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Random Color Generator

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Random Color Generator


The Random Color Generator is a web application that generates a random hexadecimal color code and changes the background color of the page when a button is clicked.

This project utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide an interactive experience. By clicking the button, users can instantly see a new random color applied to the background, creating a visually engaging and dynamic experience.

Whether you're looking for color inspiration, want to add a touch of randomness to your website, or simply enjoy experimenting with different color combinations, the Random Color Generator is a fun tool to explore.

Try it out and bring some vibrant and unpredictable colors to your web experience!

Technologies Used

The following table presents the technologies used in this project:

Tecnologia Descrição
HTML Markup language used for structuring web content.
CSS Styling language used for enhancing the appearance of web content.
JavaScript Programming language used for adding interactivity and logic to web content, was used in this project to study the usage of functions, querySelector, addEventListener and how to copy the button to clipboard.

Feel free to explore the code and try out the implemented features. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.
