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The Calculator is a simple application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides users with a user-friendly interface to perform basic arithmetic operations.

This project allows users to easily perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division calculations. The intuitive design and functionality make it suitable for quick calculations and basic mathematical operations.

By utilizing HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript to offers a seamless and interactive calculator experience. In this project, the JavaScript programming language was utilized, and the usage and application of the eval() function were studied and implemented. The eval() function in JavaScript allows for the evaluation of mathematical expressions as strings, enabling dynamic calculation based on user input. By understanding and applying the eval() function, the Calculator project delivers accurate and dynamic calculations to users.

Whether you need a handy tool for quick calculations or want to understand the fundamentals of building a calculator using web technologies, the Calculator application is a valuable resource.

Technologies Used

The following table presents the technologies used in this project:

Technology Description
HTML Markup language used for structuring the web content.
CSS Styling language used for enhancing the visual appearance of the calculator.
JavaScript Programming language used for implementing the calculator's logic.

Feel free to explore the code and try out the Calculator functionality. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.

Happy calculating!