diff --git a/scripts/build-sentry-native.ps1 b/scripts/build-sentry-native.ps1
index 25ec7346..a0b51834 100644
--- a/scripts/build-sentry-native.ps1
+++ b/scripts/build-sentry-native.ps1
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
 Push-Location modules\sentry-native
-$buildDir = "build"
-$installDir = "install"
-$installLibDir = Join-Path -Path $installDir -ChildPath "lib"
+$curDir = Get-Location
+$buildDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "build"
+$installDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "install"
+$pdbBuildDir = Join-Path -Path $buildDir -ChildPath "pdb"
+$pdbSourceDir = Join-Path -Path $pdbBuildDir -ChildPath "RelWithDebInfo"
+$libInstallDir = Join-Path -Path $installDir -ChildPath "lib"
 cmake --build $buildDir --target sentry --parallel --config RelWithDebInfo
 cmake --build $buildDir --target crashpad_handler --parallel --config RelWithDebInfo
 cmake --install $buildDir --prefix $installDir --config RelWithDebInfo
-# *** Install pbd files
+# *** Install PDB files
 Write-Host "Installing PDB files"
-if (!(Test-Path -Path $installLibDir)) {
-    Throw "Directory $installLibDir does not exist."
+if (!(Test-Path -Path $libInstallDir)) {
+    Throw "Directory $libInstallDir does not exist."
 if (!(Test-Path -Path $buildDir)) {
@@ -23,20 +25,24 @@ if (!(Test-Path -Path $buildDir)) {
-Get-ChildItem -Path $buildDir -Filter "*.pdb" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
+Get-ChildItem -Path $pdbSourceDir -Filter "*.pdb" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
     $pdbFile = $_.Name
     $pdbSource = $_.FullName
-    $pdbDestination = Join-Path -Path $installLibDir -ChildPath $pdbFile
-    $pdbBase = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pdbFile)
-    $libPath = Join-Path -Path $installLibDir -ChildPath "$pdbBase.lib"
+    $pdbTarget = Join-Path -Path $libInstallDir -ChildPath $pdbFile
+    $libBase = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pdbFile)
+    $libPath = Join-Path -Path $libInstallDir -ChildPath "$libBase.lib"
     if (Test-Path -Path $libPath) {
-        if (Test-Path -Path $pdbDestination && (Get-FileHash -Path $pdbSource -Algorithm SHA256).Hash -eq (Get-FileHash -Path $pdbDestination -Algorithm SHA256).Hash) {
-            Write-Host "-- Up-to-date: $pdbFile."
-        } else {
-            Write-Host "-- Installing: $pdbFile to $installLibDir"
-            Copy-Item -Path $pdbSource -Destination $pdbDestination -Force
+        if (Test-Path -Path $pdbTarget) {
+            $sourceHash = Get-FileHash -Path $pdbSource -Algorithm SHA256
+            $targetHash = Get-FileHash -Path $pdbTarget -Algorithm SHA256
+            if ($sourceHash.Hash -eq $targetHash.Hash) {
+                Write-Host "-- Up-to-date: $pdbTarget."
+                return
+            }
+        Write-Host "-- Installing: $pdbFile to $libInstallDir"
+        Copy-Item -Path $pdbSource -Destination $pdbTarget -Force