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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
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# Directories to ignore
### macOS ###
# General
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index 8f7b8178..2b708dd3 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
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|11|Крагель Алина|||||||||||
|12|Куликович Иван|||||||||||
|13|Кульбеда Кирилл|||||||||||
-|14|Кухарчук Илья|||||||||||
+|14|Кухарчук Илья|[as0006314](trunk/as0006314)||||||||||
|15|Логинов Глеб|||||||||||
|16|Мороз Евгений|||||||||||
|17|Никифоров Александр|||||||||||
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
|21|Стельмашук Иван|||||||||||
|22|Тунчик Антон|||||||||||
|23|Филипчук Дмитрий|||||||||||
-|24|Ярмола Александр|||||||||||
+|24|Ярмола Александр|[as0006325](./trunk/as0006325/)|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:||||||||
|25|Ярмолович Александр|||||||||||
## Группа АС-64
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
|10|Игнаткевич Кирилл Сергеевич|||||||||||
|11|Кашпир Дмитрий Русланович|||||||||||
|12|Котковец Кирилл Викторович|||||||||||
-|13|Кужир Владислав Витальевич|||||||||||
+|13|Кужир Владислав Витальевич|[as0006313](./trunk/as0006413/)|:white_check_mark:|||||||||
|14|Немирович Дмитрий Александрович|||||||||||
|15|Попов Алексей Сергеевич|||||||||||
|16|Рабченя Максим Юрьевич|||||||||||
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+# Laboratory work .1
+Department of IIT
+Laboratory work .1
+Completed by the 3rd year student of
+the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems
+the group AC-63 Kukharchuk I.N.
+Checked by Ivanuk D.S.
+Brest 2024
+## Task 1. Modeling controlled object :
+Write program (C++), which simulate object temperature.
+### Realization
+There are two classes in the program:
+1. LinearModel represents linear model.
+2. NonlinearModel represents nonlinear model.
+### How to build the project?
+1. The first you need to clone this repository to your computer.
+2. Go to the folder "trunk\as0006314\task_01\src".
+3. Run the command line and type 6 commands :
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake ..
+cmake --build .
+cd trunk\as0006314\task_01\src\Debug\
diff --git a/trunk/as0006314/task_01/doc/result.png b/trunk/as0006314/task_01/doc/result.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/trunk/as0006314/task_01/doc/result.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006314/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0.0)
+project (ModelingTemperature)
+add_executable(MainFile main.cpp)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/as0006314/task_01/src/main.cpp b/trunk/as0006314/task_01/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006314/task_01/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Interface for different models
+class TemperatureModel {
+ virtual ~TemperatureModel() = default;
+ virtual double calculate(double currentTemp, double heatInput) = 0;
+// Linear temperature control model
+class SimpleLinearModel : public TemperatureModel {
+ double coeff1;
+ double coeff2;
+ SimpleLinearModel(double coeff1, double coeff2) : coeff1(coeff1), coeff2(coeff2) {}
+ ~SimpleLinearModel() override = default;
+ // Calculate temperature based on a linear equation
+ double calculate(double currentTemp, double heatInput) override {
+ return coeff1 * currentTemp + coeff2 * heatInput;
+ }
+// Nonlinear temperature control model
+class ComplexNonlinearModel : public TemperatureModel {
+ double coeff1;
+ double coeff2;
+ double coeff3;
+ double coeff4;
+ double previousTemp = 0;
+ double previousHeat = 0;
+ ComplexNonlinearModel(double coeff1, double coeff2, double coeff3, double coeff4)
+ : coeff1(coeff1), coeff2(coeff2), coeff3(coeff3), coeff4(coeff4) {}
+ ~ComplexNonlinearModel() override = default;
+ // Calculate temperature based on a nonlinear equation
+ double calculate(double currentTemp, double heatInput) override {
+ double result = coeff1 * currentTemp - coeff2 * pow(previousTemp, 2) + coeff3 * heatInput + coeff4 * sin(previousHeat);
+ previousTemp = currentTemp;
+ previousHeat = heatInput;
+ return result;
+ }
+// Function to simulate the temperature modeling process
+void runSimulation(TemperatureModel& model, double initialTemp, int steps) {
+ double heatInput;
+ for (int step = 1; step <= steps; ++step) {
+ std::cout << "Enter heat flow value (Uw): "; std::cin >> heatInput;
+ initialTemp = model.calculate(initialTemp, heatInput);
+ std::cout << "\tStep " << step << "\tTemperature: " << initialTemp << std::endl;
+ }
+int main() {
+ double initialTemp;
+ double coeff1, coeff2, coeff3, coeff4;
+ int numSteps;
+ // Input parameters for the linear model
+ std::cout << "Enter parameters for the linear model" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Parameter a: "; std::cin >> coeff1;
+ std::cout << "Parameter b: "; std::cin >> coeff2;
+ SimpleLinearModel linearModel(coeff1, coeff2);
+ // Input parameters for the nonlinear model
+ std::cout << "Enter parameters for the nonlinear model" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Parameter a: "; std::cin >> coeff1;
+ std::cout << "Parameter b: "; std::cin >> coeff2;
+ std::cout << "Parameter c: "; std::cin >> coeff3;
+ std::cout << "Parameter d: "; std::cin >> coeff4;
+ ComplexNonlinearModel nonlinearModel(coeff1, coeff2, coeff3, coeff4);
+ std::cout << "Enter initial temperature: "; std::cin >> initialTemp;
+ // Simulation for the linear model
+ std::cout << "Enter the number of simulation steps for the linear model: ";
+ std::cin >> numSteps;
+ std::cout << "\n--- Simulation for the linear model ---" << std::endl;
+ runSimulation(linearModel, initialTemp, numSteps);
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // Simulation for the nonlinear model
+ std::cout << "Enter the number of simulation steps for the nonlinear model: ";
+ std::cin >> numSteps;
+ std::cout << "\n--- Simulation for the nonlinear model ---" << std::endl;
+ runSimulation(nonlinearModel, initialTemp, numSteps);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/trunk/as0006325/task_01/doc/readme.md b/trunk/as0006325/task_01/doc/readme.md
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+ Министерство образования Республики Беларусь
+Учреждение образования
+“Брестский Государственный технический университет”
+Кафедра ИИТ
+Лабораторная работа №1
+По дисциплине “Теория и методы автоматического управления”
+Тема: “Моделирования температуры объекта”
+Студент 3 курса
+Группы АС-63
+Ярмола А. О.
+Ситковец Я. С.
+Брест 2024
+Let's get some object to be controlled. We want to control its temperature, which can be described by this differential equation:
+$$\Large\frac{dy(\tau)}{d\tau}=\frac{u(\tau)}{C}+\frac{Y_0-y(\tau)}{RC} $$ (1)
+where $\tau$ – time; $y(\tau)$ – input temperature; $u(\tau)$ – input warm; $Y_0$ – room temperature; $C,RC$ – some constants.
+After transformation we get these linear (2) and nonlinear (3) models:
+$$\Large y_{\tau+1}=ay_{\tau}+bu_{\tau}$$ (2)
+$$\Large y_{\tau+1}=ay_{\tau}-by_{\tau-1}^2+cu_{\tau}+d\sin(u_{\tau-1})$$ (3)
+where $\tau$ – time discrete moments ($1,2,3{\dots}n$); $a,b,c,d$ – some constants.
+Task is to write program (**С++**), which simulates this object temperature.
+Пример вывода программы:
+``` bash
+Enter the value for constant a: 1
+Enter the value for constant b: 2
+Enter the value for constant c: 3
+Enter the value for constant d: 4
+Enter the initial value for current temperature, y: 10
+Enter the initial control value, u: 5
+Enter the number of iterations, steps: 5
+Linear model simulation:
+Step 1: y = 20
+Step 2: y = 30
+Step 3: y = 40
+Step 4: y = 50
+Step 5: y = 60
+Nonlinear model simulation:
+Step 1: y = 25
+Step 2: y = -163.836
+Step 3: y = -1402.67
+Step 4: y = -55075.8
+Step 5: y = -3.99004e+06
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index 00000000..f9d44bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006325/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
+add_executable(Task01 main.cpp)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/as0006325/task_01/src/main.cpp b/trunk/as0006325/task_01/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da165283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006325/task_01/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using namespace std;
+// Function for linear model
+void linearModel(double y, double u, double a, double b, int steps) {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
+ double y_next = a * y + b * u;
+ cout << "Step " << i << ": y = " << y_next << endl;
+ y = y_next;
+ }
+// Function for nonlinear model
+void nonlinearModel(double y, double u, double a, double b, double c, double d, int steps) {
+ double y_prev = 0;
+ double u_prev = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
+ double y_next = a * y - b * y_prev * y_prev + c * u + d * sin(u_prev);
+ cout << "Step " << i << ": y = " << y_next << endl;
+ y_prev = y; // Update the previous temperature value
+ u_prev = u; // Update the previous control value
+ y = y_next; // Update the current temperature value
+ }
+int main() {
+ double a, b, c, d; // Constants
+ double y; // Current temperature
+ double u; // Current heat
+ int steps; // Number of modeling steps
+ cout << "Enter the value for constant a: "; cin >> a;
+ cout << "Enter the value for constant b: "; cin >> b;
+ cout << "Enter the value for constant c: "; cin >> c;
+ cout << "Enter the value for constant d: "; cin >> d;
+ cout << "Enter the initial value for current temperature, y: "; cin >> y;
+ cout << "Enter the initial control value, u: "; cin >> u;
+ cout << "Enter the number of iterations, steps: "; cin >> steps;
+ // Linear model
+ cout << "\nLinear model simulation:\n";
+ linearModel(y, u, a, b, steps);
+ // Nonlinear model
+ cout << "\nNonlinear model simulation:\n";
+ nonlinearModel(y, u, a, b, c, d, steps);
+ return 0;
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+ Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
+ Educational Institution
+ “Brest State Technical University”
+ Department of Information and Intelligent Technologies
+ Laboratory work №1
+ On the discipline “Theory and methods of automatic control”
+ Topic: “Temperature modeling of an object”
+ Performed by:
+ Student of the 3rd course
+ Group AS-64
+ Kuzhyr U. V.
+ Supervised by:
+ Sitkovets J. S.
+ Brest 2024
+## Task:
+Let's get some object to be controlled. We want to control its temperature, which can be described by this differential equation:
+ $$
+where τ – time; y ( τ ) – input temperature; u ( τ ) – input warm; Y 0 – room temperature; C , R C – some constants.
+After transformation we get these linear (2) and nonlinear (3) models:
+\Large y_{\tau+1}=ay_{\tau}+bu_{\tau}(2)
+\Large y_{\tau+1}=ay_{\tau}-by_{\tau-1}^2+cu_{\tau}+d\sin(u_{\tau-1})(3)
+where τ – time discrete moments ( 1 , 2 , 3 … n ); a , b , c , d – some constants.
+Task is to write program (С++), which simulates this object temperature.
+Example of program output:
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: 1
+Input A: 12
+Input B: 2
+Input current temperature: 36
+Input heat input: 2
+Input simulation time: 10
+TIME Linear Model
+1 436
+2 5236
+3 62836
+4 754036
+5 9.04844e+06
+6 1.08581e+08
+7 1.30297e+09
+8 1.56357e+10
+9 1.87628e+11
+10 2.25154e+12
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: 2
+Input A: 3
+Input B: 15
+Input C: 20
+Input D: 25
+Input current temperature: 27
+Input heat input: 37
+Input simulation time: 20
+TIME Nonlinear Model
+1 804.912
+2 -7796.35
+3 -9.7409e+06
+4 -9.40969e+08
+5 -1.42328e+15
+6 -1.32856e+19
+7 -3.03859e+31
+8 -2.64761e+39
+PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\TMAU-2024\build\trunk\as006417\task_01\src> ./lab_01.exe
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: 1
+Input A: 1.1
+Input B: 0.5
+Input current temperature: 25
+Input heat input: 10
+Input simulation time: 5
+TIME Linear Model
+1 32.5
+2 40.75
+3 49.825
+4 59.8075
+5 70.7883
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: 2
+Input A: 1.2
+Input B: 0.1
+Input C: 0.3
+Input D: 0.05
+Input current temperature: 30
+Input heat input: 15
+Input simulation time: 5
+TIME Nonlinear Model
+1 40.5325
+2 -36.8285
+3 -203.95
+4 -375.841
+## Input erroe handling
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: p
+*** Incorrect input ***
+Input choice: 5
+*** Invalid input ***
+## Exit the program
+Choose an option (0 - exit, 1 - linear model, 2 - nonlinear model): Input choice: 0
+PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\TMAU-2024\build\trunk\as006417\task_01\src> ^C
+The source code
+The source code is located in the src folder.
+ CMakeLists.txt - this is a file that contains CMake commands to control the project build process.
+ main.cpp - source file, contains the main function that controls the program execution.
diff --git a/trunk/as0006413/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt b/trunk/as0006413/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5b94f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006413/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0.0)
+project (lab_01)
+add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/as0006413/task_01/src/main.cpp b/trunk/as0006413/task_01/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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