 gerhard :op2 schroeder ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 chancellor ) ) :arg1 ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( summit :mod ( organization :wiki asia\u2013europe_meeting :name ( name :op1 asia-europe :op2 meeting ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 5 ) :location ( city :wiki hanoi :name ( name :op1 hanoi ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.4", "sent": "german chancellor gerhard schroeder attended meetings with vietnamese government leaders after the 5 th asia-europe meeting summit in hanoi ."}, {"amr": "make :arg0 ( person :source ( country :arg1-of ( interest :arg2 ( expose :arg0 country :arg1 ( extent :poss ( effort :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :purpose ( acquire :arg0 country :arg1 ( item :arg1-of ( call :arg2 item :mod so ) :arg1-of ( use :manner dual ) :arg1-of ( convert :arg2 ( produce :arg1 weapon ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :arg1 ( available :arg2 ( list :consist-of ( deny :arg1 trade ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.12", "sent": "the list of trade denials was made available by a diplomat from a country interested in exposing the extent of iranian efforts to acquire so-called dual-use items that can be converted to weapons production ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( conclude :arg1 ( phase :mod next :part-of agreement ) :time ( by :op1 ( date-entity :month 12 :year 2007 ) ) ) :mod technical )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.20", "sent": "hill stated the technical possibility of concluding the next phase of the agreement by december 2007 ."}, {"amr": "convict :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 vladimiro :op2 montesinos ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :arg2 ( chief :mod spy ) :time former ) ) :arg2 ( take :arg0 person :arg1 ( control :arg0 person :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki national_intelligence_service_[peru] :name ( name :op1 national :op2 intelligence :op3 service ) ) :manner ( law :polarity - ) :time ( tenure :poss ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 fujimori ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president :time ex ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.4", "sent": "former peruvian spy chief vladimiro montesinos convicted of illegally taking control of the national intelligence service during ex-president fujimori 's tenure ."}, {"amr": "distribute :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg1 ( publication :arg2-of ( copy :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of limit ) :time ( before :op1 ( meet :arg0 ( person :quant 35 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( board :poss organization ) :arg2 member ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 9 :day 11 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.8", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency distributed limited copies of the iaea report before a meeting on 11 september 2007 of the 35 members of the iaea board ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( inherit :arg0 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg1 ( stockpile :arg0 country :arg1 weaponry :mod enormous ) :time ( after :op1 ( collapse :arg1 ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( deal :arg0 country :arg2 arm :arg1-of major :time now )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.29", "sent": "ukraine inherited enormous stockpiles of weaponry after the collapse of the soviet union and is now a major arms dealer ."}, {"amr": "area :domain ( region :mod south ) :location-of ( and :op1 ( maintain :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :arg1 ( presence :arg1-of strong ) :location ( province :quant 5 ) ) :op2 ( encourage :arg0 criminal-organization :arg2 ( cultivate :arg1 opium ) :mod systematic :purpose ( finance :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( insurgency :poss criminal-organization ) :duration ( several :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( irrigate :manner heavy )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.11", "sent": "the southern region is a heavily irrigated area where the taliban maintained a strong presence in 5 provinces and have systematically encouraged opium cultivation as a way to finance their insurgency for several years ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( emerge :polarity - :arg0 ( initiative :mod new :topic ( program :mod nucleus :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( talk :location ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 13 :month 11 :year 2008 ) ) ) :arg1 ( decrease :arg1 ( hopeful :arg1 ( impose :arg1 ( set :consist-of ( sanction :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 security :op4 council ) ) ) :mod another ) :time ( before :op1 ( end :arg1 ( term :poss ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.28", "sent": "due to the act that no new initiatives regarding iran 's nuclear program emerged from the 081113 paris talks the hopes of imposing another set of united nations security council sanctions before the end of president bush 's term were decreasing ."}, {"amr": "ruling :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 :range ( more-than :op1 ( charge :quant 50 :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 corrupt :op2 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :op3 ( deal :arg2 ( arm :mod ( law :polarity - ) ) ) :op4 ( violate :arg1 ( right :mod human ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :domain this", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.11", "sent": "this is the first ruling of more than 50 charges against montesinos which include corruption , drug trafficking , illegal arms deals and human rights violations ."}, {"amr": "possible :mode interrogative :arg1 ( go :arg0 you :arg4 ( house :poss ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 friend ) ) ) :purpose ( form :arg1 ( group :arg0-of study ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.30", "sent": "is there a friend 's house you could go to @- form a study group ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( exceed :arg2 3500 :arg0 ( project :mod ( invest :arg0 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( near :arg1 ( invest :arg1-of total ) :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 10000000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.24", "sent": "wen stated that german investment projects in china have exceeded 3500 with total investment near 10 billion u.s. dollars ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( pride :arg0 woman :time ( be-located-at :arg1 woman :arg2 ( front :op1 ( person :mod other ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( mood :mod melancholy :domain woman :time ( stay :arg1 woman :arg3 alone ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5337.1", "sent": "she is a proud woman in front of others but is in melancholy mood when staying alone .. ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 terrorism :op2 dissent :op3 military", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.3", "sent": "terrorism ; dissent ; military"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( pass :polarity - :arg1 i :arg2 ( exam :wiki - :name ( name :op1 a2 ) :poss i ) ) :op2 ( accept :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( defeat :arg1 i ) :op2 ( make :arg0 ( year :mod this :part-of ( live :arg0 i ) ) :arg1 ( fail :arg1 i ) ) ) :time already )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.10", "sent": "i 'm not going to pass my a2 exams , i 've already accepted defeat , that this year of my life is going to make me a failure ."}, {"amr": "add :arg0 communique :arg1 ( continue :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( adopt :arg0 and :arg1 ( measure :arg0 and :arg1 ( fight :arg0 and :arg1 ( form :mod all :mod terrorism ) :arg2 ( maintain :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 peace :op2 tranquillity ) :arg2 ( and :op1 country :op2 country :op3 ( region :mod whole ) ) ) :manner joint ) :arg1-of strong ) :arg1-of ( conform :arg2 ( framework :poss ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 cooperation :op3 organization ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.8", "sent": "the communique added that china and kyrgyzstan will continue to adopt strong measures within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization ( sco ) in jointly fighting all forms of terrorism in order to maintain peace and tranquillity in china and kyrgyzstan and in the region as a whole ."}, {"amr": "invest :arg0 country :arg2 country :mod ( less :degree much :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( start :arg0 country :arg1 ( invest :arg2 country ) :mod only :time recent ) ) :compared-to ( invest :arg0 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.23", "sent": "chinese investment in germany is much less than german investment in china since china has only recently started investing in this respect ."}, {"amr": "likely :arg1 ( remain :arg1 deal :arg3 secret ) :degree most :condition ( and :op1 ( hijack :polarity - :arg0 pirate :arg1 ship ) :op2 ( begin :polarity - :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( speak :arg0 pirate :arg2 media :medium ( phone :mod satellite ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.23", "sent": "the deal would most likely have remained secret had the pirates not hijacked the ship and begun speaking to the media by satellite phone ."}, {"amr": "bad :arg1 ( threaten :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 significant-other :time ex ) ) :arg2 you :arg2-of ( use :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 son ) ) ) ) :degree very", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.13", "sent": "your ex is threatening you using your son ... bad , bad , bad ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 ( list :source ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) ) :arg1 ( deny :arg1 ( purchase :arg0 country :arg1 ( material :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 nucleus ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( date-entity :year 1998 ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( suspect :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( use :arg1 purchase :arg2 ( build :arg1 bomb ) ) ) ) ) :frequency ( approximately :op1 75 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.5", "sent": "a list from the nuclear suppliers group shows that iran has been denied purchases of nuclear-related materials approximately 75 times since 1998 because of suspicions the purchases could have been used for building bombs ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( concern :arg0 ( situation :time current :location ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1-of deep ) :op2 ( sympathize :arg0 country :arg1 ( people :mod country ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.31", "sent": "wen stated that china is deeply concerned with the current situation in iraq and is sympathetic to the iraqi people ."}, {"amr": "insist :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( support :arg0 reserve :arg1 ( force :arg1-of arm ) ) :op2 ( act :polarity - :arg0 reserve :arg1 ( column :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 5 ) ) :prep-against ( coup :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.47", "sent": "the government insists the reserves will support the armed forces and not act as a fifth column against a possible anti-chavez coup ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 this :arg2 ( person :arg0-of report ) :time ( week :mod last ) :time ( prepare :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_office_on_drugs_and_crime :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 drug :op3 office ) ) :arg3 ( release :arg0 organization :arg1 ( survey :arg0 organization :arg2 ( crop :mod opium :poss ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) ) :mod ( late :degree most ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.6", "sent": "costa said this to reporters last week as the u.n. drug office office prepared to release its latest survey of afghanistan 's opium crop ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( retain :arg1 ( bomb :quant 1000 :mod nucleus :arg1-of ( equal :arg2 ( tnt :quant ( mass-quantity :quant 10000000 :unit ton ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( install :arg1 ( warhead :mod nucleus ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( missile :arg1-of ( range :arg2 short ) ) :op2 ( missile :arg1-of ( range :arg2 middle ) ) :quant all ) :time ( need :arg1 install ) ) :li 6", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.6", "sent": "6. retain 1000 nuclear bombs equivalent to ten million tons of tnt , and when necessary , install nuclear warheads on all short @- and middle-range missiles ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( chair :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 chen :op2 cunyi ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bureau :op2 of :op3 narcotics :op4 control ) :part-of ( government-organization :wiki ministry_of_public_security_[china] :name ( name :op1 ministry :op2 of :op3 public :op4 security ) :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( director :mod deputy ) ) ) :arg1 ( team :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( person :quant 11 ) ) ) ) :op2 ( brief :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 team :arg2 ( action :arg1-of enforce :arg1-of ( carry-out :location city ) ) ) :op3 ( lead :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ip :op2 lau :op3 chuen ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 narcotics :op2 bureau ) :poss city ) ) ) :arg1 team )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.21", "sent": "the 11 @-@person team was chaired by the deputy director of bureau of narcotics control of the chinese ministry of public security chen cunyi and was briefed by the hong kong police as led by hong kong 's head of narcotics bureau ip lau chuen on enforced actions carried out in hong kong ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( university :wiki city_university_of_hong_kong :name ( name :op1 city :op2 university :op3 of :op4 hong :op5 kong ) ) :arg1 agreement :arg2 ( university :wiki university_of_science_and_technology_of_china :name ( name :op1 university :op2 of :op3 science :op4 and :op5 technology :op6 of :op7 china ) :location ( province :wiki anhui :name ( name :op1 anhui ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 6 ) :purpose ( establish :arg0 ( and :op1 university :op2 university ) :arg1 ( center :mod ( research :mod ( level :arg1-of high ) :mod joint ) ) :manner joint :location ( city :wiki suzhou,_anhui :name ( name :op1 suzhou ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.10", "sent": "city university of hong kong ( cityu ) and the university of science and technology of china ( ustc ) in anhui province signed an agreement in june to jointly establish a high level joint research center in suzhou ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 mauro :op2 jose :op3 miranda :op4 gandra ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 air :op2 force ) ) :arg2 chief :time former ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 air :op2 institute ) :part-of ( university :wiki est\u00e1cio_s.a. :name ( name :op1 estacio :op2 de :op3 sa :op4 university ) :location ( city :wiki rio_de_janeiro :name ( name :op1 rio :op2 de :op3 janeiro ) ) ) ) :arg2 director :time current ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( step :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg4 measure :mod courage ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( politics :degree more :compared-to practical :domain impact ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( thing :arg2-of ( restrict :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( impose :arg0 government-organization :arg2 government-organization ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.20", "sent": "former air force chief and current director of the air institute at estacio de sa university in rio de janeiro general mauro jose miranda gandra stated that the measure was a courageous step by the government but the impact may be more political than practical because of self-imposed restrictions by the brazilian government ."}, {"amr": "have :mode interrogative :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( include :arg2 you ) :mod any ) :arg1 ( ritual :arg1-of resemble )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.12", "sent": "do any of you have a similar \" ritual '?"}, {"amr": "need :arg0 you :manner real", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.26", "sent": "you really need to ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( and :op1 ( go :mode imperative :arg0 you ) :op2 ( see :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 you :arg2 doctor ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) :op2 ( see :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( way :mode interrogative :manner-of ( get :arg1 ( extend :arg0 you :arg1 ( deadline :poss you ) :purpose ( try :arg0 you :arg1 ( ease :arg0 you :arg1 pressure :degree bit ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.18", "sent": "perhaps go and see your doctor , and see if there 's any way you can get your deadlines extended to try and ease the pressure a bit ?"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 ( evidence :arg0 ( collapse :polarity - :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of price ) :time already ) :arg1 ( stockpile :arg0 ( and :op1 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :op2 ( lord :mod drug ) :op3 ( person :quant some :mod even :arg0-of farm ) ) :arg1 opium ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.16", "sent": "costa said that the fact that prices had not collapsed already was evidence that the taliban , drug lords and even some farmers have stockpiled the opium ."}, {"amr": "avoid :arg1 ( answer :arg1 ( question :arg1 ( violate :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 treaty :time past ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.21", "sent": "avoid answering questions about iran 's past treaty violations ."}, {"amr": "resemble :arg1 ( and :op1 tolerance :op2 liberalness :poss country ) :arg2 ( and :op1 tolerance :op2 liberalness :poss individual ) :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( have-concession :arg1 ( obligate :arg2 ( insist :arg0 we :arg1 ( hurt :polarity - :arg1 we ) ) ) :arg2 ( avoid :arg0 we :arg1 ( hurt :arg0 we :arg1 ( person :mod other ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.23", "sent": "the tolerance and liberalness of a country are like those of an individual - we avoid hurting others , but must insist on not being hurt ourselves ."}, {"amr": "miss :arg1 ( person :quant 5 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 police :arg2 personnel ) ) :mod still", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.10", "sent": "5 police personnel are still missing ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 affairs :op3 department ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( outline :arg0 ( agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :op3 country :mod historic :mod strategy ) :arg2-of ( result :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 brazil-africa :op2 forum ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg0 agree :purpose ( cooperate :arg0 and :arg2 ( and :op1 politics :op2 economy ) :mod trilateral ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.11", "sent": "the south african foreign affairs department stated that the historic and strategic india-brazil-south africa agreement which resulted from the brazil-africa forum had outlined plans for trilateral political and economic cooperation between india , brazil and south africa ."}, {"amr": "problem :arg1-of ( same :arg2 it ) :mod old", "id": "wb.eng_0003.41", "sent": "it 's the same old problem ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of record ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( and :op1 ( travel :arg0 ( person :wiki khalid_sheikh_mohammed :name ( name :op1 sheik :op2 mohammed :op3 khalid ) :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 ( person :wiki osama_bin_laden :name ( name :op1 osama :op2 bin :op3 laden ) ) :arg2 brother ) ) :arg1 country ) :op2 ( travel :arg0 person :arg2 country ) :frequency number ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.12", "sent": "according to the records osama bin laden 's brother sheik mohammed khalid has been able to travel in and out of the country a number of times ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( alleviate :arg1 ( congest :arg2 traffic :quant much ) ) :condition ( apply :arg1 money :arg2 ( or :op1 ( project :mod road :arg2-of press :mod other ) :op2 ( project :mod ( road :polarity - ) :mod even :arg1-of ( forbid :mode imperative :arg0 god ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.99", "sent": "how much traffic congestion could have been alleviated had the money been applied to other pressing road projects or , god forbid , even non-road projects ."}, {"amr": "conduct :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( airstrike :arg0-of ( target :arg1 ( thing :location ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.4", "sent": "on 8 august 2008 russia conducted airstrikes on georgian targets ."}, {"amr": "remain :arg1 ( soldier :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :location ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.14", "sent": "russian soldiers remained in georgia ."}, {"amr": "person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 emr )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.65", "sent": "emr"}, {"amr": "tolerate :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 amr-unknown :mod still", "id": "bolt12_6455_6565.1", "sent": "what do chinese still tolerate .. ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 communique :arg1 ( will :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( work :arg0 and :arg3 ( country :mod other :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 cooperation :op3 organization ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :manner together ) :op2 ( measure :arg0 and :arg1 ( fight :arg1 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 separatism :op3 extremism :op4 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :op5 ( immigrate :manner ( law :polarity - ) ) :op6 ( crime :arg0-of ( cross :arg1 border ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( effective :arg1 fight ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.15", "sent": "the communique said china and kyrgyzstan are willing to work together with other members of the shanghai cooperation organization and take effective measures in fighting terrorism , separatism , extremism , drug trafficking , illegal immigration and cross-border crimes ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( change :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 lahagewasulen ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sports :op2 association ) ) :arg2 chairman ) ) :arg3 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 lahagewasu ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 organization :arg2 chairman ) :location ( end :arg1 ( paragraph :mod 3 ) ) ) :location ( script :arg1-of ( broadcast :time today ) :arg1-of ( title :arg2 ( prepare :arg0 ( athlete :arg1-of handicap :mod ( country :wiki mongolia :name ( name :op1 mongolia ) ) ) :arg1 athlete :arg2 ( game :wiki fespic_games :name ( name :op1 far :op2 south :op3 sports :op4 meet ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0319.1", "sent": "in the script \" mongolian handicapped athletes prepare for the far south sports meet \" broadcast today , the \" sports association chairman lahagewasu \" at the end of paragraph three should be changed to \" sports association chairman lahagewasulen \" ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( relation :arg0 i :arg2 ( boy :age ( temporal-quantity :quant 16 :unit year ) ) ) :op2 ( forbid :arg1 ( speak :arg0 i :arg2 boy ) :arg2 i :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 event :op2 ( differ :arg1 age ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.14", "sent": "i had a reltionship with a boy who is 16 and i am forbidden to speak to him because of what happend and the age diffrience"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 country :arg1 country :topic ( field :mod this ) :purpose ( utilize :arg1 ( energy :mod nucleus ) :mod peace :manner exclusive :prep-with ( and :op1 equality :op2 ( benefit :mod mutual ) ) ) ) :time ( ask :arg1 ( comment :arg0 person :arg3 ( promise :arg0 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 gerhard :op2 schroeder ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 ( chancellor :mod federal ) ) ) :arg2 ( support :arg0 person :arg1 ( sell :arg1 ( fuel :mod nucleus ) :source ( city :wiki hanau :name ( name :op1 hanau ) ) :destination ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 person )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.43", "sent": "when asked to comment on german federal chancellor gerhard schroeder 's promise to support sale of nuclear fuel from hanau to china wen stated that cooperation between china and germany in this field is exclusively for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy with equality and mutual benefits ."}, {"amr": "crash :arg0 ( site :mod web :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 ) :manner intermittent", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.20", "sent": "on 8 august 2008 georgian government web sites crashed intermittently ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 randall :op2 lee :op3 beatty ) ) :arg1 ( know :arg1 ( pay :polarity - :arg0 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :arg1 ( bill :mod electricity :poss research-institute ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 14 :unit month ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.27", "sent": "randall lee beatty stated that it is known that the state scientific center of applied microbiology has not paid its electricity bill for 14 months ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( person :arg1-of star ) :arg1 ( contract :quant lot ) ) :op2 ( roll :arg1 ( source :arg0 person :arg1 money ) :condition ( tackle :arg0 person :manner good ) ) ) :snt2 ( come :arg0 ( or :op1 ( force :arg2 out ) :op2 ( frame :mod even ) ) :arg1 ( heel :part-of she ) :condition ( tack :polarity - :arg0 she :manner good ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.5", "sent": "a star will have lots of contracts and her source of money will be rolling if she tackles well ; if she does n't tack well , what comes after her heel would be forcing out or even frame-ups .. ."}, {"amr": "capture :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 fernandinho :op2 beira-mar ) :arg1-of ( notorious :degree most ) :mod ( city :wiki rio_de_janeiro :name ( name :op1 rio :op2 de :op3 janeiro ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( criminal-organization :arg0-of ( deal :arg1 drug ) ) :arg2 boss ) ) :location ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) :location ( pipeline :mod ( gun :prep-for drug ) :arg2-of ( involve :arg1 ( guerrilla :mod ( wing :mod left ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2001 :month 4 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.41", "sent": "20010400 rio de janeiro 's most notorious drug boss , fernandinho beira-mar , was captured in colombia in a guns-for drugs pipeline involving left-wing guerrillas ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 official :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) :purpose ( possible :arg1 ( prevent :arg1 ( round :arg1 ( sanction :mod international ) :degree further ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 30 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.14", "sent": "iranian officials on 30 august 2007 stated cooperation with the iaea possibly to prevent a further round of international sanctions ."}, {"amr": "fear :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( loyal :arg2 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( instigate :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( war :arg0 ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :mod proxy ) :arg1-of possible :instrument-of ( and :op1 ( oust :arg0 government-organization :arg1 person ) :op2 ( control :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( oil :source country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.57", "sent": "chavez loyalists fear that the us government could instigate a proxy war between colombia and venezuela as a way to oust chavez and control venezuelan oil ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( look :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( wolf :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ms. :op2 fan ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have :arg1 glasses ) ) ) :snt2 ( know :arg0 you :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 ( person :arg0-of act ) :arg2 ( drink :arg0 person :accompanier he ) :arg2-of ( have-condition :arg1 ( or :op1 ( force :polarity - :arg1 person :arg2 out ) :op2 ( frame :polarity - :arg1 person :mod even ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5322.1", "sent": "have a look at the \" wolf with glasses \" near ms. fan , you will know the actress has no choice but drink with him or she will be forced out or even framed ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 ( city :wiki richmond,_virginia :name ( name :op1 richmond ) ) :arg1 traffic :arg1-of ( have-polarity :arg2 - :degree virtual )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.33", "sent": "you have a city , richmond , that has virtually no traffic ."}, {"amr": "locate :arg1 ( country-region :wiki huallaga_province :name ( name :op1 alto :op2 huallaga ) ) :location ( relative-position :op1 ( city :wiki lima :name ( name :op1 lima ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 capital ) ) :direction northeast )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.7", "sent": "alto huallaga is located northeast of the capital lima ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( agree :arg1 ( loan :arg0 ( person :mod country ) :arg2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( agree :arg1 ( form :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) ) :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 economy :op2 and :op3 trade :op4 committee ) :arg3-of combine ) ) ) :op3 ( exchange :mod note :topic ( present :arg0 country :arg1 material :arg2 country ) ) :op4 ( agree :arg0 ( and :op1 country :op2 country ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 country :arg1 culture :arg2 country ) ) :op5 ( letter :arg0-of ratify :topic ( exchange :arg0 country :arg1 ( treaty :mod consul ) :arg2 country ) ) :op6 ( agree :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :wiki china_council_for_the_promotion_of_international_trade :name ( name :op1 trade :op2 promotion :op3 council ) :poss country ) :op2 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 chamber :op2 of :op3 industry :op4 and :op5 commerce ) :poss country ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( document :quant 6 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.4", "sent": "the six documents are : an agreement on chinese providing a loan to the kirghizia government , an agreement on forming a combined economy and trade committee between the sino - kirghizian governments , an note exchange on the presenting of materials to kirghizia by china , a cultural cooperation agreement between the two countries of china and kirghizia , ratification letters on exchanging consular treaties between the two countries , an agreement on cooperating on the china trade promotion council and the kirghizian chamber of industry and commerce ."}, {"amr": "want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( stop :arg0 i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.16", "sent": "i dont what to stop ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( headline :arg1-of ( correct :polarity - ) :medium ( newspaper :wiki izvestia :name ( name :op1 izvestia ) ) ) :arg1 ( threaten :arg0 ( virus :arg0-of kill :source ( depository :mod region :mod ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) ) ) :arg2 city )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.8", "sent": "an incorrect headline in the newspaper izvestia stated that deadly viruses from a moscow regional depository threaten moscow ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :arg1 ( represent :arg0 ( deny :quant 75 ) :arg1 ( act :arg0 ( state :quant 7 :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( state :quant 45 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 member ) ) ) ) ) :mod only )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.17", "sent": "the diplomat stated the 75 denials represented actions by only 7 of the 45 member states ."}, {"amr": "drill :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( do :arg1 ( slash :op1 dance :op2 gymnastics :op3 ballet :op4 et-cetera ) ) ) :arg2 it :extent ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( comfortable :arg1 it :degree more :time now ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.16", "sent": "people who do dance gymnastics ballet etc have it drilled into them , to the point where i find it more comfortable now =p"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( load :arg1 i :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of work ) :time now :extent ( neck :part-of i ) ) :op2 ( obligate :arg2 ( hit :arg0 i :arg1 ( deadline :arg1-of major ) ) ) :op3 ( depress :arg1 i ) :op4 ( result :arg1 anxiety :arg2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 miserable :frequency ( time :mod all ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.11", "sent": "- now the work-load is up to my neck , i have major deadlines to hit , i am depressed , the anxiety is resulting in me feeling miserable all the time ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( deny :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( interest :arg1 pirate :arg2 weapon ) ) :op2 ( claim :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( realize :polarity - :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( include :arg1 tank :arg2 cargo :time ( hijack :arg0 pirate :arg1 ship ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.34", "sent": "the pirates have denied interest in the weapons and claimed to have been unaware that the cargo included tanks when they hijacked the ship ."}, {"amr": "concern :arg0 ( liability :condition ( misidentify :arg1 ( plane :mod civilian ) ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.5", "sent": "us concerned over liability in the event of misidentification of a civilian plane ."}, {"amr": "believe :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of expert ) ) :arg1 ( attempt :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.19", "sent": "the governments and experts believe that iran is attempting to --"}, {"amr": "validate :arg1 ( paperwork :arg1-of appropriate :mod all )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.27", "sent": "all the appropriate paperwork has been validated ."}, {"amr": "throw :arg0 life :arg1 thing :arg2 you :time ( time :quant all )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.23", "sent": "life throws **** at you all the time ."}, {"amr": "suffer :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) :mod especially ) :arg1 ( ravage :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg1 country ) :duration ( several :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit decade ) :arg1-of long )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.8", "sent": "especially china suffered the ravages of japan for as long as several decades ."}, {"amr": "intimate :arg0 ( source :mod police ) :arg1 ( follow :arg1 ( crack-down :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( gang :mod other :poss ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) ) :degree more ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.13", "sent": "police sources also intimated that more crackdowns by the hong kong police on other triad gangs will follow ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 communique :arg1 ( agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( promote :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 ( consult :arg2 ( issue :arg2-of ( concern :mod common ) ) ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg2 issue ) ) :arg1-of ( conform :arg2 ( framework :poss ( and :op1 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :op2 ( organization :mod other :mod international ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.11", "sent": "the communique said that china and kyrgyzstan agree to promote consultations and cooperation on issues of common concern within the framework of the united nations and other international organizations ."}, {"amr": "win :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 fengzhu :op2 xu ) ) :arg1 ( championship :arg0 person :quant many ) :time before :part-of ( compete :mod international )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.14", "sent": "fengzhu xu has won many championships in international competitions before ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg0 ( preliminary :subevent-of ( game :wiki - :name ( name :op1 seventh :op2 world :op3 swimming :op4 championship ) ) :topic ( board :mod ( distance-quantity :quant 1 :unit meter ) :instrument-of dive ) ) :location here :time ( morning :mod this )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.2", "sent": "the 1 - meter diving board preliminaries of the seventh world swimming championship were held here this morning ."}, {"amr": "reduce :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg1 ( support :arg0 country :arg1 ( operation :arg0-of ( target :arg1 ( aircraft :arg0-of ( run :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) :time previous ) :time ( and :op1 ( shoot-down :arg0 ( jet :mod ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) ) :arg1 ( plane :mod small :arg1-of ( misidentify :arg2 ( thing :arg0-of ( carry :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( kill :arg0 jet :arg1 ( and :op1 ( missionary :mod country ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 missionary :arg2 child ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2001 :month 4 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.11", "sent": "20010400 the united states reduced previous support for operations targeting drug-running aircraft when a peruvian jet shot down a small plane misidentified as a drug carrier and killed an american missionary and her child ."}, {"amr": "conclude :polarity - :arg0 ( round :quant 3 :arg1 talk :arg1-of hold ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( demand :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( and :op1 ( establish :arg1 ( state :location republic ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :mod interim ) :op3 ( constitution :mod new ) ) :arg1-of ( reject :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.14", "sent": "the 3 rounds of talks held were inconclusive as the guerrillas demanded the establishment of a republican state , an interim government and a new constitution , which the nepali government rejected ."}, {"amr": "work-out :arg1 deal :arg2 ( rate-entity :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 186.22 :unit dollar ) :arg2 ( rifle :quant 1 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.28", "sent": "the deal works out to $ 186.22 per rifle ."}, {"amr": "require :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of plan ) :arg1 ( step :quant 8 :mod precaution ) :time ( before :op1 ( possible :arg1 ( issue :arg1 ( order :arg2 ( shoot-down :arg1 plane ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.7", "sent": "the plan requires 8 precautionary steps before the order to shoot down a plane may be issued ."}, {"amr": "string :arg1 ( mine :mod ( intensity :arg1-of high ) ) :location ( line :mod control ) :location ( world-region :wiki kashmir :name ( name :op1 kashmir ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.15", "sent": "string high-intensity mines on the line of control in kashmir ."}, {"amr": "fill :arg1 ( ground :location-of ceremony ) :arg2 ( atmosphere :consist-of ( and :op1 confident :op2 ( eager :arg1 progress ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.5", "sent": "an atmosphere of confidence and eagerness for progress filled the ceremony ground ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki poon_chung-kwong :name ( name :op1 poon :op2 chung-kwong ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( university :wiki hong_kong_polytechnic_university :name ( name :op1 polyu ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( strengthen :arg0 ( and :op1 ( sector :arg1-of public ) :op2 ( sector :arg1-of private ) :location ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( connect :arg1 sector :arg2 ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :topic ( area :mod various ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.8", "sent": "president of polyu poon chung-kwong stated that both public and private sectors in hong kong are strengthening connections with mainland china in various areas ."}, {"amr": "decrease :arg1 level :manner gradual :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( disappear :arg1 ( disease :wiki obsessive\u2013compulsive_disorder :name ( name :op1 ocd ) :poss you ) :time overtime :arg1-of hope ) ) :concession ( increase :arg1 ( level :mod ( anxiety :poss you ) ) :duration duration )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.20", "sent": "even though your anxiety levels would increase for a duration , they will gradualy decrease so hopefully , overtime your ocd will disappear (:"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 government-organization :arg1 government-organization :arg2 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( research :arg1 ( tech :arg1-of high ) ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 tech ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( enterprise :arg1-of ( size :arg2 medium ) ) :op2 ( enterprise :arg1-of ( size :arg2 small ) ) ) ) :mod close ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.18", "sent": "wen stated that the governments of china and germany plan close cooperation in high-tech research and development and among medium and small-sized enterprises ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 ( glut :domain result :arg0-of ( depress :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( price :arg1-of ( drop :arg2 ( approximately :op1 ( percentage-entity :value 20 ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.15", "sent": "costa said the result was a glut that was depressing the price , which dropped by approximately 20 percent ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( publication :wiki fars_news_agency :name ( name :op1 fars :op2 news :op3 agency ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1 ( or :op1 ( deface :arg0 ( person :arg0-of hack :arg1-of ( know :arg2 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( website :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) ) :quant ( multiple :op1 100 ) ) ) :op1 ( block :arg0 person :arg1 website ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.4", "sent": "iranian news agency fars stated that hackers known as group xp defaced or blocked 100 s of shiite-related websites ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 1 :month 7 :year 2002", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 07 @-@ 01"}, {"amr": "country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 islamic :op2 republic :op3 of :op4 iran )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.2", "sent": "iran ( islamic republic of ) ( ir )"}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.10", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( store :arg1 ( bacterium :mod ( strain :quant ( approximately :op1 3000 ) ) ) :arg2 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) :op2 ( store :arg1 ( bacterium :quant many :arg1-of ( include :arg2 bacterium ) ) :arg2 ( cask :mod cryogen :arg1-of ( cool :manner ( nitrogen :mod liquid ) ) :arg1-of ( isolate :arg2 environment :manner ( and :op1 ( enclosure :arg1-of layer ) :op2 ( system :arg0-of ( handle :arg1 air ) :mod oversize ) :arg0-of ( depend :arg1 electricity :purpose ( function :arg0 and ) ) :quant all ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.29", "sent": "approximately 3000 strains of bacteria are stored at the state scientific center of applied microbiology and many of the bacteria are stored in cryogenic casks cooled with liquid nitrogen and isolated from the environment by layered enclosures and oversize air-handling systems that all depend on electricity to function ."}, {"amr": "develop :arg2 ( roll-back :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( cooperate :mod military ) :op2 ( exercise :mod joint ) ) ) :mod another :arg0-of ( trouble :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.60", "sent": "another development that has troubled the united states is chavez 's rollback of military cooperation and joint exercises ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sugule :op2 ali ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 pirate :arg2 spokesman ) ) :arg1 ( interest :arg0 money :arg1 pirate :arg2 deal :mod sole ) :medium interview :time ( week :mod last )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.35", "sent": "pirate spokesman sugule ali stated in an interview last week that the pirates \" sole interest in the deal is money ."}, {"amr": "fly :mod some :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( fly :mod this ) ) :arg1-of ( violate :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ranch :arg1-of ( fly :location ( between :op1 plantation ) ) :location ( world-region :wiki amazon_basin :name ( name :op1 amazon ) ) ) :arg1-of innocent )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.39", "sent": "some of these flights were innocent violations by ranchers in the amazon flying between plantations ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( obligate :arg2 ( implement :arg1 ( resolution :mod ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 un ) ) :mod relevance ) ) ) :manner ( regard :arg0 person :arg1 ( situation :location ( and :op1 ( country :wiki state_of_palestine :name ( name :op1 palestine ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.37", "sent": "with regard to the situation in palestine and israel wen stated that relevant un resolutions must be implemented ."}, {"amr": "expect :arg1 ( release :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of report :arg0-of ( criticize :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :time ( week :mod next ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.26", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency is expected to release a report critical of iran next week ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( pledge :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg2 ( establish :arg0 person :arg1 ( goal :topic develop :beneficiary ( relation :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( constitute :arg0 ( trust :mod mutual ) :arg1 ( found :arg1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg1 bilateral :arg2 country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.15", "sent": "wen pledged to establish a development goal for sino-german relations stating that mutual trust constitutes the foundation of bilateral relations ."}, {"amr": "possible :mode interrogative :arg1 ( document :arg0 you :arg1 ( threaten :arg0 he ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.25", "sent": "can you document his threats ?"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( easy :polarity - :arg1 ( female :mod that :arg1-of star ) ) :snt1 ( contrast :arg1 ( pity :arg1 they ) :arg2 ( blame :arg1 amr-unknown ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5335.1", "sent": "pity them , but who is to blame ? those female stars are not easy"}, {"amr": "spit :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 mum ) ) :source hell :mod too", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.33", "sent": "my mum was spat out of hell too ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki jos\u00e9_viegas_filho :name ( name :op1 viegas ) ) :arg1 ( use :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg1 law :arg2 ( dissuade :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :arg0-of ( enter :arg1 ( airspace :mod ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :manner ( feel :arg0 person :arg1 ( threaten :polarity - :arg0 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 air :op2 force ) ) :arg2 person ) ) :time previous ) ) :manner ( powerful :degree more ) ) ) :medium ( interview :arg1 person ) :location ( city :wiki bras\u00edlia :name ( name :op1 brasilia ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.24", "sent": "viegas stated in an interview in brasilia that the government will use the law to more powerfully dissuade drug traffickers who have previously entered brazilian airspace feeling unthreatened by the air force ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( police :mod ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) ) :arg2 officer ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.5", "sent": "a kathmandu police officer reports --"}, {"amr": "country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.2", "sent": "israel ( il )"}, {"amr": "draw :arg0 ( plan :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) ) :arg1 negotiate :duration ( many :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit month ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.32", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency plan draws out negotiations for many months ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( symptom :mod leukaemia :domain ( feel :arg1 ( tire :frequency lot ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.8", "sent": "feeling tired a lot can be a symptom of leukaemia ."}, {"amr": "have-condition :arg1 ( say :arg0 you :arg1 no ) :arg2 ( think :arg0 you :arg1 no :arg1-of ( mind :arg0 you ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.11", "sent": "if , in your mind , you 're thinking no - say it ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( have-concession :arg1 ( fear :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 person :time ever ) :arg2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 ( make :arg0 we :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 we :arg2 enemy ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( have-concession :arg1 ( fear :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 war ) :arg2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 war ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.19", "sent": "we do not want to make enemies , but are never afraid of enemies ; we do not want war , but are never afraid of war ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( lack :arg0 i :arg1 motivation ) :op2 ( feel :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( comfortable :arg0 person :arg1 i ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lecture :arg1 i ) ) ) :op3 ( contrast :arg1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( want :arg0 i :arg1 ( give-in :arg0 i ) ) ) :arg2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( bring-about :arg0 i :arg1 ( give-in :arg0 i ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( end-up :arg1 i :arg2 ( job :arg1-of ( end :arg2 die ) ) ) :op2 ( aspire :arg0 i :arg1 ( someone :domain i ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.13", "sent": "- i lack motivation , do n't feel comfortable with any of my lecturers , feel like i want to give in , but can n't bring myself to it , because i will end up in a dead end job , and i aspired to \" be someone ' ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( official :mod maritime ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of ( associate :arg2 ( pirate :mod ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) :arg0-of ( hijack :arg1 ( freighter :mod ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg0-of ( carry :arg1 ( cargo :consist-of arm :mod large ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 25 ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( collect :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( ransom :poss pirate ) :arg1-of possible :time soon ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 8 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.6", "sent": "on 08 october 2008 maritime officials and associates of the somali pirates who on 25 september 2008 hijacked a ukrainian freighter carrying a large cargo of arms stated that the pirates may soon be collecting their ransom ."}, {"amr": "ship :path ( route :direction ( port :wiki mombasa :name ( name :op1 mombasa ) :poss ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) :mod main ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.20", "sent": "the ship was en route to kenya 's main port of mombasa ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( give :arg0 doctor :arg1 medication :arg2 she ) :op2 ( make :arg0 medication :arg1 ( good :degree ( more :quant much ) :domain she ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.18", "sent": "the doctors gave her medication and it 's made her much better ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( cycle :arg1 ( fuel :mod nucleus ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.13", "sent": "iran has the nuclear fuel cycle ."}, {"amr": "infiltrate :arg0 ( person :quant several :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 agent ) ) :arg1 group :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( event :wiki - :name ( name :op1 scorpion ) :arg1-of plan ) ) :purpose ( gather :arg0 person :arg1 ( information :topic ( person :arg0-of ( command :arg1 ( and :op1 ( rebel :mod main ) :op2 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.11", "sent": "as part of the scorpion plan several agents infiltrated into the groups to gather information on the main rebel and drug-trafficking commanders ."}, {"amr": "base :arg1-of notorious :mod pirate :domain ( city :wiki harardhere :name ( name :op1 xarardheere ) ) :location ( coast :poss ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.9", "sent": "xarardheere is a notorious pirate base on the coast of somalia ."}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of ( negotiate :arg2 ( program :topic ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :poss ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) ) :mod head :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :domain ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.6", "sent": "hill is the head american negotiator on north korea 's nuclear weapons program ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 7 :day 26 :year 2008", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 07 @-@ 26"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( healthy :degree very :domain ( economy :mod country ) :mod general ) :op2 ( grow :arg1 economy :manner fast ) :op3 ( increase :arg1 ( profit :arg0 corporate ) ) :op4 ( improve :arg1 ( produce :mod farming ) ) :op5 ( expand :arg1 ( volume :mod ( trade :mod foreign ) ) ) :op6 ( grow :arg1 ( and :op1 ( revenue :mod finance ) :op2 ( income :mod individual ) ) :manner rapid ) ) :time ( ask :arg1 ( comment :arg0 person :arg3 ( and :op1 ( temper :arg1 ( economy :mod ( grow :manner rapid ) :poss ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :manner amr-unknown ) :op2 ( realize :arg1 ( grow :mod balance ) :manner amr-unknown ) ) ) :arg2 person )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.39", "sent": "when asked to comment on how to temper china 's rapidly growing economy and how to realize balanced growth wen stated that the chinese economy is very healthy in general with fast growth , increasing corporate profits , improving agricultural production , expanding foreign trade volume and rapidly growing fiscal revenue and individual incomes ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg0 i :arg1 ( go :arg0 you :purpose ( see :arg0 you :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 doctor ) ) :mod too ) ) :arg2 you", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.23", "sent": "i 'd reccomend you go and see your doctor too ."}, {"amr": "have-part :arg1 ( coalition :arg1-of broad :arg0-of ( support :arg1 ( war :wiki iranian_revolution :name ( name :op1 iranian :op2 revolution ) ) :time initial ) :arg0-of ( participate :arg1 ( take-over :arg1 ( embassy :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 teheran ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1979 ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.18", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen was part of the broad coalition that initially supported the iranian revolution and participated in the takeover in 790000 of the us embassy in teheran ."}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( repository :mod virus :mod large ) :arg2 ( country-region :wiki siberia :name ( name :op1 siberia ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.11", "sent": "a large virus repository is located in siberia ."}, {"amr": "hope :arg0 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) ) :arg1 ( relay :arg0 ( media :mod news :mod ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) ) :arg1 ( greet :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( person :mod country ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.11", "sent": "peng li hoped that the kirghizian news media would relay greetings from the chinese people to the kirghizian people ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( know :arg0 i :arg1 ( easy :arg1 say :degree more :compared-to do ) ) :snt1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( anxiety :mod ( severe :degree more ) ) :time now ) :op2 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( sign :arg0-of warn :domain this ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( and :op1 ( try :arg0 you :arg1 ( wean :arg2 habit :time ( fresh :arg1 habit :mod relative ) ) :mod just ) :op2 ( visit :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 doctor ) ) :mod definite :arg1-of ( contrast :arg2 ( tell :arg0 you :arg1 ( keep :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( check :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :mod this ) ) ) :arg2 you :mod also ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.16", "sent": "i now have more severe anxiety and think this was just a warning sign so just try and wean yourself out of the habit while it 's relatively fresh-definitely visit your doctor but also tell yourself not to keep checking these things ( easier said than done i know ) ."}, {"amr": "face :arg0 ( complex :mod laboratory :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :mod ( security :arg1-of high ) :arg2-of ( store :arg1 ( and :op1 anthrax :op2 plague :op3 ( bacterium :arg0-of kill :mod other ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( lose :arg0 complex :arg1 electricity ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( lack :arg0 complex :arg1 ( pay :arg0 complex :arg2 ( utility :wiki mosenergo :name ( name :op1 mosenergo ) :mod electricity ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.4", "sent": "a high-security russian laboratory complex storing anthrax , plague and other deadly bacteria faces loosing electricity for lack of payment to the mosenergo electric utility ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( occupy :arg0 ( person :wiki fu_mingxia :name ( name :op1 mingxia :op2 fu ) ) :arg1 ( position :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) :arg2 ( score :arg0 person :arg1 ( point :arg1-of ( total :arg2 339.12 ) ) ) ) :op2 ( occupy :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bin :op2 chi ) ) :arg1 ( position :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 3 ) ) :manner ( score :arg0 person :arg1 ( point :arg1-of ( total :arg2 290.19 ) ) ) ) :mod respective :duration temporary :time ( dispatch :arg0 ( person :arg0-of report :mod this ) ) :time ( round :quant 6 :arg1 compete :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.3", "sent": "at the time this reporter dispatched , in the first 6 rounds of competition , mingxia fu and bin chi are temporarily occupying the first and third positions with total scores of 339.12 and 290.19 points respectively ."}, {"amr": "smash :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( syndicate :arg0-of ( steal :mod transnational ) :arg0-of ( specialize :arg1 ( exploit :arg1 youngster :arg2 ( commit :arg0 youngster :arg1 ( crime :arg1 various ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( syndicate :arg2-of criminal :arg0-of ( cross :arg1 boundary ) :arg0-of specialize ) :op3 ( gang :poss ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) :arg1-of local :arg0-of specialize ) ) :time recent", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.5", "sent": "recently , the hong kong police have smashed a transnational theft syndicate , a cross-boundary criminal syndicate and a local triad gang specializing in exploiting youngsters to commit various crimes ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.14", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 lorenzo :op2 campos ) :arg0-of farm :location ( state :wiki anzo\u00e1tegui :name ( name :op1 anzoategui ) :location ( north :part-of ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( train :arg1 reservist :arg2 person )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.25", "sent": "lorenzo campos is a farmer in anzoategui state in northern venezuela and is training as a reservist ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( agency :mod another :mod news :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1 ( refer :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( centrifuge :quant ( multiple :op1 100000 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.12", "sent": "another iranian news agency stated that ahmadinejad referred to 100000 s of centrifuges ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( agree :arg0 i ) :snt2 ( thing :quant 1 :mod other :domain ( business :polarity - :poss he :domain ( or :op1 ( date :arg0 you ) :op2 ( date :polarity - :arg0 you ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.22", "sent": "i 'd agree - one other thing it is none of his business whether you date or not ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 economy :mod ( area :arg1-of ( key :arg2 ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg2 member ) ) ) ) ) ) :manner state", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.15", "sent": "tang stated that economic cooperation is a key area for cooperation between the sco members , stating --"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( declare :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( program :mod ( nucleus :quant all ) ) ) :op2 ( disable :arg0 person :arg1 ( facility :quant all ) ) :arg1-of ( return :arg0 person :arg3 ( oil :mod fuel :quant ( mass-quantity :quant 950000 :unit ton :mod further ) ) ) :time ( phase :mod next :part-of agreement )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.19", "sent": "north korean officials will declare all nuclear programs and disable all facilities in return for a further 950000 tons of fuel oil in the next phase of the agreement ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( and :op1 ( strengthen :arg0 state :arg1 ( sense :mod common :mod politics ) :topic cooperate ) :op2 ( regard :arg0 state :arg1 cooperate :arg2 ( problem :mod strategy :arg0-of ( affect :arg1 ( and :op1 ( security :mod region ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( state :mod all :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 member ) ) :purpose ( gain :arg0 strengthen :arg1 ( benefit :mod substantial ) :arg2 ( cooperate :arg2 ( and :op1 economy :op2 trade ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.16", "sent": "to gain substantial benefits from economic and trade cooperation , all member states should strengthen political common sense over economic and trade cooperation and regard economic and trade cooperation as a strategic problem that could affect regional security and the sco 's development ."}, {"amr": "see :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( have-purpose :arg1 ( claim :arg1 ( solve :arg2 ( balance :poss-of ( nature :mod dynamic :arg1-of ( change :time ever ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.71", "sent": "i do n't see there is any point in claiming as \" a solution \" a balance that is dynamic and ever changing in nature ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 guojun :op2 yang ) :arg0-of report ) :location ( city :wiki beijing :name ( name :op1 beijing ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , beijing , september 1 st , by reporter guojun yang"}, {"amr": "damn :arg1 ( sexy :polarity - )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5313.1", "sent": "damn it being not sexy"}, {"amr": "collaborate :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hkust ) ) :arg1 ( company :arg0-of manufacture :mod prominence :location mainland ) :arg2 ( develop :arg1 ( battery :consist-of lithium :mod ( capacity :arg1-of high ) :arg1-of ( base :arg2 nanomaterial ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.16", "sent": "hkust also collaborated with a prominent mainland manufacturer on the development of a nanomaterial-based high-capacity lithium battery ."}, {"amr": "abide :arg0 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( rule :mod ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :quant all ) :op2 ( agree :arg1 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.28", "sent": "ukraine abides by all united nations rules and arms control agreements ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( suffer :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 mum ) ) :arg1 ( disease :wiki bipolar_disorder :name ( name :op1 bipolar ) ) :mod also ) :op2 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 depression )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.15", "sent": "also my mum suffers from bi polar and i have depression"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( involve :arg1 ( center :mod space ) :arg2 ( launch :arg1 ( missile :mod ballistics :mod intercontinental ) ) :mod also ) :op2 ( work :arg0 center :arg1 plan :purpose ( develop :arg0 center :arg1 ( system :arg0-of defend :arg0-of ( warn :time early ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.9", "sent": "the space center is also involved in launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles and is working on a plan to develop defensive early warning systems ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 9 :day 5", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 09 @-@ 05"}, {"amr": "place :arg1 ( alert :arg1 ( and :op1 military :op2 police ) :time ( week :arg1-of ( start :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 5 ) ) :mod holy ) :arg1-of high )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.14", "sent": "the military and police have been placed on high alert for the holy week starting april 5 , 2004 ."}, {"amr": "enter :arg0 ( and :op1 ( troop :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( vehicle :arg1-of armor ) ) :arg1 ( country-region :wiki south_ossetia :name ( name :op1 south :op2 ossetia ) ) :time ( early :op1 ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 ) :degree more )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.9", "sent": "earlier on 8 august 2008 russian troops and armored vehicles entered south ossetia ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( organization :wiki south_african_press_association :name ( name :op1 south :op2 african :op3 press :op4 association ) ) :arg1 ( arrive :arg1 ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 lula :op2 da :op3 silva ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg4 ( city :wiki pretoria :name ( name :op1 pretoria ) :location ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :dayperiod evening ) :purpose ( discuss :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 politics :op2 economy :mod bilateral ) :arg2 ( person :wiki thabo_mbeki :name ( name :op1 thabo :op2 mbeki ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 country :arg2 president ) ) :arg1-of ( schedule :arg2 ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 8 :dayperiod morning ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 8 :month 11 :day 7 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.5", "sent": "the south african press association reported on 031108 that the brazilian president lula da silva arrived in pretoria , south africa on the evening of 031107 for bilateral political and economic discussions scheduled for the morning of 031108 with south african president thabo mbeki ."}, {"amr": "collect :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 attorney :op2 general's :op3 office ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( document :mod accuse :arg1-of ( hand-over :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( army :mod ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) ) :arg2 general ) :arg1-of ( name :polarity - ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.9", "sent": "the attorney general \" s office report collected an accusatory document handed over by an unnamed peruvian army general ."}, {"amr": "finance :arg0 ( research-institute :wiki international_science_and_technology_center :name ( name :op1 international :op2 science :op3 and :op4 technology :op5 center ) ) :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :arg1-of ( budget :arg2 ( support :arg0 research-institute :arg1 ( about :op1 ( and :quant 350 :op1 scientist :op2 technician :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :mod biowarfare ) ) ) ) ) :arg3 ( approximately :op1 1/2 ) ) :poss ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.26", "sent": "the international science and technology center finances approximately half of general nikolai n. urakov 's budget to support about 350 russian biowarfare scientists and technicians ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( see :arg0 he :arg1 person :concession regardless :condition ( love :arg0 he :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 he :arg2 son ) ) :manner real ) ) :arg2 ( method :purpose control :arg1-of typical :mod just :arg1-of ( use :arg0 ( person :example he ) ) :domain this )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.16", "sent": "if he really loves his son , he 'll see him regardless , but this is just a typical control method that people like him use ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg0-of ( appreciate :arg1 ( propose :arg0 ( country :location ( world-region :wiki central_asia :name ( name :op1 central :op2 asia ) ) :quant some ) :arg1 ( enhance :arg1 ( cooperate :arg1 ( counter :arg1 drug ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( support :arg0 government-organization :arg1 propose ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.12", "sent": "tang stated that the chinese government appreciated and supported some central asian countries \" proposals on enhancing anti-drug cooperation ."}, {"amr": "suggest :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) :arg2 official ) :quant some ) :arg1 ( approach :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( plan :mod ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) ) :time previous", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.32", "sent": "some officials from nsg countries have previously suggested an approach like the israeli plan ."}, {"amr": "inspect :arg0 ( team :mod chemical :arg1-of ( support :arg0 ( and :op1 ( team :mod missile ) :op2 ( team :mod biology ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_monitoring,_verification_and_inspection_commission :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 monitoring :op4 verification :op5 and :op6 inspection :op7 commission ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ibn :op2 younis :op3 center ) :mod ( establishment :location-of ( design :mod mechanics ) :location ( city :wiki baghdad :name ( name :op1 baghdad ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.10", "sent": "a united nations monitoring , verification and inspection commission chemical team with support from the missile and biological teams inspected the ibn younis center , which was a mechanical design establishment in baghdad ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki gloria_macapagal-arroyo :name ( name :op1 gloria :op2 macapagal-arroyo ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( watch :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg1 ( person :location country :arg0-of ( teach :arg1 ( make :arg0 and :arg1 bomb ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of rebel :arg1-of local ) :op2 terrorist ) :arg1-of possible ) :arg0-of ( launder :arg1 money :source ( criminal-organization :wiki al-qaeda :name ( name :op1 al-qaeda ) :mod terrorist ) ) :mod foreign ) :manner close ) :time statement :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 7 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.17", "sent": "president gloria macapagal-arroyo said in a statement on april 7 , 2004 that the government is closely watching foreigners in the country who may have taught the local rebels and terrorists to make bombs or have laundered money from the al-qaeda terrorist group ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza ) ) :arg1 ( full :arg1 ( history :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg2 ( aggression :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.20", "sent": "espinoza said us history is full of aggression in latin america ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 tmt ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have-purpose :arg1 it :arg2 ( benefit :arg1 ( plan :mod ( business :arg1-of private ) ) ) ) :op2 ( have-purpose :polarity - :arg1 it :arg2 ( serve :arg1 ( interest :poss public ) ) ) :location ( state :wiki virginia :name ( name :op1 virginia ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.66", "sent": "tmt said \" in virginia , it 's to benefit private business plans and not to serve the public interest . \""}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( sign :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( pact :mod multilateral :topic ( cooperate :arg2 ( counter :arg1 drug ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.13", "sent": "tang stated that the chinese government signed multilateral anti-drug cooperation pact ."}, {"amr": "visit :arg0 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) :time ( display :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( uneasy :arg1 government-organization :arg2 ( and :op1 ( expand :arg1 ( military :wiki nato :name ( name :op1 nato ) ) :arg4 ( border :arg2 country ) :time ( late :degree most ) ) :op2 ( enlarge :arg1 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 european :op2 union ) ) :arg2 ( sphere :mod ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) :arg1-of influence :location ( world-region :wiki eastern_europe :name ( name :op1 eastern :op2 europe ) ) :time former ) :mod imminent ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.13", "sent": "chirac 's visit has come while the russian government has displayed uneasiness about nato 's latest expansion to the russian borders and the european union 's imminent enlargement within the former soviet sphere of influence in eastern europe ."}, {"amr": "difficult :domain ( reach :arg1 ( consensus :topic ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :time ( meet :arg0 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 11 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.18", "sent": "consensus on india will be difficult to reach when the nsg meets in november 2007 ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( pain :location arse :degree bit :domain section ) :op2 ( blame :arg0 you :arg1 section :arg2 ( problem :quant all :poss you ) ) ) :arg1 ( want :mode interrogative :arg0 you :arg1 ( section :arg1 she ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.31", "sent": "so you want her sectioned cos she is a bit of a pain in the arse and you 've blamed all your problems on her ?"}, {"amr": "country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 federation )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.2", "sent": "russian federation ( ru )"}, {"amr": "zone :arg1 it :arg2 ( speed-quantity :quant 55 :unit mph ) :location-of ( car :frequency ( rate-entity :arg1 ( between :op1 75 :op2 100 ) :arg2 ( morning :duration amr-unknown ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.82", "sent": "it 's a 55 mph zone - 75 to 100 cars in \" a morning \" - over how much time ?"}, {"amr": "punish :arg1 ( website :prep-with ( material :arg1-of ( contrary :arg2 ( teach :mod ( religious-group :wiki sunni_islam :name ( name :op1 sunni ) ) ) ) ) :mod any )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.21", "sent": "any website with material that was contrary to sunni teachings would be punished ."}, {"amr": "claim :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( pave :arg0 you :arg1 ( way :poss you ) :arg2 ( out :arg2 congest ) ) ) :condition ( build :arg0 you :location ( place :location-of ( need :mod ( acute :time already ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.43", "sent": "if you build where the need is already acute , then the claim is you can n't pave your way out of congestion ."}, {"amr": "hijack :arg1 ( ship :quant ( more-than :op1 25 ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 ) :location ( off :op1 ( coast :mod ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) ) ) :arg2-of ( ransom :arg1 ( between :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) :op2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 2000000 :unit ( dollar :mod country ) ) ) :arg3 ship :arg1-of typical )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.16", "sent": "more than 25 ships have been hijacked in 2008 off the somalia coast with a typical ransom of between 1 and 2 million u.s. dollars ."}, {"amr": "increase :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hkust ) ) :arg1 ( fund :arg1 ( research :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of ( require :arg0 ( industry :location ( country-region :wiki pearl_river_delta :name ( name :op1 pearl :op2 river :op3 delta ) ) ) ) :mod new ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.19", "sent": "hkust is increasing funding to research new technologies required by industry in the pearl river delta ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( speak :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( city :wiki frankfurt :name ( name :op1 frankfurt ) ) :mod brief :time ( tour :arg0 person :arg1 ( nation :location ( world-region :wiki nordic_countries :name ( name :op1 north ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1988 ) ) ) ) :op2 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 sincere :op2 fruitful :domain ( friendship :mod ( between :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( activity :arg0 friendship ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.14", "sent": "wen spoke of his brief visit to frankfurt during a tour of nordic nations in 1988 and stated that the friendship between china and germany is sincere , active and fruitful ."}, {"amr": "obvious :arg1 ( problem :arg1-of local ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( lumpy :domain ( dough :mod cookie :mod this ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.69", "sent": "obviously there are local problems because this cookie dough is lumpy ,"}, {"amr": "collaborate :arg0 ( university :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( sector :mod ( education :mod tertiary ) ) :op2 ( sector :mod business ) :op3 ( sector :mod ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) :mod ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( direct :arg0 university :arg1 ( and :op1 ( program :mod train ) :op2 ( center :mod research ) ) :arg2 ( promote :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 ( commercialize :arg1 research ) :op3 ( transfer :arg1 technology ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.6", "sent": "hong kong universities have collaborated with tertiary education , business and government sectors of mainland china to direct training programs and research centers to promote research commercialization and technology transfer ."}, {"amr": "wonder :polarity - :arg1 ( suffer :arg0 we :arg1 ( problem :topic congest ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( match :polarity - :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( expend :arg0 we :arg2 road ) ) :arg2 ( thing :arg2-of ( increase :arg1 ( or :op1 business :op2 ( product :mod domestic :mod state ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.59", "sent": "since our road expenditures nowhere near match the increase in business or state domestic product , it is no wonder we suffer congestion problems ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( story :mod ( page :mod front ) :part-of ( newspaper :wiki el_comercio_[peru] :name ( name :op1 el :op2 comercio ) :mod nation :poss ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( authorize :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( deal :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( military :location ( country-region :wiki huallaga_province :name ( name :op1 alto :op2 huallaga ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 drug ) :purpose ( find :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( group :wiki shining_path :name ( name :op1 shinning :op2 path ) :arg0-of rebel ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( criminal-organization :wiki t\u00fapac_amaru_revolutionary_movement :name ( name :op1 tupac :op2 amaru :op3 revolutionary :op4 movement ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.6", "sent": "a front-page story in peru 's national daily el comercio said montesinos could have authorized the military leadership at alto huallaga to deal in drugs so as to find the leaders of the rebel group shinning path and the tupac amaru revolutionary movement ."}, {"amr": "do :arg0 i :topic ( disease :wiki obsessive\u2013compulsive_disorder :name ( name :op1 ocd ) ) :mod ( emoticon :value :p ) :subevent ( class :topic psychology :time today )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.18", "sent": "i did about ocd in psycology today :p"}, {"amr": "x", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.17", "sent": "x"}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( conform :arg1 ( and :op1 ( purpose :poss ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 cooperation :op3 organization ) ) ) :op2 ( principle :poss organization ) ) :arg2 reality ) :op2 ( conducive :domain ( and :op1 ( trend :mod develop ) :op2 ( activity :arg0 organization ) ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( peace :mod region ) :op2 ( stability :mod region ) ) ) ) :mod further :medium communique", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.14", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan further agree in the communique that the shanghai cooperation organization 's purposes and principles conform to reality and the development trend and the sco 's activities are conducive to regional peace and stability ."}, {"amr": "express :arg0 he :arg1 ( promote :arg0 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 premier ) ) :mod this ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( peace :poss ( world-region :wiki central_asia :name ( name :op1 central :op2 asia ) ) ) :op2 ( security :poss world-region ) :op3 ( stability :poss world-region ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.7", "sent": "he expressed that , this visit by premier peng li would promote the peace , security and stability of the central asian region ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 randall :op2 lee :op3 beatty ) ) :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki international_science_and_technology_center :name ( name :op1 international :op2 science :op3 and :op4 technology :op5 center ) ) :arg2 director", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.25", "sent": "randall lee beatty is a director of the international science and technology center ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 6 :day 24 :year 2003", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.1", "sent": "2003 @-@ 06 @-@ 24"}, {"amr": "rumor :arg1 ( win :arg0 ( female :quant some :mod even :mod super :arg1-of star ) :arg1 ( role :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :poss female ) :manner ( way :mod this ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.8", "sent": "it 's rumored that even some super female stars won their first roles in this way ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( brandish :arg0 we :arg1 ( weapon :poss we ) ) :op2 ( cross :arg0 we :direction east )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.23", "sent": "brandish our weapons and cross to the east"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( scientist :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 america ) ) :arg0-of ( work :arg3 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :degree close ) ) :arg1 ( responsible :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( pay :arg0 government-organization :arg3 ( bill :mod electric :poss research-institute ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.20", "sent": "an american scientist who works closely with the state scientific center of applied microbiology stated that the russian government was responsible for paying for the state scientific center of applied microbiology 's electric bills ."}, {"amr": "lack :arg0 they :arg1 ( experience :arg0 they :arg1 ( compete :mod international ) ) :time still", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.13", "sent": "they still lack experience in international competitions ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( kill :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( policeman :quant several ) ) :op2 ( wound :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 policeman ) :location ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 ( break-down :arg1 ( talk :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 peace :arg2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.4", "sent": "several policemen killed and wounded by guerrillas in nepal following a breakdown in peace talks between guerrillas and the nepali government ."}, {"amr": "participate :arg0 ( team :quant ( 12 :arg2-of ( total :arg1 team ) ) ) :arg1 compete", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.9", "sent": "there are 12 teams totally participating in the competition ."}, {"amr": "mobilize :arg0 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg1 ( reserve :mod military )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.19", "sent": "georgia mobilized military reserves ."}, {"amr": "this :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 amr-unknown )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.3", "sent": "why is this ! ?"}, {"amr": "repeat :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( assert :arg0 country :arg1 ( aim :arg0 ( program :mod nucleus :poss country ) :arg1 ( produce :arg0 country :arg1 electricity :mod only :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( contradict :arg0 ( produce :arg1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) ) :arg1 ( principle :mod ( religious-group :wiki islam :name ( name :op1 islam ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.17", "sent": "iran has repeatedly asserted that its nuclear program aims to produce only electricity because nuclear weapon production contradicts islamic principles ."}, {"amr": "reach :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg1 ( agree :arg0 organization :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg0-of ( state :arg1 ( and :op1 ( issue :polarity - :arg1-of remain ) :op2 ( ambiguity :polarity - :arg1-of remain ) :arg0-of ( regard :arg1 ( and :op1 ( program :mod nucleus :poss country ) :op2 ( activity :arg0 country :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.4", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency reached an agreement with iranian officials that stated there were no remaining issues and ambiguities regarding iran 's nuclear program and activities ."}, {"amr": "incident :mod bomb :arg1-of major :quant ( at-least :op1 5 ) :location ( valley :wiki kathmandu_valley :name ( name :op1 kathmandu :op2 valley ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 28 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 9 :day 4 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.8", "sent": "at least 5 major bomb incidents occurred in the kathmandu valley 20020828 @-@ 20020904 ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki dominique_de_villepin :name ( name :op1 de :op2 villepin ) ) :arg1 ( act :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg1-of ( base :arg2 justice :manner strict ) :manner ( determine :arg0 person :arg1 ( try :arg0 person :arg1 ( fight :arg0 person :arg1 terrorism ) :mod all ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.8", "sent": "de villepin said the french had acted strictly on the basis of justice and with the determination to make all efforts to fight terrorism ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( commit :arg1 country :arg2 ( halt :arg0 country :arg1 expand ) ) :concession-of ( hint :arg0 country :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( halt :time future ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.5", "sent": "iran refuses commitment to halt expansion but hints a possible future halt ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 27", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.1", "sent": "2007 @-@ 08 @-@ 27"}, {"amr": "engage :arg1 ( and :op1 ( reservist :quant 100000 ) :op2 ( navy :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( game :mod war :mod massive ) :purpose ( repel :arg0 game :arg1 ( country :arg1-of ( strong :degree more ) :arg0-of invade ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2005 :month 6 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.52", "sent": "100000 reservists in 050600 engaged with the venezuelan navy in a massive war game to repel a stronger country that had invaded ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( defy :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg1 ( condemn :arg0 ( world :mod whole ) :arg1 country :arg1-of strong ) :arg0-of surprise ) :op2 ( invade :arg1 ( territory :poss ( country :poss we ) :mod sacred :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) ) ) ) :arg1-of open )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.4", "sent": "japan surprisingly defied the strong condemnation of the whole world , openly invaded our country 's sacred territory , \" the diaoyu islands \" ."}, {"amr": "do :arg0 i :arg1 amr-unknown", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.21", "sent": "what do i do"}, {"amr": "tell :polarity - :arg0 i :arg2 he :concession-of ( find-out :arg0 he )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.19", "sent": "i dont tell him but he finds out ,"}, {"amr": "deliver :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 souyasen ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki ministry_of_health,_labour,_and_welfare :name ( name :op1 state :op2 welfare :op3 ministry ) :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod vice ) ) ) :arg1 ( speech :mod depart :arg0-of bolster ) :arg2 delegation", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.6", "sent": "vice-minister of the japanese state welfare ministry , souyasen , delivered a \" bolstering departure speech \" to the delegation ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 affairs :op3 department ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( strategic :domain ( relate :arg1 country :arg2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( have :arg0 country :arg1 ( population :consist-of ( person :mod ( origin :mod ( continent :wiki africa :name ( name :op1 africa ) ) ) :location ( outside :op1 continent ) ) :mod ( large :degree most ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.13", "sent": "the south african foreign affairs department stated that relations between south africa and brazil were strategic in the sense that brazil had the largest population of people of african origin outside the continent of africa ."}, {"amr": "represent :arg0 ( posture :mod solemn :mod magnificent ) :arg1 ( expect :arg1 peace :mod sacred )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.27", "sent": "the solemn and magnificent posture represents a sacred expectation for peace ."}, {"amr": "cut :arg0 ( company :wiki rao_ues :name ( name :op1 united :op2 energy :op3 systems ) :mod nation ) :arg1 ( power :time ( date-entity :year 2001 :month 1 ) :time ( date-entity :year 2001 :month 2 ) ) :location ( installation :mod military :location ( around :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :quant number )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.37", "sent": "in 010100 and 010200 the national utility , united energy systems cut power to a number of military installations around russia ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 study :arg1 ( attribute :arg1 ( rate-entity :arg1 ( output :arg1-of high ) :arg2 ( area-quantity :quant 1 :unit acre ) ) :arg2 ( season :mod ( grow :mod good ) :location south ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.10", "sent": "the study stated that the high output per acre was attributed to a good growing season in the south ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( possible :arg1 ( develop :arg3 we :mod commerce ) ) :op2 ( possible :arg1 ( work :arg0 we :location ( close :arg2 ( live :arg0 we ) :degree more ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.85", "sent": "we can actually get some commercial development and have the ability to work closer to where we live ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( businessman :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ahmed :op2 omar ) :location ( city :wiki harardhere :name ( name :op1 xarardheere ) :location ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( agree :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( ransom :quant ( approximately :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 8000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( own :arg1 ship ) ) ) :op2 ( free :arg1 ship :arg1-of possible :time ( or :op1 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 8 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 9 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.8", "sent": "a businessman in xarardheere , somalia named ahmed omar stated that the pirates and the ship owners have agreed on a ransom of approximately 8 million u.s. dollars and the ship may be freed on 08 october 2008 or 09 october 2008 ."}, {"amr": "believe :arg1 ( plant :arg0 ( insurgent :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 bomb )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.7", "sent": "anti-government insurgents are believed to have planted the bomb ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 18 :month 6 :year 2007", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.1", "sent": "2007 @-@ 06 @-@ 18"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki liu_huaqing :name ( name :op1 huaqing :op2 liu ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :op2 ( person :mod ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( friendship :mod tradition ) ) :op2 ( friendly :arg1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg2 country ) :mod too :degree very :mod also ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.3", "sent": "huaqing liu said that , the people of china and thailand have traditional friendship and the relationship between the two countries was also very friendly too ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 telecom :op3 technology :op4 crime :op5 ( person :arg0-of lead ) :op6 media :op7 dissent", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.3", "sent": "international ; telecom ; technology ; crime ; leader ; media ; dissent"}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 guofang :op2 shen ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki ministry_of_foreign_affairs_of_the_people's_republic_of_china :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 ministry ) ) :arg2 spokesperson ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki \u00e1rp\u00e1d_g\u00f6ncz :name ( name :op1 gentzs :op2 aerpade ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki hungary :name ( name :op1 hungary :op2 republic ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :mod state :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 14 ) :op2 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 17 ) ) :arg2-of ( invite :arg0 ( person :wiki jiang_zemin :name ( name :op1 zemin :op2 jiang ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) ) ) :time ( conference :mod news :arg1-of ( hold :time ( afternoon :mod this ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0303.2", "sent": "guofang shen , the foreign ministry spokesperson , announced at a news conference held this afternoon that president gentzs aerpade of the hungary republic , would pay a state visit to china from september 14 th to the 17 th at the invitation of president zemin jiang ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( mention :arg0 ( document :arg1-of ( sign :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( army :mod ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) ) :arg2 officer :time former ) :arg1-of ( rank :arg1-of high ) ) ) :arg1-of ( disclose :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 25 ) ) ) :arg1 ( link :arg1 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) ) :op2 ( possible :arg1 ( compromise :arg0 document :arg1 ( situation :poss ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 vladimiro :op2 montesinos ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki national_intelligence_service_[peru] :name ( name :op1 national :op2 intelligence :op3 service ) :poss country ) :time former ) ) ) :degree further ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.5", "sent": "a document signed by a former high-ranking officer of the peruvian army and disclosed on 020725 mentions links with drug trafficking and could further compromise the situation of the former head of the national intelligence service of peru vladimiro montesinos ."}, {"amr": "emerge :arg0 ( question :arg0-of ( regard :arg1 ( and :op1 ( ship :arg1 arm :path ( route :direction ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) ) ) :op2 ( deal :arg0 country :arg1 ( country :wiki south_sudan :name ( name :op1 south :op2 sudan ) ) :arg2 arm :mod clandestine :arg1-of possible ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.5", "sent": "questions have emerged regarding the shipment of arms en route to kenya and of a possible clandestine arms deal between kenya and south sudan ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) :arg0-of lead ) :quant several ) :arg1 ( attempt :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( avoid :arg0 country :arg1 ( punish :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 security :op3 council ) ) :arg1 country :degree further ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.17", "sent": "several western governments and leading arms control experts stated that iran is attempting to avoid further punishment by the u.n. security council ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( know :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i ) ) :mod simple ) :op2 ( follow-through :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 thing :time ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i ) ) ) :time ever ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 friend ) ) :arg1 ( lazy :domain i ) :frequency often ) :op2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( disagree :arg0 i :time ( time :quant lot ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( and :op1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( try :arg0 person :arg1 ( everything :arg1-of ( do :arg0 anyone :arg2 ( help :arg0 anyone ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( fail :arg1 i :mod ( again :op1 time :op2 time ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.7", "sent": "i simply do n't know what to do , and when i think of things to do , i never follow through with it . friends often say i 'm lazy , and i can n't disagree a lot of the time . i feel like everything anyone could do to help , people have tried , and time and time again i fail ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 proliferate :op4 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op5 politics :op6 energy", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; proliferation ; government ; politics ; energy"}, {"amr": "agency :mod ( watchdog :mod nucleus ) :mod ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :domain ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.27", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency is the united nations 's nuclear watchdog agency ."}, {"amr": "make :arg1 ( available :arg2 list ) :arg1-of ( condition :arg2 ( identify :polarity - :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :op2 ( country :source-of person ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.13", "sent": "the list was made available on condition that neither the diplomat nor the diplomat 's country be identified ."}, {"amr": "operate :arg1 ( address :mod ( url-entity :value www.sistani.com ) :mod alternative ) :mod still", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.11", "sent": "an alternative address , www.sistani.com , was still operational ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( get :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 lawyer ) :op2 ( divorce :mode imperative :arg0 you )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.30", "sent": "get a lawyer and get a divorce ."}, {"amr": "escalate :arg0 airstrike :arg1 ( conflict :location ( area :mod separatist :part-of ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.5", "sent": "the airstrikes escalated conflict in a separatist area of georgia ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( measure :arg1 ( counter :arg1 drug ) ) :arg3 ( thing :arg1-of ( task :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( thing :mod top :arg1-of ( task :arg2 ( organization :mod region :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 terrorist ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.14", "sent": "tang stated anti-drug measures as one of the top tasks of regional anti-terrorist organizations ."}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :poss ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( detail :arg1 ( deal :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( firm :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :arg2 ( purchase :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( rifle :quant 100000 :wiki ak-103 :name ( name :op1 ak-103 ) :instrument-of assault :accompanier ( round :quant 30 :consist-of ammunition ) :mod each ) ) :arg3 ( monetary-quantity :quant 18600000 :unit dollar ) ) ) :op2 ( transfer :arg1 technology :arg2 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :purpose ( manufacture :arg0 country :arg1 rifle ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2005 :month 5 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.27", "sent": "in may , chavez 's government announced details in 050500 of an $ 18.6 million deal with a russian firm to purchase 100000 ak- 103 assault rifles with 30 rounds of ammunition each and the technology transfer for venezuela to manufacture the rifles ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( possible :arg1 ( go :arg0 you :arg4 library :time ( date-entity :weekday saturday ) ) ) :op2 ( study :arg0 you :location library :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 8 :unit hour :mod good ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.29", "sent": "you could go to the library on saturdays and do a good 8 hours of studying there ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( and :op1 ( possessive :arg0 he :degree very ) :op2 ( controlling :domain he :degree very ) ) :arg2 ( right :polarity - :arg1 he :arg2 and :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( together :domain we ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.4", "sent": "he is very possesive and controlling but he has no right to be as we are not together ."}, {"amr": "manufacture :arg1 ( aircraft :quant 5000 :purpose combat :arg1-of advanced :mod ( kind :mod various ) ) :li 3", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.3", "sent": "3. manufacture 5000 advanced combat aircraft of various kinds ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( proliferate :polarity - ) ) :quant most :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :arg1 ( contain :arg0 ( agree :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 21 ) ) :arg1 ( little :arg0-of ( dissuade :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( make :arg1 policy ) :location ( and :op1 ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington ) ) :op2 ( city :wiki london :name ( name :op1 london ) ) :op3 ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) :op4 ( city :wiki berlin :name ( name :op1 berlin ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( move :arg0 person :arg1 ( round :arg1 ( sanction :mod ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) ) ) :mod another ) :arg2 forward ) :arg1-of possible ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.21", "sent": "most western nonproliferation experts stated the agreement on 21 august 2007 contained little that could dissuade policymakers in washington , london , paris and berlin from moving forward with another round of security council sanctions ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( think :arg0 person :arg1 ( crazy :arg1 i ) ) :arg2 ( difficult :domain ( get :arg0 you :arg1 you :arg2 ( out :arg1 you :arg2 this ) ) :manner ( strange :degree very ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.13", "sent": "people would think i 'm crazy , but it 's very strangely difficult to get yourself out of this ."}, {"amr": "win :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki liu_xiaoguang :name ( name :op1 xiaoguang :op2 liu ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki chang_hao :name ( name :op1 hao :op2 chang ) ) :op3 ( person :wiki nie_weiping :name ( name :op1 weiping :op2 nie ) ) ) :arg2 ( game :mod middle ) :arg1-of include", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.6", "sent": "among which , weiping nie , xiaoguang liu and hao chang both achieved victories in the middle games ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( anticipate :arg1 shut-down :arg1-of long ) :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 ( talk :arg0 person :arg2 ( person :wiki wu_dawei :name ( name :op1 wu :op2 dawei ) :arg0-of negotiate :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.8", "sent": "following talks with chinese negotiator wu dawei hill stated the shutdown has long been anticipated ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( belong :arg0 ( island :wiki senkaku_islands :name ( name :op1 diaoyu :op2 islands ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :time always :arg1-of ( know :arg0 ( we :mod all ) ) ) :snt2 ( cause :arg0 ( reason :mod history ) :arg1 ( become :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( belong :arg1 we :mod original ) ) :arg2 controversy ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.5", "sent": "as we all know , the \" diaoyu islands \" have always belonged to china ; due to historical reasons , what originally belongs us has become controversial ."}, {"amr": "expire :arg1 ( state :mod emergency :extent nationwide :location ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit month ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 28 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.6", "sent": "20020828 a nine month long nationwide state of emergency in nepal expired ."}, {"amr": "escalate :arg0 ( insurgent :location ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 bomb :op2 murder ) :arg1-of ( follow :arg2 ( end :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.4", "sent": "anti-government insurgents in nepal escalate bombings and murders following end of state of emergency ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( have :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 cohesion :time now :time already ) :snt2 ( need :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( start :arg0 country :arg1 war ) ) :snt3 ( slap :arg1 ( face :part-of ( country :arg0-of ( follow :arg1 ( rear :poss ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of harsh )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6566.3", "sent": "now we already have no cohesion ! china needs to start a war ! a harsh slap in the face of the countries which follow the united states \" rear !"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 official :arg2 ( continue :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( build :arg0 official :arg1 ( confidence :topic ( and :op1 ( scope :poss ( program :mod nucleus :time ( and :op1 present :op2 future ) :poss country ) ) :op2 ( nature :poss program ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.13", "sent": "the iaea report stated that iranian officials must continue to build confidence about the scope and nature of iran 's present and future nuclear program ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 mahmoud :op2 ahmadinejad ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 28 :month 8 :year 2007 ) :time ( conference :mod news :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.9", "sent": "on 28 august 2007 at a news conference in tehran iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad stated that --"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( controversy :domain deal :location ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :op2 ( obligate :arg2 ( give :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_congress :name ( name :op1 congress ) ) :arg1 ( approve :arg0 government-organization ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.24", "sent": "the deal is controversial in india and congress must give approval ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki sher_bahadur_deuba :name ( name :op1 sher :op2 bahadur :op3 deuba ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) ) :arg1 ( consult :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of concern ) :op2 ( party :mod politics ) ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( extend :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.20", "sent": "prime minister sher bahadur deuba stated that deuba would consult with concerned persons and political parties on the possible extension of the state of emergency ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( see :arg0 doctor :arg1 ( case :arg1-of ( bad :degree ( more :quant much ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( worry :polarity - :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 that )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.17", "sent": "doctors will have seen much worse cases so do n't worry about that !"}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 ( become :arg1 it :arg2 ( problem :mod real ) ) :time ( start :arg1 ( interrupt :arg0 obsess :arg1 ( routine :poss you :frequency ( rate-entity :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) ) :mod really ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.24", "sent": "i think it becomes a real problem when the obsession starts to really interrupt your everyday routine ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( resign :arg0 ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 fujimori ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 11 ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( scandal :mod bribe ) ) ) :op2 ( imprison :arg1 person :location ( city :wiki lima :name ( name :op1 lima ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( connect :arg1 person :arg2 scandal :mod allege ) ) :time now )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.14", "sent": "fujimori resigned in 001100 over a bribery scandal and is now imprisoned in lima for alleged connection with the scandal ."}, {"amr": "threaten :arg0 ( repository :mod large :consist-of ( and :op1 anthrax :op2 plague :op3 ( bacterium :mod other ) :arg0-of kill ) :arg1-of ( store :arg2 ( complex :mod laboratory :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :mod ( security :arg1-of high ) :location ( relative-position :op1 ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) :quant ( distance-quantity :quant 100 :unit mile ) :direction south ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( lose :arg0 repository :arg1 electricity )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.5", "sent": "a large repository of anthrax , plague and other deadly bacteria stored in a high-security russian laboratory complex 100 miles south of moscow is facing the threat of loosing electricity ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki john_howard :name ( name :op1 howard ) ) :arg1 ( and :op2 ( consider :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 way :op2 ( mean :arg1 ( deal :arg0 government-organization :arg2 ( problem :mod ( big :degree very ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( obligate :arg1 government-organization :arg2 ( choose :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 descriptor :op2 word ) :arg1-of ( sense :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( deal :arg0 government-organization :arg2 ( and :op1 ( issue :mod volatile ) :op2 ( country :arg0-of ( operate :polarity - :arg3 ( say :arg0 ( treaty :wiki australian_constitutional_convention_1998 :name ( name :op1 convention ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.7", "sent": "howard stated the australian government is considering ways and means of dealing with a very big problem and the australian government must choose descriptors and words sensibly because the australian government is dealing with a volatile issue and a country that is not operating according to convention ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( powder :consist-of nickel ) :op2 ( component :mod ( plant :mod petrochemical ) ) :op3 compressor :op4 furnace :op5 ( and :op1 ( flange :consist-of steel ) :op2 ( fitting :consist-of steel ) ) :op6 ( microscope :mod electron ) :op7 ( machine :arg0-of ( sort :arg1 ore ) :mod radiometric ) :op8 ( and :op1 valve :op2 tubing ) :op9 laser :op10 ( rig :arg0-of drill :mod rotary ) :op11 ( spectrometer :mod mass ) :op12 ( plant :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 nitrogen ) ) ) :arg2 ( item :arg1-of list :arg1-of ( offer :purpose ( sell :arg1 item :subevent-of ( deal :arg1-of block ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.15", "sent": "the listed items being offered for sale in the blocked deals included nickel powder , petrochemical plant components , compressors , furnaces , steel flanges and fittings , electron microscopes , radiometric ore-sorting machines , valves and tubing , lasers , a rotary drilling rig , a mass spectrometer and a nitrogen production plant ."}, {"amr": "address :arg0 ( discuss :arg0 ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 lula :op2 da :op3 silva ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki thabo_mbeki :name ( name :op1 thabo :op2 mbeki ) ) ) :arg1 ( threat :mod new :example ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 drug :op3 ( traffic :arg1 weapon :mod ( law :polarity - ) ) :op4 ( disease :wiki hiv/aids :name ( name :op1 aids ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( security :mod international ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.15", "sent": "discussions between lula da silva and thabo mbeki would also address new threats to international security such as terrorism , drugs , illegal weapons trafficking and aids ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( elect :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1998 ) :time first ) :op2 ( rate :arg0 ( poll :arg0 ( firm :wiki - :name ( name :op1 datanalisis ) ) :arg0-of ( depend :polarity - ) ) :arg1 person :arg2 ( percentage-entity :value 71 ) :arg3 ( popularity :poss person ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.23", "sent": "chavez was first elected in 980000 and has a popularity rating of 71 percent in an independent poll by polling firm datanalisis ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of state )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.16", "sent": "the statement said --"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( hold :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) :arg3 inspect ) ) :arg1 ( talk :arg1 ( seal :arg1 reactor :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( install :arg1 ( monitor :mod television ) :arg2 site ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( city :wiki pyongyang :name ( name :op1 pyongyang ) ) :arg2 official ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.11", "sent": "hill stated iaea inspectors will hold talks with pyongyang officials on sealing the reactor which would include the installation of television monitors at the site ."}, {"amr": "obligate :arg1 ( person :arg0-of inspect ) :arg2 ( give :arg1 ( report :arg0 person :arg2 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 security :op4 council ) ) :topic ( program :mod weapon :poss ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :time ( by :op1 ( date-entity :month 1 :day 27 :year 2003 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.14", "sent": "the inspectors must give a first report to the united nations security council about iraq 's weapons programs by january 27 , 2003 ."}, {"amr": "somebody :domain all", "id": "bolt12_91455_5326.1", "sent": "all are sb"}, {"amr": "country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.2", "sent": "philippines ( ph )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( resume :arg1 ( experiment :mod nucleus ) ) :op2 ( establish :arg1 ( force :mod military ) :location space ) :li 5", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.5", "sent": "5. resume nuclear experiments , and establish military forces in space ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 legal ) :quant some ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of comment :mod other ) ) :arg1 ( amount :arg1 statute :arg2 ( execute :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) :mod de-facto ) :arg1-of ( contrary :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of ( claim :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.31", "sent": "some legal experts and other commentators stated that contrary to government claims , the statute amounts to a de facto execution of drug traffickers ."}, {"amr": "suggest :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( involve :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) ) :arg2 ( stop :arg0 military :arg1 nation :arg2 ( transport :arg0 nation :arg1 weapon :arg3 ( and :op1 ( sea :arg1-of high ) :op2 ( through :path ( water :mod ( territory :mod country ) ) ) :mod both ) ) ) ) ) :manner report", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.12", "sent": "the american government has reportedly suggested the australian military could be involved in stopping nations from transporting weapons both on the high seas and through australian territorial waters ."}, {"amr": "greet :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki sergei_ivanov :name ( name :op1 sergei :op2 ivanov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) :location ( center :mod space :location ( city :wiki krasnoznamensk,_moscow_oblast :name ( name :op1 krasnoznamernsk ) :location ( relative-position :op1 ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) :quant ( some :op1 ( distance-quantity :quant 40 :unit kilometer ) ) :direction southwest ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.7", "sent": "putin and russian defense minister sergei ivanov greeted chirac at the space center some 40 km southwest of moscow in krasnoznamernsk ."}, {"amr": "use :arg0 system :arg1 ( technology :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.36", "sent": "the system uses american technology ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 25", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 07 @-@ 25"}, {"amr": "country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.2", "sent": "iraq ( iq )"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( person :arg1-of ( score :arg3 ( thing :wiki imperial_examination :name ( name :op1 imperial :op2 examination ) ) :degree top ) :location ( walk :quant 360 :quant all :mod life ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 effort :op2 endeavor :location ( behind :op1 ( person :arg1-of ( score :arg3 ( thing :wiki imperial_examination :name ( name :op1 imperial :op2 examination ) ) :degree top ) ) ) :degree so ) :snt3 ( humiliate :arg0 this :arg1 ( word :mod ( vermicelli :mod bean ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5327.1", "sent": "there are top scorer in the imperial examination in all 360 walks of life ! what effort and endeavor behind those top scorer in the imperial examination ! this is humiliating the word \" bean vermicelli \"!"}, {"amr": "manage :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 george :op2 w. :op3 bush ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg2 president ) ) ) :arg1 ( synchronize :arg0 administrate :arg1 ( policy :mod country ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 european :op2 union ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki united_kingdom :name ( name :op1 great :op2 britain ) ) ) ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) ) :op4 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :purpose ( press :arg0 administrate :arg2 ( and :op1 ( sanction :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1-of ( tough :degree more ) ) :op2 ( act :mod diplomacy ) ) ) ) :time ( month :mod last :time-of ( in-power :domain government-organization ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.25", "sent": "the administration of united states president george w. bush in its last months in power has managed to synchronize united states policies with the european union , british , french and german leaders , to press for tougher sanctions and diplomatic action against iran ."}, {"amr": "accuse :arg1 you :arg2 ( cause :arg0 you :arg1 sprawl ) :condition ( get :arg1 you :arg2 ( ahead :op1 need ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.42", "sent": "if you get out ahead of the need you are accused of causing sprawl ."}, {"amr": "serve :arg0 ( exempt :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg2 ( repair :arg0 country :mod war :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( war :wiki world_war_ii :name ( name :op1 world :op2 war :op3 ii ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( peace :mod benevolence )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.25", "sent": "china exempting japan from war reparations for world war ii was in service of peace , benevolent peace ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( assassinate :arg1 ( person :wiki asadollah_lajevardi :name ( name :op1 assodalah :op2 ladjevardi ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( facility :wiki evin_prison :name ( name :op1 evin :op2 prison ) :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 teheran ) ) ) :arg2 director :time former ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 8 :year 1998 ) ) :op2 ( assassinate :arg1 ( person :wiki ali_sayad_shirazi :name ( name :op1 ali :op2 sayad :op3 chirazi ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( army :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg2 ( commandant :mod chief ) :time former ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 4 :year 1999 ) ) ) :arg2 ( assassinate :mod this )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.21", "sent": "these assassinations include that of the teheran evin prison 's former director assodalah ladjevardi in august 980800 and of former commandant in chief of the iranian army general ali sayad chirazi in 990400 ."}, {"amr": "lose :polarity - :arg0 ( silo :mod ( missile :mod nucleus ) ) :arg1 power", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.35", "sent": "the nuclear missile silos themselves did not lose power ."}, {"amr": "chair :arg0 ( and :op2 ( person :wiki nkosazana_dlamini-zuma :name ( name :op1 dlamini-zuma ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki celso_amorim :name ( name :op1 celso :op2 amorim ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 joint :op2 commission ) ) :manner joint", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.9", "sent": "the joint commission was jointly chaired by south african foreign minister dlamini-zuma and brazilian foreign minister celso amorim ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 4 :day 6", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 04 @-@ 06"}, {"amr": "soar :arg1 ( need :arg1 ( improve :arg1 road :mod new ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( and :op1 ( develop :arg1 subdivision :arg1-of scatter ) :op2 ( approve :arg1 ( project :mod ( commerce :mod mega ) :location ( intersect :arg0 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :arg1 ( road :arg1-of major ) ) ) ) :duration ( few :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) :mod more ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.22", "sent": "after a few more years of scattered subdivision development and approval of mega-commercial projects at major 288 intersections , the need for new road improvements will soar ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( and :op1 ( diagnose :polarity - :arg0 ( person :quant 2 :arg0-of ( counsel :arg1 i ) ) :arg1 i :arg2 depression ) :op2 ( suggest :arg0 person :arg1 ( suffer :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 depression ) :arg2 i ) ) :arg2 ( worry :arg0 depression :arg1 i :mod huge :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( depression :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( die :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 dad ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( suicide :poss person ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.5", "sent": "neither of my counsellers have diagnosed me with depression , and both have suggested i do not suffer from it , but it is a huge worry to me , as depression was the cause of my dad 's death , suicide ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0303.5", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( experiment :arg0 ( military :wiki unit_731 :name ( name :op1 unit :op2 731 ) :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( live :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of live :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of live :mod ( country :mod other ) ) ) :arg2 ( method :arg1-of ( brutal :degree extreme ) ) :mod ( body :mod human ) :manner cruel :location ( country-region :wiki northeast_china :name ( name :op1 northeast ) ) ) :snt2 ( add :arg0 ( incident :wiki nanking_massacre :name ( name :op1 nanjing :op2 massacre ) ) :arg1 ( layer :consist-of blood :arg1-of ( fade :polarity - :time ever :direction away ) ) :arg2 ( city :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 capital ) :mod ancient ) ) :snt3 ( and :op1 ( bare :arg0 ( battle :mod big :mod bloody :location ( and :op1 ( city :wiki hengyang :name ( name :op1 hengyang ) ) :op2 ( city :wiki changsha :name ( name :op1 changsha ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( bone :part-of ( person :arg1-of die ) ) :quant ( over :op1 ( distance-quantity :quant 1000 :unit kilometer ) ) ) :op2 ( kill-off :arg0 battle :arg1 everything ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.9", "sent": "in the northeast , japanese unit 731 cruelly conducted human body experiments on living people of china , korea and other countries , the method of which were extremely brutal ; the nanjing massacre added a layer of blood to the ancient capital which will never fade away ; the big bloody battles at hengyang and changsha laid bare the bones of the dead over a thousand kilometers and killed off everything .. ."}, {"amr": "or :op2 ( recommend :mode interrogative :arg1 ( and :op1 ( take :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( advise :arg0 ( person :mod close :location ( around :op1 i ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( eye :arg0 i :arg1 anxiety :time ( until :op1 ( become :arg1 anxiety :arg2 problem ) ) :mod just ) ) :arg2 i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.9", "sent": "or should i take the advice given by the close people around me and just keep an eye on the anxiety until it becomes a problem ?"}, {"amr": "win :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xunxuan :op2 cao ) ) :arg2 ( game :mod middle ) :arg1-of include", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.9", "sent": "among which , xunxuan cao achieved a victory in the middle game ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tom_casey_[diplomat] :name ( name :op1 casey ) ) :arg1 ( continue :arg1 ( program :mod nucleus :arg0-of ( move :arg1 program :arg2 forward ) ) :arg0-of ( show :arg1 ( continue :arg1 ( regime :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :path ( defy :arg0 regime :arg1 ( community :mod international ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.20", "sent": "casey stated the fact that the nuclear program continues to move forward shows that the iranian regime is continuing on a path of defiance of the international community ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 i :arg1 ( slit :location ( arm :part-of i ) :quant several )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.4", "sent": "i have sevral slits on my arm ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg0 person :arg1 ( enhance :arg0 organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( exchange :arg0 organization :arg2 ( party :mod other ) ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 organization :arg1 party ) ) :arg2 organization :mod further :manner ( and :op1 ( visibility :arg1-of ( wide :degree more ) ) :op2 ( post :mod ( positive :degree more ) ) ) :arg0-of ( strengthen :arg1 ( influence :arg0 organization :mod international ) :arg1-of possible ) :arg1-of ( reflect :arg2 ( and :op1 ( principle :poss organization :mod ( align :polarity - :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) ) ) :op2 ( principle :mod ( counter :arg1 ( party :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 3 ) ) ) ) :op3 ( principle :mod ( open-up :arg1 organization ) ) ) :arg1-of possible :mod also ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.20", "sent": "tang stated that the sco should further enhance the exchange and cooperation with other parties through wider visibility and a more positive post , which may not only strengthen sco 's international influence but also reflect sco 's principles of no-alignment , not-against-a-third-party and opening-up ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ochoa ) ) :arg1 ( buy :polarity - :arg0 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg1 ( arm :source ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :time ever :time before ) ) :op2 ( suggest :arg0 person :arg1 ( buy :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 arm :purpose ( become :arg1 person :arg2 ( depend :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.36", "sent": "ochoa said venezuela has never bought russian arms before and suggested chavez is doing it to become independent from the us ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg1 discuss :location ( city :wiki pretoria :name ( name :op1 pretoria ) :location ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.6", "sent": "the discussions will be held in pretoria , south africa ."}, {"amr": "arrive :arg1 ( person :wiki mich\u00e8le_alliot-marie :name ( name :op1 alliot-marie ) ) :time ( date-entity :weekday sunday )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.19", "sent": "alliot-marie arrived on sunday ."}, {"amr": "raid :arg0 ( police :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg1 ( headquarters :poss ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :location ( northwest :part-of ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 6 :day 22 :year 2003 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.9", "sent": "the headquarters of the people 's mujahedeen in northwest paris was raided by the french police 030622 ."}, {"amr": "take :arg0 it :arg1 ( long :polarity - :arg1 it )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.3", "sent": "it did n't take long ."}, {"amr": "tell :polarity - :arg0 i :arg2 he", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.23", "sent": "i would n't tell him ."}, {"amr": "stand-out :arg1 ( perform :arg0 ( person :wiki chang_hao :name ( name :op1 hao :op2 chang ) :arg0-of compete :mod young :arg0-of ( defeat :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 fengzhu :op2 xu ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) ) :time ( game :mod middle ) ) :poss we ) ) :time today :degree especially", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.13", "sent": "the performance of our young competitor , hao chang , was especially outstanding today , defeating fengzhu xu of the korean team in the middle game ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( familiarize :arg1 ( people :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( influence :arg0 ( person :wiki karl_marx :name ( name :op1 karl :op2 marx ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( revolution :arg0 country ) :op2 ( construct :arg0 country :arg1 economy ) ) :mod profound ) :mod particular ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.9", "sent": "wen stated that the chinese people are familiar with germany particularly due to the profound influence of karl marx on china 's revolution and economic construction ."}, {"amr": "involve :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 police :arg1 ( and :op1 ( police :location ( mainland :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( police :location ( region :mod other ) ) ) :arg1-of ( activity :arg0 police ) ) :arg2 ( effort :poss ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :purpose ( fight-off :arg0 police :arg1 ( person :arg1-of organize :arg2-of criminal ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.14", "sent": "the hong kong police 's effort in fighting organized criminals involves actively cooperating with police on the chinese mainland and in other regions ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( prefer :arg0 i :arg1 ( die :arg1 i ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( educate :polarity - :arg1 i ) :op2 ( live :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( life :arg1-of ( live :arg0 i :arg1-of ( want :arg0 i ) ) ) ) ) ) :op3 ( worsen :arg0 i :arg1 matter :manner ( drop-out :arg0 i :arg1 university ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.14", "sent": "- i would rather be dead than not be educated , and live a life i want to live ( and dropping out of uni would make matters worse ) ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 raymond :op2 zilinskas ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( defrost :arg1 bacterium :source ( temperature-quantity :quant ) :condition ( case :mod ( bad :degree most ) ) ) :op2 ( mess :mod real :domain ( clean-up :time afterward ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( know :polarity - :arg1 ( die :mode interrogative :arg1 ( bacterium :mod all ) ) :mod certain ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.32", "sent": "raymond zilinskas stated that in the worst case the bacteria would be defrosted from minus 70 degrees and it would be a real mess to clean up afterward because it would not be known for certain whether all the bacteria was dead ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang :op2 jiaxuan ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( proceed :arg0 ( country :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 cooperation :op3 organization ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :arg1 ( construct :arg1 organization ) ) :op2 ( begin :arg0 country :arg1 ( discuss :arg0 country :arg1 ( oppose :arg1 terrorism ) ) :time ( meet :location ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2002 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.4", "sent": "chinese foreign minister tang jiaxuan reports that the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization will proceed with the construction of the sco and begin anti-terrorism discussions at a meeting in moscow on 23 november 2002 ."}, {"amr": "province :domain ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg0-of rebel", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.35", "sent": "georgia is a rebel province ."}, {"amr": "stress :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :arg1 ( point-out :arg0 this :arg1 ( and :op1 ( transparency :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( open :arg3 ( matter :mod security ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.17", "sent": "putin stressed that this points to russia 's transparency and openness in security matters ."}, {"amr": "make :arg1 ( presentation :mod ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :location ( paper :polarity - :arg0-of ( allow :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( deny :mod official ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.9", "sent": "the israeli presentation was made in a nonpaper that allows for official deniability ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( publication :wiki radio_nepal :name ( name :op1 radio :op2 nepal ) :arg1-of ( run :arg0 state ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( kill :arg1 ( policeman :quant ( at-least :op1 3 ) ) ) :op2 ( wound :arg1 ( policeman :quant 19 :mod other ) ) :time ( ambush :arg0 ( guerrilla :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( vehicle :poss ( and :op1 policeman :op2 policeman ) ) :location ( west :part-of ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 10 :day 19 :dayperiod evening ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 10 :day 20 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.5", "sent": "state-run radio nepal reported on 20 october 2002 that at least 3 policemen were killed and 19 others wounded the evening of 19 october 2002 when their vehicle was ambushed by anti-government guerrillas in western nepal ."}, {"amr": "heart :degree half-half :mod only", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.10", "sent": "only half-halfheartedly ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( fund :arg1 ( effort :mod war :quant lot ) :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :unit dollar :quant ( to :op1 2000000 :op2 300000000 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.13", "sent": "costa said a lot of war effort can be funded with 2 to 300 million dollars ."}, {"amr": "mean :arg1 ( law :wiki - :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 military :op3 assistance :op4 act ) :poss ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 ( allow :polarity - :arg1 ( offer :arg0 person :arg1 ( assist :mod military ) :arg3 ( or :op1 state :op2 ( organ :part-of state ) :op3 group :op4 ( country :mod other ) :mod any ) ) :condition ( grant :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 national :op2 conventional :op3 arms :op4 control :op5 committee ) ) :arg1 ( permit :arg1 offer ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.12", "sent": "south africa 's foreign military assistance act means that no person is allowed to offer military assistance to any state , organ of state , group or other country , unless permission is granted by the national conventional arms control committee ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.2", "sent": "russia ( ru )"}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( threaten :arg0 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 separatism :op3 extremism ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( security :mod region ) :op2 ( stability :mod region ) ) :time still :arg1-of major ) :medium ( communique :mod joint )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.5", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan agreed in a joint communique that terrorism , separatism and extremism still pose major threats to regional security and stability ."}, {"amr": "start :arg0 ( organization :wiki proliferation_security_initiative :name ( name :op1 proliferation :op2 security :op3 initiative ) ) :arg1 ( meet :arg0 organization :location ( city :wiki brisbane :name ( name :op1 brisbane ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 7 :day 9 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.10", "sent": "the proliferation security initiative started a meeting 9 july 2003 in brisbane ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 terrorism :op3 media", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.3", "sent": "international ; terrorism ; media"}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( study :arg1-of ( publish :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki defense_intelligence_agency :name ( name :op1 defense :op2 intelligence :op3 agency ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 ) ) :arg1 ( originate :arg1 ( weapon :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( weapon :arg1-of ( seize :arg2 ( guerrilla :mod ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 1998 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2001 ) ) ) :arg2-of ( mark :arg0 ( military :mod foreign ) ) ) :arg3 ( more-than :op1 1/2 ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.41", "sent": "a 030000 study published by the us defense intelligence agency reported that more than half of the weapons seized from colombian guerrillas from 980000 to 010000 that had markings of foreign militaries were of venezuelan origin ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 terrorism :op3 politics", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.3", "sent": "international ; terrorism ; politics"}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( city :wiki tel_aviv :name ( name :op1 tel :op2 aviv ) ) :arg2 ( relative-position :op1 ( territory :location ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :quant ( fewer-than :quant 650 :unit mile ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.31", "sent": "the city of tel aviv is fewer than 650 miles from iranian territory ."}, {"amr": "meet :arg0 ( person :wiki mich\u00e8le_alliot-marie :name ( name :op1 alliot-marie ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki george_fernandes :name ( name :op1 george :op2 fernandes ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( talk :arg1 ( delegation :mod level ) :time ( date-entity :month 4 :day 28 :year 2003 ) ) ) :manner ( one :prep-to one )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.18", "sent": "before delegation-level talks on 28 april 2003 alliot-marie had a 1 @-@to- 1 meeting with indian defense minister george fernandes ."}, {"amr": "road :destination nowhere", "id": "wb.eng_0003.36", "sent": "a road to no where .. ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( warn :arg0 ( embassy :mod ( country :wiki united_kingdom :name ( name :op1 britain ) ) :location ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) :arg1 ( offense :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) :arg1-of increase ) :arg2 ( person :mod country :mod nation ) ) :op2 ( advise :arg0 embassy :arg1 person :arg2 ( avoid :arg0 person :arg1 ( area :arg1-of ( cordon :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( security :mod country ) :arg2 personnel ) ) :manner off ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 29 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.15", "sent": "20020829 the british embassy to nepal warned british nationals of increasing anti-government offensives and advised them to avoid areas cordoned off by nepali security personnel ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( pursue :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg1 ( resume :arg1 negotiate ) :mod still :time ( after :op1 ( resist :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( demand :arg0 world-region :arg1 ( halt :arg0 country :arg1 ( activity :arg0 country :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.20", "sent": "ahmadinejad stated that after iran resisted the west 's demands for a halt in nuclear activities , the west still pursued the resumption of negotiations ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( face :arg0 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg1 ( fight :arg1 terrorism :mod ( stern :degree very ) ) :time still ) ) :op2 ( cite :arg0 person :arg1 ( crisis :mod hostage :location ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 10 :year 2002 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.9", "sent": "tang stated the sco still faces a very stern anti-terrorism fight and cited the october 2002 hostage crisis in moscow ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( understand :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( point :poss person ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 tmt ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.55", "sent": "tmt : i do n't understand your point ."}, {"amr": "have :polarity - :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki virginia_department_of_transportation :name ( name :op1 vdot ) ) :arg1 ( money :purpose ( construct :arg1 ( road :location ( region :part ( city :wiki richmond,_virginia :name ( name :op1 richmond ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod of-course", "id": "wb.eng_0003.11", "sent": "of course , vdot has no more money for road construction in the richmond region ."}, {"amr": "hand-over :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 souya ) ) :arg1 ( flag :poss ( delegation :source ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :mod delegation ) :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 banminyan ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 delegation ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( sports-facility :wiki - :name ( name :op1 tokyo :op2 handicapped :op3 integrated :op4 sports :op5 center ) ) :arg2 director ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.10", "sent": "souya handed over the delegation flag of the japanese delegation to the head of the delegation and director of the tokyo handicapped integrated sports center , banminyan ."}, {"amr": "lose :arg0 we :arg1 ( island :wiki ryukyu_islands :name ( name :op1 ryukyu :op2 islands ) :poss we ) :manner bitter", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.16", "sent": "bitterly lost our ryukyu islands"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg3 strategize ) ) :arg1 ( concern :arg0 ( foment :arg0 ( move :mod radical :arg2-of ( inspire :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( revolution :mod such ) :arg1-of possible ) :arg1 person :arg1-of increase )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.11", "sent": "us military strategists say they are increasingly concerned that radical movements inspired by chavez could foment such revolution ."}, {"amr": "have-purpose :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( expend :arg2 transport ) ) :arg2 amr-unknown", "id": "wb.eng_0003.50", "sent": "what is the purpose of transportation - related expenditures ?"}, {"amr": "become :arg1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 jacques :op2 chirac ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :arg0-of ( visit :arg1 ( center :wiki titov_main_test_and_space_systems_control_centre :name ( name :op1 titov ) :mod space :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :location ( city :wiki krasnoznamensk,_moscow_oblast :name ( name :op1 krasnoznamernsk ) ) :mod ( secret :degree top ) :mod test :mod control ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.4", "sent": "french president jacques chirac became the first western leader to visit the top-secret russian titov test and control space center in krasnoznamernsk"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( found :arg1 ( facility :mod military :time ( era :mod ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) ) :mod close ) :time ( date-entity :year 2005 :month 7 ) ) :op2 ( collect :arg0 facility :arg1 information ) :op3 ( analyze :arg0 facility :arg1 ( information :arg1-of ( gather :source ( satellite :mod spy :mod military :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :quant all ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.8", "sent": "the closed soviet-era military facility was founded in 570000 and collects and analyzes all information gathered from russia 's military spy satellites ."}, {"amr": "criticize :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) :arg0-of lead ) :arg1 ( plan :arg1 ( activity :mod nucleus ) :mod new :arg1-of ( release :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :op2 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) :part-of ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 u.n. ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( effectual :polarity - ) :op2 dangerous )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.4", "sent": "leading arms control experts criticize a new nuclear activities plan released by iran and the u.n \" . s international atomic energy agency as ineffectual and dangerous ."}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.14", "sent": "france agreed to --"}, {"amr": "qualify :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 lan :op2 wei ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sheng :op2 chen ) ) :arg0-of compete :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg2 ( final :mod semi )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.3", "sent": "chinese competitor lan wei and sheng chen both received qualification for the semi-finals ."}, {"amr": "view :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki condoleezza_rice :name ( name :op1 condoleezza :op2 rice ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( secretary :mod state ) ) ) ) :arg1 pact :arg2 ( part :mod important :arg2-of ( have-part :arg1 ( legacy :mod ( policy :mod foreign ) :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod person ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.23", "sent": "president bush and secretary of state condoleezza rice view the pact as an important part of the bush administration 's foreign policy legacy ."}, {"amr": "deny :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of claim :mod this )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.11", "sent": "this claim the iranian government has denied ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( bill :mod power :mod overdue :time ( date-entity :year 2000 ) ) :arg1 ( cut-off :arg0 ( company :wiki rao_ues :name ( name :op1 national :op2 power :op3 company ) :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :arg1 electricity :location ( base :mod strategy :location-of ( stand :arg1 ( missile :mod nucleus ) :arg2 ( alert :arg1-of high ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.34", "sent": "due to an overdue power bill in 000000 the russian national power company cut off electricity to a strategic base where nuclear missiles stood on high alert ."}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( become :arg1 i :arg2 ( person :mod ( weak :degree ( more :degree much ) ) ) :time ( before :op1 now :duration ( between :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit year ) ) ) ) :op2 ( dull :arg0 i :arg1 ( personality :poss i ) :mod down :purpose ( try :arg0 i :arg1 ( befriend :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :quant some ) :location university ) ) :manner way :time between ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.1", "sent": "i think over the last year or 2 i 've become a much weaker person and in a way have dulled down my personality inorder to try and make some friends at uni ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( scare :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( threaten :arg1 ( shut-down :arg1 electricity :mod sudden ) :mod this ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( pressure :arg0 threaten :arg1 person :mod psychology :mod kind ) ) ) :medium telephone", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.17", "sent": "general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that the people at the state scientific center of applied microbiology are scared by this threat of a sudden shutdown of electricity because it is a kind of psychological pressure on the people at the state scientific center of applied microbiology ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( impose :polarity - :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( want :polarity - :arg0 we ) ) :arg2 ( person :mod other ) ) :arg1 ( follow :arg0 we :arg1 ( philosophy :mod strategy :mod ( security :mod foreign ) :arg0-of ( apply :arg1 ( and :op1 benevolence :op2 virtue ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.22", "sent": "not imposing on others what we do n't want ourselves , what we follow is a foreign security strategic philosophy which applies benevolence and virtue ."}, {"amr": "search :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg3 inspect ) ) :arg1 ( site :quant 7 :mod ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) ) :arg2 ( weapon :arg1-of ban ) :time ( date-entity :month 12 :day 28 :year 2002 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.4", "sent": "on december 28 , 2002 united nations inspectors searched 7 iraqi sites for banned weapons ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( know :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( read :mode interrogative :arg0 anyone :arg1 this ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 desperate :mod just ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( need :arg0 i :arg1 ( tell :arg0 i :arg2 someone ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.1", "sent": "i do n't know if anyone will read this , but i just feel desperate and feel the need to tell someone ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.2", "sent": "china ( cn ) ; kyrgyzstan ( kg )"}, {"amr": "generate :arg0 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 route :op2 288 ) ) :arg1 ( develop :arg1 residence :location ( area :arg1-of ( populate :mod scarce ) :location ( around :op1 ( exit :part-of road ) :mod all ) ) :arg0-of ( overtax :arg2 ( road :arg1-of ( local :arg2 country ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( predict :arg0 we )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.15", "sent": "as we predicted , route 288 is generating residential development in scarcely populated areas all around its exits , overtaxing the local country roads ."}, {"amr": "occupy :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 richard ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg0-of compete ) :arg1 ( position :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.5", "sent": "occupying the second position is the us competitor , richard ."}, {"amr": "conclude :arg1 ( meet :mod diplomacy :location ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) ) :arg2 ( agree :polarity - :arg1 ( step :arg2 ( pressure :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 ( halt :arg0 country :arg1 ( enrich :arg1 uranium :location ( facility :location ( city :wiki natanz :name ( name :op1 natanz ) ) :mod country ) ) ) ) :degree further ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.4", "sent": "a diplomatic meeting in paris concludes with no agreement on further steps to pressure iran to halt uranium enrichment at iran 's facility in natanz ."}, {"amr": "escalate :arg0 airstrike :arg1 conflict :location ( area :mod separatist :part-of ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.7", "sent": "the airstrikes escalated conflict in a separatist area of georgia ."}, {"amr": "indicate :arg0 ( incursion :mod military :poss ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :destination ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( confidence :poss country ) :op2 ( resolve :poss country ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.26", "sent": "russia 's military incursion into georgia indicates russia 's confidence and resolve ."}, {"amr": "establish :arg0 ( organization :wiki chinese_academy_of_sciences :name ( name :op1 chinese :op2 academy :op3 of :op4 sciences ) ) :arg1 ( university :domain ( university :wiki university_of_science_and_technology_of_china :name ( name :op1 university :op2 of :op3 science :op4 and :op5 technology :op6 of :op7 china ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.11", "sent": "the university of science and technology of china is a university established by the chinese academy of sciences ( cas ) ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2003 :month 7 :day 9", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.1", "sent": "2003 @-@ 07 @-@ 09"}, {"amr": "defeat :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xunxuan :op2 cao ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 9 ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changhao :op2 li ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 7 ) ) ) :op3 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changhe :op2 liu ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) ) ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 jing :op2 lui ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 5 ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki ma_xiaochun :name ( name :op1 xiaocun :op2 ma ) :mod level ) :op3 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 jianhong :op2 wang ) :mod level ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :mod respective", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.8", "sent": "xunxuan cao ( 9 th level ) , changhao li ( 7 th level ) and changhe liu ( 6 th level ) from the korean team defeated jing liu ( 5 th level ) , xiaocun ma ( 9 th level ) and jianhong wang ( 7 th level ) from the chinese team respectively ."}, {"amr": "abandon :arg1 ( commit :arg1 you :arg2 ( use :polarity - :arg1 ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :time first ) ) :li 8", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.8", "sent": "8. abandon the commitment to not use nuclear weapons first ."}, {"amr": "mean :arg1 ( law :wiki - :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 military :op3 assistance :op4 act ) :poss ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( render :arg1 ( assist :mod ( military :mod foreign ) ) :arg1-of ( accord :arg2 ( agree :arg1-of ( approve :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 national :op2 conventional :op3 arms :op4 control :op5 committee ) ) ) ) :mod only ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.13", "sent": "south africa 's foreign military assistance act means that foreign military assistance could be rendered only in accordance with an agreement approved by the national conventional arms control committee ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( reference :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( situation :location world :mod volatile ) :mod also ) :op2 ( state :arg0 person :arg1 ( task :arg1 ( manage :arg0 country :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( threaten :arg0 ( sphere :mod security :mod ( traditional :polarity - ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :op3 ( smuggle :arg1 weapon ) :op4 ( crime :arg1 money :mod transnational ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :mod all :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :mod common :arg0-of press ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.17", "sent": "tang also referenced a volatile world situation and stated that the common and pressing task of all sco members is to manage threats from untraditional security spheres including terrorism , drug trafficking , weapons smuggle , transnational monetary crimes ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.2", "sent": "nepal ( np )"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 affairs :op3 department ) :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( share :arg0 country :arg1 ( opine :arg0 ( and :op1 country :op2 country ) :arg1 ( issue :arg1 globe :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( importance :mod multi-lateralism ) :op2 ( expand :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 security :op4 council ) ) ) ) ) :mod variety ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.14", "sent": "the south african foreign affairs department stated that south africa and brazil shared opinions on a variety of global issues including the importance of multi-lateralism and the expansion of the united nations security council ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( recommend :arg1 ( do :arg1 amr-unknown :time future ) :arg2 we ) :snt2 ( enough :polarity - :domain ( capable :mod alone ) :purpose succeed ) :snt3 ( face :mode interrogative :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of choose :arg1-of ( hard :mod such ) ) :mod too )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5340.1", "sent": "what should we do in the future ! ability alone is n't enough to become successful ! are we goin \" to face such hard choices too ?"}, {"amr": "participate :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki fu_mingxia :name ( name :op1 mingxia :op2 fu ) :arg0-of ( win :arg1 ( championship :arg0 person ) :arg3 ( country :poss we ) :location ( game :wiki fina_world_aquatics_championships :name ( name :op1 world :op2 championship ) ) :location ( game :wiki olympic_games :name ( name :op1 olympic :op2 games ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bin :op2 chi ) :arg0-of compete :source ( province :wiki hebei :name ( name :op1 hebei ) ) :arg0-of ( win :arg1 ( championship :arg0 person ) :location ( game :wiki fifa_world_cup :name ( name :op1 world :op2 cup ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 compete", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.15", "sent": "mingxia fu , who won the championship for our country at the world championship and the olympic games , and the competitor from hebei , bin chi , who won the championship at the world cup will participate in the competition ."}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of perform :arg1-of cheap", "id": "bolt12_91455_5332.1", "sent": "cheap performers"}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 29", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 08 @-@ 29"}, {"amr": "understand :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :manner-of ( keep :arg0 i :arg1 horse :location ( lot :mod ( area-quantity :quant 1/4 :unit acre ) ) :arg2-of ( suppose :arg1 i ) ) :mod exact )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.91", "sent": "how exactly i 'm supposed to keep horses on a 1 @/@ 4 acre lot is beyond me ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( good :degree ( more :quant lot ) :domain i :time so-far ) :op2 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( hopeful :arg1 ( improve :arg0 ( anyone :arg0-of ( want :arg1 improve ) ) ) :mod definite ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.28", "sent": "so far i have been a lot better , i think there is definitely hope of improvement for anyone that wants it ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :arg1 ( rifle :quant 500000 ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 no-one :arg1 anything ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.18", "sent": "espinoza said that peru has 500000 rifles and no one says anything ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 insult :arg1 ( cause :arg0 ( help :arg0 ( rest :part-of state ) :arg1 ( pay :arg0 rest :arg3 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :time ( deal :arg2 budget :time ( year :mod last ) ) ) :arg0-of ( add :arg1 insult :arg2 injure ) ) :arg1 ( wipe-out :arg0 pay :arg1 debt ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 virginia :op2 centrist ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.38", "sent": "virginia centrist , to add insult to injury , the rest of the state helped pay for 288 in last year 's budget deal -- wiped the slate clean of debt ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( pay :mode imperative :arg0 business :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( pass :arg0 business :arg2 we :mod of-course ) ) :arg3 ( thing :arg1-of ( bill :arg2 we :arg3 transport ) :mod more ) ) :op2 ( incentivize :mode imperative :arg0 we :arg1 business :arg2 ( locate :arg0 business :arg1 business :location ( stress :arg0 business :arg1 system :degree least ) ) :concession ( even-if :op1 ( mean :arg1 locate :arg2 ( travel :mod more :mod overall ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.61", "sent": "let business pay for more of our transportation bill , ( which they will pass to us , of course ) and incentivize them to locate where they put the least stress on the system , even if that means more overall travel ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki the_citizen_[south_africa] :name ( name :op1 the :op2 citizen ) ) :arg1 ( law :polarity - :domain ( or :op1 ( involve :arg1 ( person :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg2 ( activity :mod mercenary ) ) :op2 ( render :arg0 person :arg1 ( assist :arg1 ( military :mod foreign ) ) ) :location ( or :op1 ( inside :op1 country ) :op2 ( outside :op1 country ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 6 :month 10 :year 2001 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.5", "sent": "on 011006 the citizen newspaper stated that it is illegal for south africans to be involved in mercenary activity or to render foreign military assistance inside or outside of south africa ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( epilepsy :domain she ) :op2 ( depress :arg1 she :mod manic :accompanier ( problem :topic anger :mod huge ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.3", "sent": "she 's epileptic and a manic depressive with a huge anger problem ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( detract :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :location ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( trouble :arg0 ( have-part :arg1 ( strategy :arg0-of ( restructure :arg1 ( democracy :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :manner ( image :mod ( socialism :arg1-of militarize :mod ( style :mod ( country :wiki cuba :name ( name :op1 cuba ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( foment :arg1 ( revolution :mod leftist ) :path ( throughout :location ( continent :wiki south_america :name ( name :op1 south :op2 america ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( purchase :arg0 person :arg1 arm ) :op2 ( indoctrinate :arg1 ( militia :mod civilian ) ) ) :arg1-of possible ) :degree ( more :mod even ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.10", "sent": "chavez 's detractors in the us government say that it is even more troubling that chavez 's arms purchases and indoctrination of civilian militias could be part of a strategy to restructure venezuelan democracy in the image of cuban-style militarized socialism and foment leftist revolutions throughout south america ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( post :arg1 ( state :arg1-of ( sign :arg0 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) ) ) :medium ( page :mod home :poss ( site :mod web :poss ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 al-sistani ) ) ) ) ) :op1 ( state :arg0 state :arg1 ( attack :prep-on-behalf-of ( religious-group :wiki muslim :name ( name :op1 muslim ) :mod ( religious-group :wiki sunni_islam :name ( name :op1 sunni ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.15", "sent": "a statement signed group xp was posted on the home page of al-sistani 's web site and stated that the attack was on behalf of sunni muslims ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( heal :arg1 they ) :op2 ( cut :arg0 i :arg1 i :arg3 ( and :op1 ( staple :arg2-of ( rob :arg0 i :arg1 school ) ) :op2 razor ) :mod then )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.5", "sent": "they healed , then i cut myself with staples i robbed from school and a razor ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg1 ( conference :arg1-of ( call :arg2 target :manner so ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :poss ( conference :wiki - :name ( name :op1 international :op2 drug :op3 enforcement :op4 conference ) :location ( world-region :wiki far_east :name ( name :op1 far :op2 east ) ) ) ) :location ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :time ( early :op1 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 ) :degree more )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.15", "sent": "the first so-called targeting conference of the international drug enforcement conference ( idec ) far east region was held in hong kong earlier in 020700 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :arg1 ( prioritize :arg0 military :arg1 ( ensure :arg0 military :arg1 ( and :op1 ( unload :polarity - :arg1 ship :arg2 weapon ) :op2 ( sell :polarity - :arg1 weapon :arg2 ( insurgent :mod ( religious-group :wiki islam :name ( name :op1 islamism ) ) :location ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.33", "sent": "the american military stated that its priority is to ensure that the weapons were not unloaded from the ship and sold to islamist insurgents in somalia ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 beatty ) ) :arg1 ( crisis :domain ( threaten :arg1 ( cut :arg1 electricity :location ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) :mod this ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.24", "sent": "beatty stated that this threat to cut electricity to the state scientific center of applied microbiology is a crisis ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( mention :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( worry :arg0 i ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 mum ) ) ) :op2 ( see :arg0 i :arg1 ( react :arg0 person :arg1 situation :arg2 ( way :mod ( calm :arg1-of ( react :arg0 i :arg1-of ( recommend :arg2 i ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( make :arg1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( good :degree more ) :arg2 thing ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( know :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( deal :arg1 thing :mod ( big :polarity - ) ) :op2 ( need :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( anxious :topic thing :domain i ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( way :mod perhaps :mod ( moan :polarity - ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.15", "sent": "perhaps not in a moany way but i found that mentioning the thing that i was worried about to my mum and seeing her react to the situation in a calm way ( like i should have been reacting ) made me feel better about it because i knew it was n't a big deal and i did n't need to be anxious about it ."}, {"amr": "clear :polarity - :arg1 ( or :mode interrogative :op1 ( combat :arg0 ( and :op1 ( soldier :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( soldier :mod ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) ) ) :location ground ) :op2 ( limit :arg1 combat :arg2 ( fight :arg0 ( between :op1 separatist :op2 ( force :mod country ) ) ) ) ) :time ( late :op1 ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.32", "sent": "late on 8 august 2008 it was unclear whether ground combat had taken place between russian and georgian soldiers or had been limited to fighting between separatists and georgian forces ."}, {"amr": "investigate :arg0 judiciary :arg1 ( person :quant 17 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 mujahedeen ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( link :arg1 person :arg2 ( organization :mod terrorism ) :arg1-of allege ) :op2 ( fund :arg0 person :arg1 ( activity :arg1 terrorism ) ) ) :time now", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.12", "sent": "17 mujahedeen members are now under judicial investigation for alleged links to a terrorist organization and for funding terrorist activities ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( tie :polarity - :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 islamic :op2 republic :op3 of :op4 iran ) ) :arg3 ( and :op1 politics :op2 business ) :mod close ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 country :arg1 ( pressure :arg1 country :arg2 ( act :arg0 country :prep-against country ) :mod domestic ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.11", "sent": "the united states does not have close political and business ties with iran and feels domestic pressure to act against the islamic republic of iran ."}, {"amr": "tell :arg0 they :arg1 ( get :arg1 you :arg2 on ) :arg2 you :mod just :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( lazy :domain they :degree hell ) ) :condition ( take :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( note :quant ( monetary-quantity :quant 20 :unit pound ) ) :location bus )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.6", "sent": "take a \u00a320 note on the bus , they just tell you to get on cos theyre lazy as hell"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( win :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changhao :op2 li ) ) :manner ( advantage :consist-of ( mu :quant 6.5 ) ) ) :op2 ( win :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changhe :op2 liu ) ) :manner ( advantage :consist-of ( mu :quant 7.5 ) ) ) :mod respective", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.10", "sent": "changhao li and changhe liu achieved victories with advantages of six and a half \" mu \" and seven and a half \" mu \" respectively ."}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 he :arg1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 casymier :op2 auye :op3 muba ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki gabon :name ( name :op1 gabon :op2 republic ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :mod formal :arg1-of friendly :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 6 ) :op2 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 11 ) ) :arg2-of ( invite :arg0 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki state_council_of_the_people's_republic_of_china :name ( name :op1 state :op2 council ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "nw.chtb_0303.3", "sent": "he also announced that casymier auye muba , premier of the gabon republic , would pay a formal , friendly visit to china from september 6 th to the 11 th at the invitation of peng li , premier of the state council ."}, {"amr": "offer :arg0 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 country :arg1 country :arg2 ( and :op1 ( develop :mod joint ) :op2 ( transfer :arg1 technology ) :op3 ( sell :arg1 ( system :mod weapon :mod ( tech :arg1-of high ) ) ) ) :mod military :arg1-of long ) :arg3 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 4 :day 28 :year 2003 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.6", "sent": "on 28 april 2003 france offered india long-term military cooperation on joint development , technology transfer and sale of high-tech weapons systems ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( report :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_popovkin :name ( name :op1 vladimir :op2 popovkin ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :wiki russian_space_forces :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 space :op3 forces ) ) :arg2 commander ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 lieutenant-general ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 person :arg1 ( include :arg1 ( expand :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 space ) ) :arg2 ( priority :poss country ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.11", "sent": "russian space forces commander lt. gen. vladimir popovkin reported to chirac and putin and said it is one of russia 's priorities to expand space cooperation with france ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 aiguo :op2 yang ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changrui :op2 huang ) ) :arg0-of report ) :location ( city :wiki rome :name ( name :op1 rome ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , rome , september 1 st , by reporters aiguo yang and changrui huang"}, {"amr": "common :domain ( become :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 person :arg2 person ) :arg1-of exist ) :arg2 ( intense :arg1 thing :degree more ) :time ( and :op1 ( be-located-at :arg1 person :arg2 ( situation :mod new ) ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 person :arg1 ( pressure :arg1 person :arg2 ( and :op1 ( socialize :arg0 person :prep-with stranger ) :op2 ( fit :arg1 person :arg2 ( role :mod new :example ( person :arg0-of ( study :location university ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.9", "sent": "its not uncommon for people 's existing feelings about themselves to become more intense when they are in new situations and feel the pressure to socialise with strangers and fit into new roles , i.e. being a university student ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( send :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( email :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( post :mod this ) ) ) :arg2 ( tutor :poss you ) ) :op2 ( consider :arg0 tutor :arg1 ( circumstance :arg0-of mitigate ) ) ) :snt2 ( worry :polarity - :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( see :arg0 they :arg1 ( all :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of admit :quant some :arg0-of ( comfortable :polarity - :degree ( more :quant much ) ) ) ) ) :time before ) ) ) :snt3 ( know :arg0 i :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( use :arg1 ( work :arg0 i :arg2 ( department :arg0-of ( administrate :arg1 university ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.19", "sent": "send your tutors a similar email to this post ( do n't worry they 've seen it all before - some much more uncomfortable admissions too - i know as i used to work in a uni dept admin ) and they will consider mitigating circumstances ."}, {"amr": "keep :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of record :mod that )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.29", "sent": "keep those records ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 :day 9", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 10 @-@ 09"}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :arg1 ( deal :arg2 ( manufacture :arg1 ( submarine :quant 6 :wiki scorp\u00e8ne-class_submarine :name ( name :op1 scorpene ) :arg1-of ( propel :arg0 diesel ) :arg1-of advanced ) :location country :prep-under ( produce :arg1-of license ) ) :arg3 ( estimate :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 2000000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.7", "sent": "france and india will sign an estimated 2 billion us dollar deal for manufacture in india under licensed production of 6 advanced diesel-propelled scorpene submarines ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 ( do :arg1 amr-unknown ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( look :mode imperative :polite + :arg0 you :arg1 ( map :mod world ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( suppress :arg0 ( encircle :arg1-of ( shape :arg2 crescent ) ) :arg1 ( breathe :arg0 we ) ) :op2 ( strangle :arg0 encircle :arg1 ( develop :arg1 we ) ) :op3 ( covet :arg0 encircle :arg1 ( territory :mod nation :poss we ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.18", "sent": "what to do , fellow citizens ? please take a look at the map of the world , that crescent-shaped encirclement is suppressing our breathing , strangling our development , and coveting our national territory ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( right :polarity - :arg1 you :arg2 ( underwrite :arg0 ( rest :part-of state ) :arg1 ( construct :arg1 ( highway :arg1-of ( cost :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 400000000 :unit dollar ) ) ) :purpose ( easy :arg1 ( and :op1 shop :op2 ( get :arg2 work ) ) :degree more ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.97", "sent": "but you do n't have a right to have the rest of the state to underwrite construction of a $ 400 million highway to make it easier to shop and get to work ."}, {"amr": "collaborate :mod this :time ( recent :degree most ) :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( series :mod ( agreement :mod ( transfer :arg1 technology ) :arg1-of ( reach :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hkust ) ) ) :arg1-of ( succeed :arg0 university ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.17", "sent": "this collaboration is the most recent in a series of successful technology transfer agreements reached by hkust ."}, {"amr": "nation :mod nucleus :domain ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.12", "sent": "iran is a nuclear nation ."}, {"amr": "retain :arg1 ( submarine :quant 30 :mod nucleus :mod strategy :arg1-of ( capable :arg2 ( inflict :arg0 submarine :arg1 ( strike :quant 3 :arg0 submarine :mod nucleus :arg0-of devastate ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg2 enemy ) ) ) ) ) :li 7", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.7", "sent": "7. retain 30 strategic nuclear submarines with the ability to inflict three devastating nuclear strikes against enemies ."}, {"amr": "sound :arg1 that :arg2 ( anxious :degree over :domain you :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( disease :wiki obsessive\u2013compulsive_disorder :name ( name :op1 ocd ) :arg1-of ( bad :degree really ) ) ) ) ) :arg3 i :mod just", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.21", "sent": "to me that just sounds like you being overly anxious , as opposed to having really bad ocd ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 he :arg1 ( agree :arg0 he :arg1 ( opine :arg0 ( person :wiki liu_huaqing :name ( name :op1 huaqing :op2 liu ) ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( develop :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( cooperate :arg2 economy :mod ( form :mod various ) ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg2 trade :mod form ) ) :degree further ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.7", "sent": "he said that he agreed with huaqing liu 's opinion that thailand and china should further develop various forms of economic and trade cooperation ."}, {"amr": "hear :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of sentence ) :location ( port :wiki - :name ( name :op1 callao :op2 naval :op3 base ) :location-of ( imprison :arg1 person :time ( since :op1 ( date-entity :year 2001 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.16", "sent": "montesinos heard the sentence at the callao naval base where montesinos has been imprisoned since 2001 ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( instance :quant ( many :degree too ) :topic ( crime :arg1 heinous :arg1-of ( commit :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( record :manner difficult :manner ( exhaust :polarity - :arg1 ( strip :consist-of bamboo :quant all ) ) ) :arg1-of cite ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.10", "sent": "my fellow citizens , of the heinous crimes committed by japan in china , there are too many instances to cite , difficult to record without exhausting all bamboo strips ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki david_albright :name ( name :op1 david :op2 albright ) ) :arg1 ( evade :arg0 ( reactor :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki arak,_iran :name ( name :op1 arak ) ) ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :purpose research :mod ( water :mod heavy ) ) :arg1 ( notice :arg0 ( community :mod ( security :mod international ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.18", "sent": "david albright stated that iran 's heavy-water research reactor near arak has evaded the international security community 's notice ."}, {"amr": "accelerate :arg1 ( and :op1 ( research :arg1 ( missile :mod ballistic :mod ( speed :arg1-of high ) :mod intercontinental :arg1-of ( range :arg2 ( more-than :op1 ( distance-quantity :quant 10000 :unit ( mile :mod nautical ) ) ) ) :arg2-of ( break :arg1 ( system :mod ( defense :mod missile ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) :op2 ( deploy :arg1 missile ) ) :li 4", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.4", "sent": "4. accelerate the research and deployment of high-speed intercontinental ballistic missiles which can break missile defense systems and whose range is more than 10,000 nautical miles ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( and :op1 ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 17 :unit year ) ) :op2 ( start :arg0 i :arg1 ( harm :arg1 self :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( cut :arg1 ( arm :part-of i ) :mod main ) ) ) :time ( year :mod last ) ) ) :arg2 ( stop :arg0 i :arg1 harm :time ( before :op1 now :quant ( few :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit month ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.30", "sent": "i 'm 17 i started self harming last year , mainly cutting my arms , but i have stopped since the last few months ,"}, {"amr": "shock", "id": "bolt12_91455_5319.1", "sent": ":shocked :"}, {"amr": "score :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 si :op2 aiwan ) :arg0-of compete :source ( country :wiki zimbabwe :name ( name :op1 zimbabwe ) ) :arg1-of ( place :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 3 ) :duration temporary ) ) :arg2 ( point :quant ( 354.39 :arg2-of ( total :arg1 point ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.7", "sent": "the competitor from zimbabwe , si aiwan , who is temporarily in third place , has a total score of 354.39 points ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( result :arg1 ( war :mod cold ) :arg2 ( embargo :arg1 arm ) :mod outdated )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.30", "sent": "wen stated that the arms embargo is an outdated result of the cold war ."}, {"amr": "die :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 ( mate :mod ( good :degree most ) ) ) ) :time ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit year ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.13", "sent": "my best mate died when i was 10"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( pass :arg0 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg1 ( pact :mod temporary :topic ( policy :mod foreign :poss organization ) ) :time ( meet :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2002 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.21", "sent": "tang stated that the sco will pass a temporary pact on sco 's foreign policies at the meeting on 23 november 2002 ."}, {"amr": "dawn :arg1 ( easy :arg1 nothing ) :arg2 i", "id": "bolt12_9145_5538.1", "sent": "it dawned on me nothing is easy !"}, {"amr": "agitate :arg0 ( spring-up :arg1 ( scene :quant many :mod heroic :mod tragic :topic ( and :op1 ( spear :arg1-of shine ) :op2 ( horse :arg1-of armor ) ) :arg2-of stir ) :location ( mind :poss i ) ) :arg1 ( string :poss ( memory :poss i ) :mod ( thing :arg1-of think ) ) :frequency occasional", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.28", "sent": "the thought-strings of my memory have been agitated from time to time - many heroic , stirring , and tragic scenes of shining spears and armored horses spring up in my mind ."}, {"amr": "make :arg0 amr-unknown :arg1 ( decide :arg0 they :arg1 ( signal :arg0 ( walk :manner toe ) :arg1 autism ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( seem :arg1 ( random :degree so :domain walk ) ) :op2 ( indicate :polarity - :arg0 walk :time always ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.3", "sent": "what made them decide toe-walking is a sign of autism since it seems so random and is n't always indicative ?"}, {"amr": "kill :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( drive :arg1 vehicle ) ) :arg2 ambush :mod also", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.9", "sent": "the driver of the vehicle was also killed in the ambush ."}, {"amr": "win :arg0 he :arg2 ( game :quant 9 :arg1-of ( play :arg0 he :arg3 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg0-of ( play :arg1 ( game :wiki go_[game] :name ( name :op1 go ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of complete :time before", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.15", "sent": "he had achieved complete victory in nine games with chinese go players before ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 ( person :arg0-of lead ) :op4 military", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; leader ; military"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( sound :arg1 ( horn :mod battle ) :time about-to ) :op2 ( equip :arg1 person :time already :manner full ) :op3 ( ready :arg1 person :arg2 ( go :arg1 person ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.34", "sent": "the battle horn is about to sound , the people are already fully equipped and ready to go ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( document :quant 5 :topic ( cooperate :arg2 ( and :op1 finance :op2 technical :op3 business ) ) :arg1-of ( total :arg2 ( over :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 260000000 :unit dollar ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.5", "sent": "german and vietnamese officials signed 5 documents on financial , technical and business cooperation totaling over 260 million dollars ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 12 :unit year ) ) :op2 ( sick :arg0 ( life :poss i ) :arg1 i :time already )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.10", "sent": "i am 12 and i am already sick of my life ."}, {"amr": "want :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( drive :arg1 bus ) ) :op2 ( person :location till ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of ( deliver :arg1 ( food :poss you ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( change :mod exact )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.1", "sent": "the bus drivers want exact change , the till people want exact change , the people who deliver your food want exact change.. ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( center :arg0-of ( monitor :arg1 ( military :wiki russian_space_forces :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 space :op3 forces ) ) ) :location ( peninsula :wiki kamchatka_peninsula :name ( name :op1 kamchatka ) ) ) :arg2 ( installation :mod military :arg0-of ( lose :arg1 power ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.38", "sent": "the military installations that lost power included the russian space forces monitoring center on the kamchatka peninsula ."}, {"amr": "group :consist-of ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( profession :quant 9 ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5317.1", "sent": "a group of people of nine professions"}, {"amr": "intense :arg1 ( exchange :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 intelligence :arg2 ( police :location ( mainland :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :mod particular", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.19", "sent": "the hong kong police 's exchange of intelligence with the police on the chinese mainland has been particularly intense ."}, {"amr": "allege :arg1 ( run :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( network :arg1 bribe ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.12", "sent": "montesinos is alleged to run a network of bribes ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( normal :arg1 that ) :snt2 ( and :op2 ( and :op1 ( heartless :domain whore ) :op2 ( righteous :polarity - :arg1 ( person :arg0-of perform ) ) :time always ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5320.1", "sent": "that 's normal , it has always been the case that a whore is heartless and a performer is unrighteous"}, {"amr": "resemble :arg1 ( society :mod whole :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( person :arg1-of star ) ) ) :arg2 this", "id": "bolt12_91455_5312.1", "sent": "the whole society is like this , not to mention the stars"}, {"amr": "kill :arg1 ( soldier :quant 1 ) :arg2 bomb :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 29 ) :location ( district :wiki patan,_nepal :name ( name :op1 lalitpur ) :location ( valley :wiki kathmandu_valley :name ( name :op1 kathmandu :op2 valley ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.10", "sent": "20020829 in lalitpur district , kathmandu valley 1 soldier was killed by a bomb ."}, {"amr": "temporal-quantity :quant 100 :unit year :duration-of vicissitude", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.18", "sent": "one hundred years of vicissitudes"}, {"amr": "horrible :beneficiary i :domain she :manner constant", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.4", "sent": "she 's horrible to me , constantly ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russian :op2 federation ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki kazakhstan :name ( name :op1 kazakhstan ) ) :op4 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) :op5 ( country :wiki tajikistan :name ( name :op1 tajikistan ) ) :op6 ( country :wiki uzbekistan :name ( name :op1 uzbekistan ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.2", "sent": "china ( cn ) ; russian federation ( ru ) ; kazakhstan ( kz ) ; kyrgyzstan ( kg ) ; tajikistan ( tj ) ; uzbekistan ( uz )"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( deepen :arg0 ( country :mod all :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 security ) ) :op2 ( expand :arg0 country :arg1 cooperate ) :manner ( and :op1 ( adopt :arg0 country :arg1 ( deal :arg0 country :arg2 ( fight :arg0 country :arg1 ( and :op1 ( force :quant 3 ) :op2 ( organization :mod terrorist ) ) :manner joint ) ) ) :op2 ( create :arg0 country :arg1 ( organization :mod region :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 terrorism ) ) :location ( city :wiki bishkek :name ( name :op1 bishkek ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) :arg2 capital ) ) :time ( soon :degree most :compared-to ( possible :arg1 create ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.11", "sent": "tang stated that all sco members should deepen and expand security cooperation by adopting deals on jointly fighting against the 3 @-@forces and terrorist organizations and by creating a regional anti-terrorist organization in kyrgyz capital bishkek as soon as possible ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( publication :wiki fars_news_agency :name ( name :op1 fars ) ) :arg1 ( carry-out :arg1 ( counterattack :arg1 ( site :quant 2 :mod web :mod ( religious-group :wiki wahhabism :name ( name :op1 wahhabi ) ) :arg1-of major :arg0-of ( belong :arg1 ( strain :arg2 ( religious-group :wiki sunni_islam :name ( name :op1 sunni :op2 islam ) ) :mod puritan :arg0-of ( dominate :location ( country :wiki saudi_arabia :name ( name :op1 saudi :op2 arabia ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.24", "sent": "fars reported that a counterattack had been carried out against 2 major wahhabi web sites which belong to puritanical strain of sunni islam that is dominant in saudi arabia ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( sure :arg0 i :arg1 ( allow :arg0 ( university :poss you ) :arg1 it ) :condition ( honest :domain you ) ) :snt1 ( and :op1 ( try :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( extend :arg1 deadline ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.25", "sent": "and try and get deadlines extended , if you 're honest i 'm sure your uni will allow it ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( start :arg0 you :arg2 ( contrast :arg1 ( sorry :arg1 i :arg2 ( have-polarity :arg2 - ) ) :arg2 ( busy :domain i ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.9", "sent": "you could start with \" no , sorry but i 'm busy \""}, {"amr": "think :arg0 ( i :mod even ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( lag :arg2 ( or :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit year ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit year ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.19", "sent": "even i thought there might be a lag of three or four years ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 i :arg1 ( work :arg0 i :location ( area :mod downtown ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.88", "sent": "i will not work in a downtown area ,"}, {"amr": "recommend :arg0 i :arg1 ( try :arg0 you :arg1 ( focus :arg0 you :arg2 ( something :arg0-of ( guarantee :arg0-of ( make :arg1 ( or :op1 ( smile :arg0 you ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( happy :degree more ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( as-soon-as :op1 ( start :arg0 you :arg1 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( panic :arg0 anything :arg1 you :quant bit ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.11", "sent": "what i would try to do is focus on something that is garunteed to make you smile or feel happier as soon as you start to feel a bit panicky about anything ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( quit :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( take :arg0 you :arg1 ( call :arg0 he ) ) ) :op2 ( make :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( leave :arg0 he :arg1 ( mail :mod voice ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.27", "sent": "quit taking his calls , make him leave voice mail ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( focus :arg0 i :arg2 idol :condition ( you :domain i ) ) :snt2 ( aspire :arg0 you :arg1 ( someone :example ( someone :arg1-of ( come :arg2 ( background :arg1-of bad ) ) :arg1-of ( end-up :arg2 ( and :op1 ( succeed :arg0 someone ) :op2 ( happy :domain someone ) :op3 ( have :arg0 someone :arg1 family ) :op4 ( marry :arg1 someone ) :op5 et-cetera ) ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( contrast :arg1 ( want :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( they :domain you ) ) :arg2 ( someone :arg1-of ( admire :arg0 you ) :arg1-of ( respect :arg0 you ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.14", "sent": "if i were you id focus on an idol . someone you aspire to ( not want to be them but someone who your admire and have respect for ) e.g. someone who came from a bad background and ended up successful and happy with a family and married etc etc"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( exchange :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( concern :mod mutual ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 national :op2 narcotics :op3 control :op4 commission ) :poss ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :mod also ) :op2 ( discuss :arg0 police :arg1 ( issue :quant number :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( investigate :arg1 ( counter :arg1 ( and :op1 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) :op2 ( activity :arg1 ( launder :arg1 money ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 organization )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.22", "sent": "the hong kong police and china 's national narcotics control commission also exchanged mutual concerns and discussed a number of issues which included investigations to counter drug trafficking and money laundering activities ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 fernando :op2 ochoa :op3 antich ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( general :arg1-of ( retire :arg0 person ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( exaggerate :arg1 ( say :arg1 ( engage :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg2 ( build-up :arg1 arm ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.33", "sent": "retired general fernando ochoa antich said that it is an exaggeration to say chavez is engaged in an arms buildup ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( centrifuge :quant 6000 :arg1-of ( run :arg1-of continue ) ) :arg1 ( uranium :arg0-of ( suffice :arg1 ( bomb :quant 1 ) ) :mod weapons-grade ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit month ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.32", "sent": "6000 centrifuges running continuously can produce sufficient weapons-grade uranium for 1 bomb in 6 months ."}, {"amr": "emerge :arg0 ( thing :arg0-of ( evidence :arg1 ( weapon :arg2-of ( have-part :arg1 ( deal :arg0 ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) :arg1 ( region :mod separatism :location ( country :wiki south_sudan :name ( name :op1 southern :op2 sudan ) ) ) :arg2 arm :mod clandestine ) ) ) ) ) :mod subsequent", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.22", "sent": "evidence has subsequently emerged that the weapons were part of a clandestine arms deal between kenya and the separatist region of southern sudan ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 politics", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.3", "sent": "international ; politics"}, {"amr": "become :arg1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 jacques :op2 chirac ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 president ) :arg0-of visit ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :arg0-of ( visit :arg1 ( center :wiki titov_main_test_and_space_systems_control_centre :name ( name :op1 titov ) :mod space :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :mod top-secret :mod test :mod control ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 3 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.5", "sent": "on 040403 visiting french president jacques chirac became the first western leader to visit the top-secret russian titov test and control space center ."}, {"amr": "tempt :arg1 i :arg3 ( or :op1 ( cut :arg0 i :arg1 ( arm :part-of i ) ) :op2 ( burn :arg0 i :arg1 i ) ) :time ( write :arg0 i :arg1 this ) :mod really", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.7", "sent": "as im writing this i am really tempted to cut my arm or burn myslef ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tom_casey_[diplomat] :name ( name :op1 tom :op2 casey ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_department_of_state :name ( name :op1 state :op2 department ) ) :arg2 spokesman ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( view :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( deal :mod ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :arg2 unique ) :op2 ( see :polarity - :arg0 government-organization :arg1 deal :arg2 ( precedent :beneficiary ( country :mod other :mod any :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.26", "sent": "state department spokesman tom casey stated the u.s. government views the india deal as unique and does not see the deal as a precedent for any other country including israel ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 schroeder ) ) :arg1 ( attach :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( important :degree great ) :arg2 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :purpose ( attempt :arg0 person :arg1 ( strengthen :arg0 person :arg1 ( tie :mod bilateral ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.13", "sent": "schroeder stated that german officials attach great importance to vietnam in an attempt to strengthen bilateral ties ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( affect :arg0 ( delay :arg1 ( win :arg1 ( approve :arg1 ( deal :mod ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( legacy :mod ( policy :mod foreign ) :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate ) ) :mod negative ) :prep-with ( delay :arg2 ( year :mod elect ) :arg0-of ( effect :mod ( negative :degree most ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.25", "sent": "delays in winning approval for the india deal could have a negative effect on the administration 's foreign policy legacy with delay until an election year having the most negative effect ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 military :arg3 ( analyze :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( criminal-organization :wiki farc :name ( name :op1 farc ) :mod ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) ) :arg2 guerrilla ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 military :arg3 ( specialize :arg0 person :arg1 person ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( person :arg0-of rebel ) :arg1 ( money :quant plenty :purpose weapon :source ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) ) :op2 ( interest :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 ( or :op1 ( rifle :source ( country :wiki belgium :name ( name :op1 belgium ) ) :mod old ) :op2 ( assist :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 person ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.40", "sent": "military analysts and specialists on the colombian farc guerrillas say the rebels have plenty of money for weapons from drug trafficking and would not be interested in old belgian rifles or in assistance from chavez ."}, {"amr": "estimate :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 u.n. ) ) :arg1 ( make :arg0 insurgent :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 300000000 :unit dollar :mod much ) :arg2 ( trade :arg1 opium ) :time ( year :mod last ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.12", "sent": "the u.n. estimates the insurgents made as much as 300 million dollars from the opium trade last year ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.2", "sent": "my fellow citizens :"}, {"amr": "determine :arg0 ( thing :arg2-of ( result :arg1 ( compete :arg0 ( person :wiki nie_weiping :name ( name :op1 weiping :op2 nie ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xunxuan :op2 cao ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( result :mod final ) :condition ( draw :arg0 team :arg1 team :quant ( score-entity :op1 7 :op2 7 ) ) :arg1-of ( conform :arg2 ( rule :arg1-of ( discuss :arg0 ( side :mod both ) ) :arg1-of ( agree :arg0 side ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.17", "sent": "according to the rules discussed and agreed upon by both sides , if the two teams draw with 7 : 7 , then the final result will be determined by the result of the competition between weiping nie of the chinese team and xunxuan cao of the korean team ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( go :arg1 ( gas :quant ( volume-quantity :quant 1 :unit gallon ) ) :arg3 ( monetary-quantity :quant 10 :unit dollar ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.92", "sent": "gas could go to $ 10 a gallon"}, {"amr": "and :op1 good :op2 ( good :degree more :compared-to ( record :poss ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) :domain ( record :poss ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg0-of ( follow :arg1 ( rule :mod nucleus :mod international ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.20", "sent": "israel 's record is good and better than india 's in following international nuclear rules ."}, {"amr": "enhance :arg1 ( regime :mod ( proliferate :polarity - :mod nucleus ) ) :manner considerable :condition ( modify :arg1 ( publication :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nsg :op2 guidelines ) ) :manner ( line :arg1-of ( propose :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.33", "sent": "if modification of the nsg guidelines were to take place along the lines proposed by israeli officials the nuclear nonproliferation regime would be considerably enhanced ."}, {"amr": "right :arg1 you :arg2 ( and :op1 ( live :arg0 you :arg1 ( life :poss you ) ) :op2 ( happy :domain you ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( cave :polarity - :arg1 you :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( threaten :arg0 he ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.15", "sent": "you have a right to live your own life and be happy , so do n't cave to his threats ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( enjoy :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 university :time ( after :op1 ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 here :duration ( or-so :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit month ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( disillusion :arg0 course :arg1 i ) :op2 ( enjoy :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( project :arg1-of set ) ) :op3 ( like :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( deliver :arg1 course ) :degree much ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.6", "sent": "- i am not enjoying university having been here 5 months or so ; i 'm disillusioned by the course , not enjoying the projects set , and i do n't like the course delivery as much ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 democratic :op2 people's :op3 republic :op4 of :op5 korea )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.2", "sent": "korea , democratic people 's republic of ( kp )"}, {"amr": "continue :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( work :arg0 country :arg4 ( master :arg0 country :arg1 ( and :op1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) :op2 ( technology :mod missile ) ) ) :direction toward ) :time ( maneuver :mod diplomacy )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.29", "sent": "while diplomatic maneuvering is taking place iran continues to work towards mastering nuclear and missile technology ."}, {"amr": "hope :arg0 i :arg1 ( help :arg0 this )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.18", "sent": "hope this helps"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( pirate :arg0-of ( board :arg1 ( ship :mod ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( release :arg1 ( and :op1 ship :op2 ( cargo :poss ship :arg0-of ( board :arg1 ship ) ) :op3 ( person :quant 20 :arg0-of sail :arg0-of board ) ) :time ( receive :arg1 ( pay :arg1 ( and :op1 ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :op2 ( prefer :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( bill :mod ( monetary-quantity :quant 100 :unit dollar ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.17", "sent": "the pirates aboard the ukrainian ship have stated that upon receipt of payment in american dollars and preferably in 100 dollar bills the ship , its cargo and the 20 sailors on board will be released ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( possible :arg1 ( benefit :arg0 ( speak :arg0 you :arg2 someone ) :arg1 you :condition ( person :mod anxious :domain you :time always ) ) ) :snt2 ( get :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 friend ) ) :arg1 therapy :arg2 ( organization :wiki national_health_service_[england] :name ( name :op1 nhs ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( normal :arg1 it :degree real ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 anxiety ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.24", "sent": "if you 've always been an anxious person you might benefit from speaking to someone ( my friend got therapy on the nhs for anxiety , so its really normal ) ."}, {"amr": "confirm :arg0 ( source :mod police ) :arg1 ( detain :arg1 ( person :quant 17 :mod all :arg1-of arrest ) :arg2 question :time still ) :arg2 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 25 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.11", "sent": "police sources confirmed to the xinhua new agency on 020725 that all 17 arrested are still being detailed for questioning ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2002 :month 10 :day 19", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.1", "sent": "2002 @-@ 10 @-@ 19"}, {"amr": "arrive :arg1 ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 lula :op2 da :op3 silva ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg4 ( city :wiki pretoria :name ( name :op1 pretoria ) :location ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 7 ) :purpose ( discuss :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 politics :op2 economy :mod bilateral ) :arg2 ( person :wiki thabo_mbeki :name ( name :op1 thabo :op2 mbeki ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 country :arg2 president ) ) :arg1-of ( schedule :arg3 ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 8 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.4", "sent": "brazilian president lula da silva arrived in pretoria , south africa on 031107 for bilateral political and economic discussions with south african president thabo mbeki scheduled for 031108 ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( go :arg0 we :arg1 ( or :op1 ( issue :arg0 ( country :wiki taiwan :name ( name :op1 taiwan ) ) ) :op2 ( issue :arg0 ( province :wiki tibet :name ( name :op1 tibet ) ) ) :op3 ( issue :arg0 ( sea :wiki south_china_sea :name ( name :op1 south :op2 china :op3 sea ) ) ) :op4 ( environment :arg1-of surround ) :op5 ( force :mod foreign :mod ( aggressive :prep-to ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( way :mod amr-unknown ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.17", "sent": "the taiwan issue , the tibet issue , the south china sea issue , the surrounding environment , as well as the foreign forces which are aggressive to china - which way should we go ?"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( report :mod media ) :arg1 ( pledge :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg1 ( field :example ( and :op1 invest :op2 trade :op3 technology ) ) :arg2 country :arg1-of further ) :op2 ( support :arg0 each :arg1 other :location ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 :day 10 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.6", "sent": "media reports stated on 10 october 2004 that vietnamese and german officials have pledged to further vietnamese and german relations in such fields as investment , trade and technology and to support each other in the united nations ( un ) ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.16", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :op2 ( organization :wiki atomic_energy_organization_of_iran :name ( name :op1 atomic :op2 energy :op3 organization ) :poss country ) ) :op2 ( company :mod power ) :op3 ( company :mod engineer ) :op4 ( company :mod petrochemical :arg0-of ( refine :arg1 oil ) ) :op5 ( company :mod gas ) :op6 ( industry :mod aircraft ) :op7 school :op8 university :op9 ( company :arg0-of ( manufacture :arg1 engine ) ) :op10 ( center :mod ( research :arg1 mineral ) ) :op11 ( company :arg0-of ( support :topic helicopter ) ) :op12 ( center :mod ( physics :mod plasma ) ) ) :arg2 ( organization :arg0-of ( use :mod end ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.16", "sent": "the iranian end users included the government of iran and iran 's atomic energy organization , power companies , engineering , petrochemical and oil-refining and gas companies , aircraft industries , schools , universities , engine manufacturers , mineral research centers , a helicopter support company and a plasma physics center ."}, {"amr": "check :arg1 ( terrorism :arg0-of ( cross :arg1 border ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.16", "sent": "check cross-border terrorism ."}, {"amr": "defeat :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki nie_weiping :name ( name :op1 weiping :op2 nie ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 9 ) ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki liu_xiaoguang :name ( name :op1 xiaoguang :op2 liu ) :mod level ) :op3 ( person :wiki chang_hao :name ( name :op1 hao :op2 chang ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) ) ) :op4 ( person :wiki cao_dayuan :name ( name :op1 dayuan :op2 cao ) :mod level ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 guibing :op2 cui ) :mod level ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xiuying :op2 zhang ) :mod level ) :op3 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 fengzhu :op2 xu ) :mod level ) :op4 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xuange :op2 lin ) :mod ( level :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 8 ) ) ) :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) ) :mod respective", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.5", "sent": "weiping nie ( 9 th level ) , xiaoguang liu ( 9 th level ) , hao chang ( 6 th level ) and dayuan cao ( 9 th level ) from the chinese team defeated guibing cui ( 6 th level ) , xiuying zhang ( 9 th level ) , fengzhu xu ( 9 th level ) and xuange lin ( 8 th level ) from the korean team respectively ."}, {"amr": "pass-by :arg0 i :mod just", "id": "bolt12_91455_5311.1", "sent": "i 'm just passing by"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( expire :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 28 :dayperiod evening ) ) :op2 ( decide :polarity - :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :mod ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) :arg1 ( reimpose :arg0 government-organization :arg1 state ) :time yet )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.12", "sent": "a state of emergency expired the evening of 28 august 2002 and the nepali government has not yet decided to re-impose it ."}, {"amr": "peak :arg1 ( aid :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg1 ( convert :arg1 ( laboratory :mod bioweapon :poss ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :time one-time ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1997 ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( learn :arg1 ( offer :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( purchase :arg0 country :arg1 ( expert :arg1 research-institute ) ) :arg3 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.21", "sent": "western aid for conversion of general nikolai n. urakov 's one time bioweapons laboratory peaked in 970000 because it was learned that iran had made offers to the state scientific center of applied microbiology to purchase its expertise ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 souya ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( meet :mod sport :mod international :arg0-of ( attract :arg1 ( attend :arg0 world :arg1 game ) ) :domain ( game :wiki fespic_games :name ( name :op1 far :op2 south :op3 sports :op4 meet ) ) :arg1-of ( hold :location ( city :wiki beijing :name ( name :op1 beijing ) ) ) ) :op2 ( large :degree most :time to-date :domain ( scale :poss game ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.7", "sent": "souya said , the far south sports meet was an international sports meet that attracts the world 's attention , and the scale of this sports meet to be held in beijing is the largest to date ."}, {"amr": "conduct :arg0 ( person :quant some :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_monitoring,_verification_and_inspection_commission :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 monitoring :op4 verification :op5 and :op6 inspection :op7 commission ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 missile ) ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( factory :wiki - :name ( name :op1 al :op2 qaib ) :arg0-of ( fill :arg1 warhead ) :location ( complex :wiki al_qa'qaa :name ( name :op1 al :op2 qa :op3 qaa ) :arg0-of ( undertake :arg1 ( fill :arg0 complex :arg1 ( warhead :poss ( and :op1 ( missile :wiki - :name ( name :op1 al :op2 samoud ) ) :op2 ( missile :wiki - :name ( name :op1 al :op2 fatah ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( announce :polarity - ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.9", "sent": "some united nations monitoring , verification and inspection commission missile experts conducted an unannounced visit to the al qaib warhead-filling factory in the al qa qaa complex which undertakes filling of warheads of al samoud and al fatah missiles ."}, {"amr": "schedule :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg2 ( provide :arg0 country :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 10200000 :unit dollar :instrument-of ( and :op1 ( aid :arg0 country :arg2 country :mod drug ) :op2 ( aid :arg0 country :arg2 country :mod ( enforce :arg1 law ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :arg3 ( date-entity :year 2004 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.19", "sent": "the us is scheduled to provide 10.2 million dollars in drug and law enforcement aid to brazil in 2004 ."}, {"amr": "prohibit :arg1 ( country :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki pakistan :name ( name :op1 pakistan ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( sign :polarity - :arg1 ( treaty :wiki treaty_on_the_non-proliferation_of_nuclear_weapons :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 non-proliferation :op3 treaty ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( participate :arg0 country :arg1 ( trade :mod nucleus :mod international :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( purchase :arg1 ( or :op1 reactor :op2 ( fuel :mod uranium ) :op3 yellowcake ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.7", "sent": "countries including india , israel and pakistan that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty are prohibited from participating in international nuclear trade which includes purchasing reactors , uranium fuel or yellowcake ."}, {"amr": "overdo", "id": "bolt12_91455_5329.1", "sent": "overdoing"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( mean :polarity - :mode interrogative :arg1 ( resemble :arg1 ( live :arg0 i ) :arg2 this ) :arg1-of sure )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.14", "sent": "but surely , my life is n't meant to be like this ?"}, {"amr": "find :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) :arg1 ( mass-quantity :quant 8500 :quant-of opium :unit ton ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.20", "sent": "the united nations found that afghanistan produced 8500 tons of opium in 2008 ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( try :arg0 i :arg1 ( solve :arg0 i :arg1 ( problem :poss i ) ) :time before ) :op2 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( useful :arg1 ( and :op1 exercise :op2 meditation ) :mod particular ) ) :op3 ( try :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :example ( and :op1 ( book :arg0-of ( help :mod self ) ) :op2 ( tape :arg0-of help ) ) ) :mod also ) ) :snt2 ( contrast :arg2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :mode interrogative :arg1-of ( live :arg0 i ) :domain this ) :arg1-of ( general :arg2 i ) ) ) :snt3 ( waste :mode expressive :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( chance :arg0 i :arg1 ( exist :arg1 i ) :mod one ) :op2 ( chance :arg0 i :arg1 ( man :mod young :domain i ) :mod one ) ) ) :snt4 ( beat :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 i ) :mod this ) :arg2 away :prep-at i )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.6", "sent": "i have tried to solve my problems before , and have found exercise and meditation particularly useful , and have also tried things like self-help books and tapes . but my general feeling , is , \" is this what my life will be ? my one chance at existance , my one chance of being a young man , i am wasting it ! \" and these feelings are beating away at me ."}, {"amr": "fund :arg0 ( person :wiki khalid_sheikh_mohammed :name ( name :op1 sheik :op2 mohammed :op3 khalid ) ) :arg1 ( network :mod terrorist :location ( country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines ) ) ) :arg1-of allege", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.13", "sent": "sheik mohammed khalid is allegedly funding terrorist networks in the philippines ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ochoa ) ) :arg1 ( purchase :polarity - :arg0 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg1 arm :time ( before :op1 now :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 25 :unit year ) ) ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 person :arg1 ( buy :polarity - :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 weapon :manner aggressive :manner ( threaten :arg2 ( neighbor :poss person ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.35", "sent": "ochoa stated that venezuela has n't purchased arms in 25 years and said and chavez is not aggressively buying weapons in a way that would threaten his neighbors ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( struggle :arg0 i :manner emotional :duration ( live :arg0 i :quant majority ) :concession ( and :op1 ( lose :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 dad ) ) :time ( around :op1 ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit year ) ) ) ) :op2 ( blame :arg0 i :arg1 lose :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 i ) ) :time always ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( move :arg1 i :arg2 ( school :mod secondary ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( period :quant 2 :consist-of ( counsel :arg1 i ) :time ( live :arg0 i ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2009 :month 12 ) :op2 ( year :mod this :mod ( around :op1 ( date-entity :month 3 ) ) ) ) :duration ( roughly :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 15 :unit month ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.3", "sent": "i have been struggling emotionally for the majority of my life since moving to secondary school , although i did lose my dad at around the age of 9 and always used to blame that for my feelings . i have had two periods of counselling in my life , over roughly 15 months from december 2009 until around march this year ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki walter_stosch :name ( name :op1 walter :op2 stoch ) :mod ( less :polarity - ) ) :arg1 ( intend :arg1 ( pay :arg1 ( money :purpose ( develop :arg1 economy ) ) :arg3 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.53", "sent": "no less than walter stoch stated that 288 money was intended to be paid from economic development money ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( respond :arg0 country :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( offer :arg0 ( person :wiki javier_solana :name ( name :op1 solana ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 7 :day 26 ) :time ( talk :location ( city :wiki geneva :name ( name :op1 geneva ) ) :arg1-of ( attend :arg0 ( person :wiki william_j._burns :name ( name :op1 william :op2 j. :op3 burns ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg2 ( undersecretary :mod state ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.25", "sent": "20080726 during talks in geneva attended by us undersecretary of state william j. burns iran refused to respond to solana 's offers ."}, {"amr": "base :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :location ( city :wiki vienna :name ( name :op1 vienna ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.37", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency is based in vienna ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( publication :wiki fars_news_agency :name ( name :op1 fars :op2 news :op3 agency ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1 ( block :arg0 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) :arg1 ( access :arg1 ( site :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) ) :quant ( approximately :op1 300 ) ) ) :time ( and :op1 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 18 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 19 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.12", "sent": "iranian news agency fars stated that group xp had blocked access to approximately 300 shiite-related sites on 18 september 2008 and 19 september 2008 ."}, {"amr": "interview :arg0 ( publish :arg1 ( publication :wiki die_welt :name ( name :op1 die :op2 welt ) ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :mod imminent ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.7", "sent": "wen was interviewed before his imminent visit to europe by the publisher of die welt ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2005 :month 7 :day 16", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.1", "sent": "2005 @-@ 07 @-@ 16"}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( person :wiki homer_simpson :name ( name :op1 homer :op2 simpson ) ) :arg2 amr-unknown :time ( need :arg0 you :arg1 person )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.13", "sent": "where 's homer simpson when you need him ?"}, {"amr": "upgrade :arg1 ( system :arg0-of ( control :arg1 fire ) :poss ( tank :mod ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.17", "sent": "upgrade fire control systems of indian tanks ."}, {"amr": "obligate :arg1 ( give-in :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 that ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( escalate :arg1 it :mod just :condition ( give-in :arg0 you :arg1 that ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.14", "sent": "you can n't give in to that or it will just escalate ."}, {"amr": "exemplify :arg0 ( confront :arg0 ( utility :wiki mosenergo :name ( name :op1 mosenergo ) :mod electricity ) :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) :location ( city :wiki - :name ( name :op1 obolensk ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( clash :arg0 ( imperative :mod capitalism :mod basic :topic ( sustain :arg0 enterprise :arg1 enterprise ) ) :arg1 ( thing :mod old :arg1-of ( remain :source ( science :mod ( weapon :mod ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) ) ) ) ) :manner dangerous ) ) :mod another", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.33", "sent": "the confrontation between the mosenergo electric utility and the state scientific center of applied microbiology in obolensk is another example of how the basic capitalist imperative for enterprises to be self-sustaining can clash in a dangerous way with the old remnants of soviet weapons science ."}, {"amr": "country :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( organization :wiki european_space_agency :name ( name :op1 european :op2 space :op3 agency ) ) ) :domain ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.12", "sent": "france is a leader in the european space agency ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 crime :op4 weapon :op5 narcotic", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.3", "sent": "international ; government ; crime ; weapons ; narcotics"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( proliferate :polarity - ) ) :quant some ) :arg1 ( cede :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) :arg1 ( much :degree too ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.16", "sent": "some nonproliferation experts stated the iaea was ceding too much to iran ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( optimistic :domain person :topic ( and :op1 ( lift :arg0 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 eu ) ) :arg1 ( embargo :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :mod arm ) :time soon ) :op2 ( give :arg0 organization :arg1 ( status :mod economy :mod market ) :arg2 country ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.29", "sent": "wen stated that he was optimistic that the eu would lift the arms embargo on china soon and would give china market economy status ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( principle :poss ( party :arg1-of concern :source ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( document :quant 6 ) :time today :location here", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.2", "sent": "principles of parties concerned from china and kirghizia signed six documents here today ."}, {"amr": "commute :arg0 i :arg2 work :direction ( and :op1 back :op2 forth ) :path ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 huguenot :op2 trail ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.80", "sent": "i commute back and forth to work on the huguenot trail ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( be-temporally-at :arg1 ( deny :arg1 purchase :quant most :arg1-of ( include :arg2 deny ) ) :arg2 ( since :op1 ( date-entity :year 2002 ) ) ) :op2 ( result :arg1 ( intervene :arg0 ( country :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg2 member ) ) ) :arg2 deny )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.11", "sent": "most of the denials of purchase have occurred since 2002 and have resulted from interventions by members of the nuclear suppliers group ."}, {"amr": "accuse :arg0 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :arg1 ( authority :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg2 ( have-part :arg1 ( deal :arg0 authority :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( carry-out :arg0 authority :arg1 operation ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.10", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen accused the french authorities of carrying out the operation as part of a deal with the iranian government ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki chavalit_yongchaiyudh :name ( name :op1 chavalit ) ) :arg1 ( content :arg0 ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :wiki liu_huaqing :name ( name :op1 liu ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( chairman :mod vice ) ) ) ) :arg1 person :degree extreme )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.5", "sent": "chavalit said that he was extremely happy to meet vice-chairman liu ."}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of ( advise :arg1 ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 alberto :op2 fujimori ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :arg2 president :time former ) ) :mod close ) :domain ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.13", "sent": "montesinos was a close adviser to former peruvian president alberto fujimori ."}, {"amr": "see :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( point :poss ( thing :arg1-of state :mod this ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( appear :arg1 ( and :op1 ( demonize :arg0 thing :arg1 ( plan :mod ( business :arg1-of private ) ) ) :op2 ( put :arg0 thing :arg1 ( interest :poss public ) :arg2 ( above :op1 ( all :mod else ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.67", "sent": "i do n't see the point of this statement because it appears to demonize private business plans and put the public interest above all else ."}, {"amr": "alternative :domain amr-unknown :condition ( enough :quant-of they :arg0-of ( create :arg1 ( congest :arg0 they :arg2 traffic :location ( place :mod new ) :mod new ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.28", "sent": "if there enough of them to create new traffic congestion in new places , then what is the alternative ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( hear :polarity - :arg0 they :arg1 ( compulsion :mod some :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 this ) ) :time ever :mod probable ) :op2 ( know :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i ) ) :mod just )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.11", "sent": "they 've probably never heard of some compulsion like this and i just dont know what to do"}, {"amr": "term :arg1-of ( coin :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg3 strategize ) ) ) :arg0-of ( describe :arg1 ( conflict :arg0 ( person :arg0-of combat :mod ( equal :polarity - ) ) :location-of ( employ :arg0 ( side :mod ( weak :degree more ) ) :arg1 ( tactic :mod guerrilla ) ) ) ) :domain ( warfare :mod ( symmetrical :polarity - ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.55", "sent": "asymmetrical warfare is a term coined by us military strategists to describe a conflict between unequal combatants where the weaker side employs guerrilla tactics ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( focus :arg0 you :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of ( achieve :arg0 you :prep-in life ) ) ) :snt2 ( state :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( or :op1 ( thing :arg1-of ( study :arg0 you ) ) :op2 ( thing :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 study ) :mod indeed ) ) ) :snt3 ( cause :arg0 ( want :mode interrogative :arg0 you :arg1 ( experience :arg0 you ) ) ) :snt4 ( cause :arg0 ( want :mode interrogative :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 mum ) ) :arg1 ( go :arg1 you ) ) ) :snt5 ( cause :arg0 ( need :mode interrogative :arg0 you :arg1 degree :prep-for ( career :arg1-of ( want :arg0 you ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.15", "sent": "focus on what you want to achieve in life , you havent stated what your studying , or indeed why ... isit because you wanted the experience ? because your mum wanted yo to go ? because u need a degree for the career you want to do ?"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 he :arg1 ( and :op1 ( accelerate :arg1 ( develop :arg1 ( economy :poss ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :mod country ) ) :arg1 ( content :arg1 and :degree extreme ) ) :time ( year :mod recent ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.6", "sent": "he said that in recent years , the development of china 's economy has accelerated , and the government and the people of thailand feel extremely happy ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of lead )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; government ; leader"}, {"amr": "matter :topic ( and :op1 ( sovereignty :mod nation ) :op2 ( security :mod nation ) ) :domain policy", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.28", "sent": "the policy is a matter of national sovereignty and security ."}, {"amr": "qualify :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :mod only :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( nation :arg0-of ( sign :polarity - :arg1 treaty ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( admit :arg0 ( propose :arg0 country ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.11", "sent": "among the nations that have not signed the treaty only india and israel would qualify for admission to the nsg under the israeli proposal ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki chu_ching-wu :name ( name :op1 paul :op2 ching-wu :op3 chu ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hkust ) ) :arg2 president ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.18", "sent": "hkust president paul ching-wu chu stated --"}, {"amr": "process :arg1 ( amount :arg1-of increase ) :mod also :location ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.17", "sent": "an increasing amount is also being processed in afghanistan ."}, {"amr": "support :arg0 ( presence :poss ( troop :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( conflict :arg0 ( area :mod separatist ) :arg1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :manner bitter )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.10", "sent": "presence of russian troops supported the separatist area in its bitter conflict with georgia ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 3", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 04 @-@ 03"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( gang :mod drug :location ( city :wiki rio_de_janeiro :name ( name :op1 rio :op2 de :op3 janeiro ) ) ) :arg1 ( firepower :mod more :compared-to police ) ) :op2 ( attack :arg0 gang :arg1 ( station :mod police ) :arg1-of ( succeed :arg0 gang ) ) :op3 ( force :arg0 gang :arg1 ( and :op1 business :op2 school ) :arg2 ( close :arg1 and ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.26", "sent": "rio de janeiro drug gangs have more firepower than the police and have successfully attacked police stations and forced businesses and schools to close ."}, {"amr": "wire :arg1 fund :arg2 ( company :wiki federal_reserve_bank_of_new_york :name ( name :op1 new :op2 york :op3 federal :op4 reserve :op5 bank ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 14 :month 6 :year 2007 ) :time ( after :op1 ( disagree :arg2 ( method :mod ( return :arg1 fund ) ) ) :duration ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit month ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.14", "sent": "the funds were wired on 14 june 2007 to the new york federal reserve bank after months of disagreement over the method of returning the funds ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( excess :mod definite :domain ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :prep-with ( need :mod glaring :location ( thing :part-of state :mod other ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.32", "sent": "but with the glaring needs in other parts of the state , 288 was definitely excess .. ."}, {"amr": "think :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( spend :arg1 ( or :op1 ( facility :location-of ( cross :arg1 ( river :wiki potomac_river :name ( name :op1 potomac ) ) ) :mod another ) :op2 ( improve :arg1 road :arg1-of ( need :manner desperate :location ( country-region :wiki northern_virginia :name ( name :op1 nova ) ) ) ) ) :arg3 ( money :mod this ) ) ) :mod just", "id": "wb.eng_0003.37", "sent": "just think if this money had been spent on another potomac crossing or road improvements that are desperately needed in nova ?"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( autistic :polarity - :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( diagnose :polarity - :arg1 i :arg2 dyspraxia :arg1-of ( contrast :arg2 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( misdiagnose :arg0 doctor ) ) ) ) ) :degree pretty-much :domain i ) :arg2 ( walk :arg0 i :prep-on ( toe :part-of i ) :frequency ( time :quant ( nearly :op1 all ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.1", "sent": "i 'm pretty much non-autistic ( not diagnosed with dyspraxia but i think the doctor misdiagnosed ) , but i walk on my toes nearly all of the time ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( attitude :arg1-of ( bad :mod such ) :domain this :mod really :mod well ) :snt2 ( possible :arg1 ( respect :arg1 you ) :condition ( contrast :arg1 ( nice :arg1 you ) :arg2 ( nice :polarity - :arg1 you :extent ( let :arg0 you :arg1 ( do :arg0 they :arg1 anything :arg2 you ) :mod just ) ) ) :mod of-course ) :snt3 ( contrast :arg1 ( nice :polarity - :domain that ) :arg2 ( person :arg1-of fool :domain that ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.13", "sent": "well this is such a bad attitude really , of course you can be respected if you 're nice but not to the point where you just let them do anything to you , that 's not being nice it 's being a fool ."}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( virus :polarity - ) :arg2 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) :location ( city :wiki - :name ( name :op1 obolensk ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.9", "sent": "there are no viruses at the state scientific center of applied microbiology in obolensk ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( shut-off :polarity - :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 you :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 housemate ) ) ) :op2 ( do :mode imperative :arg0 you :degree well :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( try :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :mod new ) :time ( from :op1 ( begin :mod very ) ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( keep :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 it :time now )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.22", "sent": "do n't shut yourself off from your housemates , and well done for trying new things from the very beginning now keep at it !"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 he :arg1 ( benefit :arg0 ( and :op1 ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki chavalit_yongchaiyudh :name ( name :op1 chavalit ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( premier :mod vice ) ) ) :mod this ) :op2 ( visit :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) ) ) :mod other :mod ( level :arg1-of high ) ) :mod mutual ) ) :arg1 ( promote :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 ( develop :arg1 relation :degree further ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 country :arg1 country :arg2 ( field :mod all ) :arg1-of efficient ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0302.4", "sent": "he said that this visit by vice-premier chavalit and mutual visits by other high - level leaders of china and thailand were beneficial in promoting further development of relationships and the efficient cooperation in all fields between the two countries ."}, {"amr": "read :polarity - :arg0 i :arg2 ( symptom :mod random :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 that ) ) :mod ( much :degree too )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.17", "sent": "i would n't read too much into random \" symptoms \" like that"}, {"amr": "go :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( think :arg0 i ) ) :path ( page :mod that :arg1-of yellow :mod history ) :manner ( resemble :arg2 ( see :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki kangxi_emperor :name ( name :op1 kangxi ) :arg0-of ( contemplate :arg1 ( thing :manner-of ( achieve :arg0 person :arg1 ( unify :arg0 person :arg1 territory ) ) ) :manner alone :location ( hall :mod audience :poss person ) :time ( before :op1 now :quant ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 100 :unit year ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( rule :arg1 generation ) :arg1-of fame :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 emperor ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki abraham_lincoln :name ( name :op1 abraham :op2 lincoln ) :mod also :arg0-of ( wander :arg1 ( dark :arg1 ( hall :mod great ) ) :manner alone ) :arg0-of ( think :arg1 ( integrity :poss ( thing :wiki union_[american_civil_war] :name ( name :op1 union ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :arg2 president :time former ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.29", "sent": "my thoughts go through those yellowing pages of history , as if i saw emperor kangxi , the famous ruler of a generation , contemplating alone about how to achieve unification of the territory in his audience hall , hundreds of years ago ; also as if i saw abraham lincoln , former u.s. president , wandering alone in the dark of a great hall , thinking about the integrity of the union ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 official :arg1 ( and :op1 progress :op2 ( approach :arg0 party :arg1 agree ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 8 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.13", "sent": "on 08 october 2008 the official stated that progress is being made and the parties are approaching an agreement ."}, {"amr": "opine :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki oriental_daily_news :name ( name :op1 oriental :op2 daily :op3 news ) ) :arg1 ( demonstrate :arg0 ( effort :poss ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :purpose ( cut-down :arg0 police :arg1 ( person :quant 5 :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( or :op1 ( person :arg1-of ( call :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( branch :poss ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) ) ) ) :mod so ) ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of ( call :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( team :mod district ) ) ) :mod so ) ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 event :quant ( up-to :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit week :mod ( period :mod short ) ) ) ) ) :time recent ) :arg1 ( determine :arg0 police :arg1 ( eradicate :arg0 police :arg1 ( activity :arg1-of criminal ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.6", "sent": "the oriental daily news opined that the recent hong kong police efforts to cut down 5 of the so-called triad branch leaders or district team leaders within a short 3 @-@week period demonstrates the police 's determination to eradicate criminal activities ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_department_of_state :name ( name :op1 us :op2 state :op3 department ) ) :arg1 ( plan :arg0 ( insurgent :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( violence :mod new ) :time ( before :op1 ( strike :arg1-of general :arg1-of ( declare :prep-for ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 9 :day 16 ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 9 :day 3 ) :arg1-of public", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.18", "sent": "20020903 the us state department publicly stated that anti-government insurgents plan new violence before the general strike declared for 20020916 ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( do :arg0 everybody :arg1 this ) :snt2 ( possible :arg1 ( make :arg0 you :arg1 money :manner amr-unknown :condition ( do :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 this ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5336.1", "sent": "everybody is doing this , how can you make money if you do n't do this"}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 4 :day 7", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 04 @-@ 07"}, {"amr": "capture :arg1 ( suspect :quant 6 :mod ( criminal-organization :wiki abu_sayyaf :name ( name :op1 abu :op2 sayyaf ) ) ) :time ( week :mod last ) :time ( raid :arg1 suspect :arg1-of separate ) :location ( country-region :wiki metro_manila :name ( name :op1 metro :op2 manila ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.15", "sent": "6 abu sayyaf suspects were captured last week in separate raids in metro manila ."}, {"amr": "initiate :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( talk :arg0 government-organization :arg1 peace :arg2 guerrilla ) :time ( date-entity :month 8 :year 2001 ) :purpose ( find :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( solve :arg1 ( insurgency :mod guerrilla :arg0-of ( kill :arg1 ( person :quant ( more-than :op1 5000 ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 policeman :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 guerrilla :arg2 member ) ) :op3 civilian ) ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( begin :arg1 insurgency :location ( kingdom :location ( world-region :wiki himalayas :name ( name :op1 himalayas ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1996 ) ) ) ) ) :manner peaceful ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.13", "sent": "the nepali government initiated peace talks with the guerrillas in august 2001 in order to find a peaceful solution to the guerrilla insurgency that has killed more than 5000 people including policemen , guerrilla members and civilians since it began in the himalayan kingdom in 1996 ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 7", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.1", "sent": "2003 @-@ 11 @-@ 07"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( or :op2 ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( make :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 friend ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( laugh :arg0 you ) ) :time ( start :arg0 you :arg1 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( panic :arg1 you ) ) ) ) :condition ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 that ) ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( work :arg1 it :arg2 i ) :op2 ( suffer :arg0 i :arg1 ( attack :mod panic :mod random ) ) :mod ( lol :mode expressive ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.12", "sent": "or if u cant do that-when you start to feel panicky , get one of your friends to make you laugh ( it works for me and i suffer from random panic attacks lol"}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( check :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( belong :arg1 i ) ) :time always :purpose ( ensure :arg0 i :arg1 ( or :op1 ( lose :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 anything ) :op2 ( leave-behind :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 anything ) ) ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg4 ( go-out :arg0 i :direction ( university :mod especially ) ) ) ) :time ( year :mod past ) ) :arg1 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( get :arg0 i :arg1 ( disease :wiki obsessive\u2013compulsive_disorder :name ( name :op1 ocd ) :mod form ) ) :mod so )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.1", "sent": "so i think ive got a form of ocd because for the past year , i 've found that everytime i go out , especially to uni , i 'm always checking my belongings to make sure i have n't lost or left anything ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( miserable :domain i ) :time anymore ) :op2 ( miserable :degree more :domain i :condition ( be-located-at :arg1 he :arg2 around :arg1-of ( long :degree more ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.8", "sent": "i do n't want to be miserable anymore and the longer he is around the more miserable i will be ."}, {"amr": "run :arg1 ( route :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( route :mod ( important :degree most :purpose ( supply :arg1 cocaine :arg2 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) ) :path-of ( smuggle :arg1 ( and :op1 drug :op2 gun ) ) ) ) ) :arg3 ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) :arg4 ( country :wiki suriname :name ( name :op1 suriname ) ) :arg1-of report :path ( across :location ( tier :mod north :part-of ( world-region :wiki amazon_basin :name ( name :op1 amazon ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.43", "sent": "reportedly one of the most important drug @- and gun-smuggling routes in supplying europe with cocaine runs from colombia across the northern tier of the amazon to suriname ."}, {"amr": "base :arg1 story :arg2 ( report :arg0 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 attorney :op2 general's :op3 office ) ) :mod final )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.8", "sent": "the story is based on the final report of the attorney general \" s office ."}, {"amr": "freeze :arg1 money :time ( accuse :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( company :wiki banco_delta_asia :name ( name :op1 banco :op2 delta :op3 asia ) ) :arg2 ( complicity :topic ( crime :arg1 finance ) :prep-on-behalf-of ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.13", "sent": "the money was frozen when officials from the united states accused the banco delta asia of complicity in financial crimes on behalf of north korea ."}, {"amr": "easy :polarity - :arg1 ( person :arg0-of act ) :mod ( ah-well :mode expressive )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5536.1", "sent": "ah well , it is not easy to be an actress"}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( happen :arg1 ( like :arg0 i :arg1 ( develop :arg1 ( lot :mod large ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.90", "sent": "and i happen to like large lot development ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 antonio :op2 maria :op3 costa ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_office_on_drugs_and_crime :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 drug :op3 office ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) :arg1 ( opium :quant ( much :mod so ) ) :time ( year :mod recent ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( and :op1 ( cut-back :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :arg1 ( cultivate :arg1 poppy ) ) :op2 ( stockpile :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( opium :mod raw ) ) :purpose ( effort :purpose ( and :op1 ( support :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of price ) ) :op2 ( preserve :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( source :arg1 ( finance :arg1 insurgency ) :mod major ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.4", "sent": "head of the u.n. drug office antonio maria costa said that afghanistan has produced so much opium in recent years that the taliban are cutting back poppy cultivation and stockpiling raw opium in an effort to support prices and preserve a major source of financing for the insurgency ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( hammer :arg0 ( situation :mod this ) :arg1 ( valid :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 state :arg3 ( audit :arg0-of person ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( find :arg1 ( fund :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :wiki commonwealth_transportation_board :name ( name :op1 ctb ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :wiki virginia_department_of_transportation :name ( name :op1 vdot ) ) ) :arg1 ( project :mod transport ) :arg1-of ( base :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lobby :manner ( good :degree most ) ) ) :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( base :arg1 fund :arg2 ( plan :arg1 ( transport :arg4 state ) :manner comprehensive ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :destination home )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.47", "sent": "however , this situation hammers home the validity of the state auditor 's report finding that the ctb and vdot fail to fund transportation projects based on a comprehensive state transportation plan , but rather , based on whoever does the best job of lobbying ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg1-of expert ) :arg1 ( simple :arg1 ( produce :arg1 ( uranium :mod weapons-grade ) :arg2 ( material :mod reactor-grade ) ) :degree relative )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.19", "sent": "experts stated that producing weapons-grade uranium from reactor-grade material is relatively simple ."}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( create :arg0 they :arg1 ( congest :arg2 traffic :location ( place :mod new ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.17", "sent": "and they are creating traffic congestion in new places ."}, {"amr": "offer :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( assist :arg0 government-organization :arg1 government-organization :arg2 develop :manner official :mod ( worth :quant ( more-than :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 480000000 :unit dollar ) ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 1990 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2003 ) ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( reduce :arg1 poverty ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 agriculture ) :op3 healthcare :op4 ( reform :arg1 economy ) :mod primary ) ) :arg3 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.15", "sent": "the german government offered the vietnamese government official development assistance worth more than 480 million dollars in the 1990 @-@ 2003 period primarily for poverty reduction , agriculture development , healthcare and economic reforms ."}, {"amr": "repute :arg1 ( firm :mod ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :mod some :example ( and :op1 ( company :wiki volkswagen :name ( name :op1 volkswagen ) ) :op2 ( company :wiki siemens :name ( name :op1 siemens ) ) :op3 ( company :wiki daimler_ag :name ( name :op1 daimler-chrysler ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( quality :arg1-of high ) :op2 ( efficient :arg1 firm ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.25", "sent": "some german firms such as volkswagen , siemens and daimler-chrysler have a reputation for high quality and efficiency ."}, {"amr": "see :mode interrogative :arg0 i :arg1 ( speak :arg0 i :arg2 ( person :arg0-of counsel ) :arg1-of possible )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.8", "sent": "see if i can speak to a counsellor ?"}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( publication :wiki associated_press :name ( name :op1 associated :op2 press ) ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 iaea ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 team :arg1 ( city :wiki pyongyang :name ( name :op1 pyongyang ) ) :time ( week :mod ( date-entity :day 24 :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) :purpose ( discuss :arg0 team :arg1 ( manner :mod ( verify :arg0 ( person :arg0-of inspect ) :arg1 shut-down ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 18 :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) :location ( city :wiki vienna :name ( name :op1 vienna ) :location ( country :wiki austria :name ( name :op1 austria ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.10", "sent": "the associated press reported from vienna , austria that the iaea stated on 18 june 2007 that a team would visit pyongyang the week of 24 june 2007 to discuss the manner in which inspectors will verify the shutdown ."}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of compete :arg1-of ( place :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) :duration temporary ) :domain ( athlete :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bao :op2 lizuo ) :mod ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) :arg1-of ( score :arg2 ( point :quant 355.02 :arg3-of ( low :degree ( more :degree slight ) :compared-to ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 wei :op2 lan ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.6", "sent": "the competitor who is temporarily in second place is the german athlete bao lizuo , with a total score of 355.02 points , slightly lower than wei lan ."}, {"amr": "quote :arg0 ( publication :wiki radio_nepal :name ( name :op1 radio :op2 nepal ) ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 person ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 security :arg2 official ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.6", "sent": "radio nepal quoted a security official as stating --"}, {"amr": "return :arg1 ( team :mod biology ) :arg3 ( site :wiki - :name ( name :op1 al :op2 kindi ) :mod ( vaccine :mod veterinary ) ) :arg0-of ( follow-up :arg1 ( inspect :time previous :arg1-of ( carry-out :time ( date-entity :month 12 :day 22 :year 2002 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.8", "sent": "a biological team returned to the al kindi veterinary vaccines site as a follow-up to the previous inspection carried out on december 22 , 2002 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tr\u1ea7n_\u0111\u1ee9c_l\u01b0\u01a1ng :name ( name :op1 tran :op2 duc :op3 luong ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( like :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 ( receive :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( transfer :arg1 ( technology :quant more ) ) :op2 experience ) :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 country :prep-under ( process :arg1 industrialize ) ) ) :time ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 schroeder ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.12", "sent": "vietnamese state president tran duc luong stated in a meeting with schroeder that the vietnamese government would like to receive more technology transfer and experience from germany and that vietnam is developing under the industrialization process ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( person :arg1-of ( prostitute :arg0 person ) :arg1-of popular :mod just :time ( time :mod ancient ) :domain ( person :arg1-of star :time nowadays ) :arg1-of ( put :manner plain ) ) :snt2 ( cause :arg0 ( person :arg1-of ( prostitute :arg0 person ) :arg1-of fame :domain they :time now ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( normal :arg1 ( or :op1 ( drink :arg0 they :accompanier ( person :quant some :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( official :arg1-of high ) ) ) ) :op2 ( sleep :arg0 they :arg1 official :mod even ) ) :mod just ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5338.1", "sent": "to put it plainly stars nowadays are just popular prostitutes in ancient times . now that they are famous prostitutes , it should be just normal to drink with some high officials or even sleep with them"}, {"amr": "distribute :arg1 ( document :arg0-of ( outline :arg1 ( propose :arg0 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :quant 45 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 3 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.8", "sent": "documents outlining the israeli proposal were distributed to the 45 @-@member nuclear suppliers group ( nsg ) in march 2007 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 insurgent ) :mod underground ) :arg1 ( disrupt :arg0 insurgent :arg1 ( elect :arg2 parliament :time mid-term ) :manner ( and :op1 comprehensive :op2 violent ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 11 :day 13 ) ) :medium ( interview :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki the_kathmandu_post :name ( name :op1 the :op2 kathmandu :op3 post ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit day ) ) :medium ( language :wiki english_language :name ( name :op1 english ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.14", "sent": "an underground insurgent leader stated in an interview with the english language daily newspaper the kathmandu post that insurgents would comprehensively and violently disrupt mid-term parliamentary elections on 20021113 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen :op2 jiabao ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( and :op1 ( establish :arg0 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( cooperate :arg1-of solid ) ) :op2 ( enhance :arg0 and :arg1 ( consult :arg2 ( issue :arg1 international :arg1-of major ) ) ) :op3 ( strengthen :arg0 and :arg1 ( exchange :arg1 ( and :op1 trade :op2 technology ) ) :manner further ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 29 :month 4 :year 2004 ) :medium ( interview :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 dieter :op2 stolte ) ) :arg1 person )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.6", "sent": "in an interview with dieter stolte on 29 april 2004 chinese premier wen jiabao stated that the governments of china and germany should establish solid cooperation , enhance consultations on major international issues and further strengthen trade and technological exchanges ."}, {"amr": "concentrate :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( bit :quant 1 :part-of ( thing :arg1-of work ) :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of assign :mod ( urgent :degree most ) :time ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :arg1-of obvious ) ) :frequency time )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.21", "sent": "concentrate on one bit of work at a time ( obvs the most urgent assignment first ) ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( have-condition :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 scientist :arg2 ( destroy :arg0 scientist :arg1 ( experiment :arg1 bacteriology :mod all :prep-under way ) ) ) :arg2 ( shut-down :arg1 power :location ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) ) :medium telephone", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.18", "sent": "general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that in the event of a power shutdown at the state scientific center of applied microbiology scientists must destroy all bacteriological experiments under way ."}, {"amr": "title :arg1 ( article :mod other ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( book :beneficiary ( compatriot :mod ( country :wiki taiwan :name ( name :op1 taiwan ) ) ) :mod ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of dream ) ) ) :op2 ( need :arg1 ( build :arg1 ( or :op1 ( museum :mod memorial ) :op2 temple ) :beneficiary ( hero :mod nation :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :op3 ( tolerate :arg0 we :arg1 it :duration amr-unknown ) :op4 ( have-concession :arg1 ( beg :polarity - :arg0 country :arg2 ( game :wiki olympic_games :name ( name :op1 olympics ) ) :time ever ) :arg2 ( expect :arg0 country :arg1 game ) ) :op5 ( have-condition :arg1 ( history :mod more :mod hardship ) :arg2 ( forget :arg0 we :arg1 ( hardship :poss history ) ) ) :op6 ( person :domain i :mod country ) :op7 ( and :op1 ( nation :quant 1 :mod country ) :op2 ( culture :quant 1 :mod country ) :mod only ) :op8 ( possible :arg1 ( decline :arg1 state ) :time ( overdevelop :arg1 sport ) ) :op9 ( or :mode interrogative :op1 ( and :op1 ( country :mod wealthy ) :op2 ( person :arg1-of strong ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( official :mod wealthy ) :op2 ( person :mod poor ) ) ) :op10 ( shut :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ren :op2 zhiqiang ) :arg0-of disgust ) :arg1 ( mouth :part-of person :mod filthy ) ) :op11 ( multi-sentence :snt1 ( monetary-quantity :arg2-of ( price :arg1 housing ) :mod hateful ) :snt2 ( person :arg1-of ( pity :arg1-of possible ) ) ) :op12 ( say :arg0 ( company :wiki google :name ( name :op1 google ) ) :arg1 ( right :polarity - :arg1 company :arg2 ( thing :arg1-of ( remark :arg0 company :arg2 country ) :arg1-of ( responsible :polarity - ) ) ) ) :op13 ( tolerate :arg0 we :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :duration amr-unknown ) :op14 ( deserve :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg1 ( present :arg0 ( person :wiki ban_ki-moon :name ( name :op1 ban :op2 ki-moon ) :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 bomb :arg1-of strong ) ) :arg1 bouquet :location ( city :wiki hiroshima :name ( name :op1 hiroshima ) ) ) ) :op15 ( strong :mode imperative :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 brother ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 sister ) ) ) ) :op16 ( need :mode interrogative :arg0 we :arg1 ( or :op1 ( star :arg0-of ( entertain :mod ( level :arg1-of low ) ) ) :op2 ( talent :mod ( innovate :arg1 technology ) ) ) ) :op17 ( let :polite + :mode imperative :arg0 ( person :wiki li_yinhe :name ( name :op1 li :op2 yinhe ) :arg0-of ( write :arg1 garbage :time contemporary ) :arg1-of ( shame :polarity - ) ) :arg1 ( get-off :arg1 child ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.26", "sent": "other articles : \" a book for taiwan compatriots-i have a dream \" , \" the necessity for building memorials museums or temples for chinese national heroes \" , \" how long will we tolerate it \" , \" china is expecting the olympics , but would never beg for the olympics \" , \" if we forget the hardship of history , there will be more history of hardship \" , \" i am chinese \" , \" there is only one chinese nation , there is only one chinese culture \" , \" with the over-development of sports , the state may decline \" , \"' wealthy country , strong people \" or \" wealthy officials , poor people \"?\", \" disgusting ren zhiqiang , shut your filthy mouth \" , \" hateful housing prices ! pitiable people ! \" , \" google , you have no right to make irresponsible remarks to china \" , \" how long will we tolerate the us \" , \" japan deserved the bombing-strongly oppose ban ki-moon presenting a bouquet in hiroshima \" , \" be strong , my brothers and sisters \" , \" do we need low-level entertainment stars , or talents in technological innovation ? \" , \" contemporary garbage writer , shameless li yinhe , please let the children off the hook \""}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( accuse :arg1 ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 fujimori ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( dereliction :mod duty ) :op2 embezzle ) ) :op2 ( exile :arg1 person :arg1-of ( impose :arg0 person ) :location ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( resign :arg0 person ) ) :purpose ( avoid :arg0 person :arg1 ( act :arg0 ( authority :mod ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) ) :arg1-of legal ) :prep-under ( protect :arg0 ( nationality :mod dual ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.14", "sent": "fujimori is accused of dereliction of duty and embezzlement and has been in self-imposed exile in japan since resigning to avoid the legal action from the peruvian authorities under the protection of dual nationality ."}, {"amr": "amr-unknown :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i :arg2 this :arg1-of possible )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.6", "sent": "what can i do about this ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( sum-up :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( be-located-at :arg1 you :arg2 there ) ) ) ) :op2 ( work :arg0 you :arg1 ( bottom :poss you ) :arg2 off :purpose ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( grade :mod ( good :degree most :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( something :arg1-of ( say :arg0 you :arg1-of possible ) :example ( and :op1 ( fail :polarity - :arg1 i :mod ( hey :mode expressive ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( work :arg1 it :arg1-of hard ) :op2 ( pass :arg1 i ) ) ) ) :time ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( degree :poss you ) ) ) ) :mod ( way :mod either )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.16", "sent": "either way , sum up why youre there and work your bottom off to get the best grades you can , cos once you get ur degree , you wil have something you can say \" hey i didnt fail , it was hard work and i passed \""}, {"amr": "convince :arg1 i :arg2 ( lock :polarity - :arg1 they ) :time sometimes :concession ( know :arg0 i :arg1 ( lock :arg1 they ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.23", "sent": "sometimes although i know they 're locked i 'm convinced they 're not ."}, {"amr": "feel :arg0 he :arg1 ( important :purpose ( enforce :arg1 ( and :op1 ( relation :mod neighborhood :mod good ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :mod both ) :arg1-of friendly ) ) ) :domain ( document :arg1-of ( sign :time recent ) ) :degree very )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.8", "sent": "he felt that , the recently signed documents were very important in enforcing good neighborhood relations and friendly cooperation between both countries ."}, {"amr": "danger :mod ( great :degree most ) :source ( shut-down :arg1 ( power :mod electric ) :location ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) :domain ( defrost :arg1 ( germ :arg0-of live :arg1-of ( preserve :mod ( state :mod freeze ) :time current ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.30", "sent": "the greatest danger from a shutdown of electric power at the state scientific center of applied microbiology would be the defrosting of live germs that are currently preserved in a frozen state ."}, {"amr": "demand :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :op2 ( nation :mod other :location ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :op3 ( military :wiki nato :name ( name :op1 nato ) ) ) :arg1 ( cease :arg1 fire )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.12", "sent": "the u.s. , other western nations and nato demanded a cease-fire ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( reduce :arg1-of possible :manner ( collaborate :arg0 official :arg1 ( person :arg0-of inspect ) ) :condition ( sanction :mod more ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.25", "sent": "iranian officials stated a possible reduction in collaboration with inspectors in the event of more sanctions ."}, {"amr": "mean :arg1 ( allay :arg0 plan :arg1 ( suspect :arg1 ( activity :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod nucleus :time past ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.7", "sent": "the plan is meant to allay suspicions about iran 's past nuclear activities ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 narcotic :op2 crime :op3 military :op4 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.3", "sent": "narcotics ; crime ; military ; government"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.2", "sent": "south africa ( za ) ; brazil ( br ) ; india ( in )"}, {"amr": "resist :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( sanction :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod new )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.9", "sent": "russia and china have resisted new sanctions against iran ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( and :op1 ( hold :arg0 ( person :mod ( kind :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) :mod that ) :arg1 ( integrity :arg1-of ( high :degree very ) ) :time always ) :op2 ( reject :arg0 person :arg1 ( invite :mod such :quant all ) :manner stern ) ) :snt1 ( kind :quant 2 :domain ( female :arg1-of star :arg1-of smart ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.6", "sent": "there are two kinds of smart female stars . those of the first kind always hold very high integrity and sternly reject all such invitations ;"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( strive :arg0 we :arg1 ( strong :arg1 we ) ) :condition ( and :op1 ( confident :arg1 we :arg2 we ) :op2 ( improve :arg0 we :arg1 we ) :mod only ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i ) ) :snt2 ( unify :arg0 ( person :wiki qin_shi_huang :name ( name :op1 qin :op2 shi :op3 huang ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :snt3 ( recover :arg0 ( person :wiki koxinga :name ( name :op1 zheng :op2 chenggong ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki taiwan :name ( name :op1 taiwan ) ) ) :snt4 ( obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( carry-on :arg1 ( and :op1 ( see :mod far ) :op2 insight :op3 ( will :mod strong ) :poss ( predecessor :poss we ) ) ) :arg1-of ( responsible :arg0 we ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.10", "sent": "my fellow citizens , only if we have self-confidence and self-improvement , can we strive to be strong . qin shi huang unified china . zheng chenggong recovered taiwan . in our responsibilities we must carry on the farsightedness , insight , and strong will of our predecessors ."}, {"amr": "attend :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 premier ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki askar_akayev :name ( name :op1 akayev ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kirghizia ) ) :arg2 president ) ) ) :arg1 ( ceremony :mod sign )", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.3", "sent": "premier peng li and kirghizian president akayev attended the signing ceremony ."}, {"amr": "narcotic", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.3", "sent": "narcotics"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( campus :consist-of ( building :quant 90 ) :domain ( complex :mod laboratory :mod ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) :op2 ( serve :arg0 campus :arg1 ( location :location-of ( program :topic ( weapon :mod biology ) :mod secret ) ) :time ( era :mod ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.7", "sent": "the russian laboratory complex is a 90 @-@building campus and served as the location for russia 's secret biological weapons program in the soviet era ."}, {"amr": "in-sight :domain ( hopeful :arg0 they :arg1 ( enter :arg0 they :arg1 heat ) ) :time already :condition ( accident :polarity - )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.4", "sent": "if accidents do not occur , their hopes of entering the heats are already in sight ."}, {"amr": "mountainous :domain ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.34", "sent": "georgia is mountainous ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( time :time-of ( show :arg0 we :arg1 ( strength :poss we ) ) ) :snt2 ( calm :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1-of ( long :degree too ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6566.1", "sent": "it is time to show our strength ! china has been calm for too long !"}, {"amr": "report :arg1 ( accident :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( intersect :arg0 ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 winterfield :op2 road ) ) ) ) :quant ( 17 :arg4-of ( up :arg3 ( 12 :quant-of ( accident :time ( all :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( so-far :op1 ( year :mod this ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.9", "sent": "17 accidents have been reported near the intersection of winterfield road so far this year , up from 12 for all of 2004 ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( trick :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( eager :arg0 organization :arg1 deal ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.27", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency may have been tricked because it was eager for a deal ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( have :arg0 they :arg1 ( destination :location ( end :mod both ) ) ) :purpose ( use :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( invest :arg0 we ) ) :degree maximum )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.76", "sent": "they should have destinations at both ends in order that we get maximum use out of our investment :"}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( pour :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki john_chichester :name ( name :op1 chichester ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki senate_of_virginia :name ( name :op1 senate ) ) ) ) :op2 ( toady :poss person ) ) :arg1 ( money :mod more ) :arg3 ( institution :mod this :arg1-of flaw ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( worsen :arg1 this ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.49", "sent": "moreover , senator chichester and his toadies would make this worse by pouring more money into this flawed institution ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_department_of_state :name ( name :op1 us :op2 state :op3 department ) ) :arg1 ( heighten :arg1 ( risk :arg2 ( and :op1 ( citizen :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :op2 ( interest :mod country ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( insurgent :location ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( bomb :time recent ) ) :location ( outside :op1 ( valley :wiki kathmandu_valley :name ( name :op1 kathmandu :op2 valley ) ) :mod particular ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.17", "sent": "the us state department stated that after recent bombings us citizens and interests are at heightened risk from anti-government insurgents in nepal , particularly outside the kathmandu valley ."}, {"amr": "thank :arg0 i :arg1 you :arg2 ( read :arg0 you )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.22", "sent": "thanks you for reading"}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 4 :day 28 :year 2003", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.1", "sent": "2003 @-@ 04 @-@ 28"}, {"amr": "disclose :arg0 ( document :mod ( military :mod ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( link :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 intelligence :time former ) ) :arg2 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.4", "sent": "peruvian military document discloses former intelligence head montesinos \" links with drug trafficking"}, {"amr": "say :arg1 ( right :arg1 person :arg2 ( live :arg0 person :location country ) :mod every :condition ( wish :arg0 person :arg1 live ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 anonymous :op2 6:37 ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.96", "sent": "anonymous 6 @:@ 37 , you have every right to live in the country if that 's where you wish to live ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( certainty :polarity - :mod enough :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( know :arg1 ( cause :arg0 ( lose :arg1 power :location ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) :arg1 ( threat :mod ( health :mod public ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.13", "sent": "russian and western officials have stated that there is enough uncertainty that they could not be positive a loss of power at the state scientific center of applied microbiology would not cause a public health threat ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen :op2 jiabao ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 premier ) :arg0-of visit ) :op2 ( person :wiki nikolai_tanayev :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 tanayev ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) ) :arg1 communique :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 9 :day 22 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.6", "sent": "the communique was signed by visiting chinese premier wen jiabao and his kyrgyz counterpart nikolai tanayev on 040922 ."}, {"amr": "plan :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg1 ( appeal :arg0 person :arg1 sentence )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.6", "sent": "montesinos plans to appeal the sentence ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( signal :arg1 ( something :location ( spectrum :mod autism ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( have :polarity - :arg0 amr-unknown :arg1 ( or :op1 ( thing :quant 1 :arg0-of signal ) :op2 ( thing :quant 2 :arg0-of signal ) ) ) :mod well", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.4", "sent": "well i might have signs of something on the autism spectrum but who does n't have one or two ?"}, {"amr": "okay :condition ( as-long-as :op1 ( something :arg1-of eat :mod loveliness ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5324.1", "sent": "it 's ok as long as there is something to eat :loveliness :"}, {"amr": "apply :arg1 ( penalize :arg0 person ) :manner extrajudicial :manner ( thing :arg1-of ( decide :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 air :op2 force ) ) :arg2 commander ) ) :mod administrate ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.33", "sent": "the penalty will be applied extrajudicially by administrative decision of the commander of the air force ."}, {"amr": "lose :arg0 organization :arg1 ( right :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg2 ( question :arg0 organization :time future :mod further ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.25", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency loses the right to ask further questions in the future ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 proliferate", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.3", "sent": "international ; proliferation"}, {"amr": "prefer :arg0 ( person :quant many ) :arg1 ( and :op1 horse :op2 hunt :op3 garden :op4 ( business :mod small :mod ( type :mod certain ) ) ) :arg1-of legitimate :arg0-of ( make :arg1 ( want :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 ( live :arg0 person :location ( core :mod urban ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.94", "sent": "many people have legitimate preferences - horses , hunting , gardening , certain types of small business - that makes them not want to live in an urban core ."}, {"amr": "rise :arg1 ( volume :mod ( trade :arg0 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( percentage-entity :value 7.7 ) :arg4 ( reach :arg0 volume :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 1400000000 :unit dollar :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 815400000 :unit dollar :arg1-of ( come :arg2 ( export :arg0 country ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.16", "sent": "the vietnam-germany trade volume rose 7.7 percent in 2003 to reach 1.4 billion dollars , of which 815.4 million dollars came from vietnamese exports ."}, {"amr": "quote :arg1 ( say :arg1 ( succeed :arg0 operation :arg1 ( net :arg1 ( person :quant 17 :mod all ) ) :arg2-of ( result :arg1 ( effort :poss police :purpose ( infiltrate :arg1 ( gang :mod relevance :location here ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( source :mod ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.12", "sent": "hong kong police sources were quoted as saying that the success of the operation in netting all 17 was the result of the police 's effort to infiltrate into the relevant gangs here ."}, {"amr": "commend :arg0 ( person :wiki askar_akayev :name ( name :op1 akayev ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( result :arg1 ( conference :prep-with ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) ) ) ) ) :degree high", "id": "nw.chtb_0305.6", "sent": "akayev highly commended the results of the conference with peng li"}, {"amr": "join :arg0 ( university :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( program :mod ( exchange :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of high ) :mod large-scale ) :location ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :prep-in-addition-to ( partner :arg0 university :arg1 ( institute :mod education ) ) :mod also :purpose ( enhance :arg0 university :arg1 ( communication :mod ( between :op1 mainland :op2 city ) :topic discipline ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.13", "sent": "in addition to partnering with education institutes hong kong universities have also joined large-scale high technology exchange programs in mainland china in order to enhance communication between the mainland and hong kong in the discipline ."}, {"amr": "obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( and :op1 ( arrange :arg0 we :arg1 arm ) :op2 ( strengthen :arg0 we :arg1 ( force :mod military :location ( and :op1 land :op2 sea :op3 air ) :mod all ) ) :manner urgent )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.20", "sent": "we must urgently arrange arms , strengthen all military forces on land , on sea , and in the air ."}, {"amr": "notify :arg0 ( campaign :mod publicity ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ranch ) :op2 ( person :mod other ) ) :arg2 ( need :arg0 and :arg1 ( file :arg0 and :arg1 ( plan :mod fly ) ) ) :time ( prior :op1 ( take :arg0 policy :arg1 effect :time ( late :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 10 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.8", "sent": "prior to the policy taking effect late 20041000 a publicity campaign will notify ranchers and others of the need to file flight plans ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( have-purpose :arg1 it :arg2 ( benefit :arg1 ( plan :mod ( business :arg1-of private ) ) ) ) :op2 ( have-purpose :polarity - :arg1 it :arg2 ( serve :arg1 ( interest :poss public ) ) ) :location ( state :wiki virginia :name ( name :op1 virginia ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.51", "sent": "in virginia , it 's to benefit private business plans and not to serve the public interest ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( do :arg0 we :arg1 ( thing :quant 2 ) ) :condition ( recognize :arg0 we :arg1 ( benefit :arg0 road :arg1 business :mod primary ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.60", "sent": "if we recognize that roads primaarily benefit businesses then we should do two things :"}, {"amr": "recognize :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg3 ( adhere :arg0 country :arg1 ( publication :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nsg :op2 guidelines ) ) :arg1-of ( fledge :mod full ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.30", "sent": "israel is recognized as a full-fledged adherent to the nsg guidelines ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki poon_chung-kwong :name ( name :op1 poon ) ) :arg1 ( facilitate :arg0 ( cooperate :arg0 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( promote :arg0 university :arg1 ( and :op1 ( transfer :arg1 technology :location mainland ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 ( resource :mod human ) :location mainland ) ) :arg1-of ( effective :degree more ) :mod ( create :arg1 ( result :mod positive ) :arg3 ( and :op1 city :op2 country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.9", "sent": "poon stated that cooperation between hong kong and mainland china will facilitate universities to more effectively promote technology transfer and human resources development in the mainland creating positive results for both hong kong and china ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 costa ) ) :arg1 ( surplus :quant ( as-much-as :op1 ( mass-quantity :quant 11000 :unit ton :mod much ) :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( equal :arg1 mass-quantity :arg2 ( more-than :op1 ( product-of :op1 2 :op2 ( demand :arg0 world :time ( before :op1 now :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit year ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( threaten :arg0 person :arg1 ( devalue :arg0 surplus :arg1 ( stockpile :poss they ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.19", "sent": "costa said the surplus is as much as 11000 tons , or more than twice world demand in the last 3 years and threatened to devalue their stockpiles ."}, {"amr": "plan :arg0 insurgent :arg1 attack :time ( elect :arg2 ( government-organization :wiki parliament_of_nepal :name ( name :op1 parliament ) ) :time mid-term )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.5", "sent": "insurgents plan attacks during mid-term parliamentary elections ."}, {"amr": "organization :mod research :arg1-of private :domain ( organization :wiki institute_for_science_and_international_security :name ( name :op1 institute :op2 for :op3 science :op4 and :op5 international :op6 security ) ) :arg1-of ( locate :location ( city :wiki washington,_d.c. :name ( name :op1 washington ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.36", "sent": "the institute for science and international security is a private research organization located in washington ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( coach :arg1 ( team :arg0-of dive :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :mod chief ) ) :arg1 ( nervous :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 sheng :op2 chen ) ) :degree little :time today ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( agency :poss we ) :arg3 report ) ) :time ( after :op1 compete )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.8", "sent": "after the competition , the chief coach of the chinese diving team said to our agency 's reporter : \" sheng chen is a little nervous today . \""}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( go :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg4 doctor :condition ( worsen :arg1 it ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.16", "sent": "however , if it gets worse , then yes , go to the doctor 's ."}, {"amr": "desire :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( live :arg0 i :location ( city :mod any ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.87", "sent": "i have no desire to live in any city ,"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg2 official ) :quant some ) :arg1 ( alarm :arg0 ( test :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( fire :arg1 ( rocket :mod ( stage :quant 2 ) :mod ( fuel :arg1-of solid ) :arg1-of ( range :arg2 ( distance-quantity :quant 1200 :unit mile ) ) ) ) :time ( week :mod this ) ) :arg1 person )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.30", "sent": "some israeli officials have stated their alarm about iran 's test-firing this week of a solid-fuel , two-stage rocket with a range of 1200 miles ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 christopher :op2 hill ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( secretary :mod state ) :arg3 ( assist :arg0 person ) ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( prepare :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( begin :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( shut-down :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( reactor :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 plutonium ) ) :arg4-of ( step :arg2 ( disable :arg0 government-organization :arg1 reactor :time ( by :op1 ( date-entity :month 12 :year 2007 ) ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 6 :year 2007 ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 18 :month 6 :year 2007 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.5", "sent": "assistant secretary of state christopher hill stated on 18 june 2007 that the north korean government may be prepared to begin shutting down a plutonium producing reactor in june 2007 as the first step toward disabling the unit by december 2007 ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( suffer :arg1 ( anxiety :mod severe :arg3-of ( prevent :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( leave :arg0 person :arg1 house ) :op2 ( do :arg0 person :arg1 thing ) ) :arg1-of possible :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( worry :arg0 person :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( go :arg2 wrong :arg1-of possible ) ) :degree so ) ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 friend ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.17", "sent": "i have a friend who suffers from severe anxiety that can prevent her from leaving the house and doing things because she 's so worried about what can go wrong ."}, {"amr": "intend :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( buy :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( helicopter :quant 10 :source ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( plane :quant 10 :mod transport :source ( country :wiki spain :name ( name :op1 spain ) ) ) :op3 ( craft :quant 6 :mod navy :source country ) ) ) :mod also", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.30", "sent": "the government of venezuela also intends to buy 10 russian helicopters , 10 spanish transport planes , and 6 spanish naval craft ."}, {"amr": "reflect :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of find ) :arg2 ( agree :arg0 agency :arg2 ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 21 ) :arg1-of ( publicize :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1-of ( begin :arg0 official ) :time ( week :mod ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 12 ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.9", "sent": "the findings reflect an agency agreement on 21 august 2007 with tehran that iranian officials began publicizing the week of 12 august 2007 ."}, {"amr": "exemplify :arg0 ( contrast :arg1 ( and :op1 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 hello :arg2 ( someone :source university ) ) :op2 ( ignore :arg0 someone :arg1 i ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( decide :arg0 someone :arg1 ( want :arg0 someone :arg1 ( help :arg0 i :arg1 ( work :mod some ) :arg2 someone ) ) :time ( late :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit minute ) :degree more ) ) :op2 ( give :arg0 i :arg1 help :arg2 someone ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.4", "sent": "e.g. i 'll say hello to someone from uni and they 'll ignore me , but 30 minutes later they 'll decide they want my help with some work ... and i 'll give it to them ."}, {"amr": "cover :arg0 document :arg1 ( and :op1 ( cooperate :arg2 ( stage :quant 2 :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :year 2003 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2005 ) ) ) :mod finance ) :op2 ( purchase :arg1 ( locomotive :quant 16 ) :arg4 ( company :wiki vietnam_railways :name ( name :op1 vietnam :op2 railway :op3 corporation ) ) ) :op3 ( equipment :beneficiary ( plant :arg1-of local :mod cement ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.11", "sent": "the documents cover financial cooperation for 2 stages in the 2003 @-@ 2005 period and the purchase of 16 locomotives for the vietnam railway corporation and equipment for a local cement plant ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( tank :quant 33 :wiki t-72 :name ( name :op1 t-72 ) ) :op2 ( product :quant 150 :arg0-of ( launch :arg1 grenade ) ) :op3 ( gun :quant 6 :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 aircraft ) ) :op4 ( ammunition :quant ( quantity :mod large ) ) ) :arg2 ( weapon :arg0-of ( board :arg1 ship ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.21", "sent": "the weapons on board the ship included 33 t- 72 tanks , 150 grenade launchers , 6 anti-aircraft guns and a large quantity of ammunition ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( likely :polarity - :arg1 ( result :arg1 ( cut-off :arg1 power :location ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) ) :arg2 ( threaten :arg1 ( health :mod public ) :mod any ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.12", "sent": "both russian and western officials have stated that it is unlikely that any public health threat would result from a power cutoff at the state scientific center of applied microbiology ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :month 9 :day 11 :year 2010", "id": "bolt12_64556_5627.5", "sent": "september 11 th , 2010"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :arg1 ( probable :domain ( high :compared-to 75 :arg1 ( number :arg1-of actual :quant-of ( deny :arg1 ( sell :arg1 ( product :arg1-of ( use :manner dual ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) ) :degree ( more :degree much ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.18", "sent": "the diplomat stated the actual number of denials of sales of dual-use products to iran is probably much higher than 75 ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op2 strength :mod also ) :snt2 ( possible :arg1 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 it ) ) :snt3 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( salvation :prep-in ( and :op1 ( write :arg1 poetry ) :op2 ( keep :arg1 journal ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.33", "sent": "and , also strength , you can do it , i found salvation in poetry writing and keeping a journal ,"}, {"amr": "come :arg1 peace :arg2 amr-unknown :condition ( strength :polarity - )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.31", "sent": "without strength , where does peace come from !"}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( tell :arg1 ( walk :polarity - :prep-on ( toe :part-of i ) ) :arg2 i :duration ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) ) :arg1 ( walk :arg0 i :prep-on ( toe :part-of i ) :frequency ( much :polarity - ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.13", "sent": "i walk on my toes not as much since years of being told not to ."}, {"amr": "schedule :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( nation :quant 5 :mod ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( start :time ( date-entity :day 2 :month 5 :year 2004 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.8", "sent": "wen is scheduled to visit 5 european nations including germany starting 2 may 2004 ."}, {"amr": "reject :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) ) :arg1 ( propose :arg0 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :concession ( tie :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.21", "sent": "despite ties between israeli and u.s. governments the bush administration rejected the israeli proposal ."}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( person :quant 105 :arg0-of inspect :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :quant 99 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_monitoring,_verification_and_inspection_commission :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations :op3 monitoring :op4 verification :op5 and :op6 inspection :op7 commission ) ) ) ) :op2 ( person :quant 6 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) :time current", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.13", "sent": "currently there are 105 inspectors in iraq , 99 of whom are from the united nations monitoring , verification and inspection commission and six from the international atomic energy agency ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( group :wiki - :name ( name :op1 xp ) ) :arg1 ( hack :arg1 ( website :arg0-of ( contain :arg1 ( material :arg1-of ( contrary :arg2 ( teach :mod ( religious-group :wiki sunni_islam :name ( name :op1 sunni ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod any ) ) :medium ( website :arg1-of deface )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.6", "sent": "group xp stated on the defaced website that any website that contained material contrary to sunni teachings would be hacked ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 money :op3 crime :op4 ( right :mod human ) :op5 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op6 narcotic :op7 politics :op8 ( person :arg0-of lead )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.3", "sent": "international ; money ; crime ; human rights ; government ; narcotics ; politics ; leader"}, {"amr": "explode :arg1 ( bomb :mod this ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 2 ) :location ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( explode :arg1 bomb :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 28 :dayperiod morning ) :location ( supermarket :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bishalbazar ) :location ( heart :part-of city ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.10", "sent": "this is the second bomb explosion in kathmandu since the morning of 28 august 2002 when a bomb exploded at bishalbazar supermarket in the heart of the city ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 mahmoud :op2 ahmadinejad ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( expand :arg0 country :arg1 ( arsenal :consist-of ( centrifuge :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 ( uranium :arg1-of enrich ) ) ) :poss country ) :arg4 ( over :quant 5000 ) ) :arg2 scholar :location ( city :wiki mashhad :name ( name :op1 mashbad ) :location northeast ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 7 :day 26 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.6", "sent": "20080726 iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad stated to scholars in the northeastern city of mashbad that iran had expanded its arsenal of centrifuges producing enriched uranium to over 5000 ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 randall :op2 lee :op3 beatty ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( include :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :arg2 ( location :arg2-of ( archive :arg1 ( pathogen :mod danger ) :mod ( importance :degree most ) :location world ) ) ) :op2 ( shame :arg0 ( destroy :arg1 location :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( pay :polarity - :arg3 ( utility :mod electricity ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.28", "sent": "randall lee beatty stated that the state scientific center of applied microbiology is one of the important archives for dangerous pathogens in the world and it would be a shame if those archives were destroyed for not paying the electricity utility ."}, {"amr": "feel :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( pilot :arg1 ( aircraft :arg0-of ( run :arg1 drug ) ) ) :quant some ) :arg1 ( immune :arg1 person :arg2-of ( confident :arg1 person ) :degree so ) :arg2 retribution :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( gesture :arg0 person :arg1 obscene :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :wiki brazilian_air_force :name ( name :op1 brazilian :op2 air :op3 force ) ) :arg3 pilot ) :arg0-of pursue ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.29", "sent": "some pilots of drug-running aircraft felt so confidently immune from retribution as to make obscene gestures at pursuing brazilian air force pilots ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 islamic :op2 republic :op3 of :op4 iran )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.2", "sent": "iran , islamic republic of ( ir )"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( request :arg0 pirate :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 35000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) :time initial ) :op2 ( reduce :arg0 pirate :arg1 request :arg4 ( monetary-quantity :quant 20000000 :unit ( dollar :mod country ) ) :time then )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.14", "sent": "the pirates initially requested 35 million u.s. dollars and then reduced their request to 20 million u.s. dollars ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 technology :op2 international", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.3", "sent": "technology ; international"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( physicist :wiki david_albright :name ( name :op1 david :op2 albright ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki institute_for_science_and_international_security :name ( name :op1 institute :op2 for :op3 science :op4 and :op5 international :op6 security ) ) :arg2 president ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.22", "sent": "physicist and president of the institute for science and international security david albright stated that --"}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 28 :month 11 :year 2008", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.1", "sent": "2008 @-@ 11 @-@ 28"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( obligate :arg1 we :arg2 ( go :arg0 we :arg1 ( face :arg0 we :arg1 temporal-quantity ) ) :concession ( pain :arg0 ( look :arg0 we :arg1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 100 :unit year :mod this :duration-of shame ) :direction back ) :arg1 we ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( create :mode imperative :arg0 we :arg1 history ) :op2 ( choose :mode imperative :arg0 we :arg1 history ) :concession ( resolve :polarity - :arg1 ( issue :arg0 history ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.14", "sent": "although it is painful to look back at these hundred years of shame , we must go face it ; although historical issues have not been resolved , let us create and choose history !"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg0-of ( speak :arg1-of ( condition :arg2 anonymity ) ) :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) ) :arg1 ( important :degree less :compared-to ( and :op1 ( operate :mode interrogative :arg1 machine ) :op2 ( efficient :mode interrogative :arg1 machine ) ) :concession-of ( hinder :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of ( assert :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( resolution :poss ( standoff :mod diplomacy :mod ( between :op1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :op2 world-region ) ) ) ) :domain ( quantity :quant-of centrifuge ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.14", "sent": "a western diplomat in tehran speaking under condition of anonymity stated that the quantity of centrifuges is less important than whether the machines are operational and efficient but that ahmadinejad 's assertion will hinder a resolution of the diplomatic standoff between iran and the west ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 7 :day 24", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 07 @-@ 24"}, {"amr": "period :time-of ( and :op1 ( add :polarity - :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 centrifuge ) :op2 ( refrain :arg0 ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :arg1 ( promote :arg0 world-region :arg1 ( round :arg1 ( sanction :arg1 country :mod economy ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 4 ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 un :op2 security :op3 council ) ) ) ) ) :time prenegotiate :mod freeze-for-freeze :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit week )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.23", "sent": "a 6 @-@week pre-negotiation \" freeze for freeze \" period during which iran would add no centrifuges and the west would refrain from promoting a 4 th round of economic sanctions against iran at the un security council ."}, {"amr": "meet :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( and :quant 5 :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kazakhstan :name ( name :op1 kazakhstan ) ) :arg2 minister ) ) :op3 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) :arg2 minister ) ) :op4 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki tajikistan :name ( name :op1 tajikistan ) ) :arg2 minister ) ) :op5 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki uzbekistan :name ( name :op1 uzbekistan ) ) :arg2 minister ) ) ) :location ( city :wiki moscow :name ( name :op1 moscow ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2002 ) :purpose ( discuss :arg1 ( and :op1 ( construct :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) ) :op2 ( issue :arg1 international :quant series ) :op3 ( issue :arg1 region :quant series ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.6", "sent": "tang and 5 foreign ministers from russia , kazakhstan , kyrgyzstan , tajikistan and uzbekistan will meet in moscow on 23 november 2002 for discussions of the sco 's construction and a series of international and regional issues ."}, {"amr": "urge :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) ) :arg2 ( consider :arg0 organization :arg1 ( adopt :arg0 organization :arg1 ( approach :arg1 ( transfer :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) ) :arg1-of ( base :arg2 criterion ) :manner ( tier :quant multiple ) :mod generic ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.31", "sent": "the israeli government has urged the nsg to consider adopting a generic , multi-tiered , criteria-based approach towards nuclear technology transfers ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( official :mod maritime :location ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) ) :arg1 ( have :arg1 yet :arg2 ( agree :arg1 ( detail :arg1-of critical ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.10", "sent": "maritime officials in kenya stated that critical details have yet to be agreed upon ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 8 :day 31 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0319.2", "sent": "xinhua news agency , august 31 st ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( or :op1 ( dyspraxic :domain you ) :op2 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 ( tendon :mod short ) ) ) :mod so", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.15", "sent": "so maybe you are dyspraxic or have short tendons ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of counsel ) :time no-longer :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( possible :arg1 ( have :arg0 you :arg1 person :time ( session :quant ( so-many :frequency time ) ) :mod only ) ) ) ) :op2 ( doubt :arg0 i :arg1 ( help :arg0 have :arg2 i :degree much :time ( time :mod this ) :condition ( help :polarity - :arg0 have :arg1 i :time already ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.12", "sent": "in no longer have a counselor because you can only have them for so many sessions at a time , and i doubt it will help much this time , if it has n't already ."}, {"amr": "recommend :arg1 ( tell :arg0 we :arg1 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( bully :arg0 other :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :manner will ) ) :arg2 ( world :mod whole ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6565.4", "sent": "we should tell the whole world , that chinese can n't be bullied at will by others .. ."}, {"amr": "convince :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( group :consist-of ( nation :arg1-of ( engage :arg2 ( trade :mod nucleus ) ) ) :arg1-of key ) :arg2 ( adopt :arg0 group :arg1 ( guideline :arg0-of ( allow :arg1 ( transfer :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) :arg2 ( state :arg0-of ( sign-on :polarity - :arg1 ( rule :mod ( proliferate :polarity - ) ) ) ) :mod international ) ) :mod new ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.6", "sent": "israeli officials convinced a key group of nations engaged in nuclear trade to adopt new guidelines allowing the international transfer of nuclear technology to states that have not signed on to nonproliferation rules ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( remain :arg1 they :location ( city :wiki beijing :name ( name :op1 beijing ) ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit day ) :arg1-of ( have-purpose :arg2 ( and :op1 ( carry-out :arg0 they :arg1 ( activity :arg0 they :arg1 ( interact :arg0 they :arg1 ( party :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1-of relevant ) ) ) ) :op1 ( visit :arg0 they :arg1 city ) :op3 ( tour :arg0 they :arg1 city ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( ceremony :arg0-of ( close :arg1 ( game :wiki fespic_games :name ( name :op1 sports :op2 meet ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( return :arg1 they :arg4 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 13 ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.13", "sent": "after the closing ceremonies of the sports meet , they will continue to remain in beijing for two days , to carry out interaction activities with relevant chinese parties and visit and tour , and return to japan on 13 th ."}, {"amr": "sentence :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 montesinos ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit year ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit month ) ) :arg3 convict", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.5", "sent": "montesinos has been sentenced to 9 years and 4 months for the conviction ."}, {"amr": "have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :arg2 director :duration longtime", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.15", "sent": "general nikolai n. urakov is the longtime director of the the state scientific center of applied microbiology ."}, {"amr": "classify :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 european :op2 union ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :arg2 ( organization :mod terrorism )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.15", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen has been classified by the united states , the european union and iran as a terrorist organization ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 gandra ) ) :arg1 ( undermine :arg0 provision :arg1 ( purpose :poss decree :mod essential ) :manner ( grant :arg0 provision :arg1 immunity :arg2 ( aircraft :arg0-of ( smuggle :arg1 drug ) :arg0-of ( carry :arg1 child ) ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( introduce :arg0 provision :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( use :arg1 ( child :arg1-of kidnap ) :arg2 ( shield :mod human ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.23", "sent": "gandra stated that the provision undermines the decree 's essential purpose by granting immunity to drug-smuggling aircraft carrying children and thus introducing the possibility of kidnapped children being used as human shields ."}, {"amr": "look-over :arg1 flag", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.22", "sent": "looking over to the flag"}, {"amr": "source :arg0 ( and :op1 ( leave :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 dad ) ) :time ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit year ) ) ) :op2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 ( know :arg0 person :arg1 i ) :time anymore ) ) :arg1 this", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.11", "sent": "the source of this is that ; when i was 7 my dad left , and he doesnt want to know me anymore ,"}, {"amr": "claim :arg0 report :arg1 ( claim :arg0 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 muslims :op2 against :op3 illegitimate :op4 leaders ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( volunteer :arg0 ( man :mod ( religious-group :wiki muslim :name ( name :op1 muslim ) ) :arg1-of ( have-quant :arg2 1000 ) :arg2-of ( train :arg1 military ) ) :arg1 ( service :poss man ) ) :op2 ( receive :arg0 man :arg1 ( back :arg0 ( businessman :arg1-of local ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20011006_0073.7", "sent": "a report claims that muslims against illegitimate leaders has claimed that the 1000 muslim men with military training have volunteered their services and have received the backing of local businessmen ."}, {"amr": "tell :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki richmond_times-dispatch :name ( name :op1 richmond :op2 times-dispatch ) ) :arg1 ( tale :topic ( impact :arg1 ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 huguenot :op2 trail ) :location ( county :wiki powhatan_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 powhatan :op2 county ) ) ) ) ) :time today", "id": "wb.eng_0003.6", "sent": "the richmond times - dispatch tells the tale today about the impact on the huguenot trail in powhatan county ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki david_albright :name ( name :op1 david :op2 albright ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( say :arg0 ( image :source satellite ) :arg1 ( progress :arg1 ( reactor :purpose research :mod ( water :mod heavy ) :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki arak,_iran :name ( name :op1 arak ) ) ) ) :arg1-of significant ) ) :op2 ( progress :arg1 reactor :arg3 ( frame :mod building ) :arg4 ( facility :arg1-of ( finish :degree large ) ) :duration ( before :op1 now :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 1.5 :unit year ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.19", "sent": "david albright stated that iran 's heavy-water research reactor near arak is making significant progress according to the satellite images and that in a year and a half the heavy-water research reactor near arak has progressed from building frames to a largely finished facility ."}, {"amr": "youth :arg1-of tender :time still :domain ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg2 ( brother :mod ( young :degree most ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.20", "sent": "youngest brother is still a tender youth"}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 yiguo :op2 yu ) :arg0-of report ) :location ( city :wiki tokyo :name ( name :op1 tokyo ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , tokyo , september 1 st , by reporter yiguo yu"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( damage :arg0 explode :arg1 ( windowpane :poss ( shop :mod ( approximately :op1 dozen ) ) ) ) :op2 ( injure :arg0 explode :arg1 ( customer :quant 2 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020829_0017.11", "sent": "the explosion damaged the windowpanes of approximately a dozen shops and injured 2 customers ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( march :arg0 ( troop :arg1-of arm ) :destination substation ) :op2 ( turn-on :arg0 troop :arg1 power :mod back )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.36", "sent": "armed troops marched to the substations and turned the power back on ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( letter :mod ( news :mod internal ) :poss ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( aim :arg0 conference :arg1 ( provide :arg0 conference :arg1 ( environment :purpose ( and :op1 ( share :arg1 information ) :op2 ( act :manner positive :purpose ( counter :arg1 ( person :arg1-of organize :arg0-of ( traffic :arg1 drug :mod transnational ) :arg2-of criminal ) ) ) ) :arg1-of flexible :mod ( think :manner forward ) ) ) ) :time recent", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.18", "sent": "the hong kong police 's internal news letter recently reported that the conference aimed to provide a flexible and forward-thinking environment for sharing information and taking positive action against the organized criminals of transnational drug trafficking ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( let :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( know :arg0 they :arg1 ( panacea :polarity - :domain ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( possible :arg1 ( increase :arg0 win :arg1 ( influence :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :condition ( win :arg0 we ) ) :snt3 ( and :op2 ( improve :arg1 ( cohesion :mod citizen ) ) ) :snt4 ( possible :arg1 ( and :op1 ( clean-out :arg0 we :arg1 ( bureaucrat :arg1-of ( competent :polarity - ) ) ) :op2 ( make :arg0 we :arg1 ( get :arg1 trash :arg2 out ) ) ) :condition ( lose :arg0 we ) ) :snt5 ( let :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( and :op1 ( have :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( blood :mod new ) ) :op2 ( update :arg1 country ) ) ) :snt6 ( get :mode imperative :arg0 country :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 up )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6566.4", "sent": "let them know that the us is not a panacea ! if we win , it may increase china 's influence ! and improve the cohesion of the citizenry ! if we lose , we can clean out those incompetent bureaucrats , and make those trash get out ! let china have new blood and get updated . , get up , china !"}, {"amr": "worsen :arg1 it :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( have :arg0 i :arg1 ( scar :arg1 ( leg :part-of i ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( slit :arg0 i :arg1 leg :arg3 staple :topic ( name :poss ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 boyfriend :time ex ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( stop :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 cut :condition ( bleed :arg0 i ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.3", "sent": "it has got worse as i have a scar on my leg as i slit in my ex boyfriends name with stables , as i wont stop cutting unless i bleed ,"}, {"amr": "demand :arg0 ( person :wiki condoleezza_rice :name ( name :op1 condoleezza :op2 rice ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :arg2 ( secretary :mod state ) ) ) :arg1 ( withdraw :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( force :poss country ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.13", "sent": "u.s. secretary of state condoleezza rice demanded russia withdraw its forces ."}, {"amr": "provide :arg0 ( incursion :mod military :poss ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :arg1 ( test :arg1 ( capacity :poss ( military :mod country ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.27", "sent": "russia 's military incursion provided a test of the capacities of the russian military ."}, {"amr": "detain :arg1 ( person :quant ( some :op1 160 ) ) :time initial :time ( crack-down :arg0 police :arg1 ( location :quant ( over :op1 10 ) :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( location :poss ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :location ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.13", "sent": "some 160 people were initially detained in the police crackdown of over 10 of the people 's mujahedeen 's locations in france ."}, {"amr": "remember :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( define :polarity - :arg0 ( harm :arg1 self ) :arg1 ( person :domain you ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.35", "sent": "remember your self harming does not define who you are ."}, {"amr": "fly :arg1 ( delegation :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :destination ( city :wiki beijing :name ( name :op1 beijing ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 2 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.12", "sent": "the japanese delegation will fly to beijing on the 2 nd ."}, {"amr": "sign :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :arg1 ( deal :arg2 ( manufacture :arg1 ( submarine :quant 6 :wiki scorp\u00e8ne-class_submarine :name ( name :op1 scorpene ) :arg1-of ( propel :arg0 diesel ) :arg1-of advanced ) :location country :prep-under ( produce :arg1-of license ) ) :arg3 ( estimate :arg2 ( monetary-quantity :quant 2000000000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.4", "sent": "france and india will sign an estimated 2 billion us dollar deal for manufacture in india under licensed production of 6 advanced diesel-propelled scorpene submarines ."}, {"amr": "need :arg1 ( support :arg1 business ) :arg0-of overwhelm :concession ( and :op1 ( drive :time ( date-entity :weekday sunday ) ) :op2 ( trip :arg1 ( location :poss ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg2 grandmother ) ) ) ) :op3 ( game :mod soccer ) :mod of-course )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.58", "sent": "then , of course there is the sunday drive , the trip to grandma 's , and the soccer games , but still , the overwhelming need is to support business ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( cause :polarity - :arg0 ( threaten :arg0 he ) ) :arg2 ( cause :arg0 ( concern :polarity - :arg0 he :arg1 ( life :arg1-of ( personal :arg2 you ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.24", "sent": "not because of his threat - but because your personal life is none of his business ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 vladimir :op2 v. :op3 putin ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) ) :arg1 ( start :arg1 war )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.17", "sent": "russian prime minister vladimir v. putin stated that war has started ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 shuifu :op2 tang ) :arg0-of report ) :location ( city :wiki seoul :name ( name :op1 seoul ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 8 :day 31 )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , seoul , august 31 st , by reporter shuifu tang"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 he :arg1 ( use :polarity - :arg0 ( athlete :poss we ) :arg1 ( compete :arg0 athlete :location ( under :op1 ( sunlight :arg1-of strong ) ) ) :degree very ) :mod also", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.9", "sent": "he also said : \" our athletes are not very used to carrying out competition under strong sunlight . \""}, {"amr": "source :arg0 ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 cocaine :op3 heroin :quant much :arg1-of ( include :arg2 ( and :op1 cocaine :op2 heroin :arg1-of ( sell :location ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.45", "sent": "colombia is the source of much of the cocaine and heroin sold in the united states ."}, {"amr": "have :arg0 i :arg1 dyspraxia", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.14", "sent": "i have dyspraxia ."}, {"amr": "get :arg1 person :arg2 lazy", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.4", "sent": "people are getting lazy ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg1 ( meet :arg0 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 putin ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit hour )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.10", "sent": "putin held two-hour meeting with chirac ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( and :op1 ( grow-up :arg1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 tsr ) ) ) :op2 ( stop :arg0 person :arg1 ( nag :arg0 person ) ) :mod ( oh :mode expressive ) ) :snt2 ( joke :domain it )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.35", "sent": "oh grow up tsr and stop negging its was a joke ! !!"}, {"amr": "or :op1 ( supply :polarity - :arg0 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :arg1 ( armament :mod any ) :arg2 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki south_sudan :name ( name :op1 south :op2 sudan ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( have :polarity - :arg0 country :arg1 ( plan :arg0 country :arg1 ( supply :arg0 country :arg1 armament :arg2 government-organization ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.26", "sent": "ukraine does not supply or have plans to supply any armaments to the government of south sudan ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( distress :arg0 ( train :arg2 ( and :op1 military :op2 ( reservist :mod civilian :mod new ) ) :mod ideology :arg1-of ( say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of criticize ) ) :arg1-of ( mind :arg0 person ) ) :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :mod domestic ) :degree more )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.43", "sent": "perhaps more distressing to chavez 's domestic opponents is the ideological training that critics say chavez has in mind for the military and for new civilian reservists ."}, {"amr": "incident :quant 2 :mod bomb :arg1-of separate :time ( after :op1 ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 29 ) ) :location ( and :op1 ( municipality :location ( district :wiki patan,_nepal :name ( name :op1 lalitpur ) ) ) :op2 ( shop :location ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.11", "sent": "after 20020829 2 separate bomb incidents occurred at the municipality in lalitpur district and a shop in kathmandu city ."}, {"amr": "and :op2 ( know :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.17", "sent": "and i do n't know what to do ."}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( spend :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki virginia_department_of_transportation :name ( name :op1 vdot ) ) :arg1 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :arg3 ( money :poss government-organization :mod friggin' :mod all ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 politician :op2 ( person :arg0-of boost ) :arg1-of local ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.12", "sent": "one reason is that vdot , at the behest of local politicians and boosters , spent all its friggin \" money on 288 !"}, {"amr": "region :mod autonomy :domain ( country :wiki south_sudan :name ( name :op1 southern :op2 sudan ) :arg0-of ( increase :arg1 ( military :poss country ) :time current ) :arg0-of ( use :arg1 ( tank :arg1-of ( design :arg0 ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.32", "sent": "southern sudan is an autonomous region that is currently increasing its military and that uses soviet-designed tanks ."}, {"amr": "include :arg1 ( build :arg1 ( residence :location country ) :beneficiary ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) ) :arg2 ( fund :arg1-of ( cut :frequency at-times ) :arg1-of budget :quant some )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.41", "sent": "some of the budgeted funds cut at times have included the building country residences for generals ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( start :arg0 pact :arg1 ( activity :arg1 ( exchange :arg0 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg2 ( organization :mod other ) ) ) :mod official ) :op2 ( promote :arg0 pact :arg1 ( spirit :mod ( city :wiki shanghai :name ( name :op1 shanghai ) ) :mod equal :mod cooperate :mod ( respect :arg1 multicultural ) :mod ( search :arg1 ( develop :mod common ) ) :mod ( trust :mod mutual ) :mod ( benefit :mod mutual ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.22", "sent": "tang stated that the pact will officially start the sco 's exchange activities with other organizations and promote the shanghai-spirit of mutual trust and benefit , equality , cooperation , multicultural respect and the search for common development ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( agree :arg1 ( person :arg0-of entertain :mod just :arg1-of cheap ) ) :snt2 ( sense :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( repute :arg1 they :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) :mod feudal ) ) ) :degree somewhat )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5534.1", "sent": "agree , just cheap entertainers . their reputation in feudal china somewhat makes sense ."}, {"amr": "react :arg1 ( fail :arg1 ( economics :mod ( market :arg1-of free ) ) :arg1-of perceive ) :arg2 ( shift :arg2 leftward :mod this ) :degree large", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.13", "sent": "this leftward shift is largely in reaction to the perceived failure of free-market economics ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( need :arg0 we :arg1 show :prep-in life ) :arg2 ( p :degree really :domain ( show :arg0 you :arg1 ( you :arg1-of ( embrace :arg0 someone ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5310.1", "sent": "we need shows in life , but it is really p. to show yourself within someone 's embrace ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( newspaper :wiki el_comercio_[peru] :name ( name :op1 el :op2 comercio ) ) :arg1 ( put :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :arg1-of ( have-org-role :arg0 ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 alberto :op2 fujimori ) ) :arg2 ( president :time then ) ) ) :arg1 ( operation :wiki - :name ( name :op1 scorpion ) :mod intelligence ) :arg2 effect :purpose ( fight-off :arg0 operation :arg1 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 ( traffic :arg1 drug ) ) :location ( world-region :wiki amazon_basin :name ( name :op1 amazon ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 1992 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0333.10", "sent": "el comercio said that in 920000 the government of then-president alberto fujimori put into effect the intelligence operation scorpion to fight terrorism and drug trafficking in the amazon region ."}, {"amr": "resolve :polarity - :arg1 issue :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit year )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.6", "sent": "the issues have been unresolved for 4 years ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( walk :arg0 i :prep-on ( toe :part-of i ) ) :arg2 ( cause :arg0 ( bear :arg1 i :prep-with ( toe :mod strange :arg1-of ( curl :arg2 under ) :arg1-of ( straighten :arg2 surgery :arg2-of obligate :time ( before :op1 now :quant ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit year ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 walk )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.10", "sent": "i used to walk on my toes , but that was because i was born with strange toes that curled under and had to be straightened with surgery two years ago ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki department_of_international_relations_and_cooperation :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 affairs :op3 department ) :mod country ) :arg1 ( brief :arg0 ( delegation :mod ( country :wiki south_africa :name ( name :op1 south :op2 africa ) ) ) :arg1 ( person :mod ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :arg2 ( progress :arg1 ( and :op1 ( organization :wiki african_union :name ( name :op1 africa :op2 union ) ) :op2 ( organization :wiki new_partnership_for_africa's_development :name ( name :op1 new :op2 partnership ) :beneficiary ( develop :arg1 ( continent :wiki africa :name ( name :op1 africa ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20031107_0242.18", "sent": "the south african foreign affairs department stated that the south african delegation is to brief the brazilians on progress with the african union and the new partnership for africa \" s development ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg0 ( delegation :arg0-of ( participate :arg1 ( game :wiki fespic_games :name ( name :op1 far :op2 east :op3 and :op4 south :op5 pacific :op6 region :op7 handicapped :op8 sports :op9 meet ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 6 ) ) ) :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg1 ( ceremony :mod swear-in :mod grand ) :location ( city :wiki tokyo :name ( name :op1 tokyo ) ) :time ( afternoon :mod this )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.2", "sent": "the japanese delegation participating in the sixth far east and south pacific region handicapped sports meet held a grand swearing in ceremony in tokyo this afternoon ."}, {"amr": "consider :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( reimpose :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) :purpose ( maintain :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( and :op1 law :op2 order ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.19", "sent": "the nepali government is considering re-imposition of the state of emergency to maintain law and order ."}, {"amr": "test :arg0 conflict :arg1 country :arg2 ( and :op1 ( power :poss ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :op2 ( reach :arg0 country :arg1 military ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.8", "sent": "the conflict is a test of russia 's power and military reach ."}, {"amr": "start :arg1 ( start :arg1 ( worry :arg0 ( thing :mod tiny ) :arg1 i :mod really ) :concession ( severe :polarity - :degree equal :compared-to you :source ( sound :arg1 thing ) ) :mod just )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.13", "sent": "this started happening to me , where i 'd just start being really anxious over tiny things , although from the sound of things , not as severely as you ."}, {"amr": "decline :arg0 ( office :poss ayatollah :location ( city :wiki najaf :name ( name :op1 najaf ) ) ) :arg1 ( comment :arg0 office :arg3 ( attack :mod cyber ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.23", "sent": "the ayatollah 's office in najaf declined to comment on the cyber attack ."}, {"amr": "get :mode interrogative :arg0 anyone :arg1 ( experience :arg0 anyone :arg1 ( or :op1 ( handle :arg0 anyone :arg1 ( thing :mod ( sort :mod this ) ) ) :op2 ( thing :manner-of ( go :arg1 ( gain :arg1 ( respect :mod some ) :mod again ) ) ) ) :mod any )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.6", "sent": "has anyone got any experience in handling this sort of thing or how to go about gaining some respect again ?"}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 ( intertwine :arg1 they :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( same :arg1 they :mod virtual ) ) :arg0-of tight )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.68", "sent": "i think they are so tightly intertwined that they are virtually one and the same ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( cause :arg0 ( crazy :polarity - :arg1 you :mod definite ) :arg1 ( worry :polarity - :mode imperative :arg0 you ) ) :op2 ( sure :arg0 i :arg1 ( understand :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 ( practitioner :mod general ) ) ) :arg1 issue ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.25", "sent": "you definitely are n't crazy though do n't worry and your gp will be understanding of the issue i 'm sure ."}, {"amr": "emphasize :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 souya ) ) :arg1 ( obligate :arg1 ( delegation :mod ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) ) :arg2 ( use :arg0 delegation :arg1 ( opportunity :mod this :mod ( participate :arg0 delegation :arg1 ( game :wiki - :name ( name :op1 beijing :op2 far :op3 south :op4 sports :op5 meet ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( deepen :arg0 delegation :arg1 ( friendship :prep-with ( athlete :source ( country :mod various ) ) ) ) :op2 ( expand :arg0 delegation :arg1 ( scope :poss ( friendly :mod international ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0318.9", "sent": "souya emphasized , the japanese delegation must make use of this opportunity of participation in the beijing far south sports meet \" to deepen friendship with athletes from various countries , and expand the scope of international friendliness . \""}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( support :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( start :arg1 thread ) ) :manner resolute ) :snt2 ( reply :arg0 i :arg2 ( compose :arg0 i :arg1 poem ) )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5627.1", "sent": "resolutely support the thread starter ! i compose a poem in reply :"}, {"amr": "spin :arg1 ( all :mod else )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.64", "sent": "all else is spin ."}, {"amr": "adamance :domain ( official :mod ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) ) :prep-in ( deny :arg0 official :arg1 ( wrongdoing :mod any ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.24", "sent": "ukrainian officials have been adamant in denying any wrongdoing ."}, {"amr": "record :arg0 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) :arg1 ( fly :quant 4128 :arg1-of ( authorize :polarity - ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.38", "sent": "brazil recorded 4128 unauthorized flights in 2003 ."}, {"amr": "or :op1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( have-condition :arg1 ( doom :arg1 i ) :arg2 ( lose :arg0 i :arg1 ( or :op1 ( wallet :poss i ) :op2 ( phone :poss i ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 doom )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.8", "sent": "i feel if i lost my wallet or phone , then i 'm doomed or so i feel ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 proliferate :op3 weapon", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.3", "sent": "international ; proliferation ; weapons"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( statement :mod mission :poss ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) ) :arg1 ( act :arg0 country :manner ( basis :mod individual ) :purpose ( block :arg0 country :arg1 ( trade :arg0-of ( violate :arg1 ( control :arg1 export :arg1-of ( devise :arg2 ( maintain :arg0 control :arg1 ( cooperate :arg2 ( use :arg1 ( energy :mod nucleus ) :mod peaceful ) :mod international ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.8", "sent": "according to the nuclear suppliers group 's mission statement countries act on an individual basis to block trades that violate export controls devised to maintain international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op3 crime :op4 dissent :op5 terrorism", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.3", "sent": "international ; government ; crime ; dissent ; terrorism"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( age :arg1 i :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 21 :unit year ) ) :op2 ( turn :arg1 i :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 22 :unit year ) :time ( year :mod this ) ) :op3 ( have :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( time :mod much :arg1-of leave :purpose ( fail :arg1 i ) ) ) :op4 ( obligate :arg2 ( do :arg0 i :arg1 something ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.15", "sent": "- i 'm 21 yrs old ( turn 22 this year ) , do n't have much time left for failing need to do something ."}, {"amr": "join :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_polytechnic_university :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong :op3 polytechnic :op4 university ) ) :arg1 ( park :mod university :poss ( facility :wiki - :name ( name :op1 virtual :op2 university :op3 park ) :location ( city :wiki shenzhen :name ( name :op1 shenzhen ) :location ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :mod science :mod nation :mod technology ) :time ( date-entity :year 2004 :month 6 ) :mod ( become :arg1 university :arg2 ( institute :mod tertiary :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :poss ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :arg0-of ( establish :arg1 ( and :op1 ( center :mod research ) :op2 ( facility :mod train ) ) :location ( mainland :part-of country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.7", "sent": "in june 2004 hong kong polytechnic university ( polyu ) joined national university science and technology park of the virtual university park in shenzhen , china becoming the first tertiary institution of hong kong to establish research centers and training facilities in mainland china ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( and :op1 ( love :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 ( mate :mod ( good :degree most ) ) ) ) :degree load ) :op2 ( mean :arg1 he :arg2 world :arg3 i ) :op3 ( have-condition :arg1 ( do :arg0 he :arg1 anything ) :arg2 ( do :arg0 i :arg1 anything ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.18", "sent": "however , my best mate , i love him , loads , he means the world to me and if i do anything then he will ,"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( have :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( girl :arg1-of pure :arg1-of innocent ) ) :time amr-unknown", "id": "bolt12_91455_5344.1", "sent": "when can china have a pure , innocent girl ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.2", "sent": "viet nam ( vn ) ; germany ( de )"}, {"amr": "collaborate :arg0 ( university :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( university :mod ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :op2 ( business :mod mainland ) :op3 ( sector :mod ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :mod mainland ) ) :arg2 ( coordinate :arg0 university :arg1 ( and :op1 ( program :mod train ) :op2 ( center :mod research ) ) :purpose ( promote :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 ( commercialize :arg1 ( research :mod ( technology :arg1-of high ) ) ) :op2 ( transfer :arg1 technology ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.4", "sent": "hong kong universities collaborate with universities , businesses and government sectors of mainland china to coordinate training programs and research centers to promote high-tech research , commercialization , and technology transfer ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( accomplish :arg0 we :arg1 nothing :manner ( support :polarity - :arg0 person :arg1 we ) ) :arg2 ( powerful :arg1 we :mod all :manner ( support :arg0 person :arg1 we ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.35", "sent": "without the people 's support we will accomplish nothing ; with the support of the people , we will be all-powerful ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( offshoot :domain ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) :arg1-of ( have-org-role :arg0 ( nation :quant 45 ) ) ) :part-of ( treaty :wiki treaty_on_the_non-proliferation_of_nuclear_weapons :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 nonproliferation :op3 treaty ) ) ) :op2 ( charge :arg1 organization :arg2 ( monitor :arg0 organization :arg1 ( trade :mod international ) :purpose ( ensure :arg0 organization :arg1 ( direct :polarity - :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus :arg1-of ( transfer :purpose ( purpose :mod peaceful ) ) ) :arg2 ( use :mod military ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.6", "sent": "the 45 @-@nation nuclear suppliers group is an offshoot of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and is charged with monitoring international trade to ensure that nuclear technology transferred for peaceful purposes is not directed to military use ."}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg1 ( expand :arg0 country :arg1 ( support :arg1 ( region :mod separatist ) ) :manner broad ) :time ( early :op1 ( date-entity :year 2008 ) :degree more )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.29", "sent": "earlier in 2008 russia announced it was broadly expanding support for the separatist regions ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( official :mod maritime :mod ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( complex :domain ( negotiate :mod such ) ) :op3 ( involve :arg1 negotiate :arg2 ( more-than :op1 ( aspect :mod finance ) ) ) ) :manner anonymous", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.12", "sent": "a kenyan maritime official stated anonymously that such negotiations are complex and involve more than the financial aspect ."}, {"amr": "haha :mode expressive", "id": "bolt12_91455_5328.1", "sent": "haha"}, {"amr": "and :op1 terrorism :op2 politics :op3 dissent", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.3", "sent": "terrorism ; politics ; dissent"}, {"amr": "tolerate :arg0 we :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :duration amr-unknown", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.1", "sent": "how long are we going to tolerate japan ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( ideal :domain ( perform :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki fu_mingxia :name ( name :op1 mingxia :op2 fu ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 bin :op2 chi ) ) :arg0-of compete :mod female :part-of ( team :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg0-of dive ) ) :time ( round :quant 6 :arg1 ( compete :mod preliminary :mod ( dive :mod ( platform :mod ( distance-quantity :quant 10 :unit meter ) ) ) :subevent-of ( game :wiki - :name ( name :op1 seventh :op2 world :op3 swimming :op4 championships ) ) :arg1-of ( hold :location here :time today ) ) :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) ) :op2 ( in-sight :domain ( hopeful :arg1 ( enter :arg0 and :arg1 heat ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.2", "sent": "the performance of the female competitors of the chinese diving team , mingxia fu and bin chi , in the first 6 rounds of the 10 - meter platform diving preliminary competition at the seventh world swimming championships held here today was ideal , and hopes of entering the heats are in sight ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg1 ( power :mod ( veto :arg1 ( decide :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.12", "sent": "russia and china hold veto power over security council decisions ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( and :op1 ( find :arg0 i :arg1 ( become :arg1 i :arg2 ( anxious :topic thing :mod real ) ) :time ( before :op1 now :duration ( between :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit month ) :op2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit month ) ) ) ) :op2 ( talk :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( feel :arg1 nervous :mod mere :mod out-of-the-blue ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.2", "sent": "however , over the last month or two i 've found myself becoming really anxious about things , and i 'm not talking about a mere out of the blue feeling of nervousness ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( simple :polarity - :arg1 ( party :arg1-of ( normal :degree very ) :mod dinner :arg1-of ( seem :arg2 ( we :mod ( person :mod ordinary ) ) ) ) :prep-for ( person :arg1-of star ) :degree that :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( imagine :arg0 we ) ) ) :frequency sometimes", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.4", "sent": "sometimes a dinner party which seems very normal for us ordinary people may not be that simple for stars as we imagined ."}, {"amr": "quote :arg0 ( publication :wiki reuters :name ( name :op1 reuters ) ) :arg1 ( state :arg0 official :arg1 ( slow :arg1 ( effort :poss ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :purpose ( enrich :arg0 government-organization :arg1 uranium ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 u.n. ) ) :arg2 ( official :mod senior ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.12", "sent": "reuters quoted a senior u.n. official as stating the iranian government 's efforts to enrich uranium had slowed ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( apply :arg1 ( logic :arg1-of ( same :mod exact ) ) :arg2 road ) ) :mod all", "id": "wb.eng_0003.75", "sent": "all i 'm saying is that the exact same logic should apply to roads :"}, {"amr": "baffle :arg0 ( infatuation :topic ( live :location city ) :mod this ) :arg1 i :mod true", "id": "wb.eng_0003.95", "sent": "this infatuation with city living truly baffles me ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( ally :arg1 ( person :wiki fidel_castro :name ( name :op1 fidel :op2 castro ) :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki cuba :name ( name :op1 cuba ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1-of major ) :op2 ( grow :arg1 person :arg2 ( close :arg1 person :arg2 person :degree more ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.9", "sent": "cuban leader fidel castro is chavez 's his major ally and chavez is growing closer to castro ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( site :mod news :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :quant several ) :arg1 ( run :arg1 ( site :arg1-of ( relate :arg2 ( and :op1 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) :op2 country ) ) :mod web :quant many :arg1-of attack ) :arg1-of normal :mod again ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 19 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.14", "sent": "several iranian news sites stated on 19 september 2008 that many of the shiite and iran-related web sites that had been attacked were running normally again ."}, {"amr": "appear :arg1 ( suggest :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( halt :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 expand :prep-at ( number :quant-of centrifuge :arg1-of ( high :degree more :compared-to ( number :arg1-of ( expect :time previous ) ) ) ) :duration ( over :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit week ) ) ) :mod potential ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 7 :day 26 )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.29", "sent": "20080726 ahmadinejad appeared to suggest that iran might potentially halt expansion at a higher number of centrifuges that previously expected and for over 6 weeks ."}, {"amr": "comfortable :arg0 it :arg1 i :degree more", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7200.2", "sent": "it 's more comfortable to me ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki christopher_r._hill :name ( name :op1 hill ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( shut-down :time ( after :op1 now :quant ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit week ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( shut-down :time ( after :op1 now :quant ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit month ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.9", "sent": "hill stated the shutdown could occur in a matter of weeks not months ."}, {"amr": "report :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( airstrike :time ( late :op1 ( date-entity :day 8 :month 8 :year 2008 ) ) :location ( port :wiki poti :name ( name :op1 poti ) :location ( sea :wiki black_sea :name ( name :op1 black :op2 sea ) ) ) :quant ( at-least :op1 1 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.15", "sent": "georgian officials report there was at least 1 airstrike on the black sea port of poti late on 8 august 2008 ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.2", "sent": "nepal ( np )"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza ) ) :arg1 ( obligate :arg2 ( do :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg1 ( whatever :arg1-of ( need :purpose ( protect :arg0 person :arg1 country ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.21", "sent": "espinoza said venezuelans have to do whatever is necessary to protect venezuela ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( stop :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( talk :arg0 you :arg1 ( person :mod other ) ) ) :snt2 ( behave :mode imperative :arg0 you :mod just )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5339.1", "sent": "stop talking about others just behave yourself"}, {"amr": "law :polarity - :domain ( pay :arg1 ( amount :quant certain ) :manner ( coin :quant load ) :example ( possible :arg1 ( pay :arg0 you :arg1 ( something :example ( monetary-quantity :quant 30 :unit pence ) ) :manner ( monetary-quantity :quant 1 :unit pence ) :mod only ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.7", "sent": "its illegal to pay certain amounts in loads of coins . such as you can only pay something like 30 pence in 1 ps"}, {"amr": "claim :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( ship :arg1 ( weapon :arg0-of board ) :arg2 ( military :poss country ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( hijack :arg1 freighter :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 25 ) ) :quant short )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.19", "sent": "shortly after the freighter was hijacked on 25 september 2008 the kenyan government claimed that the weapons on board were being shipped for kenya 's military ."}, {"amr": "superficial :domain ( plan :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.31", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency plan is superficial ."}, {"amr": "comprise :arg1 ( group :mod terrorist :mod ( country-region :wiki east_turkestan :name ( name :op1 eastern :op2 turkistan ) ) :arg1-of ( call :manner so ) ) :arg2 ( cell :quant number :mod terrorist :arg0-of ( mind :arg1 secede ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.10", "sent": "the so-called eastern turkistan terrorist group comprises a number of secession-minded terrorist cells ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 accord :arg1 ( remain :arg1 ( and :op1 ( issue :polarity - :arg0 program ) :op2 ( ambiguity :polarity - ) :arg0-of ( regard :arg1 ( and :op1 ( program :mod nucleus :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :op2 ( activity :arg0 country :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.10", "sent": "the accord said that there were no remaining issues and ambiguities regarding iran 's nuclear program and activities ."}, {"amr": "offer :arg0 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg1 ( sell :arg0 country :arg1 ( and :op1 ( product :wiki - :name ( name :op1 mirage :op2 2002-5 ) :arg1-of upgrade ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( transfer :arg1 technology ) :op2 ( imager :mod thermal ) :beneficiary ( and :op1 ( tank :wiki t-72 :name ( name :op1 t-72 ) :arg1-of ( make :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :poss ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) :op2 ( tank :wiki t-90 :name ( name :op1 t-90 ) :arg1-of make :poss country ) ) ) :op3 ( system :arg0-of ( determine :mod angle ) :beneficiary artillery ) ) :arg2 country ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.13", "sent": "france offered the sale of its upgraded mirage 2002 @-@ 5 to india along with technology transfer and thermal imagers for india 's russia-made t- 72 and t- 90 tanks and angular determination system for artillery ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 proliferate :op4 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op5 energy", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; proliferation ; government ; energy"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( lead :arg0 ( nice :arg2 person :degree over ) :arg1 person :arg2 ( believe :arg0 person :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( or :op1 ( say :arg0 person :arg1 ( whatever :arg1-of ( want :arg0 person ) :mod hell ) :arg2 i ) :op2 ( do :arg0 person :arg1 whatever :arg2 i ) ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.2", "sent": "but being overly-nice to people has lead them to believe that they can say or do whatever the hell they want to me.. ."}, {"amr": "meet :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( kind :mod person :mod all )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.19", "sent": "meet all kinds of people ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki dominique_de_villepin :name ( name :op1 de :op2 villepin ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( decide :arg0 justice :arg1 arrest ) :op2 ( factor :polarity - :mod diplomacy :topic ( affair :mod this ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.7", "sent": "de villepin said that the arrests were a decision of justice and that there is no diplomatic factor in this affair ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 david :op2 siegel ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( embassy :mod ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) ) :arg2 spokesman ) ) :arg1 ( accurate :polarity - :domain ( suggest :arg1 ( or :op1 ( demand :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 exempt ) :op2 ( link :arg0 government-organization :arg1 effort :arg2 ( issue :arg0 any :mod other :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( debate :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod gross )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.27", "sent": "spokesman for the israeli embassy david siegel stated the suggestion that the israeli government is demanding an exemption or linking efforts to any other issue including the india debate is grossly inaccurate ."}, {"amr": "shoot :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( hooligan :mod that )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5331.1", "sent": "shoot those hooligans"}, {"amr": "date-entity :day 15 :month 11 :year 2007", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.1", "sent": "2007 @-@ 11 @-@ 15"}, {"amr": "hesitate :arg0 ( person :wiki john_howard :name ( name :op1 john :op2 howard ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) ) :arg1 ( use :arg0 person :arg1 ( force :mod military ) :purpose ( intercept :arg0 person :arg1 ( vessel :arg0-of ( smuggle :arg1 ( or :op1 drug :op2 weapon ) ) :arg0-of ( belong :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 democratic :op2 people's :op3 republic :op4 of :op5 korea ) ) ) :arg2-of suspect ) ) ) :concession ( pressure :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :op2 ( create :arg1 ( organization :wiki proliferation_security_initiative :name ( name :op1 proliferation :op2 security :op3 initiative ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.4", "sent": "despite pressure from the united states and the creation of the proliferation security initiative , australian prime minister john howard is hesitant to use military force to intercept suspected drug @- or weapon-smuggling vessels belonging to the democratic people 's republic of korea ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( keep :arg0 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg1 ( private :arg1 data ) ) :op2 ( meet :arg0 organization :manner ( secret :degree large ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.10", "sent": "the nuclear suppliers group keeps data private and meets largely in secret ."}, {"amr": "meet :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 narcotic ) :quant ( some :op1 42 ) :source ( and :op1 ( mainland :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :op2 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki australia :name ( name :op1 australia ) ) :op4 ( country :wiki indonesia :name ( name :op1 indonesia ) ) :op5 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :op6 ( country :wiki south_korea :name ( name :op1 south :op2 korea ) ) :op7 ( country :wiki burma :name ( name :op1 myanmar ) ) :op8 ( country :wiki philippines :name ( name :op1 philippines ) ) :op9 ( country :wiki singapore :name ( name :op1 singapore ) ) :op10 ( country :wiki thailand :name ( name :op1 thailand ) ) :op11 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 ( officer :mod senior ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.17", "sent": "some 42 senior anti-narcotics officers from the chinese mainland , hong kong , australia , indonesia , japan , south korea , myanmar , the philippines , singapore , thailand and the united states met ."}, {"amr": "plan :arg1 ( widen :arg1 ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 huguenot :op2 trail ) ) ) :time already :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( demand :arg0 ( develop :location ( side :mod ( county :wiki chesterfield_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 chesterfield ) ) ) ) :degree heavy ) :op2 ( school :mod new ) :op3 ( thing :arg1-of develop :quant ( bunch :mod whole ) :arg1-of exist :arg1-of ( zone :time ( before :op1 now :quant ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( funnel :path ( road :wiki - :name ( name :op1 robious :op2 road ) ) :time before ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.83", "sent": "the huguenot trail road widening was already planned , due to the heavy demands of development on the chesterfield side , the new schools , and a whole bunch of existing developments that were zoned years ago and at that time funneled through robious road ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( watch :arg0 ( community :mod international ) :arg1 organization :manner close :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( will :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :quant more ) :op2 ( organization :mod international ) ) :arg1 ( conduct :arg0 and :arg1 ( and :op1 ( dialogue :arg0 and :arg2 organization ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 and :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.19", "sent": "tang stated that the international community was watching the organization closely as more countries and international organizations were willing to conduct dialogues and cooperation with the sco ."}, {"amr": "conduct :arg0 ( person :wiki mich\u00e8le_alliot-marie :name ( name :op1 michele :op2 alliot-marie ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod defense ) ) ) :arg1 ( dialogue :arg0 person :arg1 security :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.8", "sent": "french defense minister michele alliot-marie conducted security dialogue with indian leaders ."}, {"amr": "wonder :arg1 ( thing :mod ( good :degree most ) :arg1-of do :domain amr-unknown ) :mod so", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.6", "sent": "so was wondering what 's the best thing to do ?"}, {"amr": "announce :arg0 ( plan :arg0 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.28", "sent": "the international atomic energy agency plan announced that --"}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki dominique_de_villepin :name ( name :op1 de :op2 villepin ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( claim :arg0 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :arg1 ( responsible :arg0 organization :arg1 ( attack :location ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :quant numerous ) ) ) :op2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( hide :arg1 ( dimension :mod terrorism :mod this ) ) ) ) :medium ( radio :wiki france_info :name ( name :op1 france :op2 info ) :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.6", "sent": "at french radio france info de villepin said that the people 's mujahedeen organization has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in iran and said that this dimension of terrorism can not be hidden ."}, {"amr": "refuse :arg0 i :arg1 ( use :arg0 i :arg1 ( transit :mod mass :arg0-of ( safe :polarity - :arg1 ( female :arg0-of commute :arg0-of ( work :time ( hour :arg2-of ( regular :polarity - :arg1 work ) ) :arg1-of long ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.89", "sent": "i will not use mass transit , which is not safe for female commuters that work long and irregular hours ,"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( hard :arg1 it ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( do :arg0 you :arg1 it ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.31", "sent": "its hard but you can do it ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( contrast :arg2 ( have :arg0 he :arg1 no-one ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( get-along :polarity - :arg1 ( family :arg1-of ( have-org-role :arg0 he :arg2 member ) ) :arg2 he ) :op2 ( have :arg0 ( and :op1 he :op2 family ) :arg1 ( issue :arg1 and ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.7", "sent": "but he has no one his family and him dont get along and have their own issues ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.2", "sent": "nepal ( np )"}, {"amr": "break :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( work :arg0 you ) ) :arg3 ( chunk :arg1-of ( manage :arg0 you :arg1-of possible ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.20", "sent": "break your work into manageable chunks ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( become :arg1 ( corridor :mod ( world-region :wiki amazon_basin :name ( name :op1 amazon ) ) :mod north :part-of ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) :arg2 ( route :mod ( busy :arg1-of increase ) :mod ( essential :arg1-of increase ) :path-of ( trade :arg1 drug :mod globe ) ) ) :op2 ( use :arg1 corridor :arg2 ( smuggle :arg1 ( and :op1 arm :op2 gold :op3 diamond ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.42", "sent": "brazil 's northern amazon corridor has become an increasingly busy and essential route in the global drug trade and is used for smuggling arms , gold and diamonds ."}, {"amr": "solve :arg2 ( and :op1 ( pattern :mod ( settle :arg1 human ) :arg1-of function ) :op2 ( balance :arg1 ( capacity :poss ( system :purpose transport ) ) :arg2 ( demand :arg1 travel :arg1-of ( generate :arg0 ( use :arg1 land ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.63", "sent": "the solution is functional human settlement patterns and a balance between transport system capacity and land use generated travel deman ."}, {"amr": "visit :arg0 ( person :wiki john_malecela :name ( name :op1 john :op2 malsela ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki tanzania :name ( name :op1 tanzania :op2 united :op3 republic ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 premier :op2 ( president :mod vice :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :time ( date-interval :op1 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 9 ) :op2 ( date-entity :month 9 :day 13 ) ) :mod official :arg2-of ( invite :arg0 ( person :wiki li_peng :name ( name :op1 peng :op2 li ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki state_council_of_the_people's_republic_of_china :name ( name :op1 state :op2 council ) ) :arg2 premier ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0303.4", "sent": "at the invitation of peng li , premier of the state council , premier and first vice-president of the tanzania united republic , john malsela will pay an official visit to china from september 9 th to the 13 th ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 hiro :op2 ueki ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( locate :arg1 site :location ( compound :mod large :arg1-of ( occupy :arg0 ( and :op1 ( company :mod other ) :op2 ( institution :mod other ) :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( office :mod region :poss ( political-party :wiki ba'ath_party :name ( name :op1 bath :op2 party ) :arg0-of rule ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( inspect :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations :name ( name :op1 united :op2 nations ) ) :arg3 ( expert :arg1 person :arg2 arm ) ) ) :arg1 ( compound :mod whole ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021228_0162.11", "sent": "the site was located within a large compound occupied by other companies and institutions including a regional office of the ruling bath party and the whole compound was inspected by the united nations arms experts according to hiro ueki ."}, {"amr": "estimate :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( analyze :arg1 military ) ) :arg1 ( number :arg2 83000 :arg1 ( force :arg1-of arm :mod ( duty :mod active ) :poss ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.45", "sent": "military analysts estimate venezuela 's active-duty armed forces number 83,000 ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 espinoza ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( recommend :arg1 ( use :polarity - :arg1 reserve :arg2 ( troop :arg0-of ( shock :arg1 ( party :mod politics :mod any ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( decide :arg0 ( person :mod each ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( side :arg0 person ) ) :condition ( war :mod civil ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.48", "sent": "espinoza said the reserves are not to be used as shock troops for any political party and that if there were a civil war , it would be up to each person to take their own side ."}, {"amr": "way :arg1-of possible :instrument-of ( rid :arg0 you :arg1 it ) :domain ( avoid :arg0 you :arg1 ( act :arg1 compulsive ) :mod just ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( and :op1 ( check :mode imperative :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 ( lose :arg0 you :arg1 something ) ) :op2 ( leave :mode imperative :arg0 you :arg1 it :mod just ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.19", "sent": "to get rid of it , one way could be just to avoid the compulsive act so do n't check to see whether you have lost something , just leave it (:"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( use :arg0 i :arg1 ( do :arg0 i :arg1 this :time ( way :destination college :poss i ) ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( have :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of ( list :arg1 ( item :arg1-of ( have :arg0 i :arg1-of ( know :arg0 i ) :prep-on i ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( use :arg0 i :arg1 ( check :arg0 i :manner compulsive :location bus ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.15", "sent": "i used to do this on my way to college-i had a list of items i knew i had on me and used to check compulsively on the bus ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki phan_v\u0103n_kh\u1ea3i :name ( name :op1 phan :op2 van :op3 khai ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki vietnam :name ( name :op1 vietnam ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod prime ) ) ) :arg1 ( important :domain ( visit :arg0 ( person :wiki gerhard_schr\u00f6der :name ( name :op1 schroeder ) ) ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) ) ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 ( continent :quant 2 ) :manner ( close :degree more ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041010_0024.9", "sent": "vietnamese prime minister phan van khai stated that the visit by schroeder is important to the vietnam-german relationship and the closer cooperation between the 2 continents ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( speak :arg0 you :arg1 it :arg2 doctor ) :op2 ( see :arg0 you :arg1 ( take-off :arg0 ( pill :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 anxiety ) ) :arg1 edge :arg1-of ( possible :mode interrogative ) :source thing ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.7", "sent": "speak to a doctor about it and see if anti-anxiety pills could take the edge off of things ?"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( person :arg2-of ( trust :arg0 you ) :arg2-of ( tell :arg0 you :arg1-of possible ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 school :arg3 teach ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.25", "sent": "perhaps there 's a teacher at school who you trust and could tell ."}, {"amr": "braawwkkk", "id": "wb.eng_0003.2", "sent": "braawwkkk !"}, {"amr": "surprise :arg0 ( rapid :manner-of this :mod only ) :arg1 i", "id": "wb.eng_0003.18", "sent": "the only thing that surprises me is how rapidly this is happening ."}, {"amr": "differ :arg0 ( thing :arg1-of ( report :arg0 media ) ) :arg2 ( number :quant-of centrifuge :arg1-of ( cite :arg0 ( person :wiki mahmoud_ahmadinejad :name ( name :op1 ahmadinejad ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.10", "sent": "media reports differed on the number of centrifuges ahmadinejad cited ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( abort :arg0 ( person :wiki sher_bahadur_deuba :name ( name :op1 deuba ) ) :arg1 ( trip :arg0 person :arg1 ( city :wiki johannesburg :name ( name :op1 johannesburg ) ) :arg1-of plan :purpose ( event :wiki earth_summit_2002 :name ( name :op1 world :op2 summit :op3 on :op4 sustainable :op5 development ) ) ) ) :op2 ( return :arg1 person :arg4 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) :mod ( immediate :time ( after :op1 ( visit :arg0 person :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :duration ( temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit day ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 tension )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.21", "sent": "due to the tension deuba aborted a planned trip to johannesburg for the world summit on sustainable development and returned immediately to nepal after a nine-day visit to europe ."}, {"amr": "begin :arg0 i :arg1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( panic :arg0 ( thing :mod variety :arg1-of ( worry :polarity - :arg0 i :time beforehand :quant ( much :degree too ) ) :arg0-of ( cross :polarity - :arg1 ( mind :poss i ) :prep-as ( something :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( ring :arg1 bell :arg2 alarm :location ( head :part-of i ) ) ) ) :mod even ) ) :arg1 i :manner ( rational :polarity - ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.3", "sent": "i have begun to feel irrationally panicky about a variety of things which beforehand would n't worry me too much or even cross my mind as something to cause alarm bells to ring in my head ."}, {"amr": "work :arg0 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :arg1 ( convert :arg0 ( and :op1 research-institute :op2 scientist ) :arg1 complex :arg2 ( site :location-of ( manufacture :mod biomedicine ) ) ) :arg3 ( scientist :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.16", "sent": "the state scientific center of applied microbiology has been working with western scientists to convert the complex into a biomedical manufacturing site ."}, {"amr": "agree", "id": "bolt12_9145_5535.1", "sent": "agree !"}, {"amr": "impose :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki nepal :name ( name :op1 nepal ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( state :mod emergency ) :time ( date-entity :year 2001 :month 11 :day 26 ) :time ( and :op1 ( defy :arg0 ( guerrilla :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) ) ) :arg1 ( negotiate :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 government-organization :arg2 ( cease :arg1 fire ) :arg1-of ( long :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 4 :unit month ) ) ) :mod unilateral ) :op2 ( attack :arg0 guerrilla :arg1 ( and :op1 ( barrack :mod army ) :op2 ( post :mod police ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.22", "sent": "20011126 the nepali government imposed a stated of emergency when anti-government guerrillas unilaterally defied 4 month long cease-fire negotiations with the government and attacked army barracks and police posts ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( calm :arg1 i :mod pretty :topic thing :mod usual ) :op2 ( like :arg0 i :arg1 ( take :arg0 i :arg1 thing :prep-as ( come :arg1 thing ) ) ) :op3 ( worry :polarity - :arg1 i :quant ( much :degree too ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.1", "sent": "usually i 'm pretty calm about things and like to take things as they come and not to worry too much ."}, {"amr": "end :arg1 ( meet :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 13 ) ) :arg2 ( measure :polarity - :mod new :arg1-of announce )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.7", "sent": "the 081113 meeting ended without any new measures to announce ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki antonio_maria_costa :name ( name :op1 antonio :op2 maria :op3 costa ) :arg0-of ( head :arg1 ( organization :wiki united_nations_office_on_drugs_and_crime :name ( name :op1 u.n. :op2 drug :op3 office ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( produce :arg0 ( country :wiki afghanistan :name ( name :op1 afghanistan ) ) :arg1 ( opium :quant ( much :mod so ) ) :time ( year :mod recent ) :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( and :op1 ( cut-back :arg0 ( criminal-organization :wiki taliban :name ( name :op1 taliban ) ) :arg1 ( cultivate :arg1 poppy ) ) :op2 ( stockpile :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( opium :mod raw ) ) :purpose ( effort :purpose ( and :op1 ( support :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( thing :arg2-of price ) ) :op2 ( preserve :arg0 criminal-organization :arg1 ( source :arg1 ( finance :arg1 insurgency ) :mod major ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.5", "sent": "head of the u.n. drug office antonio maria costa said that afghanistan has produced so much opium in recent years that the taliban are cutting back poppy cultivation and stockpiling raw opium in an effort to support prices and preserve a major source of financing for the insurgency ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 nikolai :op2 n. :op3 urakov ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 general ) ) :arg1 ( have :arg0 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) ) :arg1 ( system :arg1-of ( rely :degree quite :arg1-of possible ) :arg0-of ( protect :condition emergency ) ) ) :medium telephone", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.14", "sent": "general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that the state scientific center of applied microbiology has quite reliable systems of protection in case of emergency ."}, {"amr": "blacklist :arg1 ( person :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 hambali ) ) :prep-as ( terrorist :arg1-of ( want :arg4 ( continent :wiki asia :name ( name :op1 asia ) ) :degree most ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.9", "sent": "hambali was blacklisted as the most wanted terrorist in asia ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tom_casey_[diplomat] :name ( name :op1 tom :op2 casey ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki united_states_department_of_state :name ( name :op1 state :op2 department ) :poss ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :part-of ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) ) ) :arg2 spokesman ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( meet :polarity - :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( obligation :mod international :mod any :arg0-of ( regard :arg1 ( program :mod nucleus ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( possible :arg1 ( offer :arg0 report :arg1 ( or :op1 ( detail :arg1 ( develop :arg0 country :arg1 program ) :mod some :mod new ) :op2 ( insight :prep-into develop :mod some :mod new ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.19", "sent": "u.s. state department spokesman for the bush administration tom casey stated that while the report may offer some new details or insight into the development of iran 's program iranian officials have not met any international obligations regarding the nuclear program ."}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( and :op1 ( policeman :arg1-of kill ) :op2 ( policeman :arg1-of wound ) :quant all ) :arg2 ( vehicle :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021020_0012.8", "sent": "the policemen killed and wounded were all in the first vehicle ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( mean :arg1 ( religious-group :wiki rafida :name ( name :op1 rafidha ) ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of reject ) ) :op1 ( insult :arg1-of ( use :arg0 ( extremist :mod ( religious-group :wiki sunni_islam :name ( name :op1 sunni ) ) ) :arg2 ( describe :arg0 extremist :arg1 ( religious-group :wiki shia_islam :name ( name :op1 shiite ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.19", "sent": "rafidha means rejecters and is an insult used by sunni extremists to describe shiites ."}, {"amr": "like :arg0 i :arg1 ( near :arg1 i :degree most :compared-to ( possible :arg1 near ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( like :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( count :arg0 i :arg1 copper :duration ( day :mod all ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192392-456_1160.5", "sent": "i do like to get as near as possible as i woudn't like to be couting coppers all day"}, {"amr": "country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.2", "sent": "brazil ( br )"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( possible :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( come :arg1 i :arg3 this :direction back ) ) :arg1-of ( know :arg0 amr-unknown ) ) :snt2 ( contrast :arg1 ( offer :arg0 university :arg2 i :arg0-of ( amaze :degree most ) ) :arg2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( accept :arg0 i :arg1 offer :mod even ) ) ) :snt3 ( make :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 grade :time ever )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.11", "sent": "maybe i can come back from this , who knows . i 've got the most amazing university offers , but i can n't even accept them - i 'll never make the grades ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( want :arg0 i :arg1 ( start :arg0 i :arg1 ( date :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :mod other ) ) ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 son ) ) :arg2 father ) ) :arg1 ( have-to-do-with :arg0 person :arg1 person :arg2 nothing :condition date ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.3", "sent": "i want to start dating other people and my son 's father says if i do he will have nothing to do with his son ."}, {"amr": "label :arg0 ( country :wiki georgia_[country] :name ( name :op1 georgia ) ) :arg1 ( support :arg0 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :arg2 ( act :mod annex )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.30", "sent": "georgia labeled russia 's support an act of annexation ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( shock :arg0 story :degree very :time now :location ( world :mod entertain ) ) :snt2 ( rumor :arg1 ( and :op1 ( force :arg1 ( person :wiki yuki_hsu :name ( name :op1 hsu :op2 yuki ) ) :arg2 out :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( refuse :arg0 person :arg1 ( drink :arg0 person :accompanier guest :arg1-of ( arrange :arg0 company ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( obligate :arg1 person :arg2 ( switch :arg1 person :arg2 ( work :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( assist :arg1 lawyer ) ) :purpose ( make :arg0 person :arg1 ( meet :arg0 end ) ) :arg1-of instead-of ) ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5531.1", "sent": "a story is now very shocking in the entertainment world . it is rumored that hsu yuki has been forced out because she refused to drink with a guest as arranged by the company and has to switch to work as a lawyer 's assistant instead to make ends meet ."}, {"amr": "or :op1 ( you :prep-on ( drug :mod any ) ) :op2 ( get :arg0 drug :arg1 ( therapy :mod any ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.23", "sent": "are you on any drugs or getting any therapy ?"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( sorry :arg1 i :beneficiary ( anyone :arg0-of ( read :arg1 ( mess :arg1-of jumble :mod this ) ) ) ) :op2 ( contrast :arg1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( resemble :arg1 i :arg2 ( person :arg0-of moan :arg0-of ( seek :mod self ) ) ) :degree bit ) :arg2 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 desperate :mod true ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.8", "sent": "sorry to anyone whose read this jumbled mess , and i feel a bit like a self-seeking moaner , but i truly do feel desperate ."}, {"amr": "last :arg1 ( conflict :location ( world-region :wiki caucasus :name ( name :op1 caucasus ) ) ) :arg2 ( multiple :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit year ) ) :location ( along :op1 ( border :arg2 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080808_0162.24", "sent": "conflict in the caucus region has lasted for years along russia 's borders ."}, {"amr": "convict :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimiro_montesinos :name ( name :op1 vladimiro :op2 montesinos ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki peru :name ( name :op1 peru ) ) :arg2 ( chief :mod spy ) :time ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :poss ( person :wiki alberto_fujimori :name ( name :op1 alberto :op2 fujimori ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president :time ex ) ) ) :time former ) ) :arg2 ( take :arg1 ( control :arg1 ( government-organization :wiki national_intelligence_service_[peru] :name ( name :op1 national :op2 intelligence :op3 service ) ) :manner ( law :polarity - ) :time ( suppose :arg1 person :arg2 ( advise :arg0 person :arg1 ( agency :mod spy ) ) :mod only ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 1 :month 7 :year 2002 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020701_0314.7", "sent": "on 1 july 2002 former peruvian spy chief during the government of ex-president alberto fujimori , vladimiro montesinos , was convicted of illegally taking control of the national intelligence service when montesinos was supposed to be only an adviser to the spy agency ."}, {"amr": "wish :arg0 i :arg1 ( bear :arg1 i :time ( event :wiki long_march :name ( name :op1 long :op2 march ) :mod passionate :arg1-of upsurge :mod that :poss ( person :wiki mao_zedong :name ( name :op1 mao :op2 zedong ) ) ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( lose :arg0 i :arg1 ( head :part-of i ) ) :op2 ( shed :arg0 i :arg1 ( blood :part-of i ) ) :op3 ( extinguish :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :quant all :arg0-of ( wrong :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 country :arg2 enemy ) ) :arg1-of complete ) :op4 ( spread :arg0 i :arg1 ( prestige :mod dragon :poss we ) ) ) ) :degree ( much :degree very )", "id": "bolt12_64556_5629.1", "sent": "i very much wish i had been born in those passionate and upsurging times of mao zedong , the long march , losing my head and shedding my blood , completely extinguishing all the enemies that wrong china , spreading our dragon prestige !"}, {"amr": "work :arg0 ( scientist :wiki - :name ( name :op1 randall :op2 lee :op3 beatty ) :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 america ) ) ) :arg1 ( convert :arg0 scientist :arg1 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) :location ( city :wiki - :name ( name :op1 obolensk ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.23", "sent": "american scientist randall lee beatty is working on the conversion of the state scientific center of applied microbiology in obolensk ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 hello :arg2 everyone ) :snt2 ( have-concession :arg1 ( plan :arg0 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg1 ( incident :mod another :location sea :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( incident :wiki marco_polo_bridge_incident :name ( name :op1 lugou :op2 bridge ) :mod another :location sea ) ) :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 incident ) ) :arg1-of premeditate :time now :mod again ) :arg2 ( know :arg0 ( we :mod all ) :arg1 ( incident :wiki mukden_incident :name ( name :op1 september :op2 18th ) ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.3", "sent": "hello , everyone ! we all know the \" september 18 th \" incident , but now japan again has a premeditated plan for another \" september 18 th \" on the sea , another \" lugou bridge on the sea \" ."}, {"amr": "foil :arg2 ( plot :arg0 suspect :arg1 ( launch :arg0 suspect :arg1 ( attack :arg0 terrorist :arg0-of ( devastate :arg1 allege :degree equal :compared-to ( bomb :arg1 ( city :wiki madrid :name ( name :op1 madrid ) :location ( country :wiki spain :name ( name :op1 spain ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.16", "sent": "the suspects \" plot to launch terrorist attacks allegedly as devastating as the madrid bombings in spain was foiled ."}, {"amr": "do :mode interrogative :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :poss-of gut ) :arg1 this :mod still", "id": "bolt12_6455_6565.3", "sent": "is this still what chinese with guts do ?"}, {"amr": "fly :arg1 ( person :wiki jacques_chirac :name ( name :op1 chirac ) ) :destination ( city :wiki krasnoznamensk,_moscow_oblast :name ( name :op1 krasnoznamernsk ) ) :purpose ( meet :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :wiki vladimir_putin :name ( name :op1 vladimir :op2 putin ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :location ( center :mod space ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040403_0262.6", "sent": "chirac flew into krasnoznamernsk for a meeting with russian president vladimir putin at the space center ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0-of ( produce :arg1 petroleum :degree most :compared-to ( continent :wiki south_america :name ( name :op1 south :op2 america ) ) ) :domain ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.7", "sent": "venezuela is south america 's largest petroleum-producing state ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg1-of expert ) :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( resolve :arg1 ( issue :arg0 transparency :arg1-of ( resolve :arg1-of report :location agree :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 8 :day 21 ) ) :quant many ) :time previous ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.22", "sent": "experts stated many of the transparency issues reportedly resolved in the agreement on 21 august 2007 should have been resolved previously ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( think :arg0 i :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( feel :arg0 ( person :quant ( lot :degree more ) ) :arg1 ( way :arg1-of ( same :arg2 ( feel :arg0 you ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( medicate :arg0 person :arg1 person :manner ( use :arg0 person :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 person :arg2 friend ) ) ) ) ) ) :snt2 ( contrast :arg1 ( solution :polarity - :mod as-such :domain be-located-at :mod probable ) :arg2 ( good :arg1 ( be-located-at :arg1 you :arg2 ( around :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 you :arg2 friend ) ) ) :time ( depress :arg1 you ) ) :degree more :compared-to ( and :op1 ( alone :domain you ) :op2 depress ) :mod definite ) ) :snt3 ( have-condition :arg1 ( feel :arg0 you :arg1 ( free :arg1 you :arg3 pm ) ) :arg2 ( fancy :arg0 you :arg1 ( chat :arg0 you ) ) :mod ( way :mod either ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7046.13", "sent": "i think a lot more people feel the same way as you do , but medicate themselves by using friends . whilst it probably is n't a \" solution \" as such , being around friends whilst being depressed is definitely better than being alone and being depressed . either way , if you fancy a chat , feel free to pm"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( scoff :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( oppose :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :mod domestic ) :arg1 ( idea :topic ( invade :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :time ever ) ) ) :op2 ( charge :arg0 person :arg1 ( intend :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( arm :arg0 person :arg1 ( cadre :consist-of ( reservist :arg1-of loyal ) :mod huge :arg0-of ( protect :arg1 person :arg2 ( uprise :arg1-of internal :mod any ) ) ) ) :op2 ( pose :arg0 person :arg1 ( counterweight :arg1-of militarize :prep-to ( influence :arg0 country :location ( world-region :wiki latin_america :name ( name :op1 latin :op2 america ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod true ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.8", "sent": "chavez 's domestic opponents scoff at the idea that the us would ever invade venezuela and charge that chavez 's true intention is to arm a huge cadre of loyal reservists who would protect chavez against any internal uprising and to pose as a militarized counterweight to us influence in latin america ."}, {"amr": "wrong :arg1 y'all :degree dead", "id": "wb.eng_0003.52", "sent": "you all are dead wrong ."}, {"amr": "visit :arg0 ( delegation :consist-of ( person :quant 11 :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 national :op2 narcotics :op3 control :op4 commission ) :poss ( mainland :part-of ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) :arg2 member ) ) ) :arg1 ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) :time recent :purpose ( study :arg0 delegation :arg1 ( enforce :arg0 ( police :location here ) :arg1 ( law :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 narcotic ) :poss they ) :manner amr-unknown ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.20", "sent": "an 11 @-@member delegation from mainland china 's national narcotics control commission visited hong kong recently to study how the police here enforce their anti-narcotics laws ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang :op2 jiaxuan ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :arg1 ( progress :arg1 ( state :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 cooperation :op3 organization ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :topic ( and :op1 ( construct :arg0 state :arg1 organization ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 ( nation :arg0-of have-org-role ) ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :day 23 :month 11 :year 2002 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.5", "sent": "chinese foreign minister tang jiaxuan stated on 23 november 2002 that the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization ( sco ) have progressed in the construction of the organization and the cooperation among member nations ."}, {"amr": "wonderful :arg1 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :arg2 ( we :arg0-of ( use :arg1 road :mod actual ) ) :arg1-of ( instead-of :arg2 ( bottleneck :arg0 ( lack :arg0 and :arg1 road ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( county :wiki powhatan_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 powhatan ) ) :op2 ( west :part-of ( county :wiki chesterfield_county,_virginia :name ( name :op1 chesterfield ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.84", "sent": "288 , for those of us that actually use it , is wonderful - instead of powhatan and western chesterfield being bottlenecked by lack of roads ,"}, {"amr": "obsess :arg0 i :degree very :extent ( get-up :arg1 i :frequency ( rate-entity :arg1 20 :arg2 ( temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit night ) ) :purpose ( check :arg0 i :arg1 ( lock :arg1 ( lock :location ( house :poss i ) :quant all ) :manner particular ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.22", "sent": "i am very obsessional to the point where i get up 20 times a night to check the locks in my house are all locked a particular way ."}, {"amr": "give :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 3300000000 :unit dollar :instrument-of ( aid :arg0 government-organization :arg2 country :mod military :degree most ) ) :arg2 ( country :wiki colombia :name ( name :op1 colombia ) ) :time ( past :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit year ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.56", "sent": "the us government has given $ 3.3 billion in mostly military aid to colombia in the past 5 years ."}, {"amr": "show :arg0 they :arg1 ( respect :polarity - :arg0 they :mod absolute )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.3", "sent": "they show absolutely no respect ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( hurt :arg0 i :arg1 he ) ) :snt2 ( want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( hurt :arg0 he :arg1 he ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.20", "sent": "i dont want to hurt him , i dont want him to hurt himself"}, {"amr": "distribute :arg1 ( document :arg0-of ( outline :arg1 ( propose :arg0 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :arg1 ( allow :arg0 organization :arg1 ( transfer :arg1 ( technology :mod nucleus ) :arg2 ( state :arg0-of ( sign-on :polarity - :arg1 ( rule :mod ( proliferate :polarity - ) ) ) ) :mod international ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.4", "sent": "documents outlining the israeli proposal to allow the international transfer of nuclear technology to states that have not signed on to nonproliferation rules were distributed to the nuclear suppliers group ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( sign :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( treaty :wiki treaty_on_the_non-proliferation_of_nuclear_weapons :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 nonproliferation :op3 treaty ) ) ) :arg2 ( have-org-role :polarity - :arg0 country :arg1 ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nuclear :op2 suppliers :op3 group ) ) :arg2 member )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.20", "sent": "iran is a signatory to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty but not a member of the nuclear suppliers group ."}, {"amr": "provide :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( thing :polarity - :arg0-of ( evidence :arg1 ( or :op1 ( arm :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( insurgency :mod leftist ) ) :op2 ( fund :arg0 person :arg1 insurgency ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.39", "sent": "the us government has provided no evidence of chavez arming or funding leftist insurgencies ."}, {"amr": "dissuade :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :arg1 ( person :wiki fernando_henrique_cardoso :name ( name :op1 cardoso ) ) :arg2 ( sign :arg0 person :arg1 decree ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( concern :arg0 ( possible :arg1 ( expose :arg0 ( down :arg1 ( aircraft :mod civilian ) :mod accident ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :op2 company ) :arg2 ( sue :arg1 and ) ) ) :arg1 country ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.10", "sent": "the united states dissuaded cardoso from signing the decree out of concern that the accidental downing of civilian aircraft could expose the us government and companies to lawsuits ."}, {"amr": "pledge :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( shut-down :arg0 person :arg1 ( reactor :wiki yongbyon_nuclear_scientific_research_center :name ( name :op1 yongbyon ) ) ) :op2 ( allow :arg0 person :arg1 ( and :op1 ( verify :arg0 ( person :arg0-of inspect ) :arg1 shut-down ) :op2 ( monitor :arg0 person :arg1 shut-down ) ) ) :arg1-of ( return :arg3 ( ship :arg1 ( oil :mod fuel :quant ( mass-quantity :quant 50000 :unit ton ) ) ) ) ) :prep-under ( agree :arg1-of ( reach :time ( date-entity :month 2 :year 2007 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.18", "sent": "under the agreement reached in february 2007 north korean officials pledged to shut down the yongbyon reactor and allow inspectors to verify and monitor the shutdown in return for a 50000 @-@ton shipment of fuel oil ."}, {"amr": "circulate :arg1 document :location ( location :wiki united_states_capitol :name ( name :op1 capitol :op2 hill ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2007 :month 9 ) :time ( work :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of administrate :mod ( person :wiki george_w._bush :name ( name :op1 bush ) ) ) :arg4 ( agree :arg0 government-organization :arg2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :direction toward )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.14", "sent": "the documents circulated on capitol hill in september 2007 as the bush administration worked toward an agreement with indian officials ."}, {"amr": "understand :arg0 you :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 ( person :example ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 tmt ) :location ( city :wiki fairfax,_virginia :name ( name :op1 fairfax ) ) ) ) ) ) :time now", "id": "wb.eng_0003.30", "sent": "now you understand how people like tmt in fairfax feel ."}, {"amr": "person :arg0-of perform :arg1-of cheap", "id": "bolt12_91455_5333.1", "sent": "cheap performers !"}, {"amr": "want :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( he :location ( there :polarity - :beneficiary ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 he :arg2 son ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( or :op1 ( have-rel-role :arg0 he :arg2 ( father :mod good ) ) :op2 ( try :arg0 he :arg1 have-rel-role :manner at-least ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.9", "sent": "i dont want him to not be there for his son as he is a good father or he at least tries ."}, {"amr": "nice :arg1 vent", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.19", "sent": "it 's nice to vent ."}, {"amr": "be-located-at :arg1 ( bacterium :mod ( kind :mod every ) :arg1-of ( study :purpose ( use :arg1 bacterium :arg2 ( program :poss ( country :wiki soviet_union :name ( name :op1 soviet :op2 union ) ) :topic ( weapon :mod biology ) :mod secret ) ) ) :arg0-of kill ) :arg2 ( research-institute :wiki - :name ( name :op1 state :op2 scientific :op3 center :op4 of :op5 applied :op6 microbiology ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20020406_0118.10", "sent": "at the state scientific center of applied microbiology there is every kind of deadly bacteria that was studied for use in the secret biological weapons program of the soviet union ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :wiki dominique_de_villepin :name ( name :op1 dominique :op2 de :op3 villepin ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :arg1 ( consider :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 country ) ) :arg1 ( crack-down :arg1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) :arg0-of oppose :arg1-of arm :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( part :part-of ( operation :prep-against terrorism ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 6 :day 3 :year 2003 )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.5", "sent": "french foreign minister dominique de villepin said on 030624 that the french government considers the crackdown of the iranian armed opposition group the people 's mujahedeen as part of the operations against terrorism ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( feel :arg0 i :arg1 ( happy :degree ( more :quant ( much :degree so ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( remind :arg0 ( see :arg0 i :arg1 scar ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( thing :arg1-of ( feel :arg0 i :time ( time :mod that ) ) ) :op2 ( strong :arg1 feel :degree so :arg0-of ( cause :arg1 ( want :arg0 i :arg1 ( do :arg1 ( thing :mod such ) :arg2 i ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 i :arg0-of ( pain :arg1 i ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7557.32", "sent": "i feel so much happier , but seeing the scars is both a painful reminder of how i felt at that time , how strong my feelings were that i would want to do such a thing to myself !"}, {"amr": "contrast :arg2 ( think :arg0 he :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( have :arg0 no-one :arg1 i ) :condition ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( have :arg0 he :arg1 i ) ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.11", "sent": "but he thinks if he cant have me no one can ."}, {"amr": "consult :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki brazil :name ( name :op1 brazil ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( provision :mod ( law :mod country ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.16", "sent": "the us government has consulted the brazilian government about the provisions of us law ."}, {"amr": "report :arg1 ( progress :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :topic ( facility :mod ( reactor :mod ( water :mod heavy ) :purpose research ) :arg1-of ( near :arg2 ( city :wiki arak,_iran :name ( name :op1 arak ) ) ) ) :arg1-of significant ) :arg1-of ( release :time ( week :mod this ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.15", "sent": "a report released this week says iran has made significant progress at iran 's heavy-water research reactor facility near the city of arak ."}, {"amr": "wish :arg0 i :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( go-out :arg0 i :manner ( worry :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 ( or :op1 ( leave :arg0 i :arg1 something ) :op2 ( lose :arg0 i :arg1 something ) ) :frequency ( rate-entity :arg3 ( temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit minute ) ) ) ) ) :mod just", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.9", "sent": "i just wish i could go out without worrying every 2 mins whether i 've left or lost something ."}, {"amr": "present :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 runan :op2 wang ) :arg0-of ( lead :arg1 ( delegation :source ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( strong :arg1 ( strength :poss ( team :mod ( country :wiki korea :name ( name :op1 korea ) ) ) ) :degree more :compared-to ( strength :poss ( team :mod country ) ) :condition ( speak :manner overall ) ) :time ( receive :arg0 person :arg1 ( interview :arg0 person :medium telephone ) :arg2 ( person :arg0-of report ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.11", "sent": "when receiving reporters telephone interviews , runan wang , leader of the chinese delegation presented that , overall speaking , the strength of the korean team was stronger than the chinese team ."}, {"amr": "gain :arg0 ( person :mod this ) :arg1 ( power :mod live :mod die :mod ( over :op1 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 crew :arg2 member ) ) :op2 ( passenger :arg1-of ( fly :arg1-of ( regular :polarity - ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.34", "sent": "this person will gain life and death power over crew members and passengers of irregular flights ."}, {"amr": "go :mode imperative :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6567.1", "sent": "go , china , go"}, {"amr": "possible :mode interrogative :polite + :arg1 ( advise :arg0 someone :arg2 i :mod some )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.17", "sent": "can someone please give me some advice please ?"}, {"amr": "report :arg1 ( dispatch :arg0 police :arg1 ( staff :quant ( over :op1 100 ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 7 :day 24 ) :purpose ( storm :arg0 staff :arg1 ( and :op1 ( dance :arg0-of propitiate ) :op2 ( party :mod wine ) :arg1-of ( organize :purpose ( settle :arg0 and :arg1 ( dispute :arg0 ( group :quant 2 :poss ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) ) :quant some ) ) :location ( nightclub :mod disco :location ( city-district :wiki mong_kok :name ( name :op1 mongkok ) :location ( city-district :wiki kowloon :name ( name :op1 kowloon ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.9", "sent": "on 020724 the police dispatched over 100 staff reportedly stormed a propitiation dance and wine party organized to settle some disputes by 2 triad groups at a disco nightclub in mongkok , kowloon ."}, {"amr": "hold :arg1 ( compete :mod preliminary :mod ( dive :arg0 woman :mod ( platform :mod ( distance-quantity :quant 10 :unit meter ) ) ) ) :time ( afternoon :mod this )", "id": "nw.chtb_0324.14", "sent": "the preliminary competition for the women 's 10 - meter platform diving will be held this afternoon ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt2 ( fact :location here ) :snt1 ( contrast :arg2 ( point :degree more ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.5", "sent": "anyways more to the point ; here are the facts :"}, {"amr": "set :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki javier_solana :name ( name :op1 solana ) ) :op2 ( person :wiki william_j._burns :name ( name :op1 burns ) ) :op3 ( envoy :mod ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( deadline :prep-for ( respond :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg2 positive ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( initiate :arg0 and :arg1 ( sanction :mod new :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( prohibit :arg1 ( sell :arg1 ( product :mod ( petroleum :arg1-of refine ) :mod ( vital :prep-to ( economy :poss country ) ) ) :arg2 country ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.27", "sent": "solana , burns and european envoys set a deadline for iran to respond positively before initiating new sanctions including prohibitions on selling iran refined petroleum products vital to the country 's economy ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 diplomat ) :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) ) :arg1 ( use :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 tehran ) ) ) :arg1 ( company :mod front ) :purpose ( and :op1 ( receive :arg0 government-organization :arg1 technology ) :op2 ( convert :arg0 government-organization :arg1 technology :arg2 ( produce :arg1 weapon ) ) ) :manner ( detect :polarity - ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( continue :arg1 ( standoff :prep-with ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :topic ( program :mod nucleus :poss country ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.19", "sent": "western diplomats stated that the government in tehran uses front companies to receive and convert technology to weapons production without being detected as the standoff with iran over iran 's nuclear program has continued ."}, {"amr": "byline :arg0 ( publication :wiki xinhua_news_agency :name ( name :op1 xinhua :op2 news :op3 agency ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 changrui :op2 huang ) :arg0-of report ) :op2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 aiguo :op2 yang ) :arg0-of report ) ) :time ( date-entity :month 9 :day 1 ) :location ( city :wiki rome :name ( name :op1 rome ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0325.1", "sent": "xinhua news agency , rome , september 1 st , by reporters changrui huang and aiguo yang"}, {"amr": "imply :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( aid :arg0 ( or :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) ) :arg2 member ) :arg1-of corrupt ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 military :arg2 member ) :arg0-of sympathize ) ) :arg2 guerrilla ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.42", "sent": "the implication was that corrupt or sympathetic members of the venezuelan military may be aiding guerrillas ."}, {"amr": "warn :arg0 ( circle :arg0-of ( favor :arg1 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) ) :location here ) :arg1 ( warfare :mod ( symmetrical :polarity - ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.54", "sent": "pro-chavez circles here warn of asymmetrical warfare ."}, {"amr": "make :arg0 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 5:26 ) ) :arg1 ( point :mod good )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.46", "sent": "5 @:@ 26 makes a good point ."}, {"amr": "offline :domain ( website :poss ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 al-sistani ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 19 :dayperiod evening )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.9", "sent": "by the evening of 19 september 2008 al-sistani 's website was offline ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki germany :name ( name :op1 germany ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.2", "sent": "china ( cn ) ; germany ( de )"}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( begin :arg0 ( lead :arg1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :mod new ) :arg1 ( resolve :arg0 lead :arg1 ( problem :topic ( coordinate :arg1 ( between :op1 ( develop :mod ( between :op1 city :op2 country ) ) :op2 ( region :arg1-of differ ) ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( focus :arg0 lead :arg1 ( balance :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( grow :arg1 economy ) :op2 ( progress :arg1 society ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( construct :mod domestic ) :op2 ( work :mod external ) ) :op3 ( and :op1 develop :op2 ( respect :arg1 nature ) ) ) ) ) ) :manner ( regard :arg0 person :arg1 ( issue :arg0 ( balance :mod society ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.42", "sent": "with regard to the issue of social balance wen stated that china 's new leadership has begun to resolve problems of coordination between urban and rural development and between different regions and has focused on balancing economic growth with social progress , domestic construction with external works , and development with respect for nature ."}, {"amr": "need :arg0 we :arg1 ( place :mod more ) :purpose ( get :arg1 we :arg2 ( close :arg1 we :arg2 ( balance :arg1-of ( need :arg0 we :arg1-of ( say :arg0 you ) ) ) :degree more ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.77", "sent": "we need more places in order to get closer to the balance you say we need ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( consider :arg0 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :arg1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg2 ( organization :wiki european_union :name ( name :op1 eu ) ) ) :arg2 ( part :mod crucial :poss ( strategy :mod diplomacy :poss country ) ) ) :op2 ( develop :arg0 ( and :op1 country :op2 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) ) :arg1 ( partnership :mod scheme :mod comprehensive ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.28", "sent": "wen stated that china considers sino-eu relations a crucial part of china 's diplomatic strategy and that china and europe developed a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( country :wiki somalia :name ( name :op1 somalia ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki ukraine :name ( name :op1 ukraine ) ) :op3 ( country :wiki kenya :name ( name :op1 kenya ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081008_0040.2", "sent": "somalia ( so ) ; ukraine ( ua ) ; kenya ( ke )"}, {"amr": "thing :arg1-of predict :mod another", "id": "wb.eng_0003.21", "sent": "here 's another prodiction :"}, {"amr": "consider :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki proliferation_security_initiative :name ( name :op1 proliferation :op2 security :op3 initiative ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :arg1 ( way :mod ( intercept :arg0 member :arg1 ( or :op1 ship :op2 aircraft :arg2-of ( suspect :arg1 ( carry :arg0 or :arg1 ( weapon :arg2-of ( destroy :degree mass ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030709_0070.11", "sent": "members of the proliferation security initiative are considering ways of intercepting ships or aircraft suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction ."}, {"amr": "check :arg2 reality :location here", "id": "wb.eng_0003.78", "sent": "reality check here -"}, {"amr": "open :arg1 ( highway :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 route :op2 288 ) :arg1-of ( run :direction ( around :op1 ( quadrant :part-of ( country-region :wiki - :name ( name :op1 richmond :op2 new :op3 urban :op4 region ) ) :mod south-west ) ) ) :mod circumference ) :time ( late :op1 ( date-entity :year 2004 ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.4", "sent": "route 288 , the circumferential highway running around the south - western quadrant of the richmond new urban region , opened in late 2004 ."}, {"amr": "contrast :arg1 ( speak :arg0 i :arg1 it :arg2 ( person :quant few :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 parent ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( think :arg0 ( person :quant all ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( go :arg0 i :arg1 ( phase :mod random ) ) :op1 ( recommend :arg1 ( hold-off :arg0 i :arg1 ( act :arg0 i ) :time ( until :op1 ( clear :arg1 ( problem :mod serious ) ) ) ) :arg2 i ) ) :arg1-of same )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.5", "sent": "i 've spoken to a few people about it including my parents but they all think the same : that i 'm going through a random phase and that i should hold off taking action until it is clear that it is a serious problem"}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( see :arg0 we :arg1 ( zoom :arg1 ( liability :arg1-of ( fund :polarity - ) ) :arg4 ( past :op1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 400000000 :unit dollar :arg1-of ( take :arg0 ( build :arg1 ( highway :mod original ) ) ) :mod original ) :mod well ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( end :arg1 decade ) ) ) :degree well", "id": "wb.eng_0003.23", "sent": "before the end of the decade , we may well see the unfunded liability zoom well past the original $ 400 million it took to build the original highway ."}, {"amr": "explode :arg1 bomb :time ( date-entity :year 2002 :month 8 :day 28 ) :location ( supermarket :location ( center :part-of ( city :wiki kathmandu :name ( name :op1 kathmandu ) ) ) ) :arg0-of ( injure :arg1 ( person :quant 2 ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020905_0122.9", "sent": "20020828 a bomb exploded at a supermarket in the center of kathmandu city , injuring 2 ."}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( get :arg0 you :arg1 ( section :arg1 she :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 that ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.20", "sent": "you can n't get her sectioned for that ."}, {"amr": "agree :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( have-part :arg1 ( campaign :mod international :arg0-of ( counter :arg1 terrorism ) ) :arg2 ( crack-down :arg1 ( force :mod terrorist :mod ( country-region :wiki east_turkestan :name ( name :op1 eastern :op2 turkistan ) ) ) ) :arg1-of major )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.9", "sent": "china and kyrgyzstan agree that the crackdown on the terrorist force of eastern turkistan is a major part of the international anti-terrorism campaign ."}, {"amr": "demonstrate :arg0 ( university :wiki hong_kong_university_of_science_and_technology :name ( name :op1 hkust ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( technology :mod new ) :op2 ( product :mod new ) :quant ( more-than :op1 30 ) :arg0-of ( cover :arg1 ( range :arg1-of wide :mod technology :arg2-of ( include :arg1 ( and :op1 nanotechnology :op2 multimedia :op3 logistics :op4 ( technology :mod rfid ) :op5 ( manufacture :arg1-of advanced ) :op6 biotechnology ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.15", "sent": "hkust demonstrated more than 30 new technologies and products covering a wide range of technologies including nanotechnology , multimedia , logistics and rfid technology , advanced manufacturing , and biotechnology ."}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( say :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( thing :poss we :domain ( thing :poss we ) ) :op2 ( cause :arg0 amr-unknown :arg1 ( need :arg1 negotiate ) ) ) :arg2 ( citizen :mod fellow :poss i ) ) :snt2 ( cause :arg1 ( go :arg1 ( country :wiki japan :name ( name :op1 japan ) ) :arg2 ( further :degree even ) :arg1-of ( mean :arg2 ( want :arg0 country :arg1 ( create :arg0 country :arg1 ( fact :topic occupy ) ) ) ) ) ) :snt3 ( possible :mode interrogative :arg1 ( allow :arg0 we :arg1 this ) ) :snt4 ( have-polarity :arg2 - :degree absolute )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6561.6", "sent": "my fellow citizens , ours is ours , what need is there to negotiate ! japan thus goes even further - wants to create a fact of occupation . can we allow this ? no - absolutely not !"}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( go-on :arg1 ( much :degree too ) :location ( life :poss he ) :time ( now :mod right ) ) :op2 ( think :arg0 he :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( work :arg1 we ) ) :concession ( tell :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( love :polarity - :arg0 i :arg1 he ) :op2 ( love :polarity - :arg0 he :arg1 i ) ) :arg2 he :frequency several ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.5", "sent": "he has too much going on in his life right now and he thinks we can work when i have told him several times i dont love him and he does not love me ."}, {"amr": "cooperate :arg0 ( country :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki international_atomic_energy_agency :name ( name :op1 international :op2 atomic :op3 energy :op4 agency ) ) :arg2 member ) :mod other :mod none ) :manner ( good :arg1-of ( resemble :arg2 ( good :manner-of ( cooperate :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.11", "sent": "no other member of the international atomic energy agency has cooperated as well as iran ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 communique :arg1 ( strengthen :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( coordinate :arg0 authority ) :op2 ( cooperate :arg0 ( authority :mod relevance ) ) ) :manner ( conform :arg2 ( and :op1 ( treaty :wiki - :name ( name :op1 shanghai :op2 convention :op3 on :op4 combating :op5 terrorism, :op6 separatism :op7 and :op8 extremism ) ) :op2 ( treaty :wiki - :name ( name :op1 china-kyrgyzstan :op2 agreement ) :topic ( cooperate :arg0 and :arg2 ( combat :arg1 ( and :op1 terrorism :op2 separatism :op3 extremism ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.7", "sent": "the communique said china and kyrgyzstan will strengthen coordination and cooperation among the relevant authorities in accordance with the shanghai convention on combating terrorism , separatism and extremism and the china-kyrgyzstan agreement on cooperation in combating terrorism , separatism and extremism ."}, {"amr": "prompt :arg0 ( deteriorate :arg0 ( situation :mod ( security :mod public ) :topic ( gang :arg1-of ( powerful :arg1-of increase ) :mod ( violence :arg1-of increase ) :mod drug :location ( and :op1 ( city :wiki s\u00e3o_paulo :name ( name :op1 sao :op2 paolo ) ) :op2 ( city :wiki rio_de_janeiro :name ( name :op1 rio :op2 de :op3 janeiro ) :mod particular ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :arg2 ( act :arg0 government-organization )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.25", "sent": "the government was prompted to act due to the deteriorating public security situation with increasingly powerful and violent drug gangs in sao paolo and particularly rio de janeiro ."}, {"amr": "mastermind :arg0 ( person :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 hambali ) ) :arg1 ( bomb :arg1 ( island :wiki bali :name ( name :op1 bali ) ) :time ( date-entity :year 2002 ) ) :arg1-of allege", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.7", "sent": "hambali was allegedly the mastermind of the bali bombings in 2002 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( indicate :arg0 ( criterion :quant 1 ) :arg1 ( status :poss ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :prep-as ( state :mod ( weapon :mod nucleus ) :arg0-of ( declare :polarity - ) ) ) ) :op2 ( say :arg0 criterion :arg1 ( recommend :arg1 ( allow :arg1 ( engage :arg1 state :arg2 ( trade :mod nucleus ) ) :condition ( apply :arg0 state :arg1 ( and :op1 ( protect :mod physical :mod stringent ) :op2 ( measure :arg1 control ) :op3 ( measure :arg1 accountancy ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( weapon :mod nucleus :quant all :location ( territory :poss state ) ) :op2 ( facility :mod nucleus :quant all :location territory ) :op3 ( material :mod source :quant all :location territory ) :op4 ( material :mod nucleus :arg1-of special :quant all :location territory ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.13", "sent": "1 criterion indicated israel 's status as an undeclared nuclear weapons state and said a state should be allowed to engage in nuclear trade if the state applies stringent physical protection , control and accountancy measures to all nuclear weapons , nuclear facilities , source material and special nuclear material in the state 's territory ."}, {"amr": "try :arg0 ( police :mod ( city :wiki hong_kong :name ( name :op1 hong :op2 kong ) ) ) :arg1 ( prevent :arg0 police :arg1 ( engage :arg0 ( or :op1 ( criminal-organization :wiki triad_[organized_crime] :name ( name :op1 triad ) ) :op2 ( syndicate :arg2-of criminal :mod transnational ) ) :arg2 ( activity :arg1-of criminal ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20020725_0113.4", "sent": "hong kong police making efforts to prevent triads or transnational criminal syndicates to engage in criminal activities"}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 ( recommend :polarity - :arg1 ( blame :arg0 you :arg1 ( road :wiki virginia_state_route_288 :name ( name :op1 288 ) ) :arg2 ( create :arg1 ( person :mod that ) ) ) :arg2 you )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.27", "sent": "i do n't think you can blame 288 for creating those people ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki wen_jiabao :name ( name :op1 wen ) ) :arg1 ( contrast :arg1 ( easy :arg1 ( win :arg2 war ) ) :arg2 ( difficult :degree ( more :degree much ) :domain ( win :arg1 peace ) :compared-to win ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.35", "sent": "wen stated that it is easy to win a war but much more difficult to win peace ."}, {"amr": "release :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki ministry_of_foreign_affairs_and_international_development_[france] :name ( name :op1 foreign :op2 ministry ) :mod ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) ) :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of state :arg0-of ( declare :arg1 ( reaffirm :arg0 ( community :mod international ) :arg1 ( importance :poss ( approach :arg1 ( and :op1 ( engage :arg1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :manner diplomacy ) :op2 ( work :arg4 sanction :direction towards ) ) :mod ( track :mod dual ) ) ) ) ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( meet :time ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 13 ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20081115_0076.8", "sent": "after the 081113 meeting the french foreign ministry released a statement declaring the international community had reaffirmed the importance of the dual-track approach of engaging diplomatically with iran and working towards sanctions ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( obligate :arg1 i :arg2 ( check :arg0 i :frequency ( rate-entity :arg1 2 :arg4 ( go :quant 1 ) ) ) :frequency often ) :op2 ( possible :polarity - :arg1 ( resist :arg0 i :arg1 ( check :arg0 i :mod again ) ) :time ( after :op1 ( temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit second ) ) :time then :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( reason :mod some ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7744.2", "sent": "i often have to check twice at one go , then after 30 seconds for some reason i cant resist checking again !"}, {"amr": "and :op1 international :op2 weapon :op3 military :op4 money :op5 ( government-organization :arg0-of govern ) :op6 technology", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.3", "sent": "international ; weapons ; military ; money ; government ; technology"}, {"amr": "cause :arg0 ( play :arg0 they :location ( circle :poss they ) :mod just :manner ( out :arg1 they :arg2 see ) :manner ( out :arg1 they :arg2 mind ) ) :arg1 ( bad :polarity - :arg1 it :degree so )", "id": "bolt12_91455_5342.1", "sent": "it 's not so bad , they 're just playing in their own circle , out of sight , out of mind ,"}, {"amr": "multi-sentence :snt1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 100000 :unit ( dollar :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) ) :domain ( money :mod prize :arg2-of compete ) :time ( time :mod this ) ) :snt2 ( and :op1 ( get :arg0 ( team :arg0-of ( win :arg1 monetary-quantity :arg2 compete ) ) :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 70000 :unit ( dollar :mod country ) ) ) :op2 ( get :arg0 ( team :arg0-of lose ) :arg1 ( monetary-quantity :quant 30000 :unit ( dollar :mod country ) ) ) )", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.18", "sent": "the prize money of the competition this time is 100,000 us dollars , the team that wins will get 70,000 us dollars , while the team that loses will get 30,000 us dollars ."}, {"amr": "suppose :arg1 fund :arg2 ( send :arg1 fund :arg2 ( company :wiki central_bank_of_russia :name ( name :op1 central :op2 bank ) :poss ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) :time ( before :op1 ( transfer :arg2 ( account :arg1-of ( control :arg0 ( government-organization :arg0-of ( govern :arg1 ( country :wiki north_korea :name ( name :op1 north :op2 korea ) ) ) ) ) :location ( bank :mod commerce :mod country ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070618_0031.15", "sent": "the funds were to be sent to russia 's central bank before a transfer to an account controlled by the north korea government in a russian commercial bank ."}, {"amr": "vote :arg0 ( organization :wiki united_nations_security_council :name ( name :op1 security :op2 council ) ) :arg1 ( impose :arg0 organization :arg1 sanction :arg2 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :mod unanimous :concession ( limit :arg1 ( penalize :arg1-of ( demand :arg0 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( pressure :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.26", "sent": "the security council has voted unanimously to impose sanctions against iran but the penalties have been limited from u.s. demands under chinese and russian pressure ."}, {"amr": "end", "id": "nw.chtb_0322.19", "sent": "( end )"}, {"amr": "dynamic :domain ( want :polarity - :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 country :arg2 official ) ) :arg1 ( obstacle :prep-to ( and :op1 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) :domain ( country :mod ( large :degree most ) ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) :domain ( country :arg1-of ( powerful :degree most ) ) ) ) ) ) :location ( organization :wiki nuclear_suppliers_group :name ( name :op1 nsg ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.17", "sent": "the dynamics at the nsg are that officials from the countries do not want to be obstacles to india which is the largest country and the united states which is the most powerful country ."}, {"amr": "compose :arg0 i :arg1 poem :mod here :manner ( form :mod classical :mod ( work-of-art :wiki ci_[poetry] :name ( name :op1 ci :op2 [poetry] ) ) ) :purpose ( voice :arg0 i :arg1 ( aspire :arg0 ( heart :part-of i ) ) )", "id": "bolt12_6455_6562.13", "sent": "here , i 've composed a poem in classical ci form , to voice the aspirations of my heart ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( think :arg0 you :arg1 ( use :arg1 land :manner ( rational :polarity - ) :domain that ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.86", "sent": "you may think that 's not rational land use ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 communique :arg1 ( ready :arg1 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki china :name ( name :op1 china ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki kyrgyzstan :name ( name :op1 kyrgyzstan ) ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( expand :arg0 and :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 and :arg1 ( country :mod other :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( organization :wiki shanghai_cooperation_organisation :name ( name :op1 sco ) ) :arg2 member ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 economy :op2 ( field :mod other ) ) ) ) :op2 ( promote :arg0 and :arg1 ( relation :arg0 organization :arg2 ( and :op1 ( country :mod other ) :op2 ( organization :mod international ) ) ) ) :op3 ( strengthen :arg0 and :arg1 ( role :poss organization :purpose ( maintain :arg1 ( and :op1 ( and :op1 ( peace :mod region ) :op2 ( peace :mod globe ) ) :op2 ( and :op1 ( develop :mod region ) :op2 ( develop :mod globe ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :mod also )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040922_0123.16", "sent": "the communique said china and kyrgyzstan are also ready to expand cooperation in economy and other fields with other sco members , promote the relations between the sco and other countries and international organizations , and strengthen the sco 's role in maintaining regional and global peace and development ."}, {"amr": "have-purpose :arg1 ( project :mod nucleus :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :arg2 ( purpose :mod peaceful )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.15", "sent": "iran 's nuclear projects are for peaceful purposes ."}, {"amr": "think :arg0 i :arg1 ( possible :arg1 ( spend :arg0 we :arg1 elsewhere :arg3 ( monetary-quantity :quant 400000000 :unit dollar ) :manner ( good :degree more ) ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.26", "sent": "i think we could have spent the $ 400 million better elsewhere ."}, {"amr": "well-off :arg1 you :arg2 ( have :polarity - :arg0 you :arg1 he ) :degree more :mod probable :condition ( price :arg2 ( walk :arg0 he :direction ( out :arg2 ( life :poss ( you :mod both ) ) ) :arg1-of ( volunteer :arg0 he ) ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.21", "sent": "if the price is , he voluntarily walks out of both of your lives , you 're probably better off without him ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( government-organization :wiki - :name ( name :op1 immigrations :op2 bureau ) ) :arg1 ( receive :arg0 government-organization :arg1 ( report :arg0 intelligence :arg1 ( record :arg0 ( person :wiki riduan_isamuddin :name ( name :op1 hambali ) ) :location country ) :arg2 government-organization ) :time ( recent :mod only ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040407_0026.11", "sent": "the immigrations bureau stated that they only recently received intelligence reports on hambali 's record in the country ."}, {"amr": "worry :arg0 ( and :op1 ( deal :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki venezuela :name ( name :op1 venezuela ) ) :arg2 president ) ) :arg1 ( country :wiki russia :name ( name :op1 russia ) ) :arg2 weapon ) :op2 ( curb :arg1 ( cooperate :arg0 person :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 united :op2 states ) ) :mod military ) ) :op3 ( plan :arg0 person :arg1 ( train :arg0 person :arg1 ( repel :arg0 person :arg1 ( invade :arg0 superpower :arg1-of possible ) ) :arg2 ( civilian :mod country :quant ( as-many-as :op1 2000000 ) ) ) ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 country :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( criticize :arg1 person ) :mod domestic ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.4", "sent": "the venezuelan president 's weapons deals with russia , curbs on military cooperation with the united states , and his plans to train as many as 2 million venezuelan civilians to repel a possible invasion by superpowers have the us and his domestic critics worried ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( form :arg0 ( person :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :mod young :arg1-of ( educate :location college ) ) :arg1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :time ( date-entity :decade 1960 ) ) :op2 ( describe :arg1 organization :arg2 ( organization :mod leftism :mod ( religious-group :wiki islam :name ( name :op1 islamism ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.16", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen was formed in the 1960 s by college-educated young iranians and was described as an islamic leftist organization ."}, {"amr": "nice :arg1 ( oblige :arg0 y'all :arg1 we ) :degree very", "id": "wb.eng_0003.39", "sent": "it was very nice of y'all to oblige us ."}, {"amr": "issue :arg1 survey :time ( date-entity :day 27 :month 11 :year 2008 )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20081128_0005.8", "sent": "the survey was issued november 27 , 2008 ."}, {"amr": "date-entity :year 2004 :month 12 :day 19", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20041219_0059.1", "sent": "2004 @-@ 12 @-@ 19"}, {"amr": "demand :arg0 ( community :mod international ) :arg1 ( halt :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( produce :arg1 ( material :mod nucleus ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.9", "sent": "the international community has demanded that iran halt the production of nuclear material ."}, {"amr": "clear :polarity - :arg1 ( begin :arg1 attack :time ( or :mode interrogative :op1 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 18 ) :op2 ( date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 19 :dayperiod morning ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.8", "sent": "it was not clear whether the attack began on 18 september 2008 or the morning of 19 september 2008 ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( pretend :arg0 ( person :mod that :arg1-of star ) :mod just ) :op2 ( live :arg0 person :arg1 ( life :mod ( good :degree ( more :quant much ) ) :arg1-of ( damn :mode expressive ) ) :mod actual :compared-to this )", "id": "bolt12_9145_5533.1", "sent": "those stars are just pretending , they are all actually living a much damned better life than this"}, {"amr": "suspect :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 u.s. ) ) :arg2 official ) ) :op2 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :arg2 official ) ) ) :arg1 ( mask :arg1 ( effort :purpose ( obtain :arg1 ( technology :arg1-of ( use :arg2 ( produce :arg1 ( bomb :mod atom ) ) :arg1-of possible ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( program :mod ( energy :mod nucleus :mod civilian ) :poss ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070831_0072.5", "sent": "u.s. and european officials suspect that iran 's civilian nuclear energy program masks an effort to obtain technology that could be used in the production of an atomic bomb ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 ( person :arg0-of analyze ) :arg1 ( prove :polarity - :arg1 ( use :arg0 ( person :wiki hugo_ch\u00e1vez :name ( name :op1 chavez ) ) :arg1 ( force :mod that ) :arg2 ( aid :arg0 person :arg2 ( revolution :mod leftist :location elsewhere ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20050716_0171.65", "sent": "analysts say that there is no proof that chavez will use those forces to aid leftist revolutions elsewhere ."}, {"amr": "find :arg0 i :arg1 ( help :arg0 ( talk :arg1 ( thing :arg0-of ( make :arg1 ( anxious :domain you ) ) ) :arg2 ( someone :mod else ) :mod just ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_7806.14", "sent": "what i find helps is just talking about what is making you anxious to someone else ."}, {"amr": "characterize :arg0 ( person :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg2 ( minister :mod foreign ) ) ) :arg1 ( raid :arg1 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) :location ( city :wiki paris :name ( name :op1 paris ) ) ) :time recency ) :arg2 ( part :part-of ( fight-off :arg1 terrorism ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.4", "sent": "the french foreign minister characterizes recent raids on people 's mujahedeen in paris as part of fight on terrorism ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( suffice :arg0 ( reason :mod ( build :arg1 it ) :domain that ) :mod ( by-oneself :degree all ) ) :mod in-fact", "id": "wb.eng_0003.74", "sent": "in fact that may be sufficient reason to build it , all by itself ."}, {"amr": "want :arg0 ( country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france ) ) :arg1 ( deepen :arg0 country :arg1 ( intensify :arg0 country :arg1 ( relation :arg0 country :arg1 defend :arg2 ( country :wiki india :name ( name :op1 india ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030428_0226.11", "sent": "france wants to deepen the intensity of its defense relations with india ."}, {"amr": "say :arg0 i :arg1 ( direct :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of ( comment :arg0 i ) ) :arg2 ( and :op1 ( person :arg0-of invest :arg0-of ( lobby :arg1 ( place :arg1 road :arg2 ( near :arg1 road :arg2 ( own :arg0 person :arg1 property ) ) ) ) ) :op2 ( system :arg1-of ( competent :polarity - ) :arg0-of ( fund :arg1 ( thing :arg1-of request :mod this ) :manner ( regard :polarity - :arg1 ( or :op1 ( link :arg1 thing :arg2 ( plan :arg1 transport :mod master ) ) :op2 ( lack :arg1 link ) ) ) ) ) ) ) :arg2 ( person :wiki - :name ( name :op1 ray :op2 hyde ) )", "id": "wb.eng_0003.100", "sent": "ray hyde - my comments were directed at investors who lobby to place roads near where they own property and the incompetent system that funds these requests without regard to their link or lack thereof to a master transportation plan ."}, {"amr": "possible :polarity - :arg1 ( cope :arg0 i :arg1 ( and :op1 ( outburst :poss she ) :op2 ( thing :arg1-of ( remark :arg0 she ) :mod hateful :mod nasty ) ) ) :time ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 home )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6344.5", "sent": "i can n't cope with her outbursts and nasty hateful remarks when i 'm at home ."}, {"amr": "country :wiki france :name ( name :op1 france )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.2", "sent": "france ( fr )"}, {"amr": "believe :arg0 ( and :op1 ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) :op2 ( country :wiki israel :name ( name :op1 israel ) ) :op3 ( continent :wiki europe :name ( name :op1 europe ) ) :op4 ( person :arg1-of ( expert :arg2 ( control :arg1 arm ) ) :mod ( world-region :wiki western_world :name ( name :op1 west ) ) :quant majority ) ) :arg1 ( pursue :arg0 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) :arg1 ( capable :arg1 country :arg2 ( produce :arg0 country :arg1 bomb :condition decide :time immediate ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_LTW_ENG_20080727_0030.18", "sent": "the us , israel , europe and the majority of western arms control experts believe that iran is pursuing the capability to produce bombs immediately in the event of a decision ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( stage :arg0 ( organization :wiki people's_mujahedin_of_iran :name ( name :op1 people's :op2 mujahedeen ) ) :arg1 ( attack :mod terrorism :location ( inside :op1 ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) :time ( date-entity :decade 1970 ) ) ) :op2 ( kill :arg0 organization :arg1 ( and :op1 ( person :quant several :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg1 ( military :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg2 personnel ) ) :op2 civilian :arg0-of ( work :arg1 ( project :mod defense ) :location ( city :wiki tehran :name ( name :op1 teheran ) ) ) ) )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20030624_0298.17", "sent": "the people 's mujahedeen staged terrorist attacks inside iran in the 1970 s and killed several us military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in teheran ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 ( go-out :arg0 ( and :op1 ( person :quant all :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 housemate ) ) :op2 i ) :time ( night :ord ( ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :time-of ( be-located-at :arg1 i :arg2 here ) ) ) :op2 ( hard :arg1 go-out :degree most :compared-to ( thing :arg1-of ( do :arg0 i :time ever :arg1-of obligate ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6304.3", "sent": "the first night i was here , all my housemates and i went out and it was the hardest thing i have ever ever had to do ."}, {"amr": "break-up :arg0 i :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 ( person :arg0-of ( have-rel-role :arg1 i :arg2 son ) ) :arg2 father ) ) :time ( since :op1 ( date-entity :month 8 ) )", "id": "DF-199-194215-653_0484.2", "sent": "me and my son 's father have been broken up since august ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki tang_jiaxuan :name ( name :op1 tang ) ) :arg1 ( dominate :arg0 ( and :op1 peace :op2 develop ) :arg1 ( age :time current ) :arg1-of ( cause :arg0 ( and :op1 ( situation :arg1-of general :location world :arg1-of stable ) :op2 ( develop :arg1 economy :direction forward :manner wave ) ) ) :mod still )", "id": "PROXY_XIN_ENG_20021123_0156.18", "sent": "tang stated that peace and development still dominate the current age as the general situation of the world is stable and the economy is developing forward in waves ."}, {"amr": "and :op1 proliferate :op2 international :op3 business", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.3", "sent": "proliferation ; international ; business"}, {"amr": "set :arg0 ( develop :mod ( usual :polarity - ) ) :arg1 ( precedent :arg1-of bad )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20070828_0223.26", "sent": "the unusual development sets a bad precedent ."}, {"amr": "go :polarity - :arg0 you :arg4 ( top :mod over ) :prep-with it :mod of-course :purpose ( go :polarity - :arg0 you :direction ( direction :arg1-of ( opposite :arg1-of complete ) ) )", "id": "DF-200-192400-625_6677.10", "sent": "of course , do n't go over the top with it lest you go in completely the opposite direction ."}, {"amr": "promote :arg0 ( person :wiki ali_al-sistani :name ( name :op1 al-sistani ) ) :arg1 ( and :op1 ( deviance :mod sex ) :op2 ( agenda :mod ( country :wiki iran :name ( name :op1 iran ) ) ) ) :location ( country :wiki iraq :name ( name :op1 iraq ) ) :prep-as ( bear :arg1 person :location country )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.20", "sent": "al-sistani promoted sexual deviance and an iranian agenda in iraq as al-sistani was born in iran ."}, {"amr": "possible :arg1 ( forbid :arg0 ( law :mod ( country :wiki united_states :name ( name :op1 us ) ) ) :arg1 ( assist :arg1 ( country :arg0-of ( implement :arg1 ( law :mod shoot-down ) ) ) ) ) :arg1-of ( condition :arg2 ( thing :mod certain ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.14", "sent": "us law may forbid assistance to countries that implement shoot-down laws under certain conditions ."}, {"amr": "state :arg0 ( person :wiki luiz_in\u00e1cio_lula_da_silva :name ( name :op1 luiz :op2 inacio :op3 lula :op4 da :op5 silva ) :arg0-of ( have-org-role :arg2 president ) ) :medium ( interview :arg0 ( correspondent :mod foreign ) :arg1 person :time ( date-entity :year 2003 ) )", "id": "PROXY_NYT_ENG_20040724_0084.27", "sent": "president luiz inacio lula da silva stated in a 2003 interview with foreign correspondents --"}]