This is a very simple example for how to use mongo-db using the tesla-mongo-connect addon to tesla-microservice.
To start the application you can either use
a mongo-db running on localhost (or whatever you change the config to in [](ls resources/ Then you can start the application with
lein run
an embedded mongodb provided by embongo. Start the application with
lein embongo run
First some data is written into the collection testcol
during starting up the system in example_system.clj:
(mongo/update-upserting! (:mongo started) "testcol" {:_id "myId"}
{:_id "myId"
:foo "bar"
:info "This was upserted into mongo in example-system.clj"})
The project contains a very simple page, which is dependent on :mongo
in tesla-mongo-connect. If you call http://localhost:8080/example
the data is read out of mongo and rendered into the html-response in page.clj:
(mongo/find-one-checked! (:mongo self) "testcol" {})