This plugin is written to specifically help authenticate API requests for from insomnia.
If you are not a goTom user, then this plugin won't help you solve your issues with HMAC authentication as it was specifically written to work for goTom.
- Open insomnia
- Application - Preferences - Plugins
- Search 'insomnia-plugin-gotom-hmac'
- Press install
- Set insomnia to debug mode (the menu in the middle at the top that says: design - debug - test, select 'debug')
- Click on the 'Environment' (typically 'No Environment') - click 'Manage Environments'
- Copy paste this json with the values that you received from support:
"graph_export_gotom_api_user": "<your graph username>",
"graph_export_gotom_api_secret": "<your api secret>",
"gotom_api_user": "<your api user>",
"gotom_api_secret": "<your api secret>"
To manually install the plugin, just copy it into the plugins folder. Something like:
or press "reveal plugins folder" in Insomnia - Application - Preferences - Plugins
See as well Plugin Configuration step