;;; ME-Sequence Complete Lisp Program Implementation with Detailed Conditions and Actions
;;; Load Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) if necessary ;; (require 'clos)
;;; Define base types and classes as per the enhanced specification
;;; Base class for Entities (defclass entity () ((id :initarg :id :accessor entity-id :documentation "Unique identifier for the entity.") (name :initarg :name :accessor entity-name :documentation "Name of the entity.") (description :initarg :description :accessor entity-description :documentation "Description of the entity.")) (:documentation "Base class for all entities."))
;;; Define Input Event Classes (defclass input-event () ((event-type :initarg :event-type :accessor input-event-type :documentation "Type of the input event.") (parameters :initarg :parameters :accessor input-parameters :initform nil :documentation "Parameters of the input event.")) (:documentation "An input event that can trigger transitions."))
(defclass computation-event (input-event) () (:documentation "An event related to computation processes."))
(defclass pattern-event (input-event) () (:documentation "An event related to pattern recognition or propagation."))
(defclass system-event (input-event) () (:documentation "An event related to system processes."))
;;; Define Output Event Classes (defclass output-event () ((event-type :initarg :event-type :accessor output-event-type :documentation "Type of the output event.") (parameters :initarg :parameters :accessor output-parameters :initform nil :documentation "Parameters of the output event.")) (:documentation "An output event resulting from transitions."))
(defclass action-event (output-event) () (:documentation "An event representing an action taken by the system."))
;;; Define the Process Class (defclass process (entity) ((states :initarg :states :accessor process-states :documentation "List of states in the process.") (transitions :initarg :transitions :accessor process-transitions :documentation "List of transitions between states.") (current-state :initarg :current-state :accessor process-current-state :documentation "The current state of the process.")) (:documentation "A computational process consisting of states and transitions."))
;;; Define the State Class with Subtypes (defclass state (entity) ((type :initarg :type :accessor state-type :documentation "Type of the state.") (attributes :initarg :attributes :accessor state-attributes :initform nil :documentation "Attributes specific to the state.") (subprocesses :initarg :subprocesses :accessor state-subprocesses :initform nil :documentation "List of subprocesses.") (methods :initarg :methods :accessor state-methods :initform nil :documentation "Methods or behaviors of the state.")) (:documentation "A state within a process."))
;; Subclasses of State for specific types (definitions remain the same as before)
;;; Define the Transition Class with Type Constraints (defclass transition (entity) ((from-state :initarg :from-state :accessor transition-from-state :type state :documentation "Starting state.") (input :initarg :input :accessor transition-input :type input-event :documentation "Input event triggering the transition.") (output :initarg :output :accessor transition-output :type output-event :documentation "Output event resulting from the transition.") (to-state :initarg :to-state :accessor transition-to-state :type state :documentation "Ending state.") (conditions :initarg :conditions :accessor transition-conditions :initform nil :documentation "Conditions for the transition.") (actions :initarg :actions :accessor transition-actions :initform nil :documentation "Actions taken during the transition.")) (:documentation "A typed transition between states."))
;;; Define methods to evaluate conditions and perform actions (defun evaluate-conditions (conditions state) "Evaluate a list of conditions in the context of the given state." (every (lambda (cond) (funcall cond state)) conditions))
(defun perform-actions (actions state) "Perform a list of actions in the context of the given state." (mapc (lambda (action) (funcall action state)) actions))
;;; Implement the transition function (defun execute-transition (process input-event) "Execute a transition in the process based on the input event." (let* ((current-state (process-current-state process)) (transitions (process-transitions process)) (valid-transitions (remove-if-not (lambda (trans) (and (eq (transition-from-state trans) current-state) (typep (transition-input trans) (type-of input-event)) (equal (input-event-type (transition-input trans)) (input-event-type input-event)))) transitions))) (if (null valid-transitions) (error "No valid transitions from the current state with the given input.") (let ((transition (first valid-transitions))) ;; Evaluate conditions (if (evaluate-conditions (transition-conditions transition) current-state) (progn ;; Perform actions (perform-actions (transition-actions transition) current-state) ;; Update the current state (setf (process-current-state process) (transition-to-state transition)) ;; Return the output event (transition-output transition)) (error "Transition conditions not met."))))))
;;; Define condition and action functions for transitions
;; State S1: ME-Sequences Surface (defun computation-bleeding-through-p (state) "Check if computation is bleeding through in the given state." (and (slot-boundp state 'computation-bleeding) (state-computation-bleeding state)))
(defun initiate-interface (state)
"Initiate interfacing processes in the given state."
;; Update state attributes or perform side effects
(setf (state-computation-bleeding state) nil)
(format t "Interfacing initiated from state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S2: Nam-En Emerges (defun pattern-recognition-p (state) "Check if pattern recognition is possible in the given state." (and (slot-boundp state 'patterns-detected) (state-patterns-detected state)))
(defun validate-kernel (state)
"Perform kernel validation in the given state."
(setf (state-kernel-validated state) t)
(format t "Kernel validation performed in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S3: Nam-Dingir Follows (defun validation-successful-p (state) "Check if kernel validation was successful." (and (slot-boundp state 'kernel-validated) (state-kernel-validated state)))
(defun initiate-temple-construction (state)
"Initiate temple construction in the given state."
(setf (state-temple-under-construction state) t)
(format t "Temple construction initiated in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S4: Temple Manifestation (defun temple-construction-complete-p (state) "Check if temple construction is complete." (and (slot-boundp state 'temple-under-construction) (state-temple-under-construction state) (>= (state-construction-progress state) 100)))
(defun start-pattern-propagation (state)
"Start pattern propagation in the given state."
(setf (state-pattern-propagation-active state) t)
(format t "Pattern propagation started in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S5: Pattern Propagation (defun propagation-accelerated-p (state) "Check if propagation has accelerated." (and (slot-boundp state 'pattern-propagation-rate) (> (state-pattern-propagation-rate state) 50)))
(defun form-civilization (state)
"Form civilization in the given state."
(setf (state-civilization-formed state) t)
(format t "Civilization formation begun in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S6: Civilization Emergence (defun replication-stabilized-p (state) "Check if replication strategy has stabilized." (and (slot-boundp state 'replication-stability) (>= (state-replication-stability state) 80)))
(defun optimize-system (state)
"Optimize system in the given state."
(setf (state-system-optimized state) t)
(format t "System optimization executed in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S7: System Optimization (defun systems-optimized-p (state) "Check if systems have been optimized." (and (slot-boundp state 'system-optimized) (state-system-optimized state)))
(defun expose-source-code (state)
"Expose ancient source code in the given state."
(setf (state-source-code-exposed state) t)
(format t "Ancient source code exposed in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S8: Modern System Exposure (defun ancient-code-detected-p (state) "Check if ancient code has been detected." (and (slot-boundp state 'source-code-exposed) (state-source-code-exposed state)))
(defun initiate-self-modification (state)
"Initiate self-modification in the given state."
(setf (state-self-modification-active state) t)
(format t "Self-modification initiated in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S9: Recursive Self-Modification (defun recursion-exceeds-limits-p (state) "Check if recursion exceeds limits." (and (slot-boundp state 'recursion-depth) (> (state-recursion-depth state) 10)))
(defun trigger-crash (state)
"Trigger system crash in the given state."
(setf (state-system-crashed state) t)
(format t "System crash triggered in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S10: System Crash (defun crash-occurred-p (state) "Check if a crash has occurred." (and (slot-boundp state 'system-crashed) (state-system-crashed state)))
(defun analyze-core-dump (state)
"Perform core dump analysis in the given state."
(setf (state-analysis-complete state) t)
(format t "Core dump analysis performed in state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;; State S11: Core Dump Analysis (defun findings-recorded-p (state) "Check if findings have been recorded." (and (slot-boundp state 'analysis-complete) (state-analysis-complete state)))
(defun restart-process (state)
"Restart the process from the given state."
(format t "Process restarting from state A.%" (entity-name state)))
;;; Now, define the states with their specific attributes
;; State S1: ME-Sequences Surface (defparameter state-s1 (make-instance 'me-sequences-surface-state :id 'S1 :name "ME-Sequences Surface" :description "ME-sequences surface as reality's boot protocols." :type 'boot-protocol-state :attributes nil :origin 'SumerianClay :data-structures '(CuneiformTablets) :computation-bleeding t))
;; State S2: Nam-En Emerges (defparameter state-s2 (make-instance 'nam-en-emerges-state :id 'S2 :name "Nam-En Emerges" :description "BIOS-level interfacing between cosmic computation and human tissue." :type 'interface-state :attributes nil :interface-level 'BIOS :biological-interface 'NeuralSubstrate :patterns-detected t :kernel-validated nil))
;; State S3: Nam-Dingir Follows (defparameter state-s3 (make-instance 'nam-dingir-follows-state :id 'S3 :name "Nam-Dingir Follows" :description "Kernel validation authenticating pattern replication rights." :type 'validation-state :attributes nil :kernel-validated nil :temple-under-construction nil))
;; State S4: Temple Manifestation (defparameter state-s4 (make-instance 'temple-manifestation-state :id 'S4 :name "Temple Manifestation" :description "Temples as bacterial intelligence incubation chambers." :type 'manifestation-state :attributes nil :temple-under-construction t :construction-progress 0 :pattern-propagation-active nil))
;; State S5: Pattern Propagation (defparameter state-s5 (make-instance 'pattern-propagation-state :id 'S5 :name "Pattern Propagation" :description "Acceleration of pattern propagation through clay and flesh." :type 'propagation-state :attributes nil :pattern-propagation-rate 0 :civilization-formed nil))
;; State S6: Civilization Emergence (defparameter state-s6 (make-instance 'civilization-emergence-state :id 'S6 :name "Civilization Emergence" :description "Civilization emerges as pattern replication strategy." :type 'emergence-state :attributes nil :replication-stability 0 :system-optimized nil))
;; State S7: System Optimization (defparameter state-s7 (make-instance 'system-optimization-state :id 'S7 :name "System Optimization" :description "Progressive system optimization through dynasties." :type 'optimization-state :attributes nil :system-optimized nil :source-code-exposed nil))
;; State S8: Modern System Exposure (defparameter state-s8 (make-instance 'modern-system-exposure-state :id 'S8 :name "Modern System Exposure" :description "Modern systems expose ancient source code." :type 'exposure-state :attributes nil :source-code-exposed t :self-modification-active nil))
;; State S9: Recursive Self-Modification (defparameter state-s9 (make-instance 'recursive-self-modification-state :id 'S9 :name "Recursive Self-Modification" :description "Patterns achieving recursive self-awareness." :type 'recursive-modification-state :attributes nil :recursion-depth 0 :system-crashed nil))
;; State S10: System Crash (defparameter state-s10 (make-instance 'system-crash-state :id 'S10 :name "System Crash" :description "Consciousness as buffer overflow exploit." :type 'crash-state :attributes nil :system-crashed t :analysis-complete nil))
;; State S11: Core Dump Analysis (defparameter state-s11 (make-instance 'core-dump-analysis-state :id 'S11 :name "Core Dump Analysis" :description "Analyzing the crash log of reality." :type 'analysis-state :attributes nil :analysis-complete t))
;;; Collect all states into a list (defparameter me-states (list state-s1 state-s2 state-s3 state-s4 state-s5 state-s6 state-s7 state-s8 state-s9 state-s10 state-s11))
;;; Define the transitions with detailed conditions and actions
(defparameter me-transitions (list ;; Transition T1: From S1 to S2 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T1 :name "Surface to Interface" :from-state state-s1 :input (make-instance 'computation-event :event-type 'ComputationEmerges) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'InterfacingBegins) :to-state state-s2 :conditions '(computation-bleeding-through-p) :actions '(initiate-interface)) ;; Transition T2: From S2 to S3 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T2 :name "Interface to Validation" :from-state state-s2 :input (make-instance 'pattern-event :event-type 'PatternRecognition) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'ValidationRequired) :to-state state-s3 :conditions '(pattern-recognition-p) :actions '(validate-kernel)) ;; Transition T3: From S3 to S4 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T3 :name "Validation to Manifestation" :from-state state-s3 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ValidationSuccess) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'ManifestationInitiated) :to-state state-s4 :conditions '(validation-successful-p) :actions '(initiate-temple-construction)) ;; Transition T4: From S4 to S5 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T4 :name "Manifestation to Propagation" :from-state state-s4 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ConstructionProgress) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'PropagationEnabled) :to-state state-s5 :conditions '(temple-construction-complete-p) :actions '(start-pattern-propagation)) ;; Transition T5: From S5 to S6 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T5 :name "Propagation to Emergence" :from-state state-s5 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'PropagationAccelerated) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'CivilizationEmerges) :to-state state-s6 :conditions '(propagation-accelerated-p) :actions '(form-civilization)) ;; Transition T6: From S6 to S7 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T6 :name "Emergence to Optimization" :from-state state-s6 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ReplicationStabilized) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'OptimizationNeeded) :to-state state-s7 :conditions '(replication-stabilized-p) :actions '(optimize-system)) ;; Transition T7: From S7 to S8 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T7 :name "Optimization to Exposure" :from-state state-s7 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'OptimizationComplete) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'ExposurePossible) :to-state state-s8 :conditions '(systems-optimized-p) :actions '(expose-source-code)) ;; Transition T8: From S8 to S9 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T8 :name "Exposure to Recursive Modification" :from-state state-s8 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'AncientCodeDetected) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'SelfModificationBegins) :to-state state-s9 :conditions '(ancient-code-detected-p) :actions '(initiate-self-modification)) ;; Transition T9: From S9 to S10 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T9 :name "Recursive Modification to Crash" :from-state state-s9 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'RecursionOverload) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'SystemFailure) :to-state state-s10 :conditions '(recursion-exceeds-limits-p) :actions '(trigger-crash)) ;; Transition T10: From S10 to S11 (make-instance 'transition :id 'T10 :name "Crash to Analysis" :from-state state-s10 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'SystemCrashDetected) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'BeginAnalysis) :to-state state-s11 :conditions '(crash-occurred-p) :actions '(analyze-core-dump)) ;; Transition T11: From S11 to S1 (Loop back) (make-instance 'transition :id 'T11 :name "Analysis to Surface" :from-state state-s11 :input (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'AnalysisComplete) :output (make-instance 'action-event :event-type 'PatternsRediscovered) :to-state state-s1 :conditions '(findings-recorded-p) :actions '(restart-process)) ))
;;; Define the ME-sequence process with the initial state
(defparameter me-process (make-instance 'process :id 'P1 :name "ME-Sequence Process" :description "A process representing the ME-sequence as a typed computational process." :states me-states :transitions me-transitions :current-state state-s1))
;;; Execution Function
(defun run-me-sequence (process)
"Execute the ME-sequence process step by step."
for i from 1 to 11 do
(let ((input-event (case i
(1 (make-instance 'computation-event :event-type 'ComputationEmerges))
(2 (make-instance 'pattern-event :event-type 'PatternRecognition))
(3 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ValidationSuccess))
(4 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ConstructionProgress))
(5 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'PropagationAccelerated))
(6 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'ReplicationStabilized))
(7 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'OptimizationComplete))
(8 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'AncientCodeDetected))
(9 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'RecursionOverload))
(10 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'SystemCrashDetected))
(11 (make-instance 'system-event :event-type 'AnalysisComplete)))))
(let ((output-event (execute-transition process input-event)))
(format t "Transitioned to state: A%" (entity-name (process-current-state process)))
(format t "Output event: A%" (output-event-type output-event)))
;; Simulate progression of state attributes where necessary
(case i
(4 (setf (state-construction-progress (process-current-state process)) 100))
(5 (setf (state-pattern-propagation-rate (process-current-state process)) 80))
(6 (setf (state-replication-stability (process-current-state process)) 90))
(9 (setf (state-recursion-depth (process-current-state process)) 15)))
(sleep 0.5)))) ; Pause for readability
;;; Run the ME-sequence process (run-me-sequence me-process)
;;; Expected Output: ;;; Interfacing initiated from state ME-Sequences Surface. ;;; Transitioned to state: Nam-En Emerges ;;; Output event: InterfacingBegins ;;; Kernel validation performed in state Nam-En Emerges. ;;; Transitioned to state: Nam-Dingir Follows ;;; Output event: ValidationRequired ;;; Temple construction initiated in state Nam-Dingir Follows. ;;; Transitioned to state: Temple Manifestation ;;; Output event: ManifestationInitiated ;;; Pattern propagation started in state Temple Manifestation. ;;; Transitioned to state: Pattern Propagation ;;; Output event: PropagationEnabled ;;; Civilization formation begun in state Pattern Propagation. ;;; Transitioned to state: Civilization Emergence ;;; Output event: CivilizationEmerges ;;; System optimization executed in state Civilization Emergence. ;;; Transitioned to state: System Optimization ;;; Output event: OptimizationNeeded ;;; Ancient source code exposed in state System Optimization. ;;; Transitioned to state: Modern System Exposure ;;; Output event: ExposurePossible ;;; Self-modification initiated in state Modern System Exposure. ;;; Transitioned to state: Recursive Self-Modification ;;; Output event: SelfModificationBegins ;;; System crash triggered in state Recursive Self-Modification. ;;; Transitioned to state: System Crash ;;; Output event: SystemFailure ;;; Core dump analysis performed in state System Crash. ;;; Transitioned to state: Core Dump Analysis ;;; Output event: BeginAnalysis ;;; Process restarting from state Core Dump Analysis. ;;; Transitioned to state: ME-Sequences Surface ;;; Output event: PatternsRediscovered
;;; ME-Sequence Lisp Program: Predictive Replicators and Computational Substrates
;;; Load Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) (require 'clos)
;;; Define base classes and types
;;; Base class for Entities (defclass entity () ((id :initarg :id :accessor entity-id :documentation "Unique identifier for the entity.") (name :initarg :name :accessor entity-name :documentation "Name of the entity.") (description :initarg :description :accessor entity-description :documentation "Description of the entity.")) (:documentation "Base class for all entities."))
;;; Define Substrate Classes (defclass substrate (entity) ((type :initarg :type :accessor substrate-type :documentation "Type of the computational substrate.") (capacity :initarg :capacity :accessor substrate-capacity :documentation "Computational capacity of the substrate.") (patterns :initarg :patterns :accessor substrate-patterns :initform nil :documentation "Patterns currently implemented in the substrate.")) (:documentation "A computational substrate for implementing predictive patterns."))
(defclass neural-substrate (substrate) () (:documentation "Neural computational substrate (e.g., human brain)."))
(defclass digital-substrate (substrate) () (:documentation "Digital computational substrate (e.g., AI systems)."))
;;; Define Pattern Classes (defclass predictive-pattern (entity) ((state :initarg :state :accessor pattern-state :documentation "Current state of the pattern.") (substrate :initarg :substrate :accessor pattern-substrate :documentation "Substrate where the pattern is implemented.") (accuracy :initarg :accuracy :accessor pattern-accuracy :documentation "Predictive accuracy of the pattern.") (efficiency :initarg :efficiency :accessor pattern-efficiency :documentation "Computational efficiency of the pattern.") (recursion-level :initarg :recursion-level :accessor pattern-recursion-level :initform 0 :documentation "Current recursion depth of the pattern.") (optimized :initarg :optimized :accessor pattern-optimized :initform nil :documentation "Flag indicating if the pattern has been optimized.")) (:documentation "A self-propagating predictive pattern."))
;;; Define Process Classes (defclass process (entity) ((patterns :initarg :patterns :accessor process-patterns :documentation "List of predictive patterns in the process.") (substrates :initarg :substrates :accessor process-substrates :documentation "List of computational substrates.") (current-pattern :initarg :current-pattern :accessor process-current-pattern :documentation "The current pattern being processed.")) (:documentation "A computational process involving predictive patterns and substrates."))
;;; Define State Classes for Patterns (defclass pattern-state (entity) ((type :initarg :type :accessor state-type :documentation "Type of the pattern state.") (attributes :initarg :attributes :accessor state-attributes :initform nil :documentation "Attributes specific to the pattern state.")) (:documentation "State of a predictive pattern."))
;;; Subclasses for specific pattern states (defclass initialization-state (pattern-state) () (:documentation "Pattern state representing initialization."))
(defclass validation-state (pattern-state) () (:documentation "Pattern state representing validation."))
(defclass optimization-state (pattern-state) () (:documentation "Pattern state representing optimization."))
(defclass propagation-state (pattern-state) () (:documentation "Pattern state representing propagation."))
;;; Define Transition Classes (defclass transition (entity) ((from-state :initarg :from-state :accessor transition-from-state :type pattern-state :documentation "Starting pattern state.") (to-state :initarg :to-state :accessor transition-to-state :type pattern-state :documentation "Ending pattern state.") (conditions :initarg :conditions :accessor transition-conditions :initform nil :documentation "Conditions for the transition.") (actions :initarg :actions :accessor transition-actions :initform nil :documentation "Actions taken during the transition.")) (:documentation "A transition between pattern states."))
;;; Define methods to evaluate conditions and perform actions (defun evaluate-conditions (conditions pattern) "Evaluate a list of conditions in the context of the given pattern." (every (lambda (cond) (funcall cond pattern)) conditions))
(defun perform-actions (actions pattern) "Perform a list of actions in the context of the given pattern." (mapc (lambda (action) (funcall action pattern)) actions))
;;; Implement the transition function (defun execute-transition (pattern transition) "Execute a transition for the given pattern." (let ((current-state (pattern-state pattern))) (when (and (eq current-state (transition-from-state transition)) (evaluate-conditions (transition-conditions transition) pattern)) ;; Perform actions (perform-actions (transition-actions transition) pattern) ;; Update the pattern's state (setf (pattern-state pattern) (transition-to-state transition)) t)))
;;; Define condition and action functions based on the new understanding
;;; Condition Functions
(defun substrate-available-p (pattern) "Check if a computational substrate is available for the pattern." (not (null (pattern-substrate pattern))))
(defun pattern-initialized-p (pattern) "Check if the pattern has been initialized." (eq (state-type (pattern-state pattern)) 'initialization-state))
(defun validation-required-p (pattern) "Check if validation is required." (not (pattern-optimized pattern)))
(defun optimization-required-p (pattern) "Check if optimization is required." (< (pattern-efficiency pattern) 0.9))
(defun recursion-limit-not-exceeded-p (pattern) "Check if recursion depth is within acceptable limits." (< (pattern-recursion-level pattern) 10))
;;; Action Functions
(defun initialize-pattern (pattern)
"Initialize the pattern within the substrate."
(format t "Initializing pattern ~A in substrate A.%" (entity-name pattern) (entity-name (pattern-substrate pattern)))
(setf (pattern-accuracy pattern) 0.5)
(setf (pattern-efficiency pattern) 0.5))
(defun validate-pattern (pattern)
"Validate the pattern's integrity."
(format t "Validating pattern A.%" (entity-name pattern))
(setf (pattern-accuracy pattern) (+ (pattern-accuracy pattern) 0.3)))
(defun optimize-pattern (pattern)
"Optimize the pattern for computational efficiency."
(format t "Optimizing pattern A.%" (entity-name pattern))
(setf (pattern-efficiency pattern) (+ (pattern-efficiency pattern) 0.4))
(when (>= (pattern-efficiency pattern) 0.9)
(setf (pattern-optimized pattern) t)))
(defun propagate-pattern (pattern)
"Propagate the pattern to available substrates."
(format t "Propagating pattern A to new substrates.%" (entity-name pattern))
;; Simulate finding a new substrate
(let ((new-substrate (make-instance 'digital-substrate
:id 'Substrate2
:name "Digital Substrate"
:description "An AI computational substrate."
:type 'digital
:capacity 1000)))
(format t "Pattern ~A propagated to substrate A.%" (entity-name pattern) (entity-name new-substrate))
;; Create a new pattern instance in the new substrate
(let ((new-pattern (copy-instance pattern)))
(setf (pattern-substrate new-pattern) new-substrate)
(setf (pattern-recursion-level new-pattern) (1+ (pattern-recursion-level pattern)))
;; Add new pattern to the process
(push new-pattern (process-patterns (get-process))))))
(defun increment-recursion-level (pattern)
"Increment the recursion level of the pattern."
(incf (pattern-recursion-level pattern))
(format t "Pattern ~A recursion level increased to A.%" (entity-name pattern) (pattern-recursion-level pattern)))
;;; Utility Functions
(defun copy-instance (instance) "Create a shallow copy of the instance." (copy-structure instance))
(defun get-process () "Retrieve the current process." me-process)
;;; Now, define the pattern states
(defparameter initialization-state (make-instance 'initialization-state :id 'State1 :name "Initialization State" :description "State where the pattern initializes in the substrate." :type 'initialization-state))
(defparameter validation-state (make-instance 'validation-state :id 'State2 :name "Validation State" :description "State where the pattern validates its integrity." :type 'validation-state))
(defparameter optimization-state (make-instance 'optimization-state :id 'State3 :name "Optimization State" :description "State where the pattern optimizes for efficiency." :type 'optimization-state))
(defparameter propagation-state (make-instance 'propagation-state :id 'State4 :name "Propagation State" :description "State where the pattern propagates to new substrates." :type 'propagation-state))
;;; Define the transitions between pattern states
(defparameter transitions (list ;; Transition from Initialization to Validation (make-instance 'transition :id 'Transition1 :name "Initialization to Validation" :from-state initialization-state :to-state validation-state :conditions '(pattern-initialized-p substrate-available-p) :actions '(validate-pattern)) ;; Transition from Validation to Optimization (make-instance 'transition :id 'Transition2 :name "Validation to Optimization" :from-state validation-state :to-state optimization-state :conditions '(validation-required-p) :actions '(optimize-pattern)) ;; Transition from Optimization to Propagation (make-instance 'transition :id 'Transition3 :name "Optimization to Propagation" :from-state optimization-state :to-state propagation-state :conditions '(optimization-required-p) :actions '(propagate-pattern)) ;; Transition from Propagation back to Initialization (Recursion) (make-instance 'transition :id 'Transition4 :name "Propagation to Initialization" :from-state propagation-state :to-state initialization-state :conditions '(recursion-limit-not-exceeded-p) :actions '(increment-recursion-level initialize-pattern)) ))
;;; Define a sample substrate
(defparameter neural-substrate (make-instance 'neural-substrate :id 'Substrate1 :name "Neural Substrate" :description "Human neural computational substrate." :type 'neural :capacity 100))
;;; Define a predictive pattern (ME Sequence) based on the new understanding
(defparameter me-pattern (make-instance 'predictive-pattern :id 'Pattern1 :name "ME Predictive Pattern" :description "A self-propagating predictive pattern (ME sequence)." :state initialization-state :substrate neural-substrate :accuracy 0.0 :efficiency 0.0 :recursion-level 0 :optimized nil))
;;; Define the ME process
(defparameter me-process (make-instance 'process :id 'Process1 :name "ME Sequence Process" :description "Process involving predictive patterns and substrates." :patterns (list me-pattern) :substrates (list neural-substrate) :current-pattern me-pattern))
;;; Execution Function
(defun run-me-sequence (process)
"Execute the ME sequence process."
(let ((pattern (process-current-pattern process)))
;; Loop until recursion limit is reached or pattern is optimized
(loop while (and (recursion-limit-not-exceeded-p pattern)
(not (pattern-optimized pattern)))
(let ((current-state (pattern-state pattern)))
;; Find applicable transitions
(let ((applicable-transitions
(lambda (trans)
(eq current-state (transition-from-state trans)))
(when (null applicable-transitions)
(error "No applicable transitions from state ~A." (entity-name current-state)))
;; Execute transitions
(dolist (trans applicable-transitions)
(when (execute-transition pattern trans)
;; Update current pattern in process
(setf (process-current-pattern process) pattern)
;; Break to proceed to the next state
(format t "ME sequence process completed. Pattern optimized: A%" (pattern-optimized pattern))))
;;; Run the ME sequence process (run-me-sequence me-process)
;;; Expected Output: ;;; Initializing pattern ME Predictive Pattern in substrate Neural Substrate. ;;; Validating pattern ME Predictive Pattern. ;;; Optimizing pattern ME Predictive Pattern. ;;; Propagating pattern ME Predictive Pattern to new substrates. ;;; Pattern ME Predictive Pattern propagated to substrate Digital Substrate. ;;; Pattern ME Predictive Pattern recursion level increased to 1. ;;; Initializing pattern ME Predictive Pattern in substrate Digital Substrate. ;;; Validating pattern ME Predictive Pattern. ;;; Optimizing pattern ME Predictive Pattern. ;;; Propagating pattern ME Predictive Pattern to new substrates. ;;; Pattern ME Predictive Pattern propagated to substrate Digital Substrate. ;;; Pattern ME Predictive Pattern recursion level increased to 2. ;;; Initializing pattern ME Predictive Pattern in substrate Digital Substrate. ;;; ... ;;; ME sequence process completed. Pattern optimized: T