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Gradio meta tags override issue #10701

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zgreathouse opened this issue Mar 1, 2025 · 6 comments
1 task done

Gradio meta tags override issue #10701

zgreathouse opened this issue Mar 1, 2025 · 6 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Describe the bug

Problem Description

When attempting to set custom meta tags in a Gradio application via the head parameter for Blocks, Gradio overrides or conflicts with custom meta tags, particularly Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags. This makes it difficult to properly set up social media previews for a Gradio application.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a simple Gradio application with custom social media (twitter) meta tags.
  • Inspect the HTML source of the resulting page in the browser
  • Notice that the twitter meta tags have been overridden by Gradio's default values.
    (See attached sample code)

Expected Behavior

Custom meta tags provided through the head parameter should take precedence over any default meta tags Gradio adds, especially Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags.

Actual Behavior

Gradio overwrites the custom meta tags with its own values.
The specific tags I notice this behavior with are:

  • property=og:description
  • property=og:image
  • name=twitter:creator
  • name=twitter:description
  • name=twitter:image


This issue prevents Gradio applications from properly setting up social media previews, which is critical for applications that are shared on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Slack, and other social media sites. Without the ability to set custom meta tags, Gradio applications cannot control how they appear when shared on these platforms. (There are work arounds like serving the gradio app in an iframe, but it would be so much simpler if the head parameter worked as expected.)

Possible Solution

Consider adding a specific parameter for social media meta tags or enhancing the existing head parameter to ensure custom meta tags take precedence over any default values.

Have you searched existing issues? 🔎

  • I have searched and found no existing issues


import gradio as gr

def build_gradio_interface() -> gr.Blocks:
  custom_head = """
  <!-- HTML Meta Tags -->
  <title>Sample App</title>
  <meta name="description" content="An open-source web application showcasing various features and capabilities.">
  <!-- Facebook Meta Tags -->
  <meta property="og:url" content="">
  <meta property="og:type" content="website">
  <meta property="og:title" content="Sample App">
  <meta property="og:description" content="An open-source web application showcasing various features and capabilities.">
  <meta property="og:image" content="">
  <!-- Twitter Meta Tags -->
  <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
  <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@example_user">
  <meta name="twitter:title" content="Sample App">
  <meta name="twitter:description" content="An open-source web application showcasing various features and capabilities.">
  <meta name="twitter:image" content="">
  <meta property="twitter:domain" content="">
  <meta property="twitter:url" content="">
  <!-- Meta Tags Generated via -->
  with gr.Blocks(
    title="My App",
  ) as demo:
    gr.HTML("<h1>My App</h1>")

  return demo

demo = build_gradio_interface()


No response


System Info

- Gradio version: 5.18.0
- Browser: Chrome/Firefox
- OS: Windows/Mac/Linux


I can work around it

@zgreathouse zgreathouse added the bug Something isn't working label Mar 1, 2025
@abidlabs abidlabs marked this as a duplicate of #8891 Mar 1, 2025
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abidlabs commented Mar 1, 2025

Thanks @zgreathouse we'll consider proposing an API for this! cc @dawoodkhan82

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dwipper commented Mar 1, 2025

@zgreathouse Here was the script I wrote that worked:

  // Update viewport tag
  var metaTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]');
  var content = metaTag.getAttribute('content');
  metaTag.setAttribute('content', content + ', maximum-scale=1');

  // Add in meta description tag
  var head = document.head;
  var firstElementInHead = head.firstChild;
  var metaDescription = document.createElement('meta'); = "description";
  metaDescription.content = "Application Description";
  var ico_link = document.createElement('link');
  ico_link.rel = 'icon';
  ico_link.href = 'file/favicon.ico';
  head.insertBefore(metaDescription, firstElementInHead);
  var firstElementInHead = head.firstChild;
  head.insertBefore(ico_link, firstElementInHead);
//Function to update various meta tags
    function updateMetaContent(selector, propertyOrName, value) {
        var meta = document.querySelector(selector + '[' + propertyOrName + ']');
        if (meta) {
            meta.content = value;
    // Updating each meta tag
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:url"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:title"', 'Application Title');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:image"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:description"', 'Application Description');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:creator"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:description"', 'Application Description');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:image"', '');

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+1 I'm encountering the same issue and looking for workaround for this issue. Is it possible to patch my gradio locally?

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@zgreathouse Here was the script I wrote that worked:

  // Update viewport tag
  var metaTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]');
  var content = metaTag.getAttribute('content');
  metaTag.setAttribute('content', content + ', maximum-scale=1');

  // Add in meta description tag
  var head = document.head;
  var firstElementInHead = head.firstChild;
  var metaDescription = document.createElement('meta'); = "description";
  metaDescription.content = "Application Description";
  var ico_link = document.createElement('link');
  ico_link.rel = 'icon';
  ico_link.href = 'file/favicon.ico';
  head.insertBefore(metaDescription, firstElementInHead);
  var firstElementInHead = head.firstChild;
  head.insertBefore(ico_link, firstElementInHead);
//Function to update various meta tags
    function updateMetaContent(selector, propertyOrName, value) {
        var meta = document.querySelector(selector + '[' + propertyOrName + ']');
        if (meta) {
            meta.content = value;
    // Updating each meta tag
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:url"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:title"', 'Application Title');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:image"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[property]', 'property="og:description"', 'Application Description');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:creator"', '');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:description"', 'Application Description');
    updateMetaContent('meta[name]', 'name="twitter:image"', '');

@dwipper Thank you for taking the time to write this script! Unfortunately, this will not serve as a workaround.

It's important to note that updating meta tags via JavaScript won't work for social media previews or SEO. When social platforms and search engine crawlers visit your URL, they only parse the initial HTML response before any JavaScript executes. For proper social previews and search engine optimization, meta tags must be present in the head of the document from the start.

This is why we need the head parameter for Blocks to function as expected: "Custom html code to insert into the head of the demo webpage. This can be used to add custom meta tags, multiple scripts, stylesheets, etc. to the page."

Without it, users are forced to serve their Gradio app within an iframe or implement similar workarounds.

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dwipper commented Mar 5, 2025

@dwipper Thank you for taking the time to write this script! Unfortunately, this will not serve as a workaround.

It's important to note that updating meta tags via JavaScript won't work for social media previews or SEO. When social platforms and search engine crawlers visit your URL, they only parse the initial HTML response before any JavaScript executes. For proper social previews and search engine optimization, meta tags must be present in the head of the document from the start.

This is why we need the head parameter for Blocks to function as expected: "Custom html code to insert into the head of the demo webpage. This can be used to add custom meta tags, multiple scripts, stylesheets, etc. to the page."

Without it, users are forced to serve their Gradio app within an iframe or implement similar workarounds.

I had written that script more than a year least the Google search console will pick up the tags, but I totally agree with you that the tags need to be set when the page loads, and not modified after it loads (with JS or an API). It seems that .Blocks() should have a param where all of the tag values can be set when the blocks/page load.

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zgreathouse commented Mar 6, 2025

I had written that script more than a year least the Google search console will pick up the tags, but I totally agree with you that the tags need to be set when the page loads, and not modified after it loads (with JS or an API). It seems that .Blocks() should have a param where all of the tag values can be set when the blocks/page load.

Found a relatively simple workaround using gr.mount_gradio_app and registering middleware to update the meta tags.


def build_gradio_interface() -> gr.Blocks:  
    with gr.Blocks(title="App") as demo:
    return demo

async def main() -> None:
    # Initialize FastAPI server and register middleware
    app = FastAPI()
    # Build Gradio UI
    demo = build_gradio_interface()
    # Mount Gradio app
    gr.mount_gradio_app(app=app, blocks=demo, path="/")
    # Configure and run server
    config = uvicorn.Config(app, host="", port=7860)
    server = uvicorn.Server(config)
    await server.serve()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Script to Reproduce

(This script assumes uv is installed on your machine.)

mkdir sample-app
cd sample-app
# Initialize project
uv init
# Install dependencies
uv add bs4 fastapi gradio
# Write implementation code to
cat > << 'EOF'
import asyncio
from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Tag
import gradio as gr
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.responses import Response
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
import uvicorn

META_TAGS: List[Dict[str, str]] = [
    { "name": "description", "content": "An open-source web application...etc." },
    { "property": "og:url", "content": "" },
    { "property": "og:type", "content": "website" },
    { "property": "og:title", "content": "Sample App" },
    { "property": "og:description", "content": "An open-source web application...etc." },
    { "property": "og:image", "content": "" },
    { "property": "twitter:domain", "content": ""},
    { "property": "twitter:url", "content": "" },
    { "name": "twitter:card", "content": "summary_large_image" },
    { "name": "twitter:creator", "content": "@example_user"},
    { "name": "twitter:title", "content": "Sample App"},
    { "name": "twitter:description", "content": "An open-source web application...etc." },
    { "name": "twitter:image", "content": "" }

def update_meta_tags(html_content: str, meta_tags: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> str:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")
    head: Optional[Tag] = soup.head
    # Remove existing meta tags that would conflict with our new ones
    for meta_tag in meta_tags:
        attr_type = "name" if "name" in meta_tag else "property"
        attr_value: Optional[str] = meta_tag.get(attr_type)
        existing_tags = head.find_all("meta", attrs={attr_type: attr_value})
        for tag in existing_tags:
    # Add the new meta tags to the head section
    for meta_info in meta_tags:
        new_meta: Tag = soup.new_tag("meta")
        for attr, value in meta_info.items():
            new_meta[attr] = value
    return str(soup)

class ResponseModifierMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
    async def dispatch(
        request: Request,
        call_next: Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Response]]
    ) -> Response:
        response: Response = await call_next(request)
        if request.url.path == "/" and response.headers.get("content-type", "").startswith("text/html"):
            response_body = b"".join([chunk async for chunk in response.body_iterator])
            headers = dict(response.headers)
                content: str = response_body.decode("utf-8")
                modified_content: bytes = update_meta_tags(content, META_TAGS).encode("utf-8")
                headers["content-length"] = str(len(modified_content))
                return Response(
            except Exception:
                return Response(
        return response

def build_gradio_interface() -> gr.Blocks:  
    with gr.Blocks(title="App") as demo:
    return demo

async def main() -> None:
    # Initialize FastAPI server and register middleware
    app = FastAPI()
    # Build Gradio UI
    demo = build_gradio_interface()
    # Mount Gradio app
    gr.mount_gradio_app(app=app, blocks=demo, path="/")
    # Configure and run server
    config = uvicorn.Config(app, host="", port=7860)
    server = uvicorn.Server(config)
    await server.serve()

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Serve application
uv run &
# Give server time to initialize
sleep 2
if command -v open >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    # macOS
    open http://localhost:7860
elif command -v xdg-open >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    # Linux
    xdg-open http://localhost:7860
elif command -v start >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    # Windows
    start http://localhost:7860
    echo "Server started! Open http://localhost:7860 in your browser"

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bug Something isn't working
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