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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > MATLAB

数据更新: 2024-03-12   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 googollee/eviltransform Transport coordinate between earth(WGS-84) and mars in china(GCJ-02). 2352 1 2024-01-15
2 VG-Kylin/IDBO IDBO算法:DBO改进算法,收敛更快,寻优更强 4 0 2023-09-23
3 yangbin-xd/UAV-positioning source code for IEEE IoTJ paper "Distributed and Collaborative Localization for Swarming UAVs" 23 0 2023-12-27
4 lnexenl/BeiDou_B1C BeiDou B1C Signal Generator and Catcher / 北斗B1C信号生成与捕获 14 0 2023-11-03
5 NEUer02/Dynamic_Parameter_Identification_for_Rokae_xMate 络石机械臂动力学相关算法以及仿真 13 0 2023-11-13
6 linggm3/2023_CUMCM_National-First-Prize 2023年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛-本科组全国一等奖-A题-定日镜场优化设计模型 4 0 2024-03-01
7 zhenhua-chen1/Postgraduate-Mathematical-Contest-in-Modelling 华为杯研究生数学建模竞赛:历年来优化类代码(不定时更新,曾获一等奖) 31 0 2023-12-07
8 dong-hao/EM3DVP EM3DVP: a Visual Package for 3D Geo-Electromagnetic modeling and inversion 45 0 2023-12-16
9 xdjcl/DTW DTW算法的MATLAB实现 20 0 2023-12-26
10 ChengleiX/Sliding_Mode_Control_simulink matlab simulink仿真文件 3 0 2023-11-30
11 qiaosuobutouche/Watermarking-system 基于DWT和DCT的鲁棒图像水印系统 6 0 2023-12-04
12 yandld/nav_matlab 基于的matlab导航科学计算库 200 0 2024-01-15
13 PollyNET/Pollynet_Processing_Chain NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET) 16 0 2024-03-11
14 cs-chan/Total-Text-Dataset Total Text Dataset. It consists of 1555 images with more than 3 different text orientations: Horizontal, Multi-Oriented, and Curved, one of a kind. 720 0 2023-10-05
15 zhyantao/genetic-algo-for-shortest-path 遗传算法解决最短路径问题 (两个出发点) 9 0 2023-12-31
16 Lu-Anastasia/MATLAB 信息光学数字实验室(matlab版)全代码 4 0 2023-11-28
17 deltaRing/mmwave_radar_1843_generate_point_cloud 用1843AOPEVM生成点云 初步验证应该是对的,附赠数据一枚 19 0 2023-12-23
18 bhtxy0525/Inverse_Dynamics_with_Recursive_Newton_Euler_Algorithm - 26 0 2023-09-19
19 Xuerenbujianhua/3DPathplanning 基于栅格地图的无人机三维路径规划算法 12 0 2023-11-17
20 BySpaces/Matlab-Pcode-to-Mcode 本软件可实现将MATLAB中Pcode加密的代码,恢复为原来的M文件。This software can restore the codes encrypted by Pcode in MATLAB to the original M file. 8 0 2023-12-06
21 Chang-huilin/Multispectral 多光谱成像技术 3 0 2024-01-08
22 ScottXjw/equalizer-code-FFE-DFE-VolterraFFEandDFE equalizer code 23 0 2023-12-29
23 linggm3/SYSU_Digital-Image-Processing 2023年中山大学计算机学院谢晓华老师的数图(数字图像处理)项目 3 0 2024-03-01
24 JoeyBGOfficial/Through-the-Wall-Radar-Human-Activity-Recognition-Based-on-M-D-Corner-Feature-and-Non-Local-Net This repository is the open source code for our latest feasibility work: "Human Anomalous Gait Termination Recognition Via Through-the-Wall Radar Based on Micro-Doppler Corner Features and Non-Local M ... 5 0 2024-01-16
25 jhu-dvrk/dvrk-gravity-compensation Matlab functions to identify MTM dynamic parameters, uses dvrk-ros/dvrk_matlab 12 0 2023-11-21
26 Tan-Qiyu/Mechanical_Fault_Diagnosis_Dataset 机械故障诊断公开数据集 8 0 2023-11-29
27 lyc102/ifem iFEM is a MATLAB software package containing robust, efficient, and easy-following codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods on unstructured simplicial grids in both two an ... 171 0 2024-03-01
28 mtxs001/face_recognition-matlab 人脸识别(基于matlab,使用bp网络。) 3 0 2023-09-15
29 Lusenc/SkyrmionOpticalForce 该项目记录笔者科研过程中用到的算法函数,包括矢量场表示、瑞利粒子光学力的计算、特殊光束生成等内容 6 0 2023-11-16
30 DreamChasingBoy/BoyLuc_in_CDUT 在大学期间的一些课堂作业与实验报告,相对完整,仅供参考 5 0 2023-11-22
31 BigdogManLuo/powerFlower A lightweight power flow calculation software based on MATLAB. 基于牛顿迭代法和PQ分解法实现电力系统常规潮流计算,算例数据基于美国西部9节点系统(WSCC9) 4 0 2023-09-26
32 dazhiwang233/matlab-implementation-of-BP-neural-networks BP神经网络的matlab实现 4 0 2023-11-22
33 Silver-Fang/Parallel-Computing 埃博拉酱的并行计算工具箱 3 0 2024-03-03
34 LiHuaVUP/lihua_lab 【李华的研究室】系列相关代码 28 0 2023-10-13
35 HaoyuWang141/2022-MCM-A-Finalist 2022年数学建模美赛(MCM/ICM) A题 F奖 3 0 2024-02-28
36 VG-TechCenter/003-Microgrid-double-layer-energy-management-model-based-on-model-prediction-algorithm 003基于模型预测算法的含储能微网双层能量管理模型1 4 0 2023-10-24
37 qwe14789cn/SP 信号处理工具箱 98 0 2023-11-02
38 xkm79/digitalImageProcessing-lmh-ver 数字图像处理实验 MATLAB 12 0 2023-10-25
39 yehuixie/system_identification 系统辨识课程代码 8 0 2023-11-11
40 huee-ops/XDU-Communication_principle_homework 西电电院通信原理大作业 3 0 2023-12-23
41 Matthew-Lyu/Classic-Image-Processing-Analysis Classic image processing and analysis methods 5 0 2024-03-03
42 LZH20001220/HuaweiCup2023 华为杯第二十届中国研究生数学建模竞赛 12 0 2023-12-04
43 Yuyu1997/TrajectoryTrackingControlofQuadrotorUAV 欧拉角、四元数、旋转矩阵,迂回现象,自抗扰控制 9 0 2024-03-06
44 AirChem/F0AM Framework for 0-D Atmospheric Modeling 60 0 2023-11-03
45 yk7333/Graduation-project-design 采用模拟退火策略优化的免疫算法 解决无人机协同分配问题 12 0 2023-09-24
46 lunarwhite/which-digit-zh Try BPNN on mnist. BP 神经网络识别中文数字 12 0 2023-12-09
47 AI-Tianlong/SSVEP-BCI-OpenBCI 基于OpenBCI(Bciduino)完成的SSVEP项目,包括刺激器、信号实时传输、以及基于FFT的脑电信号分类、蓝牙小车的脑电控制 53 0 2024-03-01
48 Chenst1999/Matlab_Kmeans_ImageSeg 基于Matlab实现的Kmeans聚类算法,并将其运用至灰度图像分割中 3 0 2023-09-16
49 wuc567/Pattern-Mining 序列模式挖掘相关研究 24 0 2023-10-09
50 asfhiolNick/NTU_TimeFrequencyAnalysis_201802 丁建均老師的"時頻分析和小波轉換"作業(TFW) 7 0 2024-01-18
51 realxmx/PIDwithBPNN 使用神经网络结合PID算法模拟温控系统 12 0 2023-09-18
52 HansKing98/MATLAB-Image-Processing 数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯) 20 0 2024-01-19
53 himynameisfuego/SiTraNo A MATLAB app for sines-transient-noise decomposition of audio signals. 33 0 2023-12-15
54 Silver-Fang/MATLAB-Extension 埃博拉酱的MATLAB扩展 13 0 2024-03-08
55 zhaohaojie1998/Grey-Wolf-Optimizer-for-Path-Planning 灰狼优化算法(GWO)路径规划/轨迹规划/轨迹优化、多智能体/多无人机航迹规划 197 0 2023-10-24
56 wong-cf/phase_revocery 相位恢复算法相关的几种算法,包括角谱迭代算法,GS算法,TTIE强度方程恢复算法,以及算法的结合。 5 0 2024-01-02
57 lutasam/Codes_For_MCM-ICM-2022 2022数学建模美赛C题代码,基于LSTM的股票预测项目 4 0 2023-09-25
58 rodralez/NaveGo NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis. 525 0 2024-02-24
59 Dramwig/Optimization-Algorithms-Comparison 比较和分析不同启发式算法(包括GA、CGWO、PSO和AOA)的收敛曲线,使用MATLAB编写 3 0 2024-01-13
60 WeisongZhao/Sparse-SIM Official MATLAB implementation of the "Sparse deconvolution" -v1.0.3 65 0 2024-02-08
61 VG-TechCenter/Microgrid-Optimization-Dispatch-Model 微电网优化调度模型 11 0 2023-10-15
62 linggm3/2022_Shenzhen-Cup-Mathematical-Modeling-Challenge 2022年深圳杯数学建模挑战赛-全国第二-B题-基于用电可靠性的配电网规划模型 4 0 2024-03-01
63 mingsongli/acycle Acycle: Time-series analysis software for research and education 71 0 2024-02-13
64 deltaRing/UAV_Path_Search 本工程将借助ESDF、TSDF、Dstar、B样条曲线、以及多项式路径来实现无人机路径规划 6 0 2023-12-19
65 curryqka/Cell-counting-GUI-MATLABGUI- 包含三大板块,图像变换,图像增强和细胞计数 13 0 2023-12-19
66 intLyc/MTO-Platform Multitask Optimization Platform (MToP) 89 0 2024-03-06

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