GDG Mentors are individual Organizers selected by other GDG organizers assisting GDG's and Google to have happier, better supported and active GDG's; by helping their communication and collaboration.
The duration is of a mentor is 10-12 months.
It first piloted in Google Business Groups , then in African GDG's. The program is not available worldwide in an updated format for countires which want to do it.
- Help the community build and maintain shared resources like slides/code repositories.
- Maintain communication channels like Google+ communities, circles, regular Hangouts, share info about events.
- Reach out to incubating chapters to offer help.
- Do other things that will make the life of the GDGs in the regions easier and more fun! They are enablers.
- Help in reducing chapter mortality by frequent engagement of his/her country chapters.
Once the Mentor Role is available in your region GDG Organizers in your region will nominate and vote for you.