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File metadata and controls

279 lines (231 loc) · 13.4 KB

Offline pipeline

The offline pipeline is used to create artefacts needed for running the default version of OAT. The offline pipeline was released with OAT v0.2.0.

It consists of the following components:

offline_pipeline_2.png Source: GRILLBot-v2 paper

🎬 Running the offline pipeline

To run the offline pipeline, we use a Docker container. Spin up the offline docker image with the following command:

docker-compose up --build offline

The Docker container then loads all the requirements in requirements.txt and runs Which components of the pipeline are run can be configured in by adding a removing components in the offline_config.

Running with GPU

If you would like to use GPU in any container, you need to add the following to the container in OAT's docker-compose.yaml to the offline container:

            - driver: nvidia
              count: 1
              capabilities: [gpu]

This will allow the containers to detect the GPU that the system has.

ℹ️ Individual components

We will define individual components with their inputs and outputs.

CommonCrawl Fetching

The class called CommonCrawl configures what documents should be parsed.


  • common_crawl_path: The path to the csv which contains the CommonCrawl offsets that should be crawled. See below for more information about the csv format.
  • html_proto_path: Path pointing to where to store the HTML proto documents.
  • domains_to_run: Which website domains you want to parse. Each website domain needs to have a parser created, e.g. WikihowParser.
  • protos_per_file: (optional) HTML data is saved in batches of HTMLDocument protos. This parameter controls how many protos will be saved in each file. The default values is 1000.
  • thread_pool_size: (optional) CommonCrawl downloads are performed using a ThreadPoolExecutor to retrieve data in parallel. This parameter controls the number of workers in the thread pool. The default value is 5.
  • retry_count: (optional) CommonCrawl downloads may fail, e.g. if the servers are under heavy load. By default the downloads will be retried indefinitely until they succeed, corresponding to the -1 default value for this parameter. If you want to change this behaviour, set the number of retries to zero or a positive integer. The default value is -1.
  • retry_delay: (optional) when downloads are being retried, this parameter gives the delay in seconds between successive attempts. The default values is 0.25.


  • .proto HTMLDocuments stored in 'offline/protos/htmls'

Additional information about the Common Crawl CSV

Our offline pipeline expects a CSV format with the following columns:

url url_host_registered_domain fetch_time fetch_status warc_filename warc_record_offset warc_record_length warc_segment crawl

You can generate a Common Crawl CSV of your liking by following this guide. We used the following Athena queries to generate the .csv. You can choose any crawl of your choice, we used "CC-MAIN-2022-49":

  1. Create a database: CREATE DATABASE ccindex
  2. Create a table:
  url_surtkey                   STRING,
  url                           STRING,
  url_host_name                 STRING,
  url_host_tld                  STRING,
  url_host_2nd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_3rd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_4th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_5th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_registry_suffix      STRING,
  url_host_registered_domain    STRING,
  url_host_private_suffix       STRING,
  url_host_private_domain       STRING,
  url_protocol                  STRING,
  url_port                      INT,
  url_path                      STRING,
  url_query                     STRING,
  fetch_time                    TIMESTAMP,
  fetch_status                  SMALLINT,
  content_digest                STRING,
  content_mime_type             STRING,
  content_mime_detected         STRING,
  content_charset               STRING,
  content_languages             STRING,
  warc_filename                 STRING,
  warc_record_offset            INT,
  warc_record_length            INT,
  warc_segment                  STRING)
  crawl                         STRING,
  subset                        STRING)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://commoncrawl/cc-index/table/cc-main/warc/';
  1. Make Athena recognise the data partitions on S3: MSCK REPAIR TABLE ccindex
  2. Get all URLs:
FROM "ccindex"."ccindex"
WHERE crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2022-49'
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND url_host_registered_domain IN ('', '','','','','','')

Category Corpus Parsing and Building

Given all wikihow and seriouseats domain downloaded HTMLDocument protos, we attempt to parse them into categories. This is referred to as TaxonomyBuildRunner in the config. For more details about categories, see the specific README.


  • html_proto_path: Where the HTML proto documents are stored.
  • tasks_that_require_scraping_path: Path to csv where tasks that are contained in categories are saved.
  • knowledge_proto_path: Path where the Category Protos should be stored.
  • parsers: which parsers should be used (determines which domain is parsable)
  • objects_index_dir: where the Category Index should be outputted to
  • index_builder: how we should build the index


  • Category Index in the path defined in objects_index_dir (currently in 'offline/category_index/objects_idx')

TaskGraph Corpus Parsing

This part of the pipeline converts individual HTMLDocument into TaskMap protos. This attempts to parse everything contained in the html into a system digestible task format. This is referred to as TaskgraphConstruction in the config file. More documentation for individual parsers can be found in the specific README.


  • html_proto_path: Where the HTML proto documents are stored.
  • taskgraph_proto_path: Path where the newly created protos should be stored
  • parsers: which parsers should be used to attempt converting the html into task data. See README.
  • parse_domains: which website domains we should attempt parsing (leave empty if you want to parse all)


  • .proto TaskMap documents stored in 'offline/protos/taskgraphs'

TaskGraph Filters

This is used to filter out unusable tasks. We have different filters available, including dangerous, single step and title duplicates. The filters should preferably be run after TaskGraph Construction. However, the filter components can be integrated after task augmentations. The filtering statistics are gathered in the folder filesystem/offline/stats/filtering.


  • path_in: Which TaskGraphs should be filtered. Should be pointing to a folder with TaskMap protos.
  • path_out: Path where the filtered TaskGraphs should be copied to.
  • task_filters: Which filters should be used. See below.


  • Filtered TaskGraphs stored in path_out (currently in 'offline/protos/taskgraphs_filtered')

Available Filters

Composed Filter

Collects all used filters and gathers filter statistics. Each filter inherits from the AbstractTaskFilter.

Dangerous Filter

The dangerous filter step filters out TaskGraphs based on the Dangerous Classifier. The main purpose of this step is to remove any task which could be dangerous e.g. "How to start a fire indoors?". Two paths are required for running the step: the filepath to the folder where the TaskGraphs are located, and the filepath indicating the folder where the filtered taskgraphs are saved. The filter can be run on any type of TaskGraph irrespective of the augmentations.


This filter is responsible for filtering tasks which has none or only one step.

Filter Task Title Duplicates

This filter is responsible filtering out tasks with the same title.

Knowledge Corpus Parsing and Building

This converts individual HTMLDocument into KnowledgeDocument protos. This enables parsing content that would otherwise be discarded, like linked blog posts, additional tips and FAQs. Parsed KnowledgeDocument protos are then indexed into an index. For more details, see the specific README.


  • html_proto_path: Where the HTML proto documents are stored.
  • parsers: which parsers should be used to attempt converting the html into knowledge protos. See README.
  • index_builder: how we should build the index
  • knowledge_proto_path: Path where the Knowledge Protos should be stored.
  • knowledge_index_search_dir: where the Knowledge Index indexed on the context should be stored
  • knowledge_index_objects_dir: where the knowledge index storing the knowledge documents for lookup should be stored


  • knowledge search index
  • knowledge lookup index

Multimodal Index Building

We have an audio index builder (AudioIndexBuilder) and a video index builder (VideoIndexBuilder). The audio index consists of the transcripts of the videos in the video index. This is used in the audio_video_step_alignment in the TaskGraph augmenters. The video index is used for the How-To-Video search algorithm introduced in the GRILLBot-v1.

The video index is built from the transcripts and the metadata of the videos.


  • audio index ("audio_index") and video index ("video_index-simple")

TaskGraph Augmenters

Augmenters are used to take existing TaskGraphs and enrich them with additional information. In the config, this is referred to as the AugmentationsIterator.

In the default version, we currently use the following augmenters:

  • RequirementsAugmenter
  • ImageThumbnailAugmenter
  • StepImageAugmenter
  • StepSplittingAugmenter
  • JokeAugmenter
  • FactAugmenter

More information on each can be found in the specific README.

Currently, all augmenters can be run by setting the following in config

    'enable': True,
    'step': 'Taskgraph Augmentations',
    'class': AugmentationsIterator,
    'kwargs': {
        'taskgraph_proto_path': os.path.join(get_file_system(), 'offline/protos/taskgraphs/summary'),
        'augmented_taskgraph_proto_path': os.path.join(get_file_system(), 'offline/protos/augmented-taskgraphs/summary'),
        'augmenters': [RequirementsAugmenter, StepTextAugmenter, ImageAugmenter, JokeAugmenter,

More information how to implement an Augmenter and different abstract classes available can be found here.


  • taskgraph_proto_path: where the TaskGraphs (TaskMap protos) that should be augmented live
  • augmented_taskgraph_proto_path: where the newly augmented TaskGraphs should be written out to
  • augmenters: which augmenters should be used. See the README for more information about which augmenters we implemented.
  • augment_domains: specify which domains should be augmented. If left empty no domains will be filtered out.


  • augmented TaskGraphs. Stored in the folder defined by augmented_taskgraph_proto_path

TaskGraph Index Building

Used to build the indices needed for the TaskGraph search functionality in functionalities. Our current index is a hybrid of categories and normal search results, therefore the category documents specified in category_proto_path are indexed too.


  • rebuild_objects_only: (bool) if set True, only the lookup index is built
  • taskgraph_proto_path: where the TaskGraphs (TaskMap protos) that should be indexed live
  • taskgraph_proto_path_flattened: ? LEGACY, for when taskgraph domains where saved in different folders
  • category_proto_path: path where the category protos that should be indexed too live
  • index_search_dir_sparse: where the sparse TaskGraph Index indexed should be stored
  • index_search_dir_dense: where the dense TaskGraph Index indexed should be stored
  • index_objects_dir: where the lookup TaskGraph Index should be stored


  • dense TaskGraph index
  • sparse TaskGraph index
  • lookup TaskGraph index (containing the whole taskgraph object)