A GraphQL service does not just verify if a request is syntactically correct, but also ensures that it is unambiguous and mistake-free in the context of a given GraphQL schema.
An invalid request is still technically executable, and will always produce a stable result as defined by the algorithms in the Execution section, however that result may be ambiguous, surprising, or unexpected relative to a request containing validation errors, so execution should only occur for valid requests.
Typically validation is performed in the context of a request immediately before execution, however a GraphQL service may execute a request without explicitly validating it if that exact same request is known to have been validated before. For example: the request may be validated during development, provided it does not later change, or a service may validate a request once and memoize the result to avoid validating the same request again in the future. Any client-side or development-time tool should report validation errors and not allow the formulation or execution of requests known to be invalid at that given point in time.
Type System Evolution
As GraphQL type system schema evolves over time by adding new types and new fields, it is possible that a request which was previously valid could later become invalid. Any change that can cause a previously valid request to become invalid is considered a breaking change. GraphQL services and schema maintainers are encouraged to avoid breaking changes, however in order to be more resilient to these breaking changes, sophisticated GraphQL systems may still allow for the execution of requests which at some point were known to be free of any validation errors, and have not changed since.
For this section of this schema, we will assume the following type system in order to demonstrate examples:
type Query {
dog: Dog
findDog(searchBy: FindDogInput): Dog
enum DogCommand {
type Dog implements Pet {
name: String!
nickname: String
barkVolume: Int
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DogCommand!): Boolean!
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: Boolean): Boolean!
owner: Human
interface Sentient {
name: String!
interface Pet {
name: String!
type Alien implements Sentient {
name: String!
homePlanet: String
type Human implements Sentient {
name: String!
pets: [Pet!]
enum CatCommand {
type Cat implements Pet {
name: String!
nickname: String
doesKnowCommand(catCommand: CatCommand!): Boolean!
meowVolume: Int
union CatOrDog = Cat | Dog
union DogOrHuman = Dog | Human
union HumanOrAlien = Human | Alien
input FindDogInput {
name: String
owner: String
Formal Specification
- For each definition {definition} in the document:
- {definition} must be {ExecutableDefinition} (it must not be {TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension}).
Explanatory Text
GraphQL execution will only consider the executable definitions Operation and Fragment. Type system definitions and extensions are not executable, and are not considered during execution.
To avoid ambiguity, a document containing {TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension} is invalid for execution.
GraphQL documents not intended to be directly executed may include {TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension}.
For example, the following document is invalid for execution since the original executing schema may not know about the provided type extension:
query getDogName {
dog {
extend type Dog {
color: String
Formal Specification
- For each operation definition {operation} in the document:
- Let {operationName} be the name of {operation}.
- If {operationName} exists:
- Let {operations} be all operation definitions in the document named {operationName}.
- {operations} must be a set of one.
Explanatory Text
Each named operation definition must be unique within a document when referred to by its name.
For example the following document is valid:
query getDogName {
dog {
query getOwnerName {
dog {
owner {
While this document is invalid:
query getName {
dog {
query getName {
dog {
owner {
It is invalid even if the type of each operation is different:
query dogOperation {
dog {
mutation dogOperation {
mutateDog {
Formal Specification
- Let {operations} be all operation definitions in the document.
- Let {anonymous} be all anonymous operation definitions in the document.
- If {operations} is a set of more than 1:
- {anonymous} must be empty.
Explanatory Text
GraphQL allows a short-hand form for defining query operations when only that one operation exists in the document.
For example the following document is valid:
dog {
While this document is invalid:
dog {
query getName {
dog {
owner {
Formal Specification
- Let {subscriptionType} be the root Subscription type in {schema}.
- For each subscription operation definition {subscription} in the document:
- Let {selectionSet} be the top level selection set on {subscription}.
- Let {variableValues} be the empty set.
- Let {groupedFieldSet} be the result of {CollectFields(subscriptionType, selectionSet, variableValues)}.
- {groupedFieldSet} must have exactly one entry, which must not be an introspection field.
Explanatory Text
Subscription operations must have exactly one root field.
Valid examples:
subscription sub {
newMessage {
subscription sub {
fragment newMessageFields on Subscription {
newMessage {
subscription sub {
newMessage {
subscription sub {
fragment multipleSubscriptions on Subscription {
newMessage {
The root field of a subscription operation must not be an introspection field. The following example is also invalid:
subscription sub {
Note: While each subscription must have exactly one root field, a document may contain any number of operations, each of which may contain different root fields. When executed, a document containing multiple subscription operations must provide the operation name as described in {GetOperation()}.
Field selections must exist on Object, Interface, and Union types.
Formal Specification
- For each {selection} in the document:
- Let {fieldName} be the target field of {selection}.
- {fieldName} must be defined on type in scope.
Explanatory Text
The target field of a field selection must be defined on the scoped type of the selection set. There are no limitations on alias names.
For example the following fragment would not pass validation:
fragment fieldNotDefined on Dog {
fragment aliasedLyingFieldTargetNotDefined on Dog {
barkVolume: kawVolume
For interfaces, direct field selection can only be done on fields. Fields of concrete implementers are not relevant to the validity of the given interface-typed selection set.
For example, the following is valid:
fragment interfaceFieldSelection on Pet {
and the following is invalid:
fragment definedOnImplementersButNotInterface on Pet {
Because unions do not define fields, fields may not be directly selected from a union-typed selection set, with the exception of the meta-field {__typename}. Fields from a union-typed selection set must only be queried indirectly via a fragment.
For example the following is valid:
fragment inDirectFieldSelectionOnUnion on CatOrDog {
... on Pet {
... on Dog {
But the following is invalid:
fragment directFieldSelectionOnUnion on CatOrDog {
Formal Specification
- Let {set} be any selection set defined in the GraphQL document.
- {FieldsInSetCanMerge(set)} must be true.
- Let {fieldsForName} be the set of selections with a given response name in {set} including visiting fragments and inline fragments.
- Given each pair of members {fieldA} and {fieldB} in {fieldsForName}:
- {SameResponseShape(fieldA, fieldB)} must be true.
- If the parent types of {fieldA} and {fieldB} are equal or if either is not
an Object Type:
- {fieldA} and {fieldB} must have identical field names.
- {fieldA} and {fieldB} must have identical sets of arguments.
- Let {mergedSet} be the result of adding the selection set of {fieldA} and the selection set of {fieldB}.
- {FieldsInSetCanMerge(mergedSet)} must be true.
SameResponseShape(fieldA, fieldB):
- Let {typeA} be the return type of {fieldA}.
- Let {typeB} be the return type of {fieldB}.
- If {typeA} or {typeB} is Non-Null:
- If {typeA} or {typeB} is nullable, return {false}.
- Let {typeA} be the nullable type of {typeA}.
- Let {typeB} be the nullable type of {typeB}.
- If {typeA} or {typeB} is List:
- If {typeA} or {typeB} is not List, return {false}.
- Let {typeA} be the item type of {typeA}.
- Let {typeB} be the item type of {typeB}.
- Repeat from step 3.
- If {typeA} or {typeB} is Scalar or Enum:
- If {typeA} and {typeB} are the same type return {true}, otherwise return {false}.
- Assert: {typeA} is an object, union or interface type.
- Assert: {typeB} is an object, union or interface type.
- Let {mergedSet} be the result of adding the selection set of {fieldA} and the selection set of {fieldB}.
- Let {fieldsForName} be the set of selections with a given response name in {mergedSet} including visiting fragments and inline fragments.
- Given each pair of members {subfieldA} and {subfieldB} in {fieldsForName}:
- If {SameResponseShape(subfieldA, subfieldB)} is {false}, return {false}.
- Return {true}.
Note: In prior versions of the spec the term "composite" was used to signal a type that is either an Object, Interface or Union type.
Explanatory Text
If multiple field selections with the same response names are encountered during execution, the field and arguments to execute and the resulting value should be unambiguous. Therefore any two field selections which might both be encountered for the same object are only valid if they are equivalent.
During execution, the simultaneous execution of fields with the same response name is accomplished by {MergeSelectionSets()} and {CollectFields()}.
For simple hand-written GraphQL, this rule is obviously a clear developer error, however nested fragments can make this difficult to detect manually.
The following selections correctly merge:
fragment mergeIdenticalFields on Dog {
fragment mergeIdenticalAliasesAndFields on Dog {
otherName: name
otherName: name
The following is not able to merge:
fragment conflictingBecauseAlias on Dog {
name: nickname
Identical fields are also merged if they have identical arguments. Both values and variables can be correctly merged.
For example the following correctly merge:
fragment mergeIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalArgs on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
fragment mergeIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalValues on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $dogCommand)
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $dogCommand)
The following do not correctly merge:
fragment conflictingArgsOnValues on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: HEEL)
fragment conflictingArgsValueAndVar on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $dogCommand)
fragment conflictingArgsWithVars on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $varOne)
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $varTwo)
fragment differingArgs on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
The following fields would not merge together, however both cannot be encountered against the same object, so they are safe:
fragment safeDifferingFields on Pet {
... on Dog {
volume: barkVolume
... on Cat {
volume: meowVolume
fragment safeDifferingArgs on Pet {
... on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
... on Cat {
doesKnowCommand(catCommand: JUMP)
However, the field responses must be shapes which can be merged. For example,
leaf types must not differ. In this example, someValue
might be a String
an Int
fragment conflictingDifferingResponses on Pet {
... on Dog {
someValue: nickname
... on Cat {
someValue: meowVolume
Formal Specification
- For each {selection} in the document:
- Let {selectionType} be the unwrapped result type of {selection}.
- If {selectionType} is a scalar or enum:
- The subselection set of that selection must be empty.
- If {selectionType} is an interface, union, or object:
- The subselection set of that selection must not be empty.
Explanatory Text
A field subselection is not allowed on leaf fields. A leaf field is any field with a scalar or enum unwrapped type.
The following is valid.
fragment scalarSelection on Dog {
The following is invalid.
fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedOnInt on Dog {
barkVolume {
Conversely, non-leaf fields must have a field subselection. A non-leaf field is any field with an object, interface, or union unwrapped type.
Let's assume the following additions to the query root operation type of the schema:
extend type Query {
human: Human
pet: Pet
catOrDog: CatOrDog
The following examples are invalid because they include non-leaf fields without a field subselection.
query directQueryOnObjectWithoutSubFields {
query directQueryOnInterfaceWithoutSubFields {
query directQueryOnUnionWithoutSubFields {
However the following example is valid since it includes a field subselection.
query directQueryOnObjectWithSubFields {
human {
Arguments are provided to both fields and directives. The following validation rules apply in both cases.
Formal Specification
- For each {argument} in the document:
- Let {argumentName} be the Name of {argument}.
- Let {argumentDefinition} be the argument definition provided by the parent field or definition named {argumentName}.
- {argumentDefinition} must exist.
Explanatory Text
Every argument provided to a field or directive must be defined in the set of possible arguments of that field or directive.
For example the following are valid:
fragment argOnRequiredArg on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT)
fragment argOnOptional on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: true) @include(if: true)
the following is invalid since command
is not defined on DogCommand
fragment invalidArgName on Dog {
doesKnowCommand(command: CLEAN_UP_HOUSE)
and this is also invalid as unless
is not defined on @include
fragment invalidArgName on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: true) @include(unless: false)
In order to explore more complicated argument examples, let's add the following to our type system:
type Arguments {
multipleRequirements(x: Int!, y: Int!): Int!
booleanArgField(booleanArg: Boolean): Boolean
floatArgField(floatArg: Float): Float
intArgField(intArg: Int): Int
nonNullBooleanArgField(nonNullBooleanArg: Boolean!): Boolean!
booleanListArgField(booleanListArg: [Boolean]!): [Boolean]
optionalNonNullBooleanArgField(optionalBooleanArg: Boolean! = false): Boolean!
extend type Query {
arguments: Arguments
Order does not matter in arguments. Therefore both the following examples are valid.
fragment multipleArgs on Arguments {
multipleRequirements(x: 1, y: 2)
fragment multipleArgsReverseOrder on Arguments {
multipleRequirements(y: 2, x: 1)
Fields and directives treat arguments as a mapping of argument name to value. More than one argument with the same name in an argument set is ambiguous and invalid.
Formal Specification
- For each {argument} in the Document:
- Let {argumentName} be the Name of {argument}.
- Let {arguments} be all Arguments named {argumentName} in the Argument Set which contains {argument}.
- {arguments} must be the set containing only {argument}.
- For each Field or Directive in the document:
- Let {arguments} be the arguments provided by the Field or Directive.
- Let {argumentDefinitions} be the set of argument definitions of that Field or Directive.
- For each {argumentDefinition} in {argumentDefinitions}:
- Let {type} be the expected type of {argumentDefinition}.
- Let {defaultValue} be the default value of {argumentDefinition}.
- If {type} is Non-Null and {defaultValue} does not exist:
- Let {argumentName} be the name of {argumentDefinition}.
- Let {argument} be the argument in {arguments} named {argumentName}.
- {argument} must exist.
- Let {value} be the value of {argument}.
- {value} must not be the {null} literal.
Explanatory Text
Arguments can be required. An argument is required if the argument type is non-null and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the argument is optional.
For example the following are valid:
fragment goodBooleanArg on Arguments {
booleanArgField(booleanArg: true)
fragment goodNonNullArg on Arguments {
nonNullBooleanArgField(nonNullBooleanArg: true)
The argument can be omitted from a field with a nullable argument.
Therefore the following fragment is valid:
fragment goodBooleanArgDefault on Arguments {
but this is not valid on a required argument.
fragment missingRequiredArg on Arguments {
Providing the explicit value {null} is also not valid since required arguments always have a non-null type.
fragment missingRequiredArg on Arguments {
nonNullBooleanArgField(nonNullBooleanArg: null)
Formal Specification
- For each fragment definition {fragment} in the document:
- Let {fragmentName} be the name of {fragment}.
- Let {fragments} be all fragment definitions in the document named {fragmentName}.
- {fragments} must be a set of one.
Explanatory Text
Fragment definitions are referenced in fragment spreads by name. To avoid ambiguity, each fragment's name must be unique within a document.
Inline fragments are not considered fragment definitions, and are unaffected by this validation rule.
For example the following document is valid:
dog {
fragment fragmentOne on Dog {
fragment fragmentTwo on Dog {
owner {
While this document is invalid:
dog {
fragment fragmentOne on Dog {
fragment fragmentOne on Dog {
owner {
Formal Specification
- For each named spread {namedSpread} in the document:
- Let {fragment} be the target of {namedSpread}.
- The target type of {fragment} must be defined in the schema.
Explanatory Text
Fragments must be specified on types that exist in the schema. This applies for both named and inline fragments. If they are not defined in the schema, the fragment is invalid.
For example the following fragments are valid:
fragment correctType on Dog {
fragment inlineFragment on Dog {
... on Dog {
fragment inlineFragment2 on Dog {
... @include(if: true) {
and the following do not validate:
fragment notOnExistingType on NotInSchema {
fragment inlineNotExistingType on Dog {
... on NotInSchema {
Formal Specification
- For each {fragment} defined in the document:
- The target type of fragment must have kind {UNION}, {INTERFACE}, or {OBJECT}.
Explanatory Text
Fragments can only be declared on unions, interfaces, and objects. They are invalid on scalars. They can only be applied on non-leaf fields. This rule applies to both inline and named fragments.
The following fragment declarations are valid:
fragment fragOnObject on Dog {
fragment fragOnInterface on Pet {
fragment fragOnUnion on CatOrDog {
... on Dog {
and the following are invalid:
fragment fragOnScalar on Int {
fragment inlineFragOnScalar on Dog {
... on Boolean {
Formal Specification
- For each {fragment} defined in the document:
- {fragment} must be the target of at least one spread in the document.
Explanatory Text
Defined fragments must be used within a document.
For example the following is an invalid document:
fragment nameFragment on Dog { # unused
dog {
Field selection is also determined by spreading fragments into one another. The selection set of the target fragment is combined into the selection set at the level at which the target fragment is referenced.
Formal Specification
- For every {namedSpread} in the document:
- Let {fragment} be the target of {namedSpread}.
- {fragment} must be defined in the document.
Explanatory Text
Named fragment spreads must refer to fragments defined within the document. It is a validation error if the target of a spread is not defined.
dog {
Formal Specification
- For each {fragmentDefinition} in the document:
- Let {visited} be the empty set.
- {DetectFragmentCycles(fragmentDefinition, visited)}.
DetectFragmentCycles(fragmentDefinition, visited):
- Let {spreads} be all fragment spread descendants of {fragmentDefinition}.
- For each {spread} in {spreads}:
- {visited} must not contain {spread}.
- Let {nextVisited} be the set including {spread} and members of {visited}.
- Let {nextFragmentDefinition} be the target of {spread}.
- {DetectFragmentCycles(nextFragmentDefinition, nextVisited)}.
Explanatory Text
The graph of fragment spreads must not form any cycles including spreading itself. Otherwise an operation could infinitely spread or infinitely execute on cycles in the underlying data.
This invalidates fragments that would result in an infinite spread:
dog {
fragment nameFragment on Dog {
fragment barkVolumeFragment on Dog {
If the above fragments were inlined, this would result in the infinitely large:
dog {
# forever...
This also invalidates fragments that would result in an infinite recursion when executed against cyclic data:
dog {
fragment dogFragment on Dog {
owner {
fragment ownerFragment on Human {
pets {
Formal Specification
- For each {spread} (named or inline) defined in the document:
- Let {fragment} be the target of {spread}.
- Let {fragmentType} be the type condition of {fragment}.
- Let {parentType} be the type of the selection set containing {spread}.
- Let {applicableTypes} be the intersection of {GetPossibleTypes(fragmentType)} and {GetPossibleTypes(parentType)}.
- {applicableTypes} must not be empty.
- If {type} is an object type, return a set containing {type}.
- If {type} is an interface type, return the set of types implementing {type}.
- If {type} is a union type, return the set of possible types of {type}.
Explanatory Text
Fragments are declared on a type and will only apply when the runtime object type matches the type condition. They also are spread within the context of a parent type. A fragment spread is only valid if its type condition could ever apply within the parent type.
In the scope of an object type, the only valid object type fragment spread is one that applies to the same type that is in scope.
For example
fragment dogFragment on Dog {
... on Dog {
and the following is invalid
fragment catInDogFragmentInvalid on Dog {
... on Cat {
In scope of an object type, unions or interface spreads can be used if the object type implements the interface or is a member of the union.
For example
fragment petNameFragment on Pet {
fragment interfaceWithinObjectFragment on Dog {
is valid because {Dog} implements Pet.
fragment catOrDogNameFragment on CatOrDog {
... on Cat {
fragment unionWithObjectFragment on Dog {
is valid because {Dog} is a member of the {CatOrDog} union. It is worth noting that if one inspected the contents of the {CatOrDogNameFragment} you could note that no valid results would ever be returned. However we do not specify this as invalid because we only consider the fragment declaration, not its body.
Union or interface spreads can be used within the context of an object type fragment, but only if the object type is one of the possible types of that interface or union.
For example, the following fragments are valid:
fragment petFragment on Pet {
... on Dog {
fragment catOrDogFragment on CatOrDog {
... on Cat {
{petFragment} is valid because {Dog} implements the interface {Pet}. {catOrDogFragment} is valid because {Cat} is a member of the {CatOrDog} union.
By contrast the following fragments are invalid:
fragment sentientFragment on Sentient {
... on Dog {
fragment humanOrAlienFragment on HumanOrAlien {
... on Cat {
{Dog} does not implement the interface {Sentient} and therefore {sentientFragment} can never return meaningful results. Therefore the fragment is invalid. Likewise {Cat} is not a member of the union {HumanOrAlien}, and it can also never return meaningful results, making it invalid.
Union or interfaces fragments can be used within each other. As long as there exists at least one object type that exists in the intersection of the possible types of the scope and the spread, the spread is considered valid.
So for example
fragment unionWithInterface on Pet {
fragment dogOrHumanFragment on DogOrHuman {
... on Dog {
is considered valid because {Dog} implements interface {Pet} and is a member of {DogOrHuman}.
fragment nonIntersectingInterfaces on Pet {
fragment sentientFragment on Sentient {
is not valid because there exists no type that implements both {Pet} and {Sentient}.
Interface Spreads in Implemented Interface Scope
Additionally, an interface type fragment can always be spread into an interface scope which it implements.
In the example below, the ...resourceFragment
fragments spreads is valid,
since Resource
implements Node
interface Node {
id: ID!
interface Resource implements Node {
id: ID!
url: String
fragment interfaceWithInterface on Node {
fragment resourceFragment on Resource {
Formal Specification
- For each input Value {value} in the document:
- Let {type} be the type expected in the position {value} is found.
- {value} must be coercible to {type}.
Explanatory Text
Literal values must be compatible with the type expected in the position they are found as per the coercion rules defined in the Type System chapter.
The type expected in a position includes the type defined by the argument a value is provided for, the type defined by an input object field a value is provided for, and the type of a variable definition a default value is provided for.
The following examples are valid use of value literals:
fragment goodBooleanArg on Arguments {
booleanArgField(booleanArg: true)
fragment coercedIntIntoFloatArg on Arguments {
# Note: The input coercion rules for Float allow Int literals.
floatArgField(floatArg: 123)
query goodComplexDefaultValue($search: FindDogInput = { name: "Fido" }) {
findDog(searchBy: $search) {
Non-coercible values (such as a String into an Int) are invalid. The following examples are invalid:
fragment stringIntoInt on Arguments {
intArgField(intArg: "123")
query badComplexValue {
findDog(searchBy: { name: 123 }) {
Formal Specification
- For each Input Object Field {inputField} in the document:
- Let {inputFieldName} be the Name of {inputField}.
- Let {inputFieldDefinition} be the input field definition provided by the parent input object type named {inputFieldName}.
- {inputFieldDefinition} must exist.
Explanatory Text
Every input field provided in an input object value must be defined in the set of possible fields of that input object's expected type.
For example the following example input object is valid:
findDog(searchBy: { name: "Fido" }) {
While the following example input-object uses a field "favoriteCookieFlavor" which is not defined on the expected type:
findDog(searchBy: { favoriteCookieFlavor: "Bacon" }) {
Formal Specification
- For each input object value {inputObject} in the document:
- For every {inputField} in {inputObject}:
- Let {name} be the Name of {inputField}.
- Let {fields} be all Input Object Fields named {name} in {inputObject}.
- {fields} must be the set containing only {inputField}.
- For every {inputField} in {inputObject}:
Explanatory Text
Input objects must not contain more than one field of the same name, otherwise an ambiguity would exist which includes an ignored portion of syntax.
For example the following document will not pass validation.
field(arg: { field: true, field: false })
Formal Specification
- For each Input Object in the document:
- Let {fields} be the fields provided by that Input Object.
- Let {fieldDefinitions} be the set of input field definitions of that Input Object.
- For each {fieldDefinition} in {fieldDefinitions}:
- Let {type} be the expected type of {fieldDefinition}.
- Let {defaultValue} be the default value of {fieldDefinition}.
- If {type} is Non-Null and {defaultValue} does not exist:
- Let {fieldName} be the name of {fieldDefinition}.
- Let {field} be the input field in {fields} named {fieldName}.
- {field} must exist.
- Let {value} be the value of {field}.
- {value} must not be the {null} literal.
Explanatory Text
Input object fields may be required. Much like a field may have required arguments, an input object may have required fields. An input field is required if it has a non-null type and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the input object field is optional.
Formal Specification
- For every {directive} in a document:
- Let {directiveName} be the name of {directive}.
- Let {directiveDefinition} be the directive named {directiveName}.
- {directiveDefinition} must exist.
Explanatory Text
GraphQL services define what directives they support. For each usage of a directive, the directive must be available on that service.
Formal Specification
- For every {directive} in a document:
- Let {directiveName} be the name of {directive}.
- Let {directiveDefinition} be the directive named {directiveName}.
- Let {locations} be the valid locations for {directiveDefinition}.
- Let {adjacent} be the AST node the directive affects.
- {adjacent} must be represented by an item within {locations}.
Explanatory Text
GraphQL services define what directives they support and where they support them. For each usage of a directive, the directive must be used in a location that the service has declared support for.
For example the following document will not pass validation because @skip
not provide QUERY
as a valid location.
query @skip(if: $foo) {
Formal Specification
- For every {location} in the document for which Directives can apply:
- Let {directives} be the set of Directives which apply to {location} and are not repeatable.
- For each {directive} in {directives}:
- Let {directiveName} be the name of {directive}.
- Let {namedDirectives} be the set of all Directives named {directiveName} in {directives}.
- {namedDirectives} must be a set of one.
Explanatory Text
GraphQL allows directives that are defined as repeatable
to be used more than
once on the definition they apply to, possibly with different arguments. In
contrast, if a directive is not repeatable
, then only one occurrence of it is
allowed per location.
For example, the following document will not pass validation because
non-repeatable @skip
has been used twice for the same field:
query ($foo: Boolean = true, $bar: Boolean = false) {
field @skip(if: $foo) @skip(if: $bar)
However the following example is valid because @skip
has been used only once
per location, despite being used twice in the operation and on the same named
query ($foo: Boolean = true, $bar: Boolean = false) {
field @skip(if: $foo) {
field @skip(if: $bar) {
Formal Specification
- For every {operation} in the document:
- For every {variable} defined on {operation}:
- Let {variableName} be the name of {variable}.
- Let {variables} be the set of all variables named {variableName} on {operation}.
- {variables} must be a set of one.
- For every {variable} defined on {operation}:
Explanatory Text
If any operation defines more than one variable with the same name, it is ambiguous and invalid. It is invalid even if the type of the duplicate variable is the same.
query houseTrainedQuery($atOtherHomes: Boolean, $atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
It is valid for multiple operations to define a variable with the same name. If two operations reference the same fragment, it might actually be necessary:
query A($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
query B($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
fragment HouseTrainedFragment on Query {
dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
Formal Specification
- For every {operation} in a {document}:
- For every {variable} on each {operation}:
- Let {variableType} be the type of {variable}.
- {IsInputType(variableType)} must be {true}.
- For every {variable} on each {operation}:
Explanatory Text
Variables can only be input types. Objects, unions, and interfaces cannot be used as inputs.
For these examples, consider the following type system additions:
extend type Query {
booleanList(booleanListArg: [Boolean!]): Boolean
The following operations are valid:
query takesBoolean($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
query takesComplexInput($search: FindDogInput) {
findDog(searchBy: $search) {
query TakesListOfBooleanBang($booleans: [Boolean!]) {
booleanList(booleanListArg: $booleans)
The following operations are invalid:
query takesCat($cat: Cat) {
# ...
query takesDogBang($dog: Dog!) {
# ...
query takesListOfPet($pets: [Pet]) {
# ...
query takesCatOrDog($catOrDog: CatOrDog) {
# ...
Formal Specification
- For each {operation} in a document:
- For each {variableUsage} in scope, variable must be in {operation}'s variable list.
- Let {fragments} be every fragment referenced by that {operation} transitively.
- For each {fragment} in {fragments}:
- For each {variableUsage} in scope of {fragment}, variable must be in {operation}'s variable list.
Explanatory Text
Variables are scoped on a per-operation basis. That means that any variable used within the context of an operation must be defined at the top level of that operation
For example:
query variableIsDefined($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
is valid. ${atOtherHomes} is defined by the operation.
By contrast the following document is invalid:
query variableIsNotDefined {
dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
${atOtherHomes} is not defined by the operation.
Fragments complicate this rule. Any fragment transitively included by an operation has access to the variables defined by that operation. Fragments can appear within multiple operations and therefore variable usages must correspond to variable definitions in all of those operations.
For example the following is valid:
query variableIsDefinedUsedInSingleFragment($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
since {isHouseTrainedFragment} is used within the context of the operation {variableIsDefinedUsedInSingleFragment} and the variable is defined by that operation.
On the other hand, if a fragment is included within an operation that does not define a referenced variable, the document is invalid.
query variableIsNotDefinedUsedInSingleFragment {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
This applies transitively as well, so the following also fails:
query variableIsNotDefinedUsedInNestedFragment {
dog {
fragment outerHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
Variables must be defined in all operations in which a fragment is used.
query houseTrainedQueryOne($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
query houseTrainedQueryTwo($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
However the following does not validate:
query houseTrainedQueryOne($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
query houseTrainedQueryTwoNotDefined {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
This is because {houseTrainedQueryTwoNotDefined} does not define a variable ${atOtherHomes} but that variable is used by {isHouseTrainedFragment} which is included in that operation.
Formal Specification
- For every {operation} in the document:
- Let {variables} be the variables defined by that {operation}.
- Each {variable} in {variables} must be used at least once in either the operation scope itself or any fragment transitively referenced by that operation.
Explanatory Text
All variables defined by an operation must be used in that operation or a fragment transitively included by that operation. Unused variables cause a validation error.
For example the following is invalid:
query variableUnused($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
because ${atOtherHomes} is not referenced.
These rules apply to transitive fragment spreads as well:
query variableUsedInFragment($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
The above is valid since ${atOtherHomes} is used in {isHouseTrainedFragment} which is included by {variableUsedInFragment}.
If that fragment did not have a reference to ${atOtherHomes} it would be not valid:
query variableNotUsedWithinFragment($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedWithoutVariableFragment on Dog {
All operations in a document must use all of their variables.
As a result, the following document does not validate.
query queryWithUsedVar($atOtherHomes: Boolean) {
dog {
query queryWithExtraVar($atOtherHomes: Boolean, $extra: Int) {
dog {
fragment isHouseTrainedFragment on Dog {
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: $atOtherHomes)
This document is not valid because {queryWithExtraVar} defines an extraneous variable.
Formal Specification
- For each {operation} in {document}:
- Let {variableUsages} be all usages transitively included in the {operation}.
- For each {variableUsage} in {variableUsages}:
- Let {variableName} be the name of {variableUsage}.
- Let {variableDefinition} be the {VariableDefinition} named {variableName} defined within {operation}.
- {IsVariableUsageAllowed(variableDefinition, variableUsage)} must be {true}.
IsVariableUsageAllowed(variableDefinition, variableUsage):
- Let {variableType} be the expected type of {variableDefinition}.
- Let {locationType} be the expected type of the {Argument}, {ObjectField}, or {ListValue} entry where {variableUsage} is located.
- If {locationType} is a non-null type AND {variableType} is NOT a non-null
- Let {hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue} be {true} if a default value exists for {variableDefinition} and is not the value {null}.
- Let {hasLocationDefaultValue} be {true} if a default value exists for the {Argument} or {ObjectField} where {variableUsage} is located.
- If {hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue} is NOT {true} AND {hasLocationDefaultValue} is NOT {true}, return {false}.
- Let {nullableLocationType} be the unwrapped nullable type of {locationType}.
- Return {AreTypesCompatible(variableType, nullableLocationType)}.
- Return {AreTypesCompatible(variableType, locationType)}.
AreTypesCompatible(variableType, locationType):
- If {locationType} is a non-null type:
- If {variableType} is NOT a non-null type, return {false}.
- Let {nullableLocationType} be the unwrapped nullable type of {locationType}.
- Let {nullableVariableType} be the unwrapped nullable type of {variableType}.
- Return {AreTypesCompatible(nullableVariableType, nullableLocationType)}.
- Otherwise, if {variableType} is a non-null type:
- Let {nullableVariableType} be the nullable type of {variableType}.
- Return {AreTypesCompatible(nullableVariableType, locationType)}.
- Otherwise, if {locationType} is a list type:
- If {variableType} is NOT a list type, return {false}.
- Let {itemLocationType} be the unwrapped item type of {locationType}.
- Let {itemVariableType} be the unwrapped item type of {variableType}.
- Return {AreTypesCompatible(itemVariableType, itemLocationType)}.
- Otherwise, if {variableType} is a list type, return {false}.
- Return {true} if {variableType} and {locationType} are identical, otherwise {false}.
Explanatory Text
Variable usages must be compatible with the arguments they are passed to.
Validation failures occur when variables are used in the context of types that are complete mismatches, or if a nullable type in a variable is passed to a non-null argument type.
Types must match:
query intCannotGoIntoBoolean($intArg: Int) {
arguments {
booleanArgField(booleanArg: $intArg)
${intArg} typed as {Int} cannot be used as an argument to {booleanArg}, typed as {Boolean}.
List cardinality must also be the same. For example, lists cannot be passed into singular values.
query booleanListCannotGoIntoBoolean($booleanListArg: [Boolean]) {
arguments {
booleanArgField(booleanArg: $booleanListArg)
Nullability must also be respected. In general a nullable variable cannot be passed to a non-null argument.
query booleanArgQuery($booleanArg: Boolean) {
arguments {
nonNullBooleanArgField(nonNullBooleanArg: $booleanArg)
For list types, the same rules around nullability apply to both outer types and inner types. A nullable list cannot be passed to a non-null list, and a list of nullable values cannot be passed to a list of non-null values. The following is valid:
query nonNullListToList($nonNullBooleanList: [Boolean]!) {
arguments {
booleanListArgField(booleanListArg: $nonNullBooleanList)
However, a nullable list cannot be passed to a non-null list:
query listToNonNullList($booleanList: [Boolean]) {
arguments {
nonNullBooleanListField(nonNullBooleanListArg: $booleanList)
This would fail validation because a [T]
cannot be passed to a [T]!
Similarly a [T]
cannot be passed to a [T!]
Allowing Optional Variables When Default Values Exist
A notable exception to typical variable type compatibility is allowing a variable definition with a nullable type to be provided to a non-null location as long as either that variable or that location provides a default value.
In the example below, an optional variable $booleanArg
is allowed to be used
in the non-null argument optionalBooleanArg
because the field argument is
optional since it provides a default value in the schema.
query booleanArgQueryWithDefault($booleanArg: Boolean) {
arguments {
optionalNonNullBooleanArgField(optionalBooleanArg: $booleanArg)
In the example below, an optional variable $booleanArg
is allowed to be used
in the non-null argument (nonNullBooleanArg
) because the variable provides a
default value in the operation. This behavior is explicitly supported for
compatibility with earlier editions of this specification. GraphQL authoring
tools may wish to report this as a warning with the suggestion to replace
with Boolean!
to avoid ambiguity.
query booleanArgQueryWithDefault($booleanArg: Boolean = true) {
arguments {
nonNullBooleanArgField(nonNullBooleanArg: $booleanArg)
Note: The value {null} could still be provided to such a variable at runtime. A non-null argument must raise a field error if provided a {null} value.