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Using 6LoWPAN

This document describes the steps to build and run a ZJS IP application that uses 6LoWPAN as its IP transport. This setup requires a Linux desktop (or similar) with a BLE adapter and 6LoWPAN support. The 6LoWPAN module is standard on Ubuntu and should work with a 4.0 compliant BT/BLE adapter.


  • Arduino 101 Board
  • BLE adapter (a BT 4.0 compliant adapter)
  • Linux Desktop
  • Latest ZJS branch

Initial Setup

Please follow the ZJS initial setup in the main README

Building for A101

Building any IP networking sample is the same as any other, except there are two optional variables that can be used to set the BLE MAC address as well as the device name, BLE_ADDR and DEVICE_NAME. Here are some examples of building various samples:

$ make BOARD=arduino_101 JS=samples/OcfServer.js BLE_ADDR="DE:AD:BE:EF:11:22"
$ make BOARD=arduino_101 JS=samples/TCPEchoServ6.js DEVICE_NAME="my_tcp_server"

When doing BLE discovery (explained below) you should see your device name and MAC address appear if you use these options.

Note: The nRF52 board is experimental but does appear to work with this same procedure, just substituting the correct BOARD variable, but flashing the nRF52 is different as it does not use DFU. You can find more information on the Zephyr project website for the nRF52 board:

Linux Setup

These steps are for making the initial BLE connection to the ZJS board. The ZJS board must have been flashed with any IP networking application. After flashing, reset, and it should be advertising over BLE. The following steps will initiate the BLE connection which should then show up as a IP interface on the Linux box: (Note: You will likely have to run these commands as root)

  1. Install BLE adapter

Plug in a USB BLE adapter, unless your system has it built in. We've used the ASUS USB-BT400 and the Plugable BT4.0 micro adapter successfully.

  1. Enable 6LoWPAN module

Load the 6lowpan driver and enable it:

$ modprobe bluetooth_6lowpan
$ echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_enable
  1. Make sure Bluetooth is on

You can run this command to see if your Bluetooth is disabled by a hardware or software "radio kill switch":

$ rfkill list bluetooth

If you see that it is software blocked, you can fix it with this command:

$ rfkill unblock bluetooth
  1. Reset HCI
$ hciconfig hci0
$ hciconfig hci0 reset
  1. Look for your Arduino 101 advertisement

The following command should start listing BLE devices. Your device should appear as "ZJS Device" by default (if DEVICE_NAME was not used during build).

$ hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
F1:F9:50:21:43:4A ZJS Device

Use Ctrl-C to stop the scan once your device is found.

Note: If this fails with an input/output error, try running the reset command above again.

  1. Connect Linux to your Arduino 101

Next, echo "connect 2" to the file /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_control. For example:

$ echo "connect F1:F9:50:21:43:4A 2" > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_control

Note: If you subsequently rebuild your app and reboot your device, you should be able to rerun just this command to reconnect. If it doesn't work, try going back to earlier commands. Sometimes, though, we seem to see that the Linux stack gets into a bad state and the only way we know to fix it is to reboot the Linux host.

  1. Check for the Bluetooth network interface

Check that you have a new network interface for this connection. It may take a few seconds for it to appear:

$ ifconfig
bt0       Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 5C-F3-70-FF-FE-78-1D-72-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
          inet6 addr: fe80::5ef3:70ff:fe78:1d72/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:28 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
          RX bytes:167 (167.0 B)  TX bytes:1200 (1.2 KB)

[eth0, lo, etc.]

Note: If you fail to see this bt0 interface, try the connect command above again.

Connecting to your 6LoWPAN device (Net/Dgram)

If you are using OCF, please read the section below, these steps are not needed since OCF uses IP multi-casting to deliver its IP address.

If you are using either the net or dgram module you will need to setup an IP route for the device so your Linux machine knows where to route the IP traffic. If using either UDPEchoServ6.js or TCPEchoServ6.js there should be a comment at the top explaining how to setup the IP route as well as here:

sudo ip -6 route add 2001:db8::/64 dev bt0

Once you add this IP route you should be able to communicate with the device using a UDP/TCP client. A quick test can be done with netcat:

echo 'hello' | nc -u -6 2001:db8::1 33333

echo 'hello' | nc -6 2001:db8::1 33333

Connecting to your OCF server

Now that your Arduino 101 is connected, it is as if it's a regular OCF IP device. You can now connect an OCF client. There are OCF client samples in the iot-rest-api-server repo.

$ git clone
$ cd iot-rest-api-server
$ npm install
$ ./bin/iot-rest-api-server.js

You can then do discovery from the browser or using one of the test scripts:

  1. Browser method

Open this URL in a browser: http://localhost:8000/api/oic/res

You should see a JSON array in response, and find the /a/light resource listed at the end.

  1. Test script method

Use the oic-get script from the iot-rest-api-server test/ directory.

Run resource discovery with the /res path:

$ ./oic-get /res /res
HTTP: 200

Using the device UUID listed for the /a/light resource, query to retrieve details for this resource:

$ ./oic-get /a/light?di=31bf6309-8ebf-4309-5fbf-630930c06309 /a/light?di=31bf6309-8ebf-4309-5fbf-630930c06309
HTTP: 200

Note the state is 'false', i.e. the light is off. Later, when the light is on:

$ ./oic-get /a/light?di=31bf6309-8ebf-4309-5fbf-630930c06309 /a/light?di=31bf6309-8ebf-4309-5fbf-630930c06309
HTTP: 200

This is what it looks like when discovery and resource retrieval is working.