Sharing work helps to keep organizing fun and the success of the combined effort rewards your co-organizers.
Members that you like to work with can be potential co-organizers. Organize an informal meeting to explain the whole structure of GDGs! Explain who is the global contact at Google, who is the regional contact at Google.
Together prepare a list of possible locations for events, possible sponsors.
Make a plan for the next two or three events and work the co-organizers through the steps for organizing an event.
###Check list
- Give access to the registration service for events ( form)
- Add members as managers to G+ chapter page and add link to the members profile in the link section
- Promote members to managers in the G+ chapter community or Facebook group (if exists)
- Give access to documents at Google drive, etc. about previous events
- Give access to other social media
###Process of organizing an event The process of doing an event and get it online online
find speakers, create Google moderator where people can suggest a talk/topic
find venue
create event at
create G+ event, create image for it
Create another event (for ticketing) (optional)
meetup event
xing event
facebook event
eventbrite event
Google Form (with automatic response mail via script)
Marketing the event
twitter, g+ post, g+ page post, g+ community, facebook post, email list
3rd party mailing list/calendars
put posters up at public places, universities,
Monitor member list at
meetup event (many gdg uses it)
G+ event (if small)
After the event publish content,feedback, reviews, ..
###Tools Open Source tools at Github by GDG[x]
- GDG Android app at Google Play (Frisbee)
- Chapter website based on G+ stream, GDG hub (Boomerang)
- Event website for Devfest (Zeppelin)
###Chapter as an Entity Some sponsors might ask for an entity to sponsor your work. Depending on your country there are different requirements and possibilities. Discuss with your chapters nearby or other user groups in your country.
Usually the easiest way to get sponsors involved is by asking them for goods and services (instead of money) like food, t-shirts, room, wifi.