General build and CMake files.
- arm.cmake - ARM build support.
- avr.cmake - AVR build support.
- build.cmake - Defines actual build targets.
- buildinfo.cmake - Generates compile-time information.
- FindCtags.cmake - ctags detection module.
- FindDFUSuffix.cmake - dfu-suffix detection module.
- FindLSB.cmake - lsb_release detection for Linux.
- host.cmake - Host build support (Windows/Linux/macOS).
- initialize.cmake - Early build setup.
- kll.cmake - KLL file searching and argument setup.
- modules.cmake - Module support.
- dfuMessage - Secure DFU build-time message.
- prependKey - Prepends the given key to a .dfu.bin file.
- sizeCalculator - Determines the flash usage and estimated ram usage.
- writer - Outputs value to a specified file.