Powered by GO Indonesia
- Provinces (in bahasa: Provinsi)
- Regencies (in bahasa: Kota / Kabupaten)
- Districts (in bahasa: Kecamatan)
- Village (in bahasa: Desa / Kelurahan)
- Generally
- Search (
/search?keyword=<your keyword>
- Search (
- Provinces
- List all (
) - Select with code (
/province/one?code=<province code>
) - Search in provinces (
/province/search?keyword=<your keyword>
) +++
- List all (
- Regencies
- List all (
) - Select with code (
/regency/one?code=<regency code>
) - Search in regencies (
/regency/search?keyword=<your keyword>
) - List in specific province (
/regency/parent?code=<province code>
) +++
- List all (
- Districts
- List all (
) - Select with code (
/district/one?code=<district code>
) - Search in districts (
/district/search?keyword=<your keyword>
) - List in specific regency (
/district/parent?code=<regency code>
) +++
- List all (
- Villages
- List all (
) - Select with code (
/village/one?code=<village code>
) - Search in villages (
/village/search?keyword=<your keyword>
) - List in specific district (
/village/parent?code=<district code>
- List all (
- Akhmad Ghozali Amrulloh (ghostzali[email protected])
- The scripts are license under: MIT.
- The data (CSV and SQL) are under: ODBL v1.0.
- The source data is attributed to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia.
Thanks to :
- Edward Samuel Pasaribu with his project Data Provinsi, Kota/Kabupaten, Kecamatan, dan Kelurahan/Desa di Indonesia
- Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia for all effort.