This is a project to do the Curso de Responsive Design: Maquetación Mobile First of Platzi
We have seen the rise of interest in crypto currencies here, in the Latin America region. Many new crypto brokers are starting operations and new coins being offered in the region. However, to have information, even for basic operations, is very painful. For example, if I want to buy 100 ETH, where is the cheapest place to buy in Mexico? Or which brokers have the lower fees? Only in Brazil we have more than 40 brokers, and most of them only let you see the full information after creating an account.
Initially, we developed the platform for our own use (we do arbitrage), so we didn't expect to offer it publicly, however, after a deep research in Latin America region, we found that our tools are really necessary. So we are developing the MVP platform for the Latam market, that consist of the following basic features:
Users will see the buy and sell prices from 5 coins (bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, bitcoincash and stellar)
Users will see the buy and sell prices from 10 international brokers from the region (satoshitango, cryptomkt, mercadobitcoin, bitpreco, etc)
They will see the orders book and the last executions on the orders book.
All this information in one place.
We aim to be the place where every crypto investor will use to have useful information and tools in order to improve their operations.
Escribiré esta parte en español por ser mi lengua materna :D. Se que me falta mucho pera ser un desarrollador profecional, que tengo algunos errores, me faltan cosas por pulir, etc. pero igualmente quiero dar las gracias a Platzi y al profesor Diego Degranda por hacer este maravilloso curso y espero nunca parar de aprender :3.
- Put the images with absolute urls.
- Make that the price table stays in the center.
- Defind the specific with and height of the images.
- Make some adjustments to use de web in bigger screens.