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File metadata and controls

173 lines (157 loc) · 5.57 KB


Different Variables:

In LinkList implementation there are two major structure:

  1. Node[T any] struct:
    1. Prev *Node[T]:
      • Represents previous node before the current node.
    2. Next *Node[T]:
      • Represents next node after the current node.
    3. data *T (inaccessible):
      • Represent the actual data stored inside the node.
  2. LinkList[T any] struct:
    1. Head *Node[T]:
      • Represents start of the nodes.
    2. Tail *Node[T]:
      • Represents end of the nodes.
    3. Size int:
      • Represents size of the nodes.
    4. functions map[string]any (inaccessible):
      • Represents custom functions that you want to run on LinkList object by Run function.


  1. New[T any](functions map[string]any) (*LinkList[T], error):
    • Creates and returns a LinkList object.
    • Adds functions inside the LinkList object that can be run from Run function.
    • Important Note: Functions that you send inside New function, have to have their first input as type of *LinkList[T].
  2. LinkList[T any] struct:
    1. Run(function string, params... any) ([]reflect.Value, error):
      • Receives function key as string and some parameters and runs the function with given parameters.
    2. Clear():
      • Clears the nodes.
    3. GetSize() int:
      • Returns length of all nodes.
    4. IsEmpty() bool:
      • Return true of the LinkList object is empty.
    5. AddLast(data *T) *T:
      • Adds a node at the end of LinkList object.
    6. AddFirst(data *T) *T:
      • Adds a node at the beginning of LinkList object.
    7. Add(index int, data *T) *T:
      • Adds a node at desired index location.
    8. RemoveData(data *T) *T:
    • Removes a node that has same data address as variable data has in memory. (addresses of them will be compared not values)
    1. Remove(index int) *T:
    • Removes a node based on its index from LinkList object.
    1. RemoveNode(node *Node[T]) *T:
    • Removes a node from LinkList object.
    1. RemoveLast() *T:
    • Removes latest node from LinkList object.
    1. RemoveFirst() *T:
      • Removes first node from LinkList object.
    2. GetIndex(data *T) int:
      • Returns index of the node that has asked data in it. (if no nodes found, -1 returns)
    3. Contains(data *T) bool:
      • Returns true if a node containing asked data exists.
    4. GetNode(index int) *Node[T]:
      • Returns a node based on given index.
    5. FindNode(data *T) *Node[T]:
      • Returns a node based on data address in memory (not its value).
    6. Displace(node1 *Node[T], node2 *Node[T]) bool:
      • Changes place of the two given nodes to each other.
    7. DisplaceIndex(index1 int, index2 int) bool:
      • Changes place of the two given nodes in those indexes to each other.
    8. DisplaceTo(node *Node[T], index int) bool:
      • Changes place of a node to index position.
    9. ReturnAsSlice() []T:
      • Returns a copy of LinkList object nodes inside an slice.
    10. FirstNode() *Node[T]:
      • Returns first node of LinkList object.
    11. LastNode() *Node[T]:
      • Returns last node of LinkList object.
    12. First() *Node[T]:
      • Returns first data of the first node in LinkList object.
    13. Last() *Node[T]:
      • Returns last data of the last node in LinkList object.
  3. Node[T any] struct:
    1. GetData() *T:
      • Returns data of the node.
    2. SetData(data *T) *T:
      • Replaces data of the node with new given data.

Example Usage

This is just a random simple code of how to use this structure:

package main

import (
	// "reflect"


type Human struct {
	FirstName string
	LastName  string
	IDNum     string

func fun(l *ll.LinkList[Human], i int) []Human {
	fmt.Println("We are inside `fun` function and i value equals to: ", i, "\n")
	return l.ReturnAsSlice()

func main() {
	l, err := ll.New[Human](map[string]any{
		"fun": fun,
	if err != nil {
		FirstName: "Ali",
		LastName:  "Hamidi",
		IDNum:     "0891265769",
		FirstName: "Jafar",
		LastName:  "Ahmadi",
		IDNum:     "0090565755",
		FirstName: "Gholi",
		LastName:  "Ghasemi",
		IDNum:     "0890254698",
		FirstName: "Ahmad",
		LastName:  "Abbasi",
		IDNum:     "0750254694",
	l.Add(2, &Human{
		FirstName: "Bob",
		LastName:  "Ross",
		IDNum:     "0320254644",

	values, err := l.Run("fun", 2)
	if err == nil {
		fmt.Println("Returned Value:", values[0])
	} else {
	fmt.Println("Removed Item: ", l.Remove(1))
	fmt.Println("After Remove: ", l.ReturnAsSlice())
	fmt.Println("Size: ", l.GetSize())
	l.DisplaceIndex(1, 1)
	l.DisplaceIndex(2, 3)
	l.DisplaceIndex(1, 500)
	fmt.Println("After Displaces: ", l.ReturnAsSlice())
	fmt.Println("After Clear: ", l.ReturnAsSlice())
	fmt.Println("Size After Clear: ", l.GetSize())


We are inside `fun` function and i value equals to:  2 

Returned Value: [{Ahmad Abbasi 0750254694} {Gholi Ghasemi 0890254698} {Bob Ross 0320254644} {Ali Hamidi 0891265769} {Jafar Ahmadi 0090565755}]
Removed Item:  &{Gholi Ghasemi 0890254698}
After Remove:  [{Ahmad Abbasi 0750254694} {Bob Ross 0320254644} {Ali Hamidi 0891265769} {Jafar Ahmadi 0090565755}]
Size:  4
After Displaces:  [{Ahmad Abbasi 0750254694} {Bob Ross 0320254644} {Jafar Ahmadi 0090565755} {Ali Hamidi 0891265769}]
After Clear:  []
Size After Clear:  0