All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New Timeline Integration which supports scrubbing
- Samples project github link button in package manager
- Fixed possible NaNs in Vortex Subgraph node
- Better node position when created by dragging an edge
- Fixed an exception when setting when changing the space of a shape to world Case 1389076
- Context labels where not displayed in the inspector except for outputs where it was always a letter, even if the user had given a custom label
- In
Output Particle
blocks, shader graph exposed properties order is consistent with shader graph blackboard - Picking and Selection passes Case 1382788, Case 1402283
- Reduce GC.Allocs in the SceneViewGUICallback. Case 1305929
- HDRP Decals are not in experimental.
- Fix Motion vectors in XR. Case 14003636
- Creating a new VFX of the same name as an already opened VFX will reuse the existing window Case 1382841
- Incorrect behavior of Tangent Space in ShaderGraph Case 1363279
- ShaderGraph made with new VFX SG integration where not listed when searching for a shader graph output Case 1379523
- Enable/disable state of VFX blocks and operators are preserved after copy/paste
- Blackboard "Add" button for output could be hidden when the panel is too small (
- Forbid pasting a subgraph in the same subgraph Case 1364480
- VFX Subgraph operator and block windows now have dedicated icons
- Some operators were missing in node search window (gradient for instance)
- Allows for attribute-less systems. Case 1341789
- Editing the values in the graph did not impact the system in real-time after saving Case 1371089
- Fixed null reference exception when opening another VFX and a debug mode is enabled Case 1347420
- Sticky note title keeps the selected font sizewhen being edited
- Collision with zero scale lead to undefined behavior Case 1381562
- Fixed GPU event particle init after restarting VisualEffect Case 1378335
- No more exception raised when selecting all nodes with CTRL+A and then deleting them
- Particle Strip without lifetime do not die when Alive is set to false. Case 1376278
- Resize custom operator (multiply, add...) to the minimum size when changing input types
- Show opened VFX asset in inspector when clicking in a void area and unselect node when VFX graph loose focus
- Disabled text inputs were unreadable Case 1387237
- Folder named with a ".vfx" extension could lead to an error on macOS case 1385206
- Gradient field doesn't support HDR values Case 1381867
- Allows for attribute-less systems. Case 1341789
- Editing the values in the graph did not impact the system in real-time after saving Case 1371089
- Fixed null reference exception when opening another VFX and a debug mode is enabled Case 1347420
- Removed extra nodes in Ribbon template. Case 1355602
- Multiple VFX graphs can be opened at the same time
- Search window now lists more nodes variants and they are organized by attribute first instead of operation
- Compilation error while using not exposed texture in ShaderGraph Case 1367167
- Texture picker lists only textures with expected dimensions (2D, 3D, Cubemap)
- Fix SDF Baker fail on PS4 & PS5 Case 1351595
- Particles were rendered pink with some debug modes Case 1342276
- Removed bool from the built-in list of blittable types for GraphicsBuffer Case 1351830
- Extract position from a transform is wrong on GPU Case 1353533
- Fix potentially invalid value for pixel dimensions in HDRPCameraBinder
- Exposed Camera property fails to upgrade and is converted to a float type Case 1357685
- Unexpected possible connection between GPUEvent and Spawn context Case 1362739
- Fixed Collision with Depth when using a physical camera. Case 1344733
- Fix bounds helper tool (automatic systems culling, world bounds computation, ...)
- Rename "Material Offset" to "Sorting Priority" in output render state settings Case 1365257
- New options to select how to sort particles in the Output Context.
- Prevent vector truncation error in HDRP Decal template
- Fix potential infinite compilation when using subgraphs Case 1346576
- Prevent out of sync serialization of VFX assets that could cause the asset to be dirtied without reason
- Fix undetermitism in space with LocalToWorld and WorldToLocal operators Case 1355820
- Unexpected compilation error while modifying ShaderGraph exposed properties Case 1361601
- Compilation issue while using new SG integration and SampleTexture/SampleMesh Case 1359391
- Added a missing paste option in the context menu for VFX contexts. Also the paste options is now disabled when uneffective
- Prevent VFX Graph compilation each time a property's min/max value is changed
- Prevent vfx re-compilation in some cases when a value has not changed
- Eye dropper in the color fields kept updating after pressing the Esc key
- Automatically offset contexts when a new node is inserted to avoid overlapping
- Added support for Texture2D Arrays in Flipbooks
- Added new setting in "Preferences -> Visual Effects" to control the fallback behavior of camera buffers from MainCamera node when the main camera is not rendered.
- Sample vertices of a transformed skinned mesh with Position (Skinned Mesh) and Sample Skinned Mesh operator.
- Placement option (Vertex, Edge, Surface) in Sample Mesh & Skinned Mesh, allows triangle sampling.
- Material Offset setting in inspector of the rendered outputs.
- Restore "Exact Fixed Time Step" option on VisualEffectAsset.
- Support 2D Renderer in URP for Unlit.
- New tool to help set VFX Bounds
- New tool : Signed Distance Field baker.
- Provide explicit access to spawnCount in graph
- Support of direct link event to initialize context (which support several event within the same frame)
- Structured Graphics Buffer support as exposed type
- Added HDRP Decal output context.
- Motion vectors enabled for particle strips
- Added Is Inside subgraph into VFX Graph additions package
- The VFX editor automatically attach to the current selection if the selected gameobject uses the currently edited VFX asset
- Two new buttons are available in the editor's tool bar. One will display a popup panel to handle attachement and one to lock/unlock the current attachement
- Improved toolbar design: added icons, removed labels and grouped commands into dropdown menus
- Allow remaking an existing link.
- Sphere and Cube outputs are now experimental
- Property Binder : Handle Remove Component removing linked hidden scriptable objectfields
- Property Binder : Prevent multiple VFXPropertyBinder within the same game object
- Transform integrated to VFXTypes : Circle, ArcCircle, Sphere, ArcSphere, Torus, ArcTorus, Cone, ArcCone
- VFXEventBinderBase throwing a null reference exception in runtime
- Unexpected compilation warning in VFXMouseBinder Case 1313003
- Prevent creation of subgraph containing only partial systems Case 1284053
- Prevent pasting context within operator/block subgraph Case 1235269
- VFXEventBinderBase throwing a null reference exception in runtime
- Fix CameraFade for shadow maps Case 1294073
- Modified Sign operator node output for float when input is 0.0f Case 1299922
- An existing link can be remade.
- Use alphabetical order in type list in blackboard "+" button Case 1304109
- Consistently displays the Age Particles checkbox in Update context Case 1221557
- Fix compute culling compilation in URP Case 1309174
- pCache: Unexpected ditable field in Mesh Statistics, Save & Cancel pCache, error trying to access not readable texture Case 1122417
- Handle correctly locked VisualEffectAsset with version control system Case 1261051
- Artefact in VFXView using efficient debug mode in component target board Case 1243947
- Sample Mesh Color when value is stored as float.
- Compilation error due to direct access to GetWorldToObjectMatrix instead of VFXGetWorldToObjectMatrix Case 1308481
- Prevent infinite compilation loop Case 1298466
- Remove some useless compilation triggers (modifying not connected or disabled nodes for instance)
- Tidy up of platform abstraction code for random number generation, requires a dependency on com.unity.render-pipelines.core for those abstractions.
- Fixed shader compilation errors with textures in shader graph Case 1309219
- Fixed issue with VFX using incorrect buffer type for strip data
- Safe Normalization of Cross Products in Orient blocks Case 1272724
- Property Binder : Undo after reset Case 1293794
- Property Binder : Allow copy/past from a game object to another
- Deleting a context node and a block while both are selected throws a null ref exception. Case 315578
- Target GameObject attach button does not allow attaching a valid VFX if the last selection was invalid. Case 1312178
- Deleting flow edge between Init and Update throw an invalid opeation exception Case 1315593
- Regression with some settings not always triggering a recompilation Case 1322844
- Having more than five GPU Event output leads to "unexpected token 'if" at compilation Case 1323434
- Deleted properties still show up in the inspector Case 1320952
- Exception in VFXFilterWindow if search field is empty Case 1235269
- Fixed null reference exception when exposing Camera type in VFX graph Case 1315582
- Fixed VFX with output mesh being always reimported Case 1309753
- Modified state in the VFX tab has now a correct state
- Motion Vector map sampling for flipbooks were not using correct mips
- Remove unexpected expression in spawn context evaluation Case 1318412
- Fix unexpected Spawn context execution ordering
- Fix incorrect buffer type for strips
- Enabled an optimization for motion vectors, storing projected positions for vertices instead of the transform matrix
- In the Gradient editor undo will now properly refresh the gradient preview (color swatches)
- Eye dropper in the color fields kept updating after pressing the Esc key
- Sticky notes can now be deleted through contextual manual menu
- Blackboard fields can now be duplicated either with a shortcut (Ctrl+D) or with a contextual menu option
- Properties labels do not overlap anymore
- VFX Graph operators keep the same width when expanded or collpased so that the button does not change position
- Fix Soft Particle depth computation when using an orthographic camera Case 1309961
- When adding a new node/operator in the graph editor and using the search field, the search results are sorted in a smarter way
- Unexpected operator and block removal during migration Case 1344645
- Inspector group headers now have a better indentation and alignment
- Zoom and warning icons were blurry in the "Play Controls" and "Visual Effect Model" scene overlays
- Random crash using subgraph Case 1345426
- Fixed Collision with Depth Buffer when using Orthographic camera Case 1309958
- Fix culling of point output Case 1225764
- Compilation issue when normal is used in shadergraph for opacity with unlit output
- Fix Exception on trying to invert a degenerate TRS matrix Case 1307068
- Fix IsFrontFace shader graph node for VFX.
- Fix crash when loading SDF Baker settings holding a mesh prefab Case 1343898
- Exception using gizmo on exposed properties Case 1340818
- GPU hang on some initialize dispatch during dichotomy (platform specific)
- Compilation error undeclared identifier 'Infinity' Case 1328592
- Exposed Parameter placement can be moved after sanitize
- Fix rendering artifacts on some mobile devices Case 1149057
- Fix compilation failure on OpenGLES Case 1348666
- Don't open an empty VFX Graph Editor when assigning a VFX Asset to a Visual Effect GameObject from the inspector Case 1347399
- Visual Effect inspector input fields don't lose focus anymore while typing (Random seed)
- Subgraph output properties tooltips were not easily editable when multiline
- Added new setting to output nodes to exclude from TAA
- New Sample Point cache & Sample Attribute map operators
- Changed the "Edit" button so it becomes "New" when no asset is set on a Visual Effect component, in order to save a new visual effect graph asset.
- Forbid incorrect link between incompatible context Case 1269756
- Serialization issue with VFXSpawnerCallbacks
- Unexpected exception while trying to display capacity warning Case 1294180
- Exclude Operator, Context, Block and Subgraph from Preset Case 1232309
- Fix Case 1212002
- Fix Case 1223747
- Fix Case 1290493
- Incorrect path on Linux while targetting Android, IOS or WebGL Case 1279750
- Warning using Depth Collision on unsupported scriptable render pipeline.
- Warning in renderer inspector using Light Probe Proxy Volume when this feature isn't available.
- New operator : Sample Signed distance field
- New Position on Signed Distance Field block
- Added command to delete unuser parameters.
- Harmonized position, direction and velocity composition modes for position (shape, sequential, depth) and Velocity from Direction & Speed blocks
- New particle strip attribute in Initialize: spawnIndexInStrip
- Added Get Strip Index subgraph utility operator in Additional Samples
- Added Encompass (Point) subgraph utility operator in Additional Samples
- "Create new VisualEffect Graph" creates a graph from the default template Case 1279999
- Fix Case 1268977
- Fix Case 1114281
- Forbid creation of context in VisualEffectSubgraphBlock through edge dropping. No context should be allowed.
- Fix Case 1199540
- Fix Case 1219072
- Fix Case 1211372
- Fix Case 1262961
- Fix Case 1268354
- Fix VFX Graph window invalidating existing Undo.undoRedoPerformed delegates.
- Fix for VisualEffect prefab override window Case 1242693
- Fix Case 1281861
- Unexpected exception while installing samples inside an URP project Case 1280065
- Fix edited operator being collapsed Case 1270517
- Filters out renderer priority on SRP which doesn't support this feature.
- Fallback to builtIn rendering layer if srpAsset.renderingLayerMaskNames returns null.
- Fix missing prepass in URP Case 1169487
- Fix SubPixelAA block while rendering directly in backbuffer.
- Property Binder : Incorrect Destroy called from edit mode. Case 1274790
- Property Binder : Unexpected null reference exception while using terrain binder. Case 1247230
- Property Binder : HierarchyRoot null reference exception while using Hierarchy to Attribute Map. Case 1274788
- Property Binder : Properties window isn't always up to date. Case 1248711
- Property Binder : Avoid Warning while building on Mobile "Presence of such handlers might impact performance on handheld devices." when building for Android" Case 1279471
- Fixed case 1283315
- Addressing for mirror and clamp modes in sequential operators and blocks
- Incorrect volume spawning for Sphere & Circle with thickness absolute
- Fix View Space Position is VFX Shadergraph Case 1285603
- Fix Case 1268354
- Fixed rare bug causing the vfx compilation to do nothing silently.
- Fixed vfx compilation when a diffusion profile property is added to a vfx shadergraph
- SpawnOverDistance spawner block now behaves correctly
- Quad strip outputs take into account orientation block
- Fixed Random Vector subgraph utility operator in Additional Samples
- Fixed Set Strip Progress Attribute utility block in Additional Samples
- Fix Case 1255182
- Remove temporarily "Exact Fixed Time Step" option on VisualEffectAsset to avoid unexpected behavior
- Disable implicit space transformations in sublock graphs as they led to unexpected behaviors
- Compare operator can take int and uint as inputs
- New operator : Sample Signed distance field
- New WorldToViewportPoint operator
- New ViewportToWorldPoint operator
- Added Output Event Handler API
- Added Output Event Handler Samples
- Added ExposedProperty custom Property Drawer
- Error display within the graph.
- Mesh Sampling incorrect with some GPU (use ByteAddressBuffer instead of Buffer)
- Fix for node window staying when clicking elsewhere
- Make VisualEffect created from the GameObject menu have unique names Case 1262989
- Missing System Seed in new dynamic built-in operator.
- Prefab highlight missing for initial event name toggle Case 1263012
- Correctly frame the whole graph, when opening the Visual Effect Editor
- Optimize display of inspector when there is a lot of exposed VFX properties.
- fixes the user created vfx default resources that were ignored unless loaded
- fix crash when creating a loop in subgraph operators Case 1251523
- fix issue with multiselection and objectfields Case 1250378
- Normals with non uniform scales are correctly computed Case 1246989
- Fix exposed Texture2DArray and Cubemap types from shader graph not being taken into account in Output Mesh Case 1265221
- Allow world position usage in shaderGraph plugged into an alpha/opacity output Case 1259511
- GPU Evaluation of Construct Matrix
- Random Per-Component on Set Attribute in Spawn Context Case 1279294
- Fix corrupted UI in nodes due to corrupted point cache files Case 1232867
- Fix InvalidCastException when using byte properties in point cache files Case 1276623
- Fix
- Fix Case 1114281
- Fix shadows not being rendered to some cascades with directional lights Case 1229972
- Fix VFX Graph window invalidating existing Undo.undoRedoPerformed delegates.
- Fix shadergraph changes not reflected in VisualEffectGraph Case 1278469
- Tooltips for Attributes
- Custom Inspector for Spawn context, delay settings are more user friendly.
- Quick Expose Property : Holding Alt + Release Click in an Empty space while making property edges creates a new exposed property of corresponding type with current slot value.
- Octagon & Triangle support for planar distortion output
- Custom Z axis option for strip output
- Custom Inspector for Update context, display update position/rotation instead of integration
- Tooltips to blocks, nodes, contexts, and various menus and options
- VFX asset compilation is done at import instead of when the asset is saved.
- New operators: Exp, Log and LoadTexture
- Duplicate with edges.
- Right click on edge to create a interstitial node.
- New quad distortion output for particle strips
- New attribute for strips: particleCountInStrip
- New options for quad strips texture mapping: swap UV and custom mapping
- Naming for particles system and spawn context
- Noise evaluation now performed on CPU when possible
- Range and Min attributes support on int and uint parameters
- New Construct Matrix from Vector4 operator
- Allow filtering enums in VFXModels' VFXSettings.
- Sample vertices of a mesh with the Position (Mesh) block and the Sample Mesh operator
- New built-in operator providing new times access
- More efficient update modes inspector
- Ability to read attribute in spawn context through graph
- Added save button to save only the current visual effect graph.
- Added Degrees / Radians conversion subgraphs in samples
- uint parameter can be seen as an enum.
- New TransformVector4 operator
- New GetTextureDimensions operator
- Output Event context for scripting API event retrieval.
- per-particle GPU Frustum culling
- Compute culling of particle which have their alive attribute set to false in output
- Mesh and lit mesh outputs can now have up to 4 differents meshes that can be set per Particle (Experimental)
- Screen space per particle LOD on mesh and lit mesh outputs (Experimental)
- Moved VFX Event Tester Window visibility to Component Play Controls SceneView Window
- Universal Render Pipeline : Fog integration for Exponential mode Case 1177594
- Correct VFXSettings display in Shader Graph compatible outputs
- No more NullReference on sub-outputs after domain reload
- Fix typo in strip tangent computation
- Infinite recompilation using subgraph Case 1186191
- Modifying a shader used by an output mesh context now automatically updates the currently edited VFX
- Possible loss of shadergraph reference in unlit output
- ui : toolbar item wrap instead of overlapping.
- Selection Pass for Universal and High Definition Render Pipeline
- Copy/Paste not deserializing correctly for Particle Strip data
- WorldPosition, AbsoluteWorldPosition & ScreenPos in shadergraph integration
- Optimize VFXAssetEditor when externalize is activated
- TransformVector|Position|Direction & DistanceToSphere|Plane|Line have now spaceable outputs
- Filter out motion vector output for lower resolution & after post-process render passes Case 1192932
- Sort compute on metal failing with BitonicSort128 Case 1126095
- Fix alpha clipping with shader graph
- Fix output settings correctly filtered dependeing on shader graph use or not
- Fix some cases were normal/tangent were not passes as interpolants with shader graph
- Make normals/tangents work in unlit output with shader graph
- Fix shader interpolants with shader graph and particle strips
- SpawnIndex attribute is now working correctly in Initialize context
- Remove useless VFXLibrary clears that caused pop-up menu to take long opening times
- Make sure the subgraph is added to the graph when we set the setting. Fix exception on Convert To Subgraph.
- Subgraph operators appear on drag edge on graph.
- Sample Scene Color & Scene Depth from Shader Graph Integration using High Definition and Universal Render Pipeline
- Removed Unnecessary reference to HDRP Runtime Assembly in VFX Runtime Assembly
- Allow alpha clipping of motion vector for transparent outputs Case 1192930
- subgraph block into subgraph context no longer forget parameter values.
- Fix exception when compiling an asset with a turbulence block in absolute mode
- Fixed GetCustomAttribute that was locked to Current
- Shader compilation now works when using view direction in shader graph
- Fix for destroying selected component corrupt "Play Controls" window
- Depth Position and Collision blocks now work correctly in local space systems
- Filter out Direction type on inconsistent operator Case 1201681
- Exclude MouseEvent, RigidBodyCollision, TriggerEvent & Sphere binders when physics modules isn't available
- Visual Effect Activation Track : Handle empty string in ExposedProperty
- in some cases AABox position gizmo would not move when dragged.
- Inspector doesn't trigger any exception if VisualEffectAsset comes from an Asset Bundle Case 1203616
- OnStop Event to the start of a Spawn Context makes it also trigger when OnPlay is sent Case 1198339
- Remove unexpected public API : UnityEditor.VFX.VFXSeedMode & IncrementStripIndexOnStart
- Fix yamato error : check vfx manager on domain reload instead of vfx import.
- Filter out unrelevant events from event desc while compiling
- Missing Packing.hlsl include while using an unlit shadergraph.
- Fix for nesting of VFXSubgraphContexts.
- Runtime compilation now compiles correctly when constant folding several texture ports that reference the same texture Case 1193602
- Fix compilation error in runtime mode when Speed Range is 0 in Attribute By Speed block Case 1118665
- NullReferenceException while assigning a null pCache Case 1222491
- Add message in inspector for unreachable properties due to VisualEffectAsset stored in AssetBundle Case 1193602
- pCache importer and exporter tool was keeping a lock on texture or pCache files Case 1185677
- Convert inline to exposed property / Quick expose property sets correct default value in parent
- Age particles checkbox was incorrectly hidden Case 1221557
- Fix various bugs in Position (Cone) block [Case 1111053] (
- Handle correctly direction, position & vector types in AppendVector operator Case 1111867
- Fix space issues with blocks and operators taking a camera as input
- Generated shaderName are now consistent with displayed system names
- Remove some shader warnings
- Fixed Sample Flipbook Texture File Names
- Don't lose SRP output specific data when SRP package is not present
- Fix visual effect graph when a subgraph or shader graph dependency changes
- Support of flag settings in model inspector
- height of initial event name.
- fix colorfield height.
- fix for capacity change for locked asset.
- fix null value not beeing assignable to slot.
- Prevent capacity from being 0 Case 1233044
- Fix for dragged parameters order when there are categories
- Avoid NullReferenceException in Previous Position Binder" component. Case 1242351
- Don't show the blocks window when context cant have blocks
- Prevent from creating a context in VisualEffectSugraphOperator by draggingfrom an output slot.
- Avoid NullReferenceException when VisualEffectAsset is null if VFXPropertyBinder Case 1219061
- Missing Reset function in VFXPropertyBinder Case 1219063
- Fix issue with strips outputs that could cause too many vertices to be renderered
- SpawnIndex attribute returns correct value in update and outputs contexts
- Disable Reset option in context menu for all VFXObject Case 1251519 & Case 1251533
- Avoid other NullReferenceException using property binders
- Fix culture issues when generating attributes defines in shaders Case 1222819
- Move the VFXPropertyBinder from Update to LateUpdate Case 1254340
- Properties in blackboard are now exposed by default
- Dissociated Colors for bool, uint and int
- De-nicified attribute name (conserve case) in Set Custom Attribute title
- Changed the default "No Asset" message when opening the visual effect graph window
- Subgraphs are not in hardcoded categories anymore : updated default subgraph templates + Samples to add meaningful categories.
- Fix creation of StringPropertyRM
- Enum fields having headers show the header in the inspector as well.
- Handle correctly disabled alphaTreshold material slot in shaderGraph.
- Moved High Definition templates and includes to com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition package
- Navigation commands for subgraph.
- Allow choosing the place to save vfx subgraph.
- Particle strips for trails and ribbons. (Experimental)
- Shadergraph integration into vfx. (Experimental)
- Using struct as subgraph parameters.
- Objectproperty not consuming delete key.
- Converting a subgraph operator inside a subgraph operator with outputs.
- Selecting a GameObject with a VFX Property Binder spams exception.
- Wrong motion vector while modifying local matrix of a VisualEffect.
- Convert output settings copy.
- Fixed some outputs failing to compile when used with certain UV Modes [Case 1126200] (
- Removed Gradient Mapping Mode from some outputs type where it was irrelevant [Case 1164045]
- Soft Particles work with Distortion outputs [Case 1167426] (
- category rename rect.
- copy settings while converting an output
- toolbar toggle appearing light with light skin.
- multiselection of gradient in visual effect graph
- clipped "reseed" in visual effect editor
- Unlit outputs are no longer pre-exposed by default in HDRP
- Augmented generated HLSL floatN precision [Case 1177730] (
- Spherical coordinates to Rectangular (Cartesians) coordinates node input: angles are now expressed in radians
- Turbulence noise updated: noise type and frequency can be specified [Case 1141282] (
- Color and Depth camera buffer access in HDRP now use Texture2DArray instead of Texture2D
- Output Mesh with shader graph now works as expected
- Add Position depth operator along with TransformVector4 and LoadTexture2D expressions.
- Inherit attribute block appears three times Case 1166905
- Unexpected exception :
Trying to modify space on a not spaceable slot
error when adding collision or conform blocks Case 1163442
- Make multiselection work in a way that do not assume that the same parameter will have the same index in the property sheet.
- auto recompile when changing shaderpath
- auto recompile new vfx
- better detection of default shader path
- Bitfield control.
- Initial Event Name inspector for visual effect asset and component
- Subgraphs
- Move HDRP outputs to HDRP package + expose HDRP queue selection
- Add exposure weight control for HDRP outputs
- Shader macros for XR single-pass instancing
- XR single-pass instancing support for indirect draws
- Inverse trigonometric operators (atan, atan2, asin, acos)
- Replaced Orient : Fixed rotation with new option Orient : Advanced
- Loop & Delay integrated to the spawn system
- Motion Vector support for PlanarPrimitive & Mesh outputs
- Handle a possible exception (ReflectionTypeLoadException) while using VFXParameterBinderEditor
- Renamed Parameter Binders to Property Binders. (This will cause breaking serialization for these PropertyBinders : VFXAudioSpectrumBinder, VFXInputMouseBinder, VFXInputMouseBinder, VFXInputTouchBinder, VFXInputTouchBinder, VFXRaycastBinder, VFXTerrainBinder, VFXUIDropdownBinder, VFXUISliderBinder, VFXUIToggleBinder)
- Renamed Namespace
- Fix normal bending factor computation for primitive outputs
- Automatic template path detection based on SRP in now working correctly
- Distortion Outputs (Quad / Mesh)
- Color mapping mode for unlit outputs (Textured/Gradient Mapped)
- Add Triangle and Octagon primitives for particle outputs
- Set Attribute is now spaceable on a specific set of attributes (position, velocity, axis...)
- Trigger : GPUEvent Rate (Over time or Distance)
- Fix shader compilation error with debug views
- Improve AA line rendering
- Fix screen space size block
- Crash chaining two spawners each other Case 1135299
- Inspector : Exposed parameters disregard the initial value Case 1126471
- Asset name now displayed in compile errors and output context shaders
- Fix for linking spawner to spawner while first spawner is linked to initialize + test
- Fix space of spaceable slot not copy pasted + test
- Position (Circle) does not take the Center Z value into account Case 1146850
- Add Exposure Weight for emissive in lit outputs
- Addressing mode for Sequential blocks
- Invert transform available on GPU
- Add automatic depth buffer reference for main camera (for position and collision blocks)
- Total Time for PreWarm in Visual Effect Asset inspector
- Support for unlit output with LWRP
- Add Terrain Parameter Binder + Terrain Type
- Add UI Parameter Binders : Slider, Toggle
- Add Input Parameter Binders : Axis, Button, Key, Mouse, Touch
- Add Other Parameter Binders : Previous Position, Hierarchy Attribute Map, Multi-Position, Enabled
- Undo Redo while changing space
- Type declaration was unmodifiable due to exception during space intialization
- Fix unexpected issue when plugging per particle data into hash of per component fixed random
- Missing asset reimport when exception has been thrown during graph compilation
- Fix exception when using a Oriented Box Volume node Case 1110419
- Add missing blend value slot in Inherit Source Attribute blocks Case 1120568
- Visual Effect Inspector Cosmetic Improvements
- Missing graph invalidation in VFXGraph.OnEnable, was causing trouble with value invalidation until next recompilation
- Issue that remove the edge when dragging an edge from slot to the same slot.
- Exception when undoing an edge deletion on a dynamic operator.
- Exception regarding undo/redo when dragging a edge linked to a dynamic operator on another slot.
- Exception while removing a sub-slot of a dynamic operator
- Code refactor: all macros with ARGS have been swapped with macros with PARAM. This is because the ARGS macros were incorrectly named
- Better Handling of Null or Missing Parameter Binders (Editor + Runtime)
- Fixes in VFX Raycast Binder
- Fixes in VFX Parameter Binder Editor
- Add spawnTime & spawnCount operator
- Add seed slot to constant random mode of Attribute from curve and map
- Add customizable function in VariantProvider to replace the default cartesian product
- Add Inverse Lerp node
- Expose light probes parameters in VisualEffect inspector
- Some fixes in noise library
- Some fixes in the Visual Effect inspector
- Visual Effects menu is now in the right place
- Remove some D3D11, metal and C# warnings
- Fix in sequential line to include the end point
- Fix a bug with attributes in Attribute from curve
- Fix source attributes not being taken into account for attribute storage
- Fix legacy render path shader compilation issues
- Small fixes in Parameter Binder editor
- Fix fog on decals
- Saturate alpha component in outputs
- Fixed scaleY in ConnectTarget
- Incorrect toggle rectangle in VisualEffect inspector
- Shader compilation with SimpleLit and debug display
- Prewarm mechanism
- Handle data loss of overriden parameters better
- Improved iteration times by not compiling initial shader variant
Initial release