Make CapsLock Great Again!
- Powerful: Make Capslock a great new modifier key: Hyper(✱).
- Well-Designed: High-Freq key in hot-area. Bring lots of useful functionalities.
- Compatiable: Work well with other modifiers, appliactions, devices.
- Light-Weight: Just a small script, carry it everywhere !
- Design Document
- CapsLock(Mac) via karabiner-elements
- macOS High Sierra (10.13)
- macOS Sierra (10.12)
- macOS EI Capitan (10.11)
- CapsLock(Mac-Old) via karabiner
- before OS X 10.11
- CapsLock(Windows) via AutoHotKey
- XP, 7, 8, 10
Download Karabiner-Elements and Install
Copy URL to your browser to import configuration script.
# This Repo
# Karabiner-Elements Offical Script Gallery
Open Karabiner, Tab "ComplexModification", Button "Add Item", and enable entries you like.
Default conf file path is
. Modify it if you like.
Hyper actually maps to ⌃⌥⇧⌘
(all right modifiers) , It works well with additional left modifiers. And compatible with most application. Hold CapsLock to enable Hyper
funcationality while press it will emit an Escape
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⇪ Press |
⎋ Escape |
Single press to escape |
⇪ Hold |
✱ Hyper |
Enable Hyper Functionality |
- Hold
Hyper to enable navigators - Hold additional
Command for selection . (just like holding ⇧shift in normal)
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
H |
← LeftArrow |
cursor left |
J |
↓ DownArrow |
cursor down |
K |
↑ UpArrow |
cursor up |
L |
→ RightArrow |
cursor right |
U |
⇞ PageUp |
cursor page up |
I |
↖ Home |
cursor to line(doc) head |
O |
↘ End |
cursor to line(doc) end |
P |
⇟ PageDn |
cursor page down |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
N |
⌥⌫ Option + ForwardDelete |
Delete a word ahead |
M |
⌫ ForwardDelete |
Delete a char ahead |
, |
⌦ Delete |
Delete a char after |
. |
⌥⌦ Option + Delete |
Delete a word after |
⌘M ,⌘N |
⌘⌥⌫ Command+Option+ForwardDelete |
Delete to line head |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⇥ Tab |
⌘⇥ Command+Tab |
Switch Window |
⌘⇥ Command+Tab |
⌘⇧⇥ Command+Shift+Tab |
Switch Window Reversely |
Q |
⌘Q |
Close Window |
W |
⌘W |
Close Tab |
E |
Open Safari | Open Web Browser |
⌘E |
Open Finder | Open File Browser |
A |
⌃⌥⇧⌘A |
Leaves to Moom, ※a window resize app |
⌘A |
⌃↑ Ctrl+UpArrow |
OSX Expose All |
S |
⌃⇥ Ctrl+Tab |
Switch Tab |
⌘S |
⌃⇧⇥ Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Swtich Tab Reversely |
⌘D |
F11 |
Show Desktop |
- Common bash utils: EOF, SIGINT, SIGTSTP, VIM/Tmux Prefix
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
Z |
⌃Z Ctrl+Z |
X |
⌃R |
IDE Run |
C |
⌃C |
V |
⌃V |
Vim Prefix |
B |
⌃B |
Tmux Default Prefix |
D |
⌃D |
- Maybe you'd like overwrite these with your own favorite apps.
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
R |
Open iTerm2 | Great terminal for osx (Run ) |
⌘R |
Open Preview | Switch to opened picture, pdf, etc... |
T |
Open Visual Studio Code | Text Editor: Visual Studio Code |
⌘T |
Open Typora | Text Editor: Typora , a great WYSIWYG md editor |
F |
Open Dash | Find API Document |
⌘F |
Open Dictionary | Find words |
G |
Open Intellij IDEA | Open IDE |
⌘G |
Open Chrome | Google Chrome |
- Use F1,…F12 as standard functional keys, while hold hyper to turn them back.
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
F1 |
BrightnessDown |
F2 |
BrightnessUp |
F3 |
ExposeAll |
F4 |
LaunchPad |
F5 |
KeyboardLightDown |
F6 |
KeyboardLightUp |
F7 |
MusicPrev |
F8 |
MusicPlay |
F9 |
MusicNext |
F10 |
Mute |
F11 |
VolumeDown |
F12 |
VolumeUp |
F13 PrintScreen |
MusicPrev |
F14 ScrollLock |
MusicNext |
F15 Pause |
MusicPlay |
Just as it shows |
Insert |
⌥BrightnessUp |
Fine grained brightness up |
Delete |
⌥BrightnessDown |
Fine grained brightness down |
Home |
⌥KeyboardLightUp |
Fine grained keyboard light up |
End |
⌥KeyboardLightDown |
Fine grained keyboard light down |
PgUp |
⌥VolumeUp |
Fine grained volume up |
PgDn |
⌥VolumeDown |
Fine grained volume down |
- A more convient shift for most case
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
1 |
! |
Exclamation |
2 |
@ |
At |
3 |
# |
Sharp |
4 |
$ |
Dollar |
5 |
% |
Percent |
6 |
^ |
Caret |
7 |
& |
Ampersand |
8 |
* |
Star |
9 |
( |
Left Round Bracket |
0 |
) |
Right Round Bracket |
- Minus |
_ |
Hyphen |
= Equal |
+ |
Plus |
[ Left Bracket |
( |
Left Round Bracket ⇧9 |
] Right Bracket |
) |
Right Round Bracket ⇧0 |
\ Back Slash |
` | ` |
; Semicolon |
: |
Colon |
' Single Quote |
" |
DoubleQuote |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⎋ Escape |
⇪ CapsLock |
Bug: Difficult to turn capslock off after emit |
~ BackQuote |
⌃⇧⌘4 |
macOS Area Screenshot to Clipboard |
⌘~ Command+BackQuote |
⌃⇧4 |
macOS Area Screenshot to Desktop File |
⌫ Backspace |
⌘⌫ |
macOS Delete File |
↩ Return |
= |
Return to Equal Sign |
/ Slash |
⌘/ Command+Slash |
Comment/Uncomment in many IDE |
␢ Spacebar |
⌃␢ Ctrl+Spacebar |
Switch Input Source |
Sym | Key |
✱ | Hyper |
⌃ | Control |
⌥ | Option |
⇧ | Shift |
⌘ | Command |
Sym | Key |
✱ | Hyper |
⌃ | Control |
⊞ | Windows |
⇧ | Shift |
⎇ | Alter |
| Apple |
⌘ | Command, Cmd, Clover, (formerly) Apple |
⌃ | Control, Ctl, Ctrl |
⌥ | Option, Opt, (Windows) Alt |
⎇ | Alt |
⇧ | Shift |
⇪ | Caps lock |
⏏ | Eject |
↩, ↵, ⏎ | Return, Carriage Return |
⌤ | Enter |
⌫ | Delete, Backspace |
⌦ | Forward Delete |
⎋ | Escape, Esc |
→ | Right arrow |
← | Left arrow |
↑ | Up arrow |
↓ | Down arrow |
⇞ | Page Up, PgUp |
⇟ | Page Down, PgDn |
↖ | Home |
↘ | End |
⌧ | Clear |
⇥ | Tab, Tab Right, Horizontal Tab |
⇤ | Shift Tab, Tab Left, Back-tab |
␢ | Space, Blank |
␣ | Space, Blank |
❘⃝ | Power |
⇭ | Num lock |
?⃝ | Help |
| Context menu |
Q: Why using ✱ as symbol of hyper key?
A:Cause asterisk have the ascii code 42, which is the answer to life, the universe, and everything! while itself has meaning 'star'. ✱ (Heavy-Asterisk) is a pretty version of
(Asterisk). Actually I would choose ☯ if Github could render it properly... -
Q:Why Linux support is missing?
A:Cause I always use Linux through Terminal of Mac or Windows, so….
Q: Why there is some different key bindings between Mac version and Win version?
A: Since I don't use windows anymore(Except Steam!), the win version is no longer matined. I am LAZY…, welcome if you could fix that...
Q: Why there's an old Mac version?
A: Because Apple is really capricious. macOS Sierra changes it's kernel architecture, so the old version karabiner is incompatible with macOS higher than 10.12. But now there's a new version of karabiner named karabiner-elements. While karabiner-elements use a new JSON-format conf instead of old XML-format. Still, I'm lazy to maintain old format conf…., embrace the new one please...
Author:Vonng([email protected])
do What The Fuck you want to Public License
Version 1.0
Copyright (C) 2000 Feng Ruohang (Vonng).
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Ok, the purpose of this license is simple
and you just