This section provides detailed documentation for the machine learning models available in SeqLab. Each model has a dedicated page that includes its mathematical representation, data encoding methods, training details, hyperparameters, and example configurations. Additionally, we cover the model saving process and the patience mechanism used during training.
- Markov Model
- Variable-Order Markov Model
- LSTM Model
- LSTM Model With Attention
- Transformer Model
- GPT Model
- Multi LSTM Model
- Multi LSTM AttentionModel
- Multi Transformer Model
- Multi GPT Model
SeqLab provides mechanisms for saving the best-performing trained models and loading them for future use. Models are automatically saved based on the experiments set up in the config.json
file and are not designed to be trained in other ways. However, loading the models for inference is supported.
During the training process, SeqLab monitors model performance and saves the best model based on validation loss. The saved model includes:
- Model State Dictionary: The parameters of the model at the time of saving.
- Vocabulary: The vocabulary used during training, necessary for encoding and decoding sequences.
- Model Configuration: The configuration details, including hyperparameters such as embedding dimension, hidden dimension, number of layers, and learning rate.
Additionally, SeqLab saves the best models for each trial during hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation. It uses a patience mechanism to prevent overfitting during the training of deep models. The patience mechanism stops training if the model's performance on the validation set does not improve after a specified number of epochs.
The storage locations of these models are tracked and recorded using MLflow, allowing users to access them through the MLflow panel for further analysis if needed.
To load a saved model for inference, the state dictionary, vocabulary, and configuration are used to reinitialize the model. Here is an example of how to load a saved model and use it for making predictions:
import torch
from models.lstm_attention import LSTMModelWithAttention
import os
def load_model(model_path):
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
model = LSTMModelWithAttention(vocab=checkpoint['vocab'], **checkpoint['config'])
return model
# Load the model
model = load_model(os.path.join('saved_models', 'best_model.pth'))
# Encode a sequence using the model's vocabulary
encoded_sequence = [model.vocab[chord] for chord in ['A:min', 'E:min', 'F:maj']] # Example sequence
probabilities = model.predict_with_probabilities(encoded_sequence)
# Predict the next value
predicted_index = probabilities.index(max(probabilities))
# Decode the predicted next value
predicted_chord = [chord for chord, index in model.vocab.items() if index == predicted_index][0]