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1076 lines (859 loc) · 38.3 KB

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1076 lines (859 loc) · 38.3 KB


Tornado returning “Hello World!” inside corporate network

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from tornado import httpclient
from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.httputil import url_concat

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = False

def hello_world():
    print ".", # esta linha foi removida em um dos cenários
    return 'Hello World!'

if __name__=="__main__":
    http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(app))


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    36.43ms   35.17ms 237.48ms   91.88%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 7.17s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   1395.30
Transfer/sec:    163.51KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    25.20ms    7.37ms  51.52ms   71.43%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 5.11s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   1956.24
Transfer/sec:    229.25KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    23.81ms    5.86ms  52.28ms   67.10%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 4.68s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   2137.54
Transfer/sec:    250.49KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    28.56ms   10.18ms  83.10ms   81.32%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10006 requests in 5.55s, 1.15MB read
Requests/sec:   1802.59
Transfer/sec:    211.24KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    26.83ms    9.41ms  70.45ms   79.17%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 5.29s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   1891.06
Transfer/sec:    221.61KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    22.09ms    5.70ms  46.52ms   76.43%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10010 requests in 4.67s, 1.15MB read
Requests/sec:   2145.75
Transfer/sec:    251.45KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    30.79ms    8.53ms  54.53ms   70.30%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 6.11s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   1637.35
Transfer/sec:    191.88KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    24.72ms   10.01ms 100.80ms   88.27%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10008 requests in 4.94s, 1.15MB read
Requests/sec:   2026.90
Transfer/sec:    237.53KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    23.14ms    5.54ms  41.62ms   69.57%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 4.72s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   2117.36
Transfer/sec:    248.13KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    22.55ms    5.06ms  42.13ms   78.43%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 4.57s, 1.14MB read
Requests/sec:   2186.74
Transfer/sec:    256.26KB

Tornado doing a query in Virtuoso

    import json
    import urllib
    import uuid
    import tornado
    from tornado import gen
    from tornado.web import RequestHandler, asynchronous
    from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest
    from tornado.httputil import url_concat
    import redis
    from settings import SPARQL_ENDPOINT
    from queries import GET_QUERY, POST_QUERY, DELETE_QUERY
    class RootHandler(RequestHandler):
        def get(self):
            url = url_concat(SPARQL_ENDPOINT, {
                "query": GET_QUERY,
                "format": "application/sparql-results+json"
            sparql_endpoint = self._get_async_client()
            response = yield gen.Task(sparql_endpoint.fetch, url)
        def post(self):
            # Passing a UUID to the uri to insert into the triplestore
            # So bechmark tests may want to insert X triplestore
            # Delete them all
            # Get them all
            # and so on
            self.modify_query(POST_QUERY % str(uuid.uuid4()))
        def delete(self):
        def modify_query(self, query):
            body_encoded = urllib.urlencode({"query": query})
            headers = {
                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                "Accept": "application/sparql-results+json",
                "format": "application/sparql-results+json"
            request = HTTPRequest(url=SPARQL_ENDPOINT,
            sparql_endpoint = self._get_async_client()
            response = yield gen.Task(sparql_endpoint.fetch, request)
        def _get_async_client(self):
            return AsyncHTTPClient()
        def return_pretty_response_json(self, response):
            result_dict = json.loads(response.body)
            pretty_json_string = json.dumps(result_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ":"))
    class RedisHandler(RequestHandler):
        def initialize(self):
            self.redis_client = brukva.Client(host="localhost",
            self.redis_client = redis.Redis(host="localhost", port=6379)
        def get(self):
            self.redis_client.get("foo", self.on_result)
        def post(self):
            self.redis_client.set("foo", "bar", self.on_result)
        def delete(self):
            self.redis_client.delete("foo", self.on_result)
        def on_result(self, result):
    # Yeah, i know there is duplicated code. sue me!
    # TODO refactor
    class SyncronousRedisHandler(RequestHandler):
        def initialize(self):
            self.redis_client = redis.Redis(host="localhost",
        def get(self):
            result = self.redis_client.get("foo")
        def post(self):
            result = self.redis_client.set("foo", "bar")
        def delete(self):
            result = self.redis_client.delete("foo")
    class Application(tornado.web.Application):
        def __init__(self):
            handlers = [
                (r"/", RootHandler),
                (r"/redis_async", RedisHandler),
                (r"/redis", SyncronousRedisHandler)
            super(Application, self).__init__(handlers)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print "The tornado is here..."

Tornado running in local corporate network


wrk -r1000 -t2 -c5 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 1000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  2 threads and 5 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    10.72ms    4.76ms  24.35ms   77.78%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  1000 requests in 2.65s, 498.05KB read
Requests/sec:    377.55
Transfer/sec:    188.04KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    67.93ms   18.07ms 257.39ms   89.36%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10001 requests in 13.56s, 4.86MB read
Requests/sec:    737.40
Transfer/sec:    367.26KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    65.06ms   12.41ms 142.40ms   83.37%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 13.51s, 4.86MB read
Requests/sec:    740.14
Transfer/sec:    368.63KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    68.96ms   29.06ms 423.30ms   95.68%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 13.93s, 4.86MB read
Requests/sec:    717.77
Transfer/sec:    357.48KB

Tornado running on Amazon Srv3


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    55.19ms    7.21ms  83.58ms   81.22%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 11.13s, 4.85MB read
Requests/sec:    898.11
Transfer/sec:    446.42KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    54.70ms    7.29ms  88.90ms   88.52%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 11.15s, 4.85MB read
Requests/sec:    896.87
Transfer/sec:    445.81KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    56.03ms    8.35ms  80.86ms   87.40%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 11.34s, 4.85MB read
Requests/sec:    881.46
Transfer/sec:    438.15KB

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 10 sec, 864 millisec and 227 microsec, 920 req/s, 457 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 11 sec, 29 millisec and 829 microsec, 906 req/s, 450 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

Tornado running on Amazon Srv1 doing queries in Virtuoso in Srv2


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 10 sec, 89 millisec and 421 microsec, 991 req/s, 492 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 10 sec, 188 millisec and 275 microsec, 981 req/s, 487 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

Tornado running on Amazon Srv1 doing queries in Virtuoso in Srv2 (do not use CURL)


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 15 sec, 896 millisec and 303 microsec, 629 req/s, 312 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 16 sec, 116 millisec and 627 microsec, 620 req/s, 308 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

Tornado server running on Amazon Srv1 querying Virtuoso in separate Srv2 (Running over Pypy)


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 12 sec, 668 millisec and 910 microsec, 789 req/s, 392 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 11 sec, 688 millisec and 195 microsec, 855 req/s, 425 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

Tornado_sock running on Amazon Srv3

import errno
import functools
import socket
from tornado import ioloop, iostream
def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
    while True:
            connection, address = sock.accept()
        except socket.error, e:
            if e[0] not in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
        stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
        stream.write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nPong!\r\n", stream.close)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    sock.bind(("", 8888))
    io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
    io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "exited cleanly"


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    10.48ms   46.74ms 219.66ms   95.35%
    Req/Sec   558.14    665.56     2.00k    90.70%
  10000 requests in 1.74s, 439.45KB read
Requests/sec:   5731.39
Transfer/sec:    251.87KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   447.40us  484.46us   1.38ms   79.07%
    Req/Sec   720.93    734.38     2.00k    83.72%
  10000 requests in 1.75s, 439.45KB read
Requests/sec:   5716.09
Transfer/sec:    251.20KB

Incremental load against


10 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 11 sec, 153 millisec and 877 microsec, 896 req/s, 445 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

20 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 11 sec, 122 millisec and 544 microsec, 899 req/s, 446 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

30 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 11 sec, 363 millisec and 772 microsec, 879 req/s, 437 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

40 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 11 sec, 589 millisec and 41 microsec, 862 req/s, 428 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data

50 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 11 sec, 728 millisec and 529 microsec, 852 req/s, 423 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 5090000 bytes total, 1590000 bytes http, 3500000 bytes data


Gevent returning "Hello World" in corporate network

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
    from flask import Flask
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.debug = False
    def hello_world():
        return 'Hello World!'
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8888), app)


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    24.26ms   15.50ms 266.76ms   96.08%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10004 requests in 11.29s, 1.71MB read
Requests/sec:    885.92
Transfer/sec:    154.86KB
wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    26.16ms   25.16ms 256.55ms   98.85%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10003 requests in 10.82s, 1.71MB read
Requests/sec:    924.46
Transfer/sec:    161.60KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    21.83ms    8.60ms  80.75ms   80.48%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10001 requests in 10.63s, 1.71MB read
Requests/sec:    941.02
Transfer/sec:    164.49KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    27.37ms   19.39ms 155.31ms   94.79%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 12.63s, 1.71MB read
Requests/sec:    791.95
Transfer/sec:    138.44KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    27.29ms   30.52ms 372.54ms   94.65%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 11.46s, 1.71MB read
Requests/sec:    872.69
Transfer/sec:    152.55KB

Gevent_pure_wsgi running on Amazon Srv3

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer

def application(env, start_response):
    method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
    path = env['PATH_INFO']
    path = path.lstrip('/')
    if (method, path) == ('GET', ''):
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
        return ['Hello World!']

if __name__ == "__main__":
    http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8888), application)


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    13.39ms    1.76ms  16.28ms   79.78%
    Req/Sec    22.47    149.05     1.00k    97.75%
  10000 requests in 2.74s, 1.56MB read
Requests/sec:   3644.92

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    14.21ms    0.88ms  17.96ms   79.80%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 2.94s, 1.56MB read
Requests/sec:   3404.44
Transfer/sec:    545.24KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    12.55ms    1.84ms  15.04ms   53.66%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 2.56s, 1.56MB read
Requests/sec:   3906.90
Transfer/sec:    625.71KB

Gevent_sock running on Amazon Srv3

import gevent
from gevent import socket
def handle_socket(sock):
    sock.sendall("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nPong!\r\n")
server = socket.socket()
server.bind(('', 8888))
while True:
        new_sock, address = server.accept()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # handle every new connection with a new coroutine
    gevent.spawn(handle_socket, new_sock)


wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     7.15ms  338.16us   7.74ms   75.51%
    Req/Sec     1.00k     0.00     1.00k   100.00%
  10000 requests in 1.51s, 439.45KB read
Requests/sec:   6617.00
Transfer/sec:    290.79KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     7.23ms  388.84us   8.24ms   71.70%
    Req/Sec     1.00k     0.00     1.00k   100.00%
  10000 requests in 1.52s, 439.45KB read
Requests/sec:   6577.87
Transfer/sec:    289.07KB

Gevent doing a query in Virtuoso in corporate Network

    from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
    from gevent import monkey
    import requests
    from flask import Flask, json
    from settings import SPARQL_ENDPOINT
    from queries import GET_QUERY
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.debug = False
    def get():
        payload = {
            "query": GET_QUERY,
            "format": "application/sparql-results+json"
        r = requests.get(SPARQL_ENDPOINT, params=payload)
        return r.text
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8888), app)


wrk -r1000 -t2 -c5 http://X.X.X.22:8888/
Making 1000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  2 threads and 5 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    12.49ms    3.31ms  21.95ms   65.85%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  1000 requests in 6.16s, 344.73KB read
Requests/sec:    162.46
Transfer/sec:     56.00KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://X.X.X.22:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   295.27ms  581.73ms   3.60s    92.29%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 1.27m, 3.37MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 256
Requests/sec:    130.91
Transfer/sec:     45.13KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://X.X.X.22:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   230.14ms  469.85ms   3.52s    95.45%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10005 requests in 1.18m, 3.37MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 103
Requests/sec:    141.76
Transfer/sec:     48.87KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://X.X.X.22:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   231.35ms  436.76ms   3.59s    94.18%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10002 requests in 1.23m, 3.37MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 178
Requests/sec:    135.03
Transfer/sec:     46.55KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://X.X.X.22:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   229.98ms  455.50ms   3.50s    95.36%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10003 requests in 1.22m, 3.37MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 186
Requests/sec:    136.55
Transfer/sec:     47.07KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://X.X.X.22:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://X.X.X.22:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   239.44ms  410.80ms   3.59s    94.88%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10001 requests in 1.24m, 3.37MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 17
Requests/sec:    134.01
Transfer/sec:     46.20KB

Gevent_virtuoso na Amazon Srv3

from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
from gevent import monkey

import requests
from flask import Flask, json

from settings import SPARQL_ENDPOINT
from queries import GET_QUERY

app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = False

def get():
    payload = {
        "query": GET_QUERY,
        "format": "application/sparql-results+json"
    r = requests.get(SPARQL_ENDPOINT, params=payload)
    return r.text

if __name__ == "__main__":
    http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8888), app)


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 22 sec, 232 millisec and 335 microsec, 449 req/s, 154 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 22 sec, 676 millisec and 538 microsec, 440 req/s, 151 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   115.05ms   13.69ms 159.72ms   82.92%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 23.32s, 3.36MB read
Requests/sec:    428.79
Transfer/sec:    147.40KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   114.73ms   13.86ms 151.87ms   81.70%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 23.28s, 3.36MB read
Requests/sec:    429.61
Transfer/sec:    147.68KB

Gevent_virtuoso running on Amazon Srv1 querying Virtuoso in separate Srv2


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 24 sec, 307 millisec and 276 microsec, 411 req/s, 141 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 23 sec, 944 millisec and 71 microsec, 417 req/s, 143 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

Gevent_virtuoso2 running on Amazon Srv3

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib

from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer

from flask import Flask

from geventhttpclient.url import URL
from geventhttpclient import httplib


from httplib2 import Http

from settings import SPARQL_ENDPOINT
from queries import GET_QUERY

app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = False

def get():
    payload = {
        "query": GET_QUERY,
        "format": "application/sparql-results+json"
    params = urllib.urlencode(payload)
    url = URL(SPARQL_ENDPOINT + "?"+ params)

    http = Http()
    response, content = http.request(SPARQL_ENDPOINT + "?"+ params)
    return content

if __name__ == "__main__":
    http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8888), app)


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 19 sec, 28 millisec and 232 microsec, 525 req/s, 180 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" http://Srv3:8888/
finished in 19 sec, 377 millisec and 764 microsec, 516 req/s, 177 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    94.60ms    6.28ms 127.64ms   98.74%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 19.08s, 3.36MB read
Requests/sec:    524.08
Transfer/sec:    180.15KB

wrk -r10000 -t5 -c50 "http://Srv3:8888/"
Making 10000 requests to http://Srv3:8888/
  5 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    94.71ms    3.59ms 103.70ms   91.77%
    Req/Sec     0.00      0.00     0.00    100.00%
  10000 requests in 19.08s, 3.36MB read
Requests/sec:    524.20
Transfer/sec:    180.19KB

Gevent_virtuoso2 running on Amazon Srv1 querying Virtuoso in separate Srv2


weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 60 sec, 636 millisec and 298 microsec, 164 req/s, 56 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

weighttp -n 10000 -c 20 -t 10 -k -H "User-Agent: tati" Srv1:8888
finished in 58 sec, 241 millisec and 300 microsec, 171 req/s, 59 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

Incremental load against


10 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 21 sec, 624 millisec and 868 microsec, 462 req/s, 158 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

20 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 22 sec, 373 millisec and 816 microsec, 446 req/s, 153 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

30 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 22 sec, 847 millisec and 966 microsec, 437 req/s, 150 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

40 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 32 sec, 440 millisec and 792 microsec, 308 req/s, 110 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 8652 succeeded, 1348 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 8652 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 1348 5xx
traffic: 3669628 bytes total, 2077660 bytes http, 1591968 bytes data

50 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 38 sec, 940 millisec and 533 microsec, 256 req/s, 94 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 7909 succeeded, 2091 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 7909 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 2091 5xx
traffic: 3752101 bytes total, 2296845 bytes http, 1455256 bytes data

Incremental load against


10 Connections
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool
finished in 19 sec, 276 millisec and 366 microsec, 518 req/s, 178 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

20 Connections
finished in 19 sec, 652 millisec and 699 microsec, 508 req/s, 174 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 3520000 bytes total, 1680000 bytes http, 1840000 bytes data

30 Connections
finished in 24 sec, 156 millisec and 234 microsec, 413 req/s, 143 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 9757 succeeded, 243 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 9757 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 243 5xx
traffic: 3546973 bytes total, 1751685 bytes http, 1795288 bytes data

40 Connections
finished in 32 sec, 193 millisec and 224 microsec, 310 req/s, 110 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 8865 succeeded, 1135 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 8865 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 1135 5xx
traffic: 3645985 bytes total, 2014825 bytes http, 1631160 bytes data

50 Connections
finished in 32 sec, 136 millisec and 842 microsec, 311 req/s, 110 kbyte/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 8894 succeeded, 1106 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 8894 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 1106 5xx
traffic: 3642766 bytes total, 2006270 bytes http, 1636496 bytes data