Spin up the dev server; live reload is enabled:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Live at http://localhost:4000/blog/
Update gems:
docker compose run --rm develop bundle update github-pages
Add custom styles to assets/main.scss
Automatically generate tags? Clustering?
Solution to serve images
- Prototype via Google Drive
- Works using
- To get id: Right-click in Drive -> get link.
- Works using
- Prototype via S3 bucket or similar.
- Prototype via Google Drive
Books main page or similar.
Listening main page or similar.
Add comments somehow. Desirable without ads.
- Could roll my own using GCP cloud functions + NoSQL—it's been done before.
- Also see Ned's that uses AWS.
- terraform + lambda + api gateway
- Or $60/year.
- Could roll my own using GCP cloud functions + NoSQL—it's been done before.
Convert some old facebook posts into blog entries.
Convert some old wordpress* posts into blog entries (maybe in gmail, or maybe even that account is still somewhere).
Musical notation.
- LilyPond. Jekyll LilyPond plugin.
- GitHub Pages cannot build sites using unsupported plugins. Therefore, to use other plugins need CI/CD solution. Perhaps this GitHub action.