This part of the tutorial shows how you can load your own corpus for training your own model later on.
For this tutorial, we assume that you're familiar with the base types of this library.
Most sequence labeling datasets in NLP use some sort of column format in which each line is a word and each column is one level of linguistic annotation. See for instance this sentence:
George N B-PER
Washington N I-PER
went V O
to P O
Washington N B-LOC
The first column is the word itself, the second coarse PoS tags, and the third BIO-annotated NER tags. To read such a dataset, define the column structure as a dictionary and use a helper method.
from import TaggedCorpus
from flair.data_fetcher import NLPTaskDataFetcher
# define columns
columns = {0: 'text', 1: 'pos', 2: 'ner'}
# this is the folder in which train, test and dev files reside
data_folder = '/path/to/data/folder'
# retrieve corpus using column format, data folder and the names of the train, dev and test files
corpus: TaggedCorpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_column_corpus(data_folder, columns,
This gives you a TaggedCorpus
object that contains the train, dev and test splits, each has a list of Sentence
So, to check how many sentences there are in the training split, do
You can also access a sentence and check out annotations. Lets assume that the first sentence in the training split is the example sentence from above, then executing these commands
will print the sentence with different layers of annotation:
George <N> Washington <N> went <V> to <P> Washington <N>
George <B-PER> Washington <I-PER> went to Washington <B-LOC> .
Our text classification data format is based on the
FastText format, in which each line in the file represents a
text document. A document can have one or multiple labels that are defined at the beginning of the line starting with
the prefix __label__
. This looks like this:
__label__<label_1> <text>
__label__<label_1> __label__<label_2> <text>
To create a TaggedCorpus
for a text classification task, you need to have three files (train, dev, and test) in the
above format located in one folder. This data folder structure could, for example, look like this for the IMDB task:
If you now point the NLPTaskDataFetcher
to this folder (/resources/tasks/imdb
), it will create a TaggedCorpus
out of
the three different files. Thereby, each line in a file is converted to a Sentence
object annotated with the labels.
Attention: A text in a line can have multiple sentences. Thus, a Sentence
object can actually consist of multiple
from flair.data_fetcher import NLPTaskDataFetcher
from pathlib import Path
# use your own data path
data_folder = Path('/resources/tasks/imdb')
# load corpus containing training, test and dev data
corpus: TaggedCorpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_classification_corpus(data_folder,
If you just want to read a single file, you can use
, which returns a list of Sentence
Flair also supports a couple of datasets out of the box. You can simple load your preferred dataset by calling, for example
corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_ENGLISH)
This line of code will download the UD_ENGLISH dataset and puts it into ~/.flair/datasets/ud_english
The method returns a TaggedCorpus
which can be directly used to train your model.
The following datasets are supported:
The TaggedCorpus
represents your entire dataset. A TaggedCorpus
consists of a list of train
a list of dev
sentences, and a list of test
A TaggedCorpus
contains a bunch of useful helper functions.
For instance, you can downsample the data by calling downsample()
and passing a ratio. So, if you normally get a
corpus like this:
original_corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_ENGLISH)
then you can downsample the corpus, simply like this:
downsampled_corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_ENGLISH).downsample(0.1)
If you print both corpora, you see that the second one has been downsampled to 10% of the data.
print("--- 1 Original ---")
print("--- 2 Downsampled ---")
This should print:
--- 1 Original ---
TaggedCorpus: 12543 train + 2002 dev + 2077 test sentences
--- 2 Downsampled ---
TaggedCorpus: 1255 train + 201 dev + 208 test sentences
For many learning task you need to create a target dictionary. Thus, the TaggedCorpus
enables you to create your
tag or label dictionary, depending on the task you want to learn. Simple execute the following code snippet to do so:
# create tag dictionary for a PoS task
corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_ENGLISH)
# create tag dictionary for an NER task
corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.CONLL_03_DUTCH)
# create label dictionary for a text classification task
corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.IMDB, base_path='path/to/data/folder')
Another useful function is obtain_statistics()
which returns you a python dictionary with useful statistics about your
dataset. Using it, for example, on the IMDB dataset like this
from flair.data_fetcher import NLPTaskDataFetcher, NLPTask
corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.IMDB, base_path='path/to/data/folder')
stats = corpus.obtain_statistics()
outputs the following information
'TRAIN': {
'dataset': 'TRAIN',
'total_number_of_documents': 25000,
'number_of_documents_per_class': {'POSITIVE': 12500, 'NEGATIVE': 12500},
'number_of_tokens': {'total': 6868314, 'min': 10, 'max': 2786, 'avg': 274.73256}
'TEST': {
'dataset': 'TEST',
'total_number_of_documents': 12500,
'number_of_documents_per_class': {'NEGATIVE': 6245, 'POSITIVE': 6255},
'number_of_tokens': {'total': 3379510, 'min': 8, 'max': 2768, 'avg': 270.3608}
}, 'DEV': {
'dataset': 'DEV',
'total_number_of_documents': 12500,
'number_of_documents_per_class': {'POSITIVE': 6245, 'NEGATIVE': 6255},
'number_of_tokens': {'total': 3334898, 'min': 7, 'max': 2574, 'avg': 266.79184}
If you want to train multiple tasks at once, you can use the MultiCorpus
To initiate the MultiCorpus
you first need to create any number of TaggedCorpus
objects. Afterwards, you can pass
a list of TaggedCorpus
to the MultiCorpus
english_corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_ENGLISH)
german_corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_GERMAN)
dutch_corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_corpus(NLPTask.UD_DUTCH)
multi_corpus = MultiCorpus([english_corpus, german_corpus, dutch_corpus])
The MultiCorpus
object has the same interface as the TaggedCorpus
You can simple pass a MultiCorpus
to a trainer instead of a TaggedCorpus
, the trainer will not know the difference
and training operates as usual.
You can now look into training your own models.