This guest agent provides functionality such as configuring the networking for a guest.
src/ -- The main agent daemon code, written in C, which embeds the
python interpreter
include/ -- Include files for src/
lib/ -- Supporting code for the main agent daemon, along with a
python module wrapper
plugins/ -- Python plugin modules (for communication and command parsing)
commands/ -- Python modules that implement the real code for commands
tests/ -- Unit tests
scripts/ -- Startup and misc scripts
There are currently 2 types of plugins, exchanges and parsers. Exchange plugins are those that handle the low level communication between a client and the daemon. Parser plugins are those that can decode the communication protocol.
Currently, there's 1 exchange plugin,, and 1 parser plugin, handles communication via XenStore and the parser plugin will decode/encode json for the requests/responses.
Needs to define a class that contains the following methods:
- get_request():
- Has no arguments
- Returns some sort of request object
- put_response(request, response):
- Has request and response arguments
- Returns None (return value is ignored)
Needs to define a class that contains the following methods:
- parse_request(request):
- Takes a request object returned from an Exchange plugin's get_request()
- Returns a response object that will be passed to an Exchange plugin's put_response()
commands/ implements a class called 'CommandBase' that is used to create commands by subclassing it. This automatic registering of commands via the subclassing occurs via a metaclass.
To create a new command:
- create a class that derrives from commands.CommandBase
- define a method in your class that uses this decorator:
- @commands.command_add('<command_name>')
- (obviously replace the decorator argument with the right command name) requires a class instance to be passed on init which defines a 'run_command' method.
When importing 'commands', it replaces the 'commands' module with a wrapper, so you can use the 'commands' attribute directly instead of having to use commands.CommandBase
Call commands.init() to init all of the command classes Pass the result to JsonParser
- Needed to register the exchange/parser plugin combiniation with the
- main daemon
- import agentlib
- To get jsonparser and xscomm
- import plugins
- Loads 'commands' plus all modules that contain command classes
- import commands.command_list
- Not required, as the default is False
- test_mode = False
- Inits all command classes
- c = commands.init()
- Creates instance of JsonParser, passing in available commands
- parser = plugins.JsonParser(c)
- Create the XSComm intance
- xs = plugins.XSComm()
- Register an exchange/parser combination with the main daemon
- agentlib.register(xs, parser)