$ git clone https://github.com/rvhonorato/gdock.git
$ cd gdock
$ python setup.py develop
$ bash install.sh `pwd`
$ gdock -h
To run the example, follow this instructions
These have DIFFERENT LICENSES, handle them accordingly.
- DComplex as the scoring function,
- FCC as the clustering engine,
- some script from haddock-tools to calculate the fitness and
- ProFit to calculate CAPRI metrics.
The paths for these are defined in /etc/gdock.ini
profit_exe = /Users/rodrigo/repos/gdock/src/ProFit_V3.3/src/profit
fcc_path = /Users/rodrigo/repos/gdock/src/fcc
pdbtools_path = /Users/rodrigo/repos/gdock/src/pdb-tools
haddocktools_path = /Users/rodrigo/repos/gdock/src/haddock-tools
; dcomplex this needs to be "specially compiled", change the fort21 path and the charges
dcomplex_exe = /Users/rodrigo/repos/gdock/src/dcomplex_single_file/dcomplex