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Ghislain B edited this page May 30, 2018 · 30 revisions


  • Aurelia-Slickgrid Services are no longer Singleton and are no longer available as Dependency Injection (DI) anymore, they are instead available in the Aurelia Grid Instance that can be obtained by the onAureliaGridCreated Event Emitter (see below)
  • GridExtraUtil no longer exist, it was containing only 1 function getColumnDefinitionAndData() that got moved into the GridService and renamed to getColumnFromEventArguments

Column Definitions

  • all the Editors options were previously passed through the generic params property. However this which removes the benefit of intellisense (VScode) and TypeScript Type check, so all of these options got moved into the editor options (see below)

Grid Options

  • For consistencies, all Grid Menu showX flags were renamed to hideX to align with some of the SlickGrid hideX (see below)
  • exportWithFormatter is no longer available directly in the Grid Options, it is now under exportOptions Grid Options (see below)


  • Select Filter ( with selectOptions got renamed to collection (see below)
  • searchTerm was dropped in favor of only searchTerms to remove duplicate logic code (see below).

Backend Service API

  • For BackendServiceApi, the service property now as to contain a new instance of the Backend Service that you want to use (GraphqlService or GridOdataService). See explanation below
  • All 3 onX service methods were renamed to processOnX to remove confusion with onX Event Emitters with the same names. (see below)
    • this will probably not concern you, unless you built your own custom Backend Service API
  • BackendService method initOptions got removed and replaced by init which has a different argument signature

@deprecated code removed

  • removed onBackendEventApi which was replaced by backendServiceApi
  • removed Select Filter selectOptions, replaced by collection
  • removed FormElementType which was replaced by FilterType
  • removed initOptions function from backendServiceApi, which was replaced by init with a different signature

Code Refactoring Samples & Other Explanations

onAureliaGridCreated instance

This new instance will contain all the Aurelia-Slickgrid Services (that were previously available as DI). As you can see below, you simply need to remove all DI and get a reference of the service you want through the AureliaGridInstance

AureliaGridInstance interface


  • GridExtraService is now exported as GridService
  • GroupingAndColspanService is now exported as GroupingService
  • ControlAndPluginService is now exported as PluginService
export interface AureliaGridInstance {
  backendService?: BackendService;
  pluginService: ControlAndPluginService;
  exportService: ExportService;
  filterService: FilterService;
  gridService: GridService;
  gridEventService: GridEventService;
  gridStateService: GridStateService;
  groupingService: GroupingAndColspanService;
  resizerService: ResizerService;
  sortService: SortService;
code change
<aurelia-slickgrid gridId="grid"
+        asg-on-angular-grid-greated="aureliaGridReady($event)">
export class MyGridDemo implements OnInit {
+  aureliaGrid: AureliaGridInstance;
  columnDefinitions: Column[];
  gridOptions: GridOption;
  dataset: any[];

- constructor(private GridExtraService) {}

+  aureliaGridReady(aureliaGrid: AureliaGridInstance) {
+    this.aureliaGrid= aureliaGrid;
+  }

  addNewItem() {
    const newItem = {
      id: newId,
      title: 'Task ' + newId,
      effortDriven: true,
      // ... 
-    this.gridExtraService.addItemToDatagrid(newItem);
+    this.aureliaGrid.gridService.addItemToDatagrid(newItem);

Backend Service API - service with new

export class MyGrid {
-  constructor(private graphqlService: GraphqlService, private i18n: I18N) {
+  constructor(private i18n: I18N) {
    this.gridOptions = {
      backendServiceApi: {
-        service: this.graphqlService,
+        service: new GraphqlService(),
        preProcess: () => this.displaySpinner(true),
        process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query),
        postProcess: (result: GraphqlResult) => this.displaySpinner(false)
      params: {
        i18: this.translate

exportWithFormatter flag

Previously available directly in the grid options but is now accessible only from the exportOptions property. Also worth to know that the exportOptions contains much more options, you can see the exportOptions interface here.

this.gridOptions = {
-  exportWithFormatter: true
  exportOptions: {
+    exportWithFormatter: false,

Filters selectOptions renamed to collection

// column definitions
this.columnDefinitions = [
     id: 'isActive', name: 'Is Active', field: 'isActive', 
     type: FieldType.boolean,
     filterable: true,
     filter: {
-       selectOptions: [ { value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'true' }, { value: false, label: 'false' } ],
+       collection: [ { value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'true' }, { value: false, label: 'false' } ],
       type: FilterType.multipleSelect,
       searchTerms: [], // default selection

Filter searchTerm removed in favor of an array of searchTerms

If you used the singular searchTerm in your project, simply change it to an array of searchTerms, for example

// column definitions
this.columnDefinitions = [
     id: 'isActive', name: 'Is Active', field: 'isActive', 
     type: FieldType.boolean,
     filterable: true,
     filter: {
       collection: [ { value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'true' }, { value: false, label: 'false' } ],
       type: FilterType.multipleSelect,
-       searchTerm: true, // default selection
-       searchTerms: [true], // default selection

Grid Menu showX renamed to hideX

Since these flags are now inverse, please do not forget to also inverse your boolean value. Here is the entire list

  • showClearAllFiltersCommand renamed to hideClearAllFiltersCommand
  • showClearAllSortingCommand renamed to hideClearAllSortingCommand
  • showExportCsvCommand renamed to hideExportCsvCommand
  • showExportTextDelimitedCommand renamed to hideExportTextDelimitedCommand
  • showRefreshDatasetCommand renamed to hideRefreshDatasetCommand
  • showToggleFilterCommand renamed to hideToggleFilterCommand

Backend Service onX methods renamed to processOnX

Here is the entire list

  • onFilterChanged was renamed to processOnFilterChanged
  • onPaginationChanged was renamed to processOnPaginationChanged
  • onSortChanged was renamed to processOnSortChanged


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