Releases: gimlet-io/gimlet
Installer v0.6.0
Now featuring Gimlet v0.15+.
With version Gimlet v0.14.0 we merged gimletd with the gimlet dashboard, this triggered some simplifications in the installer.
Gimlet v0.15.4
gimlet-v0.15.4 Fixing nil error if deployment has no pods
Gimlet v0.15.3
Fixing bug introduced in v0.15.2
Gimlet v0.15.2
#468 Limiting the displayed number of apps to 10 per environment. Had cases with hundreds per env for a single repo. That was too much for Gimlet.
CLI v0.21.0
- #465 deprecated
gimlet manifest create
in favor ofgimlet manifest configure
Gimlet v0.15.1
6c4c925 Fixing rollout history fetching
Gimlet v0.15.0
Since Gimlet Dashboard and Gimletd was merged in v0.14.0, from this release we call the merged release simply "Gimlet".
Changes in this version:
- 🪲 Fixing back button navigation in env config edit #434
- 🆕 Bootstrap guide got a few kubectl commands to check Flux bootstrapping state #433
- 🍏 Flux apply got a speedup as we removed the two-lane apply from the
gitops repo #432 - 🍏 Compatibility with Flux notification controller v32 #439
- 🍏 Login button touch up #440
- 🆕 UI to refresh git repositories #441
- 🆕 Option to encrypt existing non-encrypted Gimlet databases #448
- 🪲 Hiding access tokens in agent communication logs #453
- 🪲 Handling the case when Flux applies many gitops commits at once #451
- 🪲 Fixing env recreation in #457
- 🪲 Fixing agent deadlock issue 00bf712
- 🍏 Simplified bootstrapping by automatically adding deploy keys #458
- 🆕 Making the gitops applies more robust by introducing a dedicated Flux kustomization for each app. #459
Kudos to @dzsak from the Gimlet team for the continuous effort he puts into this constant stream of updates!
Container images:
Dashboard v0.14.1
dashboard-v0.14.1 fix: useEffect() does not trigger on object references
Dashboard v0.14.0
Huge technical release. We merged Gimletd with Gimlet Dashboard. Gimlet is now just one component on the server side.
Documentation and installer methods will be adjusted to reflect this.
7c9476b Upgrading Alpine image version
28455c4 Foundation for encrypted DB fields
f0df5db Userflow integration. Can be enabled with an env var. Used in SaaS
af02f66 Merging Gimletd with Dashboard
Migration steps (the steps get more and more detailed as we migrate clients to the new version):
- move ADMIN_TOKEN from the gimletd.yaml to your gimlet-dashboard.yaml
- drop the gimletd.yaml
- bump the dashboard image to v0.14.0
- Run a one-off SQL: copy all API users from users table
pg_dump -h postgresql --port 5432 --username gimletd --format plain --verbose --file "users.sql" --table public.users gimletd --data-only --column-inserts
- Run a one-off SQL:
update users set admin=false where admin is null;
- Run a one-off SQL:
update users set email='', access_token='', refresh_token='', expires=0, repos='[]', favorite_repos='[]',favorite_services='[]' where email is null
- Run a one-off SQL:
update users set admin=true where login='xxx';
This should be done to all logins which are for human users and not API integration. - Update CI to point to
instead of - migrate all artifacts from the gimletd database (events table)
pg_dump -h postgres --port 5432 --username gimletd --format plain --verbose --file "events.sql" --table gimletd --data-only --column-inserts
psql -h postgres -U gimlet_dashboard -d gimlet_dashboard < events.sql
- migrate all gitopscommits from the gimletd database
pg_dump -h postgres --port 5432 --username gimletd --format plain --verbose --file "gitops_commits.sql" --table public.gitops_commits gimletd --data-only --column-inserts
psql -h postgres -U gimlet_dashboard -d gimlet_dashboard < gitops_commits.sql
- Upgrade gitops apps repo flux/notifications.yaml to point to the non gimletd url also
GimletD v0.16.1
#408 Fixing Gimletd on ARM