Releases: go-to-k/delstack
Releases · go-to-k/delstack
- 1c545fb (#201)
- d1b88c9 chore(deps): bump from 1.17.7 to 1.20.2 (#204)
- f26cbf3 chore(deps): bump (#203)
- d988330 chore(deps): bump (#205)
- f900e3f chore(deps): bump (#206)
- 5b37062 chore(deps): bump (#207)
- 2c548e9 chore: change S3 DeleteObjects parallels count (#209)
- fb0cdb8 Create LICENSE
- 19bcba0 Merge branch 'master' of
- 96a6c19 Merge pull request #1 from go-to-k/add-license-1
- 3773521 Merge pull request #10 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- eb265e3 Merge pull request #13 from go-to-k/12-feat-delete-a-root-stack-after-delete-delete_failed-resources
- 21ef664 Merge pull request #15 from go-to-k/14-randomize-waiting-time-when-api-throttling-erros
- 4c4a2dc Merge pull request #17 from go-to-k/16-error-retry-logs-to-debug-log
- a618c61 Merge pull request #19 from go-to-k/18-feat-skip-first-stack-deletion-if-status-already-be-delete_failed-when-root-stack-deletion
- 97807b2 Merge pull request #2 from go-to-k/refactor/interface-factory
- 4ffe786 Merge pull request #20 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 5abc722 Merge pull request #21 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- e6341e1 Merge pull request #22 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 7efa440 Merge pull request #23 from go-to-k/refactor/directory-layout
- 9847db8 Merge pull request #24 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 18b1006 Merge pull request #25 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 366374f Merge pull request #26 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 90d155c Merge pull request #28 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 1eae771 Merge pull request #29 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- dc161b3 Merge pull request #30 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- ff29e68 Merge pull request #31 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 4ab8039 Merge pull request #32 from go-to-k/refactor/package-layouts
- 0147161 Merge pull request #33 from go-to-k/chore/editorconfig
- 03cd1e1 Merge pull request #34 from go-to-k/refactor/version-function
- 5293f21 Merge pull request #35 from go-to-k/refactor/vars-type-of-sleepTimeSec
- eac8499 Merge pull request #36 from go-to-k/test/refactor-colorize
- 8b9b2b3 Merge pull request #37 from go-to-k/refactor/change-var-names
- dbb0197 Merge pull request #39 from go-to-k/feat/#38
- b855e83 Merge pull request #4 from go-to-k/3-feature-request-interactive-prompt-to-select-deletion-resouces
- af41ee4 Merge pull request #41 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 96f1099 Merge pull request #42 from go-to-k/refactor/semaphore-timing
- 6f5d081 Merge pull request #43 from go-to-k/refactor/regexp-scope
- 291882a Merge pull request #45 from go-to-k/refactor/context
- cf276e6 Merge pull request #5 from go-to-k/chore/makefile-for-install-flag
- 13c3ab0 Merge pull request #6 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 72e7d84 Merge pull request #7 from go-to-k/dependabot/go_modules/
- 2f8a662 Refactor/82 iam reytry (#83)
- 54be6a4 Refactor/pkg client s3 (#56)
- 0a7a330 Revert "chore: change exclude settings for changelog in .goreleaser.yaml"
- 1d1d6c9 Test/use-context-in-each-tests (#65)
- affa80c WIP: concurrency delete
- 8ecca65 WIP: concurrency delete for stack
- bc90220 WIP: s3 client
- 1a96943 chore change file names
- 90ea65f chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (#130)
- 7a57afa chore(deps): bump
- 58b6b82 chore(deps): bump
- 5e63053 chore(deps): bump
- 7c555d2 chore(deps): bump
- 7c750e8 chore(deps): bump (#107)
- 39e3de3 chore(deps): bump
- ec57526 chore(deps): bump
- cc90d87 chore(deps): bump
- 97fc9fc chore(deps): bump (#102)
- 6dda06c chore(deps): bump
- e2b0ff5 chore(deps): bump (#105)
- 833c759 chore(deps): bump (#104)
- 8dd0029 chore(deps): bump
- 84537c7 chore(deps): bump
- e70bc51 chore(deps): bump (#103)
- 32ce21a chore(deps): bump (#134)
- 97ae3c0 chore(deps): bump from 1.28.0 to 1.29.0 (#109)
- 90137ba chore(deps): bump from 2.16.3 to 2.17.1
- 87a28b0 chore(deps): bump from 2.17.1 to 2.19.2
- 448e12a chore(deps): bump from 2.19.2 to 2.20.2
- 427ced7 chore(deps): bump from 2.20.2 to 2.23.0
- 2983eeb chore(deps): bump from 2.23.0 to 2.24.3 (#110)
- e2aa902 chore(deps): bump from 2.24.3 to 2.25.0 (#120)
- 3c548bd chore(deps): bump (#116)
- e0a766e chore(deps): bump from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8 (#115)
- 1989d6f chore(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3 to 4 (#44)
- b60da06 chore: #14 Randomize waiting time when api throttling errors
- 017fa60 chore: #18 change DescribeRepositoriesInput for RepositoryNames
- 7195be3 chore: #3 change resource type strings to const variables
- c13cbd2 chore: -write_package_comment=false for mocks (#133)
- 58d6b3e chore: .goreleaser
- 8856297 chore: HideHelpCommand in cli
- 47b0875 chore: Makefile
- e5b1f08 chore: Makefile
- 51990bf chore: Makefile
- ba59a20 chore: Makefile for mod tidy
- 80c05b7 chore: TODO in main.go
- 78a4371 chore: a const var to camel(stackNameRule) in the stack operator
- acdc508 chore: add a global variable for stack regexp
- a310e1d chore: add comments for MaxS3DeleteObjectsParallelsCount (#141)
- 25243b0 chore: add ctx to an operator and stacks
- c8543db chore: add ctx to backups
- c7e5764 chore: add ctx to custom
- 2df371f chore: add ctx to custom again
- daf36b8 chore: add ctx to ecr
- e9a279d chore: add ctx to iam
- b6e6f92 chore: add ctx to operator manager
- fa32f40 chore: add ctx to s3s
- 3a95f22 chore: add ctx to stack test
- 55f3b67 chore: add gocognit in makefile (#97)
- 9ba301a chore: add revision for version
- 9c10a1b chore: add shadow in makefile (#51)
- 5e70420 chore: an error message in waiter
- b59e7dd chore: app architecture
- 0db5cd4 chore: bucket.go, but should remove S3.ListObjects and iterateListObjects
- 97f53a1 chore: change a message for finish in a checkbox
- 37024e2 chore: change a message in a comments
- 567572f chore: change ci.yml
- 1b8cda8 chore: change ci.yml
- 0d430c0 chore: change ci.yml
- 4d32fa7 chore: change ci.yml
- 5132310 chore: change ci.yml
- 6b6bc0c chore: change ci.yml
- 4af5a94 chore: change ci.yml for cache
- b8456ec chore: change ci.yml for git describe
- 19dc757 chore: change ci.yml for unshallow
- 981a790 chore: change cli modules
- 4abcf05 chore: change display order for Resource Types in Interactive mode
- e455968 chore: change eg to errgroup.WithContext
- d270fec chore: change exclude settings for changelog in .goreleaser.yaml
- 8752498 chore: change filename for operator_factory
- 79610e6 chore: change function name for not supported services error
- 88cb655 chore: change function names
- 6d24686 chore: change go version to 1.18
- 9f824f1 chore: change makefile for coverage (#99)
- c6cb7bf chore: change messages for RaiseNotSupportedServicesError
- 7791d5d chore: change messages in the Interactive mode
- 25fedc3 chore: change msg for no specified stack names (#140)
- e08a794 chore: change operator factory order in OperatorCollection
- 44d2c3c chore: change package name resources -> client
- cd659f4 chore: change retry (#117)
- c47afb4 chore: change some option vars to const
- 6c25884 chore: change some variable names
- d579bd8 chore: change some variables for option vars
- 9fc2161 chore: change start messages (#123)
- 576e629 chore: change using a pointer in SetOperatorCollection
- f405ddb chore: change variable names
- 7521877 chore: change variables and test names
- eb3f09c chore: ci.yml for branch on push
- e83842e chore: ci.yml for ignore when tags
- bb4c17e chore: ci.yml for on triggers
- 5f36e09 chore: client constructor in factory
- 97bf40a chore: comments and a file name
- 56d4046 chore: comments and cSpell words
- cfe2def chore: comments and variables scope
- 63aa361 chore: context.TODO -> context.Background and add context for loadAwsConfig
- 250df03 chore: dependabot
- 09ccbf3 chore: filename for waiter
- 3dfb548 chore: functions order in a file
- 19c878d chore: gitignore for build path
- 3b3c77d chore: go.mod and go.sum
- 9347c0c chore: ignore all patch updates in dependabot
- 3ca1039 chore: loadAwsConfig to private method
- 25a2ba8 chore: makefile for install flag
- f64aaee chore: makefile for test
- 89bc951 chore: member variables in OperatorCollection to private
- 279fa65 chore: messages for a new line (#139)
- e932894 chore: move CONCURRENCY_NUM into option package
- acda36b chore: moved to cmd dir
- 844963a chore: named to testdata
- 95bb875 chore: notSupported -> Unsupported
- ed6b183 chore: operations -> operation
- bd2b8ef chore: parallelized detach IAM policies
- 378a9b7 chore: refactor colorize
- 9e15d26 chore: remove comments
- e553657 chore: remove config in client constructor
- 0904435 chore: separated FailedDeletedResource from stack file
- c83479b chore: settings.json for cSpell
- c64cab8 chore: settings.json for cSpell
- dedcf26 chore: stackName -> pointer
- 1d814f0 chore: test name for ecr tests
- b...